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:: ONU - XX Assemblea Generale (1965): |
XX Assemblea Generale dell’ONU (1965)
dichiara "la legittimità della
lotta da parte dei popoli sotto
oppressione coloniale, per esercitare il
loro diritto all' autodeter-
minazione e
Inoltre, l'Assemblea invita "tutti
gli Stati a fornire assistenza morale e
materiale ai movimenti di liberazione
nazionale nei territori coloniali". |
:: ONU
- Risoluzione 1514 |
Generale dichiara che: la soggezione dei
popoli a dominio straniero, conquista e
asservimento costituisce una negazione
dei diritti umani fondamentali, è
contraria alla Carta delle Nazioni Unite
ed è un impedimento alla promozione
della pace e della cooperazione mondiali.
Tutti i popoli hanno diritto
all' autodeter-
minazione; in virtù di
tale diritto essi devono liberamente
determinare il loro status politico e
liberamente perseguire il loro sviluppo
economico, sociale e culturale". |
:: Convenzione
di Ginevra, Protocollo Addizionale I
(1977): |
La lotta
armata può essere usata, come ultima
risorsa, come mezzo per esercitare il
diritto all' autodeter-
minazione. |
:: Tribunale
penale internazionale |
base allo Statuto del Tribunale penale
internazionale, sono definiti “crimini
di guerra”:
(1) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente
contro popolazione civili in quanto tali
o contro civili che non prendano
direttamente parte alle ostilità;
(4) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente
nella consapevolezza che gli stessi
avranno come conseguenza la perdita di
vite umane tra la popolazione civile, e
lesioni a civili o danni a proprietà
civili ovvero danni diffusi duraturi e
gravi all’ambiente naturale che siano
manifestamente eccessivi rispetto all’insieme
dei concreti e diretti i vantaggi
militari previsti. |
:: Iraq anthem (click to listen)
Iraq snapshot - October 19, 2011
The Common Ills
October 19, 2011. Chaos and violence continue, Turkish forces enter Iraq, the press plays the blame game, the US Defense Dept identifies the fallen, Nouri thinks Iraq needs to educate other countries about how to run elections, and more....Turkey continues attacking northern Iraq and, for years now, Turkish war planes have been bombing northern Iraq. The latest wave of attacks started August 17th. This morning Aswat al-Iraq reported, "Kurdish Workers Party announced today that the Turkish forces continued their military concentration on the northern Iraqi borders with Turkey. The source told Aswat al-Iraq that the Turkish forces have been gathering ranks since yesterday." Daniel Dombey and Funja Guler (Financial Times of London) notes, "Turkey has vowed to wreak 'great revenge' on Kurdish militants for the deaths of 26 policemen and soldiers on Wednesday as tension increases in both the south-east of the country and neighbouring northern Iraq." Citing Turkish military sources, Reuters reported that Turkish planes are bombing nothern Iraq and that Turkish helicopters are depositing "Turkish commandos" in Iraq. PRI's The World offers footage of Turkish forces entering Iraq.
continua / continued [82422] [ 20-oct-2011 17:54 ECT ] |
Unjust Libyan war far from over
Larry Fisk
October 19, 2011 - Seven months ago the Libyan people enjoyed free universal medical care, free education through university level, were well housed and well nourished. The U.S. and NATO decided to wage another unprovoked war for more direct control by western corporations and banks of the oil wealth and financial institutions of Libya. Though Gaddafi called for international investigation of accusations of impending massacre of civilians, these lies were used to portray war as a humanitarian mission. Calls from Latin American and the African Union for negotiated resolution of the conflict were accepted by the Libyan government but ignored by western powers and the coalition of monarchists, Islamists, racists and mercenaries they had organized, trained and armed. Some Libyan cities, towns and neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, infrastructure, hospitals and schools destroyed....
continua / continued [82419] [ 20-oct-2011 04:10 ECT ] |
Margaret Hassan: Victim of “Operation Iraqi Liberation” – 17th October 2004
Felicity Arbuthnot |
October 19, 2011 - With the passage of time and the onset of hindsight, usually, eventually, tragedy can be pieced together, the dead finally wept over, laid to rest, their graves marked, visited, flowers layed. Margaret Hassan, who was kidnapped seven years ago today and shot by her kidnappers little over three weeks later, probably on 14th November has vanished without trace. Even in the horrors of the Iraq invasion, the unprecedented violence unleashed in a place previously of remarkable safety – unless anti-regime politics was indulged in – her disappearance is extraordinary. Terrible things have been engendered by the US/UK intervention. Yet of the possible million and a half dead, most have been traced – or even horrifically thrown in to family yards, or on to lawns, terribly murdered. Or found in morgues, shallow hasty graves, or by tip off....
continua / continued [82418] [ 20-oct-2011 03:49 ECT ] |
Major Media Liars Never Quit
by Stephen Lendman
October 19, 2011 - Whenever major media Libya reports appear, truth is distorted, manipulated and falsified. For seven months, despite daily terror bombing and ground attacks, courageous loyalists bested the ferocity of NATO and its rebel army. As a result, they control most of Tripoli, Benghazi and other cities across the country. Fighting, however, still rages. Loyalists are holding their own. They're determined to liberate Libya, live free and rebuild...
continua / continued [82417] [ 20-oct-2011 03:13 ECT ] |
"Eleven years later, the wound is still bleeding"
Budour Youssef Hassan |
October 19, 2011 - On 1 October, thousands of Palestinians marched in Sakhnin to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the October 2000 uprising during which Israeli police forces murdered 13 unarmed Palestinian citizens of Israel over the course of eight days. None of the slain protesters posed a threat to the life of police forces or others and most of them were shot in the upper-body at close range. The killings took place in Umm al-Fahm, Jatt, Arrabeh, Sakhnin, Nazareth, Kufr Kanna and Kufr Manda between 1-8 October 2000. "Eleven years later, the wound is still bleeding," Ibrahim Siyam, father of martyr Ahmad Siyam and spokesman for the martyrs’ families, told The Electronic Intifada. "Ahmad was the first martyr of the October 2000 demonstrations. He was just 18 and preparing to attend college in few days," Siyam added...
continua / continued [82415] [ 20-oct-2011 02:55 ECT ] |
The destruction of Sirte
Patrick O’Connor |
October 19, 2011 - The Libyan city of Sirte is being systematically destroyed by National Transitional Council "rebel" fighters and NATO fighter planes. The operation stands as a monumental war crime, for which primary responsibility rests with the leading forces behind the military intervention in Libya—US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Sirte has been under siege for weeks. TNC forces have prevented all supplies from entering the city, including food, medicines, and other basic necessities. NATO bombs have rained down, together with a heavy and indiscriminate bombardment by TNC mortars, tank shells, and rockets. Basic infrastructure—including water, electricity, and sewerage systems—has been destroyed as part of the calculated effort to trigger a humanitarian crisis in the city and terrorise its inhabitants into submission....
continua / continued [82410] [ 20-oct-2011 00:24 ECT ] |
The Activist Salem Gnan
Caustic Logic
October 19, 2011 - My first encounter with the works of Salem Gnan, activist, was an important call he made to the UK Guardian on February 21, as cited in the post "Bombing His Own People." Really? Three reports of Libyan gov attacks on Tripoli came in that day, within an hour and a half. The latter two were to al Jazeera and called it aerial bombardment, but the first call, Mr. Gnan's, said the city was being shelled from the sea. As the Guardian reported: 5.07pm – Libya: Salem Gnan, a London-based spokesman for the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, says eyewitnesses in Tripoli have told him the navy has opened fire on parts of the capital.... And on the bombings reported by Mr. Gnan and others, as explained at the above link, they apparently did not occur...
continua / continued [82409] [ 20-oct-2011 00:24 ECT ] |
The cause of congenital anomaly and cancer in Fallujah Iraq is identified as Enriched Uranium from novel weapons systems deployed by the US.
Dr Chris Busby & Malak Hamdan |
October 18, 2011 - Remarkably high levels of congenital anomaly at birth, together with high cancer rates in Fallujah, Iraq were previously found in a joint UK Iraqi epidemiological study published in the International Journal of Environment and Public Health in July 2010 and reported in The Independent. The illnesses and unusual changes in the sex-ratio at birth, were shown to appear following the US-led attacks on the town in 2004. Many believed that Depleted Uranium weapons were employed but no evidence of this was available. USA forces denied using DU. Now, one year after this, the authors have nailed down the cause of the genetic and genomic effects found in Fallujah. Samira Alaani and Muhammed Tafash, two paediatricians at Fallujah General Hospital, Chris Busby, Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster, Malak Hamdan, a chemical engineer and Eleonore Blaurock Busch, whose laboratory in Germany carried out analytical work has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Conflict and Health the results of an exhaustive study of contamination in Fallujah. They began by analysing the hair of 25 parents of children with congenital malformations using highly sensitive Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS).
continua / continued [82405] [ 19-oct-2011 21:37 ECT ] |
The US media reports: Gilad Shalit swapped for 1000 non-people (Updated)
By Max Blumenthal
October 18, 2011 - By now, Gilad Shalit is back in Israel, while around 1000 Palestinian prisoners will eventually be released from Israeli jails, then scattered to various locations from Jerusalem to Egypt to Syria, where many will live in permanent exile. While some Israelis doubt the wisdom of the prisoner swap, there can be little doubt that the state of Israel has scored a public relations victory in the United States. American coverage of the prisoner exchange has focused almost exclusively on Shalit, his family, and Jewish Israeli society's "bittersweet" reaction to the deal. on the exchange generally did not mention the identities of the Palestinian prisoners, and if they did, they tended to only name those who had committed violence against Israelis...
continua / continued [82398] [ 19-oct-2011 19:32 ECT ] |
Somalis Under Relentless Drone Attack as U.S. Tightens Military Grip on Continent
Glen Ford |
October 18, 2011 - Africa, under President Obama, is an expanding theater of war for the United States. There are few points on the African map where the U.S. military does not operate, independently, through proxies, or by agreement with local governments and militaries. AFRICOM has penetrated the armed forces of the continent to a degree no single European power could have ever aspired. Indeed, "the U.S. has so thoroughly infiltrated African armies, many, if not most, would be of no use for national defense against the Americans."
continua / continued [82388] [ 19-oct-2011 13:06 ECT ] |
One Israeli Human Being v. An Undifferentiated Mass Of Arabs
by Alain Gresh, translation by Lawrence of Cyberia
October 18, 2011- According to an AFP report, Nicolas Sarkozy "warmly welcomes the announcement of an agreement that should lead to the release of Gilad Shalit," and has congratulated Netanyahu for "major success". We can be sure that Bernard-Henri Lévy will do the same. In return, if you will, 1027 Palestinians (including 27 women) will be released. Who are they? How do their families feel ? You know nothing of this, or at least next to nothing, from reading the Western press. They are a faceless mass, a subgroup of the 6,000 Palestinians still held in Israeli jails, of whom 22 are members of Parliament, and 280 are children (34 of them less than 15 years old) – see here how Israel finds guilty all the children it arrests. Some are "administrative prisoners", that is to say, imprisoned without trial. Others have passed through the Israeli justice system, which - according to all international reports - is far from just, often mistreats detainees, and convicts them on the basis of weak or non-existent evidence. Dozens of them are now on hunger strike. Do they have no family? No relatives? No, they are just a number. They are Arabs, colonized and faceless....
continua / continued [82385] [ 19-oct-2011 03:40 ECT ] |
Anwar al-Awlaki’s family speaks out against his son’s death in airstrike
By Peter Finn and Greg Miller
October 18, 2011 - In the days before a CIA drone strike killed al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki last month, his 16-year-old son ran away from the family home in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa to try to find him, relatives say. When he, too, was killed in a U.S. airstrike Friday, the Awlaki family decided to speak out for the first time since the attacks. "To kill a teenager is just unbelievable, really, and they claim that he is an al-Qaeda militant. It’s nonsense," said Nasser al-Awlaki, a former Yemeni agriculture minister who was Anwar al-Awlaki’s father and the boy’s grandfather, speaking in a phone interview from Sanaa on Monday. "They want to justify his killing, that’s all."...
continua / continued [82381] [ 19-oct-2011 02:06 ECT ] |
"I was 1-day-old when my father was jailed"
Shahd Abusalama |
October 18, 2011 - ...While I was writing this article among the crowd of people at the Red Cross building, I suddenly heard people chanting and clapping and could see a woman jumping with joy. While on the phone, she said loudly, "My husband is going to be free!" Her husband is Abu Thaer Ghneem, who received a life sentence and spent 22 years in prison. As I watched people celebrating and singing for the freedom of the Palestinian detainees, I met his only son, Thaer. He was hugging his mother tight while giving prayers to God showing their thankfulness. I touched his shoulder, attempting to get his attention. "Congratulations! How do you feel?" I asked him. "I was only one day old when my father was arrested, and now I am 22-years-old. I’ve always known that I had a father in prison, but never had him around. Now my father is finally going to be set free and fill his place, which has been empty over the course of 22 years of my life."...
continua / continued [82380] [ 19-oct-2011 01:36 ECT ] |
Free at Last
Joharah Baker
October 17, 2011 - ...Among the Palestinians, there are concerns and criticisms too, many of them well founded. While 1,027 prisoners is a good deal no matter which way you slice it, there are many strings attached that puts a damper on the overall feeling of joy at these men and women’s release. For one, 40 of those released will be exiled from their homeland. Over 100 more from the West Bank and Jerusalem will be sent to the Gaza Strip. The rest will be allowed to return home but some will have to adhere to conditions such as reporting back to Israeli authorities on a regular basis. Then there are those prisoners who were supposed to be at the top of the list, prisoners who, without them, no deal was ever to be made. These include high profile prisoners such as Fateh’s Marwan Barghouti and the PFLP head Ahmad Saadat, currently on hunger strike for the 22nd day....
continua / continued [82373] [ 18-oct-2011 20:06 ECT ] |
Military Resistance 9J12 : Companions of Thieves
Thomas F Barton
October 17, 2011 - ...The 1%: "For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingerswith iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness."None calleth for justice, nor pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief,and bring forth iniquity. They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider'sweb: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper."Their webs shall not become garments, neither shallthey cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands....
continua / continued [82371] [ 18-oct-2011 19:29 ECT ] |
Killing Children in Afghanistan
John Glaser |
October 17, 2011 - ...In a US airstrike in July, 14 civilians were killed, 8 of them children. In May, US soldiers killed a 12 year old Afghan girl in a night raid. In March, nine Afghan boys collecting firewood in eastern Afghanistan were annihilated by US airstrikes. US-supported Afghan militias have recently beat children, hammered nails into the feet of a young boy, and gang raped another 13 year old boy. In February of last year, a US night raid killed a teenage girl and two pregnant women. In September of last year, NATO attack helicopters bombed seven civilians, four of them children. A UN report last year found that almost 350 Afghan children were killed in 2009 alone....
continua / continued [82352] [ 18-oct-2011 01:00 ECT ] |
Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap
by Stephen Lendman
October 16, - ...Israel blockaded Gaza in response to Shalit's capture. With his release imminent, its pretext no longer exists. As a result, PCHR calls for its immediate end and for the international community to intervene to relieve years of Gazan suffering. If demands are made with teeth, perhaps Israel will comply. Urging alone won't help. A nation long used to its own way, only understands ultimatums suggesting too great a price to pay. It's high time it includes stiff sanctions, isolation, and perhaps UN expulsion unless Gaza's freed, occupation ends, and Palestine is admitted as the world body's 194th member with rights equal to all others. In other words, a price demanding long denied justice is essential. Nothing less than liberation is tolerable after 63 years of persecution and denial. Now's the time to end it...
continua / continued [82346] [ 17-oct-2011 20:11 ECT ] |
The Afghan war everyone wants to forget
By Thomas Walkom
October 16, 2011 - The war that everyone would like to forget began its second decade this week with little fanfare. Ten years ago last Friday, the United States, backed by NATO allies like Canada, invaded Afghanistan....In those early, heady days, the victories of NATO and its Afghan allies were front-page news. For those anxious to rebuild Canada’s armed forces, the war provided a glorious opportunity. Ten years later, however, the anniversary of this still ongoing war is being met with near silence....The reason, of course, is that the war was a failure on all fronts...As for the Taliban, they are winning. Ten years ago, it was they who wanted to negotiate peace with an intransigent NATO. Now, as the U.S., Canada and their allies desperately try to disentangle themselves from the war, the roles have been reversed...
continua / continued [82339] [ 17-oct-2011 19:05 ECT ] |
Ongoing Israeli Human Rights Abuses
by Stephen Lendman
October 16, 2011 - Throughout its history, Israel's been a serial human rights abuser. Count the ways. State-sponsored terror is official policy. So is collective punishment, apartheid, colonialism, premeditated war, torture, and filling prison cells illegally with Palestinians wanting to live free on their own land in their own country. Instead they've suffered brutal indignities and persecution under 44 years of occupation. They've endured racism, land theft, dispossessions, road blocks, checkpoints, Separation Walls, mass arrests, prison hell, economic strangulation, terrorized neighborhood incursions, and isolation in cantonized communities and Gaza under siege....
continua / continued [82327] [ 17-oct-2011 02:46 ECT ] |
by George Venturini |
October 16, 2011 - On 9 June 1937, at Bagnoles-de-l'Orne, Mussolini had Prof. Carlo Rosselli, a distinguished Italian lawyer, political scientist, anti-Fascist agitator, killed - in France by the hand of the Fascist Secret Service, in complicity with the Cagoule, a French criminal organisation. 200,000 persons attended the funeral in Paris. On 21 September 1976, in Washington D.C., Pinochet had Dr. Marcos Orlando Letelier del Solar, a distinguished Chilean lawyer, senior economic consultant and adviser to President Allende, killed - in the United States where Letelier had taken refuge, by the hand of the D.I.N.A., Pinochet Secret Service, in complicity with the Central Intelligence Agency, then under the directorship of G. H. W. Bush. The assassination outraged the 'western world’. On 30 September 2011, at a site 140 kilometres east of Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, Anwar al-Aulaqi an American born dual citizen, was killed by a barrage of missiles fired from an unmanned aerial vehicle - a drone - into his car. The drone had been guided by American personnel either from a secret American base in the Arabian Peninsula, probably in Saudi Arabia, alternatively in Virginia, or semble from a recently built drone installation in Yemen itself. Other persons, one of them Samir Khan, an American citizen of Pakistani origin who was the editor of Inspire, al-Qaeda’s English-language online magazine, and some Yemenis, were killed simultaneously....
continua / continued [82326] [ 17-oct-2011 01:43 ECT ] |
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