Come to a public hearing this Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 2:00 pm, 500 Griswold, 7th where the Wayne County Commission committee that is considering the Homeowner Protection and Neighborhood Preservation Act will be meeting. 

Wayne County Commissioner Martha Scott announcing introduction of Homeowner Protection & Neighborhood Preservation Act

This bill introduced by Commissioner Martha Scott would:

A. Call for investigation on the effects of the fraudulent and racist foreclosure practices of the banks and the impact on
Wayne County.

B. Urge the Sheriff to immediately implement a one year moratorium on foreclosure sheriff sales in Wayne County.

C. Ask the commission put the issue of a moratorium on foreclosures on the November 2011 ballot as an advisory question.

It is critical that we have a large turnout at the Wayne County Commission hearing on Tuesday.  The pressure of the banks is already being felt as commissioners are finding excuses not to support this resolution despite the devastating and continuing impact of foreclosures in Wayne County, and the recently released Senate report documenting the massive foreclosure fraud and the inaction of the government in dealing with this fraud.  For more information see the attached flyer or visit the People Before Banks website at http://peoplebeforebanks.org/.

Vanessa Fluker speaks at Scott press conference with Rev. Bill Wylie-Kellerman and UAW President Bob King flanking her

Support Attorney Vanessa Fluker this Friday, April 29, 2011, 9:00 am, Judge Virgil Smith’s courtroom, 7th Floor, Coleman A. Young Muncipal Center, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226 where there will be a hearing on the motion to have Judge Robert Colombo disqualify himself from consideration of the appeal of the sanctions he imposed against Vanessa for fighting RBS Citizens Bank, the same bank who gave Judge Colombo a mortgage and two refinancings in a five year period. 

Funds are still needed to appeal this outrageous $12,200 sanction.  Send donations to Vanessa G. Fluker, PLLC, appeal fund, at 2920 E. Jefferson, Suite 101, Detroit, MI 48207. 

Also go to www.moratorium-mi.org.

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Penny and Maryanne Godboldo after rally that condemned police seizure of Maryanne’s child

Release from the Michigan ACLU

March 24, 2011


(Ed. note: story coming on Godboldo custody hearing April 22.)

DETROIT – In an effort to protect the rights of children, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan filed a federal lawsuit today asking a judge to strike down a state law that allows law enforcement officials to remove children from their parents’ custody without proving that the child is in immediate danger.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of an Ann Arbor family whose 7-year-old son was placed in foster care after his father, a University of Michigan professor, mistakenly gave him a Mike’s Hard Lemonade at a Detroit Tigers game in 2008.

“Taking a child from loving parents is a harrowing, life-changing experience for both the child and the parents,” said Michael J. Steinberg, ACLU of Michigan legal director. “However, Michigan law currently allows the government to take a child without having to prove that it’s necessary to prevent immediate danger. The law is unconstitutional, out of step with the rest of the county and must be fixed to prevent harm to other families.”

Christopher Ratte’s son was removed

On April 4 2008, Leo Ratté, then 7 years old, attended a Detroit Tigers game with his father, Christopher Ratté, a professor of classical archaeology at the University of Michigan. Before taking their seats, Christopher purchased what he thought was lemonade from a stand advertising “Mike’s Lemonade,” and not knowing that it contained alcohol, gave it to his son.

During the 9th inning, a security guard approached Christopher asking him whether he knew his son was drinking an alcoholic beverage. Christopher explained that he did not know that the lemonade contained alcohol, but the matter was turned over to the police.

While Christopher was being questioned by police, Comerica Park medical staff examined Leo and gave him a clean bill of health. Nonetheless, Leo was sent to Children’s Hospital in Detroit, where he was examined, found to have no alcohol in his blood, and cleared to go home. Instead of going home he was taken into custody by Wayne County Children’s Protective Services (CPS), a division of the state Department of Human Services.

Starletta Banks lost her three toddlers in 2000 over falsified X-rays; she still does not have them back.

CPS refused to release Leo into the custody of his mother, Claire Zimmerman, who was not at the game, or to his aunts – one of whom is a social worker and licensed foster parent. The first night, Leo slept on a couch in the CPS building with his parents waiting outside on the sidewalk. The next day, he was sent to a foster home.

On April 7, 2008, with the assistance of the University of Michigan Child Advocacy Clinic, Leo was finally released into his mother’s custody, but only after Christopher agreed to move out of the house and only have supervised contact with Leo.  Soon after, the case was dismissed and Christopher was allowed back into his home.

“This experience was traumatic for all of us,” said Claire, a professor of art history and architecture at U of M. “If the University of Michigan had not helped us, it could have taken weeks to get Leo back. It’s tremendously important for us to challenge this law so that no other family has to deal with the lasting effects of having a child unjustly removed. We tried for three years to convince the legislature to fix the law, but when the bill did not get a hearing, we had no choice but to file this case.”

Elena’s son Johnny was taken and was starved to death in foster care; see WXYZ expose at end of story

According to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, the state’s standard for the emergency removal of children is unconstitutional as it does not require state officials to prove that the child is in immediate danger.

In addition, the lawsuit claims that Leo and Claire’s constitutional rights were violated when Leo was taken from her custody even though she was not present at the ballpark and had nothing to do with the Mike’s Hard Lemonade mistake. The lawsuit asks the court to strike down the Michigan law as illegal under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Children’s advocates have worked on a legislative fix to the Michigan emergency removal law for years. Last legislative session, SB 1533, or “Leo’s Law,” was introduced in the Senate; however, the bill died without a hearing or vote.

In addition to Steinberg, Leo, Claire and Christopher are represented by ACLU Cooperating Attorneys Abraham Singer and Adam Wolfe of the law firm Pepper Hamilton LLP and Amy Sankaran.

TO READ ENTIRE LAWSUIT, GO TO ACLU complaint on state law re police removals of children



AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZeKJHphpQU&feature=related   



To read Time article on why the nation’s Child “Protective” Services system is broken.

Also go to http://www.welfarewarriors.org/ to read about battles against CPS in Wiscosin.


Wisconsin’s Mother Welfare Warriors fighting child kidnapping


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Joyce Moore of Ad Hoc Committee for CDC's



From the Ad Hoc Committee for Citizens’ District Councils

2044 Taylor Detroit, MI 48206 1-313-465-3299

Below is information that was sent to you in regard to funding for Citizens’ District Councils, focused on getting into the communities to let people know what’s going within the boundaries of their CDC. 

We will be meeting in the mall on Rosa Parks at the mini-station which is located at 8675 Rosa Parks next to Blaine.  The time will be 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 to prepare for the presentation before City Council on April 29th at 1:00 P.M. 


One of many recent rallies in Lansing: there is strength in numbers!

Please forward this information to as many CDC members as possible because “THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS, LET US ORGANIZE OUR STRENGTH INTO A COMPELLING FORCE FOR OUR COMMUNITIES”.

 RSVP  AT (313)465-3299



April 19, 2011

Dear Citizens’ District Council Members:

The Ad Hoc Committee for CDC’s is continuing efforts is to rejuvenate the CDC’s with membership, funding and training.  The attached letter was the first step to rejuvenate and re-organize the CDC’s.  Please forward this letter and attachments to as many Citizens’ District Councils and their members to let them know what is currently going on to re-organize.

City Council members at community meeting May, 2010

The second step is now dealing with the budget process.  This is the time for the FY Budget for 2011-12 that will be discussed by Detroit City Council.  We need to get together to formula our questions and presentation before the Detroit City Council.  We also need to designate our spokesperson.  If any other CDC would want to make their own presentation this would be the time. 

We want to work  “ …collaboratively with the Planning Division in order to fill all board vacant positions to ensure community participation on urban development projects within their boundaries…”.  See detailed information below as this was on the Internet.


  • Identify areas of measurable economical and institutional status (Detroit Works Project) to be used in our planning as an anchor to stabilize or promote economical growth of neighborhoods.
  • The Real Estate Development Division seeks to secure additional oversight of Renaissance Zone Extension Abatements (PA 376) through its Project Management Unit.
  • Develop a Project Management Tracking System in DPI to measure, monitor, report, and improve overall project completion timeline.
  • Aggressively help the (Citizens District Councils) CDC’s and work collaboratively with the Planning Division in order to fill all vacant board positions to ensure community participation on urban development projects within their boundaries, in turn to ‘close out’ and complete development in the targeted Urban Renewal Areas, some dating back to 30 years.

The City Council will be meeting on April 29 2011 at 1:00 P.M. to discuss the Planning and Development Budget. We need to be in attendance and prepared.  Feel free to contactJoyce Moore 1-313–465-3299 immediately as there is an urgency in planning.  Again,  please forward to as many Citizens’ District Councils and their members as possible.


Joyce Moore, Gerald V. Dajnowicz and Alvita Jackson


April 15, 2011

Planning and Development

Attention: Robert Anderson, Director

65 Cadillac Square, Suite 2300

Detroit, MI 48226


Dear Mr. Anderson:

We are members of Citizens’ District Councils and this letter is being sent in an effort to obtain training for Citizens’ District Council (CDC) members that are newly elected from the Tuesday, April 4, 2011 election as well as those members that have been elected in the past.  The objective of a one day training seminar is to acquaint Citizens’ District Council members with the laws that governor their body and the roles of a CDC in the development of their district.  It is important to have such a training seminar take place in May because of the responsibility of each newly elected member to its CDC.

In addition, this training seminar at one time was part of an administrative fund of $500,000 through Block Grants which was to provide administrative services to each CDC whether funded or not.  These services included such items as training for CDC members, mailings to inform residents in the district of each CDC meeting and provided a newsletter to keep the communities and each district apprized as to what was happening in their community through various funding programs.  Therefore in addition to the seminar we are requesting an account of all funds expended on the CDC’s and the Coordinating Council on Redevelopment for the past fiscal year.

Your immediate response would be greatly appreciated within ten (10) days of this letter so that we can plan to have an informative seminar in May and continue to serve our communities.


Joyce Moore, Gerald V. Dajnowicz and Alvita Jackson


April 15, 2011

State Rep. Fred Durhal, Jr.

 Representative Fred Durhal Jr.

P. O. Box 30014

Lansing, MI 48909-7514


Dear Honorable Representative Durhal:

The attached letter is being sent to you as we need your assistance in obtaining information pertaining to Block Grant monies allocated to Citizens’ District Councils as well as the Coordinating Council on Community Redevelopment.  Our objective is to ensure that these funds were, and are appropriated in the manner in which they were intended for the past fiscal years and present fiscal year.

Your immediate response would be greatly appreciated within ten (10) days of this letter as the new budget for 2012 is in progress.  If you should have any concerns, please feel free to contact Joyce Moore at 1-313-465-3299.   


Joyce Moore, Gerald V. Dajnowicz and Alvita Jackson


To the CDC Reader – 4/22/11:  There was a list of other legislators that this was mailed to as well as the Regional Office and Washington Office of HUD.

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 By Joyce Moore

Rick Snyder and Dave Bing, "joined at the hip."


Resident of the City of Detroit

April 19, 2011

Mr. Bing has an advertisement on television indicating that he wants Detroiters to march with him on May 1, 2011.  Will he stock Hart Plaza with his appointees and their family members, suburbanites, hired volunteers all to say that Detroiters are following him?

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want our money from HUD that is due us for our utilities, rent, job training programs and to develop business opportunities.

DPS students march on MLK Day 2011: What would Dr. King do?

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want our public school system to function in the best manner to educate our children and get rid of charter schools.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we don’t want our schools to become a prison, correctional setting as oppose to an educational institution.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want our public transportation system to become a better bus system and start the railway system at Woodward and 8 Mile to extend North to the suburbs. 

Belle Isle back in the day

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want back our Detroit Zoo, Belle Isle Aquarium, Belle Isle Zoo and Garden.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want your public support to the state not to end public assistance for single moms after 48 months in a city with No jobs.. No jobs.. No jobs!

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we don’t need a financial manager, we need you to work with city council in adopting a budget that will benefit the citizens of Detroit.

Lansing rally April 13: STOP PRIVATIZATION!

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we don’t need to continue to privatize city services allowing contractors to bid low and then with you and the support of city council approving $100.000.00 change orders being “City Funded” which is using our monies.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as public workers need to know that their pension is secure.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we don’t want to sell any part of our water system without a vote of the people as indicated in our Charter.

Lansing Public Power and Light services residences too

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want our Public Lighting Department to be restored to provide enough electricity to the residents and businesses of our city.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want EMS to take less than 30 minutes to get to emergency sites by increasing their budget.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want to keep open our community centers for our young folk and elders, such as a center that helped make you one of the most famous basket players in the country.

 We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want to keep open our libraries for our residents and especially the young folk in our communities.

Cobo Hall

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want back COBO Hall from the authority as that money is our money for the City of Detroit.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want city jobs to provide a service to the people such as our Department of Works and to add to your 2012 budget enough money for them to have a broom and dust pan to pick up garbage that they spill in the streets to help keep our city clean.

We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we don’t want a City within a City with boundaries from downtown to the Boulevard.

Dave Bing and L. Brooks Patterson


We don’t want to march with you Mr. Bing, as we want you to protect our city from poachers and not continue to give away our valuable assets that is revenue for the city, which means avoid Brooks L. Patterson.

No, Mr. Bing it is not about marching, it is about “you” doing the job for the people as opposed to looking out for private, corporate interests.

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Hill 1t 47, sentenced to die in prison
Henry Hill Jr. at 17, 30 years ago

 Future of juveniles sentenced to die in prison at stake

By Corey Williams, Associated Press
April 22, 2011  

A federal judge said Thursday he expected to rule in two to three weeks on the American Civil Liberties Union’s challenge to a Michigan law that bars parole for juveniles convicted of certain murders.

Judge John Corbett O’Meara heard arguments from lawyers for the ACLU and the state, which is defending the law, at an hour-long hearing in Ann Arbor on Thursday afternoon.

Eight men and one woman sentenced to life in prison for crimes committed when they were minors are being represented by the ACLU, whose lawyer, Deborah LaBelle, told O’Meara the law violates the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment. One of the inmates is Henry Hill Jr., who was sentenced in the 1980 slaying of a man in Saginaw. Hill was 16 at the time.

Assistant attorney general Margaret Nelson argued the plaintiffs waited too long to bring a challenge or should have raised the issues during earlier appeals.

LaBelle said the ACLU simply wants the Michigan Parole Board to be given the opportunity to consider release for minors who were sent away for life.

“(Even) if we’re completely successful, every single one of them (still) could spend their lives in prison,” she said.

LaBelle told O’Meara that the ACLU is looking for some kind of order that would allow the parole board to consider their cases.

U.S. District Court Judge John Corbett O'Meara

“The matter is under advisement,” O’Meara said. “I will try to put something down as an opinion and order in two to three weeks.”

The lawsuit was filed in November against the governor, state corrections department and parole board chair as part of the ACLU’s Juvenile Life Without Parole Initiative.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that sentencing juveniles to death is unconstitutional. The ACLU and other advocates have since fought for the re-examining of life sentences given to youth convicted of homicide and other major crimes.

A 2005 study by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International showed Michigan had the second-highest rate of imposing life sentences without parole on juveniles.

LaBelle said 351 inmates in Michigan prisons are serving life sentences without parole for crimes committed in their youth.

Juries convicted Hill and two of his cousins of first-degree murder in the 1980 shooting death of 21-year-old Anthony Thomas in a city park. Each was sentenced to life without parole.

Testimony showed that one of Hill’s cousins pulled the trigger.

Hill is the oldest of the plaintiffs in the suit at age 47.

“He made a stupid decision to go with a group of kids to a park with a gun,” LaBelle told reporters after the hearing. “He got scared and ran out of the park before the homicide was committed by someone else.”

In addition to Hill, the ACLU is representing Damion Todd, 42; Jemal Tipton, 42, Bobby Hines, 37; Bosie Smith, 35; Jennifer Pruitt, 35; Kevin Boyd, 33; Mathew Bentley, 28; and Keith Maxey, 20.

Four of the nine inmates represented by the ACLU in its lawsuit did actually kill someone in their criminal cases.

(VOD ed: A FIRST STEP: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in October, 2009, in the case of Terrence Graham v. Florida, “The Constitution prohibits the imposition of a life without parole sentence on a juvenile offender who did not commit homicide. A State need not guarantee the offender eventual release, but if it imposes a sentence of life it must provide him or her with some realistic opportunity toobtain release before the end of that term. The judgment of the First District Court of Appeal of Florida is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings notinconsistent with this opinion.”)  

Attorney Deborah LaBelle: “We Owe Juvenile Offenders a Second Chance” 


By BrendaC   February 9th, 2011


Atty. Deborah LaBelle


“There is no discretion. You take a 14 year old and they are automatically treated as an adult.”

Clearly injustice moves attorney Deborah LaBelle somewhere down deep. Since she graduated from Wayne State law school in 1979, she has waded into some dark waters, investing hundreds of pro bono hours, simply because she believes she’s doing the right thing.  In 2008, after a 14 year battle, she and a group of other lawyers won a multi-million dollar verdict and landmark case on behalf of women who had been abused in Michigan prisons.

Labelle now has set her sight on getting a second chance for the thousands of juvenile offenders who languish in American prisons convicted of murder or felony murder committed prior to their 18th birthday.  “It is just mandatory,” says LaBelle, whose gentle voice belies the tiger within. “There is no discretion. You take a 14 year old and they are automatically treated as an adult. It is pretty stunning.”

Stunning indeed it is. The United States is the only country in the world where juveniles charged and convicted of murder (even if they were not principally responsible for the murder) are automatically given life with no chance of parole. There are 307 ‘juvenile lifers’ now in Michigan prisons ranging in age from 14 to 65.

One man, now in his sixties, who LaBelle knows well, went to prison when he was 15 for murdering his abusive stepfather.

“He is not the boy he was,” says LaBelle. “He told me once he sometimes sees that boy in his mind’s eye and he just wants to shake him and say ‘why don’t you just leave, just go’.”

But that’s not what happened and he now has spent more than 50 years languishing in prison. “He was just filled with rage and anger and everything seemed hopeless,” says LaBelle. “Kids just don’t have experience or the ability to chart things out very well.”

“The heart of this issue is sentencing people who commit their crimes when they are 14, 15 or 16 years old to the harshest sentence you can give to anyone, which is life without parole,” says LaBelle. “We believe this is cruel and unusual punishment.“

LaBelle has filed a complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief in the state of Michigan on behalf of 9 class representatives. All are juvenile lifers currently being held with no chance of parole for the rest of their lives in Michigan prisons.

This is the first civil rights suit of its kind in the United States and aimed at what she describes as a simple goal. “We are just asking that the parole board just take a look at them. Have they matured, was this a youthful impetuous crime, did it involve peer pressure, or was it one of those stupid horrible things that youths sometimes do in a moment. Have they matured and should they come home at some point?” asks LaBelle.

A recent report authored by LaBelle and others was funded by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other donors. And also, when LaBelle has received attorney fees for cases she was involved in, much of it goes right back into funding other lawsuits aimed at righting systemic wrongs.

What kind of a lawyer does so much for so little?

“Well, I just like the work,” says LaBelle.

Deborah LaBelle is a graduate of Wayne State Law School. She mentors undergraduate and graduate students and has supervised at least six interns a year for the past ten years. Her practice, the Law Offices of Deborah LaBelle is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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Rev. Edward Pinkney leads crowd chanting against opening of Whirlpool golf course in public Jean Klock Park Aug. 2010 Photo by Daymon Hartley

Opponents mobilize protests, repeal campaign against EM PA 4; rally set for Wed. April 27 12 noon at Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce. 

Benton Harbor situation featured on Rachel Maddow show (see end of story)

By Eartha Jane Melzer | 04.20.11 | 8:01 am


The impoverished former industrial town of Benton Harbor has become a flashpoint in the controversy over the new law that allows the governor to appoint Emergency Managers with virtually unlimited authority over local governments.

Benton Harbor Emergency Financial Manager Joe Harris speaks during a town hall meeting Thursday in Benton Harbor.

On Thursday the state-appointed Emergency Manager Joe Harris used the expanded powers granted by the new law to issue an order banning the city commission from taking any action without his written permission.

Benton Harbor City Commissioner Juanita Henry says her constituents are angry and looking for help, but without the power to hold meetings the city commission can’t even provide an official venue for citizens to ask questions and get answers.

“They are using Benton Harbor as a test case,“ Henry said. “If they have disenfranchised the people so badly they just don’t respond to anything, they can do this all over the country.”

Benton Harbor City Commissioner Juanita Henry

Rev. Edward Pinkney was jailed in violation of First Amendment free speech rights

Community activist Rev. Edward Pinkney said that many Benton Harbor residents only learned that their city government had been sacked by reading about it in the paper days later.

Though home to the corporate headquarters of appliance giant Whirlpool, the city lost its last manufacturing plant this year, almost half the population lives below the poverty line and the public lakefront has been privatized as part of a luxury golf development backed by the Whirlpool corporation.
(An appeal of the conversion of the city park is underway in federal court.)

Gov. Jennifer Granholm approved a state takeover of Benton Harbor’s finances last year after the city needed help meeting payroll.

Protest against eliminating Benton Harbor Fire Dept. Sept. 2010/Photo Benton Spirit

Relations have been strained between the elected officials and the Emergency Manager Harris. In January the city commission tried to oust him after criticizing his expenses and his plans to cut the fire department. (Go to http://bentonspiritnews.com/bh-city-commission-protests-budget-cuts-p3633-1.htm to read about Harris’ cuts.)

“People should be paying attention to what is happening here because Benton Harbor is GROUND ZERO for the future of what is to become of our state under Governor Rick Snyder,“ said Carole Drake, who fought the privatization of Jean Klock Park in state court.

Locals in Benton Harbor said they will work to repeal their state Rep. Al Pscholka, who sponsored the bill, as well as State Sen. John Proos and Gov. Rick Snyder who also approved it.

A group called Heartland Revolution is planning to rally at the Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce at  38 West Wall Street and march to City Hall on Wednesday, April 27th [at 12 noon] to protest the takeover of the city.

Map 38 W. Wall St. Benton Harbor

The total suspension of power for local officials has brought Benton Harbor’s situation into focus for other Michigan communities, where people now worry that growing budget problems could mean that they will face similar loss of assets and control.

“I have been in touch with people all over the state via e-mail, face to face and Facebook … this is a hot topic all over the place and our community FB page A Referendum to Reject PA 4 has quickly quadrupled in size in just the last 24 hours as we have reposted the link with our different contacts,“ said Traverse City activist Betsy Coffia. “I think Benton Harbor really shook some folks up.”

Coffia said that repeal advocates are talking with legal experts about how to draft official language for a petition.

According to information from the Secretary of State website, in order to have a referendum on a newly enacted law petitioners must gather signatures from 161,305 people — five percent of the number that voted in the last gubernatorial election.

The signatures must be submitted within 90 days of the end of the legislative session in which the bill was passed. If the group manages to gather enough certified signatures, the Emergency Manager law would be automatically suspended until a repeal vote can be held on the next general election date.

Detroit to Benton Harbor (driving directions below)

“Education is key as the groundwork is laid for an organized referendum to repeal,” Coffia said. “This motivates me to educate as many people as I can so that we will be fully prepared to sign our name as registered voters repealing this law.”

(VOD Ed.: As AFSCME Intl. Rep. Herbert Sanders told the April 13 rally in Lansing: if such measures do not work, “WE WILL SHUT THE STATE DOWN!!)

Directions Distance Time
Start: Depart Start on W Lafayette Blvd (West) 0.5 0:01
1: Bear RIGHT (West) onto John C Lodge Fwy 0.1 0:01
2: Take Ramp (LEFT) onto M-10 [John C Lodge Fwy] (M-10) 0.3 < 1min
3: At exit 2A, keep RIGHT onto Ramp (I-75 / Toledo / Flint) 0.1 < 1min
4: Keep LEFT to stay on Ramp (I-75 / Toledo) 1.2 0:02
5: Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto I-96 [Jeffries Fwy] (I-96 / Lansing) 19.8 0:17
6: Road name changes to M-14 (M-14 / Ann Arbor) 15.5 0:13
7: Merge onto US-23 [M-14] 1.9 0:02
8: At exit 45, keep LEFT onto Ramp (M-14 / Ann Arbor) 0.5 0:01
9: Road name changes to US-23 Bus [M-14] 1.1 0:01
10: At exit 3, road name changes to M-14 3.0 0:03
11: Take Ramp onto I-94 (I-94) 138 1:58
12: Construction near Jackson (WB) (August 13, 2010 – April 15, 2011) < 0.1 < 1min
13: Interchange closed in Portage (WB) (November 1, 2010 – July 31, 2011) < 0.1 < 1min
14: At exit 33, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto I-94 Bus (I-94-Br / Downtown / Benton Harbor / St Joseph) 3.6 0:05
End: Arrive End < 0.1 < 1min
Total Route 186 mi
2 hrs  42 mins



Maddow: Mich. Gov. Snyder using new ‘Emergency Financial Managers’ law to assist corporate land grab from the poor

Rachel Maddow

By Roxanne Cooper

Rev. Edward Pinkney leads protest against Whirlpool in Benton Harbor

Benton Harbor, MI is 10,235 population town. 85.5% of the residents are African-American. The per capita income is among the lowest in the state: $10,235.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder recently castrated the city government of the struggling town, using his controversial “Emergency Financial Managers” law. The law, as Raw Story previously reported, allows Snyder to “take over municipalities that don’t pass a financial stress test.”

Protest in Benton Harbor

On Tuesday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow made the case that Snyder, Whirlpool (global headquarters in Benton Harbor), Harbor Shores (a developer) and assorted political cronies are using the newly enacted law to grab prime beachfront property deeded to the city’s residents in 1917 in order to develop it into a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course and luxury “signature” homes.

Watch this segment, which aired on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show on April 19, 2011, by clicking on


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Up to 10,000 turned out for Lansing rally April 13; RECALL SNYDER among the demands: R




Members of Michigan Citizens United, a Political Action Committee formed out of concern for Governor Snyder’s dictatorial approach to addressing budget woes in Michigan, will submit a petition for the recall of Governor Rick Snyder to the Washtenaw County Clerk on Patriots’ Day, Monday, April 18, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. The petition will be reviewed by the Washtenaw County Election Commission for the clarity of the language. Once approved, the committee plans to begin gathering signatures on May 8, 2011.

Snyder and Detroit Mayor Dave Bing yucking it up at basketball game

Michigan Citizens United is a grassroots effort of concerned citizens from across the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan. MCU members believe that Snyder’s early performance proves he is not qualified to lead Michigan. Some of the offending actions include:

  • The Emergency Financial Manager Bill (officially known as the Local Government And School District Fiscal Accountability Act, Act 4 of 2011), which was signed into law by Governor Snyder on March 16, 2011. New provisions give the governor sweeping and unilateral authority to declare a “financial emergency” in towns or school districts and appoint an emergency financial manager (EFM). The EFM is given broad new powers to nullify contracts; dismiss elected and appointed officials, committees, boards, and authorities; eliminate or redistrict entire cities or schools; take and sell public and private land; hire private security forces; and eliminate services.


  • Lansing April 13

    The Proposed 2011-12 budget which gives a $1.8 billion dollar tax break to corporations and raises taxes by up $1.7 billion on retired people and working poor, without addressing the budget deficit. It takes money from the K-12 educational fund and reduces per-pupil funding levels to local districts; reduces funding to universities and colleges. It reduces essential services for the sick, the poor, and the elderly, and slashes funding for local governments.


  • The cuts to local governments and schools, in turn, threaten the financial solvency of those entities, making more of them targets for hostile takeover by the state.


  • While Governor Snyder talks about shared sacrifice, it appears the sacrifice is shared by the lower 98% of income-earning citizens of Michigan, while the upper 2% and corporations reap new benefits.


The 1.1 million signatures the group plans to gather will be submitted to the Michigan Department of State on or before the August 5, 2011 deadline to appear on the November ballot.

Recall information is available at www.firericksnyder.org or on Facebook search for “Recall Governor Rick Snyder” – it is also available on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/firericksnyder .

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U.S. still bombing Libya; money for jobs, homes, schools not war!

France calls for more NATO action










Havana. April 14, 2011

WASHINGTON, April 13.—U.S. air force planes are still bombing targets in Libya despite having transferred the command of operations to NATO, the Pentagon admitted today, ANSA reports.

The imperial powers are calling for an accelerated rate and intensity of attacks..

Col. David Lapan, DOD spokesman

Colonel David Lapan, spokesperson for the Department of Defense, confirmed that U.S. aircraft attacked antiaircraft defense positions of troops loyal to Muammar al Gaddafi.

Lapan’s statement coincided with increasing reports of divisions within NATO, where many commands are insisting that the balance cannot be loaded in favor of the rebels without a greater contribution from U.S. forces.

From Brussels, AFP reported that this Thursday in Berlin, France is to ask its Atlantic Alliance partners to strike land targets in Libya more swiftly, as well as for more aircraft to counter troops loyal to Gaddafi, according to diplomatic sources.

French planes bombing Benghazi

“Just six of the 28 allies are involved in bombing land targets and two are carrying 50% of the campaign against 50%,” they stated.

Military sources have noted that France, with 29 bombers and Britain, with 10, are undertaking half of the work, supported by Belgium, Canada, Denmark and Norway.

Muammar al-Gaddafi on Libyan TV

Meanwhile, EFE reports that NATO fighter planes have bombed Sirte, Colonel Gaddafi’s birthplace, and Misrata, the country’s third most important city, as stated by Libyan state television, which confirmed that in the latter city, Tripoli Avenue, one of the city’s main arteries, was hit by the allied aviation, causing the death of many people using it.

An engineer working at communication company in Sirte city informed that three stations of centimeters communication were attacked by the crusader colonial aggression on Monday morning. The three stations which provide services of communications to the citizens and other companies of utilities such as hospitals, emergency medical services, fire departments, first aid departments and gas systems.

” it is clear by targeting such vital location, they- NATO and alliances forces- present a new proof of targeting civil locations”, the engineer added.

From Libyan State TV at http://en.ljbc.net/home.php#

(There were reports that the Libyan site had been hijacked but it can still be accessed through the link above.)

In Doha, the Qatari capital, it was announced that International Libya Contact Group delegates have agreed to set up a temporary fund to finance the rebels, and have demanded more military and political pressure on Gaddafi.

Moussa Ibrahim, Libyan government spokesman

A communiqué issued at the end of the first meeting of this group, comprising 40 countries and international organizations, expressed tacit support for the self-proclaimed rebel National Transition Council in its attempt to force the Libyan leader to leave the country.

Moussa Ibrahim, spokesperson for the Libyan government, dismissed the authority of the Doha meeting and from Tripoli, defined the attempt to overthrow Gaddafi as imperialist thinking, as well as branding Qatar an “oil corporation.”


From Sana, Yemen, ANSA reported that five people died in clashes between opposing groups: two in the capital, two in Aden (south) and one in Yafie, in the southern province of Lahej.

Meanwhile, EFE noted from Cairo that t former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was arrested while remaining hospitalized in an “unstable condition” in the coastal resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, while his sons Alaa and Gamal are in a capital prison.

Translated by Granma International

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VOD contributing editor Greg Thrasher at Lansing rally April 13

By Greg Thrasher

In too many venues in this region from the board rooms to the lounges of manufacturing plants to even church basements there is always some chatter or whispers about Black on Black crime. Often these exchanges involve a discussion about horrific criminal acts perpetrated against Black victims by Black assailants. The range and depth of Black on Black crime in the city hurts even now as I write these words yet these words must be written.
Many of these internal exchanges and chatter are constructive and warranted it is also true that many of them are nasty race tinged rumors and chatter often used to demonize the city and Black folks in general. Quite often those invoking this verbiage are Black people, from police officers to parents to pastors.
Yet my words here today are not about the criminal themes surrounding this potent and provocative subject matter but  in this setting I want to engage in a dialogue about another incarnation of Black On Black crimes. I want to explore and discuss the crimes of personal inhumanity we commit against each other.  The crime of Black on Black inhumanity. These are intra/inter personal negative actions just as lethal as crimes that violate our criminal laws.

Join together instead

The tragic behavior and destructive culture within the Black diaspora that negates the humanity and self esteem of Black people is sometimes beyond comprehension. The very nature of Black people shouting down each other’s dreams, ambitions and esteem and denying each other the basic dignity of humanity is reckless and impacts the every caliber of our lives.
No wound or injury hurts and stings and leaves life-long scars more than those which defeat our spirit and damn our personhood and self essence. When Black parents lecture to their children that they are ignorant, stupid and losers these words fill the air with arrows that pierce not only the heart but they puncture the mental ether of our children’s mental state of mind. When we attack the foundations of our children’s essence we destroy the currency of their consciousness and we harm their personal futures and we create obstacles in their dreams.

Children need parents' encouragement

The damage of anti-esteem words punishes the very soul of a child’s imagination. When a Black person hurls bitter rage at a senior person it augments the velocity of our elders’ life span. When Black people wage a civil war within the community we commit crimes against humanity that prevent our communities from prospering and even recovering from tough times and duress.
The prisons of anger, rage, contempt, shame, ridicule, humiliation, envy, jealousy, sadness, despair, and sorrow handcuff the very essence of our community. Detroit cannot recover if the crimes against our personal dignity and self worth continue at the present velocity.
We need rallies and protests which focus on ending the civil war of personal self hate and incivility we share and exchange with each other to often on a daily basis. Instead of a day of prayer and atonement, we need endless moments of recognizing each other’s personal essence and self worth. We need to schedule appointments and meetings with each other with agendas that promote our humanity for each other.
The foundation of this collective self hate and contempt for our very essence and personhood has a history in the development of America. I will leave the navigation of the origins of our collective self hate for another day. If we intend to create a city which has a future, we must as a Black community begin this journey with the affirmation of our collective self worth. We must end the crimes of inhumanity we are waging against each other beginning within our families and extending out into our relationships with our friends and others.
We can live a purposeful life in the city of Detroit and other urban venues across America. We must end the internal civil war within the Black community which places our very collective being in peril. Our future starts now only if we affirm each other’s humanity and self worth every moment we interact with each other. Right here…Right now…

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Debra Taylor (l) with bullhorn and Monica Patrick at right lead chants

By Diane Bukowski

 DETROIT – The start of a TWO-SIDED “class war” was hopefully evident in Lansing April 13. Up to 10,000 members of virtually every union in Michigan, and their supporters, swamped the Capitol building to oppose Governor Rick Snyder’s budget and 41 bills pending in the legislature.

AFSCME Intl. Rep. Herbert Sanders (being interviewed) kicked off the rally

The event was historic, said Herbert Sanders, International Representative of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). He kicked off the rally, officially sponsored by the We Are the People coalition.

“This is a call to battle,” Sanders said. “It’s time to fight. This moment in history has caused us to build solidarity like never before, and it’s just the beginning. We plan to recall Snyder and every legislator who has advocated these attacks. If that doesn’t work, WE ARE PREPARED TO SHUT THE STATE DOWN!”

Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPbX7nN9Zbk to hear Herbert Sanders’ excellent speech.

Choirs from AFSCME and SEIU sang "God Bless America"

The demonstrators were Black, Latin and white, male, female and LGBT, young folks and seniors, child care workers making minimum wage and public workers at every level (many of them also living in poverty), including clericals, custodians, bus drivers, teachers, and nurses. The private sector was represented by steelworkers, autoworkers, laborers, and even members of elite skilled trades unions who are normally divorced from the general working-class fray.

Bus drivers called in sick

Many Detroit bus drivers called in sick to attend, carrying red “ATU” signs (Amalgamated Transit Union). They were docked a day’s pay by Mayor Dave Bing’s anti-union

administration, in the wake of his budget address the day before. It was AFSCME Council 25, which represents City of Detroit workers, that put out the initial call for the April 13 Day of Unity.

The rally was scheduled for 12 noon to 5 p.m., with the intention that many committed workers would leave their jobs to give the state government a taste of what might be to come.


Sanders ticked off a list of all the unions there, with their members roaring in response.

“In the coming days, the legislature will start voting on Snyder’s budget,” he said. “That includes $564 million in public education cuts, $200 million in higher education, eliminating the earned income tax for working families, taxes on seniors’ pensions to pay for $1.2 billion in tax cuts for the corporations and CEO’s, contracting out union services to address the budget shortfalls as a result of huge corporate tax breaks, and a litany of more than 40 bills in the legislature designed to take away 75 years of progress for working America.”

Kids off chopping block

The crowd chanted repeatedly, “THAT’S NOT RIGHT!”

One worker cried out, “Don’t forget the fact that we know how to fight!” Chants of “This is what democracy looks like!” were raised as well.

“I gave 30 years of service to Wayne County, I went to work every day,” said Dorothy Burrell.

Dorothy Burrell

“Now the government wants to tax my pension, and [Wayne County Executive Robert] Ficano has already taken part of our 13th bonus check, which is the only thing we have left because we lost our cost of living increases. We are paying more for our health benefits too.”

One of the bills pending in the legislature would force all public workers to pay 20 percent of the cost of their health care.

“Whose money, our money! Whose pension? Our pension! Whose house, our house!” the protesters chanted repeatedly.

DFT members

Marsha Chatman, a lead Special Ed teacher at Keiden Elementary in Detroit, said, “I’m here because of cuts involving 470 students. We’re already in a deficit, and we don’t need any more cuts. We hoped this governor would bring jobs, but instead he has divided the state and taken everything away. Those that put him in there want him out now. He’s not been in office six months, and look at all these people.”

Her co-worker, Detroit Federation of Teachers union steward Rochelle Massingill, also of Keiden school, denounced Robert Bobb’s cuts at DPS, approved by the state.

Kids B4 business

“This is prompting a lot of the best teachers, especially new teachers, not to come to the district,” Massingill said. “Principals, occupational therapists, social workers and others are leaving. They are attacking not only the students and their families, but our families. Young teachers have to look out for their future.”

Despite the failure of United Auto Workers President Bob King to attend the rally or join the call for it, numerous UAW locals turned out with their banners and placards anyway.

UAW Local 651 present!

Dan Tyler of UAW Local 651 in Flint carried a homemade sign declaring, “Never forget who paved the way for the rights we have today! Why should THEY have to pay?”

It was the historic Flint autoworkers sitdown which launched a nationwide flood of plant and workplace takeovers, leading to the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, which later linked with the American Federal of Labor.

UAW Local 412 in the house

“There are all sorts of UAW locals here,” Tyler said. “If you’re not rich, if you’re middle or working class or poor, everything they’re doing has an impact on everybody’s way of life. They tax us and leave the rich alone, when they are the ones who can afford it the most.”

A song of “We are the union, mighty, mighty union,” arose from the ranks of a sea of green-shirted AFSCME members from all over the state. UAW Local 869 leader David Edgar paced the stage, leading chants of “What do we need? JOBS! When do we need them? NOW! GOOD JOBS NOW!”

UNITE in the house

The stage was crowded with workers holding banners from the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, UNITE, the UAW, the Michigan Nurses Association, the Laborers International Union, the Sprinkler Fitters, and many others.

Flags and banners from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), American Postal Workers Union (APWU), the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), the Graduate Employees Organization, the Sheetmetal Workers, the Plumbers, the Bricklayers, the Boilermakers, the Cement Masons, the Ironworkers, the Teamsters, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the Communications Workers of America, and the United Food and Commercial Workers flew in the bright sunlight.

Fund people not war!

 “We pray to our God that if the hands [of Snyder and the lawmakers] sign those bills to tax pensions and end collective bargaining, they will become withered hands,” said the Rev. David Bullock, head of the Detroit Chapter of Rainbow:PUSH during the invocation. “We pray to our God that the tongues of those who speak ill of the workers, of teachers, firefighters, public employees, those who built this country, will stick to the roofs of their mouths.”

Bullock diplomatically avoided referencing the Biblical alternatives to the punishments he cited.

NALC and AFSCME out in force

After Sanders, Mary Pollack, president of the Michigan State Employee Retirees’ Union, with 150,000 members, addressed the crowd.

“We believe this proposed tax shift to seniors and working people while disinvesting in Michigan communities is unfair,” Pollack said, to chants of “THAT’S UNFAIR.”


She noted that over 70 percent of her members have pensions under $24,000, while 15 percent get less than $12,000 a year.

“Yet the governor and leaders of the House and Senate propose to tax our pensions while eliminating taxes on 95 percent of the businesses in our state, and slashing the budgets for education, human services, and health care,” she said. “We need better schools and universities; we need the government to fund public services, not tax breaks.”

Speaker from Alliance for Immigrant Rights

A young organizer from the Alliance for Immigration Rights denounced ICE raids in southwest Detroit and anti-immigration legislation passed in Arizona and proposed in Michigan.

“Our families are being ripped apart by the raids, and our people are being stopped by the police because of the color of their skins,” she said. “We are not hardcore criminals like the Wall Street banks who go to the casinos with our mortgage and retirement money, like the CEO’s laying off workers and causing the collapse of their companies.”

She led the crowd in a chant of “Si, se puede!” (yes, we can).

Child care worker Robin Edwards

One of the bills in the hopper would deny child care workers the right to unionize, and Snyder’s budget cuts subsidies for child care.

“We are part of the backbone of Michigan communities, but we have been abandoned,” said child care worker Robin Edwards. “We give other workers the support they need every day. But Rick Snyder is working to prevent us from organizing. This is not the Michigan we believe in.”

Students sacrificed

A teacher in the East Detroit High School system denounced emergency manager laws and other pending bills, saying they would destroy public education in the state of Michigan.

“They are taking 15 to 20 percent out of school budgets evcrywhere, they’ve cut funds for remediation, enrichment courses , and basic education period,” he said. “If there are no teachers, there will be no education for kids. There is a $600 million surplus in K-12 funding now; it must be used to properly fund education.”

People were angry

“YA BASTA!” the crowd chanted, as Graduate Employees Organization representative Serge Farines denounced the increased tax burden on workers and the poor. He called on the demonstrators to join in a protest outside the University of Michigan commencement April 30, where Snyder is scheduled to be the keynote speaker.

 A round of cheers went up for Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, who was defeated by Snyder in the gubernatorial race.

Bernero and daughters

Some present at the rally said they believed the Democratic Party did not throw its full support behind Bernero because of his militant stance against the corporations, banks and mortgage companies.

His opponent in the primary, former House Speaker Andy Dillon, was supported by the likes of Detroit Mayor Dave Bing, and former Mayor Dennis Archer.

Independent class struggle!

Dillon is now State Treasurer, busy training Emergency Managers across the state in league with the proponents of state takeovers of municipalities and school districts.

One sign in the crowd read “No compromises! No share the sacrifices! No givebacks! We need a workers’ party that fights the Dems/GOP with HARD class struggle!”

Bernero told the crowd, “YOU make this state and this country, not the moneymakers on Wall Street, not the big banksters, not those in every corporate boardroom!”

Utility Workers rep flew in from New York

International union leaders from the IBEW and from the Utility Workers Union flew in from Chicago and New York to address the crowd, among dozens of other speakers. Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, whose staff helped organize busloads of demonstrators from Detroit, was present on-stage as well.

On her WHPR TV show, Watson has asked supporters to call her office at 313-224-3435 if they are interested in attending a special announcement April 21 related to city legislation against water department takeovers.

Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson on stage

More information on upcoming events can be obtained by calling the headquarters of AFSCME Council 25 in Detroit at 313-964-1711.

Also listed as a contact for the We are the People Coalition on a press release was Zack Pohl at 517-980-6190.

Organizers also asked those interested in being notified of the ongoing struggle to text MI to 225568, so their phones could be added to the growing battle against the neo-Nazi like attacks on the country’s working and poor people.

Detroit AFSCME retiree Helen Webb (l), Loc. 457 Pres. Laurie Walker to her left; Loc. 1023 Pres. Sheila Pennington second from right

A new day is dawning! (Kenny Snodgrass videographing at left)

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