Detroit News reporter Oralander Brand-Williams takes photos of Davontae's family and supporters after appeals court hearing Aug. 6, 2013.

Detroit News reporter Oralander Brand-Williams takes photos of Davontae’s family and supporters after appeals court hearing Aug. 6, 2013.

Sanford was charged at 14 with four murders a hit man later confessed to 

Appeals Judge Sawyer: “There is a chance that we have an innocent man in jail right now.” 

By Diane Bukowski

August 9, 2013 

Davontae Sanford at 14

Davontae Sanford at 14

DETROIT – The family of Davontae Sanford was hopeful Aug. 6 after a Michigan appeals court panel heard arguments that his guilty plea to four drug-house murders on Runyon Street in 2007, which took place when he was 14, should be withdrawn. 

His attorney Kim McGinnis also argued that Vincent Smothers, the admitted hit man who later confessed to the murders and said the child was not involved, should be allowed to testify in the case. She additionally asked that experts on police interrogation methods and false confessions by juveniles be allowed to testify. 

Sanford, now 20, is serving a sentence of 37-90 years in the killings.

Davontae's mother Taminko Sanford-Tilmon, stepfather Jermaine Tilmon, and supporter Andrea West

Davontae’s mother Taminko Sanford-Tilmon, stepfather Jermaine Tilmon, and supporter Andrea West

“I feel good after this hearing,” Sanford’s mother Taminko Sanford-Tilmon said outside state offices in Cadillac Place on W. Grand Blvd. in Detroit.  “God’s got this. The judges showed their emotions like they were concerned. We are supposed to hear the results in three to four weeks. I couldn’t sleep last night, but this is a blessing. Davontae knows there was a hearing, but in his last phone call home, he didn’t sound like he was doing well. I hope they send his case back so he’ll be at the County Jail, where we can at least get a chance to see him.” 

Sanford’s mother and his long-time stepfather, Jermaine Tilmon, were just married in July. 

“I believe in my spirit that Davontae’s chains will be broken, and that we’ll be seeing my son home in 2014,” Tilmon said. 

Vincent Smothers

Vincent Smothers

Sanford’s case has become known world-wide. Reporters from the Detroit News, TV Channel 20, and the Associated Press covered the hearing. Sanford’s trial, and Smothers’s confession to the Runyon Street killings, as well as his guilty pleas in ten other murders, including that of Rose Cobb, whose police officer husband commissioned the hit,  have been extensively publicized as well. 

Renowned appeals attorney David Moran of the Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth, filed an amicus brief in the case. 

Sanford, who is learning-disabled and blind in one eye, wandered outside on Sept. 14, 2007 to see the police cars at the scene of the killings near his home. Police eventually picked him up, took him back to police headquarters, and interrogated him for hours without the presence of a parent or a lawyer. 

In what his lawyer Kim McGinnis calls a classic case of false confession, he signed statements saying he and two friends committed the murders. The two friends were never prosecuted. 

Davontae's stepfather Jermaine Tillmon and his sisters at rally with Aiyana Jones family April 23, 2012.

Davontae’s stepfather Jermaine Tillmon and his sisters at rally with Aiyana Jones family April 23, 2012.

Smothers, remorseful after killing Rose Cobb, later came forward voluntarily to confess to numerous hits, including the Runyon Street killings. He absolved Sanford of any involvement in a written affidavit later. He at first refused to testify in Sanford’s case on the advice of his attorney. McGinnis said he later agreed to do so after Judge Sullivan would not allow other attorneys who had represented him to waive privilege and testify on Sanford’s behalf. Smothers has signed an affidavit to that effect.

In a jail-house interview with AP reporter Ed White, who was present at the Aug 6 hearing, Smothers said, “I understand what prison life is like; it’s miserable. To be here and be innocent – I don’t know what it’s like. He’s a kid, and I hate for him to do the kind of time they’re giving him.” 

An appeals court panel consisting of Judges Mark T. Boonstra, David H. Sawyer and Christopher M. Murray heard oral arguments from McGinnis, of the State Appellate Defenders Office, and Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Thomas Chambers. 

Taminko Sanford speaks at joint rally for justice with family of Aiyana Jones, 7, killed by Detroit police. Aiyana's grandmother Mertilla Jones is next to her.

Taminko Sanford speaks at joint rally for justice with family of Aiyana Jones, 7, killed by Detroit police. Aiyana’s grandmother Mertilla Jones is next to her.

At the outset of the hearing, Judge Murray jumped in immediately to defend Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Brian Sullivan’s ruling upholding Sanford’s guilty plea and disallowing Smothers’ testimony. He and others said they didn’t see that Sullivan abused his dicretion. But as the hearing progressed, the panel became more conciliatory. 

Rally for Davontae held at Frank Murphy Hall June 29, 2010.

Rally for Davontae held at Frank Murphy Hall June 29, 2010.

“What about Smothers’ testimony?” Judge Sawyer asked. “Shouldn’t the judge hear it? There is a chance that we have an innocent man in jail right now. Was all the evidence put forward in front of Judge Sullivan? Wouldn’t that be important? This was a 14-year-old child sentenced as an adult to a very lengthy prison term.” 

Judge Murray posited that the case could be sent back specifically to Judge Sullivan with Smothers’ testimony mandated. He asked if the defense would be happy with whatever decision Sullivan rendered. 

Sullivan heard the case originally with a court-appointed public defender representing Sanford. McGinnis and SADO took the case on appeal to ask Sullivan to overturn Sanford’s guilty plea. Those proceedings lasted over two years. 

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Brian Sullivan

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Brian Sullivan

“Judge Sullivan ignored and trivialized the evidence,” McGinnis said during the appeals court hearing. 

She noted Smothers’ 14-hour confession to the various hit killings was videotaped and that he knew details of the Runyon Street murders that not even the police knew. She said he identified a .45 caliber gun found at his accomplice Ernest Davis’ house as a murder weapon in the Runyon Street killings, and police crime lab technicians later confirmed that. She said an AK-47 used in those killings was also used in the other killings to which Smothers confessed. 

She pointed out that there were numerous inconsistencies in Sanford’s confession, and that the police videotape of his confession only involved him reading a prepared written confession and agreeing that was his statement. 

Davontae at court hearing in 2010.

Davontae at court hearing in 2010.

Judge Murray said he found it hard to believe that police would have provided Sanford with details of the killing found in his confession. 

McGinnis said she would provide the appeals court with videotapes of both the Smothers and Sanford confessions. 

Asked by the panel why no charges were ever brought against the two people Sanford claimed helped him in the killings, Chambers said he did not know. 

“They just sent you here to clean up the mess, right?” Judge Sawyer remarked rhetorically. 

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy has charged neither Smothers nor Davis in the Runyon Street murders, although she charged Smothers in other killings he confessed to. Instead, her office has relentlessly pressed its case against Sanford. 

In March, she also charged a witness in a 2009 hearing in front of Sullivan, William Rice, formerly head of the Detroit Police Department’s homicide section, with perjury in a capital case, meaning he faces up to life in prison. 

Rice testified during that hearing that Sanford was with him and his great-aunt Cheryl Sanford at the time of the killings. The prosecution presented complex testimony regarding Rice’s location from a cell phone tower expert. McGinnis argued at the time that such testimony is not reliable. 

Smothers is currently serving sentences of 50-100 years involving ten murders committed in July, 2006, Jan. 2007, May, 2007, June, 2007, and Dec. 2007. He is incarcerated in the Michigan Reformatory at Ionia at Security Level 4, while Sanford is incarcerated at the Ionia Correctional Facility at Security Level 5, a higher rank. 

Ira ToddMcGinnis said Detroit Police Sergeant Ira Todd testified earlier that Smothers and Davis were part of the “Medbury Goons,” a murder-for-hire enterprise. Asst. Prosecutor Chambers argued its chief task was to “hide guns for hire.”  Todd brought Smothers’ confession to the Runyon Street killings to the attention of investigators, to no avail. 

Chambers also argued that a surviving female witness at the Runyon Street house identified Sanford’s youthful voice from the killings, and that she heard more than two people rummaging through the house.  McGinnis said that the witness earlier described a taller, older man than Sanford as the one who came to her bedroom door, and that Smothers is also soft-spoken.      Ira Todd (above)

The killers spared the lives of that witness and a seven-year-old child in her room. 

Valerie Buford and her daughter Lakaisha Frye, 14, attended the hearing in support of the Sanford family along with others. 

Valerie Buford and daughter

Lakaisha Frye, 14, with mother Valerie Buford

“The truth never dies, it’s only re-discovered,” Buford said after the hearing. “That’s what will happen in Davontae’s case.” 

Her daughter said she has learned not to speak to the police without a lawyer present. 

Putting herself in Davontae’s shoes as a 14-year-old, she said, “He was scared. He was only 14 and was being questioned by the police about something he didn’t know anything about.” 

Another courtroom observer, Andrea West, said she has been supporting the Sanford family for the last three years. 

“Davontae has awesome people behind him,” she said. “This is a terrible miscarriage of justice. How is it that the police could interrogate a 14-year-old child without his parents and legal representation? They should have been there throughout the interrogation. [Taking advantage of] a 14-year-old child in a room by himself shows corruption.”

Stop The War On Our Youth! – – A No Struggle, No Development Production! By KennySnod * Stop The War On Our Youth! There’s No Justice In Condemning An Innocent Child to Lift In Prison or Death!

Published April 24, 2012

Families, friends, and supporters of Davontae Sanford, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Dad Charles Jones, Trayvon Martin protested April 23, 2012 at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice

George Zimmerman, killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, is now out on bond, joining Detroit cop Joseph Weekley, killer of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley Jones. They are free to roam the streets, while Davontae Sanford, 14 when he went to prison for murders to which another man confessed, and Charles Jones, Aiyana’s dad, are behind bars.

Davontae’s mother has just now heard from her son for the first time since January. He is being held in solitary and was under barbaric conditions until intervention by his supporters. Charles Jones, still grieving for his daughter Aiyana, killed May 16, 2010, is in the Wayne County Jail without bond based solely on the testimony of some jail-house prisoner. We would like to hear the truth about Davontae Sanford. There No Justice In Condemning An Innocent Child to Life In Prison or Death For A Crime They Did Not Commit! – –

A No Struggle, No Development Production! By Kenny Snodgrass, Activist, Photographer, Videographer, Author of From Victimization To Empowerment…
www.trafford.com/07-0913  eBook available at www.ebookstore.sony.com
YouTube – I have over 275 community videos and over 87,000 Hits
on my YouTube channel at www.YouTube.com/KennySnod

Leon Benson

Leon Benson


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A vigil in honor of a Miami Beach teen who died in police custody took an aggressive turn Thursday evening on Collins Avenue and 71st Street.

Crowds in support of Israel Hernandez gathered at the spot where he was spotted by officers spray painting graffiti on an abandoned storefront early Tuesday morning. Witnesses said tensions between demonstrators and police escalated, and officers moved in to surrounded the crowds.

Israel Hernandez-Llach of Miami Beach, Fla., originally from Colombia, is dead after cops tased him and laughed.

Israel Hernandez-Llach of Miami Beach, Fla., originally from Colombia, is dead after cops tased him and laughed.

The demonstration came just hours after Hernandez’s father, sister and attorney called for outside agencies to look into the teen’s death at a press conference at their Bay Harbor Islands home.

Teen's father and sister grieve over his death.

Teen’s father and sister grieve over his death.

“We don’t know exactly what happened in this case, and we want to make sure we know with absolute certainty what did happen, and for that reason, we would like it to be an outside law enforcement agency,” said Jose Javier Rodriguez, the family’s attorney.

Miami Beach Police announced it will investigate the events surrounding Hernandez’s death, but the family is insisting that the investigation involve outside oversight.

At issue: the circumstances surrounding the teen’s death. In a statement, Police Chief Raymond Martinez said a Taser device was used to subdue the 18-year-old after he ran away from officers who caught him vandalizing the Collins Avenue storefront.

Israel Hernandez-Llach was an accomplished athlete and skateboarder as well as an artist.

Israel Hernandez-Llach was an accomplished athlete and skateboarder as well as an artist.

While in custody, police said Hernandez went into medical duress. He was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Hernandez’s father told the press his family moved to the U.S. for a better life, and that his son, a Miami Beach Senior High student, was an accomplished artist. He said his hope now is that any wrongdoing surrounding his son’s death is punished.

Though police have expressed their condolences, Hernandez’s sister says her brother should never have lost his life.

“We’ll appreciate it very much if you can support [us], because art is nothing to be killed for,” Offir Hernandez said.  The family is asking for help with his funeral costs at https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/djv2 

Detroit Chief Compliance Officer Gary Brown greets new police chief James Craig.

Detroit Chief Compliance Officer Gary Brown greets new police chief James Craig.


Kevyn Orr wants tasers too as he axes pensions, services for "dumb, lazy, happy" Detroiters.

Kevyn Orr wants tasers too as he axes pensions, services for “dumb, lazy, happy” Detroiters.

Detroit Free Press writer Matt Helms reported recently, “In what emergency manager Kevyn Orr called just one significant example of improvements headed for the city’s basic public services, the Detroit Police Department will soon get 50 new squad cars, replacement bulletproof vests and two new devices Motor City cops have never had: electric stun guns and on-body video cameras.”

He continues, “The Taser issue illustrates one of the complications Orr’s team faces in improving police service. The city has been under federal oversight for a decade, and the U.S. Justice Department must approve any changes in the Police Department’s policies on use of force. Tasers, which use electricity to temporarily disable suspects, must win federal approval, something top aides to Orr say they believe will be granted because the devices help reduce shootings by officers.”

Don't protest EM or this could happen to you.

Don’t protest EM or this could happen to you.

VOD: Whether the DPD will even be subject to monitoring by the USDOJ is a big question, since the city pays millions a month for the federal process and is not supposed to be paying any vendors right now.

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Protest outside federal courthouse during bankruptcy hearing Aug. 2, 2013

Protest outside federal courthouse during bankruptcy hearing Aug. 2, 2013

Gilda Jacobs of Michigan League for Public Policy.

Gilda Jacobs of Michigan League for Public Policy.

By Gilda Jacobs

Michigan League for Public Policy

August 5, 2013

The July 18 bankruptcy filing for Detroit was shocking, though in many ways, it wasn’t a surprise at all. Detroit’s struggles have been evident for years. Still, as a native Detroiter, my heart broke a little that day.

One thing that is clear in this multilayered controversy: Detroit’s problems and solutions do not stop at the city limits.

"Detroit may be the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the country," - Gilda Jacobs

“Detroit may be the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the country,” – Gilda Jacobs

We all have a stake in this — not only in Michigan, but across the country as Detroit may be the canary in the coalmine for other regions.

What should be the response from policymakers?

First and foremost, let’s remember that this is about people. Stronger state and federal strategies that invest in children and families, reduce poverty and grow jobs will be good for all. And we have lots of room for improvement. 

Michigan lawmakers should move quickly to restore the state Earned Income Tax Credit from 6% to 20% of the federal credit. It encourages work and helps families gain independence. Detroiters lost about $44 million in state EITC payments this year. Restoring the EITC as part of a targeted jobs strategy for the beleaguered city would be a great first step.

Detroit children wait in line for free coats at Moorish Science Temple of America giveaway.

Detroit children wait in line for free coats at Moorish Science Temple of America giveaway.

In addition, the shredded safety net means that millions of dollars have been pulled from Detroit at a time when it has nearly unbelievable and unacceptable levels of unemployment and poverty. Policies under Gov. Snyder to restrict access to food and cash assistance resulted in $75 million a year less in Wayne County alone. These harmful policies need a second look in light of the struggles of Detroit where nearly 60% of kids live in poverty.

 Another way to help is to revisit the broken promises on revenue sharing to Detroit and other municipalities across the state. Detroit was dealt a double dose of revenue sharing cuts. A modernized revenue system is needed to restore revenue sharing and provide enough to pay for needed health ]care, education, protection for abused children and other essential services. Think sales tax on services, the capture of Internet sales, restoration of a portion of the corporate income tax and a more progressive income tax. 

Public safety workers' protest July 26, 2012 at CAYMC.

Public safety workers’ protest July 26, 2012 at CAYMC.

Of course, those most at risk of harm from bankruptcy are the pensioners, people who work for contractors owed money by the city and those who purchased Detroit municipal bonds. If there is a way for Michigan or the federal government to reduce this harm, it must be explored. In fact, the state Constitution may require Michigan to back the pensions. 

Many agree that hardworking people with modest pensions should not end up with just a small fraction of the original promise. Detroit is also a cautionary tale as we move forward: Pensions and healthcare promises must be funded adequately and not simply left for future generations to figure out. 

At both a state and federal level, an education and jobs strategy that strengthens foundational skills will help grow literacy and job skills. Detroit needs an infusion of jobs. In June, the Detroit –Livonia-Dearborn area posted the highest unemployment rate among 34 metro divisions with unemployment at nearly 12%. It also posted the biggest loss of jobs from June 2012 to June 2013. 

Jobs a number one priority.

Jobs a number one priority.

Economist Jared Bernstein makes a compelling case that creating jobs to clean up urban blight and restore the city’s infrastructure is a win-win. 

In addition, the snarled debate over public transportation must take on a greater urgency to help connect the unemployed to jobs. This must be supported at all levels of government. 

Detroit is Michigan’s major urban center and a touchstone for our state history, giving us the Motor City and the Motown sound. The muscle and ingenuity of Detroit in the last century grew our country’s auto industry, the middle class and our state and national economy. Let’s remember that when Detroit was prosperous, its revenue and jobs helped support our state and country. 

WWTP 9 30 12 Save DetroitThe city’s economic contributions aren’t just in the rearview mirror, however. Detroit is the epicenter of the auto research and development that continues to help drive the auto industry. The revived auto industry that emerged from bankruptcy continues to grow. And with its sports teams and museums, Detroit is a cultural resource for all of us. 

The people of Detroit need to know they are not standing alone. What’s good for Detroit is good for us all. 

Michigan Center for Public Policy website it at http://www.mlpp.org/.

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Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr Defames Detroiters and Detroit!
A No Struggle, No Development Production! By Kenny Snodgrass

Press conference held August 6, 2013 (PART ONE ABOVE)

EM Kevyn Orr’s words in the Wall Street Journal: “Much of Detroit’s dysfunction is also due to simple complacency. ‘For a long time the city was dumb, lazy, happy and rich,’ (Orr) explains. ‘Detroit has been the center of more change in the 20th century than I dare say virtually any other city, but that wealth allowed us to have a covenant (that held) if you had an eighth grade education, you’ll get 30 years of a good job and a pension and great health care, but you don’t have to worry about what’s going to come.’

Kenneth Snodgrass –
Author of “From Victimization to Empowerment
The Challenge Of African American Leadership
The Need of Real Power” website: www.trafford.com/07-0913
eBook available at http://ebookstore.sony.com/search?keyword=Kenneth+Snodgrass

Author of “The World As I’ve Seen It! My Greatest Experience!”
{ 12 x 12 Photo Book, 76 Pages & Over 205 Photos. By Kenneth Snodgrass }

* Has 450 Video’s, 276 Subscribers, over 185,500hits, averaging 9,000 a month @ www.YouTube.com/KennySnod 

In Struggle and Peace, Development, Advancement, and Revolution!



FROM VOD EDITOR: Thanks to VOD videographer Kenny Snodgrass for covering this press conference; VOD WAS THERE! Otherwise:




(See article below–article up shortly on the bankruptcy hearing Aug. 2)

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Gangster Government

 Elections draw people away from fighting bankruptcy takeover 

By Diane Bukowski — VOD Editorial 

August 5, 2013 

Monica Lewis-Patrick for City Council; Krystal Crittendon for Mayor

Monica Lewis-Patrick for City Council; Krystal Crittendon for Mayor

To date, VOD has not covered much of the city elections, other than our recent strong endorsement of Monica Lewis-Patrick for City Council at Large and Krystal Crittendon for Mayor. 

There is a reason—the real battle taking place right now is in the bankruptcy court, where both Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr and U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes are pushing for a conclusion by the end of this year, before any new city candidates assume office. This would be recording-breaking time for any Chapter 9 filing, and a violation of federal law, which states such trials must be “JUST and speedy.” 

Orr and the city’s corporate creditors have aimed their guns squarely at the city’s retirees, seeking to set a precedent for the 24 states that protect public pensions by busting not just retiree health benefits, but gutting pensions themselves. There is no protection under federal law for public pensions. 

But it’s not only the pensions—it’s the city’s assets. 


The U.S. Courts official website says “there is no provision in the [Chapter 9] law for liquidation of the assets of the municipality and distribution of the proceeds to the creditors. Such a liquidation or dissolution would undoubtedly violate the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution and the reservation to the states of sovereignty over their internal affairs.” 

DWSD workers protest at Huber facillity Aug.15, 2012.

DWSD workers protest at Huber facillity Aug.15, 2012.

It says Chapter 9 “limits the power of the bankruptcy court to ‘interfere with – (1) any of the political or governmental powers of the debtor; (2) any of the property or revenues of the debtor; or (3) the debtor’s use or enjoyment of any income-producing property” unless the debtor consents or the plan so provides.” 

Chapter 9 also explicitly recognizes the power of a state to control a municipality’s affairs. 

Snyder and Orr at press conference on bankruptcy July 19, 2013.

Snyder and Orr at press conference on bankruptcy July 19, 2013.

“Similarly, 11 U.S.C. § 903 states that “chapter [9] does not limit or impair the power of a State to control, by legislation or otherwise, a municipality of or in such State in the exercise of the political or governmental powers of the municipality, including expenditures for such exercise,” with two exceptions – a state law prescribing a method of composition of municipal debt does not bind any non-consenting creditor, nor does any judgment entered under such state law bind a non-consenting creditor.” 

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and Orr have made it clear that Orr’s “Proposal to Creditors” is to lay the groundwork for any “Plan for Adjustment of Debts.” That proposal includes a drastic restructuring not only of Detroit’s debts, with the primary focus on the pension plans, but of its assets as well. 


Another story will be up shortly, on the Aug. 2 bankruptcy hearing before Judge Rhodes, which VOD covered. But it is clear NOW that city retirees, workers and residents need to take to the streets en masse as are the people of countries across the world during this global economic crisis. 

U.S. President Barack Obama, AG Eric Holder

U.S. President Barack Obama, AG Eric Holder

It is ALSO clear that most our top union and community leaders are themselves bankrupt in their approach to this catastrophe. 

Instead of calling for a general strike or a boycott of Michigan over its abrogation of the voting rights of its Black residents, they are urging people to go to the polls to vote. They also want people to petition U.S. President Barack Obama to save Detroit. 

Pres. Obama, Atty. General Eric Holder, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew, and the rest of the federal administration have repeatedly said since the dawn of Public Act 4 that they will DO NOTHING to intervene—no investigation of Voting Rights Act violations, no “bail-out” of Detroit as the feds bailed out the banks and the mortgage and auto companies, no intervention in the bankruptcy case. 

Deadbeat corporationsThat’s a matter between Detroit and the State of Michigan, they have said. They haven’t even called on the corporations that owe Detroit $800 million, or the state which owes over $300 million, to pay up. 

To that degree, VOD believes electoral politics are massively diverting the people’s energy away from the real battle that needs to be fought. 

That said, however, VOD wants to expose the criminal records of the two alleged front-runners for Mayor in this election, who have garnered the lion’s share of corporate campaign contributions. 


UAW Pres. Bob King (far left) and others as Benny Napoleon announces run for Mayor March 26, 2013.

UAW Pres. Bob King (far left) and others as Benny Napoleon announces run for Mayor March 26, 2013.

Since the UAW is sporting a big sign at its headquarters endorsing current Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon for Mayor, we’ll start with him, although clearly both he and Duggan need to be locked up for the crimes they have committed against Detroit. The UAW itself has betrayed Detroit, contributing not one red cent to the campaign to repeal Public Act 4. 

Napoleon is being touted as an alternative to Detroit’s having a white mayor, which VOD agrees would be a disaster. 

But Napoleon is a cop, first and foremost. Take a look at the role two cops have played recently in Detroit politics—Councilman James Tate and former Council President Pro-Tem Gary Brown, currently the City’s “Chief Compliance Officer,” appointed by Orr. 

Sell-out council cops James Tate and Gary Brown applaud Mayor Dave Bada Bing.

Sell-out council cops James Tate and Gary Brown applaud Mayor Dave Bada Bing.

Both played primary roles in executing the disastrous Public Act 4 “Consent Agreement,” which Orr says laid the groundwork for his plan for Detroit, and what will become his “Plan of Adjustment” in Bankruptcy Court. 

Tate (who says he was just a police press representative, but who held the title of Deputy Chief) accompanied disgraced former Council President Charles Pugh and Councilman Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. to Lansing to conspire directly with Snyder and State Treasurer Andy Dillon to come up with the consent agreement. This was admitted at the Council table. 

WWTP worker on strike Sept. 30, 2013 denounces EMA plan to cut DWSD workforce.

WWTP worker on strike Sept. 30, 2013 denounces EMA plan to cut DWSD workforce.

Brown got his reward from Orr after robbing the taxpayers of $8 million in a lawsuit for which his attorney was sanctioned. His attorney gave the fatal Kilpatrick text messages to the Detroit Free Press, which withheld publication until after the two got their paws on the money. 

U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox later appointed Brown and Pugh to a “Roots Cause Committee” to make recommendations on governance of the city’s largest asset, the $6 billion Detroit Water and Sewerage Department. They both signed a document recommending separation of the Department from city control, and also endorsed the notorious EMA plan to cut 81 percent of the DWSD workforce. 


Napoleon’s record as Detroit Police Chief belies that sweet baby-faced grin he relies on. 

Cop with cattle prod. Use of prod resulted in the death of Fred Warren at the 2nd precinct in Detroit in 1980.

Cop with cattle prod. Use of prod resulted in the death of Fred Warren at the 2nd precinct in Detroit in 1980.

His official bio says, “He joined the Detroit Police Department in 1975 as a trainee police officer and was admitted to the Detroit Police Academy in June 1975. He served the Detroit Police Department in many patrol, investigative, undercover and administrative capacities. He began his career walking a beat in the Second (Vernor) Precinct. He quickly rose through the ranks of the police department, being promoted to sergeant in 1983; to lieutenant in 1985; to inspector in 1987; to commander in 1993; to deputy chief in 1994; to assistant chief in 1995; and was appointed Chief of Police by the Honorable Mayor Dennis W. Archer in 1998. After more than 26 years of distinguished service, Chief Napoleon retired from the Detroit Police Department in 2001.” 

So, Napoleon began walking the beat in the notorious Second Precinct, known for the  use of electric cattle rods on arrestees, resulting in at least one death. By 2000, Detroit was exposed as the “MURDER-BY-COP CAPITAL” of the nation, racking up more killings by police per capita than any other major city in the country. 

Rodrick Carrington, Lamar Grable, Darren Miller, victims of Officer Eugene Brown while Benny Napoleon was a command officer.

Rodrick Carrington, Lamar Grable, Darren Miller, victims of Officer Eugene Brown while Benny Napoleon was a command officer.

That exposure began in 1998, when the original Detroit Coalition against Police Brutality held a historic public hearing before City Council. It exposed for the first time since the abolition of STRESS the extent to which cops, both white and Black, had been getting away with murder. 

Coalition co-founders Arnetta Grable and Herman Vallery testified about the killing of their son Lamar Grable at the age of 20, shot eight times in the back and chest, by Detroit police officer Eugene Brown, The family of Rodrick Carrington reported Brown’s killing of their loved one in 1995. Their warnings went unheeded—Brown went on to kill a third man, Darren Miller, in 1999.

The Coalition detailed dozens of other police killings at the hearing and in its literature. 

Members of Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality including families of Lamar Grable and Derrick Miller. Herman Vallery is second from left, Lamar's sister Arnetta Jr. and mother Arnetta Grable are right of Serial Killer Kop sign.

Members of Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality including families of Lamar Grable and Derrick Miller. Herman Vallery is second from left, Lamar’s sister Arnetta Jr. and mother Arnetta Grable are right of Serial Killer Kop sign. Miller’s sisters and brother are a right.

It was this reporter’s ground-breaking story on Brown, “Serial Killer Kops?” published by the Michigan Citizen in March of 2000, that led to broader exposure in the daily media and across the country. That summer, Detroit police went on to kill a deaf man with a rake, Errol Shaw, Sr. and autoworker Dwight Turner, shooting at a vicious dog from his front porch to protect his community. 

Detroit cop David Krupinski shot Errol Shaw Sr., a deaf-mute, to death after he could not hear his command to drop his rake.

Detroit cop David Krupinski shot Errol Shaw Sr., a deaf-mute, to death after he could not hear his command to drop his rake.

The second killing led to a huge protest outside police headquarters by members of the UAW and hundreds of others. The protesters carried signs demanding the resignation of Mayor Dennis Archer and Chief Benny Napoleon. Both left office the following year. Arnetta Grable went to Washington D.C. to meet with former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and later the Detroit Police Department subjected to a federal consent decree, which remains to this day. 

The “Serial Killer Kops” story had a kicker headline: “We train our officers to shoot to kill,” a statement from Napoleon himself, made before the City Council. 

Detroit police chief Benny Napoleon receives award at 2001 Arab-American Chamber of Commerce dinner.

Detroit police chief Benny Napoleon receives award at 2001 Arab-American Chamber of Commerce dinner.

Another story by this reporter, published a month before, was headlined, “Rent-a-Cops.” It included a photo of Chief Benny Napoleon and the entire Detroit police command wining and dining with merchants of Middle Eastern descent, at a lavish dinner sponsored by the Arab-American Chamber of Commerce.

The merchants were demanding police action against individuals allegedly victimizing their stores, which in turn victimized the people of Detroit by the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, unhealthy food, and even drugs and drug paraphernalia. 

During that dinner, I asked Napoleon about Brown’s killing of three men in separate incidents. Napoleon said, “What would YOU do if someone pointed a gun at you?” In fact, none of the three men had guns. The Grable family battled for ten years before they won a $4 million jury verdict against Brown; the Miller family reached a settlement of $3.5 million. 

Killer cop Eugene Brown proudly walks out of ceremony after promotion to sergeant. His fellow officers cheered him.

Killer cop Eugene Brown proudly walks out of ceremony after promotion to sergeant. His fellow officers cheered him.

The public outcry about Brown’s killings, and his shootings of nine others, forced Napoleon to commission a three-member panel led by Deputy Chief Walter Shoulders to investigate his actions, a report which Napoleon promptly quashed. This reporter and the Michigan Citizen filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which was denied. Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Wendy Baxter granted our request, but the city appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, as they appealed the Grable verdict (which resulted in it totaling $6 million with interest.) 

Eventually, we won a redacted version of the report which showed that Shoulders et. al. had recommended disciplinary action be taken against Brown in the killings. That was never done under Napoleon’s command or since. Brown, whose cousin said he had bragged about being able to “kill people and get away with it,” remained on the force, and was promoted to Sergeant. 

Napoleon went on to become Assistant Wayne County Executive and Wayne County Sheriff, stepping over the bodies of the three men Brown killed and the bodies of dozens more killed during his tenure in the Detroit police department. 

Napoleon ordered Jimmi Ruth Ratliff's virtual execution at Detroit's luxury 1300 E. Lafayette building in Dec. 1995.

Napoleon ordered Jimmi Ruth Ratliff’s virtual execution at Detroit’s luxury 1300 E. Lafayette building in Dec. 1995.

Not only did Napoleon refuse to act against Brown, he himself directed the virtual execution of Jimmi Ruth Ratliff in Dec. 1995, when he was Acting Police Chief. The 48-year-old professional Black woman lived at 1300 E. Lafayette and had worked at Blue Cross Blue Shield for 28 years. After the deaths of her mother and sister and the loss of her job, she became severely depressed and began packing to move in with another sister. 

The building management called police to report they had seen a “bullet hole” in her window. A Detroit Police SWAT team complete with helicopters, riot gear, and submachine guns rushed to the scene. Napoleon, irritated at being called away from a high school basketball game, showed up shortly afterwards to take command. 

Four and a half hours later, after police refused to let Ratliff’s sister and other relatives up to talk with her, and after they fed tear gas under her door through a tube, the SWAT team stormed her apartment and shot her to death as she held her Bible and prayed. Police claimed she had fired a bullet through the wall which hit one of the cops in the leg. The family’s lawsuit in federal court was settled for $1 million just before Napoleon was set to testify in front of a jury.


Mike Duggan is boasting on the airwaves that he will “work closely with Kevyn Orr,” who during the Detroit bankruptcy proceedings. Orr was just lambasted by Detroit retirees for the following remarks he made in a Wall Street Journal interview:

The late Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara; Duggan was his Deputy Executive from 1986-2002.

The late Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara; Duggan was his Deputy Executive from 1986-2002.

”Much of Detroit’s dysfunction is also due to simple complacency. ‘For a long time the city was dumb, lazy, happy and rich,’ (Orr) explains. ‘Detroit has been the center of more change in the 20th century than I dare say virtually any other city, but that wealth allowed us to have a covenant if you had an eighth grade education, you’ll get 30 years of a good job and a pension and great health care, but you don’t have to worry about what’s going to come.’”

In the video below, retirees angrily protested Orr’s statement today. They tried to storm his office to confront him in person, but were blocked.

Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie Aquilina earlier ruled that Orr’s boss, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, had no authority to approve the bankruptcy filing under the State Constitution. Allegedly on behalf of the city, Orr’s former law firm Jones Day, now the city’s “debt restructuring consultant,” is arguing the debtor side of the case. Jones Day is a megalithic, white-dominated firm with an ultraconservative, pro-corporate and racist record. 

Duggan home in Livonia.

Duggan home in Livonia.

Bad enough Detroit is being subjected to these phony plantation-style proceedings, but Duggan endorses them as well, right in line with his life-long record.

First and foremost, Duggan hails from Livonia, known as “the whitest city in America,” where he lived for 45 years. The residents of Livonia even opted out of participation in the SMART bus system to keep Detroiters out. 

Duggan moved into Detroit too late to legally file to run. As a result, he is illegally running as a “write-in” candidate with the permission of  State Attorney General Bill Schuette, another right-wing racist, despite an appeals court ruling against the write-in won by mayoral candidate Tom Barrow. For the first time in Detroit’s history, a write-in candidate has thus garnered the most corporate campaign contributions and is receiving mammoth attention from the media.

Mike Illitch benefited from Duggan's largesse, with Compuware Stadium.

Mike Illitch benefited from Duggan’s largesse, with Compuware Stadium.

Duggan was Deputy Executive during the infamously corrupt Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara regime from 1986-2002, a fact he neglects to emphasize in his official website bio. The U.S. Department of Justice opened an investigation into blatant bid-rigging and contract kickbacks during the McNamara regime, resulting most famously in the conviction of McNamara’s top aide Wilbourne Kelley II and his wife of extortion, bribery and conspiracy involving Wayne County Airport operations.

In an earlier VOD story, reporter Ron Seigel detailed Duggan’s alleged role in the illegal eviction of long-time tenants from the Detroit YMCA in 1997, to make way for the construction of Mike Illitch’s Compuware Stadium, which got hundreds of millions of dollars in city, county and state taxpayer funding. 

Duggan then colluded with former Governor John Engler and Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer in the first state take-over of the Detroit Public Schools in 1999. That summer, McNamara loaned Duggan out to become DPS Deputy CEO to run the Summer Repair Program. Michigan Citizen reporter, the late Jesse Long-Bey, ran a series of articles exposing corruption and waste by contractors Duggan selected for the program. 

Michigan's EAA, better known as the Educational Apartheid Authority, is limited to Detroit schools,

Michigan’s EAA, better known as the Educational Apartheid Authority, is limited to Detroit schools,

Duggan lately picked up his role in profiting from the mis-education of Detroit’s children as a member of the Educational Achievement (read Apartheid) Authority, appointed by Gov. Snyder to take over 13 Detroit public schools and privatize them as charters, with ill-trained teachers and insufficient books and supplies.

The peripatetic Duggan has been busy for years in the privatization of Detroiters’ health care for profit, as well. 

While Wayne County Deputy Executive, Duggan helped found the non-profit Urban Hospital Care Plus (UHCP) in 1993, which handled hundreds of millions of dollars in federal “disproportionate share” funding for indigent care. The federal government earlier forbade state and local government-run hospitals from directly receiving the funds, essentially privatizing them. 

The former Southwest Detroit Hospital housed Ultimed, the nation's only Black HMO, which failed due to Duggan's withdrawal of funds and other factors,

The former Southwest Detroit Hospital housed Ultimed, the nation’s only Black HMO, which failed due to Duggan’s withdrawal of funds and other factors,

UHCP contracted with two for-profits, one of them Ultimed, whose CEO Harley Brown said it was the only Black-owned HMO in the country. Brown set up a hospital on the site of the former Southwest General Hospital, the amalgamation of several of Detroit’s last Black-owned hospitals. Southwest shut down in 1991 due to competition from larger hospital chains. 

UHCP later refused to make further payments to Ultimed, complaining that Ultimed was not paying hefty county fees. Brown said the problem lay in the failure of private insurance companies to reimburse Ultimed for patient care, which he said was an attempt to drive Ultimed out of business. In 2003, the Detroit Medical Center sued Ultimed for payment of $5 million in allegedly outstanding bills. Eventually Ultimed won the suit, but it did go out of business. 

Mike Duggan celebrates sale of DMC to Vanguard. Hundreds of workers have recently been laid off.

Mike Duggan celebrates sale of DMC to Vanguard. Hundreds of workers have recently been laid off.

In 2004, after a brief stint as Wayne County Prosecutor, Duggan became CEO of the Detroit Medical Center, allegedly to save it from financial ruin after the ruin of Ultimed.

Duggan was hailed as the savior of the DMC for taking the jobs. Prior to that, huge service cutbacks and layoffs were going on. The DMC’s CEO threatened to close Detroit Receiving Hospital, after hundreds of millions in city funds left over from its century as a public hospital disappeared. This reporter ran a series on the DMC’s tax filings at the time, exposing the high salaries of its executives, its corporate dominated board, and money that was being siphoned off to accounts in the Cayman Islands. Duggan made many promises when he took over, but instead ended up  sellling the DMC to the for-profit Nashville, Tenn.-based Vanguard Health Systems. This reporter also did numerous stories detailing Vanguard’s role across the U.S. in cutting back services and laying off workers at hospital chains it took over. While retaining a token role as CEO of the remaining DMC core funds, Duggan became a Vanguard Senior Vice President for an unknown salary. 

Duggan's long-time ally Min. Malik Shabazz behind him at rally.

Duggan’s long-time ally Min. Malik Shabazz behind him at rally.

Vanguard, 70 percent owned by a Wall Street hedge fund, has since been sold to Tenet Health Care. Meanwhile, hundreds of little publicized lay-offs have taken place at the DMC, including the whole division headed by the Inner City Sub-Center’s Paul Taylor, who also lost his job after supporting Duggan in the takeover.  MichUCan, a state-wide coalition for health care for the poor has claimed that since the sale, indigent patients are frequently being turned away from DMC’s portals. 

Duggan makes a practice of running around with well-known Black “leaders” including Min. Malik Shabazz of the Detroit 300, an alleged “neighborhood protection” organization which is informally affiliated with the Detroit police and has been known to engage in its own thuggery. Another of Duggan’s allies is the Rev. Jim Holley, a notorious privatizer who has run charter schools and taken over the city’s Considine Recreation Center.

He clearly has deep pockets.


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DS release

Taminko Sanford, Davontae's mother, speaks to media during protest outside Frank Murphy Hall in downtown Detroit two years ago.

Taminko Sanford, Davontae’s mother, speaks to media during protest outside Frank Murphy Hall in downtown Detroit two years ago.

Below is trailer for upcoming movie on the Davontae Sanford case.

The Davontae Sanford Story Trailer from Flip Willson on Vimeo.

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By Diane Bukowski

Aug. 1, 2013

(This editorial endorsement of Monica Lewis-Patrick for City Council at Large is interspersed with her own speeches on You Tube and photos of her supporters at the fish fry fund-raiser at Hush House near Greater King Solomon Baptist Church.)

DETROIT – The backyard of Detroit’s Hush House was packed July 26 with supporters of Monica Lewis-Patrick for City Council attending a fish fry fund-raiser. They included people who have fought side by side with her for self-determination for the people of Detroit, ever since the introduction of the legislation that became Public Act 4, otherwise known as Michigan’s Emergency Manager Act, in 2011.

Debra Taylor and Cecily McClellan rallied the crowd for Monica and for Detroit.

Debra Taylor and Cecily McClellan rallied the crowd for Monica and for Detroit.

Present were the co-founders with Monica of We the People of Detroit and Free Detroit No Consent: Debra Taylor, Gloria (Aneb) House, Cecily McClellan, Chris Griffith, Valerie Glenn, Keith Hines, and more, including youths she brought into the battle like Demeeko Williams.  Marian Kramer of the Welfare Rights Organization showed up to speak on Monica’s behalf, as did long-time community organizer Gwen Mingo. The rest are too numerous to name. 

Also present, of course, was Councilwoman JoAnn Watson herself, who Monica has worked for over the past period.

Some of the many who turned out for a campaign fund-raiser/fish fry at Hush House Friday, July 26, 2012.
Some of the many who turned out for a campaign fund-raiser/fish fry at Hush House Friday, July 26, 2012.
Monica Gloria

Gloria (Aneb) House who spoke at the fund-raiser on Monica’s behalf, with other supporters.

 “Over the last two or three years, I have watched Monica as she and all the members of We the People fought every day,” said Gloria (Aneb) House, a renowned activist in Detroit since the 1960’s.  “Strategy meetings, picket lines, non-stop organizing. She has a warrior’s spirit. She belongs to us. She brought the same fire to make sure Councilwoman Watson’s work was done by day and by night. She understands what’s going on. When she’s elected we can count on her not to be in the backrooms making deals behind closed doors. She is going to keep her head and feet behind us in the community. We must be ready to turn out to support her and fight for our city.”      

Monica and her allies have paid their dues in the grueling battle to stop the corporate-state takeover of the world’s largest Black-majority city, Detroit, which is also the nation’s poorest major city. ‘

Prior to working for Councilwoman Watson, Monica worked diligently on the recount of the 2009 election that gave Detroiters Dave Bing, supporting the challenge brought by Tom Barrow.  The Wayne County Board of Canvassers found that over 60,000 votes in that election were unrecountable due to numerous irregularities, but certified the elction anyway. Her work previous to that is described in her campaign flier above.

Monica then went to work for Councilwoman Watson, organizing rallies with the massive turn-outs in Lansing in February and April of 2011, against Public Act 4, the last swelling to over 10,000 people, then the huge Jan. 2, 2012 rally against a PA4 takeover of Detroit at Triumph Baptist Church  She then worked day and night with thousands of others across the state on the arduous job of collecting over 240,000 signatures to repeal Public Act 4.

Monica's supporters at picnic.

Monica’s supporters at picnic.

Monica poses with supporters.

Monica poses with supporters.

At the same time, she worked with Councilwoman Watson to oppose the disastrous Public Act 4 Consent Agreement the Council voted for on April 4, 2012, the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination. That agreement began a prolonged assassination of Detroit. Despite all setbacks, however, Monica has never given up the battle, believing that the people of Detroit will win their city back.

Monica speaks at campaign rally July 25.

Monica speaks at campaign rally July 25.

It is perhaps best said in her own words during the fish fry.  Monica told how she felt going back into the Coleman A. Young Center to collect her belongings after she and Debra Taylor were laid off due to cuts sanctioned by Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr.

“I know they are trying to take our pensions, our water, our island, our city and our vote,” she said. “Over the last five years I have fallen deeply in love with the citizens of Detroit. Yesterday my oldest daughter gave birth to a little baby girl. There is something special about a grandchild. You know that part of you will live on. I’ve seen Detroiters fight to maintain their right to self-determination, with the Councilwoman fighting like none other.”

“We need you to help us save our city,” Monica said. Mitt Romney told us to let Detroit go bankrupt. We worked day and night to repeal Public Act 4, with Governor Snyder acting like a wolf going after sheep, like George Zimmerman hunting down Trayvon Martin. He found us in a most vulnerable state.

Keith Hines at right with Monica and others.

Keith Hines at right with Monica and others.

“He knew our leadership had been compromised and our assets were in jeopardy. Our fight has been unmatched, for collective bargaining, for HUD Section 3 which guarantees employment for our youth, for our children to be able to go to the same quality schools this city used to set the bar for. 

“I am asking President Barack Obama to hold true to his promise not to let Detroit go bankrupt. We deserve the right to vote, to self-determination, to our water system that we paid for, to Belle Isle. Our forbears came from cotton picking and sharecropping to becoming engineers, lawyers, doctors, some of the best scholars in the world. We want to make sure we get a Mayor that’s proven they love this city.”

Monica's daughters at left, friend

Monica’s daughters at left, friend

It was a delicious cake.

It was a delicious cake.

 (Unfortunately, VOD lost track of who said what during the rally, but following are  other comments, by speakers Cecily McClellan, Debra Taylor, Marian Kramer and more. They may be somewhat amalgamated.) 

Demeeko, Tara, Ihekerema

Demeeko, Tara, Ihekerema

“We have to push Monica’s campaign into high gear, like we did when we were voting for the President. They aren’t rebuilding Detroit for its current residents. Detroit is big enough for everybody. We’re not trying to keep anybody out, but we sure as hell aren’t going to let them kick us out.”

“Kevyn Orr was on the news talking about the thousands of people in Detroit who collect pensions. He said we have to balance the budget. This is evil when you turn your back on the people who built the city and kept it running. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Orr’s emails show that once upon a time he had a conscience, and knew it was wrong to take over Detroit.”


 Website for Monica’s campaign is at http://monicacares.com.

Marian Kramer of the Welfare Rights Organization supports Monica.

Marian Kramer of the Welfare Rights Organization supports Monica.

As editor of the Voice of Detroit, who religiously covered all the events Monica and others organized, from Lansing to Detroit, I have to say that I rarely trust politicians and do not believe in endorsements by newspapers. My former employer, the Michigan Citizen, previously had a policy of non-endorsement, knowing that promises made at election time can easily be forgotten in the fray afterwards. Unfortunately, the Michigan Citizen betrayed that policy in the last election, endorsing the likes of James Tate, Saunteel Jenkins, and Andre Spivey, who sold the people out, voting for the consent agreement and contracts with the law firms that are now pushing Orr’s attack on Detroit—Jones Day, Ernst & Young, Miller Canfield, Milliman, Inc. and many more. They literally sold our city to the devil, if such exists. 


Monica, Gwen Mingo

Monica, Gwen Mingo



Monica Patrick in green at right and Debra Taylor at left rally the crowd of 10000 April 13 2011 in Lansing at protest against PA4.

Monica Patrick in green at right and Debra Taylor at left rally the crowd of 10000 April 13 2011 in Lansing at protest against PA4.

  I decided to review VOD’s entire archives beginning with late 2010 to see what actions Monica Lewis-Patrick and Councilwoman JoAnn Watson led to stop the corporate-state takeover of Detroit, which VOD reported on. The list below is VOLUMINOUS; it was exhausting just to think of what work went into the actions reported on, in particular by Councilwoman Watson and her staff, including Monica and Debra Taylor, as well as Councilwoman Brenda Jones, who is running again.

Krystal Crittendon campaignWhile reviewing these articles, I also saw dozens describing Mayoral Candidate Krystal Crittendon’s heroic battle to stop the consent agreement despite attacks from Gov. Snyder, Mayor Bing, and the City Council Sell-Out Six that resulted in her discharge as the city’s Corporation Counsel. I know that Councilwoman Watson and her staff consulted frequently with Krystal Crittendon.


Those who stood against the consent agreement: (l to r) Debra Taylor, Monica Lewis-Patrick, Councilmembers JoAnn Watson, Kwame Kenyatta, Brenda Jones, after Fatal Five approved it April 4, 2013

Those who stood against the consent agreement: (l to r) Debra Taylor, Monica Lewis-Patrick, Councilmembers JoAnn Watson, Kwame Kenyatta, Brenda Jones, after Fatal Five approved it April 4, 2013

See articles below, related to the battles waged by Monica Lewis-Patrick, Councilwomen JoAnn Watson and Brenda Jones along with Councilman Kwame Kenyatta (not running this year), and Mayoral Candidate Krystal Crittendon and decide for yourselves who should get your vote!


















































































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Detroit YMCA before demolition.
Detroit YMCA before demolition.



By Ron Seigel

Aug. 1, 2013 

Ed McNamara, Mike Duggan joined at hip from 1986-2002.

Ed McNamara, Mike Duggan joined at hip from 1986-2002.

DETROIT – In his campaign for Mayor of Detroit, Michael Duggan has continually urged people to “look at his record.” 

Some suggest that voters ought to examine carefully a prominent part of Duggan’s recorrd—his role from 1986 to 2002 as Deputy Executive to Wayne County Executive Edward McNamara in handling the destruction of the downtown YMCA in order to make way for the construction of Comerica Park.

Evangelist Sarella Johnson, founder of Unity in the Community, charges he authorized bullying and vandalism to drive tenants out of the building, many of them senior citizens, so that the Stadium Authority would not have to live up to their obligation of providing them with adequate relocation expenses. 

Comerica Park under construction. City of Detroit taxpayers anted up $40 million, along with state and county funds, to Mike Illtich to build the stadium.

Comerica Park under construction. City of Detroit taxpayers anted up $40 million, along with state and county funds, to Mike Illtich to build the stadium.

Because the tenants were removed partly through government action, they were entitled to a relocation away that provides compensation in line with their ability to pay. 

If Duggan becomes Mayor, some wonder whether he might drive scores of people out of house and home and use government to create more homelessness. 

During urban renewal cases in the 1960’s, residents claimed that government officials cut services and made conditions so unbearable most people wanted to get out fast. 

One of the residents in the building at the time, Minister Craig Dorsey, said there were violations of the law. 

Logo for Unity in the Community, founded by Sarella Johnson.

Logo for Unity in the Community, founded by Sarella Johnson.

“They broke the faucets and put them in the sink, put the caps off the radiators and shoved them against the wall [shutting off the heat in the winter time, vandalized and toree off the only pay phone in the lobby and took it completely out.” 

Johnson said, “We asked them [the people who did this] who sent them. We were told Mike Duggan.” 

Dorsey and Johnson also said a fire was set in the building. 

Duggan and his campaign officials could not be reached for comment by the time of this writing. However,  Johnson said when confronted at the time Duggan blamed the tenants for the destruction of their own building. 

She said it was unlikely the tenants would destroy the building they lived in for years. Dorsey said the fire was set in a portion of the building that tenants had no access to.

Many tenants of the downtown YMCA were elderly and poor.

Many tenants of the downtown YMCA were elderly and poor.

Both Dorsey and Johnson said they did not allow the tenants to get their belongings out of their room. 

According to the state Tenant Rights Act, people can stay 30 days before eviction is final,* so they can appeal their case in court. Johnson said this state law was blatantly violated. 

Johnson said she paid some of the tenants’ rent, so they could at least take some of their things. Dorsey said some of the money the tenants kept in their rrooms was stolen. 

Mike Duggan lures in woman, elderly like the men evicted from teh YMCA.

Mike Duggan lures in woman, elderly like the men evicted from the YMCA.

Johnson said the tenants were “devastated. 

“Some were unable to speak themselves. I told them there was nothing for them to be ashame of. The older men, who had memories of the Y, were crushed.” 

“This is unAmerican,” she said. “It should not be allowed in this city or this country.” 

Coming across the people in the Y, she said was one of the things that got her involved in city issues. 

Tenants Rights

*VOD editor: What was done to these tenants, if true, was an illegal lock-out. Since I work part-time as a counselor for potentially homeless people, I have become aware of the following:

1.) You have a right to written notice of eviction, given to you by hand. If you have a lease, it must give you 30 days to move. If you rent month to month, it must give you seven days. However, you do not have to move even then.

2) After that period, the landlord must go to the District Court and have a “Notice and Summons” sent to you by the court, which will set a time and date for a hearing.

3) During the hearing, you will come before a judge. You also have the right to a request a jury trial (for a fee). You have a right to legal representation in court.

4) The judge will issue a Judgment telling you what date you have to move by. It will likely be at least ten days from the date of the hearing.

5) After that date expires, the landlord must go BACK to court to have the judge sign a Writ of Eviction.

6) The landlord must then contact the bailiff’s office for eviction. By city ordinance, he must rent a dumpster to put your belongings in.

Unless and until all these steps are taken, the landlord has no legal right to lock you out, turn off your utilities, change your locks, remove your belongings, or physically force you out. If any of this happens, you have the right to call the police to have them intervene (h0pefully—don’t count on it in Detroit).

For further information and to get free legal representation, contact the United Community Housing Coalition Landlord-Tenant Division at 313-963-3310.


http://www2.metrotimes.com/arts/story.asp?id=3504: “Executive Decision” re: Ed McNamara’s dominant role in Wayne County politics. By Curt Guyette

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City workers protest Mayor Dave Bing's earlier move to take over pension systems.

City workers protest Mayor Dave Bing’s earlier move to take over pension systems.

By Ian Suite

August 1, 2013


U.S. Pres. Barack Obama, AG Eric Holder, head of the Justice Department

U.S. Pres. Barack Obama, AG Eric Holder, head of the Justice Department

DETROIT — [Regarding the attack on Detroit’s retirees], where are [U.S. Reps and Senators] Peters, Conyers, Dingell, Levin, Stabenow et. al. in this ?? And you would think the President and the Justice Department would be looking into this and have something of meaning to say to protect these retirants.

Does anyone realize the disastrous socio-economic effect that not keeping whole the current retirees would have on society as a whole ?? Many retirees would lose their homes, maybe their vehicles, have to move in with their children who probably have families of their own, causing them stress and financial burdens they did not expect and should not have. Then there are those retirees who are still caring for and/or raising minor children of their own; and believe me there are more than you think in this position. That has a generational effect too.

City workers and kids at AFSCME picnic on Belle Isle in 2012

City workers and kids at AFSCME picnic on Belle Isle in 2012

And while we are on it, this whole news coverage of the plight of our uniformed employees and retirees is squelching the fact that many other retirees are out here who were civilians belonging to the General System. They are damn important too !!

Let us NOT forget that attendant issues involving the plight of current affairs rest with some other statutes – first is P.A. 312 , the 1969 addendum to the Public Employment Relations Act of 1965 for public employees; which historically until the mid-2000’s has given public safety personnel close to everything they demanded at the bargaining table from an economic perspective. As an example, they didn’t begin paying co-pays for their health insurance until about 2005-6, while the civilian employees started this practice in 1987 !! Astounding!

Ernst & Young, a City of Detroit consultant in the bankruptcy, did the books for Lehman Brothers, whose collapse triggered the 2000 economic meltdown. They are being sued by the states of New York and New Jersey for their role.

Ernst & Young, a City of Detroit consultant in the bankruptcy, did the books for Lehman Brothers, whose collapse triggered the 2000 economic meltdown. They are being sued by the states of New York and New Jersey for their role.

And let’s not vilify the pension boards for this mess ; these bodies were hamstrung in many instances by the statute which governs investment criteria for ALL public pension systems in Michigan, P.A. 314. This statute is arcane and has not kept up with the ‘real-world’ of invetments. And let me add that throughout this statute the State is “exempt” from the stated limitations set forth in the act for particular investment types.

And, then there are the losses connected to the “Market-Crash” of 2007-2008, manipulated as it was , which caused the funds to lose a bit over 1 billion in assets because of Wall St mischief. Where is that money ? Particularly since many of these same money-manipulators were “Bailed-Out” and were major participants in the Global-Crash.

Protest against PA 4 in Lansing April, 2011. Ten thousand participated.

Protest against PA 4 in Lansing April, 2011. Ten thousand participated.

Many of these same entities have recently been involved in International Money Laundering, fixing the LIBOR rates, untold insider trading and God knows what else.
Any attempt to alter retirees’ income would be criminal and societally unacceptable.

P.S. I was around in 1963 when the State Constitution was amended and Article IX Section 24 was put in there, and as a further piece of FACT this provision , along a few others , was written by Theodore Sachs , a pre-eminent Constitutional authority. Unfortunately, he passed away many years ago.

This was written in response to a Detroit Free Press editorial at http://www.freep.com/article/20130801/OPINION01/308010019/.

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Retirees, union members and their supporters protested outside the Coleman A. Young Center July 25, 2013.

Retirees, union members and their supporters protested outside the Coleman A. Young Center July 25, 2013.

 Protest planned outside federal courthouse Fri. Aug. 2, 9 a.m.

Move represents a frontal attack on retirees’ ability to defend pensions

 Pension systems filed counter-motion July 31

State AG Schuette has not filed motion to protect pensions despite promise 

By Diane Bukowski

 July 30, 2013

AFSCME Local 207 officer Laketa Thomas talks with another protester outside the CAYMC July 25, 2013.

AFSCME Local 207 officer Laketa Thomas talks with another protester outside the CAYMC July 25, 2013.

UPDATE: The city’s pension systems filed a “Limited Objection” to Orr’s proposal to replace them with a retirees’ committee. Click on  DB Retirement Systems limited objection to committee for full text.

In brief, the objection makes the following points: 1. The “Retirees Committee” should not be used as a “surrogate” or “straw person” to replace the Retirement Systems. 2. The Retirement Systems have “significant resources” which should not be barred from use on behalf of the retirees. 3. The Retirement Systems object to the City’s role in selecting the retirees as a conflict of interest; they should be selected by the Office of the U.S. Trustee. 4. The committee members should be paid officials. 5. Clark Hill and Greenhill, attorneys for the Retirement Systems, have participated in extensive consultations with the Retirement Systems and have also met with EM Kevyn Orr in negotiations.  5. Orr wants the committee because he claims the Retirement Systems cannot legally bind retirees. However, neither can the Retirement Committee or any other body.  6. Orr’s motion says the Retirees Commitee would be the single representative of the retirees. The Retirement Systems object that this is “an inappropriate attempt to marginalize the Retirement Systems–the city’s two largest creditors. . .in negotiating the protection of benefits . . . and the deprive the participants of the Retirement Systems of the significant resources” the systems can bring to bear.

DETROIT – Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s motion in the city’s bankruptcy case to for U.S. Judge Steven Rhodes to appoint a separate “Retirees Committee” that could replace the city’s elected Pension Boards will be heard this Friday, Aug. 2, 2013 at 10 a.m. 

David Sole, a city retiree with the newly formed “Stop the Theft of Our Pensions Committee” (STOP) said they and others plan to protest at 9 a.m. outside the federal courthouse at 231 W. Lafayette in downtown Detroit. 

Orr wants the newly-concocted committee to represent all 23,500 city retirees.

Snyder is interviewed after repeal of Public Act 4.

Snyder is interviewed after repeal of Public Act 4.

“There is still a request in front of the bankruptcy judge to appoint a creditor’s committee that will include retirees, so they will be the party that will really be representing retirees,” Michigan Governor Rick Snyder told Channel 7 in an earlier interview, making it clear that he and Orr want to eliminate the role of the pension funds in dealing with the bankruptcy.

Such a committee would not have the financial resources or expertise to fight what Orr and Snyder have made clear is their intent to raid retirees’ pensions. 

The Detroit General Retirement System (DGRS) and the Detroit Police and Fire Retirement System (DPFRS) have set aside “war chests” to defend retirees in the bankruptcy case. They filed lawsuits at the state level and are currently intervening in the bankruptcy proceedings. 

Bankruptcy attorney Robert Gordon of Clark Hill

Bankruptcy attorney Robert Gordon of Clark Hill

“The Michigan State Constitution provides protection for accrued pension benefits,” bankruptcy attorney Robert Gordon of Clark Hill, representing the pension systems, argued during the first bankruptcy case hearing July 24. He said Michigan Governor Rick Snyder thereby had no authority to authorize the bankruptcy filing, since he is sworn to uphold the state Constitution.

“The Governor cannot unilaterally abrogate the constitution. He is seeking to do indirectly what he can’t do directly,” Gordon said. 

Article 9, Sec. 24 of the Michigan Constitution explicitly forbids “diminishing or impairing” public pension benefits. 

The pension funds also argued earlier in their state lawsuit that the current “Emergency Manager” act, PA 436, binds any Emergency Manager as well to comply with Art. 9 Section 24.

Detroit firefighters protest bankruptcy filing outside court July 24, 2013.

Detroit firefighters protest bankruptcy filing outside court July 24, 2013.

Jones Day, the city’s consultant, argues in Orr’s motion that the boards “have no authority to amend the terms of the Retirement Systems and pension plans.” They say the authority lies with the city through amendments of the City Code, and thereby with Orr. 

The motion cites Detroit City Code § 47-4-4 (“The City reserves the right to amend . . . the Plans created hereunder at any time; such amendments may include termination of the Plan.”) Click on DB retirees committee motion to read full motion. Also click on DB 8 2 13 order to read agenda for Aug. 2 hearing.

The motion also argues that both pension funds are funded at levels lower than those reported by their actuary, Gabriel, Roeder and Smith. Milliman, Inc., hired by the city last year as a consultant, has made those contentions in unpublished reports. Under Public Act 436, Orr can remove one or all the elected trustees of the pension boards  if that is the case. 

Protest at CAYMC July 25, 2013.

Protest at CAYMC July 25, 2013.

Detroit’s case is unique among others in the country because it is being brought by an unelected official, Orr, with no accountability to the people, in a federal forum where there are no federal statutes protecting public pensions. 

San Bernadino Mayor Pat Morris has opposed cuts to pensions as well as privatization during bankruptcy proceedings.

San Bernadino Mayor Pat Morris has opposed cuts to pensions as well as privatization during bankruptcy proceedings.

In the Stockton, California Chapter 9 bankruptcy case, the California Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) has been able to preserve public pensions in negotiations with the elected governments involved, while making concessions on health care. In San Bernadino, California, city officials there also held out against pension reductions.

Some union officials including Ed McNeil of AFSCME Council 25 and Dan McNamara of the Detroit Firefighters Association have misconstrued the gravity of Rhodes’ ruling, claiming it is better to be in the federal courts rather than the reactionary state courts.

USDEM Chief Judge Gerald Rosen.

USDEM Chief Judge Gerald Rosen.

After the hearing, McNeil proclaimed it a victory to retirees outside, despite the fact that AFSCME Council 25’s attorney Sharon Levine argued strenuously against the bankruptcy filing in court just hours earlier.

Judge Rhodes’ background is murky, but it is not likely that he will be any less reactionary than the state courts. He appointed U.S. District Court of Eastern Michigan Chief Judge Gerald Rosen as a mediator in the case. Rosen is a member of the arch-conservative Federalist Society. Before his appointment to the bench by President George W. Bush, he worked with Miller Canfield.

That is a likely conflict of interest, since Miller Canfield is also representing the city (i.e. Kevyn Orr) in the bankruptcy filing.

A representative for Gordon said he will be filing appropriate motion(s) on behalf of the funds before Friday to protect the pension boards, but that he cannot talk to the media until after the actions are filed. She said he takes the matter very seriously. 

DWSD workers including Local 207 VP Mike Mulholland at right during July 25 protest.

DWSD workers including Local 207 VP Mike Mulholland at right during July 25 protest.

At a luncheon held by the Detroit Retired City Employees Association July 20, retirees were recruited to sign up for representation on some form of committee, according to several attendees. In his motion, Orr suggested that retiree associations do so. 

On their website, DRCEA President Shirley Lightsey has posted a letter she sent to Orr in March asking to meet with him. She says in the letter that the DRCEA has 6500 members. Lightsey letter to Orr.

“As you can certainly imagine, retirees and beneficiaries are fearful of what may happento their pensions and medical coverage as you try to find ways to correct the financial problems of the City of Detroit,” Lightsey wrote. “We are the liaison to many of those that will be affected by your decisions; and, I feel it would be helpful and informative if you would agree to meet with myself and several Officers of the DRCEA. We understand the challenges you face and the very difficult decisions you will be required to make going forward; however, we feel it is important for us to discuss with you the very serious impact any changes will have on all retirees and beneficiaries. 

“If you agree to meet, we appreciate having the opportunity to share our concerns andallowing an open dialogue before you finalize your decisions and recommendations.” 

Detroit's Water and Sewerage Dept. will be taken over under bankruptcy if Orr wins.

Detroit’s Water and Sewerage Dept. will be taken over under bankruptcy if Orr wins.

The federal bankruptcy court website lists Attorney Ryan Plecha as representing both the DRCEA and the Detroit Retired Police and Firefighters Association (DRPFA) in the case.

Don Taylor, President of the DRPFA, earlier told another station, “Most of the retirees live on a fixed income and their pension is all they have because the city of Detroit opted out of social security so the retirees only have their pensions. They are worried right now.”

His organization represents 6,000 retirees.

Taylor is listed with Lightsey as one of the intervenors represented by Plecha on the court website. 

Lightsey was contacted by email for further information, but had not responded before this story went to press. 

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette

In related news, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s much publicized pledge July 26 that he would file a motion July 29 to defend retirees’ constitutional rights to their pensions did not materialize. As of July 30, no such motion had been filed according to the court’s website. Schuette only filed an appearance, although he was already represented at the July 24 hearing. 

VOD earlier contacted Schuette’s press representative Joy Yearout for a copy of Schuette’s release cited in the Detroit News and Free Press, but to date has not received a response. 

Orr additionally pledged in the daily media that he will not cut retirees’ pensions or health care benefits for six months, but did not cite what provision under the Bankruptcy Code allows him to make such a pledge. 

Some retirees have said they feel Schuette and Orr are stringing them along to prevent an all-out fightback.

To contact STOP, the Stop the Theft of Our Pensions Committee,” call 313-680-5508 or go to www.moratorium-mi.org. Meetings of the Moratorium Now Coalition, which initiated STOP, are held every Monday at 7 pm at 5920 Second near Wayne State University. 

Watch VOD for further updates on this matter, and on the fast-tracking of the bankruptcy filing.

Tranformers 4 is shooting in downtown Detroit at this site near Clifford and Bagley.

Tranformers 4 is shooting in downtown Detroit at this site near Clifford and Bagley.

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