From Tom Barrow
On November 3rd of last year, the city conducted its general election for mayor at which 120,951 votes were cast. Afterwards, we asked for a recount of 500 of the 600 precincts comprising 114,718 of the votes cast. The recount revealed that of the 114,718 ballots we attempted to recount, 59,135 (54.5%) were tainted including 49,486 ballots which could not be recounted at all because the seals on their cases had been changed and were not the seals recorded by election night workers. (ed. note: that included ALL the absentee ballots.)
We all know well that election workers are often senior citizens who take take ENORMOUS pride in their jobs. They wrote down the seal number that they themselves put on the case. It is painfully obvious that the cases were entered after election night. A change of only 9,692 ballots would have altered the outcome of the contest.
Every objective and fair minded person should be angry and demand accountability as it is clear that only the passage of time it takes to now go to fight legally gives Mr. Bing a false appearance of legitimacy. He was not elected! The law is CLEAR and no winner could ever be valid when 54% of the votes can’t be recounted and are tainted.

Jimmie Thornton (r), who has since passed, listens to Tom Barrow at Call em Out summer 2010 backyard picnic
Two judges in the circuit court recused themselves and did not want to touch this case. It was a third judge, set to retire in July, who finally refused to allow us to file our complaint for Usurpation (writ of mandamus) as clearly allowed under the law. The Court of Appeals also refused to allow US to proceed but laid out a road map for the next person. No…..they are wrong…the system is protecting itself and I know what we saw at the recount when I got on my hand and knees and caught the fraud. It is being hidden because it is so huge.
Accordingly, we have filed an Emergency Appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court. This Court has the option to hear or not hear the case so it up to them to intercede. If what we discovered here had happened in someone else’s city, the news media and others would be all over this and there would be investigations galore…but it didn’t happen somewhere else, it only happened in Detroit.
Go to the link below to read the facts given to the Supreme Court. Share this email with your friends and tell your friends to do the same…the public has to know what happened or it will continue by the same official who has likely been doing it for a long time. We as a city must demand answers and accountability for what is compelling evidence of electioneering . Someone either sitting in the office or remotely is selecting our leadership and using the law to frustrate the truth. I am only the messenger who uncovered the crime and has chosen to fight rather than lay down!
To read the facts, GO TO:
To obtain a copy of the entire appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court, email your request to .
Warmest personal regards,
Tom Barrow
VOD: The Michigan Supreme Court later denied Barrow leave to appeal. Ruling is at MSC denial of Barrow leave to appeal.
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