Passed December 1, in sister’s home in the arms of family including children, grandchildren; paroled after 37 yrs., relatives fought MDOC to get him home

Willie Merriweather
Merriweather saved five young co-defendants from prison in 1987, refused to sign statements, testify vs. them despite vicious beatings by corrupt cops
“Merriweather refused to lie and send us to prison . . ..he stated to us that we didn’t have a chance in the world at a fair trial.” — Mark McCloud
By Diane Bukowski
December 11, 2024

Alsham Haleem (l) calls for freedom for Willie Merriweather June 4, 2021.
DETROIT — I initially heard of Willie Merriweather from the third speaker at a historic rally of hundreds against wrongful convictions June 4, 2021 outside the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in downtown Detroit June 4, 2021. (Watch video above starting at 1:33 mark).
The rally, which took over the surrounding streets, was called by “Operation Liberation,” founded by Thelonious Searcy and Darrell Ewing, both of them wrongfully convicted, and their families.
Over the next years, I put together a comprehensive story using Mr. Merriweather’s well-written letters and additional research showing that the cops responsible for his false conviction had played major roles in other wrongful convictions, including those of Dwight Love and Danny Burton.
That story was read around the country. Mr. Merriweather heard from supporters as far away as California. giving him hope and recognition.
The first story and a follow-up about Mr. Merriweather’s parole hearing are linked below. I spoke with Mr. Merriweather dozens of times in calls from prison, and became very fond of him. I knew he was battling cancer and other ailments as he fought for his freedom, but he never gave up.
I spoke for hours with Mr. Merriweather’s sister Patricia Merriweather Dec. 9. She told me her brother was finally paroled, despite constant obstacles put up by the Michigan Dept. of Corrections. His family fought tooth and nail to get him home with them and succeeded. VOD’s legal analyst Travis Herndon, who spent decades in prison himself, told Ms. Merriweather she was a hero as well, because it is the worst fear of every prisoner that they will die there.
URGENT. Funds needed for quarterly web hosting charge of $465 due Dec. 4, 2024. VOD is a pro bono newspaper, now devoting itself entirely to stories related to our PRISON NATION and POLICE STATE.
VOD’s editors and reporters, most of whom live on fixed incomes or are incarcerated, are not paid for their work. In addition to quarterly web hosting charge. other expenses include P.O. box fee of $226.00/yr., costs including utility and internet bills, costs for research including court records and internet fees, office supplies, gas, etc.
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