By NATIONAL LIFERS OF AMERICA, INC. Chapter #1016 c/o Mark McCloud #199143 4269 West M-80 (URF) Kincheloe, MI 49784
Baltimore, Maryland/Cook County, IL.
What do these places have in common?
Where are the mass exonerations in Detroit, Wayne County?
Detroit cops David Pauch, Donald Stawiaz framed many
In the past several years, the above cities have had Mass Exonerations by County prosecutors for police corruption. As recently as August 10, 2022, Cook County Prosecutor (state’s attorney) Kim Foxx, dismissed murder charges against eight (8) more men due to police misconduct by one disgraced Detective, Reynaldo Guevara. In 2013, the City of Chicago hired an independent investigator to look into his cases and the two-year probe found problems, according to Foxx.
Connected to this investigation of Detective Reynaldo Guevara, up to 30 people have had their convictions overturned after wrongly serving a combined total of 500 years in prison.
The alleged Police Misconducts range from:
Coercive interrogation tactics; Hiding evidence (withholding evidence); Intimidating witnesses; Falsifying evidence in multiple cases; Influencing witnesses.

Chicago Prosecutor Kim Foxx
According to Foxx, it came down to the serious allegations of misconduct and findings of credibility against Det. Guevara, as to why her office declined to oppose release of these men.
Source: By Steve Almagy, CNN Wed. August 10, 2022
The criminal misconduct of disgraced police Sgt. Ronald Watts, along with several other disgraced Chicago police officers, led to the MASS EXONERATION of more than ONE HUNDRED (100) cases.
The Alleged Police Misconducts range from:
Falsified testimony, Planting evidence, Extortion, Lying under oath, and Assault.
An investigation by the Cook County Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) revealed that the officers were not being truthful, meaning “The CIU could not longer maintain confidence in the Officers’ reports or testimony, according to Mark Rotert, director of the Cook County CIU.
These police misconducts stretch back as far as the 1980’s.
Source: Phil Rogers published Jan. 14, 2022; Source: By Matt Masterson Nov. 16, 2017.

Desmond Ricks (2nd from l) with family members, spent 25 years in prison based on ballistics evidence falsified by Detroit cops David Pauch and Donald Stawiasz
Desmond Ricks: In a case out of Detroit, similar to the disgraced Detectives Guevara and Watts out of the Chicago area, in 2017, a man named Desmond Ricks was exonerated because it was discovered that two disgraced Detroit police officers committed misconduct which led to Mr. Ricks’ conviction for second-degree murder and sentence of 30 to 60 years. Ballistics expert David Pauch and Homicide Detective Donald Stawiasz committed numerous criminal acts.
In the Desmond Ricks case, the Alleged Police Misconducts range from:

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy; the other “Kim” who will not charge cops, AP’s.
Giving false testimony under oath; Fabricating evidence; Planting evidence (the Detective switched out the bullets); and Withholding evidence.
Source: Rochelle Riley, Detroit Free Press Columnist August 26, 2017
There are numerous poor African-American men currently incarcerated within the Michigan Department of Corrections who alleged that the two disgraced police officers, David Pauch and Donald Stawiasz did in fact commit misconducts in their cases.
The difference is, in Chicago and Baltimore, once it was proven that the disgraced officers did in fact commit misconduct (in one case worked on by the disgraced detectives), States Attorneys Kim Foxx and Marilyn Mosby began independent investigations to seriously look into other cases worked on by the disgraced detectives. And ultimately knew and concluded that their offices could no longer have faith in the credibility of the disgraced detectives’ work, which led to MASS EXONERATIONS of many innocent men and women!

Prisoners in Lakeland Correctional Facility yard.
In other words, Kim Foxx and Marilyn Mosby DID NOT put an INSURMOUNTABLE BURDEN on POOR AFRICAN-AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN, with no resources to prove what their independent investigations and offices had already discovered.
There are many other current and former disgraced Detroit police officers and Detectives who committed misconduct, and have either been allowed to retire with full pensions, forced into early retirement or prosecuted for the criminal acts. Yet, there are numerous Poor African-American men and women who were sent to prison in their youth, and are still in prison on the Testimony, Credibility, and investigations by these disgraced current and former Detroit police officers.

Former Detroit Police Chief William Hart
Disgraced Detroit Police:
Former Chief of Police William Hart:
In 1976, Hart was appointed as Chief of Police, a post he held until Feb. 1971, Convicted of embezzlement and tax fraud, after it was discovered that he embezzled funds from a covert operation fund while he was chief and reported none of the money as income on his tax returns. He was sentenced to a ten-year prison term and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $2,347,710.90.
Investigator/Detective Donald Stawiasz: Ballistics Expert—David Pauch
In 1992 a 21-year old man named Gary Bennett was shot to death outside a restaurant. Police found at .38-caliber revolver under the pillow of Desmond Ricks’ mother. Pauch and Stawiasz claimed –testified that the bullets that killed Mr. Bennett matched those from the gun. PROBLEM WAS—THEY DID NOT! The two officers lied and switched bullets. It took 25 years for Desmond Ricks to prove his innocence with help from the University of Michigan Innocence Clinic.

Former Detroit Police Homicide Chief William Rice
Sgt. William Rice:
Rose to the head of Detroit Police Homicide Division, convicted of drug dealing, Mortgage Fraud, and Perjury (Detroit Free Press Nov. 13, 2012).
Sgt. Walter Bates:
Convicted in federal court of fifteen counts of bank robbery. (See U.S. v. Bates, 552 f3d 474 (2009). HE STILL GETS HIS PENSION.
Voice of Detroit is a pro bono newspaper, now devoting itself entirely to stories related to our PRISON NATION and POLICE STATE.
VOD’s editors and reporters, most of whom live on fixed incomes or are incarcerated, are not paid for their work. Ongoing costs include quarterly web charges of $460.00, P.O. box fee of $180/yr. and other costs including utility and internet bills, costs for research including court records and internet fees, office supplies, gas, etc.
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