- Rev. Edward Pinkney leads crowd chanting against opening of Whirlpool golf course in public Jean Klock Park Aug. 2010 Photo by Daymon Hartley
Opponents mobilize protests, repeal campaign against EM PA 4; rally set for Wed. April 27 12 noon at Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce.
Benton Harbor situation featured on Rachel Maddow show (see end of story)
By Eartha Jane Melzer | 04.20.11 | 8:01 am
The impoverished former industrial town of Benton Harbor has become a flashpoint in the controversy over the new law that allows the governor to appoint Emergency Managers with virtually unlimited authority over local governments.
Benton Harbor Emergency Financial Manager Joe Harris speaks during a town hall meeting Thursday in Benton Harbor.
On Thursday the state-appointed Emergency Manager Joe Harris used the expanded powers granted by the new law to issue an order banning the city commission from taking any action without his written permission.
Benton Harbor City Commissioner Juanita Henry says her constituents are angry and looking for help, but without the power to hold meetings the city commission can’t even provide an official venue for citizens to ask questions and get answers.
“They are using Benton Harbor as a test case,“ Henry said. “If they have disenfranchised the people so badly they just don’t respond to anything, they can do this all over the country.”
Community activist Rev. Edward Pinkney said that many Benton Harbor residents only learned that their city government had been sacked by reading about it in the paper days later.
Though home to the corporate headquarters of appliance giant Whirlpool, the city lost its last manufacturing plant this year, almost half the population lives below the poverty line and the public lakefront has been privatized as part of a luxury golf development backed by the Whirlpool corporation.
(An appeal of the conversion of the city park is underway in federal court.)
Gov. Jennifer Granholm approved a state takeover of Benton Harbor’s finances last year after the city needed help meeting payroll.
Relations have been strained between the elected officials and the Emergency Manager Harris. In January the city commission tried to oust him after criticizing his expenses and his plans to cut the fire department. (Go to http://bentonspiritnews.com/bh-city-commission-protests-budget-cuts-p3633-1.htm to read about Harris’ cuts.)
“People should be paying attention to what is happening here because Benton Harbor is GROUND ZERO for the future of what is to become of our state under Governor Rick Snyder,“ said Carole Drake, who fought the privatization of Jean Klock Park in state court.
Locals in Benton Harbor said they will work to repeal their state Rep. Al Pscholka, who sponsored the bill, as well as State Sen. John Proos and Gov. Rick Snyder who also approved it.
A group called Heartland Revolution is planning to rally at the Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce at 38 West Wall Street and march to City Hall on Wednesday, April 27th [at 12 noon] to protest the takeover of the city.
The total suspension of power for local officials has brought Benton Harbor’s situation into focus for other Michigan communities, where people now worry that growing budget problems could mean that they will face similar loss of assets and control.
“I have been in touch with people all over the state via e-mail, face to face and Facebook … this is a hot topic all over the place and our community FB page A Referendum to Reject PA 4 has quickly quadrupled in size in just the last 24 hours as we have reposted the link with our different contacts,“ said Traverse City activist Betsy Coffia. “I think Benton Harbor really shook some folks up.”
Coffia said that repeal advocates are talking with legal experts about how to draft official language for a petition.
According to information from the Secretary of State website, in order to have a referendum on a newly enacted law petitioners must gather signatures from 161,305 people — five percent of the number that voted in the last gubernatorial election.
The signatures must be submitted within 90 days of the end of the legislative session in which the bill was passed. If the group manages to gather enough certified signatures, the Emergency Manager law would be automatically suspended until a repeal vote can be held on the next general election date.
“Education is key as the groundwork is laid for an organized referendum to repeal,” Coffia said. “This motivates me to educate as many people as I can so that we will be fully prepared to sign our name as registered voters repealing this law.”
(VOD Ed.: As AFSCME Intl. Rep. Herbert Sanders told the April 13 rally in Lansing: if such measures do not work, “WE WILL SHUT THE STATE DOWN!!)
Directions | Distance | Time |
Start: Depart Start on W Lafayette Blvd (West) | 0.5 | 0:01 |
1: Bear RIGHT (West) onto John C Lodge Fwy | 0.1 | 0:01 |
2: Take Ramp (LEFT) onto M-10 [John C Lodge Fwy] (M-10) | 0.3 | < 1min |
3: At exit 2A, keep RIGHT onto Ramp (I-75 / Toledo / Flint) | 0.1 | < 1min |
4: Keep LEFT to stay on Ramp (I-75 / Toledo) | 1.2 | 0:02 |
5: Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto I-96 [Jeffries Fwy] (I-96 / Lansing) | 19.8 | 0:17 |
6: Road name changes to M-14 (M-14 / Ann Arbor) | 15.5 | 0:13 |
7: Merge onto US-23 [M-14] | 1.9 | 0:02 |
8: At exit 45, keep LEFT onto Ramp (M-14 / Ann Arbor) | 0.5 | 0:01 |
9: Road name changes to US-23 Bus [M-14] | 1.1 | 0:01 |
10: At exit 3, road name changes to M-14 | 3.0 | 0:03 |
11: Take Ramp onto I-94 (I-94) | 138 | 1:58 |
12: Construction near Jackson (WB) (August 13, 2010 – April 15, 2011) | < 0.1 | < 1min |
13: Interchange closed in Portage (WB) (November 1, 2010 – July 31, 2011) | < 0.1 | < 1min |
14: At exit 33, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto I-94 Bus (I-94-Br / Downtown / Benton Harbor / St Joseph) | 3.6 | 0:05 |
End: Arrive End | < 0.1 | < 1min |
Total Route | 186 mi |
By Roxanne Cooper
Benton Harbor, MI is 10,235 population town. 85.5% of the residents are African-American. The per capita income is among the lowest in the state: $10,235.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder recently castrated the city government of the struggling town, using his controversial “Emergency Financial Managers” law. The law, as Raw Story previously reported, allows Snyder to “take over municipalities that don’t pass a financial stress test.”
On Tuesday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow made the case that Snyder, Whirlpool (global headquarters in Benton Harbor), Harbor Shores (a developer) and assorted political cronies are using the newly enacted law to grab prime beachfront property deeded to the city’s residents in 1917 in order to develop it into a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course and luxury “signature” homes.
Watch this segment, which aired on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show on April 19, 2011, by clicking on
Pingback: Corruption in Benton Harbor-Michigan | SevenSevenEight
sO,AS PEOPLE ARE MAKING THEIR VOICES HEARD,THEY NEED TO MAKE EVERY MINUTE COUNT! aDMIT THEY HAVE ISSUES DEAL WITH THEM,SHOW THEIR pROOFS BFORE THE bILLS pASS. eVERYTHING IS good! FOR HOW LONG WILL WE NEED EMERGENCY MANAGERS? What can we do now to avoid Emergency Managers? Emergency Manager is good for how long? you need something as chaos continues. those who cannot take care of themselves,their environment,if they don’t,somebody else will. why do people wait for these kinds of things to happen?
This is time for people to come together with REAL plans! THIS IS ONLY A TIME FOR US ALL TO wake up AND SEE WHAT WE ARE really DOING.
Moving,relocating,dislocating,participating,planning,aSegregating,ll is good for how long? Seems we discover more and more land to develop. As we do this ,we need to replenish,redo what we have ,we need to take care of what we have.
If you have people who do not care,do not see,who complain,do not understand,rather than?
Everyone just work together please!!! Cooperate! Snyder has good intentions!!!!?? just MOVE,RELOCATE,DISLOCATE,TEAR DOWN,MAKE NEW!!!!!!!
Lore’ Loretta Sue Phillips
Independent REsearcher
I live in Florida (where we have a newly-minted teabagger governor of our own to contend with), and it’s clear to me that Michigan is now the battlefield that Wisconsin was (and continues to be) two months ago. What’s going down in Benton Harbor and Detroit is beyond appalling: privatize the schools, sell off (i.e., steal) the commons and kick out elected city governments and replace them with satraps (is this CONSTITUTIONAL?). And, as with Wisconsin, I expect very little of this gets on network news. Please, folks, for the sake of our republic fight this every and any way you can. Those of us who know will bless you.
I am so glad to see people standing up for what is right and just. Are we living in a democratic society? What’s going on in mid western states are horrible.I will not say”unimaginable”because history DO repeats itself. The”silent majority”all over our nation must make their voices heard.