By Fige Bornu

July 27, 2011 

WCHB 1200 AM in Detroit is using its radio airwaves to protect the Detroit Police Department’s heinous and murderous participation in the killing of 7-year old Aiyana Jones, and the public must not stand for it.

WCHB 1200 AM promotes constantly the Detroit Police-sponsored group, Detroit 300, a group that hunts for suspects that the Detroit Police are looking for.

Aiyana Stanley-Jones will never have another birthday

Ironically, Detroit 300, has not and will not go after the Detroit Police Officer Joe Weekley, the officer whose gun discharged into little Aiyana’s skull. Even more, Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee praised Officer Weekley as a professional whose work for the Detroit Police Department has been superb.

PLEASE stop WCHB 1200 AM by demanding that its advertisers suspend spending and promoting their products on this rogue radio station. 

VOD ed.: VOD supports this campaign completely. It is time to stop allowing ourselves to be divided by people who advocate collaboration with the police. 


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  1. Kaleema says:


    I found the article pretty good, but do not understand the connection to Detroit 300 which seems to be doing a great job in organizing the community to fight crime at the grassroots level. And I don’t think Detroit 300 has a cozy relationship with the Police department, one of its founders was block from a seat on the board of the police commission for the city of Detroit, by the police department itself. The article would have helped me more with additional information on the officer who fired the bullet, the circumstances of the evening, the continuing investigation (what is the status of the police department’s investigation now) and if this type of police work is still occurring. As far as the boycott, I don’t listen anyway.

    • Diane Bukowski says:

      The Voice of Detroit has posted NUMEROUS articles on the Aiyana Jones case from VOD’s inception in August, 2010, which have the information you are seeking regarding Joseph Weekley, who fired the shot that killed Aiyana, as well as the investigation of the case. It has been concluded by the State Police and is awaiting Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s decision on whether to prosecute anyone (the State police recommended a warrant for a man, but did not identify him). If you seek this information, all you need to do is put “Aiyana” in the VOD search engine and bring up the stories mentioned. You can also find articles by this reporter on the case in The Final Call and The San Francisco Bay View newspaper, and previously The Michigan Citizen newspaper, which discharged me in Aug. 2010 after refusing to publish my article on the Detroit March to Redeem Aiyana’s Dream as well as several other articles on police department issues. Those articles were submitted to the Final Call and SF Bayview and published, as well as here in the VOD (VOD’s first article was on the march). Regarding the Detroit 300, have you been with them on any of their expeditions into the community to observe their actual behavior, which has been criticized by many? A correction–Raphael Johnson was blocked from sitting on the Police Commiission board by the Mayor, who appoints its members, and since then has appeared with Police Chief Godbee as a partner of sorts. What has been ignored in the major media and the Michigan Citizen since my dismissal have been continuing incidents of police violence against the community; ask any young Black person in this city how many times they have been illegally stopped and searched. Read VOD stories on the frame-up trial of Jason Gibson, the case of Davontae Sanford, the Detroit police crime lab frame-ups, the case of Maryanne Godboldo, whose child was seized from her by an army of police, and more. How can ANYONE in good conscience collaborate with the Detroit Police in ANY fashion? Crime in the community results largely from severe economic deprivation and international drug-trafficking sponsored by the U.S. Government (read recent article “Targeted dead journalist Gary Webb’s allegations of federal involvement in drug trafficking further vindicated.” It’s still in the recent posts. What the police department is doing is taking the focus away from the REAL CRIMINALS FROM THE TOP ON DOWN, THE MILITARY AND PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES, THE PRESIDENTS WHO WAGE WAR AGAINST IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN AND LIBYA (60 PERCENT OF THE U.S. BUDGET IS SPENT ON THE MILITARY), AND DOZENS IN THEIR OWN RANKS WHO HAVE MURDERED DETROIT RESIDENTS AND ARE STILL ON THE STREETS WORKING FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. I am highly surprised, actually, at the lack of political understanding shown in your comment since we do know each other.

  2. Debra Taylor says:

    I stopped listening to 1200 months ago; I became discouraged with the inability to share an idea, facts that didn’t seem to be tolerated. MASON on 107.5 fm WGPR is a great alternative! 6:00 am – 10:00 am

  3. Roland Lawrence says:

    WCHB 1200 AM might as well network with Rush Limbaugh, and similar media racists because its mission has been anti-Black Detroit, and certainly anti-Justice for Aiyana Jones.

    From Mildred Gaddis to Angelo B. Henderson, its programming is one that caters to the bold and horrific takeover mantra as the classic “Negro Removal” campaign is in full effect in Detroit. Much like its old strategy, Detroit and its corporate structure are at it again with the same formula: Detroit is either ALL BLACK or ALL WHITE. This pathetic modus operandis has made Detroit and its business community the laughing stock of the country. But, they are at it again, and I say to this “No Justice, No Detroit.” As Detroit rebuilds, we must take this opportunity to make sure ALL of its varied communities are part of its renaisance.

    Even more, WCHB 1200 AM has been center in the effort to downplay and protect the Detroit Police involvement in the murder of Aiyana Jones. For this reason, I strongly support hitting this radio station financially by targeting its advertisers.

    If we are to lose Detroit, let’s make sure we fight hard to keep it.

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