Abayomi Azikiwe
Abayomi Azikiwe


By Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor Pan-African News Wire, Global Research, 

April 30, 2013 

A new push is being made by corporations and banks in Detroit to drive even more working class, poor and nationally oppressed people out of the city. This fact is being illustrated by recent developments in the downtown area and its environs where low-income people are being forced to move from several apartment buildings.

Local multi-millionaire Mike Illitch owns the Detroit Red Wings, the Tigers, Little Caesar's, and a multitude of properties in downtown Detroit and the Cass Corridor area. He can afford to build FREE housing for the displaced residents.

Local multi-millionaire Mike Illitch owns the Detroit Red Wings, the Tigers, Little Caesar’s, and a multitude of properties in downtown Detroit and the Cass Corridor area. He can afford to build FREE housing for the displaced residents.

The Cass Corridor, a heavily depressed area that has been neglected by the City government and the business magnates for years, is now the apparent focus for the construction of a new sports stadium. The owners of the Detroit Red Wings may be attempting to take control of sections of the Corridor in order to either gentrify the district or engage in “developments” that will not benefit the interests of the current residents.

Residents in three apartment buildings on Henry Street between Cass and Second Avenues received a hand written notice on April 20 saying that they had to move out within thirty days. Another document which appeared to be a “Notice to Quit” was also handed over to the residents.

However, neither of these documents appeared to be validated by 36th District Court where Landlord-Tenant matters are handled. Since the tenants are mostly senior citizens, single parents, people living with disabilities and marginalized workers, the supposedly new owners, who have not come forward to publically claim responsibility for the illegal attempts to evict, feel that they can get away with these blatant acts of disregard for hundreds of people.

Residents of Cass Corridor Berwin apartment building.

Residents of Cass Corridor Berwin apartment building.

All together there are over 200 apartment units spread out between the three buildings. Some of the residents have lived in the buildings for over thirty years while others are newcomers.

One resident told this writer that he had just moved in one month ago. He said that he paid the first month’s rent and a security deposit in addition to purchasing furniture for the apartment.

This resident is now irate that he has been told to move by May 20. He wants to take some legal action to recover his money and obtain resources from the new owners to relocate.

Cass Corridor residents at meeting.

Cass Corridor residents at meeting.

This is the sentiment among other residents as well. A meeting was held on Sunday afternoon April 28 in a vacant lot across the street from the apartments.

The residents are angry and frustrated and are looking for assistance. Members from various organizations including the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs, attended the meeting.

However, since it is not clear who really owns the building now it will take some serious inquiry and political action to uncover those that are responsible. Residents of the apartments have also been told that their electricity, gas and water will be shut-off after May 20 creating even more uncertainty.

Griswold residents IPhoto Deadline Detroit--see link to article below.)

Griswold residents IPhoto Deadline Detroit–see link to article below.)

The situation in the Cass Corridor is being replicated throughout the central city area. Two other large apartments downtown are also being taken over by new ownership where the residents, who are Section 8 renters, are being ordered to move. (VOD: now add a third–the Griswold Senior Apartments.)

These developments are taking place at a time when the federal government and private industry are not building low-income housing. Detroit, which is now under emergency management under the aegis of the banks, is being exploited at an even deeper level than what has prevailed over the last decade.

The foreclosure and eviction crisis hit the city of Detroit with vengeance beginning in the mid-2000s. The U.S. Census report indicated that approximately 237,000 people left the city during 2000-2010, which is 25 percent of the population.

At present, the City government, although heavily dominated now by pro-corporate surrogates, virtually has no authority in light of the state-imposed Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr. As one resident said during the tenants meeting on April 28, “we are basically on our own now.”

Foreclosures Continue Throughout the State

Murray_meme-199x300Members of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition traveled to Coldwater, Michigan in the southwest region of the state on April 24 to support the Murray family who are facing foreclosure. The Murrays have been fighting to maintain their home for the last four years and are represented by anti-foreclosure Atty. Vanessa Fluker of Detroit.

The judge in the case ruled against them and ordered the family out of the home within ten days. The Murrays had placed over $40,000 in an escrow account while they exhausted all of their legal options in the case taking it all the way to the Michigan Supreme Court.

In Portage, Michigan, also in the southwest region, the Benthin/Mac family was facing imminent eviction during the week of April 22. As a result of an e-mail and phone campaign, they were able to win a temporary stay of eviction.

Moratorium NOW! demonstrates on behalf of Baxter Jones family.

Moratorium NOW! demonstrates on behalf of Baxter Jones family. WW Photo: Abiyomi Azikiwe

Noting the continued problems of home foreclosures, the Moratorium NOW! Coalition called for a demonstration outside the Detroit headquarters of Bank of America on Friday, April 26. Members of Detroit Eviction Defense, the UAW and other groups joined in the protest as well.

On May 20, UAW Local 600, the largest of its kind in the country, will be hosting a public hearing with officials of the banking arm of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Federal Finance Housing Administration. Homeowners are being encouraged to participate to expose the damage being done by the federal government which is the major player in the foreclosure process at present.

Although hundreds of billions of dollars have been allocated for federal housing programs through TARP and HAMP, most of the funds have not been spent because the banks are refusing to participate in efforts to keep people in their homes. Several agreements between the banks and the Justice Department related to fraud and discrimination have not resulted in a shift in federal housing policy.

Only a mass movement led by working class and nationally oppressed people can lead to the adoption of policies that recognize housing as a fundamental human right. The current phase of capitalist development is resulting in the further impoverishment and marginalization of tens of millions of people throughout the U.S. 

Related articles and websites:

Are Detroiters being evicted to make room for a new Red Wings arena?

Low-income tenants kicked out of Cass Corridor buildings by new owner

The Feds are coming!

Help us tell them to Stop Foreclosures

At People’s Hearing Monday, May 20, 4-6 PM

UAW LOCAL 600 HALL 10550 Dix Ave. at Wyoming  See map.

Over 100 people rallied on Feb. 13 against Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac evictions. Now we can give them the message directly!

Over 100 people rallied on Feb. 13 against Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac evictions. Now we can give them the message directly!

During the bank crisis, the U.S. government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two failing companies that insure and buy mortgages from banks. Since then Fannie and Freddie have been relentlessly evicting families who have trouble paying inflated mortgages. The Feds don’t even grant a hearing to homeowners trying to resist unjust foreclosures and save their homes!

Yet the Constitution says the government can’t seize people’s property without ‘due process.’ You’re invited to sign our petition and tell the president to stop caving in to the banks and stop federal agencies from evicting hard-pressed Michigan families.

We support a federal court challenge brought on behalf of a disabled Vietnam vet— and all other Michigan families facing Fannie Mae foreclosure — calling for a due-process hearing where people can expose potential bank fraud and predatory lending before foreclosure. 

The banks that write mortgages engaged in such fraudulent practices that regulators are making them cut the mortgage principal for many families facing foreclosure. But once Fannie and Freddie take over, they refuse to do the same to help people save their homes.

We are fighting for three things the federal government can do:

1) Due Process for All: As government agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are now governed by the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says that no person shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” The case opened Feb. 20 in Detroit.

2) Principal Reduction: Fannie and Freddie should help families in need by by reducing
mortgage principal to reflect current market values. Families facing foreclosure
can hear from homeowners at the rally who have successfully resisted.

3) Halt Foreclosures & Evictions: Fannie Mae has declared moratoriums for hurricane victims. The 75,000 Michigan families foreclosed on in the last year are also victims— of mass unemployment and mortgage banking fraud. 

Ask friends, neighbors & co-workers to sign this petition

Download petition (legal size)
Petition on letter-size paper . Flyer explains why petition matters

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Banks rally


For compilation of some of VOD’s many articles relating to the devastation the global banks have wrought on Detroit and the world, click on VOD Banks articles.

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A Seattle Police officer with a baton tries to fend off protesters during a May Day anti-capitalism protest that ended with demonstrators clashing with police on Wednesday. Ted S. Warren / AP

A Seattle Police officer with a baton tries to fend off protesters during a May Day anti-capitalism protest that ended with demonstrators clashing with police on Wednesday. Ted S. Warren / AP

ReutersBy Eric M. Johnson, Reuters May 1, 3013SEATTLE — Protesters clashed with police in Seattle on Wednesday as a May Day rally that began peacefully turned violent after dark, with demonstrators hurling objects at officers who responded with flash-bang grenades and pepper spray.

One protester was seen using a skateboard to smash windows at a Walgreens drug store in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, and others overturned trash cans and lined up newspaper display racks to block police.

LA May Day protest banner

LA May Day protest banner

Officers in riot gear, some riding in armored SWAT vehicles, repeatedly used the flash-bang grenades and tried to disperse the crowd.

Seattle police said that as of 9 p.m. local time (12 p.m. ET), 11 adults and two juveniles had been arrested for assaults and property damage. Several people were shown on local TV stations being taken into custody.

 Seattle police said in a tweet that one officer was injured by a thrown object. His condition was not immediately clear.

The violence broke out as darkness fell in Seattle following a day of May Day rallies in cities across the U.S. West that were planned by a coalition of organized labor activists, students, civil rights advocates and members of the clergy to call for an overhaul of immigration laws.

Los Angeles May Day march.

Los Angeles May Day march.

In Los Angeles, thousands of protesters marched through downtown waving American flags and carrying signs with the slogan, “Stop deportations.”

The demonstrators chanted in Spanish, “Obama! Escucha! Estamos en la lucha!” (“Obama! Listen! We are in the fight!”), as they marched down one of downtown’s main thoroughfares.

The march spanned across more than two large city blocks, and one police officer told Reuters that unofficial estimates put the size of the crowd at roughly 3,500 people. No arrests were reported.

Protesters march on Wednesday, May 1, 2013, in downtown Phoenix during a May Day rally to show support for national immigration reform. Photo: Matt York

Protesters march on Wednesday, May 1, 2013, in downtown Phoenix during a May Day rally to show support for national immigration reform. Photo: Matt York

In Arizona, where a state crackdown against illegal immigration was signed into law three years ago, several hundred people joined a late-afternoon rally outside the state Capitol in Phoenix, ahead of a march through downtown.

The protests come about two weeks after a bipartisan group of U.S. senators introduced an 844-page bill, backed by President Barack Obama, that would rewrite many U.S. immigration laws.

A centerpiece of the measure would create a path to legal status and ultimately citizenship for many of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

It also aims to secure the U.S. border with Mexico against illegal entry and to make it easier for industry, particularly high-tech businesses and agriculture, to hire workers from abroad when needed.


Occupy LA sues city over mass detentions

NBC News in depth: Immigration Nation

People hold a banner that reads in Spanish "Proud of our work" at the front of the May Day march to Revolution Square in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday, May 1, 2013. AP / Ismael Francisco

People hold a banner that reads in Spanish “Proud of our work” at the front of the May Day march to Revolution Square in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday, May 1, 2013. AP / Ismael Francisco for photos of huge May Day rallies world-wide.

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Krystal Crittendon rally

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Young Detroiter angrily denounces bus route cuts announced by by Detroit Mayor Dave Bing in 2011.

Young Detroiter angrily denounces bus route cuts announced by by Detroit Mayor Dave Bing in 2011.

                                                                                 Tom Barrow for MayorFrom Tom Barrow, 9-BARROW (922-7769),Option 4

TEXT: Keyword “BARROW” to 313131

 MAY 1, 2013 

DETROIT  — Detroit mayoral candidate Tom Barrow today criticized the vote by the SEMCOG Board that deprived the Detroit Department of Transportation of its much-needed federal subsidy of $7 million when the panel voted 22-8 last week.

Mayoral candidate Tom Barrow and family.

Mayoral candidate Tom Barrow and family.

When the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments voted to change its funding formula to population rather than usage, which favored ridership and the users of the bus systems, for many years of allocations, it dramatically changed the relationship between Detroit and its suburban neighbors.

“This is not the regional cooperation envisioned by even Dave Bing’s administration, this is regional theft,”  declared Barrow, 64, “and as we contemplate more regionalization of Detroit’s assets, Detroiters must evaluate the benefits of this concept because the reality in this instance just stinks to high heavens.”

Prior to this decision, federal funds for DDOT maintenance were targeted to Detroit’s bus system, DDOT, with a formula that was based on bus ridership, receiving 65% of the funds due to its dominance with approximately 115,000 daily ridership; SMART (Southeast Michigan Rapid Transit) has just 36,000 riders daily.

SEMCOG Executive Director Paul Tait

SEMCOG Executive Director Paul Tait

The new formula is now illogically based on population, not riders, with Detroit buses now receiving less than half of its historical allocation and SMART now receiving 51 percent of federal funding, and Detroit 49 percent.

The much-touted regionalization model fails the most basic test of its concept, and that is cooperation and coordination, Barrow said.

“Here is the most likely scenario: the loss of this subsidy will force the suspension of bus lines and loss of maintenance dollars, allowing the Emergency Financial Manager to then use this as an excuse to give away the bus system to the newly created regional authority, and then raise bus fares on Detroiters” Barrow stated.

In a Barrow administration, any talk of regionalization will begin with an agreement that Detroit officials will appoint the majority of the board.

Child carries sign: Jim Crow is dead, during Dr. MLK Day march in 2011 from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. High School.

Child carries sign: Jim Crow is dead, during Dr. MLK Day march in 2011 from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. High School.

Barrow asserted “We must always be in a position to protect our assets, our jewels, from this kind of rapacious behavior that reeks of the old South and its poll taxes, grandfather clauses and rewriting of the rules to benefit one group over another, and that will end when I am elected.”

“The essence of cooperation is mutual respect, and this decision clearly and unequivocally says to Detroiters that our suburban partners have neither respect for us as citizens and most certainly do not respect the current City leadership. That has to change or we are in for more stripping of federal dollars in the regionalization hoax that has been perpetrated against us.”

Barrow plans to address this issue in a letter to Transportation Secretary LaHood and his recently announced successor, Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx.

“We cannot rely upon this present Mayor or Kevyn Orr to represent our interests in the forceful way needed that results in protecting Detroit, not surrendering it,” concluded Barrow.

Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh addresses the RTA supporters crowd in the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) office in 1001 Woodward. Transportation Riders United and regional transit supporters held a march, from Rosa Park Transit Center to the SEMCOG offices in 1001 Woodward, and birthday party including balloons and cake for the first meeting of the Regional Transit Authority with its county representatives. (Tanya Moutzalias |  Now the City Council and Detroit's Mayor Dave Bing want to sue to stop reduction in D-D-DOT funding, but EM Kevyn Orr is not in favor of doing so.

Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh addresses the RTA supporters crowd in the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) office in 1001 Woodward. Transportation Riders United and regional transit supporters held a march, from Rosa Park Transit Center to the SEMCOG offices in 1001 Woodward, and birthday party including balloons and cake for the first meeting of the Regional Transit Authority with its county representatives. (Tanya Moutzalias |


May 1, 2013

By Diane Bukowski

Detroit — Why Detroit Mayor Dave Bing or the City Council majority should express shock at the cut in D-DOT funding is beyond comprehension. Their collusion with the administration of Michigan “Ric-tator” Snyder, as well as unfortunately, President Barack Obama’s Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, opened the door for the complete dismantling of Detroit’s transportation system.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and Mayor Dave Bing in Detroit Oct. 12, 2012.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and Mayor Dave Bing in Detroit Oct. 12, 2012.

LaHood came to Detroit last October to champion regionalization of transit along with Snyder and Bing, allegedly to open up the door for a light rail system. Their hidden agenda is now plainly revealed.

Bing said from the beginning that he and Synder were “joined at the hip,” while Council members Charles Pugh, Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. and James Tate journeyed to Lansing to help the state draft the Public Act 4 consent agreement which opened the door to current Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr. Five council members voted for that on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination April 4, 2012.

The Council majority of Pugh, Cockrel Jr., Tate, Gary Brown, Saunteel Jenkins, and Andre Spivey has since voted to approve costly contracts with Miller Canfield, the firm which helped draft PA 4; Ernst & Young, being sued by New York and New Jersey for complicity in the downfall of Lehman Brothers in 2008; Miller Buckfire, now owned by Stifel Financial, repeatedly sued for fraud, Milliman, notorious for attacking pension systems, and finally, the crowning blow, the contract with Jones Day, Orr’s law firm. They have willingly handed over control of Detroit to the banksters who are gang raping the city. 

These five Council members voted for the consent agreement; Andre Spivey joined them in other disastrous votes.
These five Council members voted for the consent agreement; Andre Spivey joined them in other disastrous votes.

  Now they want to sue to stop the de-funding of D-DOT, and guess what–ORR SAYS NO! Today, Council members Saunteel Jenkins and Gary Brown complained about cuts in the City Council’s budget which will eliminate their Detroit police security detail. They have good cause for worry. How much longer can they remain in office before Detroiters rise up in fury and exact justice for the people of the poorest city in the country?

Related articles:

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Comprehensive Violence Reduction Task Force” does the opposite

 Joseph may have been shot 50 times in hail of gunfire 

Tests allegedly show police shot each other  

By Diane Bukowski 

April 29, 2013 

Matthew Joseph

Matthew Joseph

DETROIT – Members of the regional multi-agency “Comprehensive Violence Reduction Task Force” shot 23-year-old Matthew Joseph to death in a hail of gunfire at Linwood and Hooker on Detroit’s near west side April 2.  Sources including witnesses at the scene and others familiar with the case say that he was shot as many as 50 times as he sat in the driver’s seat of his car, never exiting the vehicle. 

As partially confirmed in daily media reports, they say ballistics tests show “friendly fire” was responsible for the shootings of the two Detroit police officers at the scene, who worked with the federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Detroit division. They are Patrick Hill, who remains in critical condition with wounds to his head and chest, and Sgt. Joseph Pacholski, who was shot in the leg and has since been released. 

Matthew Joseph's car in between two unmarked police cars. This aerial photo was taken some time after his killing. It shows police crime tape roping off the scene and does not appear to show him still in the car, accounting for the open car door.

Matthew Joseph’s car in between two unmarked police cars. This aerial photo was taken some time after his killing. It shows police crime tape roping off the scene and does not appear to show him still in the car, accounting for the open car door.

“The car was smashed between two police cars, and the driver was hanging off the side of his seat belt, dead,” said one neighborhood resident who was at the scene for several hours. “The gunfire sounded like New Year’s Eve, and we heard police sirens all over.” 

Photos of the scene show the driver’s side window of the car smashed out by the gunfire.

“I was driving to see a relative, and the SUV that ended up in front of the victim’s car almost ran me up on the side of the road,” said another resident who stayed at the scene.

“I stopped at West Grand Boulevard and McGraw and saw them pull some guy out of a car, and lay him on the ground. Then the cop in the Tahoe took off, and there were police cars coming from everywhere. The Tahoe pushed the Magnum [car which Joseph was driving] from the front, and another black police car hit it from the back.” 

VOD has since learned that the man lying on the ground actually jumped from his car prior to the police stop.  He and a young woman in Joseph’s car, who has not been identified, were later arrested. He remains in custody on a probation violation, while police say the young woman, thought to be a friend of Joseph’s, was released. 

“I didn’t actually see the cops getting shot,” the second witness, who estimated she was about 50 feet from the cars involved, said. “There was too much gunfire from everywhere. Then the trainees came out of the Police Academy from across the street, and started pushing us back. We stayed at least two hours, and no ambulance came to the scene to take the people out of the car the dead man was in. We waited. I wanted to see why they were letting people sit in the car so long.” 

Meanwhile, the wounded officers were rushed to nearby Henry Ford Hospital.

Memorial teddy bear for Joseph Matthew at scene of his killing. Votive candles were at the base of light pole.

Memorial teddy bear for Matthew Joseph at scene of his killing. Votive candles were at the base of light pole.

The second witness said police in the two cars which penned Joseph’s car in were dressed in black street clothes, and that the cars were unmarked as well. She said she also saw at least 20 Detroit police cars, and “a few” State police cars at the scene. 

“The Detroit police cars came flying down the street, about as many black unmarked cars as blue and white cars,” she said.  “The man who was killed was still in his car. I don’t think he ever got out of that car. One lady was at the scene crying and fighting to get down there, saying ‘They killed my babies,’ but the police stopped her.” 

Police allege they were pursuing Joseph as a suspect in a March 28 killing at the McNichols Riviera Motel. Daily media has reported that the victim was a crack cocaine dealer who was the son of a retired Detroit police officer. There is, however, no arrest warrant for Joseph on file at Detroit’s 36th District Court. 

Neither police nor the media have released the names of the man killed at the motel, who was reported to be 23 years old, or that of his father.  During a visit to the motel recently to locate witnesses, VOD observed a black and white car with no police insignia in the parking lot, but was not able to obtain the information requested from those present. Daily media has reported that “nefarious activity” regularly takes place at the motel. 

Glass with candle and Matthew Joseph's name at site of memorial.

Glass with candle and Matthew Joseph’s name at site of memorial.

The day after Joseph’s killing, the daily media blew up with stories on Joseph’s criminal background, saying outright that he shot the police officers and painting him as a “bad seed” from his childhood on. 

One report said, “When Detroit police officers stopped a car being driven by a homicide suspect on the city’s west side Tuesday evening, a woman in the car, a police source said, cried out: ‘He’s got a gun!’ The driver opened the car door and began firing at police, striking an officer in the head and a sergeant in the leg, a source said. Police fired back, a source said, killing the suspect, whose hand was reportedly still gripping his gun after he was shot.” 

Officer Patrick Hill

Officer Patrick Hill

Daily media reported later that it was likely that Officer Hill, at least, was the victim of “friendly fire.” At that point, Detroit Police Chief Chester Logan announced that an investigation by the Michigan State Police was underway. However, they themselves are not a disinterested party, having been involved at the scene of Joseph’s death. They are also members of the “Comprehensive Violence Reduction Task Force.” 

The daily media stories included reports from Joseph’s Third Judicial Circuit Court files and from his juvenile records as well, which normally are not open to the public or media. 

VOD requested Joseph’s adult criminal files weeks ago from the court clerk’s office, but to date has not received a call that they are available. VOD can only surmise that police immediately provided the records to the daily media reporters involved to justify the shooting, painting Joseph as an armed and dangerous thug. 

Close-up of Matthew Joseph's car after his body was removed, shows window shot out.

Close-up of Matthew Joseph’s car after his body was removed, shows window shot out.

Records located on-line show that Joseph, born 12/29/89, served time in the state prison system for what appear to be two incidents, on Dec. 19 and Dec. 23, 2006, involving charges of armed robbery and felony firearms. He was sentenced on May 22, 2o07 by Third Judicial Court Judge Bruce Morrow to terms of up to 15 years. He was paroled after five and a half years on Oct. 2, 2012. 

VOD also requested a copy of Joseph’s autopsy report, which is a public record. In the past, VOD has received such reports in a timely fashion without problems. However, the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office responded to VOD’s Freedom of information Act request as follows. 

“The above request has been received and reviewed. After a diligent search for the requested records, I have determined and certify that the records do not exist. An autopsy can take 30-90 days or longer to complete, depending on the length of time for test results to be received. Therefore, your request is denied. We encourage you to contact the undersigned at the Office of the Medical Examiner in 30 days to check on the status.” 

Police training academy across the street from site of Matthew Joseph's death was once a public Detroit high school.

Police training academy across the street from site of Matthew Joseph’s death was once a public Detroit high school.

Vanessa Denha-Garmo, the spokeswoman for Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, emailed the response, but did not respond to a request for a statement on the cause of Joseph’s death. 

Daily media reports, however, quoted the Examiner as saying that Joseph died from “multiple gunshot wounds,” contradicting an original police report that he was shot once. A source familiar with the case told VOD that Joseph was shot 50 times. 

Attempts to speak with Joseph’s family have so far been unsuccessful. VOD has learned that they may be filing a wrongful death lawsuit in his case. Attorneys frequently advise clients in such instances not to speak with the media. 

(VOD: it is the policy of this newspaper not to name witnesses cited in police brutality case stories, due to the potential of retaliation. This policy is based on the author’s extensive experience covering such cases. Meanwhile, statements from witnesses in this story are being further validated. Other witnesses are asked to contact VOD at 313-825-6126.)

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Photos from President Leamon Wilson's funeral program.
Photos from President Leamon Wilson’s funeral program.

By Diane Bukowski

April 27, 2012 

DETROIT – A large crowd including Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) bus mechanics and drivers, and city and union leaders, saluted Leamon Wilson, president of AFSCME Local 312 for 20 years, as a “warrior” and “hero” at his funeral April 15, at Kadesh Missionary Baptist Church. 

Leamon E. Wilson and his mother Gail (McCullers) Wilson leave church after ceremony April 15, 2013.

Leamon E. Wilson and his mother Gail (McCullers) Wilson leave church after ceremony April 15, 2013.

Kathy Woodyard said President Wilson carried on his family’s legacy. 

“Leamon’s grandfather was a coal miner in bloody Harlan County Kentucky, and his father broke the color barrier in the U.S. Marine Corps, receiving a Congressional Medal of Honor,” Woodyard said. “He stood and fought for people who couldn’t fight for themselves, and he has instilled in us a commitment to community and responsibility.” 

Leamon’s wife Gail i(nee McCullers) is an attorney who met her husband when she represented Local 312’s members. They have one son, Leamon E. Wilson, who is starting college this year after winning an AFSCME Council 25 scholarship by penning a moving tribute to his father and the union struggle.

Leamon E. Wilson's tribute to his father and his union legacy, from funeral program.

Leamon E. Wilson’s tribute to his father and his union legacy, from funeral program.

Click on What AFSCME has meant to our family By Leamon E Wilson for clear text. 

President Wilson passed April 8 at the age of 55, after years of struggle for his mechanics, and to maintain self-determination for Detroiters and control and adequate funding of DDOT. His efforts and those of other city and union leaders stalled the creation of a suburban-controlled “regional authority” for decades, saving the livelihoods of many DDOT workers and limiting service cuts son’s essay. 

Retired Local 312 bus mechanic Anthony Brown said he hired in the same day as President Wilson in 1980.

Members of Local 312 with DDOT bus decorated in their President's honor.

Members of Local 312 with DDOT bus decorated in their President’s honor.

“Before 90 days, he told our fellow members that they were planning to privatize DDOT,” Brown said. “I watched Leamon as he read law books and got any local, state and federal material he could get his hands on, preparing himself to take a position on the grievance committee. There are many soldiers who go to battle, but what you really want is a warrior like Leamon. If you worked for DDOT in the last 20 years, you owe your jobs to this man. I got suspended for 30 days pending discharge five times, and he saved my job, my life, my marriage and my home.” 

After the city’s unilateral imposition of “City Employment Terms” under the 2012 PA 4 “consent agreement,” Wilson protected his membership by filing suit under the federal Urban Mass Transportation Act, which requires governments receiving federal transportation funds to honor collective bargaining agreements and otherwise protect workers. 

Flower bearers including (l to r), retired AFSCME Local Pres. Elmira Willis, Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, and AFSCME D-DOT Local 214 President June Nickelberry outside church. Councilwoman JoAnn Watson outside church.

Flower bearers including (l to r), retired AFSCME Local Pres. Elmira Willis, Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, and AFSCME D-DOT Local 214 President June Nickelberry (4th from left) outside church.

One Local 312 officer told VOD, “Leamon would file suit at the drop of a hat.” For that purpose, he retained militant attorney George Washington for his local, rather than depending on more conservative firms utilized by AFSCME Council 25. 

Elder Carl Graham, now a D-DOT driver, said, “If you were a steward, he made you look extremely well, because you could tell management you would call him. He lived and breathed Local 312, and we will keep his legacy going forth. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP EASILY.” 

Pallbearers included many Local 312 members and officers.

Pallbearers included many Local 312 members and officers.

Many other members related similar personal stories. City Councilwomen JoAnn Watson and Brenda Jones, AFSCME International Vice-President Larry Roehrig, AFSCME Presidents June Nickelberry of D-DOT Local 214, also President of the City of Detroit Presidents’ Council, and John Riehl of DWSD Local 207, among others, also gave heartfelt tributes and presented resolutions in honor of their fallen comrade. 

“I wouldn’t be in office without Leamon Wilson,” Councilwoman Watson said. “He helped me. He stayed on after everyone else had left council meetings on privatization contracts to continue the battle. He fought like Joshua. He was strong and courageous, trying to bring his people to the promised land.” 

She said later that Leamon E. Wilson worked in her office as well.

Pres. Leamon Wilson's obituary pages.

Pres. Leamon Wilson’s obituary pages.

Attorney George Washington recalled that President Wilson always thanked him when they won a legal victory, but Washington said that President Wilson was really responsible for those victories. 

Councilwoman Brenda Jones (r) and others watch as funeral cortege leaves church.

Councilwoman Brenda Jones (r) and others watch as pallbearers take Pres. Wilson to his final rest.

“He was a brilliant and capable man. way more so than people with fancy degrees and making way more money while they run down Detroit,” Washington said. “He was a man who represented everything great about the city. Although we can never replace him, we have got to go on with the battle, that’s what he would have wanted us to do.” 

Despite the heroic battle waged by Leamon and others, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed Public Act 387 into law during the state legislature’s infamous 2012 lame duck session. The Act created a Southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority (RTA) with a 10-member board, only one appointed from Detroit, although DDOT is the largest bus system in the region. All federal funds and other grants will now flow through the authority. Click on RTA mcl-Act-387-of-2012 for full text of RTA Act.

The majority of D-DOT’s funding, about $80 million, comes from the federal government. 

D-DOT riders will see more cuts to service under the RTA.

D-DOT riders will see more cuts to service under the RTA.

One Local 312 member told VOD that in the last months of President Wilson’s life, all he could talk about was the battle to stop the RTA. He had retired from his city job, but continued as Local 312 President, planning to leave only after his term expired. President Wilson kept his failing health and eyesight from the view of everyone, particularly management, as he continued the battle. VOD contacted him numerous times over the last year for comments and documents related to its stories on D-DOT and the dismantling of Detroit, and he never failed to provide what was needed. 

RTAShortly after President Wilson’s death, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) voted April 26 to transfer $7 million in federal funding from DDOT to the Suburban Mobility Transportation Authority (SMART), although DDOT has three times as many riders as SMART. The deal was part of a proposed permanent change of the federal funding formula for the region.

Originally, Detroit got 65 percent and the outlying areas received 35 percent based on the larger ridership and size of D-DOT. Now, the RTA is proposing the change the formula to 51 percent for the suburbs and 49 percent for Detroit.

Earlier, 30 D-DOT buses were also given to SMART.

At the RTA’s first meeting, they voted to hire the Miller-Canfield law firm to represent them, the same firm whose attorney Michael McGee co-authored the original “Dictator Act” PA 4 and advised Bing and the Detroit City Council on the disastrous consent agreement. Such anti-Detroit actions are likely to be repeated many times over under the new RTA, ironically vindicating President Wilson’s life’s work

Many “liberals” supported the RTA. The Huffington Post celebrated its first meeting. Other supporters included Transportation Riders United (TRU), MOSES, and even some members of Occupy Detroit. Sponsors of the bills which led to the RTA included Democratic state legislators Sens. Bert Johnson (D-Detroit) and Rebecca Warren (D-Ann Arbor), and Reps. Fred Durhal (D-Detroit), Thomas Stallworth (D-Detroit), and Phil Cavanagh (D-Redford), among others. 

Before one City Council session, a TRU member loudly blamed D-DOT bus mechanics for the disastrous bus service cuts enacted by Mayor Dave Bing in 2011 and 2012, and heard VOD’s equally loud approbation in response.  President Wilson strongly spoke out on this matter at another City Council public hearing, shown in video below.

President Wilson and his mechanics have long complained to city management about cutbacks in their workforce, costly outsourcing of repair work to out-of-state agencies, and the disastrous route cuts that took place after Bing outsourced management of D-DOT. President Wilson helped VOD expose Bill Nojay, who filled the position of Deputy Director under the outsourced management, for violating the Hatch Act when he ran for office in New York State. Nojay is a rabid right-winger who ran a racist talk show from his home town in New York. 

Former Detroit COO Chris Brown disappeared from view after Pres. Wilson helped expose the role of racist Bill Nojay in DDOT.

Former Detroit COO Chris Brown disappeared from view after Pres. Wilson helped expose the role of racist Bill Nojay in DDOT.

When Nojay left Detroit under the pressure in August, 2012, President Wilson exulted, “That racist is gone!”

The federal Office of the Special Counsel recently refused to find Nojay, Bing, or former Detroit COO Chris Brown guilty under that Act after VOD filed charges based largely on documentation President Wilson supplied.  However, Brown, who was everywhere running the city’s business previously and widely hated by city workers and residents, suddenly dropped from view after the exposes, another victory attributable to President Wilson. 

Keith Davis, a cousin of President Wilson’s, is also Vice-President of UAW Local 2334, representing City of Detroit Sanitary Chemists. 

“We collaborated on many endeavors with Locals 312 and 207,” Davis said. “A union is the sum of all its parts. Management always seems to want to blame the workers for its screw-ups. But he was a warrior, and now we must fight for him. No guts, no glory.” 

Jon Miller with fellow Local 312 member after funeral.

Jon Miller with fellow Local 312 member after funeral.

Ronald Carter said, “I knew Leamon for 20 years, and we always talked politics. We talked about how every year the so-called movers and shakers would go up to Mackinac Island and party, the wolves that put profits before the people. They kill everything, take everything, and give nothing. They come to us with their hands closed. But we are the fighters, and we will follow in Leamon’s footsteps.”

Later, Local 312 grievance committee person Jon Miller told VOD that Local 312 has a militant history, beginning with its founding in 1942. He said he and President Wilson interviewed former AFSCME Council 77 President Lloyd Simpson before his death. Simpson told them that he was the first Black mechanic to hire into the local, and white workers walked out when he was moved to the engine rebuild floor.

The late AFSCME Local 457 President Hazel Edwards.

The late AFSCME Local 457 President Hazel Edwards.

“But later, two white workers came to him and asked him to run for steward,” Miller said. “In 1946, Local 312 members voted to affiliate with the United Public Workers of America (UPWA), which was later driven out of the AFL-CIO during the red scare.”

AFSCME Local 26, representing DPW workers, had similar roots, originating in the UPWA. The AFSCME International was instrumental in ousting the UPWA. Later, AFSCME Council 77, representing only Detroit locals, was subsumed into Michigan AFSCME Council 25, amid much opposition including that of former AFSCME Local 457 President Hazel Edwards, a heroic leader who fought against the privatization of Detroit’s only public hospital, Detroit General.

Funeral program cover.

Funeral program cover.


AFSCME Local 312 resolution in honor of President Leamon Wilson.

AFSCME Local 312 resolution in honor of President Leamon Wilson.


DB rallyFrom Diane: I will always remember my dear friend Leamon Wilson and his support for me as I battled false charges related to the murderous State Police chase which resulted in the deaths of James Willingham and Jeffrey Frazier on the day Pres. Barack Obama was elected, Nov. 4, 2008.

Here, Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, UAW Local 2334 Pres. Dave Sole, and myself at defense rally in the AFSCME Local 312 hall. President Leamon Wilson opened his hall to us and spent hours at my trial waiting to testify as a character witness. I deeply mourn his passing, as I mourned the passing of James Willingham, Jeffery Frazier, and the continued assault on the people of Detroit.

James Willingham and Jeffrey Frazier, whose families have never received justice for their deaths.

James Willingham and Jeffrey Frazier, whose families have never received justice for their deaths.


Related article which has links to all recent VOD articles involving Warrior President Leamon Wilson of AFSCME Local 312, as well as clear version of Leamon E. Wilson’s tribute to his beloved father.

Also see the following which detail some of the actions President Wilson took on behalf of his members and the residents of Detroit over the years. In addition to these, under his leadership, Local 312 was at the forefront of struggles for affirmative action and other progressive causes.

AFSCME Locals 214 and 312 v DARTA

AFSCME Mechanics Cite Lack of Parts to Repair Air Conditioning On Detroit City Buses

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 Black Agenda Report                                                                                                                        By BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

Wed, 04/24/2013


Matthew Joseph, killed by Detroit police April 2, 2013.

Matthew Joseph, killed by Detroit police April 2, 2013.

“Americans are like spoiled children, whining over their suffering, while showing no empathy for anyone else’s.” Worse, they give the OK to kill other people’s children all across the non-white world. They are easily frightened, throwing away their civil liberties at the drop of a hat, yet generous in insane ways, sending $20 million to Boston without “knowing who needed it or for what purpose.”

We have been propagandized to believe that some lives, white Americans’, are more valuable than others.”

Detroit and state police cars at Linwood and Hooker April 2 after officers shot 23-year-old Matthew Joseph to death under suspicious circumstances. Media reports indicated "friendly fire" was involved in the shooting of one cop, and that Joseph was being pursued as a suspect in the killing of another cop's drug-dealer son. Neighbors say at least 20 poice cars came to the area, that there were three people in the car who remained motionless for the two hours they watched them. The driver Matthew Joseph was slumped over the steering wheel and did not appear to have exited the car. VOD is investigating further.

Detroit and state police cars at Linwood and Hooker in Detroit April 2 after officers shot and killed 23-year-old Matthew Joseph under suspicious circumstances. Media reports indicated “friendly fire” was involved in the shooting of one cop, and that Joseph was being pursued as a suspect in the killing of another cop’s drug-dealer son. Joseph was shot multiple times.

Every year, 4,600 Americans are killed in work place related accidents. Every 28 hours [6] a black person is killed by police, corrections officers, security guards or vigilantes. Every year more than 30,000 people are killed by gun violence in this country. The odds of being killed by a terrorist are only 1 in 20 million.

These statistics are rarely mentioned and never had a chance to be addressed after two bombs were exploded during the Boston marathon. Death under horrific but commonplace circumstances attracts scant media attention or political action. Acts labeled as terrorism, which are unlikely to kill anyone, bring an inordinate amount of hysteria among the populace and cynical attention from press and politicians.

Texas fertilizer plant after explosion, which killed 14 people.

Texas fertilizer plant after explosion, which killed 14 people.

Just two days after the Boston marathon a fertilizer plant in West, Texas exploded, killing 14 people, most of them the much worshipped “first responders.” The risk of dying in an industrial accident is far greater than the odds of being killed by a terrorist, but no matter. The people were whipped into a frenzy and told to cast their eyes in the place where they should pay less attention rather than more.

It is frightening that the risks which Americans are subjected to on a daily basis are ignored as if they are unwanted background noise. Some of the passivity is understandable. Black people in particular are able to function in large part because the ever present risk of stop and frisk, false arrest, and police brutality are difficult to bear. There is a thin line between being conscious and losing one’s mind.

The odds of being killed by a terrorist are only 1 in 20 million.”

In 2011, Libyan counter-revolutionaries supported by the U.S. and NATO slaughtered tens of thousands of Libyans, targeting in particular Black Libyans like this man who was later killed.

In 2011, Libyan counter-revolutionaries supported by the U.S. and NATO slaughtered tens of thousands of Libyans, targeting in particular Black Libyans like this man who was later killed.

All Americans’ behavior is understandable if one acknowledges that we are constantly subjected to propaganda of various kinds. We have been propagandized to believe that some lives, white Americans’, are more valuable than others, namely anyone not white nor from the United States. There is no other way to explain why the government’s killing of thousands of people abroad is met with a shrug, if it is acknowledged at all. Americans are like spoiled children, whining over their suffering, while showing no empathy for anyone else’s. They feel that only their victimization is worthy of note, and in fact many of them support their government’s acts of violence carried out around the world. Continue reading

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Posted on Facebook by Daymon J. Hartley: 

Now these are the stories you didn’t see on CNN and the evening news. Coming into your homes and pulling you out at gunpoint.
This is what fascism looks like. Please like and share this widely…just incredible.
The person taking this video also risked being shot and/or arrested.
Now I want to hear from some of my “liberal’ friends how they can justify and rationalize this.  Imagine this in your neighborhood.

Published on Apr 20, 2013     

Police state NewsweekWATERTOWN, MA — On Friday, April 19, 2013, during a manhunt for a bombing suspect, police and federal agents spent the day storming people’s homes and performing illegal searches. While it was unclear initially if the home searches were voluntary, it is now crystal clear that they were absolutely NOT voluntary. Police were filmed ripping people from their homes at gunpoint, marching the residents out with their hands raised in submission, and then storming the homes to perform their illegal searches.

This was part of a larger operation that involved total lockdown of the suburban neighborhood  to Boston. Roads were barricaded and vehicle traffic was prohibited. A No-Fly Zone was declared over the town. People were “ordered” to stay indoors. Businesses were told not to open. National Guard soldiers helped with the lockdown, and were photographed checking IDs of pedestrians on the streets. All the while, police were performing these disgusting house-to-house searches. 



Total media blackout now under way on most likely suspects in Boston marathon bombing

One of many photos alleged to be of black ops groups waiting at Boston Marathon finish line before explosion. This shows what Infowars says is the Craft Communications Van.

One of many photos alleged to be of black ops groups waiting at Boston Marathon finish line before explosion. This shows what Infowars says is the Craft Communications Van.


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