Leaders, community mobilize for fightback rally Jan. 2, will focus on petition drive to repeal PA 4

More actions at auto show Jan.9; Gov. Snyder’s house MLK Day Jan.16  

By Diane Bukowski 

Councilwoman JoAnn Watson speaks at rally September 10, 2011

DETROIT – The New Year will open with a city-wide rally Monday,  Jan. 2, to save Detroit from the clutches of an emergency manager. Organizers say there is no time to waste if Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s planned takeover is to be stopped.  

They believe it would further devastate the city with a massive loss of jobs, city services, and any hope for Detroit’s youth.  Under Public Act 4 (PA4), a takeover would mean the complete disenfranchisement of the people of the largest Black-majority city in the world outside of Africa.  

The rally, called by City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, U.S. Congressmen John Conyers and Hansen Clarke, and community groups including Moratorium Now!, will be held at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Grand River and West Grand Blvd. at 5 p.m.  

“We will not be re-enslaved,” Councilwoman Watson told an organizing meeting in Council chambers Dec. 16. “The state still owes us $220 million, which would immediately resolve our deficit. The state additionally has never sent the $2 billion in federal American Recovery Act funds it received to our cities.” 

Youth rally against Detroit takeover in Lansing Feb. 23, 2011

Councilwoman Watson was the first leader to initiate a fightback against the legislation that would become PA 4, bringing thousands to rally on the Lansing capitol steps in February, and co-coordinating legal actions afterwards.  

Organizers present at the meeting included Isaac Robinson and Marion Brown of Congressman Conyers’ office,  WHPR talk show hosts Richard Hairston and Lee Gaddies, who is also president of the 5,500 member Bagley Community Council, the city’s largest block club,  Sherry Gay-Dagnogo of the National Congress of Black Women, attorneys with the National Lawyers Guild, representatives of Moratorium NOW! and Occupy Detroit, and many rank-and-file community members. 

They resolved that the Jan. 2 rally will focus on the mobilization of thousands of Detroiters to circulate petitions for the referendum to repeal PA 4. Once at least 161,000 valid signatures are collected, the Act will be frozen until Michigan voters have their say at the polls in November, 2012.  

The act incorporates cities already under an emergency manager, and knocked the original legislation, PA 72, off the books. That should mean that managers currently in place in Benton Harbor, Ecorse, Flint, Hamtramck, Highland Park, and the Village of Three Oaks, and the school districts of Detroit and Inkster, would have to step down pending the November, 2012 vote, in addition to the suspension of efforts to take over Detroit.

State Attorney General Bill Schuette, however, has said that he has not decided whether PA 72 would be reinstated if PA 4 if frozen. 

This Jan. 4 photo shows Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's home near Ann Arbor. Snyder said Wednesday that he's staying in his home so his daughter doesn't have to change schools. Snyder plans to use the official governor’s residence in Lansing for meetings and receptions. (AP Photo/Kathy Barks Hoffman)

Organizers said the Jan. 2 rally will be only a first step. They also proposed actions at the opening of the International Auto Show Jan. 9, and outside Gov. Snyder’s home in Superior Township on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Jan. 16, 2012. Revs. David Bullock of the Rainbow:PUSH coalition and Charles Williams II of the National Action Network have put out the call for that action.  

Several organizers favored targeting international commerce at the Ambassador Bridge, and the Detroit casinos, which oppose an increase in state and city taxes on them from 18 percent to 23 percent, proposed by State Rep. Rashida Tlaib in a House bill this session. There was also a call for an economic boycott of Michigan businesses if Snyder does not back down. 

U.S. Congressman Hansen Clarke and John Conyers, Jr.

Councilwoman  JoAnn Watson announced that U.S. Congressmen Conyers, Clarke, and Gary Peters sent a letter with the signatures of  sixty-six elected local, state and national leaders to Gov. Snyder Dec. 15, asking that he meet with them prior to taking any further action under PA 4. The state is currently conducting an initial 30-day review of Detroit’s finances, the first step in imposition of an EM.

(Click on  Conyers and elected officials letter to Snyder re EM  to read entire letter.)  

The signatories include all of Detroit’s state delegation along with other Democratic legislators, and eight of nine Detroit City Council members. Council member Gary Brown, who has been pressing for a “consent agreement” with the State, did not sign the letter. 

Slavemaster Snyder uses PA 4 lash on Michigan's majority-Black cities

The letter notes that PA 4 destroys both voting and collective bargaining rights in Michigan.  

The leaders add, “We also have a particular concern that the Emergency Manager law may be being disproportionately applied to disenfranchise persons of color. As a matter of fact, it is our understanding if you choose to appoint an Emergency Manager to oversee Detroit, that would mean that approximately 50% of all the African American citizens in the State would be living under the authority of unelected managers.” 

State Sen. Phil Pavlov plots to pass PA 4 legislation at hearing Feb. 8, 2011

The letter continues, “We would also note our serious concern that your Administration may be pursuing additional stop-gap legislation in an effort to thwart any voter led initiative seeking to revoke the underlying Emergency Manager Law. If true, that would mean that not only would voters in covered jurisdictions be unable to elect their own representatives, but voters state-wide would be prevented from using the initiative process to best reflect their own views and judgments.”  

State Sen. Phil Pavlov has introduced Senate Bills 0153 through o158, which would effectively perform the same functions as PA 4. The bills are currently in the Senate Education committee and allegedly not expected to be acted on before the current session expires.  

On Dec. 1, Conyers additionally wrote U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, with a copy to Rep. Lamar Smith, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, asking that the Justice Department review and take action against PA 4. Conyers contended that the act violates the U.S. Constitution’s contracts clause and the Voting Rights Act.

Click on U-S-Representative-John-Conyers-Jr-s-Letter-to-Attorney-General-Regarding-Michigan-Emergency-Manager-December-1-2011[1] to read letter. 

Inquiries by VOD to Gov. Snyder’s press representative Sara Wurfel and to a representative of U.S. Attorney General Holder regarding their responses to the letters had not been answered before press time.  

The organizing committee for the Jan. 2 rally will meet again Friday, Dec. 23 at 4 p.m. in council chambers. For further information, call City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson’s office at 313-224-4535.

Rally in Benton Harbor, first city to be hit by PA 4

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“Swap termination” would amount to one-third of city’s 2012 budget 

Massive lay-offs, severe wage cuts, gutting of city services, drastic increases in water rates, taxes, and sale of assets likely under EM

By Diane Bukowski 

December 19, 2011 

DETROIT – According to reports from Moody’s and Fitch bond ratings services, banks plan to rob Detroit of $400 million, one-third of its 2012 budget, if an emergency manager is installed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

(Center) Stephen Murphy of Standard and Poor's and Joe O'Keefe of Fitch Ratings are flanked by then Detroit CFO Sean Werdlow (l) and Deputy Mayor Anthony Adams in 2005 as they bludgeon City Council into borrowing $1.5 billion in pension obligation certificates, a debt that is repeatedly coming back to haunt Detroit.

“The state appointment of an emergency manager would in turn trigger a termination event [default] under the city’s swap agreements,” Moody’s said Dec. 13. The “swap agreements” relate to $1.5 billion in pension obligation certificates the city borrowed in 2005 during the Kwame Kilpatrick administration, from Zurich-based UBS AG and New York’s  Siebert Brandford Shank & Co. (SBS). 

The city defaulted once before on that debt, in 2009. Then Mayor Ken Cockrel’s administration forestalled a likely bankruptcy by agreeing to have Detroit’s casino taxes go directly to a bank trustee to ensure payment of the debt. A trustee was already overseeing its revenue-sharing taxes.

MGM Grand, one of Detroit's three casinos; a bank trustee rakes in all of Detroit's casino tax revenues to ensure debt pay-off.

Detroit’s Channel 7 interviewed Pat O’Keefe, of O’Keefe and Associates (see video above.) 

“Since they [Detroit] have been struggling for so long,” O’Keefe said, “they have a number of bond agreements that cause acceleration in some of the debts if an emergency financial manager is appointed. As a consequence it is almost a self-fulfilling prophecy that will cause the city of Detroit to continue to hemorrhage even more cash because of the accelerated payments on some of these bonds.” 

Wall Street is not waiting for an emergency manager, however, to shake Detroit down.

On Dec. 15, it raked in $211.6 million on a water bond sale of $484 million, according to the Wall Street Journal (click on Detroit Sells Muni Bonds at a Price WSJ, 12/15/11 and on   for more complete information). 

U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox

The ratings agencies said Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) bonds, which previously had up to AAA ratings, are under scrutiny because DWSD belongs to the city. They said buyers were more willing to invest in the bonds after U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox’s November 11 decision severing much of Detroit’s control over the DWSD, but only at a hefty price. 

What does this mean for the people of Detroit, the largest majority-Black city in the world outside of Africa, and the country’s poorest city? What are the implications for its its surrounding suburbs? 

First of all, the water bond sale portends a hefty increase in water rates for one-third of Michigan’s population, which is served by DWSD, and more shut-offs for those who cannot afford them, this spring. Further lay-offs and service cutbacks will also result.  

James Fausone, Board of Water Commissioners chair

Since the Board of Water Commissioners, newly reconstituted under a consent agreement with Cox in February, must have a supermajority of its seven votes to approve rates and contracts, its three suburban representatives have veto power over both.   

The chair of the BOWC is James Fausone, who is already connected with a waste-to-energy conversion contractor like Synagro. It is likely that other Commissioners will hand out more costly private contracts to their friends, further depleting DWSD funds and putting the burden on its customers. (Click on for further information.)

Cutting one-third of Detroit’s budget of more than $1.2 billion is virtually unimaginable.

According to the Crain’s article cited earlier, the city administration had great difficulty getting its creditors to agree to take control of its casino tax revenues instead of calling in $4oo million then.

French demonstrators march against pension cutbacks earlier this year; Fitch just downgraded France's bond ratings as well.

Where will they turn now to avoid economic disaster? The city’s pension funds, worth $6 billion, are likely the first target, low-hanging fruit for UBS and SBS. Mayor Bing earlier targeted them for a takeover by the Municipal Employees Retirement System, based in Lansing. 

Faced with similar economic distress, other municipalities and companies have eliminated health benefits for retirees, and in the case of bankruptcy, even halved their pensions, a solution the city of Vallejo, California resorted to. (Click on for complete information.) 

If an emergency manager takes over, he would also have the power to sell DWSD, the third largest water and sewerage system in the county,  lock, stock and barrel. (Click on dwsd_fact_sheet[1] for complete description of DWSD assets.)

Water pump station in Pontiac, Michigan

Pontiac’s emergency manager Louis Schimmel just put on the auction block 11 water-pump stations, five fire stations, the public library, the police station, two community centers, two landfills, and two cemeteries. 

Schimmel told Kathleen Gray of the Detroit Free Press that because he is required to hold a public hearing anytime the city has assets to sell, he might as well put everything on the list. No one showed up for the public hearing he held Dec. 20. 

“We just want the option,” the Free Press quoted Schimmel. “We don’t want to come back piece by piece.” 

Fitch Ratings put the city between a rock and a hard place, squarely on the back of its workers and residents, many of whom already live below the poverty level. 

Fitch red flagged the movement to repeal Public Act 4, which has gained steam since Snyder began a state financial review Dec. 6, the first step in the appointment of an EM. As noted in the article above, a Jan. 2 town hall meeting in Detroit has been called by City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson and U.S. Representatives John Conyers and Hansen Clarke, which will focus on ramping up the signature-gathering.

 “If Act 4 is suspended, avenues for addressing the city’s financial difficulties in the near term will narrow,” Fitch said, indicating that it will not let up on its ratings war against Detroit no matter which route is taken.

The need for a massive fightback by working and poor people against the reign of the nation’s banks over basic needs like water, food, housing, utilities and jobs is now more than ever glaringly apparent.

March during Oakland, CA general strike November 17

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Dear Friends,

Last night Mumia Abu-Jamal was moved out of Administrative Custody and transferred to Disciplinary Custody at SCI Mahanoy. Here is his new address: 

Mumia Abu-Jamal
AM 8335
SCI Mahanoy
301 Morea Road
Frackville, PA 17932


Write Mumia and call the prison Warden John Kerestes at 570-773-2158. Tell the him that Mumia must not be kept shackled during visits. He must have contact visits (after 30 yrs of non contact vistis). He must have access to his family, his lawyers, and communication with the outside world. 

On Thursday the 9th, I attended the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) rally. More accurately, I went to the FOP Klan rally in Glenside PA. It was a shocking display of naked calls for harm to Mumia. Maureen Faulkner asked the 900 strong, 99% white police officer audience members to call the Governor and demand that Mumia be transfered where he could be threatened or killed. The head of FOP said, “The next time I want to hear about him is in his obituary.” 

Bemoaning the fact that Mumia has slipped out of their FOP noose was the usual parade – Hugh Burns, Tigre Hill, Seth Williams, Maureen Faulkner, Joseph McGill, and Michael Smerconish. They sowed hate and delivered vigilante propaganda to a blood thirsty crowd. 

What a dramatic contrast to the defense rally the next night at the Constitution Center with Johanna Fernandez, Cornel West, Amiri Baraka, Ramona Africa, Marc Lamont Hill, and others. One was all about love, the other all about hate. 

While we strive for justice and stand with life-affirming committment to healing, we must also take action in defending all of our brothers and sisters inside prison.

Tell the prison that the world is watching, and that you care about Mumia and the conditions of all prisoners. After Desmond Tutu visited him at SCI Greene they took off the hand and waist shackles. For the last week he has been back in shackles during non contact visits. 

Please visit our new improved website at where you can find coverage of Mumia Abu-Jamal on Democracy Now! as well as links to the historic Dec. 9 Constitution Center event. We also are making available copies of Mumia’s brand new books: The Classroom and the Cell and Message to the Movement. You can link to our Facebook, Twitter , Blog and Podcast. And as always, you can find Mumia’s latest commentaries as well as access to the entire Prison Radio Archive.

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Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

By Deborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner

December 15, 2011

NDAA 2012 codifies Commander in Chief President Obama, DHS, military police waging war against American internet users, independent reporters, whistleblowers of high-level corruption

The National Defense Authorization Bill 2012 (NDAA FY2012passed in the House yesterday, contains language allowing the Pentagon to wage cyberwar on domestic enemies of the state, a human and civil rights violation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, as reported by MSNBC Wednesday, potentially impacting both Occupy movement and Tea Party participants plus independent news reporters and whistleblowers exposing government corruption. President Obama will have the bill to sign this week according to Government Executive, as ACLU and David Swanson urgently call Americans to action to thwart the signing of the bill into law.

It is “astonishing and disappointing” that the bill’s language has been approved by Congress and President Obama said Jameel Jaffer of National Security division of ACLU in his interview by Rachel Maddow in her MSNBC show Wedneday, “Suspicion Accomplished.”

The NDAA FY2012 includes the following language in its final “reconciled” bill now in the Senate and then traveling to President Barack Obama to be signed into law, despite earlier assertions he would veto the human rights violating legislation:

“Congress affirms that the Department of Defense has the capability, and upon direction by the President may conduct offensive operations in cyberspace to defend our Nation, Allies and interests, subject to–

(1) the policy principles and legal regimes that the Department follows for kinetic capabilities, including the law of armed conflict; and

(2) the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541 et seq.)”

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(To print out a copy of Ms. Kincaid’s obituary, click on Odessa Kincaid_0001.)

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 Judge Bill upholds dismissal of criminal charges; DHS supervision ended

By Diane Bukowski

December 13, 2011

DETROIT – Maryanne Godboldo expressed both joy and pain after Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Gregory Bill upheld the dismissal of multiple felony charges against her Dec. 12.

Maryanne Godboldo speaks at rally last July

“I’d like to thank my attorneys for their excellent representation, and thank Judge Bill,” Godboldo said tearfully. “He gave an excellent lesson to the attorneys from the opposition on the law. I hope they will remember that because they are dealing with people’s lives and their children. I thank him for doing his job and upholding the law.”


But Godboldo added, “Every day we come home from court, the many hours we spend in here, I could be home taking care of my daughter and moving forward on her treatment plan.”

Tanks roll down Linwood Mar. 24 to confront mother and child

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy brought multiple counts of assaulting, resisting and obstructing police officers and other charges against Godboldo. Godboldo had defended her child, Ariana Godboldo-Hakim, 13, from seizure by police and Child Protective Services (CPS) worker Mia Wenk, during a twelve-hour stand-off March 24.

CPS wanted to force dangerous drug on child

Wenk was intent on medicating the child with a dangerous psychotropic drug, Risperdal. The North Oakland Child-Adolescent Family Center, which is paid by drug companies to conduct trials, originally put Ariana on the drug, which is not approved by the FDA for use in children.

Penny Godboldo (center) at rally outside 36th District Court after her sister's arraignment in March

Her mother consented in writing only on the condition that she would be allowed to take her off the drug for any reason, which she did after observing harmful side effects.

Godboldo’s sister Penny Godboldo called Judge Bill “a teacher and preacher and a man of justice,” after Wayne County Family Court Judge Lynne Pierce finally ended the Department of Human Services’ supervision of the family during a court hearing that afternoon.

“Justice has been served.,” Ariana’s father Mubarak Hakim said, “Judge Bill was very thorough, very honest and covered all the facts.”

Ariana's father Mubarak Hakim

Godboldo’s attorney Allison Folmar said, “We thank Judge Bill for upholding a parent’s constitutional right to choose how to treat their child.” Her co-counsel Byron Pitts added, “Two judges have now ruled in favor of my client. We ask that Kym Worthy leave this case alone and allow parents to take care of their children without government interference.”

Despite Pitt’s emphatic request, Worthy’s office announced shortly after Judge Bill’s ruling that she would appeal.

Judge Bill upholds Judge Ronald Giles, incorporates his statements

Judge Bill incorporated 36th District Court Judge Ronald Giles’ entire statement dismissing charges against Godboldo after her preliminary exam into his ruling. He said he was also incorporating the entire transcript of the exam, which spanned two full days in July and August earlier this year. 

36th District Court Judge Ronald Giles

Judge Giles said Aug. 29 that his decision was based both on the invalidity of the court order Wenk used to take Ariana, and the prosecution’s failure to show probable cause that Godboldo fired a gun during the twelve-hour stand-off with police, who were armed with assault weapons, tanks and helicopters.

Godboldo’s stand exposed for the first time that the Wayne County Family Court had been seizing children based on court orders rubber-stamped with Chief Judge Leslie Kim Smith’s signature by unauthorized probation officers. No hearings had been held before the Judge, and no review of documents and evidence in the cases had been done before removal of an untold number of children over an undetermined period of time.

The Justice4Maryanne Committee has contended that the court, the state, and non-profit agencies are motivated by the federal payments they receive for each child taken.

“He (Giles) talked about a person’s constitutional rights, about familial integrity,” Bill said. “He said, ‘it is ridiculous to go in and remove somebody’s child based on THIS order, without even exigent circumstances.’ It wasn’t like the child had cancer, there was no immediate threat of death or physical harm.”

Bill further noted that Judge Giles found no evidence on the record “that this defendant discharged that firearm.”

Judge Bill finds Judge Giles thorough and impartial

“My findings parallel those of Judge Giles,” Judge Bill said. “He had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses testify. His decision was amply supported by the nature of the testimony during the exam.”

Bill said Giles allowed the prosecution numerous opportunities to present witnesses and evidence, even over defense objections, and that his handling of the case was extremely thorough and impartial.

Bill said he himself spent the entire weekend, after hearing arguments from both sides Dec. 9, “reading and re-reading” briefs, exam transcripts, and exhibits before making his own decision to uphold Judge Giles’ ruling.

Wayne County Assistant Appeals Prosecutor David McReady had argued that Judge Giles abused his judicial discretion, and that he “suppressed evidence,” referring to Giles statement that everything following the invalid court order was “the fruit of the poisonous tree.”

McReady also argued, among other matters, that Godboldo had “tacitly admitted” firing the gun, but Judge Bill found that no such admissions had taken place.

Mother says child severely harmed by events

Godboldo said her daughter Ariana Godboldo-Hakim, now 14, was severely harmed by the year’s events.

Friends console Maryanne Godboldo during vigil outside Hawthorn Psychiatric Hospital

“My daughter has had a very difficult time,” Godboldo said. “Last night she could not sleep. The damage done to my child because of them taking her has nearly destroyed me.”

After her seizure, Ariana was incarcerated in Hawthorn Children’s Psychiatric Hospital in Northville for six weeks. There, doctors forcibly medicated her with Risperdal, according to Wenk’s wishes and against the will of both her parents. Wenk has only a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and had been on the job for only three years..

 Wenk said in court testimony that the fact that Godboldo took the child off the drug was the cause for her removal. She also testified during the preliminary exam that Ariana needed to be “caged” in the back of a police car, despite the fact she had never seen or interviewed the child.

During Ariana’s stay at the hospital, doctors gave her three other dangerous psychotropic drugs and 14 immunizations, according to Godboldo and attorney Folmar. Hospital personnel took her prosthetic leg, which she had worn since infancy, and forced her into a wheelchair. Prior to her removal, the child had been active in dance and horse-back riding.

Godboldo also filed a police report alleging her child was sexually abused at Hawthorn, after she was taken from there to Children’s Hospital (CHM) for treatment of a sexually-transmitted disease. During a physical exam immediately after her removal from her home, CHM found no such disease. No action has been taken on that report. 

Dr. Margaret Betts prescribed holistic regime for Ariana Godboldo-Hakim

During the Family Court hearing before Judge Pierce, Ariana’s court-appointed guardian ad litem Daniel McGuire said, “I visited the child Saturday morning. She was the most animated and attentive I had ever seen her. She made eye contact and was not shy at all. There has been great improvement. The holistic regimen [prescribed by Dr. Margaret Betts] seems to be improving her temperament and her motor skills. I don’t think she needs me or the court in her life anymore.”

 Maryanne Godboldo said Ariana is once again dancing, studying music, and playing her drums, which her father, who is a musician, taught her to play. “She is coming along,” Godboldo said. “She is doing better because she is at home where she belongs.”

Worthy refuses comment on charging Wenk, CPS, DHS, Family Court

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy

Prosecutor Worthy’s Chief of Communications Maria Miller said, “We are appealing on the same grounds as in the Circuit Court.We believe that the lower court judge abused his discretion in dismissing the charges at the preliminary examination.”

VOD inquired, “Does Prosecutor Worthy plan to do any or all of the following:

• File criminal charges against CPS worker Mia Wenk for making a false report to the police (she admitted during the preliminary exam that she told police she had a “warrant,” not a court order, which escalated the police response); for obstruction of justice (having the police raid the home the day after the order was obtained when in fact she had thirty days to have hearings held and give due process to the parents, etc.) or any other charges? Mia Wenk used the same procedures in the case of Nathaniel Brent, who is currently suing her and other officials in federal court, and likely an unknown number of other families.

• Will the Prosecutor at least initiate an investigation of Ms. Wenk’s actions and those of other DHS officials, as well as Wayne County Family Court officials, regarding violations of the constitutional rights of families in Wayne County through assembly line seizures of their children?

• File charges against officials in the Wayne County Court family division and the Department of Human Services for taking children based on orders that had never been seen or personally signed by the Family Division Chief Judge, and on which no hearings had been held by ANY Family Court Judge or Magistrate prior to the seizure of thren? The State Court Administrator’s Office has said that hearings must be held first to provide due process, and that orders such as that used in the Godboldo case, rubber stamped by probation officers, are in fact invalid.”

Miller responded to those questions as follows: “We have no comment on these questions because the Attorney General handles the abuse and neglect issues. These questions relate to that part of the case.”

(VOD: Perhaps the fundraiser below, still needed since Worthy is pursuing appeal, can turn into a celebration for the Godboldo-Hakim family. All they wanted for Christmas was justice!)




Italy’s workers on rotating strikes across the country the week of Dec. 12, 2011

Play/Pause Video

Italy’s week started with demonstrations and strikes that are set to be repeated over the next five days.

On Monday port, highway and haulage workers angry at Prime Minister Mario Monti’s 33-billion-euro austerity package walked out. On Tuesday most newspapers will not be published while public transport strikes will be staged on Thursday and Friday.

For the first time all four unions are united and say they want a fairer distribution of the cuts.

“This demonstration in front of the parliament building here in Rome is a protest against the budget cuts, which were decided without even the possibility of negotiation between unions and government. These cuts hit only pensioners and employees. And it will hit them like never before,” said Raffaele Bonanni, leader of the CISL Union.

Protests and strikes were staged in other cities. The prime minister met with union leaders on Sunday night but failed to convince them that his plan could work against what he calls,“Italy’s extreme financial situation”.

According to a statement the government is open to amendments as long as they can be fully funded.

Copyright © 2011 euronews

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Stop Bank of America & Fannie Mae From Evicting the Henrys!

Tuesday, January 3

10:00 am:  Rally and Press Conference at the home of Robert and Debbie Henry, 13694 Helen St. in Southgate         exit I-75 at Northline Road (#37), east to Dix Highway, turn south and go 4 streets, left on Helen

11:00 am: Picket Bank of America’s nearby Southgate branch, 13763 Northline, just east of Dix Highway (aka Toledo Hwy), Southgate, MI 

National Day To Stop Foreclosures! Detroit, Stop Evictions Now! – A No Struggle, No Development! Production By KennySnod.

Occupy Detroit, National Day To Stop Foreclosures and Evictions’ call for an end of foreclosures took the fight to one of the home of a Detroiter being evicted. Occupy demanded a Moratorium on Foreclosures & Evictions — Over sixty to seventy people protested Tuesday Dec. 6, 2011 demanding there be a National Moratorium on Foreclosures & Evictions. Saying banks have received government bailout money should better serve the people who provided the funds. The banks are getting very wealthy off of foreclosing on people’s homes, even though they took the $700 billion to do the opposite.

There’s a serious moral and ethical gap between us and what these institutions are doing. They don’t care about us, it’s all about the rich getting richer, we the people getting poorer. P.S., Occupy Foreclosures demonstration inhad participants support, including the UAW, Local and National Political Groups, Different Religious denominations, People Before Banks, Workers World, National Lawyers Groups etc. –

A No Struggle, No Development! Production By Kenny Snodgrass, Activist, Photographer, Videographer, Author of From Victimization To Empowerment… eBook available at YouTube – I also, have over 234 community videos on my YouTube channel at

Moratorium NOW!, Occupy Detroit, and People Before Banks rally outside Kyra Williams' home Dec. 6, 2011.

 By Diane Bukowski 

December 7, 2011 

DETROIT—Detroiter Kyra Williams can celebrate the holidays in her home on Detroit’s east side now that Citimortgage has backed off her eviction, in the wake of protests by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition, People Before Banks, and Occupy Detroit. 

Kyra Williams (l) thanks supporters, with her attorney Vanessa Fluker at her side.

“Last night, we got a call at 6:30 p.m. from the attorneys representing the mortgage company,” attorney Jerry Goldberg announced during a rally outside Williams home Dec. 6. “They said they heard that Occupy Detroit was going to be in the courtroom tomorrow and they put it in writing to agree to let Ms. Williams stay in her home. We have to remain vigilant because they’ve reneged before, but this shows the power of our struggle!” 

After being brutally evicted by police from their camp sites across the nation, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has begun an Occupy Our Homes campaign, with a website at

Attorney Jerry Goldberg with Rob and Debbie Henry at rally Dec. 6, 2011

Over one hundred people in Detroit participated in the OWS National Day of Action against Foreclosures at Williams home. Earlier that day, they held a press conference outside the home of  Rob and Debbie Henry in Southgate, who are slated for eviction Jan. 2, 2012. 

Williams, whose church and community have assisted her in her offer to buy her home from her landlord, thanked the protesters as she stood side by side with her attorney Vanessa Fluker, also of the Moratorium NOW Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs. (Click on  Kyra Williams flier  for details of Williams’ two-year battle to keep her home.) 

“I fight foreclosure cases every day in the courtroom, with everything I have,” Fluker said. “But that is an uphill battle. It takes people coming together as we have today to be victorious.” 

Rob Henry with nieces at WIlliams rally Dec. 6, 2011.

She and Goldberg explained that seventy-five percent of evictions now are carried out by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, using tax dollars against the people who pay them. The two agencies reimburse mortgage companies 100 percent of the value of the mortgage, even though the actual value of the homes in many cases have dropped up to 80 percent. 

“It’s a silent bail-out of the banks,” Fluker said. 

Goldberg added, “We have every right to demand that President Barack Obama issue an executive order declaring a halt to all foreclosures. During the Great Depression, 25 states passed laws that made it illegal to foreclose. Here in Michigan, moratoriums were halted for five years, while judges made arrangements for payments that homeowners could afford.”

Belva Davis, who fought with Moratorium NOW! to save her home, also spoke at rally Dec. 6.

Also present at the rally were Rob and Debbie Henry with their nieces. They are slated to be evicted from their Southgate home Jan. 2. (Click on OCCUPY Rob and Debbie Henry home for details.)  Occupy Detroit held a press conference at their home the morning of Dec. 6, and protesters outside Williams’ home vowed to be in Southgate on that day to occupy their home. 

Numerous others spoke at the rally, including Belva Davis, who won back her home after the intervention of the Moratorium NOW! coalition, Joe McGuire of the Direct Action Committee of Occupy Detroit, attorney Tanya Phillips of the National Lawyers Guild and Michigan Legal Services, activists Abiyomi Azikiwe, and many more. 

For further information, call 313-319-0870, or go to,, and

Rally outside Kyra Williams' home Dec. 6, 2011, OWS National Day of Action against Foreclosures

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Some of hundreds who rallied for Mumia outside Philadelphia courtroom last year as arguments to overturn his death penalty were heard; his supporters also demanded no life sentence, declaring he is innocent. Photo/Diane Bukowski

By The Associated Press

December 7, 2011

Mumia Abu-Jamal with son many years ago.

Prosecutors announced Wednesday that they will no longer pursue the death penalty against former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal, meaning he will spend the rest of his life in prison for gunning down a white police officer nearly 30 years ago.

The decision by District Attorney Seth Williams, made with the support of the officer’s widow and the city police commissioner, comes after nearly 30 years of legal battles over the racially charged case.

Abu-Jamal was convicted of fatally shooting Philadelphia police Officer Daniel Faulkner on Dec. 9, 1981. He was sentenced to death after his trial the following year.

Abu-Jamal, a one-time journalist who has been incarcerated in a Pennsylvania prison, has garnered worldwide support from those who believe he was the victim of a biased justice system. Hundreds of vocal supporters and death-penalty opponents regularly turn out for court hearings in his case, even though Abu-Jamal is rarely entitled to attend.

Mumia Abu-Jamal in 1970 at Philadelphia Black Panthers office, where he was Minister of Information

His message resonated particularly on college campuses and in the movie and music industries — actors Mike Farrell and Tim Robbins were among dozens of luminaries who used a New York Times ad to advocate for a new trial, and the Beastie Boys played a concert to raise money for Abu-Jamal’s defense fund.

His conviction was upheld through years of legal appeals. But a federal appeals court ordered a new sentencing hearing after ruling the instructions given to the jury were potentially misleading.

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to weigh in on the case in October. That forced prosecutors to decide if they wanted to again pursue the death penalty through a new sentencing hearing or accept a life sentence.

Mumia's attorney Judith Ritter, New York City Councilman Charles Barron, and Pam Africa, leader of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, during Philly rally Photo/Diane Bukowski

The officer’s widow, Maureen Faulkner, has tried to remain visible over the years to ensure that her husband is not forgotten. They were newlyweds when he died.

According to trial testimony, Abu-Jamal saw his brother scuffle with the 25-year-old patrolman during a 4 a.m. traffic stop in 1981 and ran toward the scene. Police found Abu-Jamal wounded by a round from Faulkner’s gun. Faulkner, shot several times, was killed. A .38-caliber revolver registered to Abu-Jamal was found at the scene with five spent shell casings.

Abu-Jamal, born Wesley Cook, turned 58 earlier this year.

Children at Philly rally demand freedom for Mumia Photo/Diane Bukowski

His writings and radio broadcasts from death row made him a cause celebre and the subject of numerous books and movies. His own 1995 book, “Live From Death Row,” describes prison life and calls the justice system racist and ruled by political expediency.

Over the years, Abu-Jamal has challenged the predominantly white makeup of the jury, instructions given to jurors and the statements of eyewitnesses. He has also alleged ineffective counsel, racism by the trial judge and that another man confessed to the crime.

For more information, go to;; and, or

International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ)
Phone:  (267) 760-7344



Desmond Tutu Calls for Mumia’s Release

Bishop Desmond Tutu

“Now that it is clear that Mumia should never have been on death row in the first place, justice will not be served by relegating him to prison for the rest of his life—yet another form of death sentence. Based on even a minimal following of international human rights standards, Mumia must now be released. I therefore join the call, and ask others to follow, asking District Attorney Seth Williams to rise to the challenge of reconciliation, human rights, and justice: drop this case now, and allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to be immediately released, with full time served.”


The news that the DA’s Office of Philadelphia is no longer seeking the death penalty for Mumia is no news to supporters of the nearly 30 year Pennsylvania Death Row prisoner. However, because Mumia has for thirty years been subjected to torture on death row and because he is innocent, justice for Mumia will not be served by life imprisonment, but by his release from prison.

Mumia’s case is like thousands of other cases in Philadelphia in which the prosecutor, the judge, and the police conspired to obtain a conviction. One of the most important and least known facts of this case is the existence of a fourth person at the crime scene, Kenneth Freeman. Within hours of the shooting, a driver’s license application found in Officer Faulkner’s shirt pocket led the police to Freeman, who was identified as the shooter in a line-up. Yet Freeman’s presence at the scene was concealed, first by Inspector Alfonso Giordano and later, at trial, by Prosecutor Joe McGill. Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice asserted that withholding evidence of innocence by the prosecutor warrants the overturning of a conviction.

Free Mumia NOW!

The police investigation that led to Mumia’s conviction was also riddled with corruption and tampering with evidence. The recently discovered Polokoff photographs that were taken at the crime scene, reveal that officer James Forbes, who testified in court that he had properly handled the guns allegedly retrieved at the crime scene, appears holding the guns with his bare hands. The photos also discredit cabdriver Robert Chobert as a witness; his taxi, contrary to his testimony, is pictured facing away from the fallen officer’s car. This evidence hasn’t been reviewed by any court.

Our call to Seth Williams is that he honor DA Lynn Abraham’s 1995 promise to the city of Philadelphia that she would discard any cases where evidence surfaces that even one of the officers involved in an investigation lied in court or in written reports.

The D.A. may think that the case can be laid to rest by sending Mumia off to life in prison. But an aroused public, with the Supreme Court ruling the death sentence to be unconstitutional, is ready to challenge anew the entire trial. The same judge, jury, and DA that were involved in the unlawful sentencing process committed equally egregious violations in the conviction. This is not an ending, it is a new beginning for the movement supporting Abu-Jamal’s quest for release.

The December 9 forum at the National  Constitutional Center, featuring Prof. Cornel West, will be preceded by an 11:30 a.m. Press Conference, at the American Friends Service Committee building, 1501 Cherry Street.  Then the following day there will be a full-day of organizing and fundraising activities, Saturday December 10, at the Germantown Event Center, 5245 Germantown Avenue, beginning at 12 Noon.

For Interview Contact
Dr. Johanna Fernandez, 917.930.0804
Dr. Suzanne Ross, 917.584.2135
Dr. Mark Taylor, 609.638.0806

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