Govabuse protesters against government kidnapping in Chicago, Aug. 12, part of national day of action
Hearing on motion for summary judgment by defendants set for Tues. Sept. 20, U.S. District Court Judge Julian Abele Cook
By Diane Bukowski
Aug. 16, 2011
DETROIT — A federal civil rights lawsuit against Michigan Child Protective Services (CPS) worker Mia Wenk, her supervisor Monica Sampson, numerous other Department of Human Services personnel, the Detroit Police Department, private foster care agencies and shelters, and Family Court judges and referees is currently proceeding in federal court.
The lawsuit asks for injunctive and declaratory relief and compensatory damages on behalf of Nathaniel Brent, a Detroit father of five children with Native American heritage, who were removed from their home for four months.
Wenk, Sampson and other defendants in the case were also the chief protagonists in the removal of Ariana Godboldo-Hakim from her home in March, and her forced psychiatric hospitalization and medication afterwards.
Events described in the suit bear a striking similarity to events in the Godboldo case, down to the fact that the children were being home-schooled, as Michigan law allows.

Wayne County Family Court Chief Judge Leslie Kim Smith (l), Circuit Court Chief Judge Virgil Smith and DHS Director Maura Corrigan
Wayne County Family Court Chief Judge Leslie Kim Smith, whose rubber-stamped signature was affixed to the order to remove Ariana, the Detroit Police Department, and the Children’s Center, also involved in Ariana’s case, are included in a lengthy list of defendants. (Click on Mia Wenk federal lawsuit Nathaniel Brent to read entire lawsuit.)
Brent filed the suit in pro per on Feb. 22, 2011, prior to the Godboldo incident in March, 2011. It has been proceeding before U.S. District Court Judge Julian Abele Cook. It challenges Michigan’s state child protective laws as unconstitutional, both on their face and as they were applied in Brent’s case.
Brent says his 15-year-old son ran away from home. When police returned him, they at first contacted CPS but later withdrew the complaint. Brent says DHS policies specifically prohibit considering a simple runaway as cause for a CPS investigation.
However, Wenk gained entry to Brent’s home on Jan. 20, 2010 through “deceit and coercion” by claiming she was there to see that the child was ‘alright’ so she could close her case file, according to the suit. She did not inform Brent that the police had withdrawn their complaint.
“Upon entry to Plaintiff’s home . . . .Ms. Wenk began questioning R.A.B. [the child] . . . When Plaintiff objected to the suggestive and leading nature of the questioning Ms. Wenk then demanded to speak with R.A.B. alone and told Plaintiff father that he could not refuse or he would be in violation of law,” reads the suit.
“Ms. Wenk then had R.A.B. take her to his bedroom. Without parental knowledge or consent, Ms. Wenk ordered R.A.B. to show her the whole house. This constitutes an illegal search under U.S. Const.4th Amendment and Mich. Const. Art. I Sec. 11.”
The suit alleges that Wenk, her supervisor Monica Sampson, and intern Heather Decormier[McFarland] again entered the home on false pretenses the next day to take pictures of the premises, while Wenk kept the parents “distracted.” They claimed the visit was for the purposes of an audit. Brent again charges they conducted an illegal seizure and also committed a felony by taking the unauthorized photos.
Brent says that on Feb. 9, he informed Wenk that his children had Native American heritage and were therefore subject to provisions of the National Indian Child Welfare Act.
According to the NICWA website, “ICWA is a federal law that seeks to keep American Indian children with American Indian families. Congress passed ICWA in 1978 in response to the alarmingly high number of Indian children being removed from their homes by both public and private agencies. The intent of Congress under ICWA was to “protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families” (25 U.S.C. § 1902). ICWA sets federal requirements that apply to state child custody proceedings involving an Indian child who is a member of or eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe.”
The NICWA website can be accessed at http://www.nicwa.org/Indian_Child_Welfare_Act/.

Judson Center Wayne County Office, in Pinnacle Building in Redford, MI (Photo from Judson Center website)
Brent says that CPS personnel completely ignored this federal mandate and proceeded to refer his family to the Judson Center, one of a network of private agencies across the state that receive federal foster care funds for every child they remove from their homes.
At issue were needed repairs to the home and speech therapy for one of the children, which the suit contends should have been provided by state agencies as part of “reasonable efforts” to keep the children in the home.
During a “Team Decision Meeting” held over the phone with Brent and his wife, Feb. 18, the suit contends, DHS personnel hung up on them, and never notified them that they were filing a petition to take their children the same day.
At 6 p.m. that evening, the suit says, at least eight Detroit police officers arrived at the Brent home “with guns drawn.” Brent says when he answered the door, one of the officers said he had a writ to remove the children, but would not show it to him and forced his way past Brent into the home.
“After officers ‘secured’ the Plaintiff’s home and began removing the children,” says the suit, “Officer Jane Doe showed the plaintiff the writ. Plaintiff immediately challenged the writ as incomplete (writ did not have judge’s name in the proper place), contradictory, inaccurate description of the children, improper signature, and exceeding the jurisdictional authority of the court.”
The suit also contends that the request for the order was faxed to the court’s “web unit,” and says it is unknown if Judge Smith ever personally viewed the order authorizing the children’s removal or any other document “bearing her stamped signature.” It says the petition for the order did not contain any specific allegations of abuse or neglect.
Four of the children were placed in emergency shelters including the Wolverine Shelter, while a fifth child was taken to Children’s Hospital “for reacting poorly to this isolation.” The suit contends none of the follow-up care for this child was given to him when he was placed at Wolverine.
“During the time Plaintiff’s children were placed at Wolverine, Wolverine was operating under a provisional license due to environmental concerns,” says the suit.
It goes on to say that on Feb. 19, Wenk told the Wayne County Juvenile Court that Brent and his wife “have rifles and guns.” Preliminary hearings were held Feb. 19 and 24, presided over by Referee Nicholas Bobak.
“Neither Referee Bobak nor DHS would even consider placing Plaintiff’s minor children with their maternal grandparents, who were present in the court on Feb. 19, 2010,” says the suit. “DHS and their agents prevented the children from attending both of these court dates, thereby denying the Plaintiff his due process right of calling witnesses.”
The suit claims Bobak defamed Brent by stating in his order that he “had mental health issues,” with nothing to base the claim on.
“The defamation of father’s mental health tainted all further proceedings and was the basis for further judicial decisions,” says the suit.
Brent says his children were then placed with various “guardians,” but that on March 10, worker Shevonne Trice inspected his home and found it to be suitable for return of the children. However, Referee Anthony Crutchfield would not authorize their return. Meanwhile, the guardians were authorizing medication and immunizations for the children without legal authority, says the suit.
On March 26, the children were returned to shelters, including Methodist Children’s Home where they did not receive required medical care. Brent says one of the children, who was coughing up blood, ran away to obtain needed care at Beaumont Hospital.
On its website, the Methodist Children’s Home says, “Methodist Children’s Home Society is a volunteer driven, private, non-profit, non-sectarian child-care agency, which has a long history of caring for children from throughout Michigan. Our residential treatment program, Children’s Village, offers care for 70 boys, ages 10-17 who are in need of a highly structured intensive environment. Foster care, adoption and literacy programs are also available.”
Among other allegations in the suit, Brent says he recorded Wenk refusing to provide him with full copies of his children’s files.
The female children were then placed in Children’s Center. The suit alleges that a Children’s Center supervisor told Brent and his wife in the presence of the children, “If you loved your children you would accept the plea deal.”
That deal, offered by State Assistant Attorney General Linda Hendren, involved the parents pleading guilty to neglect allegations in return for regaining custody of their children. The supervisor also cut the father’s phone contact with his daughter’s off at the same time.
The parents were allowed no visitation time with their children pending trial, which began on May 10, 2010 in front of Judge Judy Hartsfield. Hartsfield recently received the ‘Friend of Children’ Award From Lutheran Child & Family Service of Michigan, another DHS beneficiary.
Finally, on June 6, 2010, after numerous irregularities at trial claimed by Brent in the lawsuit, all five children were returned to their parents.
The numerous defendants in Brent’s lawsuit filed various motions for summary judgment and/or dismissal in July, after repeated requests for extensions on time to reply were granted by Judge Cook.
One brief explains the results of the jury trial and subsequent return of the children to their family home.
“On May 11, 12, and 13 of 2010, a jury trial was held, and the jury determined that there were one or more statutory grounds for the Court to take jurisdiction over the Brent children based upon environmental neglect. The conditions of the Brent home were unsuitable, and it was also found that there was medical neglect of at least one of the children who was found to be suffering from lead poisoning and a severe speech impediment. Dispositional hearings regarding the placement of the Brent children were held on June 2, 2010, and the children were released to their parents, but remained under the supervision of DHS. On September 10, 2010, the jurisdiction of the Court was terminated. Plaintiff had improved the conditions of their home, had cooperated in receiving services provided, and the children’s needs were being met.”

U.S. District Court Judge Julian Abele Cook will hear defedants' motion for summary disposition Sept. 20
The brief calls Brent’s lawsuit “an impermissible collateral attack on state court proceedings” and “nothing more than a vexatious action by a disgruntled litigant.”
It goes on to say, “First, the present situation is an example of why judges, referees, and social workers are afforded immunity from suit to protect them from becoming defendants in suits filed by disgruntled persons who are unhappy with the judicial process. The referees and judges who adjudicated the state court case are shielded by absolute immunity. Furthermore, the social workers who investigated the abuse and neglect complaints against Plaintiff and participated in the state court proceedings against the Plaintiff also enjoy immunity from suit for their alleged actions or inactions.”
Despite the last claim, U.S. District Court Judge John Corbett O’Meara recently held that claims of immunity for the CPS worker involved in the Thal and Julian Wendrow were not valid, and has allowed the case to proceed against her, although he granted immunity to prosecutors Deborah Carley and Richard Gorcyca.
A hearing on the motion for summary judgment by the defendants has been set for Tues. Sept. 20, 2011 at 9:30 AM before District Judge Julian Abele Cook, whose courtroom is in the Federal Building at 321 W. Lafayette in downtown Detroit.
I am one of the children involved in this case and i also joined in on the lawsuit.
For those who have asked the case is still going.
Who was your attorney for this lawsuit. My kids were taken by CPS here in Howell, MI our case was an ICWA case and they never followed the law. We’re looking for an attorney who knows ICWA to sue Livingston county for wrongfully removing our children and not following the law.
Hello can you please give me the number to the lawyer over that case.Thank you
My 9 year old was bullied at school. Kicked, pushed, beaten by multiple students at a time, and stabbed with pencils. Prior to that, Samuel was always a happy child. I repeatedly complained despite the school’s refusal to address the issue. On 4/11/2014 , our lives changed FOREVER. After an argument on the phone his teacher, she filed a false report with CPS that led to series of very unfortunate events. On 5/8/2014, Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare Dept filed petition alleging physical & mental abuse, that I don’t want my kid, that Samuel had a mental disorder, and I could not take care for him. I stopped breathing. My only child was removed from school and placed into foster care for 6 months. No visits. No telephone calls. No letters. Not even a hug goodbye. I can imagine he felt lonely, afraid, and abandoned. My baby finally returned home on 11/7/2014 after trial ended. Just 2 weeks prior to his 10th birthday. The court found that my child was not in need or protection or services.
An inquiry has been completed by Wisconsin representative Evan Goyke’s and Wisconsin senator Nikiya Harris-Dodd’s offices. They have also requested an audit regarding the Bureau of Milkwaukee Child Welfare (BMCW’s) practices.
Although Samuel is home, the fight is not over. A complaint has been filed with the Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General Allegation Management and Fugitive Enforcement Division for investigation of possible fraud. For 7 months after Samuel returned home, there was an open claim for disability benefits that was filed by one of the entities involved. My son is not and has never been disabled physically or mentally. It was closed after I contacted Congresswoman Gwen Moore’s office.
A complaint has been filed with the Citizens Commission on Human Rights regarding the psychiatrists involved and the administration of psychotropic medications in a healthy child.
The NAACP and the ACLU have not been helpful. Recently, I have spoken with many attorneys that have informed me that I can sue the entites as well as individuals involved in federal court. A well known and highly respected attorney said that my case would be “setting the precedent”. My interpretation: ground-breaking. I am a single, hard working, college educated, and loving parent. Alone, do not have the means to obtain an attorney. We need your help. Please contribute to this fund. Be a part of change in a very corrupt system and keep families together.
Media related links:
Love Always,
Natisha Street
Amy Steger MSW has been very cruel to me, a mother of 2 children and now a divorced wife. She has bullied me, she has threatened me, she has lied time after time. She has already had my children taken from me on 3-26-2015. Without cause!!! She used Kaylyn Cox SSW from Bethany Christian services to force me into ridding to a Van Bureen Community health center knowingly I had the stomach flu. Kaylyn Cox spoke with a doctor while I sat in the waiting room for 30 min. Then I addressed the receptionist that “I’m able to speak on my own behalf, so this visit isn’t mine!” I walked home in the freezing cold weather sick with the flu. After an hour and a half Kaylyn contacted me and asked where I went. I told her that her games she is playing with Amy Steger are not in anyone’s best interest and I have a doctor whom I saw the day before. March 25th 2015. Kaylyn pressured me into allowing her in to my own doctor’s visit , then Kaylyn was trying to tell my doctor I needed medication due to her’s and Amy Steger’s abuses that they have caused my family and I. When I returned home after picking up my daughter’s friend from school on 3-25 -2015 Amy Steger, along with my daughter’s father and the state trooper were in my driveway. She came to kidnap my children illegally!!! She then lied in the court on the 27th of March 2015. Amy Steger continues to force her bullying ways upon me. She’s guilty of many thing’s as Kaylyn Cox is as well. The court appointed attorney doesn’t work for me – rather he’s working for the court as he said he was. They have a date set for a bench trial 5-28-2015 and once again they are all lying and saying it’s based on fact’s when it’s based on hearsay by a bunch of corrupt crooks! My civil right’s have been have been infringed on as well as my political right’s, among being hated due to my Jewish belief’s, but also knowing that I was going to be divorced and preying on my weaknesses and distracting me to even file for grant’s to go back to school! Amy Steger and Kaylyn Cox, Along with Paw Paw court house is full of bribery, liars, falsified , exaggerated fiction stories that aren’t in anyone’s best interest’s. Causing more abuse, on top of a abuse, and denying a mother who has suffered enough abuse in a life time a time to heal – they have worked to break the constitution, many law’s , are guilty of abusing a family that’s been abused enough. They are guilty for denying the truth to be told. They have denied even U.S.P.S. mail to be sent out to file complaint’s about what’s going on and what they are doing! Enough is enough – this is a nightmare. If this is what kind of Social worker’s and small town court’s do to people then I can’t imagine what the whole state of Michigan is going to allow within it during the next few years. I’m not into drug’s, I’m not a risk to children. I’m not a risk to anyone! I have a clean record. A clean driving record. No criminal past. Amy has told me she will make sure that i had a record for life of what ever she say’s it will be on my record no matter what! I’m really sick to my stomach, and I hope that this ends soon. Amy Steger, Kaylyn Cox, Paw Paw court’s – the Juvenile and Civil as well as family, and criminal are all dirty of playing along with it’s okay to be liars and take bribes. It’s okay to steal kid’s away from an abused wife. It’s NOT okay! I’m standing up fr my right’s and if no one stand’s up with me – then it’s only going to get worse. We must stand up together and fight back! They all deserve to be in Prison for life for their deception ‘s of many. It’s disgusting !!!!!
Amy Steger MSW has been very cruel to me, a mother of 2 children and now a divorced wife. She has bullied me, she has threatened me, she has lied time after time. She has already had my children taken from me on 4-26-2015. Without cause!!! She used Kaylyn Cox SSW from Bethany Christian services to force me into ridding to a Van Bureen Community health center knowingly I had the stomach flu. Kaylyn Cox spoke with a doctor while I sat in the waiting room for 30 min. Then I addressed the receptionist that “I’m able to speak on my own behalf, so this visit isn’t mine!” I walked home in the freezing cold weather sick with the flu. After an hour and a half Kaylyn contacted me and asked where I went. I told her that her games she is playing with Amy Steger are not in anyone’s best interest and I have a doctor whom I saw the day before. March 25th 2015. Kaylyn pressured me into allowing her in to my own doctor’s visit , then Kaylyn was trying to tell my doctor I needed medication due to her’s and Amy Steger’s abuses that they have caused my family and I. When I returned home after picking up my daughter’s friend from school on 3-25 -2015 Amy Steger, along with my daughter’s father and the state trooper were in my driveway. She came to kidnap my children illegally!!! She then lied in the court on the 27th of March 2015. Amy Steger continues to force her bullying ways upon me. She’s guilty of many thing’s as Kaylyn Cox is as well. The court appointed attorney doesn’t work for me – rather he’s working for the court as he said he was. They have a date set for a bench trial 5-28-2015 and once again they are all lying and saying it’s based on fact’s when it’s based on hearsay by a bunch of corrupt crooks! My civil right’s have been have been infringed on as well as my political right’s, among being hated due to my Jewish belief’s, but also knowing that I was going to be divorced and preying on my weaknesses and distracting me to even file for grant’s to go back to school! Amy Steger and Kaylyn Cox, Along with Paw Paw court house is full of bribery, liars, falsified , exaggerated fiction stories that aren’t in anyone’s best interest’s. Causing more abuse, on top of a abuse, and denying a mother who has suffered enough abuse in a life time a time to heal – they have worked to break the constitution, many law’s , are guilty of abusing a family that’s been abused enough. They are guilty for denying the truth to be told. They have denied even U.S.P.S. mail to be sent out to file complaint’s about what’s going on and what they are doing! Enough is enough – this is a nightmare. If this is what kind of Social worker’s and small town court’s do to people then I can’t imagine what the whole state of Michigan is going to allow within it during the next few years. I’m not into drug’s, I’m not a risk to children. I’m not a risk to anyone! I have a clean record. A clean driving record. No criminal past. Amy has told me she will make sure that i had a record for life of what ever she say’s it will be on my record no matter what! I’m really sick to my stomach, and I hope that this ends soon. Amy Steger, Kaylyn Cox, Paw Paw court’s – the Juvenile and Civil as well as family, and criminal are all dirty of playing along with it’s okay to be liars and take bribes. It’s okay to steal kid’s away from an abused wife. It’s NOT okay! I’m standing up fr my right’s and if no one stand’s up with me – then it’s only going to get worse. We must stand up together and fight back! They all deserve to be in Prison for life for their deception ‘s of many. It’s disgusting !!!!!
I know this thread is a few years old, but I just ran across it today and felt compelled to comment. I had three children removed from my home in 1997 and even thought I did EVERYTHING that the court asked, my parental rights were still taken away and my children were adopted out. Two years later, I had another child, and she too was removed – no court order, no cause, just taken. Since then I have moved on with my life, my kids are adults except for the youngest, and I have contact with them all. I just found out that 1.5 years ago Wayne county issued a warrant for my arrest, for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, during a background check for employment. I now live in AZ, have for 15 years, and now I’m looking at having to go back to Michigan to answer to charges that the statute of limitations was only six years – this all happened 15 years ago! My civil rights are being trampled and yet there is nothing that I can do? I will start an aggressive letter writing campaign tomorrow – in the mean time, I cannot pass a background check and am having problems finding employment.
My name is Jonneshia Doss. I am involved in a CPS case for spanking my daughter back in September in 2012. In September of last year I spanked my daughter with a belt for continuous bad behavior, in school detentions, numerous referrals, and repeated phone calls home from her school. She was upset about being spanked, so she went to school the next day and lied to her teachers and said that I beat her with a belt buckle and stepped on her, (I am over 200lbs). CPS never even took her to the doctor to get checked out by medical professionals. She had some little marks but nothing remotely close to being beaten with a belt buckle. CPS and Warren Police Department was called by the teachers, so my 4 children were interviewed at the school for hours with no adult or parental supervision, and the answers were used to build a case for 4th degree child abuse, which I was charged with and all 6 of my children removed that very same day(9/28/2012) and placed in my sister’s care. Two CPS workers showed up to my house along with 4 WPD cars, in which my children were in the car with them. They searched my house from the top of the house to the basement, refrigerator, cabinets, and everywhere with no warrant or just cause. Lindsey Rauch CPS worker had me pull my 3yr old son and 1yr old daughter’s clothes down in front of all those people to make sure no bruises were present. October 2, 2012 there was a meeting held over the phone in which I was asked questions and was basically told by CPS they were seeking termination of my parental rights and that I wouldn’t be getting my children back. So I was given a court appointed attorney Paul Kushner, who was the worst I have ever seen. He didn’t object to anything, question anything, or do anything that would help me to get my children back home. In October of 2012 I submitted to my first random drug screen, which was negative, found my own counseling services, enrolled in parenting class, and followed all of CPS’s recommendations. I was only allowed a visit once a week for 1 hour with all 6 of my children, and a visit with my 1 and 3 year old for 3 hours a week. The supervised visits were held up at the Macomb County DHS office in Clinton Township on Dunham rd and I had to catch the bus there. I spent November and December of 2012 going back and forth to Macomb County Circuit Court doing DNA tests for my children, so it was a waste of taxpayers money for answers I had already given them. I had been back and forth to court monthly until February 26, when the children were adjudicated and had became temporary court wards. I started parenting classes in January and graduated in March of this year. I had submitted to more random drug screens, psychological evaluations, and everything recommended. The Parent Agency Agreement was then entered into court in February of this year and I was already 80% completed with the services they were asking me to do before I was ordered to do them. I am currently on probation for a year for spanking my daughter as well, so I comply with all the terms of my probation. I had my youngest baby, which is now almost 3 months old and CPS removed him from the hospital and gave him to my mother because the other kids are in care. The children were given an attorney, Dana Krause, who doesn’t meet with them, interview them, or even observe a birth family visit so she is biased and don’t think that the children are safe with me. My sister has told everyone how well the visits go, since she is the children’s caregiver and no one ever listens. Macomb County DHS is unfair and not willing to uphold the laws they use to bring your kids into care they make to you. I have completed ALL services necessary to satisfy the court order. Karen Albany the present Foster Care worker, had recently added family therapy June 6, 2013, that didn’t start until September 15th and we have completed that as of November 19, 2013. The Foster Care Worker Karen Albany, and I have numerous emails, where she stated she put in referrals for family therapy to take place. At the time I was 32 weeks pregnant and she didn’t complete the referral until August of this year. I had my newborn AUGUST 28, 2013 AND HE WAS TAKEN AND PLACED IN FOSTER CARE SINCE FAMILY THERAPY WASN’T COMPLETED. This worker has never been reprimanded for taking her time with the completion of referrals and I am suffering without my children and my newborn. I was told when I completed my anger management therapy and submitted reports of my progress, I would be granted unsupervised visits. Once I did that, then something else was ordered for me to have unsupervised visits, so once I complete that, what else is going to be ordered to keep me from getting my children home where they belong. I have been more than cooperative and willing to do anything to prove to these people that I am willing to do any and everything to get all my babies back home. They treat people unfairly, give parents false hope of ever being reunited with their children, and they emotionally and mentally abuse children by keeping them from their parents. Please help us be united again. It is so many parents who are falsely accused and children wrongfully taken away from us parents, then make the children lie on their parents for title IV funding. We need to be heard. The prosecutor always threatens if we attempt to go to trial, so that the state has to prove their case, they will terminate me and my husbands parental rights. We don’t have any money for a decent attorney and we are unemployed due to the continuous demands from the DHS/CPS workers and the court. After 14months of supervised visits we were granted unsupervised day visits but since my newborn has been in care, and since we have not been receiving a lot of visits with him, he doesn’t really know us.
I found out on the cps website that they removed my children without a court order, and they weren’t supposed to. There was no immediate risk of danger or harm, no school reports, doctors reports, police records stating I have ever been physically abusive towards my children or anyone else. CPS removed my newborn and sent him to stay with my mother without even filing a petition for removal, or even a signed court order for removal of any of the children placed in foster care at this time. There were no reasonable efforts even made to prevent removal of my newborn, I have everything for him and my pregnancy was drug free. I had no knowledge or any education of what my rights are because they never tell you, that you have any rights at all. Lindsey Rauch of Macomb County CPS removed my 6 children without a court order and Ms. Lenden Favors of Wayne County CPS removed my newborn from the hospital without a filed petition or signed court order for removal of my children. We must expose these criminals because all our children are in danger. Macomb County DHS is making my 9 and 7 year old daughters have Psychiatric Evaluations to see if they need medication while they are in care, when they never had any mental issues before coming into the foster care system. I am requesting therapy reports for my children and my so called CPS records. This referee Diane Femminineo is biased in her rulings and is being unfair. She listens to the recommendations of Foster Care workers who don’t care to put families back together, nor do they follow their own Parent Agency Agreements or Service Plans. There are more parents like me, who are being wrongfully kept from their children. My children cry and their therapy records prove they were ready to come home a long time ago. These workers lie on the petitions and make up things about parents to remove the children, then never have any intentions of sending them home. We need to have our stories told so that these people can be investigated. I will be telling my story to state and government officials who are powerful enough to change things, contact sources who will be interested on how many laws are being broken, and who will be willing to get rid of workers who constantly break laws and violate parental and civil rights.
Thanks for listening Jonneshia
Feel free to contact me at dossjonneshia@yahoo.com
Heres a long story short. Several years ago, my fiances ex was convicted of child abuse and he was given custody of their three kids. He had a fourth child with another woman.Whine of the children died. Cause of death known, but circumstances were not. Could have been abuse, though he had never abused the kids. Could have been caused by a fall. Could have been caused by family history of blood clots. He was never arrested, prosecuted, or held legally liable…yet he lost tje other tjree kids. Eventually, the mother got them back. Fast forward to now. I had to file for DHS assistance even though I didnt want to. Apparantly, DHS has some red flag on him. His situation was in Wayne County. He and I now live in Isabella county. They are now opening a case against ME because we live together and I have my son there. As though that isnt enougb, he has just started redeveloping a relationship with his boys, which his ex was ok with. Yep. Was. Until they called HER and told her he is being investigated. can anyone help me find an attorney that is willing to put a stop to this DhS harassment??? Jbackus5181@gmail.com
My wife & I need a mi. Attorney who’s file our lawsuit. We have been turned away by attorneys who won’t touch the case. We are seeking 5mil in family damages. Please email me. Thank You ps, we live in Calhoun county
Hi my name is karen and i was wondering if anyone can tell me how to sue muvhigan cps for harrassment the judge dismissed a petition against me in febuary and they were still cimming out offerung me voluntary programs and whrn i declined them because i just had a baby they came in anf gound any reason to take my kids they have been removed for a month now anf we have not even had our probable cause hearing we asked for
During a nervous breakdown st clair county dhs coerced me into signing off on my special needs son who has mental disabilities. Steven Sanchez lied to me and said we would have phone contact and visitation. Now they will not allow us any contact. This occured june 4 2012. I am now seeking legal justice. If anyone knows how or who can help please let me know.
I applaud you for filing your suit. It would be wonderful if your lawyer wanted to gain other clients and make it a class-action lawsuit. I completely understand what you went through, as my family is just now able to breath a sigh of relief from being out from under their control over the last 3 years. We had many lies and corruption going on in our case extremely similiar to yours. We also had Referee Bobak and Judge Hartsfield involved in our case, both of which also made inappropriate and biased comments about us and our case in court as well. I was even threatened by a caseworker to “tell him what he wanted to hear, or he would terminate my parental rights”. Our children were placed into foster care (and eventually returned), and it has permanently fractured our family.
What amazes me is that this corruption and abuse to citizens can be so widespread, occur for so long, and become a money-making machine for the state; however there is very little media coverage, protests, lawsuits, etc. regarding this matter. It is sickening.
God bless you and your family, and it is my hope that you get the justice you deserve. No state department should be above each person’s constitutional rights!!! Thank you for having the courage to do this. Had I not been so emotionally exhausted and disenfranchised with the legal system, I would have done the exact same thing.
My lawsuit is still pending right now the CPS employees have appealed the denial of absolute and qualified immunity, unfortunately this will be a long drawn out battle due to layers using every trick they can to avoid the inevitable.
Thank you all for all the support.
Heather Decormier McFarland stole my disabled 24month daughter without a court order or petition or warrant. Didn’t receive a petition until 4 months later. Got her back in 2013 after father was found guilty for sexually exploiting her. Janna had a probate Judge named Brian Sullivan but recently I checked online and it’s showing she’s only been in front of Judy Hartsfield which is not true nor her judge!!??
did this man win his lawsuit against cps caseworker.
i call 51 + attorneys! no colorado lawyer want to sue dhs,cps for me fluck them,and all over, i finally be able to learn my own self,with help from agency,network of paralegal
and law students,at C.A.I.T.(civil right attorneys in training they are called)_sue cps.
yep,they help me so much,and from bellaslawstudents,i PRAY your winning your suit.
your clearly violated.
i pray for your family. i FEEL YOUR PAIN,crooked,undereducated,bias people and to say they are not scare to be sued,JUDGE IN CALI google it just weeks ago think diff.
She say they are FRIGHTEN petrified to be sued, all depend on who is able to write a great lawsuit,and have it filed TIMELY before deadline etc. and a FAIR fed.judge or in state ct.but mine is file in fed.ct.too.
either way i commend you on suing without a lawyer,becoming a attorney yourself really is what your doing when suing on your own pro-se,that is so smart,and i am hoping to see if some one UPDATE US,i do not read any place on line or facebook the suit was a win.
so, what happen at summary judgement thing?please let us know if your going to the appeal higher fed.ct. of appeal and or U.S.supreme ct. or your own state supreme what happen.
God bless. i know this much if your not trying to sue pro-se self file,yes we all will always be violated.I am suing myself,now and i m so happy,reach me any time with a update thank you.god speed to you.mY Lawsuit is going so super well,as my brother in
california sue Fresno County,CPS and Sacramento,and both are doin well for him too!
so good luck,if your suit is still pending.If i did not sue,we my fam would of kep being
violated,and i would have never knew what it “feel like to be RID of cps”and seek a money damage award,for my pain suffering.my son deserve it,i deserve peace,and a injury did take place, judge agree,and now we are just waiting on the next phase.
Good luck to you please update me in a private msg.on facebook or over here,thx bye.
with love respect,from LAUREN.and son Connor.
How many homeschoolers has this happened to in Michigan? All they need is a “perponderance of evidence” that something has possibly happened.
No marks on kids and not allowed to spank? If you have kids /teens that just make something up – they believe every word – with no pictures of abuse and no starving kids.
Since kids can be so charming (thanks to parents raising good citizens)….they assume everything the kids have said it truth – since they have no history of bad behavior.
Mia Wenk is dirty and if the Federal Government don’t step in and do something about that CPS Office in Michigan on Canfield then they need to be help accountable also, they know that entire office is corrupt and nothing is being done about it, but it’s time for God to do something about it and Mia Wenk and Monica Sampson it’s your turn for God to JUDGE you all how about that we may think we getting away with something but you can’t hide from God, because he will stop you.
hey check me out on facebook Shirley Harrell and it was another worker by the name of Joyce Lamar that was over Monica Sampson well she was dirty also she talked to me any type of way and Dogged me out, well everyone of the women who went through what I did in the lost of their child stated that they hated her and they are glad that she dead and if they had the chance they would defecate on her grave I said well I don’t wish death on anyone and I am sorry for her family, but PLEASE PEOPLE treat these women that come through CPS as if they are your family and feel their hurt, because you never know when you may be entertaining an Angel.
They all have both absolute and qualified imminity. This protects time from lawsuit. They is exactly why they have no fear of lawsuit and exactly why they lie to take children. The more you fight them the more they dig a knife in you. CPS worker, who are not very capable and who are not paid a ton of money, greatly enjoy their power. They get off on putting you in your place. They get off on control. They get off on power. What must change are the immunity laws. If judges and CPS workers want protection from suit they can do like doctors do; BUY INSURENCE. Then when they get sued and loose a few times the insurence company can simply drop them and they can find a new job. One thing we do not need is judges, court actors and cps workers who lie. If they want to keep their jobs, it’s simple…don’t lie.
how do you sue them?
Good for him. I truly hope he wins. I just got my children back legally. They are still physically detaining one child. My case they illegally seized three of four children from my home based on very vague anonymous call. The whole ordeal was recorded including them stating they did not need a warrant to investigate a call. Cases all dismissed without substantiation.So we won . Did not appeal since we won. Yet the judge left a permanent protective order that states DSS can do anything they deem necessary and defines physical custody through the protective order that bars each family member from seeing the other and takes children away physically yet we have legal custody of all children. I tried Pro Se to file habeas was denied for lack of Jurisdiction since the Federal court has no cover sheet for a child detained by state Judge. Now attempting to file 42 USC 1983. Anyone can help me please let me know. My advise find the money for a court reported before you get to court and make sure you do not sign anything in advance. Make them prove their case. Put everything in writing, certified mail, return receipt, file motion to recuse Judge if she violates any Judicial canons. If you have an attorney he may not file this, you may have to get around this and there is a way to do this. Put everything you want your attorney to do in writing certified. I truly hope they get everyone of the caseworkers and police who think they have immunity and are totally above the law. I will pray for your children because most statistics show that children are harmed most often by people other than parents, such as foster care. It’s sad that the most valuable of all God’s gifts of the children and family are in the lowest tribunal of no record , where in secrecy parents and children’s guaranteed Constitutional rights are just stripped by corrupt Judges, Cps workers and sheriffs. The system is so corrupt it needs to change. The government needs to balance the funding and not allow such financial incentives for removal of children from their homes and parents. I wonder if it were reversed would their be so many children in foster care. Good luck to all who fall pray to DSS. Your children are just a money sign to them. God Bless
Sharron if this “order” was entered by the family court during the neglect proceedings it shouldn’t be valid unless the court is still asserting jurisdiction over the child in an actual order. “Any order entered without jurisdiction is a nullity and absolutly void” so if the court did not obtain jurisdiction through a trial or admissions over the child they lacked any jurisdiction to enter an order. Further this jurisdictional challange should be apealable to the court of apeals at any time as it is based upon subject matter jurisdiction therefor no statute of limitations apply. I am not an attorney but what i have stated here is based upon published Michigan Court of apeals and supreme court desisions.
My son gone for almost 2yrs because of a false petition. How did you file pro SE. I have to do it
My daughter and I are victims of CPS/DHS in St. Clair County – Port Huron, Michigan. My story is just like everyone elses; mental health issues, financial difficulty, instability,… My psychiatrist said in court that I was “stable and had the ability to parent my child”. My lawyer was strong, boisterous, and aggressive, and we still lost. The judge was reading a book while testimony was being heard. The foster care worker committed perjury several times, as well as the foster care parent. The foster care parent insisted that my daughter call her “mom” the instant she came to their home, while I still had my rights and supposedly, was working on “reunification”. It wasn’t reunification, it was separation from the very start. I took my case to the Michigan Court of Appeals and lost 1 to 3, and then to the Supreme Court which was never heard. I am a mess. Six years have gone by and I haven’t seen or heard from my daughter. This has forever messed up my life, and have lost all hope.
I would love to expose The Childrens Center and DHS for what has been THE MOST disturbing foster care/adoption case to ever go through those agencies, CPS and the Juvenile Court system in Detroit. It involves 3 siblings from one of the worst abuse cases in Michigan history, 2 gay foster parents, incest, 10 false CPS claims, rogue case workers and Risperdal. I’m currently in need of a Federal Civil Rights Attorney and am going to ask the FBI to investigate this disturbing situation…D. Jones
I truly understand the pain and agony. My 10 year old daughter is currently living with her stepmom who had tried to kill her when I was pregnant with her. The Detroit police is a joke. Child protective services is a joke. Adult protective services is better than child protective services. Don’t give up. You makes this a class action suit. I will join in if you do and and stand with you.
The nightmare is not only in Michigan it is an national epidemic. Actually worldwide.
Please see Darcy Spears two part story on Foster Care Nightmare.Here are the links to part one and part two.
As a result of her story families are reaching out to me to tell their story. Eerily all similar.
Here is a link of a few of us speaking out in front of the Clark County Commissioners Meeting.
We are now over 300 signatures on the petition! I am hoping for hundreds more.
We are in desperate need of media attention on this. Children are suffering greatly at the hands of the system. The DFS is able to hide behind the veil of privacy laws and are accountable to no one! This is a great travesty that we are allowing to happen to the children. Please contact me and be a voice for the voiceless.
This makes me afraid to have children in this country. The land of the free , yeah right
My 19 year old son and my 14 year old son have both expressed to me that they don’t know if they will ever have kids, based on our experiences as a family dealing with CPS’ corruption. 🙁 So sad, they are both awesome young men who would make excellent fathers but they have grown up with fear and paranoia (and rightly so). It breaks my heart.
on 10/03/2011 a trip is planned to participate in the taping of “Silent Voices” so that those of us who wish to can tell our CPS story. Call Safanya @ 313-208-9051 for more details. we need to bring this to Congress’ attention because Michigan’s Child Welfare practices are out of control.
Please go to the http://www.parentalrights.org website and get involved by getting informed and sign the petition. Our liberties are being diminished every day and we need more people like Mike Adams @ naturalnews.com keeping us educated on what is happening to our freedoms. We are a homeschooling family and are members of hslda.org (Home School Legal Defense Association).
Absolutely nobody especially state workers, Prosecutors, Judges, police officers, CPS, employees, politicians, nobody should be immune from illegal actions that harm or cause harm to people. If a law is violated then the person or persons that violated the law or a person’s rights should be subjected to the same law that anybody else is subjected to. With immunity from prosecution that means that people in those positions can legally break the law, violate a person’s rights and get away with it. Either we are a nation of laws that everybody is subject to or we are not. The law should apply equally to everybody or the law itself should not exist.
I agree 100% with your statement a law is a law, and should apply to every one living here. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
My family went through 3 years of torture because of CPS and their unfounded allegations (thought-crimes for which they extracted a “confession” from my wife by drugging her up). Justice was never served, and our family only barely survived to get out of the system (though they kept garnishing my wages even after the court case closed). Good to see someone getting somewhere shutting these criminals down. Maybe we should move to Michigan, that seems to be where all the progress is going on… (If anyone wants to bring our family’s case to court and go after Nebraska, my main concern is for my family’s safety– if there’s a way to go after them without putting my family at risk again, I’m all for it)
“The suit claims Bobak defamed Brent by stating in his order that he “had mental health issues,” with nothing to base the claim on.
“The defamation of father’s mental health tainted all further proceedings and was the basis for further judicial decisions,” says the suit. ”
There isn’t a CPS file that isn’t padded with lies, innuendo, wild exaggerations, psychobabble and pure drivel. It is vitally important that a legitimate legal process that complies with the Constitution is put into place to protect families from CPS abuse.
Those who want the state to determine the best interests of the child claim they’re in favor of “children’s rights”, in spite of the atrocious record for human rights abuses government “child saving” agencies have earned. Those who favor “parental rights” are slightly off the mark as well. When criminally insane “do gooders” like Wenk break up families, the people whose rights are totally forgotten are those of the children. It’s the children whose privacy is shredded, who are kidnapped, held prisoner, interrogated mercilessly, deprived of medical care, stripped of their possessions, deprived of emotional support and generally treated like commodities.
The cruel games played within CPS agencies around the country scar parents horribly, but they devastate children.
How would you like a criminal lunatic like Wenk to kidnap you, subject you to involuntary medical exams, have you repeatedly and mercilessly interrogated, strip you of everything you hold dear, keep you from the slightest communication from your family, and label your every objection to these cruelties as a manifestation of a mental illness that must be treated with psychotropic drugs? What if you were a child?
These people must be stopped. What they do to families is awful. What they do to children is pure evil.
I had to post this:
The following case fixing tactics are taking place in our courts across the United States and around the world against parents, pro se litigants, indigents, and crime victims:
“Impute” income to jack up child support orders.
Lower a fit parent’s parenting time to jack up child support orders.
Dole out restraining orders like candy.
Allow perjury and other fraud upon the court.
Promote fraud upon the court.
Commit fraud upon the court in orders
Suppress evidence.
Ignore evidence of criminal misconduct.
Ignore precedence.
Deviate from the presumptions of equal custody, decision making, parenting time, etc., without a showing of parental unfitness.
Pit moms against dads in a “custody battle” and encourage domestic violence scams.
Encourage Parental Alienation.
Deviate from the presumption of truth in affidavits without cause or reason.
Reclassify pro se filings and then provide no reasons for denials or state something like, “To the extent that the father is requesting dismissal (or reconsideration, or…”)…
Deny access to the court system.
(From Brad Howe): Refuse to enforce visitation orders, but will enforce custody orders.
(From Jay Paul Vonkoffler) Upon the death of his ex wife, Jay’s child was given away to a man who has a record for violent assault against the mother and a record for abuse/negligence against then child, his daughter. Since Jay lives in a different state, he, like many of us, is treated by the Judicial Mafia as a criminal, forced to endure never-ending litigation and cost, and prevented from moving his daughter out of the county to come live with him, and thus lose their federal funding for his case.
(From Dawn Kelly) Base new rulings on evidence from a prior trial. Base rulings on their own “personal” belief and stating such on the record; Allow witnesses to discuss case openly outside of courtroom when instructed explicitly not to, giving the opposing side inside knowledge, time to change story, and advantage when testifying. Interviewing minor children in chambers with only a stenographer present. Ordering one of the parents to stop filing pleadings.
(From ChildrenNeed Parents Equally) Use the ‘status quo’ lie; Change the status quo from 50-50 to sole custody in favor of one parent, which breeds parental alienation. The more evidence of parental alienation, the wore the judge agrees with the court evaluator to change the status quo even further in favor of the custodial parent.
(From Julian Brachfeld) Refuse to order a warranted forensic evaluation in a case with clear and convincing evidence of emotional child abuse by the custodial parent.
(From Family-Court Political Prisoner) First judge failed to disclose business relationship with other judge who issued an “ex parte” restraining order (despite no request by police); After simply listening to wife’s attorney, judge told him he needed therapy; Referred both parents for DV assessments at a local battered women’s shelter that the court has a contract with; converted his property to his ex-wife and impoverished him; he is now indigent and homeless, but smartass judge still has the audacity to tell him to “get an attorney” if he wants help (which I have also heard countless times in my case because nearly all attorneys are participating in the buying and selling of justice these days and will gladly churn a case until the victim goes away).
Court Administration; State and Federal Clerks (this is a group to watch, as they appear to be benefiting from the kickbacks, payoffs, bribes, gifts, favors, etc., just like the corrupt judges and attorneys):
Issue their own orders.
Decide cases for judges (sometimes without their knowledge).
Deny access to the judicial system.
Refuse to file court documents.
Refuse to provide court forms.
Refuse to seal subpoenas.
Refuse to serve complaints for indigents.
Throw away or misplace indigents’ IFP applications and other court documents.
Alter the ‘Register of Actions’ when decisions are appealed.
Rename or renumber exhibits, or lump several exhibits under one number (so some or all can be withheld in the event of appeal).
Court Reporters:
Refuse to produce transcripts.
Alter transcripts when decisions are appealed.
(From Julian Brachfeld) Provide requested transcripts within hours for custodial parents (and prosecutors), but delay transcripts for months for NCPs, indigents, pro se litigants…
Refuse to answer discovery requests.
Refuse to dismiss cases that ‘ought not to be prosecuted.’
Knowingly advance a case without establishing probable cause.
Knowingly advance a case without jurisdiction.
Knowingly advance fallacious arguments and openly commit fraud upon the court.
Knowingly violate their oaths of office, both as an attorney and as a prosecutor.
Withhold exculpatory evidence.
Participate in the altering of exhibits.
(From Dawn Kelly) Traveling from one courtroom to another and billing two clients $350 for the same hour.
(From Dani McEvoy) Threatening and intimidating litigants to facilitate the case fixing. (In my cases, I observed law enforcement and prosecutors doing all sorts of things for the case fixers (who they should have been arresting) to pressure me into an unfair and unlawful plea deal in a criminal case and to get me to drop my complaints when I brought formal chargers against the case fixers.)
Public Defenders:
Refuse to do anything to defend.
Refuse to move for dismissal, challenge probable cause, challenge jurisdiction…
Refuse to order transcripts.
Refuse to do anything in writing.
Refuse to file court documents or just present them in court so the clerks can throw them away.
Make only verbal statements in court and only statements that will keep the case going.
Participate in the altering of exhibits.
All Officers of the Court, in conspiracy (Judges, Clerks, Court Reporters, Attorneys, Prosecutors, Public Defenders, etc.):
Learn of the parents’ finances from their Financial Affidavits and churn the case until they are broke.
(From David Carlin) Conspire and commit serious crimes against defenseless children and parents: Falsification of court records, fraud upon the court, case churning, abuse of discretion, theft of assets from families, theft of public funds, denial of children’s civil rights to access to both parents, creation of the need for their services, exploitation of children’s emotional stability during divorce, encourage Parental Alienation, and systematic infliction of PTSD, depression, psychological trauma, and other crimes against humanity; all to increase profits and federal funding.
(From JusticeFor AbdulrahmanKhalil) Intimidating parents and filing false criminal complaints against them.
(From Lisa Arlin) Churn adoption cases.
(From Diane Booth) Quebec is stealing children, processing them in secret trials, and placing them in group homes, for profit (just like CPS does here in the United States).
(From Frances Claspill) Use a “Hired Gun Psychologist” to render their professional opinion in a case, so judge can justify an arbitrary or biased order.
(From Lea Sage) `In chambers` meetings. (very common; Pro Se litigants: You have a right to attend these meetings, and while you are in chambers, ask the judge for his oath of office, as they are all required to hang it on a wall in their office; you can even stop a hearing or trial and ask to go in the judge’s chambers to see if his oath is displayed. Lea: Do this to Perkins next time in court.)
(From Chris Bengle) Refuse personal service of your motions and other pleadings; i.e. won’t accept their copy (there are many of these cowards in law; they know they don’t have a case, so they try to trip you up in a variety of ways like this).
Child Support Enforcement caseworkers:
Refuse to verify facts, review, adjust, modify, etc.
Refuse to credit payments.
Alter Title IV-D accounts.
Refuse to correct interstate accounts, sometimes under the guise of the ‘full faith and credit’ laws.
Steal and extort from the noncustodial parents, sometimes even under ‘color of law.’
Lien and levy bank accounts without due process, even kids’ trust accounts if held under S.S.# of noncustodial parent.
Suspend driver’s licenses without due process and refuse to use appropriate discretion to reinstate under the circumstances.
Report known false arrears balances to credit reporting agencies, and without due process.
Commit and suborn perjury.
Send Lien & Levy Notices to your bank, but hold yours so you will miss the appeal period.
(From Jeff Okkonen) Increase support collection, without a hearing, then garnish from paycheck, also without a hearing.
(From Brad Howe): Levy bank accounts repeatedly just to increase federal funding.
(From Dawn Kelly) Knowingly allow custodial parents to use child support money for expenses not related to child care.
(From Julian Brachfeld) Deny modification unless unemployed noncustodial parent (NCP) can prove they are mentally or physically incapacitated.
Law Enforcement:
Refuse to look at evidence.
Refuse to do investigations.
Refuse equal protection.
Refuse crime victim services.
Help paint the ‘breadwinner’ as a bad parent.
(From Dani McEvoy) Threatening and intimidating litigants to facilitate the case fixing. (In my cases, I observed law enforcement and prosecutors doing all sorts of things for the case fixers (who they should have been arresting) to pressure me into an unfair and unlawful plea deal in a criminal case and to get me to drop my complaints when I brought formal chargers against the case fixers.)
Guardian Ad Litems (GALs), “Child and Family Investigators” (CFIs), Child Protective Services (CPS), CAFCASS, Custody Evaluators, Psychologists, Women’s Shelters, Mediators, ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’ personnel, and other court cronies that help fix cases against the noncustodial parent (NCP):
Commit fraud upon the court in their Reports and Recommendations.
Commit perjury on the witness stand.
Program children to despise the ‘other’ parent, the noncustodial parent (NCP).
Coax children to act out against the NCP.
Ask the kids leading questions during investigations and misquote them if they say anything endearing about the NCP.
Refuse to interview the NCP’s witnesses.
Recommend psychological evaluations and then repeatedly contact the pschologist during their ‘independent’ evaluation to influence the report against the parent already secretly chosen to be the NCP.
(From Matt Thompson and Brad Howe) Ignore formal complaints and evidence, and tell the NCP to take their issues up in court; and going along with the custodial parent’s lies to the kids and frauds upon the court.
(From Paul James Summerfield) Cafcass canceling appointments, refusing interviews of parents, falsely reporting facts and refusing to correct mistakes in the record; Courts promising to sort out matters, but failing to do so.
(From ChildrenNeed Parents Equally) Kid’s counselor conspires with custodial parent to reduce the non-custodial parent’s time with the kids even further, and recommends police exchanges and supervised visitation.
(From JusticeFor AbdulrahmanKhalil) Protect abusive foster parents.
(From Julian Brachfeld) GALs telling the judge that NCP’s kids didn’t want them at their practices, games, or school events and that NCP’s calls and texts to kids to say ‘I love you’ were “harassing” them; CPS interviewing kids without either parent in the room and asking the kids pointed questions.
(From Family-Court Political Prisoner) Mediators conduct lop-sided fact-finding sessions in a way very prejudicial and unfair to the NCP, usually the father, and routinely recommend supervised visitation for the NCP; Women’s Shelter chosen by judge for DV assessments framed him for DV because he didn’t leave the house the moment his wife ordered him to do so, despite wife’s admission that she had physically assaulted him; when he began investigating them for corruption, they sent cops to his job to threaten him and the next day his children were completely removed from his care, without any court proceedings and based solely upon the decision of the shelter’s administrator; his parental rights were eventually terminated despite no evidence of abuse or unfitness.
(From Chris Bengle) Mediation will accomplish nothing. (Anyone have any experience with Mediators and ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’ personnel refusing to do anything or seeming to know all about the case fixing and participating?)
Apparently many Private Investigators, Court Watchers, Parental Rights ‘Advocates,’ the Press, and others that could make a difference for thousands of broken families if they weren’t receiving “Hush Money” from the Judicial Mafia:
Refuse their services to Pro Se litigants, indigents, NCPs and other ‘Targeted Individuals.’
This is a bigger problem that the average American can Possibly realize… If they did, there would be rioting in the streets until this corruption was brought to its knees! I am in this for the long haul. For my 7 children. For my wife. For others who suffer similarly. I WILL SEE THESE WALLS OF SECRECY BROUGHT DOWN! One jurisdiction at a time if need be…
You can learn more about me, my fight for my children, and my agenda at
Twitter: @4exposingrecord
Twitter: @exposingrecord
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/exposingtherecord.org
This corrupt system is why our beloved Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer was murdered along with her husband while they slept. Schaefer wanted the entire system nationwide abolished, because of its corruption and evil.
same unfounded accusations have taken place in many Alaska cases with the same results, judges thumbing there noses, agencies in contempt and families destroyed,,the fight needs to be brought back upon them, into there own homes, held against there professions and maybe then they would except accountability for there flagrant abuses
The claws of the pharmaceutical industry run deep. If you see anything that says Risperdal in a doctors office tell them you are very offended and walk out.
& I do reside in Detroit Mi. & had dealings with the same locations as Godboldo….. feel free to contact me (-:
What kind of behavior do they expect ppl to have. It was done to me in 2007 I understood the investigation but when everything my then three yr. old was speaking on evidence proving & showing it wasnt true Cps should have dropped the case or furthermore tryed to investigate why she was saying it. But they didnt & proceded to take my parental rights. I later showed up with a hired attorney then they decided to send my children home with therapy. I hope they all lose their jobs & be shut down for the pain & suffering they bring on ppl. I am willing to step up & tell my story along with proof that Cps doesnt act in the best intrest of the children. Feel free to email me, danadavis55@yahoo.com
This case, the Godboldo case, along with countless others shows a clear pattern of corruption in child protection, Detroit. Now, when is the F.B.I. going to step up and shut it down? First Detroit, then the next city, and the next until one by one, we have effectively put these criminals out of business. Yes!
It’s EVERYWHERE. This is a nation wide problem. 🙁
Truly, this corrupt system of kidnipping children from their biological parents has become an epidemic and a continual plague forged by Children, Youth, and Services. Also, they continue to utilize, and grossly abuse the Court System as a ‘Tyrant’ and ‘Big Bully’ to carry out these travesties of justice. Not to mention their sidekicks-the local law enforcement agencies. Who willingly, and knowingly disregard the law to commit unlawful acts/criminal offences under the color of law. Where’s the justice in this land. Where’s the integrity of our law-makers- Politicians, Mayors, State Attorney Generals, City Counsellors, U.S.Representatives, State Reps. State Governors, Civil Rights Advocates, U.S. Supreme Justices, U.S. Attorney General, Etc.