Editor: VOD readers may have noticed that we are publishing stories dealing with this PRISON NATION and POLICE STATE exclusively. This has been a necessary change from our previous coverage, which attempted to address a multitude of issues. On the 5oth anniversary of Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On,” we are publishing that cut from what Rolling Stone called “The Greatest Album of all Time.” Also see below, Sam Cooke’s timeless “A Change is Gonna Come.”
We sincerely thank you for your readership and support throughout the last decade, and ask that you continue to read and share our articles relating to the Police State and Prison Nation. Editor Diane Bukowski first got involved in the people’s movement after the 1971 Attica Rebellion and wishes to carry on the legacy of the Attica Brothers in this fashion. VOD articles on these issues have been one-of-a-kind, thoroughly researched and laid out in the hopes of bringing our sisters and brothers home at long last.
***********************************************************************************Voice of Detroit is a pro bono newspaper. VOD’s editors and reporters, most of whom live on fixed incomes or are incarcerated, are not paid for their work. Ongoing costs include quarterly web charges of $380, P.O. box fee of $150/yr. and costs for research including court records, and internet fees, as well as office supplies, gas, etc. Please DONATE TO VOD at: