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:: ONU - XX Assemblea Generale (1965):
La XX Assemblea Generale dell’ONU (1965) dichiara "la legittimità della lotta da parte dei popoli sotto oppressione coloniale, per esercitare il loro diritto all' autodeter-
minazione e all'indipendenza".
Inoltre, l'Assemblea invita "tutti gli Stati a fornire assistenza morale e materiale ai movimenti di liberazione nazionale nei territori coloniali".

:: ONU - Risoluzione 1514
"L'Assemblea Generale dichiara che: la soggezione dei popoli a dominio straniero, conquista e asservimento costituisce una negazione dei diritti umani fondamentali, è contraria alla Carta delle Nazioni Unite ed è un impedimento alla promozione della pace e della cooperazione mondiali.
Tutti i popoli hanno diritto all' autodeter-
minazione; in virtù di tale diritto essi devono liberamente determinare il loro status politico e liberamente perseguire il loro sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale".

:: Convenzione di Ginevra, Protocollo Addizionale I (1977):
La lotta armata può essere usata, come ultima risorsa, come mezzo per esercitare il diritto all' autodeter-

:: Tribunale penale internazionale
In base allo Statuto del Tribunale penale internazionale, sono definiti “crimini di guerra”:
(1) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente contro popolazione civili in quanto tali o contro civili che non prendano direttamente parte alle ostilità;
(4) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente nella consapevolezza che gli stessi avranno come conseguenza la perdita di vite umane tra la popolazione civile, e lesioni a civili o danni a proprietà civili ovvero danni diffusi duraturi e gravi all’ambiente naturale che siano manifestamente eccessivi rispetto all’insieme dei concreti e diretti i vantaggi militari previsti.

:: Iraq anthem
(click to listen)

Djamel Beghal: the beginning of the War on Terror
by Arnaud Mafille

October 19, 2011 - Regardless, the torture of Djamel Beghal was definitely a triggering factor of the "war on terror" in Europe as his false and forced confessions engendered a wave of arrests in France, the UK, Netherlands and Spain. Ten years later, we now know that the first "Al Qaeda network" dismantled in Europe after the 9/11 did not exist. Fear was a bad advisor ten years ago and prevented us from challenging the internal and international policies endorsed by our leaders. Now that our reason is not blackened anymore by our emotions, perhaps should we all start disputing what is presented as fact and what has caused thousands of Muslims to suffer all over the world, be they illegitimately detained, tortured or killed in the name of this infamous war on terror..

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82428] [ 20-oct-2011 19:11 ECT ]

US trainers ok after 'full withdrawal': Moqatada al-Sadr

October 19, 2011 - ...."It has been said that the weapons (Iraq is purchasing) are American, so the trainers should be American also," Sadr said in an address broadcast on Al-Masar television....Sadr's remarks were his first public comments since returning to his movement's home base in the holy Shiite city of Najaf in southern Iraq on Monday. The cleric moves between Najaf and the Iranian city of Qom, where he is apparently pursuing religious studies....

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82427] [ 20-oct-2011 18:33 ECT ]

Nizar and Ahlam; Fatah and Hamas: from an Israeli cell to a wedding ceremony
Middle East Monitor

October 19, 2011 - He was sentenced to life in prison and she was sentenced to 16 consecutive life terms. He is affiliated to Fatah; she is a member of Hamas. Today, however, Nizar Al-Tamimi, 38, and his cousin Ahlam Al-Tamimi, 31, are both free and are going to be married in Amman, Jordan. The Al-Tamimi family from Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank were looking forward to receiving their son Nizar after his release from prison as part of the exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. He was sentenced to life in prison for participating in an operation to kill an Israeli settler during the nineties. Ahlam was jailed for providing assistance to a suicide bomber who blew up an Israeli restaurant in 2001. She was the first female member of Hamas's military wing. Her motivation to get involved developed through her growing disaffection with the peace process and the Israeli atrocities she monitored while working as a journalist....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82426] [ 20-oct-2011 18:16 ECT ]

Endangered Palestinian village gets int’l media attention– except from the U.S.
by Philip Weiss

October 19, 2011 - Haj Sami Sadeq is a mayor in Palestine. Behind him is the Jordan Valley. Around him are the lands of his little village, Al Aqaba. The entire village is under Israeli demolition orders. In fact, the Israeli army bulldozed the road to his village on Sept. 15, 2 weeks before I shot this picture. They want his lands. And they seem to be cutting his village off from the rest of the world. Despite the fact that Haj Sami is in a wheelchair because he was crippled by the Israeli army when he was 16 years old and just walking on his family lands, despite the fact that the people of Al Aqaba village are not allowed to drill for water on their own land and they have been slowly leaving this starved village-- their mayor believes in peace. Here is the mural on the wall of his school. pencil2Inside the school these days is an American volunteer, Morgan Bach, 24, below, teaching kindergartners the ABC's..
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82425] [ 20-oct-2011 18:09 ECT ]

OCHA: Israel Cuts Access to 85% of Gaza Fishing Waters

October 19, 2011 – A recent report published Tuesday by the Untied Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) showed that 35% of Gaza’s farmland and 85% of its fishing waters are totally or partially inaccessible due to Israeli military measures. The report said that the population of Gaza is 1.6 million, with over 50% under 18, and 38% of the population live in poverty. OCHA showed that the average wage in the Gaza Strip declined by over 20% in the past six years, while 26% of the Gazan workforce, including 38% of youths, is unemployed, leading to 54% of Palestinians in Gaza are food insecure while over 75% are aid dependent....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82423] [ 20-oct-2011 18:01 ECT ]

Syria Protests October 19, 2011 : A Video Roundup

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82421] [ 20-oct-2011 17:14 ECT ]

Iraq snapshot - October 19, 2011
The Common Ills

October 19, 2011. Chaos and violence continue, Turkish forces enter Iraq, the press plays the blame game, the US Defense Dept identifies the fallen, Nouri thinks Iraq needs to educate other countries about how to run elections, and more....Turkey continues attacking northern Iraq and, for years now, Turkish war planes have been bombing northern Iraq. The latest wave of attacks started August 17th. This morning Aswat al-Iraq reported, "Kurdish Workers Party announced today that the Turkish forces continued their military concentration on the northern Iraqi borders with Turkey. The source told Aswat al-Iraq that the Turkish forces have been gathering ranks since yesterday." Daniel Dombey and Funja Guler (Financial Times of London) notes, "Turkey has vowed to wreak 'great revenge' on Kurdish militants for the deaths of 26 policemen and soldiers on Wednesday as tension increases in both the south-east of the country and neighbouring northern Iraq." Citing Turkish military sources, Reuters reported that Turkish planes are bombing nothern Iraq and that Turkish helicopters are depositing "Turkish commandos" in Iraq. PRI's The World offers footage of Turkish forces entering Iraq.
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82422] [ 20-oct-2011 17:54 ECT ]

Unjust Libyan war far from over
Larry Fisk

October 19, 2011 - Seven months ago the Libyan people enjoyed free universal medical care, free education through university level, were well housed and well nourished. The U.S. and NATO decided to wage another unprovoked war for more direct control by western corporations and banks of the oil wealth and financial institutions of Libya. Though Gaddafi called for international investigation of accusations of impending massacre of civilians, these lies were used to portray war as a humanitarian mission. Calls from Latin American and the African Union for negotiated resolution of the conflict were accepted by the Libyan government but ignored by western powers and the coalition of monarchists, Islamists, racists and mercenaries they had organized, trained and armed. Some Libyan cities, towns and neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, infrastructure, hospitals and schools destroyed....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82419] [ 20-oct-2011 04:10 ECT ]

Margaret Hassan: Victim of “Operation Iraqi Liberation” – 17th October 2004
Felicity Arbuthnot

October 19, 2011 - With the passage of time and the onset of hindsight, usually, eventually, tragedy can be pieced together, the dead finally wept over, laid to rest, their graves marked, visited, flowers layed. Margaret Hassan, who was kidnapped seven years ago today and shot by her kidnappers little over three weeks later, probably on 14th November has vanished without trace. Even in the horrors of the Iraq invasion, the unprecedented violence unleashed in a place previously of remarkable safety – unless anti-regime politics was indulged in – her disappearance is extraordinary. Terrible things have been engendered by the US/UK intervention. Yet of the possible million and a half dead, most have been traced – or even horrifically thrown in to family yards, or on to lawns, terribly murdered. Or found in morgues, shallow hasty graves, or by tip off....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82418] [ 20-oct-2011 03:49 ECT ]

Major Media Liars Never Quit
by Stephen Lendman

October 19, 2011 - Whenever major media Libya reports appear, truth is distorted, manipulated and falsified. For seven months, despite daily terror bombing and ground attacks, courageous loyalists bested the ferocity of NATO and its rebel army. As a result, they control most of Tripoli, Benghazi and other cities across the country. Fighting, however, still rages. Loyalists are holding their own. They're determined to liberate Libya, live free and rebuild...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82417] [ 20-oct-2011 03:13 ECT ]

The Dale Farm Eviction: Using Planning Laws to Justify Racism Towards Gypsies and Travellers
Andy Worthington

October 19, 2011 - What a disgraceful day to be British. In Basildon today, riot police have been leading the eviction of 86 Gypsy and traveller families from land they own at Dale Farm, but for which they do not have planning permission, hospitalising several residents, tasering others, and generally creating a situation that is reminiscent of the 1980s, when Margaret Thatcher regularly used the police as her own private army...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82416] [ 20-oct-2011 03:10 ECT ]

"Eleven years later, the wound is still bleeding"
Budour Youssef Hassan

October 19, 2011 - On 1 October, thousands of Palestinians marched in Sakhnin to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the October 2000 uprising during which Israeli police forces murdered 13 unarmed Palestinian citizens of Israel over the course of eight days. None of the slain protesters posed a threat to the life of police forces or others and most of them were shot in the upper-body at close range. The killings took place in Umm al-Fahm, Jatt, Arrabeh, Sakhnin, Nazareth, Kufr Kanna and Kufr Manda between 1-8 October 2000. "Eleven years later, the wound is still bleeding," Ibrahim Siyam, father of martyr Ahmad Siyam and spokesman for the martyrs’ families, told The Electronic Intifada. "Ahmad was the first martyr of the October 2000 demonstrations. He was just 18 and preparing to attend college in few days," Siyam added...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82415] [ 20-oct-2011 02:55 ECT ]

Concerns over Palestinian children in Israeli custody

October 19, 2011 - While there have been emotional scenes after the release of 477 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, concerns are being raised about the plight of 164 Palestinian children from the West Bank in Israeli custody. They were either sentenced or are being detained, mainly for stone-throwing, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) which, along with other international NGOs, is appealing to the Israeli government to release all Palestinian children in Israeli military detention. It is unclear whether the children will be part of the second wave of 550 releases in the coming two months....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82414] [ 20-oct-2011 02:45 ECT ]

A harvest of tears: Palestinian agriculture continues to suffer as a result of ruthless Israeli policies
Dr. Hanan Chehata

October 19, 2011 - It is olive harvest season once again in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) and something unusual is taking place, something unique to this region. Unlike most harvests around the world which are collected either by local farmers or migrant workers, in the case of Palestine people are literally flying in from all over the globe, albeit in very small numbers, in order to participate in the olive picking season. This is not due to a cultural tradition or as a communal celebration or festival, but to a sense of solidarity. These are international solidarity campaignersi who fly to the Holy Land to stand side-by-side with Palestinian farmers in order to be witnesses and, frequently, protectors for the farmers as they attempt to harvest their meagre crops while being brutalised by Israeli soldiers and illegal Jewish settlers who try to stop them....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82413] [ 20-oct-2011 02:24 ECT ]

'NATO has bombed Libya back to Stone Age' (Video)

October 19, 2011 - Former MI5 agent Annie Machon says that the US wants to reinforce the myths that public has been told about NATO’s 'humanitarian’ intervention, while Libya is being bombed beyond the point of no return. During her visit to Libya, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has used unusually blunt terms to describe what the United States wants to see happen in Libya, namely former dictator Muammar Gaddafi being killed or captured....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82412] [ 20-oct-2011 01:18 ECT ]

Mansour: US trying to stall UN bid
Ma'an news

October 19, 2011 -- The UN membership bid is likely to come to a head on or around Nov. 11, when Security Council ambassadors plan a final meeting to decide their response, diplomats said on Wednesday. The date represents a delay in dealing with the application, submitted by President Mahmoud Abbas on Sept. 23, amid hopes that indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks scheduled for next week could off the ground...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82411] [ 20-oct-2011 00:31 ECT ]

The destruction of Sirte
Patrick O’Connor

October 19, 2011 - The Libyan city of Sirte is being systematically destroyed by National Transitional Council "rebel" fighters and NATO fighter planes. The operation stands as a monumental war crime, for which primary responsibility rests with the leading forces behind the military intervention in Libya—US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Sirte has been under siege for weeks. TNC forces have prevented all supplies from entering the city, including food, medicines, and other basic necessities. NATO bombs have rained down, together with a heavy and indiscriminate bombardment by TNC mortars, tank shells, and rockets. Basic infrastructure—including water, electricity, and sewerage systems—has been destroyed as part of the calculated effort to trigger a humanitarian crisis in the city and terrorise its inhabitants into submission....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82410] [ 20-oct-2011 00:24 ECT ]

The Activist Salem Gnan
Caustic Logic

October 19, 2011 - My first encounter with the works of Salem Gnan, activist, was an important call he made to the UK Guardian on February 21, as cited in the post "Bombing His Own People." Really? Three reports of Libyan gov attacks on Tripoli came in that day, within an hour and a half. The latter two were to al Jazeera and called it aerial bombardment, but the first call, Mr. Gnan's, said the city was being shelled from the sea. As the Guardian reported: 5.07pm – Libya: Salem Gnan, a London-based spokesman for the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, says eyewitnesses in Tripoli have told him the navy has opened fire on parts of the capital.... And on the bombings reported by Mr. Gnan and others, as explained at the above link, they apparently did not occur...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82409] [ 20-oct-2011 00:24 ECT ]

Uranium and other contaminants in hair from the parents of children with congenital anomalies in Fallujah, Iraq
Samira Alaani, Muhammed Tafash, Christopher Busby*, Malak Hamda and Eleonore Blaurock-Busch

October 18, 2011 - Recent reports have drawn attention to increases in congenital birth anomalies and cancer in Fallujah Iraq blamed on teratogenic, genetic and genomic stress thought to result from depleted Uranium contamination following the battles in the town in 2004. Contamination of the parents of the children and of the environment by Uranium and other elements was investigated using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Hair samples from 25 fathers and mothers of children diagnosed with congenital anomalies were analysed for Uranium and 51 other elements. Mean ages of the parents was: fathers 29.6 (SD 6.2); mothers: 27.3 (SD 6.8). For a sub-group of 6 women, long locks of hair were analysed for Uranium along the length of the hair to obtain information about historic exposures. Samples of soil and water were also analysed and Uranium isotope ratios determined.
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82407] [ 19-oct-2011 23:41 ECT ]

The cause of congenital anomaly and cancer in Fallujah Iraq is identified as Enriched Uranium from novel weapons systems deployed by the US.
Dr Chris Busby & Malak Hamdan

October 18, 2011 - Remarkably high levels of congenital anomaly at birth, together with high cancer rates in Fallujah, Iraq were previously found in a joint UK Iraqi epidemiological study published in the International Journal of Environment and Public Health in July 2010 and reported in The Independent. The illnesses and unusual changes in the sex-ratio at birth, were shown to appear following the US-led attacks on the town in 2004. Many believed that Depleted Uranium weapons were employed but no evidence of this was available. USA forces denied using DU. Now, one year after this, the authors have nailed down the cause of the genetic and genomic effects found in Fallujah. Samira Alaani and Muhammed Tafash, two paediatricians at Fallujah General Hospital, Chris Busby, Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster, Malak Hamdan, a chemical engineer and Eleonore Blaurock Busch, whose laboratory in Germany carried out analytical work has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Conflict and Health the results of an exhaustive study of contamination in Fallujah. They began by analysing the hair of 25 parents of children with congenital malformations using highly sensitive Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS).

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82405] [ 19-oct-2011 21:37 ECT ]

Palestinian detainees suspend hunger strike 'for 3 days'
Ma'an news

October 18, 2011 -- Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s Ohalei Kedar jail have agreed to suspend their hunger strike for three days, representatives of the detainees said Tuesday. Detainees suspended the strike after prison authorities agreed to end the policy of solitary confinement, a statement said. Israeli prison officials also agreed to transfer Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Ahmad Saadat to hospital for treatment. He will be returned to a normal cell at Ramle prison, after spending three years in isolation, detainees' representatives said...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82403] [ 19-oct-2011 21:30 ECT ]

The US media reports: Gilad Shalit swapped for 1000 non-people (Updated)
By Max Blumenthal

October 18, 2011 - By now, Gilad Shalit is back in Israel, while around 1000 Palestinian prisoners will eventually be released from Israeli jails, then scattered to various locations from Jerusalem to Egypt to Syria, where many will live in permanent exile. While some Israelis doubt the wisdom of the prisoner swap, there can be little doubt that the state of Israel has scored a public relations victory in the United States. American coverage of the prisoner exchange has focused almost exclusively on Shalit, his family, and Jewish Israeli society's "bittersweet" reaction to the deal. on the exchange generally did not mention the identities of the Palestinian prisoners, and if they did, they tended to only name those who had committed violence against Israelis...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82398] [ 19-oct-2011 19:32 ECT ]

No parent should have to bury their child
by Moazzam Begg

October 18, 2011 - I first spoke to Talal in 2006 after it was reported that his son Yasser, just 17-years old when he was taken into US custody in Afghanistan and then onto to Guantanamo, had allegedly committed suicide along with two other prisoners. In response to my words of condolence I still remember Talal’s reply "May Allah reward you with the best for your words of kindness my dear brother, but I am not unhappy nor do I need condolences. My son and his companions were the victims of abuse and they died for their beliefs. Therefore they are martyrs and are in Paradise in sha Allah." How does one respond to these words, I thought? ....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82397] [ 19-oct-2011 19:26 ECT ]

Military Resistance 9J13 : He Didn't Believe in War Anymore
Thomas F Barton

October 18, 2011 - The shooting death of a Camp Pendleton Marine is still under investigation by military authorities, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Lance Cpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt was shot and killed by a sniper while on patrol Thursday in Afghanistan....Schmidt was the son of San Antonio Spurs team physician Dr. David Schmidt and therapist Dr. Becky Whetstone. Whetstone told the U-T that her son had grown disillusioned with the war in Afghanistan: "He didn’t believe in war anymore....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82400] [ 19-oct-2011 19:51 ECT ]

Occupy Wall Street: Potentials and limitations of the 2011 American Protests by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.

October 18, 2011 - In absence of organization or direction from a political party or organization, the 2011 American Protests-being called the Occupy Wall Street-can only be described as spontaneous in their origin and nature, a manifestation of rage against high unemployment; extremist economic injustices and inequalities, adversely affecting countless millions of people, in all areas of life; and demonic self-righteous, selfish, and insatiable accumulation and enjoyment of wealth and greed by a tiny minority of the wealthy and the corporations, in the midst of all this misery....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82399] [ 19-oct-2011 19:38 ECT ]

Syria News - October 18, 2011 (Warning: Graphic Videos)
Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos

October 18, 2011 - Syria: The number of martyrs reached today so far to 11, five martyrs in Herak in Daraa, five martyrs in Homs, and a martyr died affected by his wound in Bokamal.Homs: Morhaf Jaafar, Mohammad Abaza, Faisal Al-Taleb, Ali Najim who is an Alawite activist in Bab Sbaa, were killed today and security forces kidnapped their bodies... Daraa: Hrak: Martyrdom of Om Mohammad Al-Salamat and Jamal Qaddah, number of martyrs in the village today rose to 5 and more than 90 were injured some of them are in critical condition.
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82402] [ 19-oct-2011 19:58 ECT ]

A Personal Opinion: I Don't Get It
by Chris Floyd

October 18, 2011 - I have to say, I honestly don't understand why so many 'dissidents' want the OWS crowd to either a) overturn the government tomorrow morning, or b) be mowed down by the cops as soon as possible. These seem to be two of the strongest reactions to the Occupy movement from lots of people who have spent years railing against the Empire and its many depredations. I mean, it seems obvious to me that this particular instance of protest in Wall Street is going to "fail" -- i.e., at some point, they will be removed, peaceably or otherwise, from the sacred precincts of Mammon...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82396] [ 19-oct-2011 19:17 ECT ]

Ahlam al-Tamimi: among the freed women
Middle East Monitor

October 18, 2011 - Ahlam al-Tamimi was born on 20/10/1980 in the Jordanian city of al-Zarqa to a Palestinian family with roots in the Palestinian village of al-Nabi Saleh near Ramallah. Ahlam completed her elementary, junior and secondary education in al-Zarqa before returning to Palestine and enrolling in the Department of Media and Journalism at Bir Zeit University. With only a term left until her graduation, the 2001 al-Aqsa Intifada [The Second Palestinian Uprising] broke out across the Occupied Palestinian Territories bringing with it unprecedented levels of violence and repression at the hands of the Israeli authorities. This was exemplified by the horrific assassination policy implemented by the successive governments led by the war criminals, Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82395] [ 19-oct-2011 19:06 ECT ]

Freedom Is a Move to a Larger Prison
By Jillian Kestler-D’Amours

October 18, 2011 - Rawda Odeh had mixed feelings when she heard the news that her son, 33- year-old Loai Mohammad Ahmed Odeh, was going to be released from prison as a result of the recently brokered prisoner exchange agreement between Israel and Hamas. "I was hoping that I would hug my son when he will be released and I was waiting for this ten years. But when I heard that he would be released to Gaza, I was disappointed. I found out that he would be deported to Gaza forever. He will not return back home," Odeh, whose son was arrested in 2002 and sentenced to 28 years in prison, told IPS...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82393] [ 19-oct-2011 18:49 ECT ]

The U.S. in search of an absolute weapon
Voice of Russia

October 18, 2011 - On Tuesday, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Tripoli bringing with her millions of dollars of U.S. aid to the interim government and a message of peace and encouragement to the Libyan people. As reported by The Washington Post, her talks focus on "how we set the table for a long-term, completely different partnership between the United States and Libya that is deep and broad."...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82392] [ 19-oct-2011 18:11 ECT ]

Syria Protests October 18, 2011 : A Video Roundup

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82401] [ 19-oct-2011 20:30 ECT ]

Obama’s Great African Military Safari
Patrick Henningsen

October 18, 2011 - In 2008, Barack Obama made history as the first black President in the United States of America. Three years later, he has made history again, this time as the first US President to establish a permanent US military presence on the African continent. Obama announced late last week, "I believe that deploying these U.S. armed forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa."...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82390] [ 19-oct-2011 15:41 ECT ]

Iraq snapshot - October 18, 2011
Thomas F Barton

October 18, 2011. Chaos and violence continue, evacuations take place in the northern mountains of Iraq (creating more displaced), a US ally is caught using child soldiers, another US service member dies in the Iraq War, Michael Ratner and Michael S. Smith discuss the assassination of an American citizen by Barack Obama, and more....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82389] [ 19-oct-2011 15:33 ECT ]

Somalis Under Relentless Drone Attack as U.S. Tightens Military Grip on Continent
Glen Ford

October 18, 2011 - Africa, under President Obama, is an expanding theater of war for the United States. There are few points on the African map where the U.S. military does not operate, independently, through proxies, or by agreement with local governments and militaries. AFRICOM has penetrated the armed forces of the continent to a degree no single European power could have ever aspired. Indeed, "the U.S. has so thoroughly infiltrated African armies, many, if not most, would be of no use for national defense against the Americans."
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82388] [ 19-oct-2011 13:06 ECT ]

Theater of the Absurd': Netanyahu and His Endgame in Palestine
By Ramzy Baroud

October 18, 2011 - During his deliberately offensive speech on September 23, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the General Assembly as 'the theater of the absurd.' Israel’s few friends at the United Nations – led by the US delegation - listened gleefully and applauded as Netanyahu heralded a steady stream of insults. Netanyahu then returned to Israel with vengeance, enraged by the passionate international reception of Palestinian Authority’s statehood bid....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82387] [ 19-oct-2011 12:24 ECT ]

Life in East Jerusalem
by Stephen Lendman

October 19, 2011 - Palestinians suffer grievously under occupation, including in East Jerusalem. Israel wants it entirely Judaized as its capital even though legally it's an international city under UN trusteeship. No matter. Palestinians face daily hardships and abuses, including its elected officials. In June 2010, three Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) members and a former PA Minister of Jerusalem Affairs faced forced deportations as part of Israel's relentless ethnic cleansing policy....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82386] [ 19-oct-2011 12:04 ECT ]

One Israeli Human Being v. An Undifferentiated Mass Of Arabs
by Alain Gresh, translation by Lawrence of Cyberia

October 18, 2011- According to an AFP report, Nicolas Sarkozy "warmly welcomes the announcement of an agreement that should lead to the release of Gilad Shalit," and has congratulated Netanyahu for "major success". We can be sure that Bernard-Henri Lévy will do the same. In return, if you will, 1027 Palestinians (including 27 women) will be released. Who are they? How do their families feel ? You know nothing of this, or at least next to nothing, from reading the Western press. They are a faceless mass, a subgroup of the 6,000 Palestinians still held in Israeli jails, of whom 22 are members of Parliament, and 280 are children (34 of them less than 15 years old) – see here how Israel finds guilty all the children it arrests. Some are "administrative prisoners", that is to say, imprisoned without trial. Others have passed through the Israeli justice system, which - according to all international reports - is far from just, often mistreats detainees, and convicts them on the basis of weak or non-existent evidence. Dozens of them are now on hunger strike. Do they have no family? No relatives? No, they are just a number. They are Arabs, colonized and faceless....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82385] [ 19-oct-2011 03:40 ECT ]

Taliban cracks Afghanistan's fortress
by James Brown

October 18, 2011- The Taliban's attack on the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) compound in Panjshir province over the weekend shows that, for the first time, there is some truth to the Taliban claim to be able to strike anywhere in Afghanistan. Five Taliban fighters attacked the gate of the compound using an explosive-laden vehicle in an attempt to breach the outer perimeter. On Twitter, the Taliban claimed 43 ISAF casualties and eight destroyed vehicles. According to ISAF and provincial Governor Keramuddin Keram, two civilian fuel truck drivers were killed and two Afghan security guards were injured....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82383] [ 19-oct-2011 02:36 ECT ]

Family Values: The Roman Rigor of Obama's Death Squad
Chris Floyd

October 18, 2011 - It is not enough for the Peace Laureate to murder American citizens without charges, without trial and without warning; he must also murder their children too -- in the same cowardly, cold-blooded fashion. Last week, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki -- an American teenager -- was ripped to shreds by an American drone missile in Yemen. The boy, like his father, Anwar al-Awlaki -- had not been charged with any crime whatsoever, much less convicted and sentenced. So what was his offense? He missed his father -- who had been in hiding from the Peace Laureate's publicly stated intention to assassinate him -- and he went off to find him....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82382] [ 19-oct-2011 02:26 ECT ]

Anwar al-Awlaki’s family speaks out against his son’s death in airstrike
By Peter Finn and Greg Miller

October 18, 2011 - In the days before a CIA drone strike killed al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki last month, his 16-year-old son ran away from the family home in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa to try to find him, relatives say. When he, too, was killed in a U.S. airstrike Friday, the Awlaki family decided to speak out for the first time since the attacks. "To kill a teenager is just unbelievable, really, and they claim that he is an al-Qaeda militant. It’s nonsense," said Nasser al-Awlaki, a former Yemeni agriculture minister who was Anwar al-Awlaki’s father and the boy’s grandfather, speaking in a phone interview from Sanaa on Monday. "They want to justify his killing, that’s all."...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82381] [ 19-oct-2011 02:06 ECT ]

"I was 1-day-old when my father was jailed"
Shahd Abusalama

October 18, 2011 - ...While I was writing this article among the crowd of people at the Red Cross building, I suddenly heard people chanting and clapping and could see a woman jumping with joy. While on the phone, she said loudly, "My husband is going to be free!" Her husband is Abu Thaer Ghneem, who received a life sentence and spent 22 years in prison. As I watched people celebrating and singing for the freedom of the Palestinian detainees, I met his only son, Thaer. He was hugging his mother tight while giving prayers to God showing their thankfulness. I touched his shoulder, attempting to get his attention. "Congratulations! How do you feel?" I asked him. "I was only one day old when my father was arrested, and now I am 22-years-old. I’ve always known that I had a father in prison, but never had him around. Now my father is finally going to be set free and fill his place, which has been empty over the course of 22 years of my life."...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82380] [ 19-oct-2011 01:36 ECT ]

Sirte destroyed by NTC-NATO offensive in Libya
By Chris Marsden

October 18, 2011 - The Libyan town of Sirte has been all but destroyed and its inhabitants turned into homeless refugees. This situation has gone largely unreported, but those press reports that have emerged paint a picture of a city being reduced to ruins by attacks of the National Transitional Council (NTC) "rebels" and NATO bombing raids against which it has no defense. "After weeks of intense fighting, Moammar Gaddafi’s home town appeared Saturday to have been largely destroyed, with most of its population fled and holes the size of manhole covers blown in apartment buildings and the ousted leader’s showcase convention center," writes the Washington Post of Muammar Gaddafi’s coastal hometown of around 100,000 residents...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82379] [ 18-oct-2011 20:42 ECT ]

Hamas official: Israel agreed to lift Gaza siege
Ma'an news

October 18, 2011 -- Israel agreed to lift its siege on the Gaza Strip as part of a deal to release soldier Gilad Shalit, Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzouq said Tuesday. Abu Marzouq, deputy head of the Hamas politburo, told Palestine TV that Israel had used Shalit as a pretext to blockade Gaza but there had been "unofficial agreements" to end it during talks with a German mediator. "This was confirmed in the last negotiations," Abu Marzouq said....

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82378] [ 18-oct-2011 20:31 ECT ]

477 Palestinian prisoners released
Palestine Monitor

October 18, 2011 - Thousands gathered at the Ofer prison checkpoint and the Muqata’a this morning, to greet West Bank Palestinian prisoners freed from Israeli jails. In total, 477 Palestinian inmates were released today as part of the recent prisoner swap agreement reached between Israel and Hamas. Of the prisoners released today, the majority was from Gaza and 315 had life sentences. Today’s release was just a first installment; in the next three months a further 983 Palestinians will be released. In total 1,027 Palestinian prisoners will be exchanged for the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who has been held hostage by Hamas since 2006....As agreed, the Israeli captive Gilad Shalit was also released today. He was transferred from Gaza to Egypt, and then to Israel. Before returned to Israel, he appeared on Egyptian television...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82377] [ 18-oct-2011 20:22 ECT ]

Yemeni Officials: At Least 18 Killed, 30 Wounded in Capital Fighting
Jason Ditz

October 17, 2011 - Reports from Yemeni officials today say that at least 18 people were killed and 30 others wounded in overnight fighting in the capital city Sanaa. The death toll included at least three civilian protesters, hit with random shelling. The widespread shelling was reported across the capital yesterday, and a number of houses were destroyed in the neighborhoods around the Sanaa University campus....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82375] [ 18-oct-2011 20:10 ECT ]

Free at Last
Joharah Baker

October 17, 2011 - ...Among the Palestinians, there are concerns and criticisms too, many of them well founded. While 1,027 prisoners is a good deal no matter which way you slice it, there are many strings attached that puts a damper on the overall feeling of joy at these men and women’s release. For one, 40 of those released will be exiled from their homeland. Over 100 more from the West Bank and Jerusalem will be sent to the Gaza Strip. The rest will be allowed to return home but some will have to adhere to conditions such as reporting back to Israeli authorities on a regular basis. Then there are those prisoners who were supposed to be at the top of the list, prisoners who, without them, no deal was ever to be made. These include high profile prisoners such as Fateh’s Marwan Barghouti and the PFLP head Ahmad Saadat, currently on hunger strike for the 22nd day....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82373] [ 18-oct-2011 20:06 ECT ]

Revolts in Syria: Tracking the Convergence Between Authoritarianism and Neoliberalism
By Omar S. Dahi and Yasser Munif

October 17, 2011 - .... Syria’s political leadership has placed a premium on autonomy from oppositional forces within and outside the country. However, tracing the trajectory of economic liberalization actually suggests a gradual loss of this autonomy through the evolving constituencies of the regime as well as, in part, explaining the particularities of this crisis. Unlike some developing countries that famously experienced the IMF’s 'shock therapy’, economic liberalisation in Syria was gradual and went through three distinct phases during Hafiz al-Asad’s rule; a fourth one was inaugurated by Bashar al-Asad as soon as he came to power (Joya 2005). These processes unraveled the model of political consolidation built gradually by the Ba’ath party and refined by Asad. What they highlight is that over time, there was an organic relationship between the emergence of a free market economy and coercive rule, i.e., the two processes were co-constitutive. However the neoliberal authoritarian model itself also created the possibilities for social revolt....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82372] [ 18-oct-2011 19:48 ECT ]

Military Resistance 9J12 : Companions of Thieves
Thomas F Barton

October 17, 2011 - ...The 1%: "For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingerswith iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness."None calleth for justice, nor pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief,and bring forth iniquity. They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider'sweb: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper."Their webs shall not become garments, neither shallthey cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands....

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82371] [ 18-oct-2011 19:29 ECT ]

U.S.-NATO War in Libya Meets Ongoing Resistance
By Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor, Pan-African News Wire

On October 17 - The Pentagon-NATO war against the people of Libya is part of a broader strategy to enhance political, economic and military control over the African continent. Since early October the White House has announced the deployment of drones in Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti. On October 14 the Obama administration announced that 100 military advisors and Special Forces commandos were being dispatched to four countries in Central Africa to ostensibly capture or kill the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) that is based in northern Uganda. Mathaba.net reported on October 17 that "The United States of America has indicated interest in expanding military and defense co-operation with Nigeria in order to tackle the emerging security challenges in the country and the West African sub-region." ...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82370] [ 18-oct-2011 19:24 ECT ]

Syria News - October 17, 2011 (Warning: Graphic Videos)
Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos

October 17, 2011 - Syria: On this first day after the Arab League issued a deadline to the Assad regime, the number of martyrs increased to 32. Twenty-four of them were from Homs. Four martyrs are from Idlib. Two martyrs are from the Hama suburbs. One martyr is from Hama proper and another is from Daraa....The Syrian regime had stepped up its targeting to the doctors, hospitals and private clinics that is suspected to be treating the injured of the freedom demonstrations. The hospitals are not allowed to help any of the demonstrations’ injured. As per a security circular, they have to inform the security forces about any injured reaches the hospital so they can come and arrest him immediately no matter what kind of injures he has and whether it’s minor injuries or serious injuries that needs immediate treatment ...The Human Rights violations Documentation Center in Syria had recorded about 250 cases for arresting doctors since the starts of the uprising, in addition to tens of nurses and pharmacists that were arrested.
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82369] [ 18-oct-2011 18:55 ECT ]

Illegal Jewish settlers continue attacks against Christian and Muslim places of worship
Samira Quraishy

October 17, 2011 - In early September, illegal Jewish settlers set fire to the ground floor of Al-Nurain Mosque in the occupied West Bank village of Qasra to the south of Nablus. This was not an isolated act of violence, but one of many incidents which have seen Muslim and Christian places of worship and religious artefacts attacked and destroyed by right-wing extremist settlers. In fact, such attacks have now spread across the Armistice Line inside Israel itself, with a mosque being torched early in October in the Arab village of Tuba Zangaria. Since 2010, there have been 27 documented attacks on mosques in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem carried out by Israeli settlers, the Israeli occupational forces and, sometimes, both together. There have also been 3 documented attacks on churches in the occupied Palestinian territories....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82367] [ 18-oct-2011 18:47 ECT ]

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush
Megan Iorio

October 17, 2011 - This weekend marked a new milestone for the war in Afghanistan: the total number of US troops killed in the war has doubled since President Obama took office, according to icasualties.org and our US Troops in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush web counter. That means that two-thirds of the total US troop deaths have occurred in the last two years and eight months, which accounts for roughly a third of the duration of the war to date. 1728 US troops have died in Afghanistan since October 7, 2001, with 1153 of those deaths having occurred since President Obama's inauguration. 575 US troops died in Afghanistan during President Bush's term in office....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82365] [ 18-oct-2011 18:43 ECT ]

US Zionists sharply divided over how to censor Palestine speech on campus
Ali Abunimah

October 17, 2011 - Sharp disagreements have intensified among leading US pro-Israel groups on the best methods to suppress criticism and discussion of Israel’s apartheid, occupation, colonization and human rights abuses, or support for Palestinian rights, on US college campuses. The dispute centers on the use of US civil rights statutes to lodge complaints against universities, alleging that discussion of Israel amounts to an infringement of the civil rights of Jewish students who might be made "uncomfortable" by hearing such discussions....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82364] [ 18-oct-2011 18:25 ECT ]

Tunnels boost Gaza mosque reconstruction

October 17, 2011 - - An increased flow of building materials entering the Gaza Strip via underground tunnels along the Gaza-Egypt border has allowed reconstruction work to begin on hundreds of religious sites damaged or destroyed during the 23-day Israeli offensive which ended in January 2009. Nearly a quarter of Gaza’s 850 mosques were affected; 45 mosques were totally destroyed, 107 sustained major damage, and about another 50 had minor damage such as smashed windows and doors, according to the Gaza public works and housing ministry, the religious affairs ministry, and private mosque owners....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82363] [ 18-oct-2011 18:15 ECT ]

Don't occupy Wall Street – surround the Pentagon
Matthew Good

October 17, 2011 - What I want to know is why there aren't throngs of people currently surrounding the Pentagon? Yes, the people of the United States bailed out the villains on Wall Street to the tune of $700bn dollars. That said, why isn't anyone just as disgusted – or far more disgusted – with the fact that the defence budget for the fiscal year 2012 is more than a trillion dollars (supplemental costs included)? That, friends, is approximately one 14th of the entire national deficit of the United States and roughly what the US owes China, its largest foreign debtor. And that's not the sum total of a bailout because of financial mismanagement, the roots of which stretch back to the Reagan administration. That's a single, fiscal year's budget all on its own. And do you know where that money comes from?...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82362] [ 18-oct-2011 18:02 ECT ]

America's Multi-Headed Monster
by Stephen Lendman

October 17, 2011 - It' combines and represents: * money power in private hands to make more of it at the public's expense; * super-wealth and privilege; * one-party rule - corrupted money party duopoly power; and * major media managed news, not real information and analysis. Angry street protesters nationwide must understand and focus on these above other issues. Achieving social justice depends on it. Basic information on how America's been run from inception is also essential....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82361] [ 18-oct-2011 17:58 ECT ]

Iraq snapshot - October 17, 2011
The Common Ills

October 17, 2011. Chaos and violence continue, Baghdad again sees multiple deaths from a bombing, rumors swirl that negotiations may have ended between Iraq and the US, cancer is on the rise in Iraq, the disputed areas issue leads to a protest, US Senators Patty Murray and Jon Tester want answers from the VA about the way the VA is handling MST claims, and more...Suha Sheikhly and Adam Joseph (Al Mada) report on the rise of cancer in Iraq due to the war (radiation and pollution caused by the various weapons -- some of them banned -- used by US and British forces). 54-year-old Noria is one of the people presented in the article. The woman feared she had developed breast cancer so she went in for tests. Six months later, she's awaiting the results. The article notes the long delays in testing and how those who are poor do not have the option of seeking treatment out of the country. The report notes that the number of cancer patients has doubled in the last two years and that the Committee on Health and Environment in the Parliament estimates 700,000 Iraqis have developed cancer....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82360] [ 18-oct-2011 17:49 ECT ]

Syria Protests October 17, 2011 : A Video Roundup

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82359] [ 18-oct-2011 17:22 ECT ]

Urgent Appeal - Prisoner exchange – Release of Palestinian children
Defence for Children International - Palestine Section

October 17, 2011 - As part of the prisoner exchange deal, the Israeli authorities published a list of 477 prisoners, including 27 women, to be released in the first stage on 18 October. The list does not include any children. Please send appeals urging the Israeli authorities to release all Palestinian children currently held in detention....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82357] [ 18-oct-2011 03:49 ECT ]

Burin: Zionist soldiers and colonists collaborate against harvesting
International Solidarity Movement

October 17, 2011 - The Israeli military conducted arrests, mistreated detainees and continued to prevent villagers from picking olives in certain areas of Burin, near Nablus, yesterday on October 16 2011. International activists have been prevented by the military from attending olive harvests during the past two days in some areas and settlers harassed and threw stones at villagers picking olives in Burin today...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82356] [ 18-oct-2011 03:39 ECT ]

This year’s olive harvest in Walaja may be the last
By Nigel O'Connor

October 17, 2011 - This week, the olive harvest began across the West Bank, with people returning to villages from city jobs to assist with the picking. Many farmers face restrictions, imposed by the Israeli Defence Forces, on when and where they can harvest due to the proliferation of Israeli settlements and outposts. For villagers in al-Walaja, a village near Bethlehem, the harvest is overshadowed by the fact that next year they will be separated from their land when Israel completes the construction of the Seperation Wall. The route of the Wall will completely encircle the village, save for one access road....

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82355] [ 18-oct-2011 02:35 ECT ]

Celebrations to greet prisoners as Hamas, Israel close swap sites
Ma'an news

October 17, 2011 -- Israeli and Palestinian officials on Monday finalized preparations for the exchange of over 1,000 prisoners for a captured soldier, establishing closed military zones at swap sites and organizing welcome ceremonies. Hamas officials in Gaza announced that a kilometer span from the southern Rafah border with Egypt would be considered a closed military zone, bar reporters for Hamas-run Al-Aqsa TV who will cover the return of prisoners on Tuesday morning...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82354] [ 18-oct-2011 02:11 ECT ]

The Legend of Sirte
By Jeremy Salt

October 17, 2011 - A legend is being created that is going to haunt the people who have been propelled into power in Tripoli. In Sirte a handful of men have set an example of bravery in the face of impossible odds that will eventually find its place in Arab history. Weeks of missile and bomb attacks have reduced the centre of the city to ruins and killed an unknown number of civilians. The photos coming out of the city show Beirut-style devastation. The fighters defending the city would seem to be doomed. They have their backs to the sea and are surrounded on three sides. We don't know who they are or how many of them there are. Some might be the remnants of the Libyan army and others civilians who have taken up arms to defend their city....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82353] [ 18-oct-2011 01:26 ECT ]

Killing Children in Afghanistan
John Glaser

October 17, 2011 - ...In a US airstrike in July, 14 civilians were killed, 8 of them children. In May, US soldiers killed a 12 year old Afghan girl in a night raid. In March, nine Afghan boys collecting firewood in eastern Afghanistan were annihilated by US airstrikes. US-supported Afghan militias have recently beat children, hammered nails into the feet of a young boy, and gang raped another 13 year old boy. In February of last year, a US night raid killed a teenage girl and two pregnant women. In September of last year, NATO attack helicopters bombed seven civilians, four of them children. A UN report last year found that almost 350 Afghan children were killed in 2009 alone....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82352] [ 18-oct-2011 01:00 ECT ]

PFLP Secretary-General Saadat Transferred to al-Ramleh Hospital
Palestine News Network

October 17, 2011 - On Sunday, Secretary-General of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Ahmed Saadat, the man widely regarded to have started the Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike now in its 21st day, was transferred from Nafha prison to al-Ramlah prison hospital after his health seriously deteriorated. "My husband has difficulty moving and talking and his body is weak and exhausted," said Saadat's wife, Ablah Saadat. "He has been in this condition for one week. My last visit with him was on last Wednesday, just for ten minutes"...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82351] [ 18-oct-2011 00:48 ECT ]

The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Seven of Ten)
Andy Worthington

October 17, 2011 - ... Saleh al-Zuba, who was 46 years old at the time of his capture, had a non-military explanation for being in Afghanistan. Accused of fighting in Tora Bora, he said that he had coronary artery disease and went to Pakistan for medical treatment, and was only in Afghanistan because he did not have enough money for an operation, and was told that a charitable organization in Afghanistan might provide extra funding... In the file released by WikiLeaks, the Task Force described a serious, and life-threatening medical history, which would make armed adventures in the Tora Bora mountains seem particularly unlikely....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82350] [ 17-oct-2011 22:33 ECT ]

Barghouti: Prisoners were not consulted over swap deal
Ma'an news

October 17, 2011 -- Detained Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti said Sunday that Hamas did not consult detainees over its prisoner swap deal with Israel. Hamas has agreed to free Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for the release of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. Several prominent political leaders, including Barghouti, were left out of the deal. In a statement relayed by his lawyer Elias Sabagh, Barghouti said he had learned of the deal from media reports. Prison leaders -- including Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine secretary-general Ahmad Saadat -- were not involved in negotiations, Barghouti said...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82349] [ 17-oct-2011 20:38 ECT ]

Secret Session Ends: Arab League Warns But Doesn’t Suspend Syria
Alliance Seen Split on Protest Movement

Jason Ditz

October 16, 2011 - Three hours of emergency talks behind closed doors came to an end for the Arab League today, with the alliance issuing a warning to Syria to enact a "ceasefire" in its attacks on protesters within 15-days... The ultimatum makes little sense without the possibility of suspending Syria’s membership, and the statement seems to be a reflection of a growing split on how the league should deal with pro-democracy revolutions...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82348] [ 17-oct-2011 20:24 ECT ]

Amid Calls for 'Less Democracy,' German Security Agencies Caught Planting Spyware on Private Computers
By Tom Burghardt

October 16, 2011 - Revelations by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) that German secret state agencies are installing spyware on personal computers capable of transforming a PC's webcam and microphone into a listening device, sparked outrage across the political spectrum. It has since emerged that despite legal requirements that police do so only with a warrant and only if surveillance intercepts are used to prevent threats to "life, limb or liberty," authorities are not complying with strict limits laid down by Germany's Supreme Court...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82347] [ 17-oct-2011 20:16 ECT ]

Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap
by Stephen Lendman

October 16, - ...Israel blockaded Gaza in response to Shalit's capture. With his release imminent, its pretext no longer exists. As a result, PCHR calls for its immediate end and for the international community to intervene to relieve years of Gazan suffering. If demands are made with teeth, perhaps Israel will comply. Urging alone won't help. A nation long used to its own way, only understands ultimatums suggesting too great a price to pay. It's high time it includes stiff sanctions, isolation, and perhaps UN expulsion unless Gaza's freed, occupation ends, and Palestine is admitted as the world body's 194th member with rights equal to all others. In other words, a price demanding long denied justice is essential. Nothing less than liberation is tolerable after 63 years of persecution and denial. Now's the time to end it...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82346] [ 17-oct-2011 20:11 ECT ]

Despite newfound “friends” Lebanon’s Palestinians require UN action to obtain civil righ
Franklin Lamb

October 16, 2011 - Jalil Refugee Camp is located about 90 km east of Beirut near Baalbek in the Bekaa valley and is home to approximately 8000 of the World’s most destitute Palestinian refugees. It is usually referred to as "Wavell Camp", after the British Field Marshal Archibald Percival Wavell’s time at the former French military base during World War II. The French built the base in order to secure part of their vast chunk of territory following the secret May 16, 1915 Sykes-Picot Arab land grab that divided parts of South Western Asia territory previously administered by the Ottoman Turks between England and France. The hegemony included illegally carving the State of Lebanon from Syria, during the League of Nations Mandate era and Jilil camp has been housing Palestinians since 1948. Today, the inhabitants live in particularly unhealthy conditions with some families still living in the original French army barracks and horse stables without daylight and ventilation and several families forced to share communal toilets which sometimes freeze up in the Bekaa’s frigid winters....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82345] [ 17-oct-2011 19:53 ECT ]

Two NATO soldiers killed in south Afghanistan
Russian Information Agency Novosti

October 16, 2011 - Two soldiers from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) were killed on Saturday in the south of Afghanistan, the coalition said in a statement on Sunday, giving no other details. The UK Ministry of Defense has said that a British soldier was killed on Saturday during security operations with Afghan police in the Nahr-e Saraj region of the Helmand province....

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82344] [ 17-oct-2011 19:48 ECT ]

As Yemeni Revolt Escalates, Pro-Government Forces Fire on Protesters for a Second Day

October 16, 2011 — For the second day in a row, demonstrators in the capital escalated their protest by marching into government-held territory on Sunday, and for the second day in a row they were fired on by pro-government forces. At least five people were killed. As the uprising appeared to enter a dangerous new phase, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has rebuffed pressure from the protesters, political rivals and foreign governments to step down, lashed out at Western governments in a televised speech before military leaders...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82343] [ 17-oct-2011 19:37 ECT ]

Mapping America's Shadowy Drone Wars
Tom Engelhardt & Nick Turse

October 16, 2011 - They increasingly dot the planet. There’s a facility outside Las Vegas where "pilots" work in climate-controlled trailers, another at a dusty camp in Africa formerly used by the French Foreign Legion, a third at a big air base in Afghanistan where Air Force personnel sit in front of multiple computer screens, and a fourth at an air base in the United Arab Emirates that almost no one talks about. And that leaves at least 56 more such facilities to mention in an expanding American empire of unmanned drone bases being set up worldwide. Despite frequent news reports on the drone assassination campaign launched in support of America’s ever-widening undeclared wars and a spate of stories on drone bases in Africa and the Middle East, most of these facilities have remained unnoted, uncounted, and remarkably anonymous -- until now....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82342] [ 17-oct-2011 19:34 ECT ]

Syria News - October 16, 2011 (Warning: Graphic Videos)
Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos

October 16, 2011 - 11 Martyrs during the speech of the Syrian Repesentative : fall of 11 martyrs from security bullets and nail bombs during the speech of the Syrian representative in front of the Arab league, eight martyrs in Homs, two martyrs in Idlib, and a martyr in Zabadany....Damascus Suburbs: Zabadaniy: Martyrdom of Zaher Burhan and multiple wounded, some critically, after security forces fired on two demonstrations that were heading to the Brigades to demand the release of three sisters who were arrested, among dozens of others, this morning during the raid and arrest campaign...Damascus suburbs: Douma: security forces have detained Dr. Omar Saryoul, president of the local Health Charity. He joins dozens of other doctors from Douma who are crammed in the security forces dungeons since last March...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82341] [ 17-oct-2011 19:15 ECT ]

The Afghan war everyone wants to forget
By Thomas Walkom

October 16, 2011 - The war that everyone would like to forget began its second decade this week with little fanfare. Ten years ago last Friday, the United States, backed by NATO allies like Canada, invaded Afghanistan....In those early, heady days, the victories of NATO and its Afghan allies were front-page news. For those anxious to rebuild Canada’s armed forces, the war provided a glorious opportunity. Ten years later, however, the anniversary of this still ongoing war is being met with near silence....The reason, of course, is that the war was a failure on all fronts...As for the Taliban, they are winning. Ten years ago, it was they who wanted to negotiate peace with an intransigent NATO. Now, as the U.S., Canada and their allies desperately try to disentangle themselves from the war, the roles have been reversed...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82339] [ 17-oct-2011 19:05 ECT ]

Seven Palestinian school children injured over tightened “security” measures in Tel Rumeida - Video
International Solidarity Movement

October 16, 2011 - Tightened security at Tel Rumeida checkpoint cause an impromptu demonstration by the schoolchildren, resulting in seven injured children, and injuries to the headmaster. Teachers of Tel Rumeida’s school were told they must begin to pass through metal detectors and present their bags for search, despite the permission they have had for the past 7 years to pass through a separate gate. The rules have also been changed for those suffering heart complications, and pregnant women, who carry permits that normally would allow them to avoid the metal detectors. The children of the school emerged, chanting slogans and holding posters. Finally, the children exited the checkpoint to be with their teachers, and began classes on the sidewalk. Seven children reported injuries and six went to hospital. The head master of the school also reported injuries from soldiers aggressively handing her....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82338] [ 17-oct-2011 18:57 ECT ]

Tiny Kingdom's Huge Role in Libya Draws Concern

October 16, 2011 - ...At issue, say Libyan officials and Western observers, are Qatar's deep ties to a clique of Libyan Islamists, whose backgrounds variously include fighting in Afghanistan in the 1980s and spending years in jail under Col. Gadhafi. They later published a theological treatise condemning violent jihad. With Qatar's support, they have become central players in Libyan politics. As they face off with a transitional authority largely led by secular former regime officials and expatriate technocrats, their political rivals accuse Qatar of stacking the deck in the Islamists' favor....Politically, Qatar maintains a seemingly contradictory set of alliances. U.S. officials consider Doha a close ally. Qatar hosts U.S. Central Command and has the Gulf's only Israeli Interests Section. But for years, Doha has also openly fostered ties with some of the region's most controversial Islamic militant groups...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82337] [ 17-oct-2011 18:33 ECT ]

Military Resistance 9J11: Americn Troops Here Jeered
Thomas F Barton

October 16, 2011 - This year has witnessed a global wave of social and political turmoil and instability, with masses of people pouring into the real and virtual streets: the Arab Spring; riots in London; Israel’s middle-class protests against high housing prices and aninflationary squeeze on living standards; protesting Chilean students; the destruction in Germany of the expensive cars of "fat cats"; India’s movement against corruption; mounting unhappiness with corruption and inequality in China; and now the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in New York and across the United States. While these protests have no unified theme, they express in different ways theserious concerns of the world’s working and middle classes about their prospectsin the face of the growing concentration of power among economic, financial, and political elites...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82336] [ 17-oct-2011 18:21 ECT ]

Video: Death, destruction in Sirte

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82335] [ 17-oct-2011 18:07 ECT ]

Third Week of Hunger Strike - Action Grows as Sa'adat's Health in Jeopardy
The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat

October 16, 2011 - Palestinian prisoners have entered their third week of hunger strike. After two weeks of hunger strike, physical symptoms become increasingly severe and prisoners' lives and health are increasingly at risk. As prisoners have put their lives and bodies on the line to defend the rights of themselves and their people, international support and solidarity is continually escalating and much-needed. The health of Ahmad Sa'adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Palestinian national leader who has been in isolation for two and one-half years and the center of the demand for an end to isolation, is increasingly at risk...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82334] [ 17-oct-2011 17:58 ECT ]

Syria Protests October 16, 2011 : A Video Roundup

  continua / continued avanti - next    [82333] [ 17-oct-2011 17:50 ECT ]

10 Reasons Not to Honor Israel
By Mahmoud El-Yousseph and Tammy Obeidallah

October 16, 2011 - This list was compiled in order to dispel the hate propaganda and blatant lies Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is being allowed to spew at Van Buren High School near Findlay, Ohio on October 27, 2011 where they will hold "A Night to Honor Israel." This is being repeated at other schools across our country. If CUFI was simply having a convention of their apocalyptic ignoramuses and blind bigots at a church or synagogue, we would not waste our time trying to educate those determined to remain fools. If CUFI were holding a meeting with our congressmen/women or senators, we would not bother to counter, as our representatives are already deep within the pockets of Israeli-interest lobbies. However, CUFI has crossed a red line when invading our public school system to poison the minds of our innocent youth....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82331] [ 17-oct-2011 17:47 ECT ]

Day 4: When school becomes Israeli Occupation
International Solidarity Movement

October 16, 2011 - On the 4th day of demonstrations outside of a checkpoint in Hebron, on October 16 2011, IDF soldiers shot tear gas and projected 'The Scream’ at a group of young schoolchildren and female teachers, who were attempting to hold a lesson outside of the checkpoint as an act of protest. Since Tuesday, October 11, the group of children and teachers have been gathering outside of Checkpoint 56 in Hebron, which blocks off the Israeli settlement from the rest of the city, to protest increased security measures at the checkpoint...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82330] [ 17-oct-2011 17:42 ECT ]

Red Cross slammed for silence over arrest of Palestinian lawmaker
The Electronic Intifada

October 16, 2011 - Undercover Israeli forces arrested Palestinian lawmaker Ahmad Attoun in late September from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) compound in occupied East Jerusalem, where he had taken refuge with two colleagues to avoid deportation from the city of his birth. Palestinians and their supporters have largely condemned the arrest, viewing it as just another example of Israeli intransigence and of the country’s complete disregard for Palestinian rights and freedoms. "This is one of the many crimes done by the Israeli occupation and one of the violations of international law," said Mohammad Totah, one of Attoun’s colleagues who had also taken refuge at the ICRC headquarters since July 2010. "The video cameras in the Red Cross showed that they entered and stormed the headquarters of the Red Cross."...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82329] [ 17-oct-2011 05:09 ECT ]

Arab League fails to agree on Syria

October 16, 2011 - ARAB FOREIGN ministers failed to reach agreement yesterday during a meeting in Cairo to discuss boosting pressure on Syria to end a crackdown on protesters as 121 human rights groups called on the organisation to take action to prevent Syria from sliding into civil war. Discord arose over a Saudi call for suspension of Syria from Arab League membership. Activists say 3,000 protesters have been slain since mid-March. The emergency session was requested by the six member Gulf Co-operation Council....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82328] [ 17-oct-2011 03:31 ECT ]

Ongoing Israeli Human Rights Abuses
by Stephen Lendman

October 16, 2011 - Throughout its history, Israel's been a serial human rights abuser. Count the ways. State-sponsored terror is official policy. So is collective punishment, apartheid, colonialism, premeditated war, torture, and filling prison cells illegally with Palestinians wanting to live free on their own land in their own country. Instead they've suffered brutal indignities and persecution under 44 years of occupation. They've endured racism, land theft, dispossessions, road blocks, checkpoints, Separation Walls, mass arrests, prison hell, economic strangulation, terrorized neighborhood incursions, and isolation in cantonized communities and Gaza under siege....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82327] [ 17-oct-2011 02:46 ECT ]

by George Venturini

October 16, 2011 - On 9 June 1937, at Bagnoles-de-l'Orne, Mussolini had Prof. Carlo Rosselli, a distinguished Italian lawyer, political scientist, anti-Fascist agitator, killed - in France by the hand of the Fascist Secret Service, in complicity with the Cagoule, a French criminal organisation. 200,000 persons attended the funeral in Paris. On 21 September 1976, in Washington D.C., Pinochet had Dr. Marcos Orlando Letelier del Solar, a distinguished Chilean lawyer, senior economic consultant and adviser to President Allende, killed - in the United States where Letelier had taken refuge, by the hand of the D.I.N.A., Pinochet Secret Service, in complicity with the Central Intelligence Agency, then under the directorship of G. H. W. Bush. The assassination outraged the 'western world’. On 30 September 2011, at a site 140 kilometres east of Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, Anwar al-Aulaqi an American born dual citizen, was killed by a barrage of missiles fired from an unmanned aerial vehicle - a drone - into his car. The drone had been guided by American personnel either from a secret American base in the Arabian Peninsula, probably in Saudi Arabia, alternatively in Virginia, or semble from a recently built drone installation in Yemen itself. Other persons, one of them Samir Khan, an American citizen of Pakistani origin who was the editor of Inspire, al-Qaeda’s English-language online magazine, and some Yemenis, were killed simultaneously....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82326] [ 17-oct-2011 01:43 ECT ]

Afghan teacher, two daughters killed by NATO-led forces

October 16, 2011 - A teacher and two of his daughters were killed late Saturday, allegedly in an operation by the NATO-led international forces in central Wardak province, an official said. 'NATO troops conducted an operation in Chak-e-Wardak district and during the operation, a teacher, and two of his daughters were killed,' said Shahidullah Shahid, the provincial governor's spokesman. 'The teacher was a cousin of a Taliban commander and the forces were searching for the commander, who escaped the operation.'...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [82325] [ 17-oct-2011 01:17 ECT ]

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