Gayle L. Robinson, 83, seized from home Oct. 1 against her wishes
Medicated at Botsford Hospital for eight days before return home with son
Rowan recently removed as guardian in case of Mailauni Williams
By Diane Bukowski
Update March 2, 2016: VOD is clarifying that the headline for this story relates (clearly) only to Mary Rowan, not to any other individuals cited in the story. After a complaint from an attorney for Dr. Marlana Geha, her picture and caption have been removed from this story, in the portion citing a complaint filed with the Wayne County Probate Court Ombudsman’s office regarding Robert Kilgore, Jr. It is also noted by request of the attorney that Dr. Geha acted in his case under court order. Mr. Kilgore passed since this story was written, in Sept. 2015. The videos included here have been downloaded from the Facebook site “Free Gayle From Probate” after earlier Youtube versions were removed from that site.

Mary Rowan (seated in blue), grabs Mailauni Williams’ arm (standing in blue) after being appointed guardian last May. She took Mailauni from her court-ordered placement and kept her for months away from her family, friends and attorney at undisclosed locations, also without a court order.
Oct. 18, 2014 – Shocking videos show Westland police and Katie McDonald, alleged assistant to temporary guardian/conservator Mary Rowan, seizing Gayle Robinson, 83, from her home Oct. 1 without a court order. In the videos, Mrs. Robinson says she does not want to go and does not like attorney Rowan. After two hours of debate, the officers and assistant took her to a location not disclosed to her son Randy Robinson, who lives with her, or her daughter Deborah Fox, who was present during the seizure.
Rowan is the same attorney involved as temporary guardian in the Mailauni Williams case, which VOD has been covering. She has since been removed after it came to light that she was appointed by disgraced former Macomb County Chief Probate Judge Kathryn George. At the request of Wayne County Probate Chief Judge Milton Mack, George had been serving in Wayne County on the Williams case for eight years. She is no longer there.
After an Oct. 7 probate court hearing regarding Mrs. Robinson in front of Judge Terrence Keith, VOD asked Sgt. Randall Thivierge of the Westland Police (tall bald man seen talking at length in video above) whether he had a court order to seize Mrs. Robinson. He said, “I didn’t need one. She came willingly.”
But the videos show at least two hours of discussion, with Mrs. Robinson stating clearly, “I don’t like Mary Rowan,” and that she did not want to leave. An Adult Protective Services worker and her former court-appointed attorney Ella Bully-Cummings testified during the hearing that Mrs. Robinson told them she wanted to remain in her home and that she did not have a problem with her son Randy staying there.
“What I can say is that when I talked to [Mrs. Robinson] she was calm and not agitated,” Cummings said. “She did indicate she wants to be at home, and that she doesn’t want a guardian. She said her children had stolen money from her. But she said neither Randy nor [daughter] Deborah had.”
According to testimony, Mrs. Robinson was taken to Botsford Hospital in Farmington Hills afterwards, where she was held in the psychiatric ward. She was not immediately admitted because she did not want to be, and due to alleged “paperwork” problems. In the meantime, she has since told her son Randy, she stayed overnight in a hotel.
At an earlier show cause hearing, Keith ordered that Robinson not be removed from her home without his express order. On Oct. 7, he ordered that she be returned promptly to her home after a medical evaluation was completed by Dr. Marlana Geha, a psychologist, but did not sanction Rowan or the police for earlier removing her without his order. He ordered that a home health care nurse visit Mrs. Robinson at her home, and that Geha see her in her office, subsequent to her return home.
He denied requests by other siblings present to evict Randy Robinson from the home.
“I stand firm that she is not to be placed in a nursing home or other facility without the court’s prior written order,” Keith said. In response to references to a dispute over a home equity loan taken out by another sibling on Mrs. Robinson’s house, he ordered that any funds taken involuntarily from Mrs. Robinson by her children be returned at once.
Randy Robinson, who has petitioned the court numerous times to remove Rowan as guardian, told VOD later, “They brought my mother home Oct. 9 without any notice; they didn’t even know if I was home. She didn’t have her keys and wouldn’t have been able to get in. Just luckily I was there.”
He said that his mother appeared to have been drugged at the hospital, although she prefers natural remedies, and is suffering from the trauma of her removal. Westland police had assured her she was only going for a check-up and would be back shortly. He also told VOD that the home’s electricity was recently shut off for non-payment of its DTE bill by Rowan and that other bills remain unpaid.
Normally, according to several probate attorneys, a family member is the first choice for guardianship for an individual deemed to be legally incapacitated and a “protected person.”
At the Oct. 7 hearing, Keith said he had ordered an “Independent Medical Evaluation” (IME) of Mrs. Robinson and was angry that it had not been carried out. However, he reviewed medical documentation of an evaluation from Henry Ford Hospital physicians, where her son Randy had taken her at the recommendation of his mother’s family doctor.
The HFH records showed her to be competent and in good mental health. But Judge Keith ordered that another evaluation, including her past history, should be completed by Dr. Geha. There had been claims she was earlier diagnosed with dementia.

Robert “Country” Kilgore, Jr. Obituary photo
The Wayne County Probate Court website shows that Dr. Geha has 125 open guardianship cases, and a total of over 500 cases including those that are closed. Among them was the case of Robert Kilgore, Jr., now 81 (update–Kilgore passed away in Sept. 2015). Wayne County Probate Court Chief Judge Milton Mack appointed Dr. Geha as guardian and Robert Findling as conservator.
According to a complaint filed with the Court Ombudsman’s office, Geha moved Kilgore from his home in Sumpter Township to the Belle River Pines Adult Foster Care Home in Memphis, Michigan, 77 miles away from his close friends and the VA facility where he was receiving care. The move was supposedly temporary.
Dr. Geha’s attorney Gregory Yatooma has told VOD that Dr. Geha’s action was taken under order of the court.
According to the complaint, Mack then authorized the sale of Kilgore’s house for $76,000 in 2009 without Kilgore’s knowledge, and Kilgore said $162,600 in assets disappeared. He had been receiving income from Social Security, the VA, and a GM pension, but was left without money even for personal needs, according to the complaint. The complaint is published on the Stop Guardian Abuse website at The link also lists the complainant’s name, Linda M. Lambert, and associated organization, the Michigan Advocacy Project.
Attorney Yatooma on behalf of Dr. Geha has denied the allegations in the complaint, and is to be forwarding related documents to Voice of Detroit.
Judge Keith did not rule on Randy Robinson’s most recent motion to remove Rowan as his mother’s guardian.
During the hearing, Rowan insisted several times that she would have Mrs. Robinson visit with her other children in “public places,” and would “see to it that she gets to the doctor’s office” for follow-up care. Mrs. Robinson, however, states clearly in the video above that she does not want to see her other children because they have stolen money from her.
Video above shows Gayle Robinson competently working and playing despite contrary evaluations of her by court-appointed individuals.
From Rowan’s recent behavior in the case of Mailauni Williams, there is reason for alarm here.
One day after her appointment as Williams’ guardian by Judge Kathryn George, Rowan and an assistant took Mailauni from her court-ordered placement in a Detroit adult foster care home, claiming they were taking her shopping. She disappeared for months, with her mother Lennette Williams and Mailauni’s attorney Allison Folmar not informed of her whereabouts. After getting the case transferred from George to Keith, Folmar met with opposing parties and discovered that Mailauni had been staying for a while with McDonald, who is not licensed for adult foster care, then was moved to her sister’s house. There is no court order for either placement on the record. (See updated report on that case in story to follow.)
The next hearing in Gayle Robinson’s case is set for Tues. November 25.
Related website:
Related stories, in case where Mary Rowan was also the guardian, appointed by disgraced former Macomb County Probate Court Chief Judge Kathryn George:
VOD update coming shortly on Mailauni Williams case.
Please believe these stories.
There are laws on the books since 1930s to protect people with caregivers!
Demand law officers to use them!
Act 328 of 1931
750.145n Vulnerable adult abuse; first degree; second degree; third degree; fourth degree; authority to prevent vulnerable adult from being harmed or harming others not prohibited; applicability of section to act carried out by patient advocate.
Sec. 145n.
(1) A caregiver is guilty of vulnerable adult abuse in the first degree if the caregiver intentionally causes serious physical harm or serious mental harm to a vulnerable adult. Vulnerable adult abuse in the first degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 15 years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.
(2) A caregiver or other person with authority over the vulnerable adult is guilty of vulnerable adult abuse in the second degree if the reckless act or reckless failure to act of the caregiver or other person with authority over the vulnerable adult causes serious physical harm or serious mental harm to a vulnerable adult. Vulnerable adult abuse in the second degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.
(3) A caregiver is guilty of vulnerable adult abuse in the third degree if the caregiver intentionally causes physical harm to a vulnerable adult. Vulnerable adult abuse in the third degree is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,500.00, or both.
(4) A caregiver or other person with authority over the vulnerable adult is guilty of vulnerable adult abuse in the fourth degree if the reckless act or reckless failure to act of the caregiver or other person with authority over a vulnerable adult causes physical harm to the vulnerable adult or the caregiver or other person with authority over the vulnerable adult knowingly or intentionally commits an act that under the circumstances poses an unreasonable risk of harm or injury to a vulnerable adult, regardless of whether physical harm results. Vulnerable adult abuse in the fourth degree is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.
(5) This section does not prohibit a caregiver or other person with authority over a vulnerable adult from taking reasonable action to prevent a vulnerable adult from being harmed or from harming others.
(6) This section does not apply to an act or failure to act that is carried out as directed by a patient advocate under a patient advocate designation executed in accordance with sections 5506 to 5515 of the estates and protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.5506 to
Michigan is behind other states in our isolation and guardianship laws
Demand your Senators of to add penalties with time in prison we need the House to pass the BILL.
Michigan has a committe to investigate Probate has anyone been helped by them?
Mary is a crook she’s mishandled my girlfriends case we have contacted adult protective services on her and she’s threatening to put her in a hospital now because she hasn’t issued my girlfriend a check since June of 2016 we need to do something with this crook of a attorney call the news channels someone has to help us with this situation band together flood social media the news channels every source we can
Please contact me. On freeGaylefromprobate
My name is Wayne Eddins and Ms Mary Rowan is mishandling my farther estate ,, I need to talk to someone about her before this goes to far ,,it has been about 2 yrs and she is trying to sale my fathers home to some woman in Ohio ,, I am from detroit and his home is in det ,, Please someone contact me
How do I get hold of you?
The only way to stop her is people banning together! Filling suits and protests! Media attention!
This is very frightening , to learn this about Mary Rowan. She has been appointed as my 21 yr. old sin’s legal guardian after I petitioned him for hospitalization due to ongoing substance abuse issues. I did so at Dearborn Police suggestion and out of sheer desperation! Everything I’m reading here about her behavior has been true to my own experience! I feel like the fly who flew right into the black widow’s web! She seems to be out for blood only , not having any real concern for my son or my family. When I confronted her she became defensive and very insulting. I finally googled her and WOW!
She’s an attorney file a grievance with the attorney grievance board in Detroit make it detailed get copies of everything you can the court orders and everything you see it and whatever else you can make copies before you send it detailed include Court information like his number her lawyer number his court number both conservator and guardian and who’s who’s the judge all the information like where is he being held if he’s whatever the judges seem to appoint Mary rolling over and over again read the other articles about her on the same voice of Detroit. That therefore I think 45 I think
I can’t wait to get my report from NSO an file a petition an call my lawyer an give him the report so he can help me get justice No more Mary Rowan the two time thief,rude an ignorant attitudes an a bitch that has no morals about anybody she must be stopped go to jail her an helpers .they come to your home an remove you an that’s when the nightmares begin please let us all stick together an get rid of her an all her workers I’m sick an tired of being stress out crying being depressed please let my evaluation hurry up thanks for all the support they know who I’m talking about
Here I go again waiting patiently for a decision for me to go home I’m working with NSO for my evaluation to say I’m in my right state of mind an can make decisions for myself all I’m lacking is for a caregiver to help take care of me an find me another home I recently started back physical therapy to help strengthen my upper an lower body its a Dr E Brooks that’s comes an visit me but what’s funny about that he has no clue about me but I have MS He recently sent me to a neurologist that only help me get the medicine for my MS it was such a waste of time the director of nursing an the administrator came to me an ask me to start back therapy so my insurance can get paid for assisting me all of this is a joke to me because the doctor,director of nursing,administrator,an Mary Rowan is all a team an is working together I have a good support team which consist of some of the nurses an cenas they help me a lot its a cenas that works midnights that does range of motion with me that’s not his job but he help motivate me an helps me not to let my muscles tighten up an also helps my legs to get uncontracted I’m waiting on the report from NSO stating that I’m in my right state of mind an capable of making my own decisions I’m filing a petition to get rid of my guardian that doesn’t help assist me takes my money don’t make sure all my needs are met an I haven’t seen her yet I been in Qualicare Nursing Home for about almost 4 months an nothing I mean nothing has happen in my case hopefully justice will be served an get rid of all the crooks all of them director of nursing administrator an doctor an of course the guardian are on the same team waiting patiently
I need help to get rid of my guardian Mary Rowan I want to go home to my fifteen year old son an grandchildren I want to start my home health care back that provides physical an occupational therapy an a nurse that comes once a week I’m also gonna call the state for a caregiver I’m tired of being in this nursing home I can lie in my own bed an watch television I also have all my doctors from Henry Ford hospital I get care from a medical doctor neurologist an other doctors at that hospital I’m in my right state of mind an can make my own decisions when it comes to my life I need some help like asap I’m tired of this b.s. please if u are reading this an can help me an if you need more information or have any questions you may contact me at (313)879 8487 I’m tired of being of victim of Mary Rowan she needs to be stopped her an her colleagues Dr.Brooks an her assistant they come an trick you out your home by saying they need you to be checked out an you end up in a nursing home just helpless I’m tired of fighting an worrying I need help to go home my goal is to get rid of Mary Rowan my guardian an get the help I need
She is stealing my money she came to my home her assistant an a doctor Brooks sent me to providence hospital for a check up an I was there for a week an then they sent me to a nursing home I haven’t seen or met mary Rowan she is very rude.She is not doing anything for me I can’t see my family I’m being neglected in this nursing home an a employee violated me by kissing me while I was sleeping I have multiple scerolosis an went to the doctor Brooks sent me to an the doctor told me I would never walk again an the nursing home director told me if I wanted to go home I had to go back to therapy so my insurance can pay for it all I do is lay in the bed an hwatch television no help or anything I keep asking eat can I do to go home to my fifteen year old son I’m tired of crying I need some help to get rid of my guardian somebody please help me I’m in my right state of mind an can make my own decision I was a victim of Mary Rowin I mean I’m still of Mary Rowin she is a thief rude an try to turn families against each other she gives nobody help justice needs to be served put in Jain for using an abusing innocent people an her Dr. Brooks both of them cricket they don’t help you just steal from you an put you in nursing homes an have no future for you
Has someone filed a grievance with you with the attorney grievance board she’s a lawyer it’s a it’s downtown but you can mail it get as much documentation that you have make copies first if she gets enough complaints she will be reprimanded and I have a address because Washington wants to see this Washington DC there’s a hearing
Mary Rowan has 1,140 OPEN cases in Wayne County Probate.
A mix of Guardian/Conservators for adults, Guardian/Conservators for minors, Guardian/Conservators for the medially ill, Reopened cases, final wills with estates I am not sure of the names of other cases.
Probate rules for Wayne County state a ward may only be committed if they are harming themselves or others and only after a hearing in probate court to do so.
Mary Rowan plays family members against each other and encourages family members to file lies with the Judge.
Mary Rowan denies knowing things that went on in hearings before she is appointed a good Guardian or Lawyer SHOULD make it their business to watch the dvd of proceeded hearing
Ironically Mary Rowan is doing the same sort of thing to Gladys J. And her family!
File a grievance against her she’s an attorney with the attorney grievance board detailed exactly what rules she broke what she’s doing and why she did it any court records that you have any documents you have send them you have to make two copies copy one for yourself first
Mary Rowan needs to be stopped!!! She does not have her clients best interest in mind and is terrible to their families. She is rude and disrespectful to medical staff and is viewed as an obnoxious bully. She sounds like a chain smoking alcoholic that is on an ego trip.
File a grievance against her at the attorney grievance for make a detailed step-by-step any documents you have what wrongdoings like not making payments for medical not letting the family visit like you said she’s being rude and who she’s being rude to get as much that you can do and send it mail it up make two copies