Obituary for Lovie Mae Rimmer | Q A Cantrell Funeral Services LLC.
My momma is my heart. On February 13th, 2023, at 11:00a.m., my heart stopped beating forever.
By Ricky Rimmer-Bey

Ricky Rimmer, son of Lovie Mae RImmer, during youth
In preparation of this missive for my mother, this is the hardest communication I have had to address due to the fact my emotions are RAW. With MOMMALOVE, I could talk about any subject and she would always give me her honest opinion. When I would call home, before hanging up, she would always ask me, “RICKY, when are you coming home?” I would tell her about the filing of my case, and that I would be home soon.
I recall as a youngster coming to her with a falsehood that I’d prepared on my own, telling her that a group of boys had a hit out on me because I owed them five dollars. She gave me the five and watched me go to the corner store to buy five dollars worth of candy. She didn’t whip me for the lie, but sat me down and explained to me the meaning of being truthful. I learned then to not lie to her from that point on. She explained that by telling her the truth, that she would always know how to defend me. In later years, MOMMALOVE would always tell this story to many of my friends. We would all get a good laugh from it.
I love telling her stories of my journey here in prison. I would tell her stories about Abner,(my brother in -law), how he would squeeze a penny until the rust color would fade; she would crack up and that would make my day. Her and Cat told me how Abner had to go to the hospital due to eating good food at home after eating prison food for the past 45 years. I told MOMMALOVE that Abner ate cat head for 45 years, that all they had to do was feed him food out of the garbage can and he would have been straight. She and Cat got a chuckle out of that.
Everyone that knew MOMMALOVE, loved her dearly. She was a mother and granny to all. All of my Moors and prison family loved her dearly, they all call her MOMMALOVE.
I know it is not well to weep because of death, that it is selfishness to wish to call back departed souls. But it hurts so hard. My greatest fear came to reality when I called home and Cat told me she was at the hospital with MOMMALOVE , that she had a stroke. MOMMALOVE passed three days after her born day. I have never been to the zoo. We had plans to go to the zoo together. I will still go in remembrance of her, yet we all know and understand it will not be the same.
My momma is my heart. On February 13th, 2023, at 11:00a.m., my heart stopped beating forever.
Ricky Rimmer was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1976, and has been in prison since. His Motion for a New Trial is now slated for a hearing in front of 3rd Circuit Court Judge Christopher Blount on April 6, 2023. His supporters had hoped that his mother would see his exoneration and release in her lifetime. But he and his family are continuing that battle in her memory now.