(Breaking news: The Michigan State police announced after the publication of this article and an earlier one by Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee chair Roland Lawrence, that they have completed their investigation and turned a warrant request for an unidentified male over to Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s office. Her office has said it will take some time to evaluate the request and decide whether to act on it.)
From the Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee
DETROIT – As of 12:00 a.m., Thursday, March 3, 2011, the Michigan State Police investigation into the alleged Detroit Police involved shooting death of 7 year old Aiyana Jones has not been reported to the public as complete.
The Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee (JAJC)’s position is that regardless of whether Detroit Police Officer Joe Weekley and/or others are charged with Aiyana’s death or not, the wanton disregard and recklessness displayed by the Detroit Police Department that led to Aiyana’s death cannot go unchallenged.
The Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee wants the Detroit Police Department to admit that the way it handled the arrest of a suspected murderer that resulted in the death of Aiyana Jones was an enormous mistake and tragedy. In addition, the JAJC wants the Detroit Police to destroy its adherence to the so-called “blue code” where police officers cover for each other regardless of their wrong and unlawful behavior. Even more, the JAJC wants the Detroit Police Department to become decentralized as an entity controlled by a chief/mayor relationship to one ran by a police commission made up of Detroit residents who are elected to the commission.
“Aiyana Jones has become our child martyr because she was quietly sleeping when the police ruthlessly invaded her space and killed her,” says JAJC Chairman, Roland Lawrence. “The Detroit Police should create an entity within itself called the Aiyana Jones Public Service Unit (AJPSU) that will oversee its daily operations with the goal of making sure that all Detroit citizens and others regardless of race, income, social status, etc. are afforded a fair, safe and transparent interaction as it pertains to police business.”

New Yorker Jewel Allison with daughter Honesti at her right leads June 26, 2010 march to protest Aiyana's death down Woodward Avenue; Allison said she was contacted by people from all over the world who were outraged by the police action.
Lawrence says that anything short of this will not help keep police officers in check who are given almost limitless power over non-police individuals. “Quiet as it is kept, communities and neighborhoods can police themselves,” he said. “Thus, our police departments should be used primarily to advance social civility. Our police officers should not only be employed to provide stability to disturbances in our society, they should be partners in helping to destroy the social, political and financial inequalities that help create dysfunction, despair and worse in our community.”
The Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee wants the death of Aiyana Jones to stand as the line drawn in the sand in its efforts to stop police brutality, especially in poor and disenfranchised communities.
For further information,
(Those interested in interviewing a representative of the JAJC can call 313-825-6126.)