Free Detroit No Consent protest outside Snyder appearance at MOT Nov. 1, 2012.

Free Detroit No Consent protest outside Snyder appearance at MOT Nov. 1, 2012.

 By Joyce Moore

Former City Charter Commissioner 

March 3, 2013 

Joyce Moore

Joyce Moore

I am a concerned resident, Tax Payer in the City of Detroit and a Citizen of the United States. I am writing this because I can according to my unalienable rights.  I don’t understand how it is that when the people voted not to have an emergency financial manager (EFM) in the City of Detroit, Governor Synder decides to ignore the will of the people.

In a recent article he indicated that he has an emergency financial manager as a candidate in mind.  He also indicates in the article that the person would be in charge for 18 months.  Isn’t that just about the time when the governor is up for election and Governor Snyder leaving office? What damage, what back-room commitments has he made and has to keep and most of all what has he stolen from the people in the City of Detroit? If the state owes the City millions, then why aren’t they paying? That would eliminate some of the debt burden! 

Gov. Snyder after the repeal of PA 4.

Gov. Snyder after the repeal of PA 4.

We need to take a closer look at Snyder, what are his real plans and motives and what is he really in office to do?  He says that he will continue to take a salary of $1.00 (one dollar) as governor but where will he get his money knowing that as a CEO he made close to two (2) million dollars a year?  There needs to be a law that states that if you are elected to a public office then that is the only salary you are entitled to during your term as a public servant.  This is clearly a conflict of interest. 

If he implements his plan for an Emergency Financial Manager for the City of Detroit, this would be an abusive act of power as Governor of the State of Michigan. Further, the Tax Payers of the City of Detroit don’t need to continue to pay the elected officials $100,000.00 (one hundred thousand dollar) salaries, specifically; council members, mayor and city clerk as their authority would be relinquished. They are not performing the job as elected to do, “by the people and for the people.” 

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