Video above courtesy of Michael Thompson Clemency Project on Facebook
“State of Michigan is worst state in the country on sentencing” –Sheldon Neely, Mayor of Flint, uncle of Michael A. Thompson
Featured June 19 in Flint: “The Sentence of Michael Thompson,” currently featured at film festivals nationally

Ricardo Ferrell

Mike McCurdy
By Ricardo Ferrell, VOD Field Editor
& Mike McCurdy, Co-Director MTCP
FLINT MI – Freedom fighters from the Michael Thompson Clemency Project (MTCP) and multistate cannabis operator Cresco Labs hosted an event at the historic Capitol Theater in downtown Flint on Juneteenth which marks 157 years ago today that slaves in Galveston, Texas were told, and finally realized, that they were free. Now, in that same spirit of freedom, the MTCP is working to achieve freedom for several deserving individuals through clemency who have served 3, 4, 5 decades behind bars. Earlier this year the MTCP received a grant from Cresco Labs to help in their efforts in preparing and presenting applications for commutations of the small group to the governor’s office.

Michael A. Thompson dedicated the Flint Juneteenth event to the memory of his son. MTCP Facebook
The event featured a special screening of the documentary ‘The Sentence of Michael Thompson’, a documentary short that has yet to be publicly released and is currently screening at film festivals nationwide. The attendees included; politicians, civic leaders, attorneys, advocates, families and friends, all supporting the event. At the conclusion some shared these reflections:

Leroy Washington
“Although we’ve remained in touch by daily phone calls, frequent Jpay emails, and monthly visits, it’s nothing compared to actually having your loved one at home.
As I was getting things in order, so I could board a flight to Detroit, my recollection of my father being free permeated in my mind. I was just turning 4 years-old when my father and I last saw one another on the outside.
My father’s absence for these past 27 years, has been so hard to bear. However, the strength that he’s shown has resonated in me. I can honestly say, it was my father’s guidance, inspiration and unconditional love from behind those walls that has helped me become the successful woman I am today. Despite being in prison, my father was able to create a curriculum for my Anti-Bully Crusaders Organization.

Lauren Washington
While I was in college, I shared with him my passion for wanting to rid all learning institutions of bullying and making them all ‘Bully Free Safe Zones’. He sprung into action and helped me create this life changing and saving program. I am very proud of my father LeRoy Washington, and want to see him get a second chance. I applaud the efforts by the Michael Thompson Clemency Project to advocate for my father’s release and well-deserved freedom. I am so happy that I traveled all the way from Dallas, Texas to first come visit my father on Father’s Day morning, then attend this phenomenal event on the day that celebrates freedom,”

Stevon Ferrell
“Late last month, I had already planned to travel to Ohio to spend the Juneteenth weekend with my daughter Jahne’ and my grandchildren, as my granddaughter Dalylah would be celebrating her 4th birthday on June 19th. Also, I would be there for Father’s Day. But those plans quickly changed when I learned of this event.
My brother Ricky, who you all know as Ricardo, went away to prison when I was only 3 years-old, I’m 44 now. I called my daughter and told her I had to go up to Flint to support her uncle. I said, “Nae Nae, I’m still going to be there Saturday for the birthday party, but I’ll have to leave by one pm on Father’s Day to make it to Flint in time. I wasn’t going to miss this event. And, I will like to extend my thanks to Michael Thompson and everyone who is working to secure my brother’s freedom.”

Sheldon Neeley, Mayor of Flint/photo Michigan Radio
Other speakers included the Mayor of Flint, Sheldon Neeley and Charlie Batchell, CEO and Co-Founder of Cresco Labs. Both spoke strongly and passionately about the need for prison reform in the State of Michigan and supporting the work of MTCP.
With there now being a focus on criminal justice reform, antiquated policies and practices that often keep low risk elderly individuals in prison, this outdated practice definitely needs rethinking.
The star of the documentary and featured speaker of the evening Michael Thompson spoke about having served 25 years in prison before getting granted a commutation by Governor Whitmer. He spoke about how he will spend the rest of his life fighting for those still unjustly incarcerated.

Charlie Batchell, CEO of Cresco Labs (l), Marshall Clabeaux, MTCP (r).
Following Michael Thompson’s remarks the codirectors of MTCP Mike McCurdy and Marshall Clabeaux spoke about each of the 11 incarcerated individuals whom MTCP is currently fighting for. As each name of an incarcerated individual was announced, family and supporters yelled and cheered from the audience. Let freedom ring, like it has for Michael Thompson, for these individuals who are more than ready and deserving to be reintegrated back into their communities, where they can follow in the footsteps of Michael Thompson and be examples of hope, transformation and change.
Hopefully Governor Whitmer, who has said she is a strong believer in second chances, will move to grant the MTCP eleven submitted individuals clemency.
Home – Cresco Labs
RICARDO FERRELL, VOD Field Editor, has written more than 40 articles for the Voice of Detroit over the previous years. Put his name in the Search Engine to see those stories. Below is his article on the Anti-Bully Crusaders:
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