Community activist Sheila Crowell points to one of two huge hills of contaminated soil excavated during construction of Munger Middle School and left for the kids. Photo taken 8/30/12 Diane Bukowski

From:  Sheila Crowell, Mother,  Resident, Homeowner, Advocate,  Community Leader who Fights for All. 

Sheila Crowell shows depth of standing water.

To:   Detroit Public Schools officials 

Photos taken by Sheila Crowell in June and July, 2012

August 22,2012

As each of you know, I have talked to you through email, including showing a few of you the Standing Water which is located located between the two hills of contaminated soil on the Edsel Ford W. side of the school. Water has been there for months, no one is doing anything about this mess. Water stands in the street by the curb because of the water that comes from this area on school property.

Standing water between two contaminated hills on Munger grounds after rainstorm.

As each of you know the West Nile Virus is bad this year. People of all ages walk, run, even ride bikes on the street and sidewalk on Edsel Ford West.

Neighborhood also affected by water draining from contaminated soil on Munger grounds.

Also please do not forget the residents who live on Larkins only yards away from this standing water, also having to face the standing water problems from the DPS property each time it rains hard, causing standing water to lay between DPS property line and Ironside, because of what?

As you should know, I have too many pictures to prove what I have said.

Kids with bikes playing on Munger’s contaminated hills during summer.

What about the youth who are riding their bikes onto the hills? All it would take is for one to slip and fall into the standing water that has laid for months. When winter comes, the water will freeze, meaning it will never leave.  Am I the only person that cares about the safety of our residents of all ages?

A dedication was held for the new Munger on August 25, 2012. What we found odd was the attention the DPS gave to the dedication by cutting the grass in the tennis court; this was the first time in 2012.

Summer rains flooded street in front of Munger.

You can cut grass when it benefits you, yet the DPS cannot or will not do anything about a horrible problem such as standing water which could cause great harm to others, just like the lack of cutting down 15 feet of weeds that are located on the DPS property behind Munger school.

Munger grounds flooded as well, showing patches which need to be investigated for contamination.

I have been asking for 2 years for the DPS to help our youth and all be safe that go into the DPS owned park. This is not a bush, it is a baseball diamond covered in weeds that you for some reason will not take care of just like the standing water!!!

Pile of contaminated dirt left during construction–was it covered over by hills?

August 2, 2012 

Chadsey High School demolition after numerous reprieves occasioned by student walk-outs over the years. What happened to all that wreckage?

As many of you know, a new school was built replacing the old Chadsey High & Munger on Martin in the 48210 Claytown Neighborhood.

The reasons for my email to you all are:

1. McGraw: Street is missing “curbs” at school site next to the berm on McGraw. Some were installed others parts were not.

Sewer on street in front of Munger backed up in flood.

2. Martin: A line of “patching” was so called done from Martin to Edsel Ford W along the street  next to the sidewalk. This action caused one of the city sewerage drains to back up along the front of the new school on the city’s street with standing green water about 2/3 inches. I was told it was the tarring of the street that caused the drain to be stopped up. It has been drained,  at the same time part of the drain was broken. The next rain will tell if it was unplugged the right way or will it cause more problems? This also put’s our “lives in danger”.

Holes left in mud after rain brought contaminated soil onto sidewalk.

3. The contaminated soil from the two hills which is on the DPS property, has run not only onto the DPS school driveway & sidewalks, also the contaminated soil has run down the sidewalks onto Edsel Ford W, covering more drains at the same time putting lives in danger. With each rain this action will continue to take place. In the winter it will become ice, putting all “lives in danger.”

4. At the bottom of the two hills is a somewhat flat area of land, which fills up with water, also causing the contaminated soil to run onto the sidewalk etc., leaving it for days with standing water. Last rain was 5 days ago, as of yesterday water was still laying on this area. So with each rain we have, the contaminated soil will run from the two hills putting all our “lives in danger.”

On Aug. 30, 2012, area between two hills on Munger ground was covered with mud and strange scaly materials left over from previous rain. Diane Bukowski photo.

4. Edsel Ford W has been beat up so badly from the heavy trucks that came from the DPS site there are more hole in the street than you would want to count, also putting “lives in danger.” Not only EFW, Martin, McGraw, Cecil, Pittsburg, Barden. The DPS is responsible.

“Handicapped” parking space outside Munger.

5. Sidewalk with the handicapped plate, which is located at EFW & Larkins has contaminated  Soil on this area where the contaminated soil has run down the street from the problems of the two hills.

5. Concert has been poured, hardened, and left in the “alley between Larkins homes” at EFW by the DPS workers installing the iron fencing along with two buckets. My son cuts the alley [grass] and has for “years,” helping to make it safe & clean.

The City of Detroit also has a responsibility to both property owners on each side of the alley. The DPS does not keep up its responsibility; fencing is rusted, broken and dangerous, weeds growing, wires hanging.  My son can do only what he can, at the same time “not placing himself & his wife in danger”, because the DPS has no sense of responsibility for anyone walking, running, riding, anyone living on Larkins. Putting all “lives in danger”.

Workers cleaning up after floods on Munger grounds.

I ask that you call me, meet with me, please help me to help our residents be safe. The DPS  wanted to tear down two schools then build one school, the DPS has a true responsibility to each of our homes and lives, not putting our “lives in danger.”

This is not right nor fair to the City of  Detroit. These problems add to the too many problems we already have. Please we do not need any more problems added to our homes, lives and Claytown Neighborhood.

“To cause harm to another is unacceptable from anyone.”

Why were sewers patched by workers during rain? Ms. Crowell said similar material was layered under the contaminated hills during construction.


Decomposed dead dog on Munger grounds during construction. Was the carcass buried under the mounds on which kids will play?

VOD editor: Ms. Crowell reported violations to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality during this period. VOD is currently reviewing documentation of those reports and any actions taken to remediate hazards, and will report back shortly.

Youth play basketball at bottom of contaminated hill next to Munger on August 30, 2012.

VOD visited the Munger grounds with Ms. Crowell on Aug. 30, 2012. There had been no rain, but the two hills of contaminated soil were still there, with a strange looking patch of scaling, crackled mud left from previous storms in between them (see photo above).

We watched as youth played basketball on a court adjacent to the mounds, and women with their babies in buggies enjoyed the weather, walking through the Munger grounds next to the mounds. 

The historic Chadsey High School housed students of all races for decades in Detroit. Students conducted several walk-outs to stop its closing.

Detroiters voted for the Proposal S DPS half-billion dollar bond with the expectation that they would be provided with good, safe schools for their children.

Instead, Chadsey High School, one of the most acclaimed in the city, and a gorgeous historic building, is now gone, as is the old Munger Elementary. In their place is a modern-looking building on grounds that are a danger to the students and the neighborhood.

Veronica Wright of Chadsey High School protests the proposed closure of her school, as Stewart Elementary School student Satin Berry points to sign supporting her, in March, 2005. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDonald hold the sign. Both historic schools have since been closed along with at least half of the schools that existed in Detroit in 2000.

The Detroit City Election Commission just voted to put a renewal of that bond on the November ballot, after DPS EFM Roy Roberts slipped his proposal to them with no publicity. (Story coming.)

Detroiters must stop providing profits for construction companies like Walbridge Aldinger, which is closely tied to Gov. Rick Snyder, and vote NO on the so-called “renewal.”

The Katrina-style devastation of the Detroit Public Schools system is an unforgiveable crime against the children.

Contact Sheila Crowell at

2010 groundbreaking brochure shows companies which profited from Proposal S.

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From: Michigan League for Human Services

Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 9:24 AM

Labor Day Report: Michigan’s lower unemployment rate masks deeper issues

State has highest rate in the Midwest for working families living in poverty

Michigan’s unemployment rate has dropped dramatically since it hit 14.2 percent in August 2009 and the state is no longer No. 1 in unemployment, but the lower rate masks serious problems with employment in Michigan, a Labor Day report concludes.

Detroit children and parents wait in line for free winter coats provided by Moorish Science Temple of America.

In fact, Michigan has more “lost workers,’’ than unemployed workers. Lost workers are those who have left the workforce and are not counted in the employment statistics as either unemployed or employed. In addition, Michigan has the biggest share in the Midwest of working families who live in poverty, despite holding down jobs.

The Labor Day Report, Michigan Falling Unemployment Rate Masks Serious Concerns , was released by the Michigan League for Human Services. (Click on MLHS Labor Day Report for full report.)

Gilda Jacobs

“Thankfully we no longer are known as the state with the highest unemployment in the country, but that doesn’t mean our workers are all doing well,’’ said Gilda Z. Jacobs, president & CEO of the Michigan League for Human Services. “It’s still important that we address policies that will offer workers a career ladder and the ability to cover their basic needs.’’

Michigan has a shrinking labor force with 4.66 million workers, down from 5.12 million in January 2001. Slightly more than 60 percent of the state’s adults were in the labor force in 2011, the lowest on record, dropping from nearly 69 percent in 2000, the highest on record.

Photo credit:

Of Michigan’s working families, one in every 10 was living in poverty in 2011, the highest percent in the Midwest. Poverty is about $18,000 a year or less for a family of three and $23,000 a year or less for a family of four.

Other findings:

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Paul Ryan accepts GOP nomination for Vice-President in Tampa, Florida.


Paul Ryan Unleashes His Terrifying Vision for America

Paul Ryan Obscures His Koch-Backed Agenda With a Pack of Lies in Convention Speech 

AlterNet / By Adele Stan

August 29, 2012

TAMPA, FLA. — Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan may carry himself with an air of earnestness, but at his heart, he’s a liar. What other determination could one make after Ryan’s compendium of distortions and outright untruths, delivered Wednesday night to the Republican National Convention?

“Jim Rogers was the topic of discussion following a recent interview at a wealth-management conference in Vancouver, B.C. when he stated that the U.S. national debt, which comes out to about $5 trillion held by the public, has essentially doubled due to credit crisis bailouts.
So much for free market economics.
Rogers goes on to say that interest rates will be forced to climb. Foreign investors will not buy American debt if there are no incentives to do so. And Americans are clueless as to how bad things are going to get down the road.
Every time there is a problem, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and his henchman come to the rescue. They just keep propping everything up and bailing out weakened institutions. (See link to article at end of this story.)

Whether falsely claiming that President Barack Obama was looting funding from Medicare to pay for health-care reform, blaming the president for the nation’s credit-rating downgrade that came about as an unprecedented refusal by congressional leaders to raise the debt ceiling (a maneuver Ryan helped to lead), or accusing his opponent of refusing to to implement the recommendations of a bipartisan commission on the debt whose final report Ryan voted against, the Wisconsin congressman proved himself willing to hoodwink the American people with a smile on his boyish face.

It was to be expected, I suppose, given his status as the youthful ward of David Koch, the billionaire funder of Americans For Prosperity, the astroturf group that helped lift the Wisconsin congressman from relative obscurity to the lofty post of House Budget Committee chairman, where he has championed a set of ideas that could have been authored by Koch himself — ideas that fundamentally revolve around coddling the rich, crushing the poor and giving the shaft to the middle class.

Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world’s richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs’ corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy. (

It’s not really a set of ideas one can sell truthfully to the voters, most of whom belong to the classes at which you’re aiming the boot and the shaft. So, a little lying — or a lot — is required.

The selection of Paul Ryan was, in and of itself, a strong bit of circumstantial evidence that the Republican Party is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch political enterprise. David Koch and his brother, Charles, you’ll recall, are the multibillionaire brothers who are the principal owners of Koch Industries, the second-largest privately-held corporation in the United States.

Through Americans For Prosperity and its allies, the Kochs have built the get-out-the-vote infrastructure for the American right, cobbling together the old network of evangelical churches with more broadly defined Tea Party groups. It’s a network to which the Republican presidential candidate desperately needs access if he’s to win in November, especially given a shrinking number of persuadable independent voters. And Paul Ryan dances perfectly to the Kochs’ tune, crafting economic plans that lower the taxes on the wealthy, cut social spending on the poor, and that would change Medicare into a virtually unrecognizable voucher program.

Striding to the convention podium with his gelled coif and boyish demeanor, Ryan looked more like a student council president than the prevaricating philosophical progeny of two of the greediest men on earth. But even as Ryan accused the Obama campaign of obscuring the president’s true agenda, Ryan mentioned not a word about his plans to voucherize Medicare — a plan that could cost seniors thousands of dollars more per year.

Lying to Obscure the Greed

In a move seemingly designed to taunt fact-checkers, Ryan reprised his claim that Obama broke a promise made during the 2008 presidential campaign to keep a General Motors plant open in Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wis., but instead was ultimately responsible for its closing. But the plant closed while George W. Bush was in office, and Obama never made such a promise. (As I write, PolitiFact has already rated this part of Ryan’s speech as false.) Continue reading

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The Execution Of Milton Hall, Justice For Milton Hall!

Published on Aug 29, 2012 by KennySnod

A No Struggle, No Development Production! By KennySnod * *

The Execution Of Milton Hall, Justice For Milton Hall!

Detroit civil rights leader threatens to ‘shut Saginaw down’ if officers involved in Milton Hall death are not fired.

SAGINAW, MI — A Detroit civil rights leader was at the Saginaw city council meeting Aug. 28 to ask Saginaw leaders why six officers involved in the shooting death of Milton Hall are back working desk jobs at the department.

If he does not get the answer he wants, the Rev. Charles E. Williams II, president of the Michigan Chapter of the National Action Network, said he will be back.

“We want the officers fired,” Williams said in a phone interview earlier. “If they’re not fired, we’re prepared to hold a mass demonstration in Saginaw. We’ll make it a national issue and shut Saginaw down.”

During the press conference, Williams called the shooting of Hall “A modern day lynching.” He said he believes the killing was racially motivated.

Racist six Saginaw City Police officers were involved in the shooting death of Milton Hall. They shot him 11 times, but shot at him 46 times! – –

A No Struggle, No Development Production! By Kenny Snodgrass, Activist, Photographer, Videographer, Author of 1} From Victimization To Empowerment…  eBook available at
2} The World As I’ve Seen It! My Greatest Experience! {Photo Book}
YouTube: I have 320 Video’s, over 102,000 hits averaging 3,000 a month on my YouTube channel @

Click on for earlier VOD story.

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Residents evacuate their flooded neighborhood, Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012, in LaPlace, La. (Eric Gay/AP Photo)

Tropical Storm Isaac

September 1, 2012

By: Deborah Dupre

The National Weather Service issued a warning that a “dam failure” in the Louisiana-Mississippi border area might occur and flooding is “expected on the Tangipahoa River near Percy Quin park,” prompting a mandatory evacuation of approximately 50,000 more people and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announcing the dam would be intentionally breached to prevent it from breaking.

“Until it’s safe, we don’t want them to go home. We want them to get clear,” Burgess said. He said he did not yet know when the mandatory evacuation order could be lifted.

Nevertheless, most evacuees who were in shelters soon after the evacuation was ordered, are no longer in those shelters.

Four deaths have been attributed to Isaac [now seven].

“Unfortunately, I believe we will find more bodies, ” Plaquemines County Coroner’s chief investigator John Marie told NBC News’ Gabe Gutierrez.

The National Hurricane Center said Friday, “Even though Isaac is no longer a tropical storm, life threatening hazards from storm surge, inland flooding and tornadoes are still occurring.”

“Evacuate out of an abundance of caution,” pleaded Gov. Jindal to people in the Louisiana-Mississippi southern border area. “Hopefully, it’ll turn out the dam doesn’t breach. If there’s a breach several hours from now, we wouldn’t want people to be moved in the middle of the night.”

Hundreds were evacuated in darkness of night as new areas in southern Louisiana flooded while Isaac crawled north.

Isaac evacuees.

Louisiana state officials say if the dam burst, it would raise water levels to 17 feet, almost equal to the area’s two worst floods on record, one in 1983.

Isaac continues to spin off life-threatening weather including storm surges, inland flooding from torrential rain and potential tornadoes.

Flooding possibility in areas where high waters have never been experienced, even without dam problems, is something many residents and public officials in the area might have not considered, despite scientists warning this would happen due to Louisiana’s wetland erosion changing its landscape. Continue reading

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Hurricane Isaac

August 29, 2012

By: Deborah Dupre

Bayou Corne sinkhole, Louisiana, on Aug. 15, 2012.

Nearly stationary Hurricane Isaac has already caused residents to begin saving people stranded on rooftops and in attics in 12 to 14 feet of water as levees fail and the storm slowly lashes toward Assumption Parish, only fifty-three miles southeast of Houma, Louisiana, less than 100 miles south of Bayou Corne’s sinkhole where a hurricane warning is in effect Wednesday and at 8:00 a.m. and officials report trees and power lines falling and winds to intensify.

At 9:00 a.m., the National Weather Service reports that Hurricane Isaac is near Houma, Louisiana that is approximately fifty miles south of the Bayou Corne giant sinkhole over the Napoleonville Salt Dome.

Trees and power lines down.

“We have reports of trees down in the Napoleonville and Paincourtville area, one blocking Highway 401 (Canal Road) where work is being done to remove it from the roadway,” Assumption Parish officials reported at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, urging residents who remained to stay sheltered.

About 75% of New Orleans residents are already without power.

“For many people, it’s not even half over,” said Richard Knabb, director of the National Hurricane Center, saying that pounding rains will persist “all day today, into tonight, into tomorrow.”

Officials have declared that there would be no rescue services of fire vehicles or ambulances in Assumption Parish after Isaac’s winds are sustained at 50 miles per hour., according to officials in a curfew and mandatory evacuation alert issued Tuesday.

Closer to Isaac, residents have already begun rescuing neighbors in areas where waters have quickly risen, forcing people into attics and onto rooftops to prevent drowning.

Katrina deja vu

“We have reports of people on their roofs, in attics, in 12 to 14 feet of water,” said Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser.

In a deja vu scenario of Hurricane Katrina, residents have saved at least one woman on her roof and saved two other people, according to Nungesser, but others are stranded on roofs in waters quickly rising.

Homes in up to 14 feet of water are on the east bank of a levee, but “this storm is going to kick around and deliver the same type of flow to the west bank,” Ningesser said.

The levee in the parish overtopped Wednesday. It was not upgraded after Hurricane Katrina, that struck seven years ago today. Continue reading

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Bill Nojay campaigned for N.Y. State Assembly while working as public employee, in violation of Hatch Act 

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and COO Chris Brown knew of campaign, right-wing radio talk show  

VOD filing Hatch Act complaints on all three officials

Aug. 23, 2012

By Diane Bukowski 

DETROIT – After a reporter from New York’s weekly Livingston County News filed a Hatch Act complaint against Detroit Department of Transportation (D-DOT) Deputy Director Bill Nojay Aug. 8, he was finally dumped from his city job here this week. The newspaper broke the story of his apparent violation, noting that he was running for State Assembly in New York while working for D-DOT.

Bill Nojay (center) campaigning July 9 at “Arktown Hometown Heroes” parade in New York, while working as D-DOT Deputy Director.

Nojay is a far right-wing Republican candidate for the New York State Assembly who lives in Pittsford, N.Y., and has appeared at Tea Party functions. He previously chaired the Rochester Genessee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA).

He is also an attorney who currently hosts a New York  talk show  which espouses racist and ultra-conservative views.

The federal Hatch Act forbids public employees whose job involves supervision of federal funds from running for partisan public office. (Click on Hatch Act flyer from US OSC.)

City of Detroit COO Chris Brown told the Detroit News Aug. 23 that Nojay informed both Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and himself that he was running for office in New York when he began his campaign.

Nojay oversaw federal D-DOT funding, which comprises the majority of the Department’s $130 million budget. On July 19, Mayor Bing announced a new federal grant of $30 million to both the D-DOT and suburban SMART systems. During his tenure, D-DOT purchased 46 new buses with $13.8 million in federal funding and obtained additional funds to upgrade D-DOT facilities.

The buses were purchased from the Gillig Corporation. RGRTA also bought buses from Gillig.

Bill Nojay is at far left in the photo taken Feb. 22, 2012 by VOD editor Diane Bukowski during Mayor Dave Bing’s introduction of Ronald Freeland (3rd left from bus door) as “CEO” of D-DOT. Bing (r) also showed off some of D-DOT”s 46 new buses bought from the Gillig Corporation with $13.8 million in federal funding.

“That racist is gone,” exulted Leamon Wilson, president of AFSCME Local 312, which represents bus mechanics at D-DOT. “He was sworn in as deputy director and he personally told me during a meeting that he occupied that position. The D-DOT director’s office also confirmed that.”

Nojay openly espouses his right-wing views on the website for his radio talk show. Its introduction slams “big unions, the  education lobby and enviro wack jobs.” It says New York is now nothing but “a crumbling socialist New Age penal colony  disproportionately populated by malingerers, criminals and self-serving  grievance groups perennially attached to the teat of a bloated and indifferent  government.”

AFSCME Local 312 President Leamon Wilson at left during 2005 demonstration at Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s State of the City address. D-DOT service has worsened even more since that time under Bing. Kilpatrick is on trial for corruption. Should Bing, Chris Brown and Bill Nojay be on trial too?

Wilson said since Nojay and his boss Ronald Freeland took over the management of D-DOT, service is at an all-time low.

In the wake of drastic route cuts begun in February under Freeland and Nojay, Mayor Dave Bing and Freeland announced  a new “415” policy to ensure stops 15 minutes apart on four major routes, Dexter, Grand River, Gratiot and Woodward, which account for 34 percent of the system’s ridership. The announcement took place April 30.

But Wilson said buses have been pulled from other areas to improve the routes Bing designated, causing passengers on the other routes to experience long lines and waits.

Wilson said all federal funding for D-DOT had been held up in the wake of the passage of the Detroit Public Act 4 consent agreement April 4.  His Local filed a complaint with the federal government then that the City violated the Federal Urban Mass Transportation Act (UMTA) by eliminating collective bargaining rights for workers under the agreement. Since then, he said, his local and two others representing D-DOT workers have been exempted from provisions of the consent agreement including having their locals’ only full-time officials, the presidents, forced back to the job.

Nojay told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle that he left the job voluntarily to pursue his campaign for 133rd District Assemblyman in New York, where he lives.  He had worked for D-DOT since Feb. 1 and has been campaigning for the New York Assembly post since at least May 11, when New York’s Monroe County Republican Party announced his candidacy.

Nojay told the Livingston County News that he was “a consultant to a consultant to a consultant,” working in a private capacity with D-DOT.

“One of the largest law firms in Upstate New York researched [my situation] carefully and concluded there was no danger of my being ‘Hatched,’” Mark Gillespie, editor-in-chief of the paper, quoted Nojay in an article Aug. 23.

Nojay made the same claim to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which is investigating the Hatch Act complaint filed by LCN reporter Howard Appell, according to the LCN.

Wilson provided VOD with copies of two letters on D-DOT stationery which refer to Nojay as Deputy Director, after Mayor Dave Bing’s office repeatedly failed to answer VOD’s inquiries on his status. (Click on Nojay docs.)

VOD had asked Bing’s office for the names of those occupying positions for Director and Deputy Director, listed in the current D-DOT budget.  Bing appointed Ronald Freeland as “CEO” of D-DOT in February, as part of an arrangement with subcontractor Envisurage, run by another former RGRTA chair, Mark Aesch.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing (r) announces his appointment of Ronald Freeland (l) as “CEO” of D-DOT on Feb. 22, 2012.

Freeland in turn hired Nojay, allegedly as “COO.” No one else has been named to the budgeted positions of Director and Deputy Director and Bing’s office to date has not responded to VOD’s inquiries about those positions.

Envisurage has since morphed into a company called TransPro, still run by Aesch. Neither company is listed with Michigan as a business entity, but Transpro maintains a website at  Aesch is an ardent advocate of transportation privatization who is very interested in pursuing newly available federal transportation funding, according to an article he wrote. (Click on Fed Trans Bill_MarkAesch.)

In another apparent recognition of Nojay’s status as a public employee, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Cleland ordered Nojay and Freeland to appear in their capacities as D-DOT officials at a June 6 hearing on a case involving D-DOT violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

“Warriors on Wheels” protested lack of adequate access on D-DOT buses for disabled riders outside the Coleman A. Young Center. An ongoing lawsuit in their case was again heard by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Cleland June 6, 2012.

Nojay and Freeland repeatedly ducked earlier hearings in front of Cleland, sending underlings who did not have the information needed, according to federal court documents. The case is Dilworth et. al. and the United States of America v. City of Detroit, 2:04-cv-73152. 

City of Detroit COO Chris Brown at City Council meeting Aug. 7, 2012.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and City of Detroit Chief Operating Officer Chris Brown were fully aware of Nojay’s situation, according to an article in the Detroit News Aug. 23.

“The mayor’s office was aware of his radio show and was informed when he  decided to run for office,” Chris Brown, the city’s chief operating officer,  said in an email,” wrote News reporter Christine McDonald.

“Mr. Nojay conducted  these activities during off-hours. … Mr. Nojay campaigned on weekends.This department directly affects the lives of Detroiters and the mayor is  concerned about what happens in Detroit, not New York.”

Thus, Nojay, Bing and Brown may all be complicit in violations of the Hatch Act. VOD is contacting the federal Office of Special Counsel for information on their ongoing investigation of Nojay and today filed a complaint of its own against all three individuals.

Stephen Boyle

Occupy Detroit member Stephen Boyle has also filed complaints with the City of Detroit Ethics Board, saying Nojay neglected his D-DOT job to campaign back home. Boyle raised the issue during a City Council hearing in June.

Nojay’s Facebook page shows him campaigning at numerous events in New York, with photos dated Thurs. July 5, Sun. July 8, Mon. July 9, Mon. July 23, Mon. Aug. 6 and Mon. Aug 13. He even had a car in a local demolition derby.

Click on!/BillNojay .

Nojay ran this car in a local New York demolition derby while D-DOT Deputy Director.

Since being dumped by Detroit, he has gone on merrily campaigning without acknowledging the controversy.

“Had a great week walking door to door in the 133rd Assembly District and attending the Mendon Steak Roast Wednesday night [Aug. 22] and the Rush Pig Roast tonight!!” Nojay wrote. “Looking forward to a weekend of door to door and my Trap & Shoot BBQ Fundraiser at the Mount Morris Gun Club!! Hope to see you there!”

The Livingston County News had been under attack after Aspell filed the Hatch Act complaint.  After Nojay’s repeated insistence that he was a private employee, OSC spokesperson Ann O’Hanlon said at first that he was not subject to Hatch Act restrictions.

Mark Gillespie, editor-iin-chief, Livingston County News.

“The Hatch Act is all about keeping improper politics out of the federal government, so when the federal funds reach into the states and localities, the Hatch Act follows that money to assure that the power of the federal purse can’t be used to coerce or influence partisan politics,” O’Hanlon told the LCN. “Persons covered by the Hatch Act have to be state or local employees.”

Since discovering that Nojay had was gone from his post at D-DOT, LCN reporter Appell is continuing to pursue his complaint.

Howard Appell, Livingston County News reporter. Photo: LCN

“When news broke of his reassignment,” wrote Gillespie, “The County News was in the process of confirming Nojay’s status with the City of Detroit — including whether he had been sworn into civil service, had supervisory and budgetary discretion, and whether he was presented as a public official to other city employees, elected officials outside the city and the general public.”

The Voice of Detroit will publish updates on its requested investigation of Nojay, Bing and Brown for violations of the Hatch Act by the Office of the Special Counsel as they become available.

Related documents and articles

DDOT ADA case filing ordering Nojay to appear for DDOT

DDOT ADA case filing 2

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Libyan man walks by the remnants of the destroyed residence of Col. Muammar Gadhafi in June, 2012./Getty Images


By Brian E. Muhammad-Contributing Writer- | Last updated: Aug 24, 2012 – 6:34:42 PM

( – During an August ceremony in Tripoli, the Western-backed National Transitional Council that undermined, overthrew and assassinated Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi handed power over to a 200-member General National Congress elected in July.

While some praise the election and transition as a glimmer of hope for democracy, critics say Libya is far from stable and still steeped in chaos, bloodshed and acute tribalism since the downfall of former leader Gadhafi.

“Elections are sometimes signs of hope. By themselves, elections don’t mean very much and I don’t think this one will mean very much,” opined Phyllis Bennis, director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.

The U.S.-NATO led invasion of Libya destroyed the government and infrastructure of the People’s Jamahiriya, which had played a leading role in developing the African continent. Col. Muammar Gadhafi, assassinated during the invasion, opened Libya’s borders to workers from other African nations to benefit from the country’s oil wealth. He was planning the introduction of an African currency to rival the Euro and the dollar, and a continental African army.

Outgoing NTC Chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil formally handed the state reins to the GNC calling it the “sole legitimate representative” of the Libyan people. The congress is charged with choosing a prime minister, a cabinet and by next year drafting a new constitution. Following agreement on a new constitution, general elections for parliament and president will be held.

It remains “unclear” what the congress means for the Libyan people and to what degree the candidates who ran for the seats truly represent the population, said Ms. Bennis. She noted that a high percentage of Libyans didn’t participate in the elections.

Some regional powers from eastern Libya, mainly Benghazi, Brega and Ras Lanouf, held back in the election claiming under-representation in Tripoli.

The majority of Libyans are concerned with the lack of security, jobs, and economic possibilities. In some areas, a lack of food, health care and electrical power remain huge challenges. Whether the will exists to answer those needs, “it’s way too soon to say,” Ms. Bennis added.

Ms. Bennis concedes, however, the Aug. 9 transition from an interim authority to an elected government is a good sign. “Is it a major proof of the democratization of Libya and validation of what the U.S. and NATO did in the military war? I would say not.”

What’s more there are misgivings about whether the new government will work in Libya’s favor or as a proxy for foreign interests, considering the decisive role U.S. and NATO forces played in deposing the previous government.

“Now the top leadership represents those that were exiled in America,” observed A. Akbar Muhammad, the International Representative of the Nation of Islam.

Many of the transitional actors have similar ties to America and Europe which raises credibility questions. If they were exiled in Algeria, Morocco or Egypt then it “would not raise the specter of suspicion about their overall objective,” he added.

Libya’s new president Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf

Mr. Muhammad was referring to the first major decision by the congress in choosing longtime Gadhafi opponent Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf as its president—making him the interim head of state. Mr. Magariaf is a politician and former ambassador to India who spent nearly 30 years exiled in America. He led the National Front for the Salvation of Libya that was purportedly financed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia and responsible for several failed attempts to oust Col. Gadhafi over the years.

“There is no doubt that there is a strong Western influence on the political process in Libya,” said Lamis Andoni, a commentator on Middle East affairs, answering a Final Call inquiry from Amman, Jordan.

“Some Libyan expatriates who are involved, either in the council or the assembly, don’t see a problem with Western influence,” she said. Continue reading

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 From Rev. Edward Pinkney, Pres. Benton Harbor -Twin Cities NAACP

Rev. Edward Pinkney (center top in cap) with supporters at court hearing in Detroit on his lawsuit against the Michigan chapter of the NAACP, on April 11, 2012.

(VOD ed: Rev. Pinkney, along with other leaders of militant chapters of the NAACP, has recently come under severe attack by the Michigan chapter of the NAACP. The state chapter purported to hold an election to oust him, in conjunction with Whirlpool Corporation, which has devastated Benton Harbor, a majority-Black city that is the poorest in the country.) 

August 25, 2012 

A little over a month ago, I alerted folks that Wells Fargo is a lead sponsor of the NAACP’s 101st annual convention.

The sponsorship came within weeks of the NAACP dropping its racial discrimination lawsuit against the subprime mortgage lender.

While patting itself on the back for getting Wells Fargo to commit to doing what the bank says it is already doing, the NAACP refuses to disclose the details of their “partnership.”

Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton Jr. commemorating MLK Day 2011; he has since agreed to NAACP lawsuit settlement with Wells Fargo.

A number of cities, including Memphis and Baltimore, are suing Wells Fargo for its predatory lending practices. Tellingly, Memphis Mayor A. C. Wharton Jr. announced the lawsuit in front of the National Museum of Civil Rights at the Lorraine Motel.

The New York Times reports:

“Not so long ago, Memphis, a city where a majority of the residents are black, was a symbol of a South where racial history no longer tightly constrained the choices of a rising black working and middle class. Now this city epitomizes something more grim: How rising unemployment and growing foreclosures in the recession have combined to destroy black wealth and income and erase two decades of slow progress.

The mayor and former bank loan officers point a finger of blame at large national banks — in particular, Wells Fargo. During the last decade, they say, these banks singled out blacks in Memphis to sell them risky high-cost mortgages and consumer loans.

The City of Memphis and Shelby County sued Wells Fargo late last year, asserting that the bank’s foreclosure rate in predominantly black neighborhoods was nearly seven times that of the foreclosure rate in predominantly white neighborhoods. Other banks, including Citibank and Countrywide, foreclosed in more equal measure.”


The NAACP should be shouting about Wells Fargo’s lending practices from the rooftop of the Lorraine Motel. Instead, the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization is being sponsored by the predatory lender.

In addition to being a lead sponsor of the NAACP’s upcoming convention, Wells Fargo was a co-sponsor of the Leadership 500 Summit held last week in Florida.

The summit featured a workshop on maintaining and building wealth. I wasn’t there but it’s safe to assume the Wells Fargo representative did not acknowledge the bank’s role in destroying black wealth in Memphis and cities across the country. Continue reading

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For copies of flier, click on Aug 24 march.

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