September 21, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protest taking place in New York’s financial district has reached its fifth day. It started out with about 2000 people, but over the past couple of days those numbers have dwindled down to a few hundred. ThinkProgress.org attempted to send an email from their yahoo accounts with the words “occupywallst.org” in the message but when they tried to send it they got an error message. Any email sent with the words Occupy Wall St or Occupy WallSt.org were being caught in spam filters and blocked. Yahoo has stated that this was not on purpose. But privacy blogger Julian Sanchez points out otherwise.

VOD ed.: The MSN Hotmail account I use to send email alerts (diane_bukowski@hotmail.com) has been entirely blocked since I sent out a VOD alert Sept. 21 to my list which included “Wall Street Occupation” in the title.

To watch live stream of Wall Street occupation, click on original VOD story at http://voiceofdetroit.net/2011/09/18/peoples-occupation-of-wall-street-has-begun/ which has live stream link.

Bloomberg Riots: Mayor Mike Says High Unemployment Rate Could Trigger Riots in U.S.



By IBTimes Staff Reporter | September 17, 2011 12:48 PM EDT

The U.S.’s high unemployment rate and poverty rate is setting the stage for riots, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Friday cautioned that the nation’s policy makers — public and private — must take action to create jobs and lower the U.S.’s high 9.1 unemployment rate or social unrest — including riots — could ensue.

Speaking on WOR-AM radio Friday, Bloomberg, an Independent, said the inability to find work carries the risk of increasing social unrest.

“You have a lot of kids graduating college can’t find jobs,” Bloomberg, The New York Times reported Saturday. “That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid,” he continued, referring to the uprising that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the more recent protests against the Spanish government’s austerity measures. “You don’t want those kinds of riots here.” 

Bloomberg added that he disagrees when others assert that President Barack Obama caused the unemployment problem: that’s false, according to Bloomberg’s analysis. 

Obama inherited a problem “that built-up over long periods of time,” Bloomberg said.

The record bears Bloomberg out. The bulk of the job losses in the 2007-2009 recession occurred in the early phase of the recession — or were lay-offs stemming from what was then a President George W. Bush-led economy that had slowed massively in 2008 due to the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble. In other words, the bulk of the lay-offs stemmed from an economic collapse in 2008, and it meant that the next president, whomever it was, in 2009 would inherent Bush’s job lay-off legacy. 

The U.S. unemployment rate is 9.1 percent; New York City’s unemployment rate is 8.7 percent.

What’s more, Bloomberg is not the first, high-profile public figure to sound the alarm regarding the possiblity of social unrest in the United States stemming from a lack of jobs. New York University Economics Professor Nouriel “Dr. Doom” Roubini has cautioned that the popular demonstrations and social unrest seen in the Arab World, in Israel, in Greece and most recently, in the United Kingdom, will not end there — soon enough, they will hit other advanced economies and emerging markets.

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