Former DMC CEO Mike Duggan announcing sale of DMC to Nashville-based for-profit company Vanguard Health Systems. Vanguard recently laid off hundreds of DMC workers as it has done at other hospitals it owns across the country. In June, Tenet Health Care bought the debt-riddled Vanguard for $1.8 billion, announcing it plans more "cost-reduction" efforts.

Former DMC CEO Mike Duggan announcing sale of DMC to Nashville-based for-profit company Vanguard Health Systems. Vanguard recently laid off hundreds of DMC workers as it has done at other hospitals it owns across the country. In June, Tenet Health Care bought the debt-riddled Vanguard for $1.8 billion, announcing it plans more “cost-reduction” efforts. Photo: Diane Bukowski


Barrow says: unlawful candidacy violates election law, use of sample ballot illegal

Appeals Court places D. Etta Wilcoxson back on ballot, deals Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey 5th straight loss

JULY 9, 2013

From Mayoral Candidate Tom Barrow’s campaign

DETROIT (July 9) — The already uphill write-in campaign of former mayoral candidate Mike Duggan was likely dealt a fatal blow late last evening when a legal challenge was filed in the Wayne County Circuit Court by Detroit mayoral candidate Tom Barrow.

Mayoral candidates Tom Barrow and Krystal Crittendon at rally against appointment of Emergency Manager for Detroit..

Mayoral candidates Tom Barrow and Krystal Crittendon at rally against appointment of Emergency Manager for Detroit..

Joined by activist Robert Davis, the suit alleges that Duggan’s write-in candidacy is illegal and violates both the Court of Appeals and the Circuit Court’s recent decisions which held him ineligible to be a candidate in the August 6th Primary Election.

Barrow is also seeking a Temporary Restraining Order prohibiting the Duggan campaign from going any further and ending its advertising blitz which illegally instructs voters by using a sample ballot in violation of Michigan law at MCL 168.718.

In legal documents, Barrow cited Judge Lita M. Popke’s decision in Barrow v. Detroit Board of Elections, which removed Duggan from the August 6th ballot which, according to Barrow, also barred him from the primary ballot in any form. Barrow also claimed that he is violating state law in the illegal use of the official ballot. The actions effectively end any Mike Duggan campaign until November.

Candidate for City Clerk D. Etta Wilcoxson/ Photo Diane Bukowski

Candidate for City Clerk D. Etta Wilcoxson/ Photo Diane Bukowski

In a separate decision late yesterday, Winfrey lost again in the Court of Appeals which made short shrift of a desperate attempt to keep her strongest opponent, D. Etta Wilcoxon, off of the August 6th ballot after a Wayne County Circuit Court had ordered Winfrey to place Wilcoxin back onto the ballot. The appeals court decision makes it permanent.

Barrow stated “In less than 30 days Janice Winfrey has been admonished by eight judges including two from the Wayne County Circuit Court and two different Courts of Appeals losing every time on baseless ministerial legal maneuvers normally routinely handled by City Clerks all over Michigan thus wasting precious tax payer dollars.”

“In light of the 2009 debacle in which 60,00 ballots could not be recounted for which no one was held accountable and now these repeated rebukes, I now make a clarion call for the immediate resignation of City Clerk Winfrey as no city clerk in the history of the city has been admonished so many times and by so many different courts and judges. No one this unprofessional should be allowed to oversee the city’s election process,” demanded Barrow.

Barrow's co-litigant Robert Davis.

Barrow’s co-litigant Robert Davis.

Barrow is also seeking to have the court halt Duggan’s unauthorized use of the official ballot (to instruct voters on how to write-in his name) in violation of state law and lacking the proper restrictive language and form, ordering that all media material containing it be destroyed or deleted immediately.

“Once again, Mike Duggan has violated the law and multiple Judges’  orders, in attempt to illegally advance a candidacy that was ended weeks ago,” said Barrow, 64. “Lawlessness by city officials is at an unprecedented all time high and we must stop these folk who just ignore our rules and our laws.”

Along with Judge Popke’s order forbidding his candidacy, Duggan is also in violation of MCL 168.718 which bars anyone from using the official ballot without permission of the Elections Commission. The Statute that describes Duggan’s latest violation reads as follows:

MCL 168.718 Official ballots; printer, acts prohibited; instruction ballots, printing.

“It shall not be lawful for…any person other than the board of election commissioners….to print, or cause or permit to be printed, any ballots in any other form than the one prescribed by this act, or with any other name thereon, or with the names misspelled, or the names, devices or designs therein arranged in any other way than that authorized and directed by the said board of election commissioners; but it shall be lawful for said board of election commissioners and upon its authorization for the chairman and candidates named on the official ballots to procure any number of facsimiles thereof to be printed on red, yellow or blue paper and to circulate the same for the purpose of the instruction of voters. Said colored facsimiles shall have printed at the head the words “Instruction Ballot”.

When Duggan held a news conference to reverse his decision not to run as a write-in, he used a magnified version of the official ballot illegally. His subsequent literature, television and radio commercials all illegally use the city’s official ballot.

Call 'em Out members sit-in at City Clerk Janice Winfrey's office March 22, 2010 to demand her resignation in the wake of 2009 election irregularities exposed by Tom Barrow.

Call ’em Out members sit-in at City Clerk Janice Winfrey’s office March 22, 2010 to demand her resignation in the wake of 2009 election irregularities exposed by Tom Barrow.

“This should be an election about the future of Detroit, but Duggan and his attorneys continue to advance a candidacy in spite of the law, abetted by a seemingly rogue City Clerk,” said Barrow.

“Sadly our City Clerk has continually violated the Charter, state laws and a Judge’s order all to advance the candidacy of one person” stated Barrow, “the natural question is why? What motivates an elected official to so starkly violate her oath leading to a rebuff by eight different judges in less than one month”?

“It is unfair in a city which has a Corporation Counsel, a new Police Chief, an Inspector General, a Mayor and a City Council, all of whom should be looking into the illegal behavior of the City Clerk. It must never again be the duty of citizens to expend resources to prevent clearly routine and blatant illegal behavior,” declared Barrow.

Tom Barrow for MayorCONTACT: Tom Barrow, 313-922-7769 – Option 4

TEXT: Keyword “BARROW” to 313131


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July 4 -- Protesters at EM Kevyn Orr's residence, the Westin Book Cadillac, demand independence for Detroit, end to Orr, Roy Roberts dictatorships.

July 4 — Protesters at EM Kevyn Orr’s residence, the Westin Book Cadillac, demand independence for Detroit, end to Orr, Roy Roberts dictatorships.

Protesters start boycott of Orr’s residence the Westin Book Cadillac, ask supporters to call hotel at 313-442-1600  

By Diane Bukowski 

DETROIT – Prominent Detroit activists descended on Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s current home at the West Book Cadillac July 4 to demand independence for their city and school district, and others in Michigan, most recently Hamtramck. They also called for the eviction of “Dictator” Orr not only from city government but from the swank hotel. 

Richard Clay is interviewed by Channel 4, which featured the protest on its noon news.

Richard Clay is interviewed by Channel 4, which featured the protest on its noon news.

“These hostile takeovers are illegal, immoral and unconstitutional,” Richard Clay of the Coalition for Independence for Detroit declared. “All across the state, people voted NO to dictatorships when they repealed Public Act 4. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and Republican legislators put a new bill through in the lame duck session in December. Democrats and the Black bourgeoisie in Detroit, Mayor Dave Bing, City Council members, and many ministers have done absolutely nothing to stop this.” 

Kevyn Orr with tool of trade.

Kevyn Orr with tool of trade.

One of the protesters announced there will be another demonstration against the pending EM takeover of the City of Hamtramck on Mon. July 8 at 8 a.m. on Woodward Avenue. No further details were given. 

Clay said the July 4 protest and a call for a boycott of the Book Cadillac, where Orr stays in an expensive suite, are the beginning of a new movement. 

“We’re coming together to celebrate a NEW fight for independence,” he said. “The Westin Book Cadillac is harboring a criminal, and until they oust him, we are asking people not to stay here. We also want them not to attend events here and refuse to host any as well. We say to Kevyn Orr—your time is running out long before your statutory 18 months.” 

Protesters marched for one and a half hours.

Protesters marched for one and a half hours.

Public Act 436, which replaced PA4, allows emergency managers to stay for 18 months, but Governor Snyder can extend that time if he wants.  The act also mandates a state-controlled “transition” period after the EM leaves. Orr has announced that he plans sales or takeovers of major Detroit assets including the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, the third largest in the country, and Belle Isle, the largest public island park in the U.S. He also wants to eliminate 40 percent of Detroit’s street lights, and make major cuts to other services. 

Orr claimed June 14 that he is ceasing payment on the city’s debt to many creditors in exchange. In fact, most of the city’s corporate creditors will be paid by their insurers. Instead of investigating criminal acts by those corporate creditors, Orr has instead announced an investigation of the city’s public pension funds. 

Detroit leaders denounce Supreme Court decision in Shelby Co. v. Holder June 28. Councilwoman JoAnn Watson speaks.

Detroit leaders denounce Supreme Court decision in Shelby Co. v. Holder June 28. Councilwoman JoAnn Watson speaks.

Three federal lawsuits filed against Orr’s appointment by union members, the Detroit NAACP and others will be heard Aug. 8 in front of U.S. District Court Judge   Steeh, according to Attorney Butch Hollowell, who represents the NAACP. He spoke at a gathering of Detroit leaders June 28, called together by Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, to denounce the U.S. Supreme Court decision gutting part of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County, Ala. v. Holder. 

Elder Helen Moore leads picket line.

Elder Helen Moore leads picket line.

The July 4 protest drew Detroit School Board members Elena Herrada and Rev. David Murray, Elder Helen Moore of the Keep the Vote No Takeover Coalition founded in 1999 to combat the takeover of Detroit Public Schools, City Council candidate Monica Patrick and her supporters including members of Free Detroit No Consent, and Aliya Moore,     president of the parents’ organization for Oakman Elementary School, which faces closures. 

They chanted “No More Orr!” and What do we want—Freedom—When do we want it—NOW!” They also sang civil rights songs, including “Oh Freedom,” varying the lyrics:

“Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom over me . . . . No more dictators, no more dictators, no more dictators over me
And before I’ll be a slave I’ll be buried in a my grave
And go home to my Lord and be free.” 

Council candidate Patrick said she and her group have been out every day in the city’s neighborhoods, including the Martin Luther King homes. One of the city’s dailies just published an article decrying crime there, but Patrick painted a different picture. 

City Council at large candidate Monica Patrick pickets vs. Orr July 4.

City Council at large candidate Monica Patrick pickets vs. Orr July 4.

“People are hurting, and are very much aware of their disenfranchisement,” Patrick said. “But there is a major disconnect in terms of communication about protests and lawsuits that are going on to stop this attack. The Mayor has already taken away the Health Department, Workforce Development, and Human Services, and the people are feeling the effects of those losses. It is going to get worse under Orr. This is nothing but Third World devastation in our city.” 

Elder Moore said, “There is no reason to celebrate the Fourth of July, because Detroit is not free, we have no democracy. Our school system has been practically destroyed by state takeovers. We are crying out today for freedom for our people, Black, white, and Latino. We don’t do second-class citizenship very well.” 

She called Orr’s bus tour of Detroit’s devastated neighborhoods for its corporate creditors, which he has set for July 10, “ludicrous.” 

“We all know personally that the destruction of our schools and the theft of our homes by the banks caused Detroiters’ destitution,” Moore said. “The bankers have no solutions—they only want to make it worse.” 

Aliya Moore, Oakman Elementary parents group president, speaks at rally.

Aliya Moore (r), Oakman Elementary parents group president, speaks at rally.

Aliya Moore, president of the parents’ organization at Oakman Elementary School, spoke passionately about the need to stop its closure, recently announced by DPS EM Roy Roberts.

Richard Clay calls hotel to announce boycott; Detroit School Board member Elena Herrada is at right.

Richard Clay calls hotel to announce boycott; Detroit School Board member Elena Herrada is at right.

“He wants to move our children to Noble, which already has 550 students, and to Henderson, which has 915,” Moore said. “Our children are special needs students, with ailments like spina bifida, seizures, and sickle cell. Some have colostomy bags and others have to wear diapers. This school was built in 1928 for them, with handrails, full-time nurses, speech therapists and other specialists.” 

Detroit city retiree Carrie Williams, formerly a staff representative for AFSCME Council 25, and her husband, a UAW retiree, who now live in Henderson, Nevada, were staying at the hotel while touring the country to visit relatives.  They stopped to discuss the issues with the protesters and expressed their strong support.

Detroit city retiree and union rep Carrie Williams (center) with husband at her left, speak with protesters.

Detroit city retiree and union rep Carrie Williams (center) with husband at her left, speak with protesters.

Detroit City Council Candidate Monica Patrick’s website is at http://monicacares.com/.

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Kevyn Orr at news conference/Reuters

Kevyn Orr at news conference/Reuters

Orr wants $11 million a month released; about $170 million a year

Moratorium NOW, Voice of Detroit calling instead for cancellation of predatory billions in related debt to UBS AG and BOA

Sign petition to Justice Dept. for investigation of predatory UBS AG $1.5 billion POC loan

By Diane Bukowski

July 6, 2013

DETROIT —  Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr trumpeted July 5 that the city has won a “temporary restraining order” forcing U.S. Bank NA to release $11 million a month in casino taxes. According to the Wall Street Journal, this is part of his strategy to negotiate a deal with UBS AG and Bank of America Merrill Lynch to pay them 70 cents on the dollar for a related $340 million secured loan.  Orr thus left the impression that he is going to war against the banks, at the same time he is attacking the city’s pension funds and other assets worth billions more.

Moratorium NOW! protests Orr's meeting with creditors June 14, 2013.

Moratorium NOW! protests Orr’s meeting with creditors June 14, 2013.

The Moratorium NOW Coalition and the Voice of Detroit are calling instead for the complete cancellation of the related $1.5 BILLION pension obligation certificates (POC) loan from UBS AG and Siebert, Brandford and Shank brokered in 2005 by the city, plus billions more  in penalties, swap agreements including those with BOA, and Wall Street ratings downgrades.

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Annette Berry temporarily granted the city’s request for release of the casino taxes during a hearing July 5. She ordered that US Bank NA’s insurer Syncora must “show cause” at a hearing July 26 before Judge Jeanne Stempien why the injunction should not become permanent.

Brogan Orr vulture“Syncora was interfering with the city’s ability to restructure,” emergency manager Orr said in published remarks. The city’s lawsuit says, “Syncora has asserted rights it does not have over collateral it does not need for the purpose of holding the City hostage for ransom.”

The Wall Street Journal reported July 5, “The city sees the insurer as a roadblock to a proposed deal to pay UBS AG and Bank of America Merrill Lynch more than 70 cents on the dollar on nearly $340 million in secured debt, according to people familiar with the matter. In exchange, the city would get back $11 million a month in tax revenue from the city’s three casinos originally used as collateral to back the debt.”

Moratorium NOW demands cancellation of Detrot debt to the banks May 9, 2012 after protesting at BOA.

Moratorium NOW demands cancellation of Detrot debt to the banks May 9, 2012 after protesting at BOA.

The WSJ article adds, “Mr. Orr has said Detroit needs significant and fundamental debt relief to shore up the city’s finances and avoid bankruptcy.” To read full WSJ article, click on Detroit Sues Bond Insurer Amid Effort to Reach Deal With Creditors WSJ 7 5 13.

Orr admitted in his “Proposal to Creditors” June 14 that ‘The City has identified certain issues related to the validity and/or enforceability of the COPS that may warrant further investigation.” COPS, or Certificates of Participation, is another term which refers to the POC loan.

 Sign petitionVoice of Detroit is calling for a federal investigation of the questionable circumstances under which the loan was negotiated, and has initiated a petition to the U.S. Justice Department at http://www.change.org/petitions/jeffrey-knox-usdoj-criminal-fraud-division-investigate-criminal-bank-ubs-ag-for-predatory-1-5-billion-loan-to-detroit.

Among various possibly criminal improprieties involved in the loan: then Detroit CFO Sean Werdlow took a top position with SBS shortly after the deal, and Wall Street ratings agencies Standard and Poor’s and Fitch came to the table to push for the loan, a blatant conflict of interest. The USDOJ has sued both UBS and Standard and Poor’s for fraudulent practices. It won a $1.5 Billion settlement from UBS and is suing S & P for $5 billion.

Meanwhile, Orr said he plans to take 25 of the city’s bank and insurance creditors on a D-DOT bus tour of the devastated neighborhoods of Detroit July 10, allegedly to pressure them to agree to lower their terms for debt repayment.

Abayomi Azikiwe, aof Moratorium NOW!, said earlier that the same banks are responsible for the condition of those neighborhoods.

Get on this bus instead!

Get on this bus instead!

“The banks destroyed the City of Detroit by foreclosing over 150,000 families in seven years,” Azikiwe said during a protest June 6 outside Greater Grace Temple, the site of Orr’s no-show public meeting. “They wreaked havoc and destroyed our tax base and our neighborhoods. We must have the complete elimination of fraudulent bank deals with the City. We don’t have decent buses, street lights and streets. Our schools are closed. The future holds nothing but more austerity and destruction. We built this city. We must demand no more payments to the banks.”

Related articles:








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Posted July 5, 10 A.M. by Christina Coleman for Global Grind Staff

After two weeks of intense testimony from witnesses, the state is expected to rest their case in the George Zimmerman second-degree murder trial and today the prosecution’s first witness was Sybrina Fulton, who when asked to identify her sons, strongly testified:

“My youngest son is Trayvon Benjamin Martin. He’s in heaven.”

Fulton went on to state that the screams heard on the 911 call are most certainly Trayvon Martin’s and furthermore and more highlights from the testimony include:

– Sabryna identifies Trayvon by telling court about his tattoos. Trayvon had two tattoos, praying hands and “my name” on his left wrist. The teenager was right-handed.

– Bernie de la Rionda plays the 911 tape with screams in the background. Asked if she can identify the screaming. “Yes, it’s Trayvon Benjamin Martin.”

– During cross examination, O’Mara tells Fulton that he’s sorry for her loss. BDLR objects.

– O’Mara questions Fulton about the first time she heard the tape. It was revealed that she wasn’t prepared for the screams when she first heard the tape with Trayvon’s father, Jahvaris Fulton, family lawyers, and mayor.

– O’Mara asks Fulton a series of questions about “hope.” She replies, “I don’t hope for anything.”

– During redirect, Fulton tells BDLR that what she hoped was that Trayvon was still here, alive.

Trayvon Martin’s brother, Jahvaris Fulton, also took the stand this morning. For more updates and livestream of the trial, click here and watch Sybrina’s heartbreaking testimony in the video above.

Read more: http://globalgrind.com/news/trayvon-martins-mother-sybrina-fulton-testimony-murder-trial-video#ixzz2YBVtqvt3

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Members of Kevin Carey's family who traveled from all over the U.S. for his homegoing ceremony: (l t r) cousin Torence Carey, sister Malanna Carey, sister Dr. Latanya Carey-Ledford, Bryant Carey, niece Danielle Ledford.

Members of Kevin Carey’s family who traveled from all over the U.S. for his homegoing ceremony: (l t r) cousin Torence Carey, sister Malanna Carey, sister Dr. Latanya Carey-Ledford, Bryant Carey, niece Danielle Ledford.

By Diane Bukowski

June 22, 2013

Kevin's friend Michael Harris, incarcerated for life. Harris was a co-founder of the People's Task Force.

Kevin’s friend Michael Harris, incarcerated for life. Harris was a co-founder of the People’s Task Force.

DETROIT — Members of Detroit Kevin Carey’s family traveled from all over the U.S. to join with dozens of Detroiters who fought in the trenches with Kevin for his people and all the oppressed for decades. During the memorial ceremony held at the James H. Cole Northwest Chapel, many took the mike to pay emotional, heartfelt and militant tributes to their friend.

Kevin passed away June 11, after a long battle with various illnesses. His friends and family said despite those illnesses, he kept on in the struggle. One friend said he told Kevin, who corresponded with and advocated for prisoners throughout Michigan, that there were 48,000 incarcerated in the state. He said he asked him whether he was going to fight for every one of them. Kevin responded with a firm “YES,” he said.

KCarey obit_0001

KCarey obit_0002

Kimberly Green protests Detroit EM Kevyn Orr's meeting with creditors at Wayne Metro airport June 14, 2013.

Kimberly Green protests Detroit EM Kevyn Orr’s meeting with creditors at Wayne Metro airport June 14, 2013.

Kevin’s obituary was read by his friend Kimberly Green. Green worked with Kevin on the Detroit People’s Task Force, set up several years ago by prisoners and their families to free those wrongfully incarcerated due to hundreds of errors made by Detroit’s crime lab. The crime lab scandal was broadly publicized in the daily media, as were protests led by the People’s Task Force. Eventually, the Task Force took on the cases of other prisoners as well, with the assistance of its legal staff Cornell Squires and Leonard Eston.

Marilyn Jordan demands freedom for her son Kelly Nobles during Task Force rally June 17, 2011.

Marilyn Jordan demands freedom for her son Kelly Nobles during Task Force rally June 17, 2011.

Along with Squires, Task Force President Marilyn Jordan was moved to tears when recounting the dedicated work Kevin did on behalf of prisoners. They included Jordan’s  son Kelly Nobles, incarcerated in 2002 on crime lab evidence Jordan says was falsified. Nobles just missed the deadline Worthy set for going back to review evidence in questioned cases.

Many spoke personally of Kevin’s warmth and caring for people, his sense of humor, his love for movies and the Detroit Tigers. Kevin’s father was a medical doctor in Detroit at a time when there was severe discrimination against Black doctors. His sister Dr. LaTanya Carey-Ledford, who coordinated the funeral ceremonies, carried on the family tradition. She said she graduated from Wayne State University’s Medical School and later practiced for many years at Detroit Receiving Hospital, then known as Detroit General before it was privatized in 1980.

Nelson Mandela, leader of South Africa and the ANC.

Nelson Mandela, leader of South Africa and the ANC.

Jerry Goldberg of Workers World Party recalled that Kevin worked on the campaign to free Nelson Mandela decades ago, before Mandela’s name was widely known. Members of the African National Congress came to Detroit for events Kevin and others planned, Goldberg said. Mandela is close to death himself now, after 28 years of incarceration by the apartheid South African regime, his victorious release, and his tenure as president of South Africa afterwards.

The chapel minister was visibly moved by the stirring tributes paid to Kevin, many of which exceeded the two-minute limit listed on the program. He concluded the ceremony with a comforting statement that even though warriors like Kevin may not live to see victory from their battles, they will live on when victories are achieved.KCarey obit_0003

 KCarey obit_0004

After the ceremony at James H. Cole Chapel, Kevin’s family and friends joined to celebrate his life at the Detroit headquarters of Workers World Party at 5920 Second. It was several hours before they finished getting to know each other, and reminiscing about Kevin’s life and love for the people.

Related articles:





Related article by Michael Harris, one of the prisoners Kevin Carey corresponded with:


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PREDATORY LENDING: Jan. 31, 2004: Wall Street ratings agenices reps Joe O’Keefe of Fitch Ratings (speaking), and Stephen Murphy of Standard and Poor’s (to his left), foistied $1.5 BILLION loan on city of Detroit. Also shown in photo (l) then Detroit CFO Sean Werdlow, who left the Kilpatrick administation later that year to take a job with UBS ‘minority partner Siebert, Brandford & Shank as managing director, and (r) then Deputy Mayor Anthony Adams. Photo by Diane Bukowski

PREDATORY LENDING: Jan. 31, 2004: Wall Street ratings agenices reps Joe O’Keefe of Fitch Ratings (speaking), and Stephen Murphy of Standard and Poor’s (to his left), foistied $1.5 BILLION loan on city of Detroit. Also shown in photo (l) then Detroit CFO Sean Werdlow, who left the Kilpatrick administation later that year to take a job with UBS ‘minority partner Siebert, Brandford & Shank as managing director, and (r) then Deputy Mayor Anthony Adams. Photo by Diane Bukowski


 VOD requested investigation by USDOJ, no response yet

By Diane Bukowski

July 3, 2013

UBS CEO Sergio Ermatti

UBS CEO Sergio Ermatti

Voice of Detroit has submitted the following request to the U.S. Department of Justice for a criminal fraud investigation related to the 2005 $1.5 Billion Pension Obligation Certificates loan to the City of Detroit from bankers UBS AG and Siebert, Brandford and Shank. UBS AG has already paid $1.5 billion in fines to the USDOJ related to the LIBOR interest-rate rigging scandal. Additionally, executives from UBS/Japan have been criminally charged. The events detailed in this letter are similar to those which forced Chase Bank to forego 70 percent of the debt owed to it by Jefferson County, Alabama in their Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing. To date, we have received no response.

We have started a petition on Change.Org at http://www.change.org/petitions/jeffrey-knox-usdoj-criminal-fraud-division-investigate-criminal-bank-ubs-ag-for-predatory-1-5-billion-loan-to-detroit. Please click link and sign.

Jeffrey Knox, Chief USDOJ Criminal Fraud Division

Jeffrey Knox, Chief USDOJ Criminal Fraud Division

Jeffrey Knox/Denis J. McInerney, Chief Fraud Section and Daniel Braun, Deputy Chief

June 26, 2013

U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division Fraud Section
Bond Building, 4th Floor
10th and Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001


To Mr. Knox/McInerney and Mr. Braun, or others currently in place in the Fraud Section of the US DOJ Criminal Division:

I have reviewed your documents on the USDOJ website relating to agreements between the U.S. Department of Justice and UBS AG/UBS Japan, regarding the $1.5 billion fine exacted from UBS and criminal prosecutions of its executives, related to criminal fraud charges.

Former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and CFO Sean Werdlow.

Former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and CFO Sean Werdlow.

I am requesting, both as a newspaper editor and as a City of Detroit retiree who may have been adversely affected by possible criminal fraud perpetrated by UBS AG on the City of Detroit and its investors nationally, that your division launch an investigation into the following matters:

  1. On Jan. 31, 2005, the UBS AG and its minority partner, Siebert, Brandford & Shank, now known as SBS Financial, came to the Detroit City Council to obtain approval of a so-called “Pension Obligation Certificates” loan in the amount of $1.2 billion. The City Council approved that loan the next month after considerable controversy.
  2. At the time, Detroit’s Mayor was Kwame Kilpatrick, now serving time due to federal charges on other matters, and its Chief Financial Officer was Sean Werdlow. Werdlow was at the Council table advocating for the loan on behalf of Kilpatrick. Later that year, Sean Werdlow took a top manager position with Siebert, Brandford and Shank (now SBS Financial). He remains in that position to date.
    Standard and Poor's staff rings in Wall Street day.
    Standard and Poor’s staff rings in Wall Street day.
  3. Also at the City Council table advocating for the loan were Stephen Murphy of Standard & Poor’s and Joe O’Keefe of Fitch Ratings. They essentially backed the administration’s position that if the loan did not go through, the city would face massive lay-offs, and that its bond ratings would be downgraded. I am aware that the Justice Department has also sued Standard & Poor’s in another matter.
  4. In 2009, the City of Detroit defaulted on that loan, after the global economic collapse of 2008. To avoid paying the loan in total, its then Mayor Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. agreed to have the taxes collected from the city’s three casinos routed through a trustee, U.S. Bank NA, to ensure payment of the debt.  I am not aware of any reports issued by U.S. Bank NA recounting how it has distributed those funds. I am aware that the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed suit against U.S. Bank NA in another matter related to the collapse of Peregrine Financial.
    Kevyn Orr, Detroit EM
    Kevyn Orr, Detroit EM
  5. On June 14, 2013, City of Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr announced deliberate non-payment of $39.7 million due on the UBS loan that day. In a “Proposal to Creditors” issued that day, Mr. Orr stated, The City has identified certain issues related to the validity and/or enforceability of the COPS that may warrant further investigation,”  referring to the UBS AG loan as “Certificates of Participation,” another term for “Pension Obligation Certificates.” Standard and Poor’s and the other ratings agencies further downgraded the City’s bond ratings to the lowest of any major city in the country, creating further harm to the City and its investors 

    Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., right, and Lanny A. Breuer, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, announce criminal charges against two UBS traders.

    Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., right, and Lanny A. Breuer, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, announce criminal charges against two UBS traders.

Since the U.S. Justice Department, Criminal Fraud Division has found UBS guilty of fraud related to the LIBOR scandal (which likely also affects the City of Detroit), I am requesting that your office launch an investigation into:

  • UBS AG’s actions in the City of Detroit Pension Obligation Certificates loan.
  • The related actions of City officials including Kwame Kilpatrick and Sean Werdlow.
  • The actions of Standard and Poor’s and Fitch in advocating for that loan, which appear to have constituted a gross conflict of interest.
  • The actions of Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr and the city’s “debt re-structuring” consultants, the Jones Day law firm, in deliberately withholding payment on the UBS loan as part of an overall strategy outlined in their Proposal to Creditors. 

I have attached or linked various articles and documents related to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in an expeditious manner. My contact information is below. 


Diane Bukowski

Editor, Voice of Detroit, LLC

City of Detroit retiree

Attached: Linked articles as below

















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Christina Livingston, a supporter of people who had lost their homes to foreclosure, or have been battling banks over loan modification, reacts to cheers from fellow protesters as she is arrested outside a Chase bank branch in downtown Los Angeles Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010.  Police arrested 22 protesters who blocked the doors to the bank in acts of civil disobedience.  (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

Christina Livingston, a supporter of people who had lost their homes to foreclosure, or have been battling banks over loan modification, reacts to cheers from fellow protesters as she is arrested outside a Chase bank branch in downtown Los Angeles Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010. Police arrested 22 protesters who blocked the doors to the bank in acts of civil disobedience. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

VOD ED. NOTE: Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr announced a phony “debt moratorium” on the city’s creditors June 14, 2013. As explained in an earlier VOD article, these creditors are for the most part insured, as part of their loan agreements, at the city’s cost. Insurance companies will pay whatever Orr declares a “moratorium” on, such as the $37.9 million due to UBS AG on the $1.5 Billion pension obligation certificate (POC) loan he withheld June 14. The article below explains that Deutsche Bank will not lose out either in the $10 million lawsuit settlement with Los Angeles over foreclosues.)

By Edvard Pettersson – Jun 28, 2013 9:05 PM ET

Bloomberg News

Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) said servicers and securitization trusts will pay Los Angeles $10 million in a settlement of a lawsuit that had accused the bank of letting foreclosed properties in the city fall into disrepair.

“We are pleased that we could bring together the relevant parties to help facilitate a resolution of this matter for the City of Los Angeles,” Deutsche Bank said today in a statement.“As we have said from the outset, loan servicers are responsible for maintaining foreclosed properties.”

Los Angeles sued the Frankfurt-based bank in May 2011, after it, as trustee for mortgage-backed securities, acquired title to thousands of properties in the city that fell into foreclosure because of the collapse of the U.S. housing market. The bank didn’t admit liability or wrongdoing in the settlement, it said.

Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackerman

Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackerman

The city and Deutsche Bank obtained the agreement of the loan servicers that housing code enforcement agencies will have immediate access to people at servicing banks to address code violations, Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich said in a separate statement.

“I want to thank Deutsche Bank for working with this Office to find a solution to a problem that has plagued this city for far too long,” Trutanich said.

The case is People v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., BC460878, Superior Court of California (Los Angeles).

To contact the reporter on this story: Edvard Pettersson in Los Angeles at epettersson@bloomberg.net.

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Voice of Detroit

July 1, 2013

Stephen White, center, with Milliman and DIFC officials in May, 2013 in Dubai.Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr announced a criminal investigation of Detroit pension funds June 21, 2013, citing $20,000 spent on a trip to Hawaii for a national pension conference among other alleged problems.

Meanwhile, his pension advisors, Milliman, Inc., who have called Detroit pension systems drastically underfunded (see article below), luxuriated in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). Above photo shows Milliman CEO Stephen White (center) and other Milliman officials with DIFC officials. Video above shows extreme wealth in Dubai.

The DIFC, founded in 2002, is an independent jurisdiction under the United Arab Emirates Constitution, and has its own independent civil and commercial laws. It also has its own courts, with judges taken from leading common law jurisdictions including England, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Dubai International Financial Centre.

Dubai International Financial Centre.

Dubai’s government is a constitutional monarchy, which has been ruled by the Al Maktoum family since 1833. The current ruler, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is also the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and member of the Supreme Council of the Union (SCU).

The DIFC website at http://www.difc.ae/ says, “Attracted to the region by its growing wealth, cross-border trade and investment activity, M&A activity and ongoing restructuring by state owned enterprises, corporations and private entities, a large number of banks and brokerages have established a presence in DIFC.

. . . . Regional debt capital markets are also picking up as governments and corporates across the region diversify their funding bases they will need to resort more and more to capital markets to tap into private financing. Our legislative and regulatory regime has created a highly conducive and secure environment for the growth of banks offering a wealth of services.”

Below is press release from United Arab Emirates on Milliman:Brogan Orr vulture

Milliman, Inc. registers office at the DIFC to serve Middle East, Africa and South Asia

United Arab Emirates: Saturday, May 30 – 2009 

Press release

DUBAI — Milliman Inc. announced that it has registered an office at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) to serve the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region. 

The American-based firm offers a broad range of actuarial services. It brings its expertise with the aim to assist regional financial institutions and insurance companies in providing innovative products that simultaneously manage both investment and longevity risk.

Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman

Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman

Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman, Governor of the DIFC, welcomed Milliman Inc to the DIFC and the region. “Milliman joins a long list of leading global institutions that have made the DIFC their home since we opened and we welcome them and offer all support to ensure their success in doing business in the region.” 

“Africa, Middle East, the Gulf and the Subcontinent region is bubbling with energy and vibrancy despite the ongoing global crisis and is poised to come out of it sooner and in better shape. This is evident in the shift of global commerce towards the East. It is a good time to focus on this region and we are sure that with the global expertise that Milliman possesses, it will do excellently and add value to the region,” Dr. Omar added.

Dubai at night.

Dubai at night.

Debo Ajayi, Managing Consultant and Director of Milliman in Dubai said: “Milliman’s wide range of talents and global experience are ideally suited to meeting client needs in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. We will respond to the growing demand for customized solutions in the insurance and financial services areas.”

“Financial institutions have for years been under stress because of the twin threats of volatile capital markets and uncertain longevity trends, and the recent global financial crisis has compounded the situation. Many firms are now taking a new approach to risk management by offering retirement savings products with built-in guarantees.”

Invitation to 2009 Milliman conference in Dubai.

Invitation to 2009 Milliman conference in Dubai.

“The global expertise that Milliman has developed in guaranteed products and the sophisticated risk management systems and processes needed to manage them will become increasingly relevant as organizations in the Middle East look to enhance their retirement savings products,” he further said.

Milliman hosted a 1-day seminar on investment guarantees on 26 May in Dubai. The event, titled ‘Investment Guarantees: Managing Risk in Challenging Markets’, looked at the current state of the industry, examined some of the lessons learned in the wake of the recent financial crisis, and discussed future trends. The seminar compared and contrasted financial risk management practices in North America, Asia, and Europe, and discussed the potential to apply these techniques in the Middle East.

Burl Alab Royal Suite

Burl Alab Royal Suite

It also included an in-depth discussion of the global financial situation, an overview of promising risk management strategies, and the presentation of a case study highlighting the use of a capital guarantee, hedging, and a best-practices process to maximize portfolio performance.”

A travel site describes the Burj Al Arab, the hotel depicted in Milliman’s invitation above, which is known as the most expensive hotel in the world, as follows:

“The Burj al-Arab is a luxury hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At 321 metres (1,053 feet), it is the tallest building used exclusively as a hotel. It stands in the sea on an artificial island 280 metres (919 feet) away from the beach in the Persian Gulf, connected to the mainland only by a private curving bridge.

Portion of Burj Al Arab bathroom, complete with whirlpool tub.

Portion of Burj Al Arab bathroom, complete with whirlpool tub.

The Burj al-Arab does not have ordinary rooms; rather it is divided into 202 duplex suites. The smallest suite occupies an area of 169 square metres (1,819 square feet), and the largest one covers 780 square metres (8,396 square feet). It is one of the most expensive hotels in the world to stay in. The prices for the least expensive suites are in the range of $1,000 to over $6,000 a night. The most expensive suites can cost over $15,000 a night.”

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Protest outside Detroit EM Kevyn Orr's "public meeting" June 10, 2013.
Protest outside Detroit EM Kevyn Orr’s “public meeting” June 10, 2013.


  GRS logoGRS Review of Milliman’s City of Detroit Retirement System Studies

May 2, 2013

Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company (GRS) is the retained actuary for both the General Retirement System of the City of Detroit and the Police and Fire Retirement System of the City of Detroit. GRS is a Michigan based company with a national practice, and is a leader in Public Sector Retirement Consulting. Recently, the City of Detroit engaged Milliman, Inc., a Seattle based consulting firm, to perform certain actuarial analyses of the City of Detroit’s Retirement Systems in connection with the April 2012 financial stability agreement between the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit.

Child at protest outside CAYMA July 26, 2012.

Child at protest outside CAYMA July 26, 2012.

GRS performs an actuarial valuation of both Retirement Systems each year. The actuarial valuations develop the liabilities and funded ratios of the plans as of the valuation date. They also develop the City’s contribution rates for the fiscal year that starts one year after the valuation date, based on established funding policies. The reports typically present information that allows the reader to understand the extent to which contribution rates may be expected to increase (or decrease) in the future and may provide recommendations on the operation of the System.

An article in the February 26, 2013 Detroit Free Press “Police, fire pension costs could crush Detroit’s finances, study shows” asserts that Milliman has “audited” our 2010 valuation reports and found that “the GRS numbers … don’t hold water.” Milliman’s work for the City was confidential and not available to us or to the Retirement Systems at the time the Detroit Free Press article appeared. Consequently, our ability to respond was very limited. We have since obtained a copy of the study which was dated July 6, 2012 and have reviewed it. Nowhere does the study contain the statement that “the GRS numbers … don’t hold water.” The study does, however imply that our calculations may be biased and it contains the following statement on page 2:

Milliman offices

Milliman offices

“The following table contains our very rough preliminary guesstimates (“VRPG”) of the potential actual state of the [City of Detroit Retirement] systems. Please note that these VRPGs are based on a high level analysis using rules of thumb and knowledge from general experience are not based on any detailed calculations”

The study goes on to present figures that are remarkably different from the actuarial calculations that experienced public sector actuaries at GRS prepared using detailed data on the operation of the Systems and robust actuarial software. GRS work, which was not based on “VRPG”, complies with relevant pronouncements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and actuarial standards of practice.

guesstimateDifferent actuaries can draw different conclusions from the same set of facts, just as different physicians could provide different advice to the same patient. While the Milliman firm is free to disagree with our analysis of the financial position of the City’s retirement systems, we believe that such disagreement must not be based upon VRPG and rules of thumb, but rather on detailed actuarial calculations performed by actuaries with significant experience with public sector retirement.

We are disappointed with the Detroit Free Press for publishing the “don’t hold water” comment, which was nowhere to be found in the Milliman report, and for not mentioning that all of Milliman’s figures were clearly disclosed as very rough preliminary guesstimates (“VRPG”). Indeed, Milliman’s report cautioned that “…any third party recipient of this report should be aided by its own actuary or other qualified professional when reviewing the report”.

We are also disappointed with Michigan’s Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) Law (PA 436), which adds power to the EFM in cases where a retirement system is less than 80% funded. First, the 80% figure itself is arbitrary. A system that is less than 80% funded can be in good financial condition and a system that is more than 80% funded could have problems.

Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant workers and their children walked strike lines Sept. 2012.

Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant workers and their children walked strike lines Sept. 2012.

Second, the law provides the Emergency Financial Manager with very different powers over a retirement system that is 79.9% funded versus one that is 80.1% funded, which can lead to distracting arguments over minor differences in judgment regarding actuarial techniques or assumptions that affect the computed funding level. Finally, the law potentially requires the exclusion of certain assets from the calculation of the funded percent that would not normally be excluded in valuations that comply with GASB standards.

The City of Detroit has well known and very significant financial problems. Those problems were caused by a loss of industrial tax base, a very large drop in the City’s population, and obviously the credit crisis. The City’s Retirement Systems in total have about half the active members they had in 1983 and approximately twice as many retired people as active members.

Result of bank/tax foreclosure tidal wave in Detroit: vacant lots, abandoned homes.

Result of bank/tax foreclosure tidal wave in Detroit: vacant lots, abandoned homes.

With the market value of Retirement System assets dropping, and the payroll and tax base already having dropped, there is indeed a risk that the contribution needs of the Retirement Systems may rise to levels as a percentage of payroll that will be difficult for the City to afford. Indeed, both Milliman and GRS have produced projections showing similar results regarding future contribution needs. This means that the issues that the Retirement Systems face are,  for the most part, a consequence of the City’s problems, and not a cause of those problems.

Contrary to the title of the Detroit Free Press article, it is not the Retirement Systems that will crush the City. Both the City and its Retirement Systems are being harmed by external forces.

The problems that the City and its two Retirement Systems face will not be solved with poorly conceived newspaper articles, VRPG’s, and secret reports that are not made available to the Retirement System or the Retirement System’s public sector actuary in a timely manner.

The problems can be solved with all parties working together in a spirit of cooperation and in an environment of transparency.

Twenty Thousand retirees depend on the Retirement Systems for their financial security. These are people who have devoted their entire lives to the people of the City of Detroit. They deserve our best.

Statement from the Police and Fire Retirement System of the City of Detroit regarding Pension Funding Levels. Continue reading

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June 26, 2013

Detroit City Council members who voted for the Consent Agreement April 4, 2012, on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination.

Detroit City Council members who voted for the Consent Agreement April 4, 2012, on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination.

(From VOD editor, not Independent Undergound News & Talk): What goes around comes around. Charles Pugh has been an enemy of the people of Detroit since he became a City Council member. He colluded with Gov. Rick Snyder, Mayor Dave Bing, and five other members of the City Council (Gary Brown, now an aide to EM Kevyn Orr, Saunteel Jenkins, James Tate, Kenneth Cockrel, Jr, and Andre Spivey) in composing and approving the Public Act 4 Consent Agreement April 4, 2012, which Orr says is now HIS “roadmap,” as well as harmful contracts.

Pugh forced Detroit citizens including Sandra Hines (r) and others to wait in hallway while Council discussed vital matters.

Pugh forced Detroit citizens including Sandra Hines (r) and others to wait in hallway while Council discussed vital matters.

The Sell-Out Six approved contracts with Jones Day, Miller Canfield, Milliman, Ernst & Young, and Miller Buckfire, all of whom helped Orr draft the devastating “Proposal for Creditors” presented June 14, 2013.

During Pugh’s tenure, he repeatedly gained the enmity of the public by refusing to hold Council meetings on such vital matters in the Auditorium, forcing seniors, disabled and others to wait outside in the hall to speak, and denying them access to the meetings, guaranteed under the Open Meeti.ngs Act. He also sits on the Root Cause Committee appointed to give advice on the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department along with Gary Brown. Both have signed on to documents recommending the EMA contract, which would eliminate 81 percent of jobs at DWSD, and regionalizing the Department. See links to VOD stories involving Pugh’s sell-out of the people below this article from Independent Undergraoud.)

Charles Pugh at Council meeting April 9, 2013 where protesters were arrested.

Charles Pugh at Council meeting April 9, 2013 where protesters were arrested.

DETROIT – –As Detroit’s Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr prepares to suspend City Council President Charles Pugh (D) without pay due to a request to take weeks of paid medical leave from his elected duties, local news station WDIV – Channel 4 latest report alleges Pugh’s absence might be tied to another reason.

Reporter Mara McDonald attended a press conference this evening with a local attorney alleging that Pugh, who is openly gay, [had an inappropriate relationship with] a former Detroit Public School student.

Legal counsel for the student, 17 years old at the time, claims the alleged behavior with the City Council President occurred when Pugh operated a mentoring program out of Douglass Academy [formerly Murray-Wright High School].

The teen’s attorney claims text messages exist quantifying an alleged relationship existed between Pugh and the former student.

“A Metro Detroit attorney representing an 18-year-old man and his mother claims Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh had an inappropriate relationship with a student at Douglass Academy.

The attorney says he will not provide copies of texts between Pugh and the teenager and was not willing to elaborate on what Pugh may have written to the teen. During a Wednesday press conference he did, however, say Pugh took the student off campus in a city car and bought him gifts.”

Students walked out of Douglass Academy last year to protest "inferior" education they were receiving under DPS EM Roy Roberts.

Students walked out of Douglass Academy last year to protest “inferior” education they were receiving under DPS EM Roy Roberts.

Officials from DPS Douglass Academy released a statement stating school officialS recently learned of the alleged inappropriate texts or relationship from the accuser’s mother.er. A press release statement by Douglass Academy personnel confirmed school personnel were working with the mother in an attempt to resolve the matter, WDIV reported.

“The mother of a recent Douglass Academy graduate approached the school with concerns regarding her son’s mentor. At the time, the school reached out to the parent who stated that she would prefer to handle the matter personally.

Family spokesman Skip Mongo (l) with attorneys for teen in lawsuit vs. Pugh,

Family spokesman Skip Mongo (l) with attorneys for teen in lawsuit vs. Pugh,

The school has since contacted the parent again in writing seeking to resolve the concerns, and is awaiting a response. The school and the district will fully review the program in question, as would be the case whenever concerns are expressed by a parent.”

The former student’s attorney also claimed to WDIV during this evening’s press conference Detroit Public Schools District did nothing to protect the boy, which DPS officials dispute.

Pugh has been absent from his duties on Detroit City Council for at least two weeks.

According to The Detroit Free Press, after Monday, June 24th formal council session Pugh’s office staff issued a memo stating the Council President would take medical leave for three to four weeks.

Detroit EM Kevyn Orr (r) with advisors (l-r) Bruce Bennett of Jones Day and Kenneth Buckfire during press briefing on Proposal for Creditors June 14, 2013.

Detroit EM Kevyn Orr (r) with advisors (l-r) Bruce Bennett of Jones Day and Kenneth Buckfire during press briefing on Proposal for Creditors June 14, 2013.

Emergency Manager Kevin Orr’s Spokesperson Bill Nowling told the Freep, Pugh would have until 5pm ET June 26th to further explain reasons surrounding his absence or be suspended without pay.

Presently, it’s unknown who will fill Pugh’s official duties on Detroit City Council as President. Pro-Tem President Gary Brown resigned from his duly elected position June 26th to take a role as Deputy Emergency Manager under unelected Emergency Manager Kevin Orr’s leadership.

WIth President Pugh’s pending suspension, Brown’s resignation and former member Kwame Kenyatta’s resignation from council due to health reasons, the City of Detroit’s legislative branch of government is down from nine to six members.

Independent Underground News & Talk offers developments on this story, as warranted.

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2013/06/breaking-as-detroits-em-kevin-orr.html#ixzz2XQPmNFlk
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