(Note: the story on the Aiyana Jones settlement falsely says that police had a warrant for her father Charles Jones. The warrant was for Chauncey Owens, her aunt’s fiancé, who did not live in the Jones household.)
Kellom lawsuit continues in front of Judge Sean Cox April 16, 2019 at 2 p.m.
A day before stunning revelations about deaths of Terrance Kellom, Aiyana Jones, Chief Craig tries to blame lying cops for “letting criminals go free”
Will the real criminals Craig, Pros. Kym Worthy, and killer cops go to prison instead?
By Diane Bukowski
April 9, 2019
DETROIT — Will Detroit killer cops now be sent to prison? What about lying cops, who Chief James Craig said he will fire in a newscast April 3, only to be confronted in the following days with lies told by cops in the slaughters of Terrance Kellom, 19, and Aiyana Jones, 7? Will Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy, Chief Craig, and former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade face charges of collusion and obstruction of justice in the cases of Kellom, Jones, and many more?
Terrance Kellom: Officer says in sworn deposition that 19-yr.-old father was executed by Detroit Fugitive Apprehension Team (D-FAT)
In a stunning deposition announced April 8 by attorney Nabih Ayad, Detroit police officer Darrell Fitzgerald swore under oath that the version he and 0ther police gave of the Detroit Fugitive Apprehension Task Force (D-FAT)’s slaughter of Terrance Kellom 19, on April 25, 2015, was a complete falsehood.

Attorney Nabih Ayad with Kevin Kellom and Terrance’s son. ““His son asks me all the time where is my daddy? Is my daddy coming home?” said Kellom. Photo: Michigan Radio
He corroborated the statements of Kellom’s father Kevin Kellom and family eyewitnesses that Terrance was brought downstairs, unhandcuffed, by two Detroit police officers, then knelt on the ground in the hallway to the family’s living room, surrendering.
He denied Kellom previously had jumped through a hole in a second floor bedroom closet onto the first floor and emerged, threatening cops with a hammer. He said the Task Force, specifically I.C.E. agent Mitchell Quinn, executed the young father as his family watched.
He also said that forensics and autopsy reports showed that more than one cop killed Kellom, since different types of bullets penetrated his body from different directions, including from the back.
“The witnessing officer changed his story and made clear that there was no hammer in Terrance Kellom’s hand and that he never saw a hammer at the scene of the house that day,” Atty. Ayad said during a press conference held on the steps of the U.S. Federal Courthouse April 8.
“They assassinated my son,” Kevin Kellom told an angry rally of hundreds, largely youth, near their home on Evergreen in Detroit April 26, 2015.“They [police] closed the [front] door, then they brought my son down the stairs, and they shot him in the chest. They executed my son in my face.”
Fizgerald was the lead Detroit police officer in a joint task force that included I.C.E. agent Mitchell Quinn, earlier fired from the Detroit police force over assaultive behavior, and cops from various suburbs.

Prosecutor Kym Worthy at 2015 press conference announcing no charges in Kellom death.
Despite having seen the father and son returning home from the store on the street, when the D-FAT could easily have arrested him, they instead invaded the home without a search warrant and slaughtered Kellom.
Pros. Kym Worthy sealed Kellom’s autopsy report and waited for months until she finally announced no charges would be filed against Quinn or the rest of the team.
She admitted no fingerprints had been found on the hammer Terrance Kellom allegely brandished, and that there was evidence that at least one bullet had penetrated Kellom in the back.
Below, Kevin Kellom tells what he and his family witnessed during the slaughter of their son Terrance on Aug.
Aiyana Jones settlement
On April 4, Attorney Geoffrey Fieger announced that the City of Detroit had agreed to an $8.2 million settlement in the 2010 slaughter of Aiyana Jones, 7, by another joint task force incuding Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley during a military-style assault on her grandmother Mertilla Jones’ home. Attorney Geoffrey Fieger said the family would not comment, but a family friend’s Facebook comment on grandmother Mertilla Jones’ page said it all: “No amount is enough, them bitches need to fry.”

Aiyana Jones, 7, dad Charles Jones during happy times that ended with police bullets and lies.
Worthy and Assistant Prosecutor David Moran, along with trial Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway, colluded in two trials of Detroit officer Joseph Weekley, part of a Detroit “Special Response” task force that forcibly entered the home of Aiyana Jones, 7, on May 16, 2010 and shot the little girl to death with an MP-5 submachine gun, on Detroit’s impoverished east side.
Weekley contended that Mertilla Jones had confronted him and shoved his gun, causing it to fire accidentally. Evidence produced at two trials against Weekley showed that could not have happened.
Meanwhile Aiyana’s dad Charles Jones was sentenced to 40-60 years in prison largely on the false testimony of jail-house snitches who claimed he supplied the gun to Chauncey Owens to kill Je’Rean Blake “48 Hours” before the slaughter at Aiyana’s home. In a police video shown at Owens’ trial, Owens denied any involvement by Aiyana’s father, and named another man entirely.
The anguish this family has experienced in the years since the brutal slaughter of their little angel Aiyana goes far beyond that one incident. Above, Mertilla Jones recounted the horrific events of that night. Her version was largely corroborated by a medical examiner who testified at Weekley’s trial that the gunshot that killed Aiyana showed no stippling, but that that did not mean Weekley was firing from a distance.
He said there is also no stippling in a contact gunshot wound, which Ms. Jones described during this court session. She was widely reviled in the mainstream media for that comment as well as a comment that police “came to kill” her family.
What more could be surmised from the fact that an A&E “48 Hours” production crew worked closely with Detroit police in planning the entire raid to satisfy public blood lust, when in fact the cops could have arrested Chauncey Owens, the target of the raid, several times when they saw him walking the streets as they surveilled the house?
Craig: lying cops will be fired???
Police Chief James Craig said in a widely announced interview on WXYZ Channel 7 on April 3, just days before the Kellom and Jones announcements, that that he would “fire” Detroit police officers caught lying, because their previous lies prevented them from testifying against “criminals” who then walked free. The broadcast targeted two women officers charged with lying about domestic incidents, instead of the many cops who have been shown to lie in order to send “criminals” to prison for decades.
What about Olie McMillian, who had evidence from 16 cases in his home?
Earlier, Chris Graveline, Director of Professional Standards and Constitutional Policing, described what criminal case files and evidence were found in the home of retired Detroit Police Sgt. Olie McMillian during his eviction Feb. 7. Graveline spoke during a Feb. 14 community meeting of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners, but did not provide names of the defendants or case numbers. He reported that materials police officials took out of a dumpster and the residence included:
- Portions of case files and evidence relating to 16 criminal cases from 1997 to approximately 2008, when McMillian worked in the DPD homicide division.
- Physical evidence including clothing, cell phones, and a handgun.

Deputy Police Chief Todd Bettison says no wrong has been done during term of Chief Craig.
He said the DPD is sorting through the files and evidence to determine whether the cases are still open or closed, or have gone to trial, among other matters, then will turn them over to the Wayne County Prosecutor. That was Feb. 14, but nothing has been heard nearly two months later from the offices of Chief Craig or Kym Worthy regarding whether charges of concealing evidence will be brought against McMillian. Even more important, nothing has been revealed about the names of the 16 defendants, whether they are in prison, and whether the evidence concealed in McMillian’s home affected the outcome of their trials.
Strangely, Deputy Chief Todd Bettison commented that no such instances of concealed or otherwise corrupted evidence have occurred since Chief Craig’s appointment by Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr in 2013.
Robocop Melendez, who beat Floyd Dent, earlier framed son of Coalition V. Police Brutality member and dozens of others, killed two
“Robocop” William Melendez was recently in the news for nearly beating Detroit auto worker Floyd Dent to death last hear. But previously he had a long tenure with the Detroit Police Department, during which he murdered one man. In 2000, he was allowed to testify in the 2000 trial of the young son of a Coalition v. Detroit Police Brutality activist, accused of armed robbery. Melendez claimed the young man had a gun, which was never found. His attorney filed a post-conviction motion for relief after discovering Melendez had been convicted of filing a false police report.

Retired Police Officer Reginald Crawford
Ironically, the trial was held in front of then Judge Kym Worthy. Worthy denied the motion. Reggie Crawford, featured in the video at top condemning lying cops, campaigned on behalf of Melendez for the young man’s conviction. He also claimed that Lamar Grable had a gun when he was shot to death 8 times in the back and chest by three-time killer cop Eugene Brown.
The jury in a civil trial against Brown vehemently disagreed, awarding $4 million to the Grable family for Lamar’s murder. The city appealed and lost in the state Supreme Court, increasing the amount to $6 million with interest.
The 10-yr. battle by Arnetta Grable and Lamar’s father Herman Vallery was finally victorious, but took its toll. Ms. Grable passed at the age of 69 in 2017, and Mr. Vallery passed a year later. Cornell Squires, whose son was framed by Melendez, passed at the age of 57 in 2016.

(L to r) Members of Original Detroit Coalition Vs. Police Brutality attended rally for Terrance Kellom April 28, 2015. Shown outside the family’s home are (l to r) Arnetta Grable, Jr. Butch Carrington, Arnetta Grable Sr., Herman Vallery and Cornell Squires.
Related stories:
Related stories on Terrance Kellom:
http://voiceofdetroit.net/2014/10/11/warrior-cop-weekley-walks-again-in-aiyana-jones-death/ (One of dozens of stories on the death of Aiyana Jones published in Voice of Detroit, which covered all three of Weekley’s trials as well as the trials of Aiyana’s father Charles Jones and Uncle Chauncey Owens. Put “Aiyana” in search engine to find stories.)
Stories below detail many of known killings by Detroit police during Kym Worthy’s tenure as Wayne County Prosecutor, since Jan. 6, 2004.
#BlackLivesMatter, #BlackLivesMatterDetroit, #TerranceKellom, #SavageTee, #NBTF, #Fuck12, #LamarGrable, #AiyanaJones, #PoliceState, #PrisonNation, #BeatBacktheBullies, #ODCAP
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