Councilwoman Emeritus JoAnn Watson speaks at May Day rally with “VOTE NO” on Plan of Adjustment banner behind her.
Demand this case be heard ASAP by the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court
Judges Rhodes has compromised his authority
From: City Employees
Subject: Supporters Filing Lawsuits on our Behalf Date: Sun, 4 May 2014 19:17:28 -0400
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has filed a lawsuit along with the California Public Employees Retirement System (CALPERS), National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems and the Texas Association of Public Employees Retirement Systems in support of the appellants [Detroit retiree systems and groups, and unions] and in support of the reversal of the decision.
To read briefs of the three organizations, click on AARP Amicus-brief-Detroit-bankruptcy-appeal; DB 6th CalPERS ab 2.CV01 and DB 6th ab Natl Conf PERS_3 compressed.
I am not for certain since I am not an attorney, but I am fearful that these [Plan of Adjustment] agreements being drawn up behind closed doors can hinder us. Why are the mediators pushing everything on the fast track? Could they be fearful of their decisions being overturned?If I am right today I will be right tomorrow and next week. If I am wrong and stand a chance of decisions being overturned I have got to move as fast as possible to dodge the bullet. If I am reaching any attorneys and you have knowledge of how this fast tracking and agreeing may affect us please e-mail me at mcclellancr@netzero.net .
The definition of amicus curiae—- a brief presented by someone interested in influencing the outcome of a lawsuit but who is not a party to the lawsuit.
Thank you for your time and please pass the word along.
AARP files amicus brief in Detroit bankrutpcy case
By Mark Hornbeck | AARP Michigan
April 30, 2014
AARP filed an amicus brief late this afternoon with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in each of seven appeals filed in the Detroit bankruptcy case, according to AARP Michigan State Director Jacqueline Morrison.
The decision of Michigan voters to protect the pensions of state and local government employees through their ratification of the 1963 State Constitution is supported by the AARP brief.
The brief provides context for the legal decision in terms of the case’s impact on the lives of retirees.
AARP’s brief discusses the economic implications of the proposed benefit reductions on City of Detroit workers and retirees, as well as on the City of Detroit itself.
Specifically, the brief notes that through reductions in retiree benefits and cost of living adjustments, the amount of income that retirees receive will be diminished. At the same time, retirees will face a significant increase in their health care costs. This creates a recipe for drastically reducing the standard of living of a median income retiree to an income that in many instances will fall below the poverty level.
See more at: http://states.aarp.org/aarp-files-amicus-brief-in-detroit-bankrutpcy-case/#sthash.tkcBVIgw.dpuf
[The CalPERS and National Conference briefs are discussed in detail in Voice of Detroit’s story below, at http://voiceofdetroit.net/2014/05/03/no-detroit-bankruptcy-deal-may-day-marchers-block-detroit-streets-banks-natl-retiree-systems-blast-rhodes/]