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War on Black youth locally and nationally

Renisha McBride, Michael Haynes, Aiyana Jones, Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis only a few examples

By Diane Bukowski


Feb. 4, 2014

McKenzie Cochran, 25
McKenzie Cochran, 25

SOUTHFIELD, MI — As depicted above in two videos, McKenzie Cochran, 25, a Black Ferndale resident, was likely murdered by white security guards at Southfield’s Northland Mall on Jan. 28. Pepper spray, combined with a guard’s knee on Cochran’s back as he cried out, “I can’t breathe,” and other restraints applied by multiple guards leave little room for speculation.

This is despite the callous reaction of Northland Mall management shown in the second video, and caveats from the notorious Oakland County Medical Examiner and Prosecutor’s offices that their investigation of Cochran’s death will likely take a long time.

VOD will be contacting Southfield mayor Brenda Lawrence, who is currently running for State Representative, regarding her plans for a response to this latest death, as part of an upcoming story on the killings and beatings of African-Americans at the hands of a predominantly white Southfield police force over the recent period. Those killings are being exposed by the group “We the People for the People.”

Michael Haynes II
Michael Haynes II

Detroiters have seen the tactics employed in Cochran’s death before, when Kalvin Porter, a 34-year-old electrician and father of six, died in 1999, protecting the honor of his young daughter. Gas station attendants Fadhel Mazeb, 46, and Adel Altam, 26, at Gratiot and Mack sat on top of him and cut off his ability to breathe. Five of his children watched as he died. The attendants in Porter’s case walked after Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Maggie Drake dismissed charges against one and a jury acquitted the second.

More recently, Michael Haynes II, 24, an unarmed Black youth, was shot to death by gas station attendent Ibrahim Saleh in March, 2012 in a dispute over the price of condoms. Saleh is serving a 29-month to 15 year prison sentence after Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Michael Hathaway dismissed first-degree murder charges against him and a jury found him guilty of manslaughter and felony firearms.

Renisha McBride, 19
Renisha McBride, 19

Cochran’s death also happened in the wake of Dearborn Heights resident Theodore Wafer’s slaughter of 19-year-old Detroiter Renisha McBride on his front porch Nov. 2, 2013. He was not arrested by Dearborn Heights police until after Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy insisted on further investigation. Wafer is scheduled for trial on a second-degree murder charge, June 2, 2014 in front of Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Qiana Denise Lillard, with a final conference April 4, 2014.

This Friday, Feb. 7, at 9 a.m., Detroit police officer Joseph Weekley will appear in court for a pre-trial hearing in front of Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway on charges of manslaughter and reckless use of a firearm in the death of seven-year-old Aiyana Jones during a violent police raid on her home May 16, 2010.

Aiyana Jones, 7
Aiyana Jones, 7

Meanwhile, on the national front, the trial of Michael Dunn in the killing of Jordan Davis is beginning this week. Dunn, who is white, killed Davis at a gas station allegedly during an argument over loud music. He has been charged with first degree murder. CNN has more on that in the first video at the bottom of this story.

It is evident that Black youth are at the center of a war on Black America that has been intensifying practically to the level of slavery days.

It evident in the massive incarceration of Black people depicted in Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow,” in the four Detroit police Gestapo raids on areas inhabited by poverty-stricken Blacks since Nov. 2013, and  in the takeover of the nation’s largest Black-majority city, Detroit, by banks and corporations using Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and the Jones Day law firm as their puppets.

Kenny Snodgrass’ commentary on the second video below of a protest after the Haynes killing raises answers as to what must be done to fight back.

Jordan Davis’ parents on CNN talk about his killing by Michael Dunn

Justice For Michael Haynes II – – A No Struggle, No Development! Production By KennySnod *

Published on Apr 15, 2012

Kenneth Snodgrass
Kenneth Snodgrass

We peacefully protest in the name of justice for the family of Michael “Fat Mike” Haynes II and the Detroit Black Community. We protesting against both institutional and community violence. We are protesting against the conditions that breed crime and violence in Detroit and across our country, which are rooted in our economic powerlessness. We protest the disrespect by racist whites and foreign merchants of us and our communities. We feel violence and crime in our communities is rooted in our dependency on a broken economy, our mis-education, poor leadership, our economically depressed communities and families.

Our peaceful protest is aims at closing the BP gas station on Fenkell & Meyers, and to demonstrate a Black Man’s life is worth more than some petty merchandise. We are venting our emotions while coming together as Detroiters to fight against the problems that have created so much senseless violence in our cities. We declare “WE” will be answer to the problems confronting our communities through collective unity; from collective unity we can accomplish any goals we set to achieve. Turn Tragedies Into A Triumphs – Join Us!

A No Struggle, No Development! Production By Kenny Snodgrass, Activist, Photographer, Videographer, Author of From Victimization To Empowerment…  eBook available at
YouTube – I have over 265 community videos and over 85,000 Hits
on my YouTube channel at 

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  1. dee says:

    You are so right, another black youth taken by law enforcement.
    Let’s do something. .Boycott northland mall untiljan.27,2015 put a hurting on owners wallet who showed that they didnt care and fully supported the action of his mall security guards. Boycott now. Come and participate. I will see you there.

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