Maryanne Godboldo’s attorney Allison Folmar talks to media as some of many supporters of mother listen

Maryanne Godboldo

“She did not shoot at the police”

CPS trying to force dangerous meds on child, attorney says

 Rally Sat. Apr. 2 at 9 a.m. at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church; custody hearing on child Apr. 6; mother’s preliminary exam Apr. 8

 Family calls for write-in campaign 

By Diane Bukowski

DETROIT –An outpouring of national support for Maryanne Godboldo, who refused to surrender her child to an army of police with tanks and automatic weapons, resulted in her release from Wayne County Jail March 30 on a personal bond of $200,000. A rally to support the mother and her right to prevent the administration of a dangerous drug to her 13-year-old daughter is set for Sat. Apr. 2 at 9 a.m at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit. Godboldo and her attorneys will fight to regain custody of the child from Child Protective Services Wed. Apr. 6 at Wayne County Juvenile Court.

Godboldo's sister Penny Godboldo comforts crying child as supporters including the Rev. Edie Worthy (to her right) look on March 27; Penny Godboldo is a Dunham-certified master dance teacher

“I feel wonderful and I’m very excited to see my daughter,” Maryanne Godboldo, 56, said after leaving the Wayne County Jail. “The support of the community has been unbelievable.”

Asked whether Godboldo fired a shot, her attorney Allison Folmar responded that it was just an allegation, and that Godboldo  “had to endure the onslaught of police unlawfully taking her child.”

Earlier, dozens of family, community and church members gathered outside 36th District Court Mar. 27 as Godboldo was arraigned on  charges of “one count of Discharge of a Weapon in a Dwelling, three counts of Felonious Assault,  three counts of Resisting and Obstructing an Officer, and Felony Firearm.” The charges, brought by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, could result in more than ten years in prison.

 “We’re supporting this family, they have been a pillar of the community and of our church,” said Rev. Edie Worthy, who heads the Social Justice Ministry at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church. A rally there, at 18700 James Couzens near Seven Mile, is planned for Saturday, April 2 at 9 a.m. with a march to follow.

Judge Sidney Barthwell, Jr. had just levied a half-million dollar bond (cash or surety) on charges brought by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy against Godboldo.

Police armored vehicles roll down Linwood to battle mother and child March 27

 “The charges stem from an incident that occurred on March 24, 2011 at approximately 5:15 p. m. in the 2500 block of Blaine in Detroit,” Worthy’s spokesperson Maria Miller said.. “It is alleged that Godboldo barricaded herself and her daughter in her home for approximately 12 hours in a standoff with Detroit police officers.”

However, Barthwell contended that Godboldo “allegedly fired a shot and sprayed drywall at one officer.”

During the incident, Detroit Special Response Team (SRT) officers descended on the home with armored vehicles and assault weapons. Video footage shows individual officers staking out the house, taking cover behind trees with their weapons, as in a military operation. Godboldo eventually emerged from the home after discussions with community representatives, and was taken into custody. Her daughter is currently in the Hawthorne Family Center, although she was originally supposed to be released to her aunt Penny Godboldo.

Police with assault weapons stalk Godboldo's home

During the arraignment, Folmar argued for a personal bond, and was passionate in her defense of Godboldo and her concern for the child.

“My client did NOT shoot at the police,” Folmar said afterwards. “Child Protective Services was trying to force her child to take a dangerous medication, Risperdal, against her will. We have been able to get a court order signed by [Wayne County Circuit Court] Judge Richard Skutt, staying the administration of this drug, which is not approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) in such cases. That’s why they put her in Hawthorne, so they could dope her up.”

Folmar said Godboldo has a doctor for her daughter who practices holistic treatment, which she prefers. She said CPS has not told them what medical authority said the child would be endangered without it.

Go to and to view videos by two victims of Risperdal and tardive dyskinesia.

Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy

Sidney Barthwell, Jr.

A 2007 release from the FDA said Risperdal is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and “manic or mixed episodes of bipolar I disorder” in children.” Folmar said Arianna has not yet been diagnosed with any disorder, although she may possibly suffer from autism induced by vaccinations she received earlier.

She said the child had been taking Risperdal for months, and experienced adverse side effects, including excessive weight gain and uncontrollable facial grimaces. The last symptom, according to FDA literature, is associated with tardive dyskinesia, a usually permanent, serious and untreatable disorder. The FDA also says treatment with Risperdal can result in the onset of diabetes and hyperglycemia, and in some cases in coma or death.

Child's father, Mubarak Hakim

Folmar called the bond “outrageous,” saying Godboldo is no threat to her child or the community. She and attorney Wanda Evans, who specializes in juvenile law and is representing the child, said a motion to reduce the bond would be filed Monday. Godboldo’s preliminary exam is set for Friday, April 8 at 36th District Court (time to be posted later).

Mubarak Hakim, the child’s father, said Godboldo set an example for numerous other families, particularly in the Black community, whose children have been forcibly taken from them for questionable reasons.

“Child Protective Services is interfering with her rights as a parent to decide what doctor and what treatment is needed for her child,” Hakim said.

Margaret Warner, Child Welfare Director for the Wayne County Department of Human Rights, said she could not discuss the case individually for confidentiality reasons.

Margaret Warner

But generally speaking, she said, “We don’t just remove children; we have to get court approval, and then the court gives us permission to place the child. The parent(s) or whoever is responsible for the child must have put them in a situation of abuse or neglect. We conduct interviews with the parent, the child or a collateral contact and provide whatever services we can to prevent out of home placement. . . .[Then] if we think the child is at risk, we try to work with the parents to allow us to take custody. We really do work with the police when we have not been able to convince the parent. Parents do routinely resist.”

Starletta Banks in 2005 with photos of her children, who she had not seen since 2000; as of today neither she nor her family members have regained custody.

Warner said a hearing must be held in Juvenile Court within 24 hours of the child’s removal to allow the parent and their attorneys to dispute the removal. Since Godboldo is charged with a multitude of crimes, her ability to regain custody at this point is questionable.

Starletta Banks filed suit in federal court in 2005 after CPS snatched her three small children, Darius, Danielle and Darren from her loving arms in 2000, claiming falsely that X-rays of Danielle showed evidence of old fractures.

“The illegal stealing of our children nation wide is a very serious problem that is happening every day and in every state,” Banks told VOD. “Those involved such as judges, prosecutors, social workers, attorneys, physicians, child placement agencies etc. should be exposed, prosecuted and sent to prison.  The sole reasons that children are being stolen from their families and homes are the financial incentives associated with each child and circumstance.  There is federal grant money given to states and child placement agencies to create situations that do not exist to generate these funds.  The state of Michigan is financially broke, thus surviving on the backs of our children.

Banks’ family friend Irwin Johnson said during a state-wide protest against Michigan’s foster care system, “In Detroit and across the nation, it boils down to a racial issue. How can Black kids be over 50 percent of the foster care system, but make up only 20 percent of the population?”

Go to to read complete story by this writer on the Banks-Austin case. Also go to and to view startling videos of testimony on  “Psychotropic Drug Use Among Foster Children,” in front of a Florida Senate Committee in 2009.

Dr. Shirley Moore

Dr. Shirley Moore, National Director of Legislative Affairs for the American Family Rights Association, sued Los Angeles County for wholesale kidnapping through its foster care system.

“My lawsuit showed every foster care case was tainted because officials in Los Angeles County failed to disclose their conflicts of interest,” Moore said. In response to Moore’s actions, as well as an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit and an expose by the Los Angeles Daily News, a judge ordered a review of foster care placements in that county.

“Up to half of the 75,000 children in the systems and adoptive homes were needlessly placed in a system that is often more dangerous than their own homes because the county receives $30,000 to $150,000 in state and federal revenues for each placement,” wrote the Daily News.

For more information on the rally at Hartford Memorial, located at 18700 James Couzens Fwy. between W. Outer Drive and Seven Mile Rd,  call 313-867-4841 or email justice4maryanne@gmail.comMs. Godboldo’s supporters have now set up a Facebook page for her at : and a Twitter account at!/jstice4maryanne.

Additionally, her sister Penny Godboldo is welcoming letters of support as follows:

We thank you for your help!  Please have letters come to our email below:
If letters could speak to one or more of the following salient points:
1.  Parent has a right to defend home against illegal search and seizure.
2.  Right to provide medical care without state intervention.
3.  The function of Child Protective Services should be to unite parents with children rather than to separate them.
Much Love,
Penny (Maryanne’s sister)

Attorney Allison Folmar can be reached at (313) 930-2500. Starletta Banks, who has become involved with many other families experiencing custody battles, can be emailed at  

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  1. Pingback: The Godboldo Family Heals | Critical Moment

  2. Pingback: PsiOp Radio 143 – 110508 | ANOMALY RADIO

  3. Pingback: Detroit mother’s heroism sends message to all parents: Say “no” to child drugging |

  4. Pingback: Detroit mother’s heroism sends message to all parents: Say “no” to child drugging « Anti Oligarch

  5. J says:

    This is a perfect example of government knows whats best for you


    good people must get together or evil will win


    good will win but only when we stand up to evil

  6. Valerie says:

    Please sign the petition that the family has started:

  7. Ba Marley says:

    After watching parents at the airport just stand by, or just take pictures, while their children are molested, all I can say about this case:

    Maryanne Godboldo is my hero.

    Now is the time to recognize this problem.

    Another hero, Bob Marley says: “get up, stand up, stand up for your rights. get up stand up, don’t give up the fight.”

  8. Mike says:

    In addition, here is where you can submit comments to DHS. And below that is what I sent them. Join in.,1607,7-124-9202-118512–,00.html

    I can’t believe you people. Instead of concentrating on parents that take drugs or let their children take drugs, you arrest a mother trying to keep her child off them.

    Margaret Warner is now officially the wicked witch of the North.

    Incredible. Margaret if you had a half a brain in your head and actually INVESTIGATED the truth behind psychiatric drugs instead of listening to the ‘authoritative’ drivel of a shrink, you might understand.

    Scarier thought… you already have.

    And Maura Corrigan, you are the most irresponsible leader I have ever seen in my life. Your subordinates actions are a direct reflection of your leadership, and that reflection is abhorrent

    And Governor Snyder, is this REALLY how you wand to reinvent Michigan?

  9. Mike says:

    Margaret Warner’s boss… Give her a call or shoot her an email. Send mail. etc…

    Maura D. Corrigan was appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder as director of the Michigan Department of Human Services effective Jan. 14, 2011.

    P.O. Box 30037
    Lansing, Michigan 48909
    Telephone: (517) 373-2035
    Fax: (517) 335-6101

    • Diane says:

      Good point about Maura Corrigan. She was one of the reactionary, anti-people justices on the State Supreme Court before stepping aside to take this appointment as head of DHS. Be afraid-be very afraid.

  10. Eric D Jarman says:

    I’m outrage on many different levels; however,first
    And foremost a perceivable change
    In involvement must be implemented
    And shepherded through a national network. This
    Think tank will have on place the legal rights
    Of the disadvantaged. Mobilization needs to be swift. Join us at

  11. Steve says:

    Maryanne Godboldo is a hero and a patriot, standing up for her own and her daughter’s rights. The support that the community has given Ms. Godboldo for her actions sends a loud and clear message to the goons at social services that people will stand up for their rights.

    They have rights.

    We have rights.

    Know your rights and don’t ever let anyone or any agency (particularly government agencies) take away your rights or liberty.



  12. ADRIENNE TYNES says:


  13. Fige Bornu says:

    No more SWAT in our hoods.

    • Ba Marley says:

      “We don’t need no more trouble. What we need is love, to guide and protect us on. If you’re up, look down from above. Help the weak if you are strong.”

      ~ Bob Marley … freedom fighter, soul rebel, musician, farmer, philospher

  14. Pingback: Mother Jailed for Taking Vaccine Damaged Daughter Off the Drug Risperdal – SaneVax General Blog

  15. Pingback: Police use Assault Weapons and Tank against Home School Mom wanting to protect daughter from Dangerous Medications : TRUTH-MEDIA.INFO

  16. Laura G says:

    This is an outrage! Now we can’t even parent our children the way we see fit? We can’t refuse a treatment we do not believe in- even when there are dangerous side effects and there has been no diagnosis to support the prescription? This is government gone amok!

  17. Diane says:

    We are standing beside you Maryanne and lifting you up in prayer during this difficult time! I’m so glad to see the Facebook page and your website where we can all join in support of parents who love and protect their children from drug pushers! (whether they wear a white coat or are on the street corner!) I urge everyone to go to your website and donate anything they can spare in these difficult economic times… even 1.00 would help, we all know every penny counts! As parents, we all know that if not Maryanne, it may be us and our own child next. We have to stand together to protect our children from the medical drug abuse that is plaguing our nation right now!
    Bless you Maryanne, and may the Lord watch over your daughter until you can hold her again in your arms.

  18. Adinah says:

    I created a facebook page for Maryanne Godboldo. Please join and spread the word!

  19. Adinah says:

    This story is so upsetting – the state interfering with parental rights when there is no evidence of abuse or neglect. I think we all need to rally around this mother and support her in any way we can. This is a huge threat to our families, and our health and freedom.

  20. WA mother says:

    All eyes are watching and caring hearts are praying. Your strength gives others hope who are or will be going through this as more and more parental rights are chiseled away. 14th amendment that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Parents have a liberty interest in the care and custody of their children.

  21. Portia says:

    The main problem is “the best interests of the child” was the slogan used by Hitler and SS in Germany.
    To quote the Fuhrer, “When an opponent declares: ‘I will not come over to your side,
    “I calmly say ‘your child belongs to me already.
    Who are you? You will pass on.
    Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp.
    In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.’”
    This sums it all up.
    Bless those who now support this family, as it could be your family tomorrow.

  22. Pingback: Let the Gubment in and give up your rights--in that order. - INGunOwners

  23. maria says:

    As the mom of two special needs kids you have all my love prayers and support for both you and your daughter as well as your families, freinds and community. My son has autisim and my daughter has delays and adhd. I know how hard some of the decisions we sometimes face as parents of special needs children can be. May God be on your side and bless you and keep your precious daughter safe and well until she is put back into your arms where she belongs. I am behind you 100% Hang in there and keep fighting dont’ give up. As a mother you know what is best for you and for your child. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may he make his light shine upon you and be gracious unto you. God Bless you.

  24. Pingback: Police use Assault Weapons and Tank against Home School Mom wanting to protect daughter from Dangerous Medications | Health Impact News

  25. Maurine says:

    First terrible mistake was mandating vaccines for the child.
    Second problem was that she had a bad reaction to the vaccines, which are not safe to begin with.
    The vaccines obviously caused permanent damage.
    The state has no right to tell parents what drugs they should or shouldn’t put into their
    childrens’ bodies.(particularly after a state mandated the vaccines that made her sick).
    I believe the wrong person went to jail.
    I am so glad the community is rallying behind her. We must stop this pharmaceutical
    controlled country, supported by state employees, to run our medical lives–before it
    happens to more of us and our children.

  26. Erin says:

    I feel so bad for you and your daughter. I have twins with Autism and since I am the one that decided to make them, carry them and raise them I hope I can continue to be the one that decides what medical approach to take with them. I want you to know you have a lot of parents of kids with special needs behind you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of trouble. We all pray that God keeps your daughter safe until her safe return to your arms. You are an inspiration to many on standing up for what you believe is best for your child. You are in my prayers. Amen Erin from Pittsburgh

  27. Linda Amity says:

    We want you to know there are many families in Pgh., whose hearts and prayers are going out to you during this tragic time. We pray that God will bring about truth and justice for you and keep your precious daughter safe while you are apart, and bring her back to you immediately, where she can be cared for appropriately, as you were. There are so many similar stories of children who were placed on this medication, with similar results. We believe in what you are doing for your daughter. We pray God will make a way where there seems to be no way, as only He can, for you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Your family in Christ, Linda from Pgh.

    • vanissha says:

      The foster care here the state of michigan mess my life and my children lives. Back in 2002 I was convicted by a all white jury and they all was blood relate to police officers and law inforcers. One of the jurys was a retired detective. I and my 3 children were sadly done wrong by the state of michigan. 517 489-6009

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