Brian Hurding

EMA VP Brian Hurding (white haired man at helm) enjoying his yacht on Canada’s waterways, evidently unworried about Toronto floods.

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4 Responses to Brian Hurding

  1. Willi says:

    Will the GLWA make a difference ?

  2. Saulius Simoliunas says:

    EMA report is a comedy. How can one cut 81 % from workforce and do well? There is no proof for such an action. Why hire such consultants, whose work is patently false? It seems that Hurding’s argument goes like this : if one does not pay wages, then one saves the money for wages. It is like saying if one does not use gas for driving, then one will save gas money. But will he be driving? If Hurding would have talked about new technology and how automated it would be, then one may look at his argument. But he did not talk about new technology. Hurding’s argument is basically flawed and can not be rescued.

    • Saulius Simoliunas says:

      Hurding uses Toronto sewage system as his model for reduction of workforce. However, Toronto uses even more people than Detroit system and serves about the same number of customers. Thus Hurding is not telling the truth. By the way, Toronto system is technologically superior to Detroit outmoded system and would not be so labor intensive. This canard was not uncovered by DWSD management and Detroit Board of Water Commissioners. The big question is why did this contract pass through?

      • Willi says:

        As 2015 rolls around and Metro Detroit now has the GLWA, will anything change under the supervision of of Sue McCormick at DWSD ? Macomb Executive Hackel seems to think the Clinton River is pristine as is Lake St. Clair the Detroit River and all the Great Lakes.

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