Video above: Mary Rowan ward Raymond Davis among five men dead in fire in uninspected group home; husband John Cavataio featured in footage
Probate Court judge ordered Davis seized from his own apartment by Rowan and Detroit police March 7, 2017; two days later he died in fire
Well-known country music star Sharmian Lynette Worley’s mother Wanda Worley also a Mary Rowan kidnap victim, without court order, song below is for her mom
Are wealthy elite running homes for victims of probate kidnappings?
Wed. March 29, 2017, 11 a.m., 33rd District Court
19000 Van Horn at Allen Rd; Woodhaven; Judge Jennifer Coleman Hesson
By Diane Bukowski
March 27, 2017

Mary Rowan (seated in darker blue, in the process of kidnapping developmentally disabled Mailauni Williams (r) outside court in 2014, as Mailauni’s previous caregiver (l) and sister (2nd from r) watch. Taken by VOD, this is the only known published photo of Rowan. Rowan now has 1396 Probate Court cases.
DETROIT, MI — Serial kidnapper-guardian Mary Rowan continues to strike. Now she may also be an accessory to the murder of one of her wards, Raymond Davis. Rowan is additionally pressing charges against country singer Sharmian Lynette Worley for trying to protect her mom from Rowan, who had no court order to take her.
Regarding the death of Davis and four other men March 9 in a fire on Whittier in Detroit, Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy has charged one of the allegedly mentally ill residents for setting the fire, which was fanned into an inferno by gusting winds.
According to probate court records, Rowan and Detroit police seized Davis, who is blind, from his own apartment March 7, and put him in the Whittier home. Two days later he was dead. See
The other men who died were James Johnson, Leo Dear, William Ballard, and Norman Connors, according to a report from Channel Four. Neither the operators of the home, which was not licensed by the city or other entities, nor Rowan, who placed Davis, who is blind, in an unlicensed home with possibly dangerous roommates, are being charged.
Rowan is currently involved in the cases of at least 1398 individuals under that court’s supervision, according to its records.

Sharmain Worley (l) with mother Wanda Worley (r) and kids.
Six months ago, Rowan seized Wanda Lynette Worley, mother of Nashville-based country music star Sharmian (pronounced Char-min) from the home she shared with her daughter in Brownstown Twp.
VOD’s review of Wanda Worley’s probate court file shows that Judge David Braxton, in charge of Worley’s case, NEVER issued any order granting authority to Rowan to take Worley away from her daughter, who is also known as Sharmian Sowards. There are also no notices of service of an order appointing Rowan as successor guardian, on Sharmian or the rest of Worley’s family. See
Sharmian told VOD it was not Rowan’s first attempt to take her mother.
“First, Mary Rowan come banging on my mobile home, screaming as loud as she could, ‘Where is Wanda Worley, I’m the guardian.'” Sharmian told VOD. “I told her get off my property NOW and she left. A week or two later, I was in my front yard, weatherizing the house and cleaning it a with hose. She pulled up again. I still didn’t know who the woman was. I continued washing my house. I told her again do not come on my property. She looked like the Wicked Witch of the West, very scary and intimidating, and I was not giving my mother to her.”

33rd District Court Judge Jennifer Coleman Hesson.
Both Sharmian and Rowan called the police, who took her mother after assuring Sharmian she would be OK and would be back in a couple of days. They claimed to have seen the non-existent court order. Sharmian says she never saw it and never knew who Rowan was.
Wanda Worley has not come back home for good since. Meanwhile, Sharmian faces misdemeanor charges of “resisting, hindering and obstructing a police officer/public official,” under what appears to be a city ordinance.
A trial on the charges against Sharmian will take place in 33rd District Court Wed. March 29 at 11 a.m, in front of Judge Jennifer Coleman Hesson.
In a landmark decision in 2012, People v. Moreno, the Michigan Supreme Court upheld the “common-law” right to resist unlawful arrests, warrantless home invasions, and other unlawful conduct by the police. See
Since no court order existed for Rowan to take Wanda Worley, Rowan and Brownstown Twp. police were acting unlawfully and Sharmian had the right to resist Rowan’s kidnap of her mom.

Wayne County Probate Court Judge David Braxton
Sharmian first asked to be appointed as her mother’s guardian under Wayne County Probate Court Judge David Braxton on Feb. 4, 2016.
She cited a long-term history of mental illness and in later years, prescriptions repeatedly given to her mother by various doctors including the highly addictive drugs Lyrica, Dilaudid and Percocet. Sharmian said that while her mother was on the drugs, she began telling hospital staffers and neighbors that Sharmian was beating her. Sharmian firmly denies that.
“Mom goes in and out of hospitals constantly for drugs, and they give them to her, this needs to stop or she is going to die,” Sharmian said in a letter in the court file. “Before my mom takes her last breath, I want to enjoy something I’ve never had. My mother.”
Sharmian said, “I never saw a court order to take my mom, and if there is one, I believe it is fake. I want to get her [Rowan] for lying to the police, kidnapping and filing fake documents. I don’t believe the judge’s signature appointing Mary Rowan as my mom’s guardian is his. The records say she was appointed Sept. 21, 2016, but my mom was in the hospital then.”
In fact, the records VOD reviewed show that Braxton likely did not sign documents in Worley’s file. Not only was there no order to remove Worley, the document removing Sharmian as her mother’s guardian, shown above, is signed in handwriting that appears very similar to other entries in the document, such as Mary Rowan’s name. There is an illegible initial next to Judge Braxton’s alleged signature.
That order was initiated and signed after Worley spent time at Wyandotte Psychiatric Hospital, where she received more drugs. On Sept. 9, according to court records, Sharmian went to the hospital to bring her mother home, but she was not allowed to see her, despite showing her guardianship papers. A doctor at the hospital claimed Sharmian was acting bizarrely. The hospital called police on Sharmian, but she contacted a legal services attorney who came and got her mother released to go back home with Sharmian.

12317 Monica Detroit; Mary Rowan “group home”
Worley told VOD during a brief visit with her daughter last week that she has been shunted from one Detroit home to another, allegedly adult foster care homes. She is currently at 12317 Monica. It is questionable whether any of the homes are licensed as such.
Sharmian said her mother had been at the Monica address for five months, with eight other men and women. Her mother told her a woman named Wendy runs it.
“Every one of them is a ward of Mary Rowan,” Sharmian said her mother told her. “None of them know what she looks like. They all hate her. One 83-year-old woman says Mary Rowan cleaned out her bank accounts and took her house. My mom got bedbugs while she was there. They finally brought in an exterminator and threw all the beds out. Then, when those 60 mph winds happened, the home lost electricity for 3 days and no one saved the people for three days—they were freezing. Then they put mom and eight others in another home on Lindsay St. There are more homes, all of them about 15 minutes away from the Monica address, and the people believe Wendy owns all of them.”
However, Wayne County records list the taxpayer at the Monica address as Capital Clearance Group, Ltd. It is four years delinquent on property taxes there, like the house on Whittier that burned. According to Register of Deeds records, the group also owns 31 other properties in Detroit. The company is not registered with the State of Michigan. Various sites claim it is based in Wyoming and has offices all over the world. See
“Three investment experts and banking elites came together in 2007 and amidst the Sub-Prime debt crisis of 2008 and burst of the property bubble, managed to collectively conduct a wholesale acquisition of land and properties across various states at a low borrowing cost and purchase price,” says one site. “In a short span of just one year, the founders of Capital Clearance Group managed to grow it to tens of millions of dollars in total Assets Under Management based on its current market value.” See
Are rich folks running what are essentially prisons for those illegally kidnapped through the probate courts? Sharmian said she is now working with groups throughout the country against such abuse. She has a Facebook page at She and her mother were recently interviewed on The Oakley Radio blogspot at

Sharmian Worley with fans. She has her own record company.
Sharmian has asked that her phone number be published in this story so that others in similar situations can contact her. It is 615-589-6381.
Related VOD stories:
#StopGuardianAbuse, #StopProbateElderandMinorKidnapping; #FreeWandaWorley, #FreeGayleRobinson, #FreeMaulauniWilliams, #Justice4RaymondDavis, #Justice4JamesJohnson, #Justice4LeoDear, #Justice4WilliamBallard, #Justice4NormanConnors, #JailWayneCountyProbateKidnappers
Sharman is a fighter. Great article. I hope this exposes what is being done and it stips.
Notice Wanda’s case and Mr Davis case Màry Rowan is the petitioner! Who are these people helping Mary Rowan find people to KIDNAPPED? What kind of kickback are these people getting?
Wanda’s case her daughter was her Guardian there were interested parties to be notified that Mary Rowan planned on taking over the Guardianship? A court clerk? Hospital employee? None of Mary Rowan’s Wards at the home where Wanda is staying have seen Mary Rowan. But the courts give Mary Rowan and ALL Guardians a few days that the Guardian must visit the WARD and she must visit every three Months. This is not happening in these cases.
How did Mary Rowan find out about Mr Davis? He is listed as incompetent individual when was he tested? Being blind is a disability. There are no interested parties listed. Who turned over Mr Davis? Someone in his apartment he was removed from? Some employee from his doctors office? Mary Rowan has employees of Assisted Living and nursing homes that work for her in picking up Wards to remove them from their homes which makes it suspicious when someone staying in a facility for physical therapy goes home to find out their Bank account was Marshalled by Mary Rowan that you have had no contact with or knowledge of. Mr Davis as my mother was not appointed a lawyer before his hearing. Did he attended his hearing? Was he served by his GAL and told his rights? Wanda was not served.
My mother’s GAL told her since she was contesting her Guardian and Conservator not to come to the hearing because there wouldn’t be one. My mother attended and there was a hearing without a lawyer to represent her.
When people appointed by the court do not do their jobs as required by court RULES. They need to be reported. But how are these kidnapped wards to report her or even know the rules when they aren’t even being appointed a lawyer?
Judges know the rules enough to know their eyes and hears of the court GALs are not doing their jobs. So WHY does so much wrongdoing continue to go on Wayne County Probate Court.
Not only does the WARD lose their constitutional and civil rights so does the family of the WARDS. Judges put orders on dockets that NO petitions are allowed to be filed within a time frame! Orders to isolate WARDS!
Who tells the WARDS they are allowed to write the Judge personally and mail it.
Who tells the WARDS they have the right to ask for a guardian to be replaced?
Diane Bukowski of this News Paper is a legend in Detroit News
“Since no court order existed for Rowan to take Wanda Worley, Rowan and Brownstown Twp. police were acting unlawfully and Sharmian had the right to resist Rowan’s kidnap of her mom.”
????? The court document you published above shows that Rowan was given temporary custody of Worley on September 19th and permanent custody on November 30th.
“In fact, the records VOD reviewed show that Braxton likely did not sign documents in Worley’s file. Not only was there no order to remove Worley, the document removing Sharmian as her mother’s guardian, shown above, is signed in handwriting that appears very similar to other entries in the document, such as Mary Rowan’s name. There is an illegible initial next to Judge Braxton’s alleged signature.”
It is common practice for the Judge’s clerk to prepare and sign minute court orders [orders made orally from the bench] and then put their initials after the Judges name. The Court Order shown is undoubtedly valid.
And once a new guardian is appointed by Court Order, the previous guardian is dismissed. This gave Rowan the authority to move/remove Worley to wherever she wants.
Bottom line, a serious felony contempt of a Court Order (by abducting Worley who was legally under guardianship by Rowan) Huge mistake, Huge!
Michigan penal code.
(3) A person who commits the crime of kidnapping is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for life or any term of years or a fine of not more than $50,000.00, or both.
Sharmian Worley has done more harm than good to the victims of Mrs. Rowan by her idiotic actions.
If you read the story through, you should have noted that Sharmian reported that Rowan did not identify herself or produce any court documents when she came to take her mother. Sharmian did NOT kidnap her mother; Rowan did. The document shown in the story is only a guardianship appointment. It does not allow the guardian to show up unexpectedly and just take the ward out of their home. In the case of Maryanne Godboldo in 2011, two Detroit judges at the district and circuit court levels ruled repeatedly that the document police used to seize Godboldo’s daughter was not a proper order SIGNED BY A JUDGE and dismissed charges against Godboldo.