Jones beat Sheldy Smith at Detroit Receiving Hospital while she was unclothed
Jones won re-trial (set for Feb. 22,2022) after jury convicted him
DPD promoted Jones to Sergeant after beating

DPD officer Dewayne Jones at court hearing
Detroit, MI – Members of Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight (DRACO), and others, held a news conference Jan. 12 to express their displeasure with the injustice surrounding the August 2018 beating of hospital patient Sheldy Smith by then-Detroit Police Department Corporal Dewayne B. Jones. Community members picketed outside the courthouse.
“Dewayne Jones was able to get a promotion in spite of being a convicted violent criminal,” said DRACO leader Scotty Boman. “Now he is trying to be exonerated while his victim (Sheldy Smith) remains captive and isolated from her family. This isn’t justice.”
Boman noted that the Detroit Police Department’s contract is up for renewal. He called on the Board of Police Commissioners to insist on a clause in the new contract, barring usurpation of the BOPC’s authority to be the final word on promotions. The BOPC originally refused to approve Jones’ promotion, but it was re-instated by an arbitrator.

Judge Kenneth King
Jones was convicted of assault and battery on March 19, 2019 after a jury trial in front of 36th District Court Judge Kenneth King, in connection with the beating, but King sentenced him only to one year of probation, which he completed May 1, 2020. His case was then re-assigned to Judge E. Lenise Bryant.
He appeared in front Judge E. Lenise Bryant to confirm the probation results and appealed the 2019 jury verdict.
On April 21st, 2021, Judge Bryant vacated the verdict, and granted Jones a new trial.
“The defense attorney at trial failed to act in a manner consistent with what a reasonably competent attorney would do at a very critical point in the defendant’s jury trial as it related to the correct jury instructions to be presented to the jury,” Judge Bryant said in granting a motion by Jones’ defense attorney for a new trial.

36th District Court Judge E. Lenise Bryant
On Jan. 12, Jones had a pre-trial hearing in front of Judge Bryant. His new trial is set for Feb. 22. See Case No. 1806106901. Dewayne Berran Jones, Assault and battery case, here.
Call Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy at
For more information, please contact:
Scotty Boman, D.R.A.C.O. Founder
(313) 247-2052 [Voice only] (313) 338-9769 [Text only]

Ashley Smith, victim’s sister
Phone: (254) 290-7303
Lory Parks, National Action Network (313) 492-6774