"Fascist:" Snyder on his way into Benton Harbor, the first victim of Public Act 4, on May 7, 2011. Hundreds protested.
“Fascist:” Snyder on his way into Benton Harbor, the first victim of Public Act 4, on May 7, 2011. Hundreds protested.



By Anthony Williams

(Williams video of DAC protest v. Snyder,story above)

Thanks to Mr. Williams for the pingback to provide his story to VOD. Please patronize his website at

March 10, 2013 

Protester at DAC March 8, 2013, as Snyder speaks inside.

Protester at DAC March 8, 2013, as Snyder speaks inside.

Many citizens of the city of Detroit are against having an emergency financial manager that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder decided to appoint after a response to a scathing report on the city’s finances from a “Financial Review Team” (FRT) appointed by Snyder, which concluded the city’s Black leaders cannot run Detroit. According to Voice of Detroit.

According to the Michigan Chronicle, The fight is not nearly over for EFM opponents who rallied on Friday, Mar. 8 outside the Detroit Athletic Club where Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was speaking inside.

Rev. David Bullock of Ranibow PUSH spaeks with other pastors including Rev. Charles Williams II (at his left) and Rev. Edward Pinkney (far right) during protest outside Snyder;s house MLK Day, 2012.

Rev. David Bullock of Ranibow PUSH spaeks with other pastors including Rev. Charles Williams II of NAN (at his left), Rev.Charles Williams Sr. (top) and Rev. Edward Pinkney of Benton Harbor(far right) during protest outside Snyder;s mansion MLK Day, 2012.

Members of the National Action Network and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, whose local leaders said Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to appoint an emergency financial manager represents a blow to civil rights and voting rights of African Americans in the nation’s largest city with a black majority, according to Detroit Free Press, led the protest.

“According to the Daily Press, the city of Detroit is citing a $14 billion mountain of debt, $327 million budget deficit and other issues, a state-appointed review team submitted a report to last month to Republican Gov. Rick Snyder.

City councilwoman Joann Watson said,” Many people here have their lives connected to the blood of the city, and they will never say die.”

Councilwoman JoAnn Watson at session March 4, 2013.

Councilwoman JoAnn Watson at session March 4, 2013.

At the rally, mayoral candidates Krystal Crittendon, the city’s former Corporation Counsel, and Tom Barrow, an accountant and financial expert, stressed that even under Public Act 72, there is no legitimate financial or legal reason for the takeover. According to Voice of Detroit

Crittendon earlier sued the state to void the Consent Agreement, saying “the state of Michigan owes Detroit over $300 million, including $224 million in revenue-sharing dollars.” The state itself is currently running a large surplus but has refused to provide financial help to Detroit, even withholding most of a $137 million state loan the city took out in April, to force the city to agree to Treasurer Dillon’s conditions. According to Voice of Detroit.

Detroit community leaders and residents have called on U. S. President Barack Obama and the entire nation to join them in their battle. They blockaded a city freeway March 7, stressing the need to affect commerce, and have been rallying throughout the city. They say they plan to educate and organize the city’s people, particularly the youth, by taking the battle to its neighborhoods, According to Voice of Detroit.

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  1. Dominique says:

    I believe in Detroit it’s a great city and I have faith in the god that has all the power to make miracles happens so I still believe in Detroit despite its faults……….

  2. Ora Jackson says:

    Hello Councilwoman Ms. Watson,
    You are an excellent force helping us see what’s going on in our city!. I work as a teacher in a charter school in Detroit, and I want to know when meetings are so that I can be a part of the fight. Many of our residents are ignorant to what is going on, and the Media is not showing what is really happening. I have lived in my home over 26 years and now two blocks down the street have turned to a blight. My taxes and insurance have increased but my home value has decreased. I recall when our urneighborhoods were populated, but the city of Detroit has been set up to fail, so that it can be taken over by outsiders. The residents of Detroit are being put out and houses torn up and torn down!!! We need to call for all residents, public workers and all stakeholders in the city to stand together. Forget the crabs in the basket, and let’s get together! Before those who are called ” HAVES’ take the resources we have!!! We should call for a BOYCOTT OF OUR CITY, shut all things down before it is done, and let’s the national media see what the people who live and work in the city!!!!

    I would like to stay inform and be a part of a force to be reckon with!!

    God Bless,

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