Consent agreement opponents Council members JoAnn Watson and Kwame Kenyatta listens as Krystal Crittendon (center) advises Council prior to vote on PA4 consent agreement.

Detroiters to attend Council session Tues. June 5, 10 am in support;     Council also expected to vote re: de-certification of Human Services Dept. 

By Diane Bukowski 

(Note: VOD now publishes links to documents referenced in the story at its conclusion.)

 June 4, 2012 

DETROIT – City of Detroit Corporation Counsel Krystal Crittendon filed suit in the Michigan Court of Claims June 1 demanding that the state make good on its debts to the city before enforcing the “Fiscal Stability Agreement” reached between Mayor Dave Bing, the City Council, and the state of Michigan April 4.

Ingham County 30th Circuit Court, where state Court of Claims is housed.

The Michigan Court of Claims is part of Ingham County Circuit Court. It has exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving claims of over $1,000 in money damages against the state. It is part of Ingham County Circuit Court, whose judges also carry out its duties.

Ia a May 1 legal opinion requested by the Detroit City Council through Council member JoAnn Watson, Crittendon said it is illegal under state and city law for Detroit to contract with any entity which has defaulted on its debt(s) to the city. 

Former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer and former Michigan Gov. John Engler

“The Law Department is aware of three areas where the State of Michigan is in default to the City,” Crittendon wrote.“These include: 1) The outstanding bill for water and sewerage service at the State Fairgounds amounting to $4.75 million . . . 2) The failure of the State to fulfill its obligations regarding statutory revenue sharing resulting from the Agreement entered into between the City and the State in 1998.  . .3)  Accumulated unremitted claims against the State. Nearly six hundred accumulated City of Detroit claims are pending against the State totaling approximately $300,000 in value.” 

She attached documentation for each debt, including $224 million resulting from the 1998 agreement executed by then Mayor Dennis Archer and then Governor John Engler.  She also attached and refuted an opinion from former Corporation Counsel John Johnson, Jr. that that debt was not enforceable. 

Attorney John Johnson, Jr. (r) represented Michigan NAACP President Yvonne White against a lawsuit brought by Benton Harbor NAACP President Edward Pinkney for trying to oust him from his office; photo April 11, 2012

Johnson was found guilty of one count of “professional misconduct” in 2010 by the state’s attorney grievance board in 2010, involving the infamous Kwame Kilpatrick text message scandal. The board said he told the Detroit Free Press that no settlement agreement existed in a lawsuit against then Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick when in fact it did.

Crittendon said in an April 1 opinion attached to the May 1 document that the Fiscal Stability Agreement constitutes a consent agreement under Public Act 4, noting numerous sections of the agreement which cite language from PA 4. She said PA 4 does not void city and state laws barring contracts with parties in default. 

Some of dozens of protesters who packed Detroit's state building May 17 to demand that appeals court put referendum to repeal PA4 on the ballot.

“The Emergency Manager Act does not mention or refer to MCL 117.5(l)(f) [state default law], or provide that the Home Rule City Act prohibition against a city contracting with one in default to the city does not apply to a consent agreement entered into under the Emergency Manager Act,” Crittendon wrote.   

The distinction is key because a state appeals court has not yet ruled on whether a referendum to repeal PA 4 can go on the state’s November ballot. 

Crittendon informed State Treasurer Andy Dillon of her position that the agreement is “void” in a letter May 11. Dillon disputed the validity of the debts she cited, but not the validity of laws barring contracts with entities in default. 

Protester at auto show Jan. 8 expresses his opinion of Gov. Rick Snyder

The Court of Claims would rule on the monetary dispute.   

At Gov. Snyder’s request, the Michigan Supreme Court took control of a previous lawsuit against PA4 filed in theIngham County Circuit Court, and has since interminably delayed a hearing. Since the Court of Claims has exclusive jurisdiction over monetary claims, that scenario is unlikely 

Sara Wurfel, spokesperson for Gov. Snyder, said regarding Crittendon’s lawsuit, “Our reaction is that we’re focused on moving forward with the agreement that was signed voluntarily by all parties. The city and citizens of Detroit can’t and shouldn’t have to wait any longer. More litigation and delays only continue the problems of the past and make the recovery more difficult.”

Mayor Dave Bing concurred in published remarks.

Gov. Rick Snyder and Mayor Dave Bing concur on proceeding with consent agreement.

“The Law Department has exercised its right to challenge the consent agreement,” he said. “Whatever the legal outcome, we will abide by it. But I’m not interested in getting into any legal battle that will distract us from executing my fiscal stability plan.”

But Sharon McPhail, former General Counsel for the City of Detroit, who supervised the office of the Corporation Counsel, disagreed. 

“That is a courageous action for Ms. Crittendon to take,” McPhail said. “It also shows the value of powers the new city charter accords to the Corporation Counsel, giving her broader latitude, particularly in dealing with this City Council.”                         

Attorney Sharon McPhail

Under the revised Charter, the Corporation Counsel represents both branches of city government, and has the duty to enforce the Charter, including taking judicial action.  The Corporation Counsel can be removed only for cause, with a supermajority vote from the City Council. 

Several Council members who voted for the Consent Agreement have said they support Crittendon’s pursuit of a legal judgment. They have held off a vote on appointing two members to the nine-member Financial Advisory Board the agreement provides for.

McPhail said Crittendon, who has practiced law since 1973 and was appointed Corporation Counsel by then Mayor Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. during his short term in 2009, is an extremely competent attorney. 

“The Corporation Counsel’s office reported to me during my tenure,” McPhail said. “I reviewed all cases individually where there was a constitutional issue involved, or where a proposed settlement exceeded $1 million. From the work that I saw done by Ms. Crittendon, she was one of the best lawyers we had.  Earlier, when I was on City Council, I would ask for documentation from proposed lawsuit settlements, and she always had it ready in the cases she handled, unlike some other attorneys.” 

McPhail said she also believes the consent agreement is illegal. 

“I think it is illegal for more than one reason,” McPhail said. “I never have understood why the state thinks it can say ‘we don’t like what you’re doing,’ citing as evidence financial problems. The state itself is in trouble financially, and so are most other cities in the state. The fact that Public Act 4 proceedings have been brought chiefly against majority-Black cities indicates that the state believes a person’s color means they will do a better job. There is no question that in every city things could be better, but there is also no question that when you put a business person in charge, things don’t get better. “ 

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, State Treasurer Andy Dillon, and Mayor Dave Bing are all former corporate executives of corporations which eventually failed. (See sidebar.) 

Valerie Glenn, a co-founder of “Free Detroit,” a coalition of Detroiters opposed to the consent agreement, said they will present a letter to Corporation Counsel Crittendon commending her action, and copies to the City Council, during its formal session Tues. June 5 at 10 a.m. 

“We want Corporation Counsel Crittendon to know that we completely support her following through based on the letter of the law,” Glenn said. “Free Detroit is a conglomerate of many individuals and groups, and there are many other Detroiters as well that oppose this consent agreement. She has acted in good faith with the people to try to scuttle the agreement. We feel a legal judgment must be rendered before the consent agreement can take effect. We are in this to win it.” 

Valerie Glenn (2nd from left) with other members of Free Detroit, including Sandra Hines at right, declare "NO CONSENT" outside May 17 Court of Appeals hearing on PA4 referendum.

The letter also challenges the budget recently passed by City Council and signed by Bing, which includes a whopping $171 million in cuts, the elimination of many city departments, and the lay-offs of 2566 city workers.

“Mayor Dave Bing and said Council Members have further violated the law by approving a 2013 City budget which was based on an illegally authorized financial stability agreement; thusly, the 2013 budget was passed without the necessary authority,” the group says.

Glenn encouraged Detroiters to come to the Council meeting.  (The Council is also expected to vote on whether to rescind its previous decision against voluntary de-certification of the Detroit Human Services Department.) 

Glenn and four others have filed ethics complaints against the City Council “Fatal Five” who voted for the consent agreement, Bing, and Deputy Mayor Kirk Lewis, charging them with violations of the City Charter. Glenn said the group is also planning to file ethics complaints against Governor Snyder and State Treasurer Andy Dillon. 

 “Taxation without representation is horrifically unconstitutional,” Free Detroit said in their founding statement. “Presently ‘we the people’ do not have a voice regarding the management and future of Detroit. We view Public Act 4 as a Racist Test Case. The Consent Agreement and the Emergency Manager strategies are racist and white supremacist in effect. Public Act 4 takes away the power to govern from the duly elected Black officials, and places it in the hands of Whites and cooperative Blacks who will do the bidding of the corporate community.” 

Meanwhile, the corporate media has reacted to Crittendon’s action with outrage. 

Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press editorial writer

“This is about power, and who wields it — one of the favorite dickering tactics of the city’s elected officials,” stormed Stephen Henderson of the Detroit Free Press June 3. “It has nothing to do with getting the tens of thousands of nonworking streetlights back on, or getting more patrols on streets that are running deep red in blood this year, or providing parks or recreation centers for kids who will spill out of schools and wander city streets this summer.”

Absolutely nothing in the consent agreement provides solutions for those matters. There is no state funding attached to the agreement, nor does it ask for an infusion of cash from the federal government, which U.S. State Representatives John Conyers, Jr. and Hansen Clarke have advocated in legislation introduced in Congress. 

The consent agreement also neglects to focus on the chief financial problem facing the city, other than to blame city officials for borrowing money. 

Marchers demand "Cancel the debt" May 9, 2012 in downtown Detroit.

Hundreds demanded a moratorium on Detroit’s monstrous debt to the banks May 9, during a protest outside the Bank of America offices on Griswold, which marched to the Coleman A. Young Center. 

“The Financial Advisory Board is all about robbery by the banks,” Jerry Goldberg of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition told the marchers. “The city itself has been victimized by predatory lending. This year, it paid $597 million out of a budget of $1.2 billion on its debt. The consent agreement is a grab by the banks for our tax dollars, even if it means destroying every city service.”

Detroit owes a total of $12.6 billion to the banks, much of which the banks and Wall Street foisted on the city, as they did in 2005 when city officials approved a $1.5 billion pension obligation certificate loan after represenatives from Standard and Poor’s and Fitch Ratings came to the table.

Bob Day, Larry Hicks, Gloria (Aneb) House during May 9 protest

Attorney Bob Day noted that the struggle against the banks is world-wide. 

“This battle is going on in Montreal, Greece, Spain, France and everywhere,” Day said. “People are saying to hell with the banks and their austerity programs. The banks set our communities up for disaster, and when it all fell down, they didn’t get hurt. They got bailed out by our tax dollars. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people are out of their homes, and the loss of tax revenues to our cities has brought in Public Act 4 and emergency managers, which guarantee that the banks will get paid first, This is nothing but a dictatorship of the banks.”

Click on Crittendon May 1 letter to read Corporation Counsel’s advice to City Council.    Click on , State water bill to city, Property claims dispute with state, CA John Johnson letter re revenue sharing debt, and AG opinion on default for attachments to Crittendon’s May 1 opinion.

Click on Letter to K Crittendon From Free Detroit NC to read Free Detroit’s letter supporting Krystal Crittendon, signed by former Charter Commissioner and attorney Rosemary Robinson and other activists.

Click on Free Detroit sample attachment for ethics complaint for sample ethics complaint. Free Detroit is encouraging all to file similar complaints with city Ethics Board. See

“Free Detroit” blogspot is at                                                  Contact information:  Phone  313-444-0061  Email

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By Starla Muhammad -Staff Writer-Final Call
Updated May 22, 2012 – 12:55:40 AM

CHICAGO ( – Tension among protestors and Chicago police came to a head toward the end of day one of what was otherwise an animated but peaceful anti-NATO rally and march that took place here, amidst the backdrop of downtown.

Many applauded what was reported as the tremendous restraint of Chicago Police Department handling of the protests. Others complained the tactics used by law enforcement were heavy handed, a scenario many in the Black community are all too familiar with.

Chicago anti NATO protester hurt by police May 29, 2012/AP Wide World photos

At least 45 people were arrested and several injuries were reported, including four police officers, from May 20 clashes.

Law enforcement was in full force, on foot, bicycle patrol and in marked and unmarked vehicles throughout the day and into the evening. Clad in riot gear and wielding batons, the CPD and state police kept a close eye on marchers.

“Today’s march was peaceful with approximately 2,000 people exercising their First Amendment rights. While there have been some scuffles with individual protesters, the Chicago Police Department has acted professionally and with restraint as protesters refused to disperse,” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel said in a statement.

Anti-Nato protesters mass in Chicago steets

Sarah Gelsomino, an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild, said though lawyers are still compiling information, in addition to the 45 arrested, on least another 45 protestors injured by police. Many reported baton strikes to the head and closed fists to the face, she said.

“We’ve had people with reports of lots of concussions. We’ve seen many broken bones, stitches to the head, stitches to the lip; those are just the serious injuries. Other people are just kind of bruised and shaken,” she told The Final Call in a telephone interview.

Occupy Chicago participated in national NATO protest there

Atty. Gelsomino said contrary to reports, at least 60 people were possibly arrested and though some were released without charges, others have been charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, reckless conduct, failure to disperse and mob action. Mainly misdemeanors, she added. The National Lawyers Guild is a national nonprofit organization of attorneys and legal professionals. The group has represented protestors in various Occupy movements throughout the country and has been actively involved in assisting those arrested during the Chicago NATO protests.

The violence that erupted at the end of the permitted march and was blamed mostly on a group known as Black Bloc, described by many as anarchists. They are known for dressing in all black and instigating violence at otherwise peaceful events, say analysts. Reports said sticks and bottles were hurled at police toward the end of the march.

Chicago police pummel protester

Chicago police superintendent Garry McCarthy, in talking to reporters, choked up while commending the way officers under his command handled themselves.

“If you think it’s easy to ask people to do what they did, it’s not. Asking people to put themselves in harm’s way knowing that they’re going to get assaulted to be able to stand there and take it, those guys were amazing,” said Superintendent McCarthy.

Atty. Gelsomino, however, said many of the injuries were sustained by innocent protestors not affiliated in any way with Black Bloc.

“The police unleashed indiscriminate violence. There were all kinds of people who saw that. That strike of the police baton,” she said.

The National Lawyers Guild will continue to have legal observers monitor police presence during additional protests scheduled for May 22, the final day of the NATO Summit and subsequent events throughout the week in Chicago, added Atty. Gelsomino.

“We remain hyper-vigilant at this point and have to be prepared unfortunately of more such action from the police. That’s why we have our legal observers on the ground and we will continue to document and record police actions as we go forward here,” she said.

At Final Call presstime, a joint press conference by Occupy Chicago and the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War and Poverty Agenda was scheduled to denounce what they called “the police violence.”

Police officers from as far away as Charlotte, N.C., Philadelphia and Milwaukee joined 3,100 officers from the Chicago Police Department for NATO duty. According to one report, $36.5 million was raised in private donations for NATO-related expenses and the city also received an additional $19 million grant to cover security costs.

The Final Call sent an e-mail to the Chicago police superintendent’s office and called the mayor’s office seeking comments, neither inquiry was returned.

The tens of millions spent to host the summit, while city, state and federal cuts to much needed resources are leaving millions of Americans in a social and economic quandary is what prompted thousands from around the country to converge on Chicago.

There were people from various races, creeds, religions, ideologies and causes, but for the most part many saw eye to eye in their collective cry of dissatisfaction and outrage with the status quo represented by the ultra-rich and powerful entities represented by NATO.

“How do we fix the deficit, end the war and tax the rich,” “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out,” “We are unstoppable, another world is possible,” were just a few of the slogans marchers shouted along the route through the heart of downtown Chicago as many carried homemade signs and posters.

“We’re here because we are part of the 99 Percent. We’re concerned about the communities and the money that’s being diverted away and that the government is saying we need to make all these social cuts in our communities,” said Maria Bell of National Nurses United, a nurses union which also held a protest and rally May 18 in Chicago that drew thousands.

A financial transaction tax would bring billions of dollars into the communities for much needed resources, Ms. Bell said. “If there were a financial transaction tax on Wall Street it could bring $350 billion a year to the United States alone. And if that money was earmarked for health care and education and jobs with justice, all the things our communities need then that would be a good starting point,” added Ms. Bell.

Six of 12 of Chicago’s outpatient mental health clinics closed in April, leaving the 3,000 people they served scrambling to seek help at private clinics, if they have insurance. The closures are estimated to save the city $3 million. The House Agriculture Committee cut $33 billion from the nation’s food stamp program, which millions of low income families still count on.

Overwhelming college debt, an unemployment rate that continues to hover around eight percent nationwide and a crumbling education system could all be fixed with investing instead of cuts and austerity measures argued many protestors.

The housing crisis which saw Blacks and Latinos lose their homes at a disproportionately higher rate than any other group caused the median wealth for both groups to plummet. The median wealth for Latinos declined by 66 percent and Blacks by 53 percent between 2005 and 2009.

“I thought that since international journalists from around the world are here in Chicago, I was hoping to let them know that a lot of the Spanish speaking population, which I’m one of are fed up with the banking system,” said John Viramontes, who was among the protestors.

“I’m here to say that these banks should let these homes go back to the original owners with a reduction in principle,” he said, listing JP Morgan, Chase and Wells Fargo among the list of perpetrators.

Larry “Wolf” Hicks, traveled from Detroit, Mich., a city that has seen its fair share of economic troubles. Financial decisions for the nearly bankrupt city are now being made by a representative from the state of Michigan. The city is facing a $200 million budget deficit.

The dissatisfaction displayed was as palatable as the heat of the 90-degree temperatures reached during the march and while Mr. Hicks said he was not sure if protests would solve any real problems, he said, sitting around doing nothing was worse.

“It’s a bunch of bull crap and if we come together I look at it like this. Ballot by the bullet, any means necessary and like Che Guevera said ‘No concessions to imperialism,’ ” said Mr. Hicks. “Until we come together and fight, we’re not going to get anything right,” said Mr. Hicks.

Even leading up to the protest, those in opposition to NATO said this rally would be important.

Long-time activist Larry Holmes with the World Worker’s Party said global circumstances and those fighting for economic and social justice would make for an important event. “We have a situation where the global capitalist crisis is about to get worse, if that’s possible,” he told a group that convened for a public meeting three days before the main march.

“The underlying reason for that of course is the dire economic crisis that is at this point global and getting worse and how we’re all interconnected. Clearly what happens in Greece effects not only Europe but it affects the United States, Asia and so on,” said Mr. Holmes.

Related story: NATO: Peacemakers or Peacebreakers?

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This Tuesday, June 5, at 11:00 am, the Michigan Court of Appeals will be hearing oral argument on people’s lawyer Vanessa Fluker’s appeal of the $12,000 in sanctions that was imposed against her by Judge Robert Colombo for fighting the eviction/foreclosure of her client’s home.

Please attend the hearing to show your solidarity with this tireless fighter against foreclosures and for people’s rights.

Background on Vanessa’s case:


Sign the petition supporting HR 4848, which calls for a MORATORIUM on FORECLOSURES for THREE YEARS;

The Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions, and Utility Shutoffs is open to all those who want to fight for a moratorium on foreclosures, evictions, layoffs, and utility shutoffs. We meet every Monday, 7 PM, at 5920 Second Ave., Detroit.  email

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At least 80 killed, many of them children, in Houla

Syria Says Houla Massacre Victims Wouldn’t Cooperate With Rebels

By Henry Meyer and Stepan Kravchenko –                                                                   Jun 2, 2012 7:49 AM ET  Bloomberg News

Syria’s ambassador to Russia said terrorists targeted families that refused to follow their orders during the massacre of more than 100 people, including dozens of children, in Houla last week.

“These families were killed because they refused to cooperate with these terrorist groups,”

Riad Haddad, Syrian ambassador to Moscow

Riad Haddad said in an interview at the Syrian embassy in Moscow yesterday. “When the parliamentary elections were held in Syria, these terrorist groups went to villages and towns and stopped people from voting and demanded candidates withdraw.”

The killings in Houla led to new calls for Russia to stop supplying arms to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russian President Vladimir Putin said he doesn’t support either side in the Syrian conflict. The United Nations Human Rights Council called for a probe into the massacre, which it said was carried out by “pro-regime elements” and government forces.

Syrian "rebels" called perpetrators of massacre in Houla

Among the dead in Houla was the family of a lawmaker who refused to withdraw his name from the parliamentary vote, Haddad said. Several hundred militants carried out the killings in Houla, General Qassem Jamal Suleiman, who heads the Syrian investigation into the killings, said May 31.

The rebel attack on Houla came after they fired two anti-tank missiles at Syrian security forces gathering outside the city, killing 31 troops, Haddad said. Among the civilian casualties in Houla were three families from nearby Shomaliya, whom the rebels killed there, he said, citing his government’s preliminary investigation.

Syria has found evidence that fighters from Libya andTunisia with ties to al-Qaeda are “already among the rebels,”Haddad said, adding that some of the massacre was filmed. “The main aim is to cause failure of the Annan plan and to provoke foreign military interference.”

Putin, speaking at a press conference in Paris yesterday, said additional pressure on Assad’s government risks radicalizing the country. He called for more time to allow UN envoy Kofi Annan’s peace plan to work.

“We want to achieve the situation where the violence ends and there won’t be large-scale civil war,” Putin said.

To contact the reporters on this story:Henry Meyer in Moscow at; Stepan Kravchenko in Moscow at


By Marat Musin

Global Research, June 1, 2012                                                                                              ANNA NEWS (Original Russian) and

Global Research Editor’s Note

This incisive report by independent Russian journalist Marat Musin dispels the lies and fabrications of the Western media.

The report is based on a chronology of events as well as eyewitness accounts. Entire pro-government families in Houla were massacred. The terrorists were not pro-government shabbiha militia as conveyed, in chorus, by the mainstream media, they were in large part mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army (FSA):

“When the rebels seized the lower checkpoint in the center of town and located next to the local police department, they began to sweep all the families loyal to the authorities in neighboring houses, including the elderly, women and children.

Several families of the Al-Sayed were killed, including 20 young children and the family of Abdul Razak. The people were killed with knives and shot at point blank range.

Then they presented the murdered [corpses] to the UN and the international community as victims of bombings by the Syrian army, something that was not verified by any marks on their bodies.”
We call on our readers to forward this report far and wide, post it on facebook. .

The massacre in Houla is being blamed on the Syrian government without a shred of evidence. The objective is not only to isolate Syria politically and economically, but to develop a pretext and a justification for waging an R2P humanitarian war on Syria.

The US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has hinted that if the Security Council does not act, the US and its allies may consider “taking actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of the [UN Security] Council.”

This report by Marat Musin confirms that crimes against humanity are being committed by terrorist militia.

It is essential to reverse the tide of war propaganda which uses civilian deaths as a pretext to wage war, when those killings of civilians were carried out not by government forces but by professional terrorists operating under the helm of the US-NATO sponsored Free Syrian Army.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Montreal, June 1, 2012

In the weekend of May 25, 2012, at about 2 PM, big groups of fighters attacked and captured the town of Al – Hula of the Homs province. Al-Houla is made up of three regions: the village of Taldou, Kafr Laha and Taldahab, each of which had previously been home for 25-30 thousand people.

The town was attacked from the north-east by groups of bandits and mercenaries, numbering up to 700 people. The militants came from Ar-Rastan (the Brigade of al-Farouk from the Free Syrian Army led by the terrorist Abdul Razak Tlass and numbering 250), from the village of Akraba (led by the terrorist Yahya Al-Yousef), from the village Farlaha, joined by local gangsters, and from Al Houla. Continue reading

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 State’s Position Remains Unchanged

Detroit Corporation Counsel Krystal Crittendon during City Council meeting on consent agreement April 3, 2012.

(VOD: June 1, 2012: An inside source has told VOD that Detroit Corporation Counsel Krystral Crittendon filed a motion for declaratory judgment invalidating the April 4 Consent “Fiscal Stability Agreement” today. More on this from VOD later.)

May 31, 2012

Michigan officials have heard Detroit’s top lawyer make her case against the legality of the city’s consent agreement with the state, but they say they will stand by the terms of the contract.

“There has been no change in our position,” Treasury spokesman Terry Stanton told the Free Press. “We continue to be focused on implementing components of the (financial stability agreement) which was agreed to and signed by all parties involved.”

State Treasurer Andy DIllon at Detroit Financial Review Team meeting March 21, 2012.

Krystal Crittendon, corporation counsel for the city of Detroit, met Tuesday with state Treasurer Andy Dillon and members of Gov. Rick Snyder’s staff to discuss her opinion that the consent agreement is null and void, according to the paper.

City council approved the document in April with the support of the mayor, Dillon and Snyder. It allowed Detroit to avoid the appointment of an emergency manager.

But Crittendon argued in a May 11 letter sent to state officials that the agreement is not valid because Detroit’s city charter and Michigan law forbid the city from entering into agreements with parties that owe it outstanding debts. In that letter, Crittendon alleged the state owes Detroit $4.75 million for a water bill and $224 million in revenue sharing payments.

Crittendon is expected to bring the matter before an Ingham County Circuit Court judge, but has not yet given an indication of when she might file her case. State officials and some city officials remain undeterred.

In a written response on May 16, Dillon disagreed with Crittendon’s claims, saying the water bill was under dispute in an administrative hearing and that the state had no legal obligation to maintain revenue-sharing payments at a specific level.

Mayor Dave Bing (center, with the glassy-eyed stare) with Kirk Lewis (r) in photo released during his illness to prove he was still in the loop on Consent Agreement negotiations

Mayor Dave Bing told the Detroit News Wednesday he was eager to avoid tying up the city in litigation over the document.

“I’m not interested in getting into any legal battle that will distract us from executing my fiscal stability plan,” he told the News in a statement, adding that he would respect whatever decision was reached on the consent agreement’s legality. 

Related VOD stories at:

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Timothy Allen, 44, of Benton Harbor; last seen in police custody before his body was found in Lake Michigan near St. Joseph


(Case reminiscent of death of 16-year-old Eric McGinnis in St. Joseph River in 1994.)

By Mary Neal

November 22, 2011

 Timothy “Bulldog” Allen’s body was recovered from the lake near Napier Avenue bridge in St. Joseph, Michigan where police spoke with him last on November 9, 2011.

Rev. Edward Pinkney, director of Benton Harbor NAACP, relayed the sad news that Allen’s remains surfaced on December 29, 2011. Allen went missing after his family called an ambulance for him because he seemed to need emergency medical services. They never saw him again. 

Rev. Edward Pinkney speaks at Detroit rally against PA 4 Jan 2. 2012

Numerous African Americans go missing in police custody or immediately after, especially persons experiencing mental or emotional trauma. Rev. Pinkney suspects foul play. When I spoke with him on December 30, Rev. Pinkney said Allen’s family had not been allowed to view the body at that time. Police refused to drag the lake for Allen’s body although that should have been done when he initially went “missing.”

We understand that Allen was no John Kennedy, III, for whom the Army searched when his plan went down. However, lakes are dragged for many average citizens, but not for Timothy Allen. Decomposition, especially in water, is useful if there is something to hide. I resent it. Please pray for Allen’s family. They loved him, and his friends loved him and will miss his love. People matter. 

 The Allen family called for emergency assistance on November 9, because Bulldog was acting delusional and irrational. He reportedly refused treatment when his ambulance reached Lakewood Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph, and he left on foot. The Allen family reported on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio show that the 44-year-old had been suffering from seizures in recent months.

Stephen Marschke: did he kill 16-year-old Eric McGinnis? Facebook photo

VOD: Police murders and brutality apparently continue unabated in Benton Harbor despite the 2003 rebellion against the death of Terrance Shurn. The story of Timothy “Bulldog” Allen brings to mind the story of 16-year-old Eric McGinnis, whose body was found floating in the St. Joseph River in 1994 after he and several friends had crossed over to St. Joseph from Benton Harbor for a night out. “The Other Side of the River” by Alex Kotlowitz, tells the story of the child’s death and the racial divide between Benton Harbor and St. Joseph.

Stephen Marschke, then Berrien County sheriff, was the last person to see the child alive. He kept the police file on his death secret for over a year. After he lost the race for sheriff afterwards, then Governor John Engler appointed him to head the state Parole Board.  Michigan’s prison population skyrocketed as Marschke declared, “Life means life,” and kept parolable lifers behind bars despite the original intent of their judges to allow them parole after 10-15 years if they demonstrated evidence of rehabilitation. 

Related article by Diane Bukowski at

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Raphael Adley reads his poem on the steps of the Benton Harbor city hall May 26, 2012.

By Raphael Adley  

Whirlpool, what a Wac company

Whirlpool, it’s a natural catastrophe

Whirlpool, it drags you under the sea

what they do to Benton Harbor they can do to you and me. 

What have they done to your city?

they took your jobs but not your dignity

your elders sent to rot in prison

they mock his word but he is risen

Terrance Shurn was murdered by BH police in 2003, sparking days of rebellion by the city's youth.

your young lay bleeding in the street

they laugh now but the story’s incomplete

they blindly take what Lincoln restored

we shall not rest while rights are ignored 

and its all because of (repeat chorus) 

While one amongst us is not free

with no justice no peace can be

they stole your park a golf course to make

Benton Harbor rebellion against police murder of Terrance Shurn, July, 2003


police and judges and EFM

a conspiracy of terror it’s us vs them

they plotted in darkness but their cover is blown

thank you Rachel Maddow, they will reap as they’ve sown.

Benton Harbor march July 12, 2003, in support of youth rebellion against police murder of Terrance Shurn/


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Rev. Edward Pinkney of BANCO rallies crowd before the march May 26, 2012

By Diane Bukowski

May 30, 2012

BENTON HARBOR – The stark contrast between the rich white corporate elite who showed up for the Senior PGA tournament in Benton Harbor, and the poor Black community they have largely displaced, was stunningly evident May 26.

Rally on steps of City Hall

Rev. Edward Pinkney of the Benton Harbor chapter of the Black Autonomy Community Network (BANCO), and a coalition of groups led an “Occupy the PGA” march from city hall, now under the control of Public Act 4 Emergency Manager Joe Harris. The five-mile march, styled as a funeral cortege, complete with coffin, wound past Whirlpool’s gleaming new $85 million global headquarters on the St. Joseph River, then in front of luxurious new lakefront homes, from which white families emerged to watch.

One of hundreds of new homes built for well-to-do whites in Harbor Shores.

Their homes are part of the Harbor Shores development, which, subsidized by Whirlpool, cost $500 million and includes the Jack Nicklaus golf course where the tournament was played. Most of the Harbor Shores land was deeded to the citizens of Benton Harbor, which is 89.2 percent African-American, as part of Jean Klock Park. It overlooks a spectacular stretch of beach on Lake Michigan.

“We are sending a message to Whirlpool, to Kitchen-Aid, to Mercedes-Benz,” Pinkney called out during the initial rally at city hall. He was swamped by reporters and TV cameras.

Marchers pass Whirlpool's offices adjacent to Harbor Shores.

“Don’t just come here to support the PGA, come here to support the people,” Pinkney said. “Whirlpool promised Benton Harbor’s residents 2,000 new jobs which never materialized, but that promise kept the residents from rising up. Just 25 percent of the profits from this tournament would take care of Benton Harbor’s $5 million deficit. There are people rallying here from all over Michigan, from New York City, Colorado, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, and other parts of the world.”

Pinkney called on the crowd to boycott Whirlpool and KitchenAid. The boycott also covers Whirlpool subsidiaries Amana, Estate, Gladiator Garage Works, Insperience, Jenn-Air, Magic Chef, Maytag, Roper, Acros, Inglis, Bauknecht, Brastemp, Admiral, IKEA and some Kenmore applicances.

Marcher confronts PGA visitors boarding bus.

Signs from Traverse City, Muskegon and Detroit were also seen throughout the parade. Cecily McClellan, vice-president of the Association of Professional and Technical Employees (APTE). Les Little, and member s of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization made up part of the Detroit delegation.

Jerome Buchanan, a staff representative for Michigan AFSCME Council 25, said he represents city employees in Benton Harbor.

PGA visitors watch from golf course as march passes

“Whirlpool is stealing our water revenues,” Buchanan said. “Lay-offs are looming that could have been avoided if Whirlpool pulled its water from the city’s system so Benton Harbor could collect the revenues.”

Through its publicly-owned water system, Benton Harbor previously provided most of the water to residents and businesses in the area of Benton Township, according to the website

“Benton Harbor has not been able to keep [water] customers,” says an article there.

Benton Harbor's water plant on Lake Michigan

“Benton Township (aka Whirlpool), purchased a pipeline from Benton Harbor–inked by Mr. Harris–and has built its own water plant. Benton Township has recently sued Benton Harbor for over $500,000 in delinquent payments. Prior to independence, Harbor Shores illegally tapped Benton Harbor’s municipal supply. After paying damages ($142,000), Harbor Shores then illegally tapped free water from the Paw Paw River. Without counting Harbor Shores’ thirsty golf course, Benton Township represented 40% of Benton Harbor’s income.”

Part of Detroit delegation with Rev. Pinkney: (l) Cecily McClellan, (r) Les Little

(“Independence” in the article refers to Harbor Shores’ construction of its own water reservoir to feed the development.)

The result of the raid on Benton Harbor’s water has been a 45 percent rate hike for residents and small businesses in the area.

“The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) says it’s absurd for such small towns situated in a close area to have different water supplies,” the article continues. “Furthermore, it devastates the city’s fiscal health. Water provided the second largest source of income for Benton Harbor, next to property taxes.”

Benton Harbor mother shouts at Gov. Rick Snyder as he passes by in 2011 Blossomtime Parade.

Benton Harbor is the poorest city in Michigan, with 48.7 percent of its residents below the poverty level according to official U.S. Census statistics. It also has the highest rate of foreclosures, and worsening police brutality, which Rev. Pinkney has fought for years.

Teacher Ralph Pointer traveled all the way from New York City for the event.

“They are sending our students not to be educated, but to end up in prison,” Pointer said, referring to the devastated state of public schools in Benton Harbor and nationally. “Benton Harbor’s people are now disenfranchised, but this is just a trial run. They are coming to the rest of the country as well. We must awaken people any way we can.”

"Thank you Kitchen Aid" signs sprouted throughout the area in anticipation of the PGA. Rev. Pinkney takes a pause in leading the march to show the enemy.

Raphael Adley of Occupy Lansing read his poem targeting Whirlpool. which is published below.

The march concluded with a picnic and rally at a shelter on the Jean Klock Park beach. Police accompanied the march in large numbers. Rev. Pinkney attempted to lead the march on a sidewalk closer to the PGA itself on May 25, according to published reports, but was threatened with arrest by the police. Pinkney already served over one year in prison for quoting the Bible to a Berrien County judge, on behalf of the cause.

This reporter’s section of the Detroit delegation traveled back from the Benton Harbor beach rally via a PGA shuttle bus, which first passed through St. Joseph, across the river, before stopping back in downtown Benton Harbor. White folks in St. Joseph were out in large numbers, enjoying THEIR beach (why do they need Benton Harbor’s beach as well?) and strolling though a luxurious downtown area replete with fancy shops and restauarants. The homes we saw were for the well-to-do, whereas Benton Harbor homes we saw on the way into town were small wooden frame houses, many foreclosed and vacant.

St. Joseph is 90.7 percent white, with a poverty level of 15.1 percent, slightly over the national average, compared to Benton Harbor’s poverty rate of 48.7 percent.

For more information, click on: ;
Demand Letter

Outline of a Travesty
Every Sunday 5-6pm: Tune into for Rev. Pinkney’s radio program. 

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Joshunda Sanders

By Joshunda Sanders

May 29, 2012

Mainstream media often portray African-American youths, especially black men and boys, as criminals, crime victims and predators. These stereotypes, according to social justice advocates, can create a racially charged atmosphere that results in violence such as the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

U.S. popular culture has become increasingly desensitized to one-dimensional portrayals of Black youths. Perpetuation of them as dangerous has been embedded in American society not only by words and images projected by journalists but also by a wide variety of other media and entertainment sources, including the Internet, movies and video games.

Clearly, the perception of African-Americans and other people of color as inferior to whites is rooted in the nation’s legacy of racial hierarchy, a system of stratification based on belief that skin color makes whites superior. Also contributing to embedding these stereotypes is that even as U.S. Census data show a growing number of nonwhites in America, fewer people of color are in decision-making positions at daily newspapers, television and radiostations, and online news organizations.

Trayvon Martin

Media coverage of the February shooting of Trayvon Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman, exemplifies negative treatment of black youths in the media. After a controversial delay, Zimmerman was arrested and charged with second-degree murder in the unarmed teenager’s death.

At the center of the case are issues related to race, gun rights and whether Zimmerman was acting in self-defense.

In most media stories last week, autopsy results showing that Martin’s blood had traces of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, overshadowed other new evidence. An Associated Press report from Orlando, Fla., began: “Trayvon Martin had marijuana in his system. He was shot through the heart at close range.”

Some photos of George Zimmerman claimed to show cuts on his head

Many of these stories were published with photographs showing cuts and scratches on Zimmerman’s face and head. A police report said he”appeared to have a broken and a bloody nose and swelling of his face.”

In the same week, an all-white, six-person jury in Houston acquitted Andrew Blomberg, 29, a white police officer, in the alleged beating of 15-year-old Chad Holley after Holley was arrested for burglary in March 2010.

In video footage from a security camera, which jurors were shown in court, Holley was seen falling to the ground after trying to hurdle a police squad car, the AP reported, and was “surrounded by at least five officers, some who appear to kick and hit his head, abdomen and legs.”

Chad Holley, 14, after Houston police beating

Blomberg testified that he didn’t kick or stomp Holley. Community activists decried the verdict and the racial makeup of the jury.

The presumption of guilt can also apply to young black women. When Rekia Boyd, 22, was fatally shot by an off-duty Chicago police detective in March, her death was overshadowed in mainstream media by the Martin case.

Boyd was with friends on a street near the detective’s home when words were apparently exchanged and he fired several shots, one of which struck Boyd in the head. No charges have been filed in the incident. Boyd’s family has filed a civil lawsuit against the detective and the city.

Rekia Boyd's famly protests her murder by off-duty cop

In its report on the shooting, one Chicago television station noted that Boyd was hanging out with a group “at 1 in the morning.”

Stories about black youths that don’t reinforce stereotypes, don’t involve celebrities and that tell narratives about everyday lives of black people haven’t been a priority in news coverage, says author Bakari Kitwana, executive director of Rap Sessions in Westlake, Ohio. Through Rap Sessions, Kitwana leads discussions on college and high school campuses nationwide to counter mainstream media narratives about the hip-hop generation.

In addition to being stereotyped in media, Kitwana says, black youths are also criminalized by three other circumstances. Continue reading

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