Councilwoman JoAnn Watson (center) consults with (l to r) her staffers Debra Taylor, Monica Patrick, Councilman Kwame Kenyatta and Councilwoman Brenda Jones after vote April 4; Councilman Andre Spivey also voted NO.
By Diane Bukowski
April 6, 2012
On April 4, 2012, the Detroit City Council approved a “Financial Stability Agreement” which Governor Rick Snyder is considering a “Consent Agreement” under Public Act 4, by a 5-4 vote. Council members JoAnn Watson, Kwame Kenyatta, Brenda Jones and Andre Spivey stood their ground and voted NO. Read the complete document by clicking on FSA Consent Agreement 4 4 12, A summary is below. VOD stories on this week’s Council meetings, on the Financial Review Team’s meeting and report March 26, and on union/community fightback plans will be out shortly.
Hi There Diane Bukowski,
Very interesting, As a repeated customer to Detroit I?m repeatedly shocked at the general performance of the metropolis council. They are working on their citizens no favors. Wonderful bye Zoo
Keep up the posts!