Ricardo Ferrell, VOD field editor
Invite from Ricardo Ferrell, Voice of Detroit Field Editor
You are cordially invited to join the ACLU, The U of M Sentence Commutation Project and the Michael Thompson Clemency Project for a forum with prominent clemency experts to discuss actionable solutions to mass incarceration in Michigan’s Department of Corrections.
The panel will be moderated by Hill Harper and include former Governor of Oregon Kate Brown, Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit, and winner of the ACLU Award for Leadership in Clemency Michael Thompson.
We will be unveiling a “Clemency Menu” with recommendations to the Whitmer Administration for parameters around which to base a largescale statewide clemency initiative. The Clemency Menu is a joint creation of the Michael Thompson Clemency Project, The ACLU and the U of M Sentence Commutation Project.
Forum is April 17 at U of M Law School, Hutchins Hall, from 5-6:30 to be followed by reception. Click here to preregister
Mike McCurdy and Marshall Clabeaux, Co-Directors Michael Thompson Clemency Project