Kid Rock gets award from Rev. Wendell Anthony, head of Detroit NAACP, during Freedom Fund dinner. Anthony also sits on the board of the Detroit General Retirement System, and remarked at its meeting Wed. July 8 that Greece needs an Emergency Manager!
Why are you a member of the Detroit NAACP…? (Facebook page)
July 11, 2015
DETROIT— Let’s be clear, when Kid Rock speaks on matters of social issues he speaks for all those who support him. That includes organizations that have honored him. The Detroit Branch NAACP led by Wendell Anthony honored Kid Rock.
Kid Rock told Rev. Charlies Williams II and Rev. Al Sharpton both who represent the National Action Network (NAN), and Sam Riddle, to KISS HIS ASS!
Kid Rocks speaks for Wendell and the Detroit Branch NAACP. Kid Rock supports waving the Confederate Flag and all that it stands for. Wendell Anthony and the Detroit Branch NAACP support Kid Rock!
VOD: Mr. Parr asked Rev. Charles Williams in an earlier post: what are you going to do about it? That question should also be put to NAN’s national head the Rev. Al Sharpton.
The MLIVE story below includes clips from the racist national coverage supporting Kid Rock, e.g. comments about how much Kid Rock has allegedly done for Detroit, and who the real villains in Detroit are: the city’s Black leadership for the past 30 years. http://www.mlive.com/entertainment/detroit/index.ssf/2015/07/kid_rock_tells_people_boycotti.html