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  1. Dave Johnson says:

    Diane, some of your personal and reader comments and recommendations are not very financially viable, but at least, are possible. The park demonstrators are on the wrong side this time. A few hundred demonstrators does not portray the feelings of an entire city. A park is a money sinkhole. Detroit can’t possibly schedule enough events to provide sufficient funding for this park. Why does anyone care who owns it as long as the property is clean, safe,and well maintained for all of the area’s citizens? Let the state spend the $44 million to make it a great park again.

    I read in the comments that art students should design a new recreation center. This is simply a smoke dream!! Buildings and facilities need designs certified by licensed engineers and architects. New Green technology is extremely expensive. Why not repair/replace the existing lighting systems until some governmental grant will fund new green power & lighting systems?

    Some of my friends and I are planning to attend the Hydro Races next year in Detroit, and my goal is to watch from the riverbank at a clean, safe, well lighted, newly refurbished, well maintained Belle Island Park. Neither myself or my friends care who operates it; we only care that the renovations are completed by Summer next year.


    I’m not a Detroit resident anymore, but next year I plan to return to watch the Hydro Races, and would love to see a completely re-built park that is free to everyone. It is my belief that, under the existing Detroit financial constraints, the re-building of the park cannot be accomplished without agreeing to the State of Michigan Lease Funding.


    • Diane Bukowski says:

      You apparently did not read the story printed below the flier, which exposes how the state and feds gave $44 million to private corporate-executive run Riverfront Conservancy to fix up the east side of the riverfront, where the Conservancy now charges $5 to get into River Day. That was public tax dollars. Why can’t the state and feds give Detroit money the same way to fix up Belle Isle, no strings attached? What in the world makes you think that a state takeover will give you a “clean, safe” park that you frequent, as most suburbanites do, only for events like the Goldcup races? Rates for entrance to the Island, for rental of picnic shelters for family, church and union events like those shown in the photo essay below the story, will increase and make it difficult for those who don’t have money, as you must if you attend the Gold Cup races every year, to enjoy the island. Belle Isle has been the BIRTHRIGHT of Detroiters since 1879, as a FREE PUBLIC park open to anyone. Only residents of St. Claire Shores and the Grosse Pointes can enter THEIR lakefront parks. In most countries, it is illegal to bar access to the riverfront to the public. Belle Isle, and the waterways that surround it, are huge sources of revenue–DETROIT needs that money, not you or the state which wants to take Belle Isle over.

  2. CORRECTION!! The rnb &poetry concert sponsored by Detroit near the giant slide is this SUNDAY @5pm (not Saturday) at Belle Isle Someone should come talk briefly on what people can do to support saving Belle Isle during intermission!!!! It starts at 5pm.

  3. Remember when there were recreation centers in the neighborhood, you knew the youth were playing, swimming, shooting hoops, and performing in talent shows. Those were fun times. Belle Isle would be a perfect place for a new state of the art Recreation Center, with a stage for concerts, a skateboard park, green technology, design by youth pursuing an Arts degree. It will be a show place and catalyst for youth and young professionals.

  4. There is a rnb &poetry concert sponsored by Detroit Sat near the giant slide this Saturday at Belle Isle Someone should come talk briefly on what people can do to support saving Belle Isle during intermission!!!! It starts at 5pm.

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