Sign the petition and Stand with Detroit: .
This video and webpage are authored by the AFSCME International Union. Suggestions I made when I signed the petition: BOYCOTT MICHIGAN PRODUCTS! GENERAL STRIKE ACROSS U.S. to save the nation’s largest and poorest Black majority city, with its proud history of labor and Black resistance to the banks and corporations which have devastated our beloved city.
Retiree Juanita Scott, shown on the video, worked with me at the Health Department before it was destroyed by Bing, Snyder and the banks, for many years. She was a union steward and is a stand-up sister. We went through strikes and grievance battles and efforts to stop the privatization of our historic department. Our Local, AFSCME 457, founded the Coalition to Stop Privatization and Save Our City in 1992 and kept the battle going for many years afterwards.

Herman Kiefer Health Complex a few years before it was dismantled. This building is now an empty shell, with services run by the private “Institute for Population Health” at Jim Holley’s Considine Family Center (a former city recreation center) on Woodward. Wayne County is supposed to take over Vital (Birth and Death) Records, which has documents going back to the 1800’s, a valuable historic resource for the people of Detroit. It is not yet determined WHERE it will be located.
See some VOD articles on to the Detroit Health Department and our Local’s resolution, sent to the AFSCME International in 1992, to investigate a moratorium on debt to the banks, at the links below.
Diane Bukowski, editor VOD