Maryanne Godboldo in front of her home, with photo of her daughter Ariana, 13 when she was seized by a police SWAT team, forcibly medicated with harmful drugs, and abused in a state hospital. Maryanne’s battle is known world-wide, and has inspired others to fight state kidnappings of their precious children.
By Ambyr Amen-Ra
January 25, 2016

Police swat tanks roll down Linwood to kidnap Ariana from her mother in their home March 24, 2011.
Our parental rights are being undermined. Maryanne Godboldo sought to provide the best health care for her child; she disagreed with The State of Michigan, Department of Human Services and Child Protective Services’ demand that she medicate her child with Risperdal, a drug that has TERRIBLE side effects.
On March 24th, 2011 Maryanne was forced to protect herself and her daughter in the wake of an over-reaction by Child Protective Services and the Detroit Police officers on the scene. CPS claimed they had an order to remove her child from her custody and asked Detroit Police to gain access to her house to do so.
It was later revealed in court that the order was never presented to Maryanne on the scene, it was rubber stamped and never presented to a judge for sign off and Detroit Police were never meant to take her child. Once the Statof Michigan removed Ariana from her mother, a CPS worker signed off on a myriad of drugs to be administered to Ariana , even though she was not a doctor. At age 13, Ariana was taken from her mother for over 5 weeks and repeatedly drugged and abused while in the State’s custody.
Wayne County Prosecutor, Kym Worthy has vowed to continue to punish Maryanne. It has been almost five years and she is still fighting. After losing four court cases, Worthy has filed a fifth appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court. They have reversed the appeal and now Maryanne must fight for her freedom a FIFTH time. All she wants is to be left alone to repair the damage that was done by the State of Michigan. Please consider donating to Maryanne’s legal fund so that she can finally leave this all behind her and focus solely on her daughter, Ariana.
DONATE BY CLICKING ON https://www.gofundme.com/9d27zak4
” Providing health care for one’s children is not something that should be surrendered to any state authority.” ~Maryanne Godboldo
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