Joyce Moore, Charter Commissioner 93-97

June 11, 2011

(VOD ed. note: Many Detroiters do not realize that they have the final say so on the draft Charter recently produced by the Charter Revision Commission. As former Charter Commissioner Joyce Moore says, we CAN and SHOULD vote NO!  VOD will publish an additional analysis of other problems with the proposed Charter revision.)



As you know crucial issues are coming before the voters in this upcoming November election.  These issues could become the demise of our city unless we continue to educate ourselves, our voters and mobilize now.

AFSCME Co. 25 President Al Garrett speaks against charter changes as others line up to call for a NO vote on revision, at Charter meeting Aug. 24, 2010

One of the greatest threats to the existence of Detroit is the revision of our City Charter which was not to be revised until 2018 and in a gubernatorial election (Section 9-403.)

The Detroit City Charter is our Constitution as it outlines the city council’s and the mayor’s responsibility and authority to the people.  It also determines the ownership of our valuable assets, such as Belle Isle, the Detroit Water and Sewage Department, the Public Lighting Department, Cobo Hall and the Zoo to name a few.

Compuware CEO Peter Karmanos bought prime downtown land for his HQ for $1 a block

The main issue of this Charter Revision is Districts.  The proposal for Districts was placed on the ballot illegally and was passed in the November 2009 election.   This issue of Districts alone now poses an even greater threat due to the need to draw boundaries. Ultimately, Districts will:

  • clear the way to take control of more of our assets, 
  • reduce the voting power for all the citizens, 
  • consolidate the voting blocks of those who wish to confiscate the most desirable and valuable areas in our city, 
  • finalize the concept as far back as 1972 of, a “City within a City”, and 
  • the Mayor will be in charge of city services.  The better services will be provided to those districts of choice. 

A clear example of these events is Midtown.  It is one of the choice areas of the City for Districts and is being populated by rewarding people to move into this particular area. 

One of Detroit's impoverished neighborhoods: what will happen to them?

The sad and devastating part is that most of the general public is unaware of the politics that is changing our city, partly because the mainstream media has not provided accurate information to the public. YOU MUST VOTE ‘NO” ON THE CHARTER REVISION IN THE NOVEMBER 2011 ELECTION and  BE PREPARED FOR A RE-COUNT.

 Detroiters cannot afford to sit by and watch others benefit from our struggle.  We must recognize our collective power to protect our votes and rebuild the city to benefit US.

By Joyce Moore – Charter Revision Commissioner (1993-1996) 

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