City workers and Coalition of Black Trade Unionists demonstrate at CAYMC May 27, 2010

Click on Hood Research city budget analysis in detail for further information. There is a link to the Hood Research website on VOD at right under links.

Hood Research’s monthly meeting is this Saturday, May 14 at 2PM  8222 Joy Road Part of the Agenda includes a discussion on the Budget for the City of Detroit.

This Friday Hood Research is sponsoring a Black History Tour right here in the City of Detroit.  For Details call, 313.931.2700

 Hood Research is on Facebook; Pictures from its Black History Tour to Battle Creek are posted. Stay tuned for pictures related to more problems with city vehicles. 

Go for further updates. 


Commentary from AFSCME Local 207 (Water and Public Lighting Depts.) 

Mayor Dave Bing cozies up with Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

Mayor Bing is demanding that city unions and even the pension boards cave in to more concessions just 6 months after he imposed the worst concessions in Detroit city workers’ history. While Bing is still working out the details, he is clearly out to radically reduce our pensions and increase our health insurance costs. Bing is threatening us with a state-imposed financial dictator to void our union contracts if we don’t submit to his demands. AFSCME Council 25 is meeting with the City Friday May 13th to hear his proposals. They are currently saying they are against opening the contract to negotiate more concessions (the contract doesn’t expire till July 2012). Local 207’s response to Bing’s attacks on Detroit is:
• Don’t Open the Contract!
• Hands off Our Pensions!
• No More Health Insurance Concessions!
• No Emergency Financial Managers! No Dictatorships!
• Fight to Save Our City, Our Schools, Our Neighborhoods, Our Jobs!

The fight to defend public education is the cornerstone of our fight to defend our city, our services and our jobs. These are inseparable issues. If we show the community that city workers are helping to lead the fight for Detroit, we will build the unity all Detroit needs to defeat the many attack against us as the powers-that-be attempt to enforce a new form of Jim Crow, second-class status on our community, including the assault on our wages and benefits.
If we raise enough hell, Bing, Snyder and their super-rich, tax-dodging backers will be afraid to impose a dictator over our city. If Bing fears the consequences of a takeover of the whole city, then he has nothing to threaten us with. The rich have no right to treat us like dogs, and we not stand for it! Let’s start taking united actions with all those who are fighting to save our city. Come demand that they stop the attack on our schools, and stop the attack on city workers. DETROIT: RISE UP! 

Bail-out workers and residents with tax dollars, not the banks!



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Ricktator Snyder looks on grimly after presenting Roy Roberts as new DPS EM

On Tuesday March 10th, students, parents and community members will make clear that having a new face in the EFM’s office changes nothing about the fight for public education in Detroit. Roberts will be granted no honeymoon.                     

“Roy Roberts is no more qualified than Bobb. He is not an educator; he’s just a wealthy businessman, who, like Bobb and Bing, doesn’t even live in Detroit. Bobb is “training” Roberts to take over the job of dismantling public education in Detroit. Snyder, Bobb, Bing and Roberts have nothing good planned for the students and the people of Detroit,” said Joyce Schon, BAMN attorney who has represented the Detroit School Board.

DPS teachers protest school closings

 “The attack on public education is the most devastating and shameful civil rights attack of this century. Without public education, we get the new Jim Crow – permanent, second-class citizenship, imposed on Black and Latino students by force. This is not about individual buildings.  It is about whether the people of Detroit have value.  But we can defeat it if we are prepared to take some bold actions,” said Shanta Driver, BAMN National Coordinator.

“The student sit-in on April 15th at the Catherine Ferguson Academy paved the way and gained national attention for our cause of defending public education and resisting the school closures.  But to win, we must spread the occupations city-wide. If other schools slated for closure follow the example of the brave Catherine Ferguson occupiers, we save all of our schools and save Detroit,” said Nicole Conaway, a science teacher at CFA who joined her students in the occupation of Catherine Ferguson.

“Everyone who cares about Detroit and the future of its young people should march and rally and demand, not beg, that our schools remain open and public,” added Monica Smith, Detroit BAMN organizer and attorney who participated in the CFA occupation.

For more information, contact Monica Smith 313.585.5657 or Joyce Schon 313-434-7075 or call 855-ASK-BAMN   (855-275-2266), or email BAMN Coordinator Donna Stern at .

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Maryanne Godboldo (l), sister Penny behind her, and attorney Wanda Evans leave court with supporters May 4

UPDATE from Justice4Maryanne Committee

Ariana is HOME! Mother and Child Reunion Party this Sunday 1-3 p.m.

Our prayers have been answered. Ariana was released into the care of her Aunt, Penny, today. Thank you so much for all of your calls, letters, emails, donations and other forms of support. Your outrage with DHS and CPS was finally met with a small act of Justice today. The FIGHT is NOT over – Maryanne will be in court on May 11th to have her parental rights recognized by the court until the trial begins on June 8th. So – we still have a LONG way to go. But we have MUCH cause to celebrate now that Ariana is back home with her family.

 The Justice for Maryanne Action Committee presents: A Mother and Child Reunion Celebration. This Sunday May 8, 2011. 1-3pm Hartford Memorial Baptist Church – Vincent Room. Dr. Charles G. Adams, Senior Pastor. Charles C. Adams, Presiding. 18700 James Couzens Drive Detroit, Michigan. Please join us for this brief but powerful celebration welcoming Ariana back home this Mother’s Day.

By Diane Bukowski

DETROIT – Wayne County Juvenile Court Judge Lynn Pierce ruled May 4 that Ariana Godboldo-Hakim must be released from the Hawthorn Psychiatric Center and placed in her aunt’s home by May 6.

An army that included police tanks, helicopters, and officers armed with assault weapons seized the child from her mother Maryanne Goldboldo Mar. 25 at the request of state Child Protective Services. Godboldo still faces felony charges for resisting what she and her attorneys contend was an illegal kidnapping of the 13-year-old girl.

CPS said they seized Ariana because her mother had taken her off the psychotropic medication Risperdal, among other allegations. However, Godboldo signed a consent form which is in the court file saying she had the right to do so at any time.

Supporters of Maryanne Godboldo at prayer vigil outside Hawthorn Center where Ariana is being held

“A show cause order is now issued for Friday at 1:30 p.m.,” Pierce said. “Any parties who do not cooperate will be found in contempt of court [at the hearing]. I’m not going to have anyone stonewalling the placement.” She added later, “I have not heard anything today indicating that Ariana’s placement in her aunt’s home is detrimental to her welfare.”

The courtroom was packed with supporters of Godboldo and Ariana’s father Mubarak Hakim. The family has received support from around the world as well.

Mubarak Hakim, Ariana's father, said he has been visiting her every day and she is getting worse at Hawthorn

Dr. George Mellos, acting chief of clinical affairs for Hawthorn, and Dr. Margaret Betts, a well-known Detroit M.D. and allopath, who is to treat Ariana on her release, reached agreement on a joint medical treatment plan for the child April 29. Ariana has not yet been diagnosed for a disorder her mother believes was related to a series of vaccinations she received.

Her court-appointed guardian ad litem, David McGuire, said on the record May 4 that he was satisfied with the plan, and that it was “more detailed” than most he had seen.

Pierce ruled April 22 that Ariana should be placed as soon as a medical treatment plan was agreed on. During interim discussions in Pierce’s chambers April 29, however, CPS representatives continued to stall. Evans said she immediately filed motions for the May 4 hearing to effectuate Ariana’s release.

During the May 4 hearing, Evans and Roger Farinha, Hakim’s attorney, argued for the child’s immediate release from the psychiatric facility and return to her family.

Hartford Ministry dancers performing "Testify," choreographed by Penny Godboldo-Brooks

“We are asking first that the child be placed with Maryanne Godboldo,” Evans told Pierce. “You have the authority to release her to her mother while an investigation is pending. The medical professions have indicated that their plan can’t be put into place until the child returns home. Penny [Godboldo-Brooks] elected to have Maryanne take the child first, but if the court doesn’t allow that, she should go to Penny immediately.”

The two-hour hearing became heated as state Child Protective Services (CPS) supervisor Jeannine Washington and an Assistant State Attorney General objected to the doctors’ agreed on plan.

Maryanne Godboldo weeps outside Hawthorn Center after prayer vigil, crying for her child

Washington testified that she received a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice in 2007 and had been employed by the state for three years. She said she was assigned to the Godboldo case only after Ariana was seized from her home.

She and the assistant AG asserted at length that the treatment plan was “too vague.” Despite the fact that Washington had already done a home assessment and a criminal check on Ariana’s aunt and her husband, they said extensive paperwork regarding foster care licensing, educational plans, and other matters still needed to be completed before Ariana could be released from Hawthorn.

“Are you aware that the doctors are recommending Ariana’s release immediately?” Farinha asked during cross-examination of Washington. “Have you and your supervisor discussed the harm that is being done to her by remaining in a mental hospital setting away from her family?”

Dr. Margaret Betts

Washington said they had done so, but had not documented the discussions in writing.

Evans asked Washington, “You’re not an M.D. or psychiatrist, are you? But you don’t think the medical plan is detailed enough?” Washington insisted that it wasn’t.

Evans said that legally the licensing process and other matters can be completed after placement, but Washington took issue with that as well.

After leaving the witness stand, Washington almost jumped on Farinha across the table at which they were both seated, while the hearing was still in progress.

Pierce denied requests by Evans and Farina to present their own witnesses, including Dr. Betts, who was in the courtroom, and Penny Godboldo-Brooks, saying she was ready to rule without their testimony.

After Judge Pierce ruled, the state assistant AG placed the state’s objection to her ruling on the record.

Evans said afterwards, “We’re closer to Ariana’s coming home than we were last Friday. I’m happy with that as long as she is home on May 6. Our position has always been that the child has been traumatized by her removal and her condition has deteriorated while she is away from her mother, placed in a facility where she knows no one.”

Rukiyah Shabazz during church rally for Maryanne Godboldo

Hakim said he had been visiting his daughter every day at Hawthorn, and agreed with Evans’ assessment. Another relative said they have had to go through four locked gates just to visit the child, and that it appeared she had a cigarette burn on her hand during the last visit.

Her mother filed a police complaint against Hawthorn after they took the child to Children’s Hospital, saying she had contracted a sexually-transmitted disease.

The Department of Community Health has yet to supply a list of all complaints filed against Hawthorn in the last five years, requested under the Freedom of Information Act by VOD.

 “CPS is doing all this to punish the mother,” said attorney Allison Folmar, who is representing Maryanne Godboldo in her criminal case. “The child never should have been removed in the first place. There was no emergency.”

Family friend Rukiyah Shabazz added, “Ariana is a political prisoner. They are punishing her too. The state has no place interfering with her care.”

Dr. Betts said after the hearing that she had been visiting Ariana regularly at Hawthorn.

“The child is being traumatized on a day-to-day basis by people she doesn’t know or trust, experiencing the psychological trauma anyone feels on being locked up,” Betts said. “We cannot fully determine appropriate care until she is back home and reacquaints herself with her family. She has a medical team that is ready and willing and I plan to see her the day she comes home. This whole process has been eye-opening and unbelievable, something I never would have expected in a free country.”

She said Dr. Mellos told her he was “appalled” because he has never had to go through the same complications with any other child. She said he told her Ariana was basically dumped at Hawthorn, with no medical records accompanying her.

Another hearing in the case is scheduled for May 11.

There will be a Community Circle Dance Concert fundraiser for the Godboldo Justice Fund Sat. May 14th at 6 p.m., at the Virgil H. Carr Cultural Arts Center, 311 E. Grand River in downtown Detroit. For more information, go to  

Maryanne and Penny Godboldo, a master dance teacher, join dancers performing "Testify" at support rally at Hartford Memorial Church

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Life Worship and Training Center in Pontiac, MI

 Church asks State and Federal AG’s to investigate Bouchard

May 4, 2011

Detroit, Michigan

A Pontiac church that was once the spiritual home for a few Detroit Pistons basketball players went through foreclosure in 2009.  Yet Life Worship and Training Center is turning their hard times into becoming a “private attorney general” that uncovers government corruption.

Wayne County Exec. Robert Ficano and Detroit Mayor Dave Bing consort with Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard (second from right)

In their federal lawsuit filed in Detroit under the church’s corporate name, New Jerusalem Deliverance Church, Thomas Rabette and Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard are being sued regarding Bouchard’s outsourcing of the contract for conducting foreclosure sales. (Click on

New Deliverance Church lawsuit to read original suit, and on Bouchard Lawsuit plaintiff proposed amended complaint for that document.  Exhibits re: Rabette are separately listed in paragraphs below.)

The lawsuit alleges that: Bouchard steered the multimillion dollar contract to a three-month old company, American Process Service Inc., that belonged to one of his special deputy sheriffs, Attorney Thomas Rabette.  The case then alleges that Rabette concealed his affiliation with the company from the Oakland County Commission so the contract could bypass scrutiny of Rabette’s conflict of interest. (Click on Bouchard Lawsuit American Process Service state fililng Thomas Rabette, resident agent to see document.)

Thomas Rabette

The case alleges that Rabette and the corporation’s other officers then engaged in pay-to-play by donating thousands of dollars to Bouchard’s failed campaign as a Republican “tea party” candidate for Michigan’s governor. (Click on  Bouchard Lawsuit Thomas Rabette donations to Mike Bouchard for Governor to see document.)

The case alleges Attorney Thomas Rabette then lied to the federal court in an affidavit, saying he was never contemporaneously employed by both the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and American Process Service Inc., when this affidavit contradicts Rabette’s special deputy appointments signed by Sheriff Mike Bouchard.   

Foreclosures in Michigan can be done outside of the courts through sheriff sales.  New Jerusalem’s federal case uncovered that, since 2009, foreclosure sheriff deeds in Oakland County that were signed by Special Deputy Sheriff Thomas Rabette may be invalid because it is a crime for anyone, including a sheriff, to violate Michigan’s conflict of interest laws. 

U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland

Federal Judge Robert Cleland, a Republican, denied all of New Jerusalem’s repeated motions for discovery of evidence regarding whether fellow Republican, Sheriff Mike Bouchard, awarded the contract between Oakland County and American Process Service on a “no bid” basis.  Despite the evidence of government corruption, Judge Cleland closed the case in Bouchard’s favor.  New Jerusalem has moved for Judge Cleland to reconsider, and plans to appeal. 

 New Jerusalem has asked the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Michigan Attorney General’s Office to investigate Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard.

Go to Bouchard Lawsuit Cleland judgment and Bouchard Lawsuit plaintiff motion for reconsideration.

Bouchard’s office had not responded to a request for comment prior to this article going to press.

For more information about New Jerusalem Deliverance Church v. Thomas Rabette et al, Eastern District Court of Michigan case number 10-cv-12566, contact Anita Belle, legal assistant for Attorney Arthur C. Kirkland, Jr., at (313) 736-5505 or  

Preventing Foreclosure’s Blog

Fight foreclosure by demanding the ORIGINAL promissory note!

Eviction By Any Means Necessary, Including By Invalid Sheriff Deeds

We tell children all the time that one person can make a difference, both for good and for bad.

A person who could be making the difference for bad is Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard. He wanted to be Governor of Michigan. Nothing illegal about that. However, another thing we tell children is that the end doesn’t always justify the means, especially if the means by which you raise campaign finances is through kickbacks from pay-to-play schemes.

Bishop Robert Joyce of New Jerusalem Deliverance Church

The case of New Jerusalem Deliverance Church was published recently.

An example of one woman making a difference for good is Diane Bukowski. The Voice of Detroit is an independent newspaper that is truly “unbossed and unbought”. In this newspaper, Diane Bukowski published the exclusive scoop that gives hope to everyone who has gone through foreclosure in Oakland County since 2009. She told property owners that the sheriff deed in their foreclosure might be invalid, if the auctioneer who conducted the sheriff sale had a conflict of interest. The New Jerusalem case highlights the potential conflict of interest of Attorney Thomas Rabette.

If the RICO allegations in New Jerusalem’s proposed amended complaint are true, then two people can make a difference, those two people being Thomas Rabette and Sheriff Mike Bouchard. If Rabette was employed with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office when Sheriff Bouchard steered a no-bid contract to a company that Rabette represented as an attorney, and Rabette worked for that company while he was still working for the Sheriff’s Office, then Rabette had a conflict of interest. Michigan law makes it a crime for anyone, including sheriff’s, to have a conflict of interest, so if it was unlawful for Bouchard to authorize Rabette to sign sheriff deeds, then the sheriff deeds Rabette signed are invalid. But the plot thickens: What if Rabette, the company’s other officers, and their wives then all made the statutory maximum political campaign contributions to Bouchard’s bid to become Michigan’s Governor in 2010? Was the contract steering a pay-to-play scheme?

According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Annual Report for 2010, (see link: there were 8818 foreclosures in 2009 and 9727 in 2010. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that, of the more than 18,000 foreclosures in Oakland County in 2009-2010, Thomas Rabette was the auctioneer for only 10%, or 1800 sheriff sales. According to City-Data, the median value of homes and condos in Oakland County was $186,800. (See link: If Thomas Rabette unlawfully signed the sheriff deeds for 1800 Oakland County properties valued at an average of $186,800 each, then he alone has caused more than $336 million in sheriff deeds to have clouded title.Because federal RICO laws permit civil litigants to sue for triple damages, then the economic impact of Bouchard and Rabette’s alleged pay-to-play scheme potentially exposes Oakland County to more than a billion dollars in liability! If Rabette signed more than 10% of the Oakland County sheriff deeds executed since 2009, then the economic impact of his alleged corruption increases exponentially.

Given Michigan’s fragile economy, the media outlets who are bossed and bought would not want to publicize that millions, if not billions, of dollars in Oakland County titles to banks are clouded due to Bouchard’s corruption. Only Voice of Detroit wants to tell property owners that their rights are being violated!

This is the problem. A big problem! What is the solution? It’s easy to do as federal Judge Robert Cleland seems to have done, to simply turn a blind eye to Sheriff Bouchard’s corruption, and allow people who can’t afford their mortgage to be evicted by any means necessary, including by means of invalid sheriff deeds. The end doesn’t justify the means, particularly if the means require us to compromise our standards of government integrity. You’d think the banks, just as much, (if not more than foreclosed homeowners), would want to put a stop to Bouchard if he is guilty of what New Jerusalem accuses him of. Then, the banks’ sheriff deeds wouldn’t have clouded title. Honest government isn’t a privilege. It’s everyone’s right!

Ultimately, turning a blind eye to corruption costs everyone so much more than $336 million. Even people who don’t live in Oakland County suffer if that county is bankrupted and blighted by unpunished, corrupt politicians. We all pay the price of evil triumphing because good people do nothing. It would wise of Oakland County to investigate Bouchard and Rabette.

Ed. note: Thanks to the folks at Preventing Foreclosures Blog for this highly informative story which responded to VOD’s original story above. Click on the link below to access their website:

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Pres. Barack Obama and top advisers viewing execution of Osama Bin Laden


Of all the images that have emerged from the morally unclean events of Sunday night, the most politically significant and, one has reason to believe, enduring will prove to be the official photograph, released by the White House, of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and other high officials of the United States government seated together in the situation room as they witnessed the killing of Osama bin Laden and several other human beings, including one woman. 

Osama bin Laden

Normally, the witnesses to an execution are not photographed. But the White House clearly wanted this “historic moment” captured for posterity. The eyes of all the participants in this ghoulish tableau–with the exception of a military officer who is working his computer–are apparently focused on a television screen. Obama, leaning forward, is stone faced as he stares ahead. Gates wears the sour expression of a man who is too well acquainted with such operations. Hillary Clinton’s right hand is raised over her mouth, a gesture that betrays the horror of what is unfolding before her eyes.

After bin Laden had been liquidated, the White House and the media moved quickly to orchestrate the celebration of what was, in fact, an extra-legal state killing. The president chose the East Room to inform the nation, late Sunday night, of bin Laden’s death.

Obama, so desperately anxious to associate himself with the killing, no doubt believes that this is the “defining” event of his presidency. But what does this conception–so enthusiastically endorsed by the media–say about the political and moral condition of the government of the United States?

The scenes that followed the announcement of bin Laden’s liquidation–or, to be more precise, those reported and encouraged by the media–have been ugly and degrading. The grunting of “USA! USA!”–a chant which was unknown in the United Stat es until it was incited by the filthy chauvinism of sportscasters who disgraced the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles–has over the last quarter century assumed the character of a public ritual. Of course, very few people are involved in such displays of political backwardness. But they are featured and promoted by the media to intimidate the public, suppress critical thought, and encourage a sense of political and emotional isolation among all those who are not prepared to surrender their democratic principles and moral integrity.

By now, what words can one find to describe the mass media in the United States? The response to the killing of bin Laden exposes yet again the degree to which the distinction between news and propaganda has been virtually effaced. In an unintentionally revealing comment, as the networks awaited Obama’s speech, CNN’s principal anchor, Wolf Blitzer, informed his audience that the network had received a message from the White House compliment ing CNN for its “responsible” coverage of the unfolding events. This compliment, which would be received with shame by a serious journalist, was reported by Blitzer with pride.

The front page of Tuesday’s New York Times carries a banner headline: “Behind the Hunt for Bin Laden.” The article that follows is not a news lead, but rather a work of bootlicking propaganda. We read: “For an intelligence community that had endured searing criticism for a string of intelligence failures over the past decade, Bin Laden’s killing brought a measure of redemption. For a military that has slogged through two, and now three vexing wars in Muslim countries, it provided an unalloyed success. And for a president whose national security leadership has come under question, it proved an affirming moment that will enter the history books.”

So much for a critical examination of the clear illegality of the incursion into Pakistan and the killing itself, let alone an investiga tion of the mass of unanswered questions and contradictions raised by the Obama administration’s version of events. In fact, by Tuesday night the initial claims that bin Laden had been killed rifle in hand were refuted by later reports that he was unarmed when he was shot to death.

The Times‘ lead editorial is no less celebratory. It begins: “The news that Osama bin Laden has been tracked and killed by American forces filled us, and all Americans, with a great sense of relief.”

Aside from the Times‘ unwarranted presumption that it speaks for “all Americans,” why should the killing of a man who has been in hiding for a decade and who was, as is almost universally acknowledged, incapable of significantly influencing, let alone directing events, produce “relief?” Why should the “relief” over his killing outweigh the profound concern that should be aroused by the far-reaching and long-lasting consequences and implications of the United States’ ext ra-legal killing of an individual? Not surprisingly, the Times fails to note that the murder of bin Laden occurred just one day after the United States and NATO killed the son and three grandchildren of Muammar Gaddafi in an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Libyan leader.

The media proclaims over and over the “historic” significance of the killing of bin Laden. It has not been able, however, to explain precisely why this event is of such monumental significance. Neither Obama nor the media have sought to suggest that bin Laden’s death will bring an end to the wars and occupations in which the United States is engaged. Quite the opposite: the New York Times declared, in the same above-cited editorial, “Even as we now breathe a bit more easily, we must also remember that the fight against extremists is far from over.” In other words, the wars will continue. Another bogeyman will soon be found, or invented, to take the place of bin Laden.

The misuse of the term “historic” to describe Sunday’s killing is not merely an example of journalistic exaggeration. It expresses a delusional belief within the American ruling class that it can through acts of wanton violence determine the course of history.

But the movement of history is shaped by processes, economic and social, that are far more powerful than the American military.

The inexorable decay of American capitalism continues. During the last 20 years, despite the endless series of military engagements and wars, it has not been possible for the ruling class to restore the global economic position of the United States. During the week that preceded bin Laden’s killing, the US dollar fell to historic lows.

American capitalism remains mired in the worst economic recession since the Great Depression. The national government teeters on the brink of bankruptcy. The states are starved of resources. The social infrastructure is breaking down. The gr eed, corruption and parasitism of the super-rich are provoking ever greater popular indignation. But the political system is incapable of responding to popular demands for social reform and economic relief.

As with so many of the previous events deemed “historic” by American presidents and the media–the capture of Saddam Hussein being among the more recent–this one too will be quickly overtaken by the unforeseen consequences of the reckless decisions from which it emerged. Obama’s “historic moment” will soon prove to be only another sordid episode in the political, economic and moral putrefaction of the American ruling class.

See also: ”

The killing of bin Laden and the ‘war on terror’

UPDATE: click on the links below to read MSNBC’s stories on reaction in the Muslim world to Osama Bin Laden’s execution.

Al-Qaida confirms bin Laden’s death

Al-Qaida on Friday confirmed the killing of Osama bin Laden and warned of retaliation, saying America’s “happiness will turn to sadness.”

Protesters condemn ‘brutal killing’ of bin Laden

Muslims in the Philippines, Indonesia and Pakistan protested the killing of Osama bin Laden.


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Osama Bush Bin Laden

By Dr. Publico, May 2, 2011 The American Tribune

Breaking News [1]alerts us that Osama bin Laden has been killed.  There’s very little in the way of analysis in the nation’s corporate media, but I guess that’s to be expected.  There’s always more to the story…

I suppose it’s fitting that the CIA reportedly had a direct hand in the military apprehension of Osama; they helped create him in the first place.

 Osama bin Laden [3](54) was born in 1957 in Saudi Arabia (bin Laden means “son of Laden”) to one of the world’s wealthiest families.  His father, Mohammed [4](1908-’67) was originally from Yemen, built a construction business and came into favor of the Saudi royal family.

 Today, the Saudi Binladen Group [5]is a multi-$billion construction and holding empire with operations all over the world.  Among close business connections are Bush and Carlyle, Inc., Cheney and Halliburton, Inc., etc.

In 1979, Osama—a fundamentalist Wahhabi [6]—traveled to Afganistan to fight the Soviets.  He opposed all forms of pan-Arabism, socialism and democracy.  He was dedicated to biblical Sharia law [7]thru violent jihadism [8].

Under the Reagan Doctrine [9], the CIA sponsored and supplied arms, training and financial aid to these Mujahideen as “freedom fighters” against Soviet expansion. 

Women in Afghanistan under the U.S. supported Taliban; they were forbidden to read, work outside the home, etc.

 Osama was a central conduit for paying jihadists from around the world to travel to Afghanistan, dealing with the CIA-Pakistani bureaucracy (he had a degree in economics and business administration), and establishing CIA-staffed training camps.

But Osama also had his own agenda, building a separate faction loyal to him and his Wahhabi vision: To wage worldwide jihad after the Soviet defeat.  He was building Al Queda (“the base”) by 1988.  When the Soviets left in 1989, Osama and his force returned to Saudi Arabia.  (An estimated 70-to-80% were Saudis.)

General David Patraeus greets President Barack Obama in Iraq

Pan-Arabist Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990.  The Saudi royal family welcomed US forces as they bordered on both nations.  Osama opposed this sacrilegious violation of Saudi soil and turned to terror ops.  He was banished by the Saudis and fled to the Sudan.

Conducting his terror campaign from there, he was forced to leave in 1996.  With the aid of the Taliban, the Pakistani ISI [11], and other allies, he reestablished Mujahideen training bases.  From there, he trained and exported Al Queda cadre creating terror cells throughout the world.

 These forces were built mostly independent.  While Al Queda central would call for strategic operations for various causes, the tactical when-and-where were decided by the individual groups.  Yet, Osama primarily relied on his own inner cadres [12]

USS Cole

To wit:  Jun ‘96, The Khobar Towers, 19 Americans killed by 4 Saudi jihadists; Aug ’98, Nairobi Embassy, 12 Americans killed by 14 jihadists (13 Saudis); Oct ’00, USS Cole, 17 Americans killed by 2 Saudis; Sep ’01, WTC Towers+, 2,977 total killed by 19 jihadists (15 Saudis); May ’03, Riyadh compound, 9 Americans killed by 9 Saudis; and Dec ‘2004, Mosul mess tent, 18 Americans killed by 1 Saudi.

While the politicians and the corporate media cooperate in downplaying the terror connections of their business and state allies, the reality is otherwise.


The first response of Bush & Cheney to the 9/11 attack was to shut down all civilian air traffic—all but the Saudi/bin Laden family [14]flights out of America, while forbidding the FBI [15]to interrogate them, or even check the names on their manifest. 

It’s kind of like the old joke of, “Why didn’t the shark attack the lawyer in the water?”  Professional courtesy.

   Nevertheless, good riddance to Osama bin Laden. 

Iraqi father with dead daughter: collateral damage

Now:  When are we going to stop all the “collateral damage”?

   When are we going to put the corporate genie back in the bottle?

Article printed from American Tribune:

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AFSCME and other unions and community groups rally in Lansing April 13 against takeovers; coalition is now planning legal action against PA 4

By Diane Bukowski

DETROIT – Detroit’s two pension systems filed a motion for “declaratory and injunctive” relief against Public Act 4, better known as the Dictator Act, on April 18 in federal district court.  The motion says there are sufficient grounds to believe that the city of Detroit will soon be subject to action under PA4.

A coalition of unions and community organizations, which initiated the historic “We are the People” rally in Lansing April 13,  also expects to file suit against the Act, according to its representatives.

Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson on capitol steps April 13

“We are about education, litigation and agitation,” said Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, who co-chaired a special meeting of the coalition April 20, with AFSCME International Representative Herbert Sanders. Watson compared their contemplated lawsuit to Brown v. the Board of Education, which was supported by the massive civil rights movement prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision to desegregate public schools.

Sanders said the coalition’s attorneys have been meeting “for a couple of months” to devise appropriate strategies for the court action.

The pension systems’ lawsuit, filed by three attorneys from Clark Hill, PLLC, asks the federal court to declare PA 4 unconstitutional and bar its implementation. It says the Act “impermissibly” overrides the City Charter and collective bargaining agreements, and disenfranchises citizens and members of the city’s General and Police and Fire Retirement systems. It also says it violates Internal Revenue Service provisions. (Click on Pension lawsuit v Act 4 Michiganemergencyofficerchallenge to read entire lawsuit.)

Detroit police, firefighters and other city workers demonstrate May 6, 2010 against $6 B pension heist

It specifically asks the court to declare one section of PA 4 that relates to pension funds and retirement systems unconstitutional.

It says, “Section19(1)(m) of the Act – the gravamen of this action – provides that an emergency manager may, under certain circumstances: (a) remove any serving trustee of a local pension board for any reason or no reason at all; (b) arguably replace the serving trustees and assume and exercise the authority and fiduciary responsibilities of a local pension board as sole trustee of the pension fund for any reason or no reason at all; and (c) arguably require the municipal government to participate in, and transfer the assets of the local retirement system to, some other retirement system for any reason or no reason at all. MCL § 141.1519(1)(m).”

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (r) appoints former Democratic House Speaker Andy Dillon as State Treasurer

Defendants in the suit are Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and State Treasurer Andy Dillon, who has been training individuals to possibly take over as Emergency Managers in more than 45 Michigan municipalities and school districts.

The suit raises claims that Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder have been meeting secretly to target the retirement systems.

Bing presents proposed budget to City Council last month

In this year’s budget address, says the suit, “. . . the Mayor used the Act and the potential appointment of an emergency manager for the City of Detroit as justification to demand significant concessions from Plaintiffs, and indicated that Governor Snyder and his administration knew of and supported the Mayor’s proposals and plan.”

Bing has submitted a proposed budget for this year which defaults on the city’s obligations to pay into the systems, and cuts retiree pay-outs and benefits unilaterally.

Benton Harbor rally against EM Joe Harris, Snyder et al. April 27

Benton Harbor’s EM, Joe Harris, also told Fox 2 News April 25 that Snyder and Bing were meeting secretly “to work out some type of agreement where there is a Memorandum of Understanding where the mayor will get support by the state to help him accomplish his goals.”  (

Bing earlier campaigned for the pension systems, worth $6 billion, to be turned over to the Lansing-based Michigan Employees Retirement System while Jennifer Granholm was still Governor.

Gary Brown on WJR with Frank Beckmann

The suit also says the City Council is considering the approval of a “consent agreement” with Dillon that could also abrogate provisions of union contracts, the charter, and affect the pension systems.

It notes, “On April 18, 2011, Detroit City Council President Pro Tem Gary Brown appeared on WJR radio and indicated his support for a consent agreement between the City of Detroit and the State Treasurer, intimating that discussions or negotiations of such an agreement by the City of Detroit and the Governor and/or State Treasurer already have occurred.”

Former School Board Pres. Carla Scott also signed a "Consent Agreement" before state/Bobb takeover

The Detroit Board of Education reached a “consent agreement” with the state in 2008, but that did not stave off Granholm’s appointment of Robert Bobb as emergency financial manager. Detroit School Board member Marie Thornton was the sole no vote on the consent agreement.

Chris White of The Coalition to Restore Hope to DPS said at the time that “[Board President Carla]Scott continues to push an agenda that includes a state takeover of the school district. This is a spiritual battle we’re in against outside interests. The education of our children and those yet to be born is something we can’t negotiate on.”

PA 4 “arbitrarily” sets an 80 percent funding level as a trigger for a pension system takeover, according to the suit. Detroit’s two systems have consistently been funded at or close to 100 percent over the past decades.

Former Detroit CFO Sean Werdlow with Standard and Poor's rep Stephen Murphy at Council in 2005

A portion of PA 4 directly targets Detroit, says the suit, since it says the “net value of pension bonds or evidence of indebtedness” shall not be used in determining funding levels.

In 2005, the City of Detroit, under former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, issued $1.44 billion in “pension obligation certificates,” or bonds, which it later used in part to meet its employer contribution requirements to the pension system.

The retirement systems hotly contested the risky borrowing at the time. The City Council narrowly voted to approve it after Wall Street executives from Standard and Poors and Fitch came to the table. They said they would lower the city’s bond ratings unless it either agreed to borrow the money or laid off thousands of workers. (Go to Pension bond stories MC   to read stories by this reporter and former Michigan Citizen reporter Bankole Thompson on the deal.)

Agnes Hitchcock of Call 'em Out in Feb. 2010

In a comment that accurately portended the future, Agnes Hitchcock of the Call ‘em Out Coalition said, “The state took over the schools to control a $1.5 billion construction bond proposal. Now it looks like we’re telling them that the city is a good thing to take over as well.”

Later that year, despite the Council’s vote to approve the bonds and Kilpatrick’s lay-offs of 1400 city workers, S & P downgraded the city’s bond ratings to BBB-, one step above junk level, anyway.

In 2008, the City narrowly avoided defaulting on the bonds and subsequent state receivership by agreeing to have proceeds from casino taxes go directly to a bank trustee so he could chop off the portion owed on the bonds before handing over the rest to the city. (Read VOD article “How the Banks Destroyed Detroit: at .)

According to the U.S. federal courts website, a judge has not yet been assigned to hear the lawsuit. Actions so far have involved service of the lawsuit by the plaintiffs on the defendants, and the appointment of an attorney to represent the defendants.

The labor/community coalition against PA 4 meets every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at AFSCME Council 25, 600 W. Lafayette at Third. The meetings are open to the concerned public.

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Click on “Young mother describes occupation of Catherine Ferguson Academy,” to read about this historic takeover by young women.

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