Charles and Aiyana Jones

Charles and Aiyana Jones

Charles Jones: “All you’re doing is trying to cover up my daughter’s death because of a reckless officer.” 

Inside source: “It makes me sick to see prosecutors like Moran knowingly lie to put innocent people in jail. I still know good people in Kym Worthy’s office who feel the same way I do.” 

Source says deal in works to let killer cop Weekley off

Aiyana's mother Dominika Jones leaves court after hung jury in Weekley trial.
Aiyana’s mother Dominika Jones leaves court after hung jury in Weekley trial.


By Diane Bukowski

April 18, 2014 

DETROIT – Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Richard Skutt sentenced Charles Jones, father of Aiyana Jones, killed by Detroit police nearly four years ago, to 40-60 years in prison for second degree murder today. A jury earlier acquitted him of gun charges in the killing of Je’rean Blake, 17, the primary basis for the murder charge. Two jail-house snitches had testified that Jones gave Owens the gun to shoot Blake.

Skutt also sentenced Jones to 10 to 20 years for perjury.

“All you’re doing is trying to cover up my daughter’s death because of a reckless officer, but like Aiyana I refuse to be a victim,” Jones told Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Robert Moran, as Aiyana’s mother Dominika Jones wept uncontrollably in the courtroom. “I hope you go after him like you did after me. Here you are judging me like I’m not human.”

He told Blake’s mother Lyvonne Cargill, “As the father of a murdered child, I know how you are feeling, but I had nothing to do with your son’s murder.” He told his family he loved them and thanked them for being in the courtroom to support him.

Rafael Jones, 14, leads march for Justice for Aiyana and Charles Jones April 23 2012 at Frank Murphy Hall in downtown Detroit, grandmother Mertilla Jones at left, aunt LaKrystal Sanders at right.

Rafael Jones, 14, leads march for Justice for Aiyana and Charles Jones April 23 2012 at Frank Murphy Hall in downtown Detroit, grandmother Mertilla Jones at left, aunt LaKrystal Sanders at right.

Moran is also prosecuting Detroit officer Joseph Weekley, who shot Aiyana to death with an MP-5 submachine gun during a military-style post-midnight raid on the family’s east-side home May 16, 2010, as cameras from A&E’s “The First 48” rolled. Many have questioned Moran’s dual role, saying it is a conflict of interest.

Joseph Weekley as star on previous AE DETROIT SWAT website.

Joseph Weekley as star on previous AE DETROIT SWAT website.

Weekley was tried last year in August, but a jury deadlocked on the verdict.Jones’ attorney, Leon Weiss of the law offices of Geoffrey Fieger, said they are appealing the conviction and sentence. He told family members they began working on the appeal the day Jones was convicted Feb. 13.Judge Skutt delayed Jones’ sentencing four times.Chauncey Owens, Aiyana’s “uncle,” who lived upstairs from the Jones family, was earlier sentenced to life in prison for first-degree murder Feb. 13.

Meanwhile, an inside source with contacts in the Prosecutor’s office has told VOD that a deal is in the works for Weekley that would involve no re-trial and no jail time. He would plead guilty to reckless use of a firearm causing injury or death, while felony involuntary manslaughter charges would be dropped.

“It makes me sick to see prosecutors like Moran knowingly lie to put innocent people in jail,” the source said in a letter. “I still know good people in Worthy’s office who feel the same way I do. . . .My friend fears the prosecutor may be trying to pass the blame of Aiyana’s death onto the Jones family. . . .Please give the Jones family my deepest sympathies and condolences for their tragic loss. I only hope they can find peace in God.”

The source also said, “I realize this is a theory based on hearsay, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring more perjury charges against other family members.”

Kym Worthy testifies at state legislature hearing with Moran at her side.
Kym Worthy testifies at state legislature hearing with Moran at her side.


Court records show that a new “pre-trial” for Weekley was held in March, with a trial date set for Sept. 15, 2014. Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s spokesperson Maria Miller was not available for comment due to the Good Friday holiday. Since his arraignment, Weekley has not spent one day in jail.

Along with Aiyana, her parents, two of their toddlers, and her grandmother and great-aunt were sleeping when Detroit police dressed in assault gear poured out of an armored car into their home. Her cousin Mark Robinson, who had gone out to walk his dogs, cried out to police that children were in the home. Photos taken by police who had been surveilling the house all day showed numerous toys in the front yard.

Police also testified that Chauncey Owens, the target of their search, left the home at least twice during the day, during which they could have arrested him.

Firearms expert testifies that Weekley could not have accidentally discharged gun.
Firearms expert testifies that Weekley could not have accidentally discharged gun.


Weekley discharged his weapon within seconds of entry, according to testimony at his trial. A firearms expert testified that it would have taken five to eight pounds of pressure to pull the trigger and that it was unlikely the gun could have been accidentally fired.

Police forced Charles Jones to crawl from the back bedroom where he had been sleeping with Dominika and their two babies, through broken glass and his daughter’s blood and brain matter, to sit on the bloody couch where she was killed, after they took over the home.

He was not charged in the Blake death until 17 months later, although Owens was charged directly after his arrest.

Mertilla Jones and grandbabies after police raid on their home in 2012.

Mertilla Jones and grandbabies after police raid on their home in 2012.

The major media is now falsely reporting that police were looking for Jones when they raided the house. In fact, court records, all trial testimony and all previous trial coverage indicated that they had a search warrant not for Jones, but for Chauncey Owens, Aiyana’s “uncle,” who lived in an upstairs flat at the location.

Owens also has denied guilt in Blake’s killing.

Mertilla Jones said police have continued harassment of other males in the family since they killed Aiyana, arresting three who are now free. They invaded the family’s new home last year again as Charles’ young sons cowered in their grandmother’s arms.

Charles Jones has six other children besides Aiyana, all boys.“They are steady taking everyone from us, and they’ve taken Charles from his children,” Mertilla Jones said. “Moran tried to say Charles was not a real father to his children, but Charles has often talked to them over the phone and helped them do their homework since his arrest.”

Charles Jones’ wife Dominika Jones maintains a Facebook Page for her husband at!/groups/238941762835005/.

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