Greg Thrasher at State Capitol rally April 13, 2011

 By Greg Thrasher, VOD Contributing Editor

 Right here..Right now…For many Black people living in America from the gritty urban venues of neighborhoods like Detroit to the contours of cul de sacs of suburbia these are perilous times even in the post racial era of a Black Man in the White House. The velocity of negativity is at web speed from the media accounts of entire industries collapsing and people being laid off into forever to tales of young children body parts being tortured and burned in shabby 3rd world urban shacks. Life in America is perilous; the revolution is being televised and it is on every channel with surround sound and 3D pictures.
Right here..Right now..This is a moment for the community to step away from the insanity and madness and the aura of hopelessness and decadence and confusion and reach out  and hold on to each other from family to friends to associates and maybe even strangers. People are under enormous stress and duress all manner of thoughts, excuses, plots are in the heads of even normal responsible people. The dreams people have now are nightmares full of nothingness. 

Harlem Blues by Romare Bearden

Right here..Right now.The Black community more than any other aggregate of people in this nation must get a grip and stop the descent into raw insanity. Our pastors, uncles, aunts, cousins, sons and daughters must reach into their collective souls and memories to create a place where a safe refuge exists, not just a real place but a sphere where the unspoken word is supreme and positive thoughts are cultivated and rewarded and embraced .

The Black community needs a life altering transfusion of humanity and hope. This force must be new and novel and life altering . It must be more than prayers, testimonies and tired sound bites. We have to create a harvest of love even in the dirt of concrete streets and alleys. We must carve out a new real time miracle that enters in our homes and our minds. We need a sound, a noise, a creation of powerful bond that elevates us from the present day insanities. We are in perilous moments 24/7 everywhere in America.

Navigating through hopelessness

Right here..Right now…The Black community must regroup and create a safe haven where love, honesty, civility, decency, trust, sharing, all the ingredients of civility and love must break though. We are in a dark era where fear, anger, frustration, pain, and evil is becoming an accepted norm and custom. Our values and purpose are floundering. We are shaky and unreliable for each other.

Right here..Right now.. Across this great nation in every enclave, backyard, front porch, pew, gym, office, basement, church, temple, playground, bedroom, kitchen our community needs a cultural reset and return to the genius of basic truths and straight forward truth. Our community must step up and correct all the wrongs which have us at the end of cliff.

Right here..Right now….We must save ourselves from each other ….This is where our lives must change ..Right where YOU are when YOU read this…Reach Out and help our community navigate to a new promise land..Right Here..Right Now: 

Navigating through Hopelessness- Together

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Espinoza family and friends reunited for a short time Sept. 27: (l to r rear) Pedro, Luis Jr , Cornell Squires, Oscar Gutierrez, Mabel Love; (l to r front). Luis Sr. holding Leonardo, mother Cecilia with Genoveva in front of her

Espinoza children at Family Court Sept. 27 as custody trial begins

By Diane Bukowski 

Oct. 3, 2011

DETROIT – The five children of Luis and Cecilia Espinoza of southwest Detroit were very happy to finally see their mother again in Wayne County Family Court Sept. 27. They have only been able to see her one hour a week, pending the results of a trial on a petition for temporary custody that began that day before Referee Charles Wilson. 

Attorney Frederick Smith

Three of the children, including Genoveva, 6, told Children’s Law Attorney Frederick Smith before the hearing, “I want my mother to come home.” Smith is the court-appointed Guardian ad Litem for Genoveva. 

Genoveva, in a pretty lavender dress, shyly hugged her mother. Leonardo appeared relieved, and ran around joyously after the hearing. He thought his mother was not coming home because she did not love him anymore, according to  family friend Cornell Squires. 

Family friends Oscar Gutierrez, Mabel Love, and Cornell Squires were there to lend their love and support. 

“It is not right what they are doing to this family,” Gutierrez said. “I’ve known them for many years, and they have been together for too long to be broken up like this. Genoveva especially needs her mother. She is getting older, and there are no other girls or women in the home.” 

Consuelo Meade, 83, lives in this luxury condominium in Warren while the Espinoza family lives in a poor neighborhood in southwest Detroit

Consuelo Meade, Cecilia’s adoptive mother, claimed in a July 8 child abuse complaint against Cecilia that she gave Genoveva a black eye on Father’s Day, June 19. Genoveva went to visit Meade with her parents’ permission the same day, but Meade never brought her back home and appears to be seeking custody of the family’s only daughter. 

In a preliminary hearing Aug. 3, Referee Mona Youssef ordered the child to return to her family, but ordered her mother to move out temporarily. 

Meade’s version of events has been disputed by others in the family, including the oldest child, Luis, 13, the prime witness. He told VOD earlier that his mother was not home when Genoveva was injured, that she had crawled under her bed as she sometimes does and hurt herself, and he had to lift the bed off of her. 

Luis Espinoza, Jr., 13, protested with his family outside Family Court at first heearing;; he wants his baby sister and his mother back home

But Children’s Protective Services worker Shanitra Bowman testified that she conducted a “forensic interview” with Genoveva July 9 in which Genoveva accused her mother of hurting her. 

“Genoveva said she received a black eye from her mother because she had not urinated on herself at her grandmother’s, but she did at home,” Bowman said. She said Genoveva told her the incident took place when Meade brought Genoveva and her brother Gavino home. 

“I did forensically interview her at her grandmother’s home,” Bowman contended. On cross-examination, she admitted she had been working for the Department of Human Services since April, 2011, three months at the time she interviewed Genoveva. 

Bowman said the interview took 20 minutes, and that she did not know where her notes taken during the interview were.  Continue reading

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MWRO protesters at Cadillac Place Sept. 29

  • State debt is $70 BILLION
  • Snyder budget slashes $1 billion in corporate taxes
  • Taxes pensions, cuts education funding a total of 17 percent
  • Cuts local government aid by $100 million
  • Cuts public assistance by $70 million: 50,000 suffer first month

Michigan‘s Gov. Rick Snyder signed the FY2012 $47 billion state budget into law on June 21, 2011. The budget eliminates $1 billion in corporate taxes and initiates taxes on pensions. It also cuts school funding by 2.2%, higher education funding by at least 15% and lessens aid to local governments by $100 million.

The state’s fiscal year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th of the following calendar year.[4]

Michigan has a total state debt of $69,418,882,370 when calculated by adding the total of outstanding debt, pension and OPEB UAAL’s, unemployment trust funds and the 2010 budget gap as of July 2010.

FY2012 State Budget

Gov. Snyder asked the legislature for $38.25 million from the state’s general fund to pay a portion of the $106 million the state owes in interest on Michigan’s $3.1 billion federal unemployment insurance debt. The remaining portion of the interest payment will come from a state solvency tax that went into effect this year on Michigan employers, and from state unemployment penalty and interest funds.

On June 21, 2011, Gov. Rick Snyder signed the FY2012 $47 billion budget into law. ]The two budget bills signed by the governor were House Bill 4526 and House Bill 4325. The last time the state had a completed budget in place this early was 1981.

The budget assumes $265 million in savings in 2011-12 from employee concessions. The governor hopes to convince state employee unions to reopen their contracts to provide those concessions, and delayed making layoffs in September 2011. The union contracts do not expire until the end of the 2012 calendar year. One of the concessions the governor seeks is having employees increase the percentage of health care costs that they pay for from 10% to 20%. At the unions’ urging, the governor agreed to study whether the state government had too many managers, and to consider reducing the number of managers. The state’s ratio at the time the study started was 6 employees to each manager. The union claims that if the ratio was 7 to 1 that the state would save $75 million. (VOD: Enough to restore public assistance cuts by itself.) Continue reading

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This is a meeting for all the concerned citizens of Detroit and other surrounding areas. ALL ARE WELCOME! We will be planning things such as: Location of base camp, Location of protest, Working groups, and other goals and activities pertaining to a successful protest. If you have been dying to have your voice heard about the activities going on, in New York and other cities across this country COME TO THIS MEETING! We all have a voice and it’s about time it was heard!!!


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Synderville at Michigan Welfare Rights Association protest across from Cadillac Place Sept. 29


Rainbow PUSH mingles with protesters, auto execs, refuses call for Michigan boycott

“Occupy Detroit” meeting Mon. Oct. 10 could pave way for direct action

Unions must use  “economic clout” to support the poor, confront system 

By Diane Bukowski 

Oct. 7, 2011

Troy Davis, executed despite worldwide protests on Sept. 21 by fascist state of Georgia

DETROIT – To date, more than 50,000 Michigan individuals including children remain in limbo regarding whether their public assistance benefits providing shelter, utilities, food and the other necessities of life will be summarily executed, as was Georgia’s Troy Davis on Sept. 21. 

U.S. District Court Judge Paul Borman temporarily suspended the assistance cut-off Oct. 4, opening a window of opportunity. On Monday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m., organizers of “Occupy Detroit” will meet Mon. Oct. 10 from 7-9 p.m. at the Spirit of Hope Church, 1519 Martin Luther King Blvd. to plan how they will join millions of others across the U.S. who are part of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, targeting the true source of this genocidal assault on poor and working people here and abroad. 

DHS Director Maura Corrigan and counterpart

Borman upheld claims by the Center for Civil Justice (CCJ) that Maura Corrigan, Director of the State’s Department of Human Services, violated recipients’ right to due process under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

“The Sept. 11, 2011 Notice failed to provide FIP [Family Independence Program] Benefit recipients with ‘a detailed statement of the intended action, the reason for the change in status, citation to the specific statutory section requiring reduction or termination, and specific notice of the recipient’s right to appeal,” Borman ruled. 

Protest at Cadillac Place against benefit cuts, called by MWRO, Sept. 29

In fact, according to the plaintiffs, the state did not publish the policy, BEM 234 (click on Benefits BEM 234 to read policy) applicable to the cut-offs to anyone, including its own workers, until Oct. 1. Those workers were required to try to make contact with clients at least three times to explain the benefits cut. DHS sent out three separate notices based on what the CCJ called a “secret policy.” 

“We are very, very pleased that the court recognizes the important issues and is willing to protect all children and families that did not have adequate notice,” Attorney Jacqueline Doig of the Saginaw-based Center for Civil Justice, which brought the suit on behalf of three individual plaintiffs, said. (Click on Benefits lawsuit,  and Benefits motion for TRO and brief to read pertinent documents.)

Rev. Jesse Jackson refused to call for boycott of Michigan businesses despite mass murder of the poor in the works.

Judge Borman certified the complaint as a class action covering all affected individuals in Michigan, and appointed CCJ as their legal representatives. 

However, he did not take jurisdiction in Count II of the complaint. Doig said they would decide whether to pursue state court relief after consultation with their clients. 

In that section, the plaintiffs cited the state’s notice claiming they had surpassed the federal 60 month time limit, set  in 1996 with the creation of the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. That legislation, signed by then President Bill Clinton as part of his “Welfare Reform” program, for the first time in 60 years set lifetime time limits and work requirements for public aid. However, it left several exemptions possible and also allowed the states to continue providing assistance through their own state funding after the 60-month limit expired. 

Michigan has provided benefits using both TANF and state FIP funds since 1996. 

Sept. 29 MWRO protest

The plaintiffs did not challenge the 48-month time limit set by the legislature in August under the Michigan Social Welfare Act. They said instead that the state never bothered to calculate the number of months victims of the expected Oct. 1 cut-off   had received under FIP, and that many had not reached the 48-month limit. They said the state had no authority to cut benefits using a federal statute. 

Earlier, hundreds demonstrated Sept. 29 outside Cadillac Place, which houses Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s Detroit office. The Michigan Welfare Rights Organization has sponsored the weekly Thursday demonstrations, during which protesters have demanded, “Tax the Rich, Not the Poor.” They carried signs which declared the benefits cuts “Mass Murder” and “Execution of the Poor.”  

Banks, Snyder guilty of mass murder

This time, they temporarily set up a “Snyderville” tent on the West Grand Blvd. median, portending a possible round-the-clock occupation which, however, has not yet taken place. 

Rev. Jesse Jackson of Rainbow PUSH attended this and other protests that week, along with Michigan Rainbow PUSH director the Rev. David Bullock, U.S. Congressman John Conyers and others.

Jackson then stuck around for his organization’s Global Automotive and Energy Summit at MGM Grand Casino the following week, Oct. 5 and 6. It featured “executives, entrepreneurs, suppliers, dealers, consumers, government and elected officials, automotive manufacturers, energy representatives and others . . . to discuss strengthening the automotive industry, changing trends, and creating opportunities,” according to the Rainbow PUSH website. 

VOD asked Jackson and U.S Representative John Conyers if they would call for a boycott of Michigan businesses and convention centers  until public assistance recipients are restored to the rolls, as supporters of Troy Davis, executed Sept. 28, have called for a boycott of Georgia. 

 Both reacted with a horrified, resounding “NO.” They said an “economic recovery” was underway, despite evidence to the contrary all around them in the neighborhoods of Detroit. All over the world, markets are teetering on the brink of collapse. (Click on THE EUROZONE CRISIS to read more on this matter.)  Continue reading

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Charles Jones with his daughter Aiyana Stanley Jones in happier days, before her execution by Detroit police; he now faces life in prison without parole

A&E photographer’s indictment says she showed videotape to third party 

By Diane Bukowski

October 6, 2011 

(VOD Ed: this entire story has been published in The Final Call, Oct. 18 edition. It is on the streets as of Oct. 12, but not online yet.)

Worthy (at left) in court with killer cop Joseph Weekley; she did not attend arraignment of Charles Jones

DETROIT – Seventeen months after a Detroit police “Special Response Team” stormed seven-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones’ home in a poor neighborhood and shot her to death as an A&E TV crew was filming, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy has charged the child’s father, Charles Jones, 26, with first-degree murder. 

At the same time, she charged a single officer, Joseph Weekley, 36, who lives in the well-to-do white suburb of Grosse Pointe, and a single A&E official with lesser charges of manslaughter and perjury, respectively, related to the horrific raid. 

Aiyana’s grandmother, Mertilla Jones, who was sleeping with the child on a couch when police tossed an incendiary grenade through the window above them on May 16, 2010, and saw her granddaughter die, expressed utter anguish after her son was arraigned Oct. 5. 

Mertilla Jones (right) in younger and happier days (Facebook)

“This is a sad day for my family,” Jones, the mother of eight. said. “We are not doing well at all. This is the second one of my sons they have railroaded. I have lost two of my sisters in the last six months. It’s not right to charge Charles after he lost his daughter. Are they going to charge the cops that threw the flash bomb and the ones that tried to cover it up? Meanwhile, a seven-year-old innocent little baby girl is dead.” 

Police arrested Ms. Jones, drug tested her, and held her for several days after the raid. Assistant Police Chief Ralph Godbee  (now head of the department) claimed she had “interfered” with Weekley, causing his gun to go off. 

Aiyana had joy in her short life

She was never charged, but the city has reiterated those contentions in an ongoing civil suit brought by Charles Jones and Aiyana’s mother Dominika Stanley in the case. 

Charles Jones’ sister LaKrystal Sanders said, “My brother had nothing to do with that case,” referring to the shooting death of 17-year-old Je’Rean Blake two days earlier, the case in which Jones is charged, and the pretext police used for the raid. 

Jones’ friends Randolph Monzure and Calvin Carpenter also said he didn’t have anything to do with the Blake shooting. 

“They’re trying to railroad him,” Carpenter said. “He already lost his child, and now they’re trying to make more moves.” 

Jones was represented at his arraignment by attorney Jonathan Marko of the law firm of nationally noted attorney Geoffrey Fieger. He requested that Jones’ preliminary exam be postponed until Nov. 18 to allow time for discovery. Jones will later be represented by another attorney from Fieger’s firm. Meanwhile he was ordered held without bond. 

“He needs representation and deserves representation,” Marko said.

Chauncey Owens with attorney David Cripps pled guilty April 11 but did not name Charles Jones during procedure

Sanders’ fiancé Chauncey Owens pled guilty to second-degree murder as the shooter in the Blake case, but questions remain. His attorneys tried several times to get his confession thrown out, saying it was taken under extreme duress after he found out Aiyana was dead, and that he was not competent to stand trial. 

His sentencing has been postponed twice, due to “problems with the plea deal,” according to the prosecutor’s office. It is now set for Oct. 31. 

Local media has claimed his plea deal involved saying Charles Jones gave him the gun, but no such claim exists in his court file. Owens was peacefully arrested during the raid, which took place at 12:30 a.m., although police watching the house saw him outside during daylight hours and could have made the arrest then. Continue reading



Marketta Smith (center) with other students from Catherine Ferguson Academy, and teacher Nicole Conaway at left, compared the takeover of DWSD to attacks on countries in Africa; these students set example for "civil disobedience" called for to keep DWSD.

 By Diane Bukowski

October 1, 2011 

DETROIT – The Detroit City Council voted Sept. 27 to hire its own attorney regarding U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox’s Sept. 9 order essentially taking over the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD). On Sept. 28, they heard from workers and residents demanding that Detroiters retain ownership and control of the system they built and paid for. 

Councilmembers JoAnn Watson, Brenda Jones, Kwame Kenyatta

“Under the City Charter, the Water Department cannot be sold or disposed of in any way unless a majority of city voters approve it,” Councilwoman JoAnn Watson said. “At one one point, the federal court estimated that HALF the value of the department would be $10 billion.” 

Councilwoman Brenda Jones said, “I intend to fight this takeover with everything I have.” 

Councilmen Gary Brown, Charles Pugh sit on Cox committee, are gagged from discussing with rest of Council

Cox appointed City Council President Charles Pugh and President Pro-tem Gary Brown to a committee charged with producing a plan to revamp DWSD governance by Nov. 4. He then ordered them not to relay information regarding committee deliberations to the rest of the Council. 

“The Council does need advice and action, particularly because of gag orders on two members by the Judge preventing them from even talking to this body,” Councilman Kwame Kenyatta said Sept. 27. “I presume the Law Department is gagged as well. We need someone to represent this body and the citizens of Detroit.” 

Attorney Robert W. Palmer

Councilwoman Watson moved to hire attorney Robert W. Palmer of Pitt, McGee, Palmer, Rivers & Golden. All members except Brown voted yes.  The council is to hold a closed session to consult with Golden shortly. 

The Council has been urged by many in the community to file for intervenor status in the federal lawsuit involved, United States of America vs. City of Detroit (Case No. 77-71100)

The DWSD committee also includes representatives of Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and the Board of Water Commissioners. On Sept. 30, Cox appointed his Special Master David Ottenwess, a medical malpractice attorney who represents hospitals and health care institutions, to head the committee and report back on its progress solely to him. 

Rec. Dept. worker speaks against water takeover as Local 207 Pres. John Riehl and Secy-Treasurer Mike Mulholland listen in background.

“None of these people know much about wastewater,” John Riehl, president of the largest water department union local, representing 1,000 workers, said in AFSCME Local 207’s newsletter. 

“This could mean that this panel is intended to provide cover for Cox to impose (in his words) ‘a more intrusive remedy.’  Oakland and Macomb County politicians are asking Cox to take the Department from Detroit. If they do take over, massive privatization and job losses are certain, Detroit will be closer to being dismantled and depopulated, and one of the last vestiges of Black political power in the U.S. will be severely diminished.” 

During a public hearing Sept. 28, held on short notice, many spoke out vehemently against the attack. Only Council members Watson, Jones, Kenyatta, and briefly, Andre Spivey attended. 

Valerie Burris

“Water is a human right,” said Valerie Burris, noting the absence of the other members and any representatives from the executive branch including Bing.  “If nothing else, we should be able to count on the Mayor and City Council to defend us.” 

Neighborhood association leader Carol Conway said, “It’s time to take this to the streets. All my life I’ve lived here and paid my water bill. All of that belongs to us, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let it go.” 

Mary Lacey asked, “What do we need with Cox? We’ve got the people who can handle this system. He has no background in running a water department.”  

Detroiter Gwen Gaines demands water rights in Atlanta protest, 2007; Photo Kenny Snodgrass

Riehl asked, “Did the suburbs object when Kwame Kilpatrick hired Victor Mercado to run the department, when he shut down our heavy repair unit, when he shrunk our workforce, when he shut off the water to 40,000 Detroit families, when the fraudulent Synagro contract was approved?” 

Riehl said Oakland and Macomb Counties have attacked now only because the department has finally started to hire new workers, 103 in the recent period, and is getting ready to remedy problems on its own. He called for legal action as well as mass street protests.  Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street protesters on Brooklyn Bridge, New York City

 WEBSITE: Occupy Wall Street.  Click on  live streaming to see events unfold.

Drop All Charges on ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Arrestees! 

Stop Police Attacks & Arrests! Support ‘Occupy Wall Street’!

  • SIGN THE ONLINE PETITION AT  to send email messages to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, NYC City Council, NYPD, the NY Congressional Delegation, Congressional Leaders, the NY Legislature, President Obama, Attorney General Holder, members of the media YOU WANT ALL CHARGES DROPPED ON THE ‘OCCUPY WALL STREET ARRESTEES!
  • IN NYC, DEMONSTRATE on MONDAY OCTOBER 3 at 5 PM at New York City Hall – 250 Broadway at Park Place, Manhattan and on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 join the Community Labor March to Wall St./Zuccotti Park – gather at 4:30 pm Gather at City Hall – 250 Broadway
  • AROUND THE COUNTRY, Solidarity Occupations have begun in over 100 cities! Find the one near you at


The arrest of over 700 people on Saturday, Oct 1 on the Brooklyn Bridge by the New York City Police Department is an outrage and an injustice. Numerous videos clearly show top NYPD police officials actually leading the demonstration on to the roadway of the bridge, not the pedestrian walkway. Then they blocked further movement and started arresting hundreds of activists. This is entrapment. 

A loose network of organizations and individuals called the occupation named “Occupy Wall Street”. It started 15 days ago. It has no ending date. No one knows how long it will last. But it is now attracting growing and enthusiastic mass support giving voice to the widespread hatred of the banks. 

Brooklyn Bridge occupation

The protesters are opposing the domination by the top banks and corporations of every aspect of life in the U.S. today. The only interest of the banks is in maximizing profits, not in meeting people’s needs in the U.S. or anywhere in the world. The protesters are mostly youth, who have heroically congregated by the tens of thousands to “occupy Wall Street” protesting the authority of a small elite over the rest of humanity, “the 99%.”

They have been met with brutality, harassment, and oppression for the crime of raising their voices and fighting for justice. 


This brutality is just another instance of the NYPD’s usual standard behavior. The racist murders of Sean Bell and Amadou Diallo, the brutal attacks on all kinds of peaceful protestors from centuries ago, to the police attacks on the demonstrators just one week prior to the October 1 mass arrests, the hundreds of thousands of “stop and frisk” searches on youth of color, and the efforts to attack immigrant workers, all show who the NYPD serves to protect, from whom they recieve their orders.

Wall Street protesters are publishing their own newspaper, The Occupied Wall Street Journal

We demand that those arrested be immediately released, and that all charges be dropped. We also demand that the NYPD pay reparations to all those they unjustly arrested.

The most violent criminals on this earth are not those protesting Wall Street, but those who sit on Wall Street, and own the world’s wealth. In their ruthless drive for greater profits, lower pay and to keep us divided they foment racism, sexism and LGBT bigotry and attacks on immigrants and Muslims. They close thousands of industries and lay off millions of workers here in order to pay 1/10 the wages in oppressed countries abroad. While speaking empty words of democracy they occupy and bomb countries and carry out drone attacks, while shutting down protests here. They profit from endless wars, militarism, environmental destruction, millions of foreclosed homes and the largest prison system in the world.

Media center at Occupy Wall Street

The youth, rallying against them, and crying for justice are heroes and should not be subject to harassment, arrests, and other abuses for their righteous actions.

Emergency protests are called for Monday 5pm at NYC City Hall against the mass arrests and on Wednesday, Oct 5 a mass labor rally of support for Occupy Wall Street.





Bail Out the People Movement
c/o Solidarity Center
55 W 17th St #5C
New York, NY 10011


  • 700 arrested over the weekend as protestors camp out in New York’s financial district
  • Protest enters third week with activists in LA saying they will remain ‘indefinitely’

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:54 AM on 3rd October 2011

The arrests of 700 people on Brooklyn Bridge over the weekend have only strengthened the resolve of anti-Wall Street protesters as the campaign entered its third week.

Los Angeles occupation

The protests against corporate America, which began in New York City two weeks ago, have already spread across the country, with demonstrations starting up in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Denver and Seattle. Continue reading

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The big crooks who belong in the toilet: (l to r) beginning with the two Bushes, Carlyle Group co-founders Frank Carluccia and David Rubinstein, Synagro exec James Rosendall, former Kilpatrick aide Michael Tardif, investigated but not charged in Synagro and Systematic Recycling Council votes, Synagro legal counsel Alvin Thomas II, current Synagro CEO and "Underdover Boss" Dave Massa, and Synagro operative Pamela Racey, still employed despite numerous allegations that she originated bribery deals.

Fox 2 report attacks small Black water contractor Bankston in favor of wealthy white Homrich

September 30, 2011

By Diane Bukowski

U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox, appointed by Carlyle member former Pres. George W. Bush, used Carlyle/Synagro scandal as excuse for DWSD takeover

DETROIT — One week before U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox issued his Sept. 9 order taking over the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD), Detroit’s Fox 2 News featured an attack on a small Black-owned water department contractor and virtually every Black official connected with the Water Department contracting process.

It was clearly no accident. One of the problems Cox cited in court filings on the 32-year-old DWSD federal lawsuit was that the city has contracting procedures benefiting resident-owned businesses.

In the piece, aired Sept. 1, Fox 2 reporter Charlie LeDuff interviewed wealthy white suburban contractor Roger I. Homrich, who is contesting the city’s grant of a two-year sludge hauling contract to Bankston Construction, a Black-owned, Detroit-based business. According to AFSCME Local 207 President John Riehl, Bankston has had DWSD ash-hauling contracts for many years.

Roger I. Homrich, suburban CEO of numerous Homrich companies; Fox 2 shows him here in front of Homrich trucks demolishing the historice Cass Technical High School building.

“Remember Synagro, the company that greased more fingers in Detroit than a short order cook?” Fox 2 asked. “It’s the scandal that rocked Detroit city hall, sent Monica Conyers to federal prison and threatens to send disgraced former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his daddy Bernard to lengthy prison stays themselves.”

The comparison of Bankston Construction to Synagro is a giant stretch. According to the business search site Manta, Bankston’s annual revenues run $1 to $2.5 million.

Synagro is a national white-owned technologies corporation owned by the Carlyle Group, an international cartel run by, among other former world leaders, George Bush and son George W. Bush. Carlyle, the world’s largest private equity firm, has $88 billion under management, and another $59.6 billion in equity investments, in 72 countries, according to Dan Briody, author of “The Iron Triangle.”

Fox 2 News reporter Charlie LeDuff

The Fox 2 report (below) featured photos of former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, his father Bernard Kilpatrick, former City Council President Monica Conyers, consultant Sam Riddle, and others being flushed down a toilet. All but one of the officials in the toilet were Black. The sole white was James Rosendall, the Synagro executive who entrapped Black city officials and residents in a bribery scheme to obtain a $1.2 billion incinerator contract for his bosses.


Fox 2 made no allegations that Bankston similarly bribed city officials to get his contract.

The photo at the top of this story shows who really belongs in the toilet, among numerous others.

They are: George Bush and George W. Bush, Carlyle co-founders Frank Carlucci (U.S. Defense Secretary under Ronald Reagan) and David Rubinstein, Rosendall, Michael Tardif, a former Kilpatrick aide who was investigated by the federal government with respect to the Synagro and Systematic Recycling contracts, current Synagro CEO Bill Massa (for lack of available photos of former CEO Robert Boucher, Jr.), Synagro General Counsel Alvin Thomas II, and Synagro Vice-President of Business Development Pamela Racey (back to camera, hand in front of face).

Both this reporter and later, Jennifer Dixon of the Detroit Free Press, did articles exposing the fact that these Synagro top executives, as well as J. Paul Withrow, whose photograph was not found, KNEW of the bribery scheme. Articles by this reporter in The Michigan Citizen said Synagro had similarly entrapped Black officials in Philadelphia and elsewhere. 

(Click on EVIDENCE Synagro payoff MC DB and Carlyle and Synagro escape charges DB MC to read two of dozens of stories by this reporter on the Synagro deal.)

Former Kilpatrick aide Michael Tardif, married Michigan Citizen publisher Catherine Kelly in Aug. 2010; they are shown here at a benefit for the privatized Detroit Insititute of Arts

But only Rosendall went to prison, for 11 months. Meanwhile Rayford Jackson, a Black Detroit entrepreneur Rosendall used, got five years because he would not cooperate with the FBI in naming others. Meanwhile the federal government is busy taking down other Black officials involved, including former Kilpatrick aide Derrick Miller and Emma Bell.

Mysteriously, former Kilpatrick aide Michael Tardif, who is white and was  alleged by Detroit Free Press writer David Ashenfelter among others to have been investigated for his connections to Rosendall and Synagro, dropped from sight until he quietly married the publisher of The Michigan Citizen, Catherine Kelly, in August, 2010. There is still no mention of his being charged in current articles naming Miller and Bell.

(Click on: Eight named in FBI Kilpatrick probe including Michael Tardif forAshenfelter article, also for articles related to Tardif connections.)

Synagro CEO Bill Massa (appropriate name) in series "Undercover Boss"

Neither Synagro nor Carlyle as corporate entities were ever charged in the deal THEY set up.

In fact, Massa was recently featured on the reality show “Undercover Boss,” indicating his company’s continued acceptance in the world of corporate finance and big media.

In the center of the toilet photo above is Homrich, president of numerous companies bearing the Homrich name. After Synagro canceled its $1.2 billion contract to build a new private incinerator amid the scandal, the city kept using DWSD incinerators. Mayor Ken Cockrel, Jr. let a contract to haul the sludge to Homrich and Waste Management, Inc. The second company is well-known for federal investigations of its ties to organized crime.

Ken Cockrel Jr. and Dep. Mayor Saul Green at press conference announcing giveaway of Cobo Hall

WMI was a significant contributor to Cockrel’s campaign for Mayor. (Click on KEN CASH CONTRACTS DB MC to read this author’s story on THAT questionable Sludgegate deal, which none of the daily media in Detroit raised a stink about.)

But LeDuff reported Sept. 1, “Both the mayor’s office and the city council – bent over backwards to give Bankston Construction the $47 million contract – despite state law, city law and custom. Despite tax liens, law suits, lack of insurance and bonds and a credit score of 2 out of 100, Bankston got the deal.”

LeDuff proceeded to attack Vincent Bankston personally, claiming he had several drunk driving arrests. (So has Oakland County Chief Executive L. Brooks Patterson, one of the moving forces in the DWSD takeover.)

Patterson stopped for DUI, let off by Oakland County cop; cartoon from Metro Times

According to records obtained from the City Council Research and Analysis Division (click on Bankston contract for full account of contract from RAD), the figure of $47 million was deliberately inflated. The contract is for $23.5 million over two years, with a possible additional two years that Council has not yet voted on. Bankston was the low bidder. Homrich bid $29 million. The city’s Purchasing Division said the contract would save the city over $4 million.

This is not the first time Bankston has experienced problems in the generally mob-dominated sludge-hauling business. Bankston filed suit in 2000 against the city, a suit which was dismissed at all levels. (Click on Bankston lawsuit v Detroit to read Court of Appeals ruling.) However, the language in the COA opinion is illuminating:

Anthony Soave (with guests) sold City Management to Waste Management, Inc.

Specifically, plaintiff asserted that its offer to haul solidified stabilized sludge was implicitly accepted by the defendant after it submitted the low bid in July 1997, (VOD ed: it is common practice for city departments to have contractors begin work before City Council approval.) and that because the offer was accepted it was entitled to begin hauling solidified stabilized sludge immediately thereafter. Plaintiff contends that it had an output contract with defendant that entitled it to haul a specific amount of sludge, and that defendant’s award of emergency contracts to City Management in 1997 and 1999 to haul raw sludge breached its contract with defendant by reducing the sludge available for plaintiff to haul to an amount less than that established by the contract, causing damages to it by diminishing the revenues that plaintiff was able and entitled to earn under the terms of the contract.”

Wonder why Bankston workers might have sued the company for non-payment, as alleged by Fox 2?

City Management’s owner Anthony Soave (rumored to be part of the mob underground), also a contributor to Ken Cockrel and numerous other city officials’ campaign finances,  later sold the company to Waste Management, Inc. Click on to read “The Offensive, Odorous Underbelly of Trash,” published in the Cheboygan Daily Tribune.

Bankston is certified by the City of Detroit’s Human Rights Department as a Detroit-headquartered business, a small business, and a minority-owned business, while Homrich is certified as a Detroit-based business. Bankston, Homrich, and the Humand Rights Department director did not return calls for comment on this article. 

Oasis Trucking Center at 4195 Central

According to state records, Homrich’s only “Detroit base” appears to be Suite H at 4195 Central Street, the address used for the company’s certification. But no Homrich signs or equipment are visible there. This reporter was not able to obtain entry to Suite H on Sept. 28 because no one was in the office that day.

Manta says Homrich employs two people there, and has $98.000 in revenues annually.

But according to State of Michigan records, Roger I. Homrich owns numerous companies using the Homrich name, based mainly in Carleton and LaSalle Michigan.

Located at 12856 Allenhurst Rd. in LaSalle, Michigan, are Homrich Contracting, Homrich Environmental Remediation Services. LLC, andHomrich Industrial Services, LLC. 

Aerial view Homrich LaSalle address on Allenhurst, appears to be lakefront property

Located at 200 Matlin Rd, Carleton, Michigan, are Homrich Management Corporation and Homrich Enterprises, as well as Regulated Resource Recovery, another company owned by Roger I. Homrich.

According to Manta, Homrich Wrecking has $7.1 million in revenues, with a staff of 60. It identifies Homrich Inc. at the Detroit address, but also says Homrich Inc. in Carleton rakes in $20-$50 million annually and has a staff of 100 to 249. Resource Recovery, which operates the land-fill on Matlin, has annual revenues of $5 to $10 million and employs 50 workers according to Manta.

Homrich was contractor on Hudson demolition

Homrich already has a huge share of both the City of Detroit and Detroit Public Schools contract pies, among them the notorious demolition of the J.L. Hudson Building, which caused a huge cloud of pollution to blanket downtown Detroit, the implosion of the Jeffries Projects to replace them with “market-rate” housing, only 20 percent for low-income individuals, and the current demolition of the historic Cass Technical High School building.

Of course, Fox 2’s fly-by-night attack on Bankston and Detroit is not surprising, given that Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, known for his obscene wealth, anti-unionism, and corruption.

Four towers of the Jeffries Projects demolished by Homrich on April 29, 2011

According to Wikipedia, “Murdoch has been listed three times in the Time 100 as among the most influential people in the world. He is ranked 13th most powerful person in the world in the 2010 Forbes’ The World’s Most Powerful People list. With a personal net worth of US$7.6 billion, he was ranked 117th wealthiest person in the world in March 2011.

“In July 2011 Murdoch faced allegations that his companies including the News of the World, owned by News Corporation, had been regularly hacking the phones of private citizens. He also faces police and government investigations into bribery and corruption in the UK and FBI investigations in the US.”

Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News and world's second largest media conglomerate

So, Charlie LeDuff and Fox 2 News Detroit, when are you going to flush Rupert Murdoch’s photo down the toilet? Or are you afraid of being fired like other Fox outlet officials who reported on the Murdoch phone hacking scandal? 

Murdoch of Fox News Admits Manipulating the News

Rupert Murdoch of News Corp / Fox News Admits Manipulating the News for Agenda – Admits he supported the Bush Agenda in Iraq – He is part of the Bilderburg group

 Also click on to for account of the Carlyle Group’s connection to Rupert Murdoch’s news empire. Turns out a major partner in the Carlyle Group owns the remaining stock in Murdoch’s News Group, parent company of Fox News.



USA, Canada, most of West Europe, 40 countries are at war, and their populations do not even know it

By Adam King

Posted: 2011/09/27
From: Mathaba 

The reality is, the majority of people in France do not even know they are at war with Libya, the crown of Africa. I met a young Belgian lady who is a professional architect, and cares about Peace and Love, and yet, even though NATO is headquartered in Belgium, she has never heard of NATO, nor even by its French acronym OTAN. That is the reality. The youth of Europe, do not even know they are at war.

We therefore have to change tactics. It is not enough to talk about NATO, NATO-rebels, and NATO supported terrorism. We must stop talking about NATO, because, even those how have heard of it, then consider it as some abstract or separate entity, and do not even connect it to what it is: the command of the North American (USA, Canada) and west European military forces.

Instead, we must now talk of US-European, or even WHITE countries. The white countries are at war with Black Africa, and Black, includes all Libyans, even those of light skin. We have to elevate the struggle to the ground level, to take it up to the consciousness of the bright educated “westerners”, no, not westerners, whites.

We have to call it as it is, and risk offending a few whites, in our experience, the good ones are not offended, as they realize they are but a tiny speck, an insignificant minority in a sea of millions. For every million whites, there is only one or two, or maybe a half dozen or so, who are “clued up” in any way about reality. Facebook does not educate them, nor the tell-lie-vision.

This is a white war against Black Africa, and the Black people of the world. Let the term Black be political: this includes the true greens, not the fake “environmental” greens of the green parties. Black does not include Obama, nor any other coconuts such as Conomsleeze Lice. Black includes the oppressed poor whites who have a consciousness.

Let us all be Black people then. Otherwise, how are we going to get through to these dumb whites, the millions of them, who refuse to even budge, a handful of them, 3 or 4 to be precise, demonstrated in Berlin against NATO and in support of Libya, and then turned against Mathaba when we reported their demonstration, as they wished people to read about it only on their blog.

White, means selfish. White means racist. White means reactionary. White means slave master. White means devil. Let us take the struggle to this level, for, where are the educated whites, what are they doing about this? Nothing. Only those who are here at Mathaba. What are we going to call ourselves? Black sheep, that is what, as we are the black sheep of this world.

Now it is imperative that we stop being sheep, and that we actually become pro-active, and lead the way, take the initiative. This means, in ever neighbourhood around the world, there must be a local MATHABA where people Meet And Talk Helping All Become Aware. Those committees, no matter what they call themselves, must make up a world wide Green Charter Movement.

Below is a video to educate those a little who don’t know what is going on: 

And at you can find many more. Refer people to  and watch the video and listen to the recording top right, and follow the links at the end of that page, and sign up to join the Email list at the top center of that page, or follow  or  and invite others to do so too. Continue reading

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