
Protesters against murders by cops block traffic on Woodward Avenue at Clairmount Sept. 24, 2016. They later released their balloons into the sky to remember their loved ones. Among others, they included Arnetta Grable, Mertilla Jones, and Kimberly Davis.

Rev. Jerome McCorry, who led the protest, halts cars. Many drivers honked their horns in support.

Rev. Jerome McCorry of Dayton, Ohio, who led the street protest, shouts encouragement. Many drivers honked their horns in support, even getting out of their cars to see what was happening.

Action marks revival of Detroit movement triggered by Lamar Grable’s 1996 murder by Eugene Brown, Vicki Yost

This is a fight we all better fight”–Pastor McCorry, Dayton, Ohio

By Diane Bukowski

October 2, 2016

VOD: before and since this Sept. 24 action, held in Detroit, cops have continued their deadly rampage across the U.S. Three brutal executions of Black men happened in California alone within two days during the past week. A man and two teens died in Taylor and Livonia, Michigan after police chases. Videos and links to those stories are below this one.

Group gathers after blocking traffic.

Group gathers after blocking traffic.

DETROIT – As the U.S. rises up against the genocidal slaughter of Blacks by police from Charlotte, S.C. to Columbus, Ohio, to Tulsa, Arizona, family members from Detroit, New York City, Dayton, Ohio, Kenosha, Illinois and elsewhere blocked Woodward Avenue for an hour Sept. 24 to demand justice for their loved ones’ deaths.

Drivers honked their horns in solidarity as the families chanted and released white balloons heavenward, with the names of Adaisha Miller, Terrance Kellom, Aiyana Jones, Lamar Grable, Kimoni “Kodak” Davis, Justus Howell, Malcolm Ferguson, John Collado and Emmet Till printed across them or displayed on t-shirts and signs.

Balloons fly skyward in memory of those murdered by police.

Balloons fly skyward in memory of those murdered by police.

“Only in policing can you kill a person one day, take a vacation, come back on restricted duty, get a raise and retire with a large pension,” Pastor Jerome McCorry of the Faith and Justice Social Alliance of Dayton, Ohio said. “All you did was kill somebody who didn’t look like you. The same madness is going on with mass incarceration.”

Pastor McCorry and P.O.S.T (Protect Our Stolen Treasures), headed by Yolanda McNair, based in Detroit, and members of the Original Detroit Coalition against Police Brutality led the militant action. They sponsored held a day-long conference at St. Matthew’s and St. Joseph’s Church on Woodward and Clairmount to solidify their ties with each other and reach out to others.

At an afternoon panel, family members told heart-wrenching stories.

Kevin Kellom, Pastor Jerome McCorry, and Yolanda McNair, leader of P.O.S.T., holding poster with her daughter Adaisha Miller's photo.

Kevin Kellom, Pastor Jerome McCorry, and Yolanda McNair, leader of P.O.S.T., holding poster with her daughter Adaisha Miller’s photo.

“Adaisha was my jewel,” said her mother Yolanda McNair. “She left a little six-year-old daughter. She loved kids, she loved life, and became a massage therapist. She was killed one day before her 25th birthday by Detroit cop Isaac Parrish III.”

Parrish claimed his gun, which he was carrying in a side holster while he danced with Adaisha during a party involving drinking went off accidentally July 8, 2012. The Detroit police covered up for him, smearing Adaisha’s name. He was never charged, not even with reckless endangerment. He was not tested for alcohol or drugs.

“I have a tattoo to remember Adaisha, and my grandkids come up and kiss it,” McNair said. “Her death did not just affect me, it affected everyone who loved her. She deserved to get old, fall in love, and have kids. Now, I’m proud to be the leader of this group. I’m going to fight not just for Adaisha but for everybody. If it happened to us, it can happen to you.”

Arnetta Grable comforts Kevin Kellom as he speaks during panel.

Arnetta Grable comforts Kevin Kellom as he speaks during panel.

Kevin Kellom, who attended the event with his wife Yvette Johnson, remembered the Detroit and federal police execution of his son Kevin Kellom, 18, on April 27, 2015.

“I called him Tee-Tee,” Kellom said. “I always told him, when you bring kids into the world, you have to take care of them. He had a warrant out, but I told the police,‘ I will bring him in the day after his daughter is born.’ ”

Terrance Kellom

Terrance Kellom, Facebook

Kevin Kellom with grandbabies Terranae Kellom, Terrance Kellom.

The day they killed him, four I.C.E. agents, two DEA agents, and three Detroit police came to my door. I wouldn’t let them in without a warrant, but they snatched the door out of my hand. I heard them upstairs telling Tee-Tee, ‘Freeze or I’ll blow your brains out.’

“Then they brought him downstairs, two cops in front and two in back. His hands were in his pockets, but then he put his arms out to me, calling ‘Dad.’ They shot him eight times, then one put his foot on his shoulder and one kicked him, and another turned him over, and shot him again.”

Police claimed Kellom threatened them with a hammer, but Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said during a press conference announcing that no charges against the cops would be brought, that no fingerprints were found on the hammer.

Kimberly Davis with son Kimoni "Kodak" Davis. FB page.

Kimberly Davis with son Kimoni “Kodak” Davis. FB page.

Kellom broke down, blaming himself for not raising his son better, but Aaron Grable, brother of Lamar Grable, told him, “It ain’t about what you didn’t do, it’s about what they did. I was the bad kid in my family, and Lamar was the good kid, but they killed him anyway.”

Kimberly Davis, mother of Kimoni “Kodak” Davis, said he was killed during a car chase in a speed trap set up by Hanging Rock, Ohio police, who said he was going 11 miles over the speed limit as he was coming back home on an Ohio highway. His 17-year-old friend Airshawn Warren of W. Virginia also died. White Hanging Rock cop David Caruso, who had participated in four such other chases, drove the lead car.

State Highway Patrol photographs of the freeway embankment Davis drove up on before flying over three lanes and crashing in a gulley show tracks from two sets of cars, indicating that police may have followed and pushed his car over the road.

Two sets of tire tracks going up embankment where Davis car went airborne.

Two sets of tire tracks going up embankment where Davis car went airborne. The one on the left appears to be veering toward one on the right. OHP photo.

“He made me a grandmother at the age of 14,” Davis said. “Now his baby is the only part of him I have left. He had just called me to say, ‘Ma, I’m on my way home, don’t worry about me.’ Instead he went home to Our Lord because he was a brown face in southern Ohio. My son lived one day, and he died in my arms in a hospital in West Virginia. He was not even recognizable. His grandson tells me how much he misses his father. It’s not a good feeling to know they are killing us. Many cops are half-crazy. They don’t tell on each other, but then they get mad because we don’t snitch in the hood.”

Aaron Grable, brother of Lamar Grable, speaks at conference Sept. 24, 2016.

Aaron Grable, brother of Lamar Grable, speaks at conference Sept. 24, 2016.

Arnetta Grable, Sr. recalled, “I remember like yesterday the first time I set eyes on my first baby Lamar, and I remember like yesterday the last time I saw him, dead in the hospital with 50 police cars outside. Cop Eugene Brown claimed Lamar shot him, and they told me Brown was ‘clinging to life’ at the same hospital. It was all lies. Brown and Vicki Yost were chasing a stocky, dark-skinned man who was 5’6.” My son was 6’3,” light-skinned with red hair, and he only weighed 120 lbs. Brown just decided to execute him after he turned him over and realized his mistake.”

As explained in the previous story on the 20th anniversary commemoration of Lamar’s death, the truth came out during a civil trial, “Lamar’s day in court,” that his mother fought seven years to bring about. It resulted in the U.S. Department of Justice intervention into the Detroit Police Department on consent decrees lasting over 10 years.

“They tried to get my mother to settle for $1 million,” Aaron Grable said. “But I told her, ‘You can’t miss what you never had.’”

Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway, killer cop Joseph Weekley, Aiyana Jones

Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway, killer cop Joseph Weekley, Aiyana Jones

Mertilla Jones, grandmother of Aiyana Jones, 7 when she was viciously shot to death in the head with an AK-47 by Detroit cop Joseph Weekley, leading a military-style assault team on May 16, 2010, also spoke. Her family has gone through unspeakable harassment, frame-ups, and torture since they lost their beautiful little girl.

Jones was sleeping on a living-room couch with her favorite grandchild when police broke in. They had no search warrant for the family’s home, only for an upper flat above their address. Detroit cop Joseph Weekley went free after several mistrials deliberately caused by Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway in league with the prosecution and defense. He is now back on the force. His brother Nate Weekley was recently disciplined for posting on Facebook that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group.

Mertilla Jones speaks Sept. 24, 2016 about DPD murder of her granddaughter Aiyana Jones, 7, on May 16, 2010.

Mertilla Jones speaks Sept. 24, 2016 about DPD murder of her granddaughter Aiyana Jones, 7, on May 16, 2010.

“I saw the light go out of her eyes,” Jones said. “Aiyana was born July 20, 2002 and put in my arms by her maternal grandmother July 21, 2002. I speak for Mertilla Jones, and I speak for Aiyana Jones. They said my family were gang members, but we are survivors of police murder and torture. They locked up Aiyana’s father, my son Charles, for 40-60 years, and every man in my family with the name Jones. I raised six Black men, and have over 30 grandbabies, most of them boys. I am fighting for all of us. I am here to support all these families.”

Latoya Howell, mother of Justus Howell, 17.

LaToya Howell of Kenosha, Illinois, said that when she was told her 17-year-old son Justus Howell had been shot to death by police, “I left this planet. My soul left out of my body. We are the ones that go to the ends of the earth for our children, we teach them everything. You are not going to lie on my baby, he didn’t have a gun. They showed the world the tape. You thought you could take my baby’s life, but it will not be without a fight. If just a fraction of people that have the ears and soul that you all have would join forces, we can stop these killings.”

News reports said Howell had been shot twice in the back by Kenosha police as he ran from them, in early April 2015. Protests followed. At one held in Zion, Ill. People carried signs declaring “Blood on their badges,” “Stand up 4 Justus,” “Black Power: Our children are the power,” “Hands up, don’t shoot,” and “Black Lives Matter,” according to the Kenosha News.

March in Zion, Illinois to demand justice for Justus Howell

March in Zion, Illinois to demand justice for Justus Howell; Photo Kenosha News

Ericka Gordon-Taylor, a cousin of Emmett Till, lynched in the South in 1955, attended the conference with her mother, both wearing T-Shirts commemorating the 14-year-old child and his mother Mamie Mobley, who insisted on an open casket funeral to show the world how vicious racists had savaged her child’s face and body.

Ericka Gordon-Taylor remembers Emmett Till.

Ericka Gordon-Taylor remembers Emmett Till.

They had just returned from the grand opening of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History, which featured the first display of that casket. Till was exhumed in 2005, and could not be re-buried in the same casket.

“That casket symbolizes that all of our families and loved ones are still being slaughtered, 61 years later,” Gordon-Taylor said. “We still see the stain of Emmett Till’s blood on the fabric of America.”

Also in attendance were Joshua Lopez of New York City, whose uncle John Collado was murdered by an undercover cop in 2011 as he sought to break up what he thought was a neighborhood fight, but instead was the cop beating another man. Lopez has been very active since, traveling across the country to numerous rallies.

Joshua Lopez center during march for his uncle John Collado in New York City.

Joshua Lopez (center in red cap) during march for his uncle John Collado in NYC.

He was joined by Juanita Young of New York City, whose son Malcolm Ferguson was shot and killed March 1, 2000 in the Bronx, by plainclothes officer Louis Rivera. Like the family of Lamar Grable, she fought in court for years and in June 2007 a jury awarded her $10.5 million for the killing of her son, which was later reduced on appeal.  She and her family have been subjected to constant police raids and brutality since that time, like the family of Mertilla Jones. Young leads the organizing of national events like the one in Detroit Sept. 24.

Members of Dayton, Ohio BLM group at conference.

Members of Dayton, Ohio BLM group at conference.

Pastor McCorry summed up the conference in tears, saying, “This is my family. I love everyone sitting at this table. I refuse to ever sell you out.

“This is a fight we all better fight. It is as much about white folks as Black folks. A boat cannot rise from the flood waters until the people at the bottom are saved.”

Family members gather at end of conference.

Family members gather at end of conference. They had just been awarded posters declaring solidarity between African-Americans and the struggle of the Palestinian people.

Videos and stories on recent killings by police across the U.S. and Michigan.











Suspect Fatally Shot By State Police Following High-Speed Chase In Wayne County



BELOW: VOD stories related to families at Sept. 24 conference (many had multiple stories, but only one is cited for sake of space. To see others, put the victim’s name in the VOD search engine at upper right.)





http://voiceofdetroit.net/2016/01/06/boycott-dearborn-charge-white-cop-who-executed-detroits-kevin-matthews-unarmed-harmless/ (to this day, Prosecutor Kym Worthy has not named or charged the white Dearborn cop who killed Kevin Matthews just before last Christmas),

To read listing of Detroiters killed by police since 1992, click on http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/DETROITERS-KILLED-BY-POLICE-SINCE-1992-edited-2.pdf





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Sky banner flown Sept. 21, 2016 in honor of Lamar Grable, 20, allegedly murdered by Detroit cops Eugene Brown and Vicki Yost Sept. 21, 1996 /Photo by Ven

2Oth Anniversary of LAMAR GRABLE

 20th ANNIVERSARY of LAMAR GRABLE’S MURDER on FIELD@KERCHEVAL 9/21/96: Lamar’s father Herman Vallery (r) interviewed by Fox 2 News, with (seated l to r) Keka Harris and daughter, Mertilla Jones (grandmother of Aiyana Jones), Juanita Young (NYC); (standing l to r) Joshua Lopez (NYC), Lamar’s brother Aaron Grable on bullhorn,  mother Arnetta Grable, Cornell Squires, State Rep. Bettie Cook-Scott

Lamar Grable’s family, friends remember 20-year-old man, allegedly executed 20 yrs. ago by Detroit cops Eugene Brown, Vicki Yost, still on the loose 

Brown also killed Rodrick Carrington, Jr., Darren Miller, wounded 9 more; Brown convicted by own testimony at civil trial, Lamar’s “day in court”

Lamar’s legacy: founding of  Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality and summer of 2000: uprisings against police killings in Detroit

By Diane Bukowski

September 26, 2016

Lamar Grable at his father's home.

Lamar Grable at his father’s home.

DETROIT– Dozens turned out at a vacant lot on Field on Detroit’s east side Sept. 21, where Lamar Grable, youth entrepreneur, musician and activist, took his last breath at the age of 20, gunned down by three-time killer cop Eugene Brown aided by his partner Vicki Yost in 1996 as he returned home from a church social.

Eugene Brown, a three-time killer cop, was never charged or fired despite recommendations made in an internal Detroit police study known as the “Shoulders Report.” He has since retired.

Vicki Yost was rewarded with a series of DPD promotions, then left to become Inkster’s police chief. She left that department after the near-fatal beating of Detroit autoworker Floyd Dent by Inkster cop William “Robocop” Melendez, a long-time DPD veteran who committed murder and mayhem throughout southwest Detroit. The vicious beating of Dent, caught on police dashcam video, created a national scandal. Melendez was sentenced to 1-10 years, but the Michigan Department of Corrections independently commuted that to a short stay in boot camp.

Arnetta Grable is interviewed by Detroit’s Channel 7 News Sept. 21, 2016.

“There were tons of witnesses to how they killed my son,” Arnetta Grable, who had rushed to the scene immediately, said. “Youths in the neighborhood said Vicki Yost ran up on him first from behind and fired multiple shots. Lamar said, ‘I’ve been shot, don’t shoot me anymore,’ but then Brown came up on him from the front, knelt over him and flipped him over and said ‘Oh, shit’ because he realized Lamar was not the guy they were chasing. People watching from their windows in the apartment building next to the field said Brown than shot him three times in the chest. Dr. Werner Spitz called it an ‘execution’ during the civil trial.”

Grable said Lamar was a talented, activist young man with no criminal involvement. He spent the last seven years of his life living with his father Herman Vallery at a house close to where he was killed.

Grable cousin Ven.

Grable cousin Ven.

“He was very artistic, he would draw cartoons and portraits,” Grable said. “He played the violin, keyboards and flute. He went to Cass Technical High School. He was the kind of kid that liked to help people. He started Y.E.S., the Young Entrepreneur System, to teach youth how to start their own businesses. He opened up a photography studio, and he was a youth recruiter for the NAACP.”

Throughout the memorial, Grable cousin Ven barbecued free refreshments for everyone at the event and for the community at large. He also took long-range photographs featured in this story with his camera.

Vicki Yost

Vicki Yost

Eugene Brown

Eugene Brown

Brown and Yost claimed Grable had a gun and struggled with Brown, shooting him twice in his bullet-proof vest. Yost, who testified at the civil trial of Brown, admitted to taking the gun HOME with her overnight before turning it in. At that trial, experts testified that bullet-holes in Brown’s vest did not confirm any such struggle, instead that Brown had fired them himself.

World renowned forensic pathologist Werner Spitz testified that Brown “executed” Grable as he lay on the ground, shooting him in the chest.

A jury awarded Grable’s family $4 million seven years after the suit was filed due to constant court delays. It was upheld by the Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court later, largely because Brown admitted, “I MAY have shot him three times in the chest while he was on the ground.”

Lamar Grable’s family and supporters gather after jury verdict against Brown. Included to right are attorneys David Robinson, Melissa El, and Rosie and Wendy Lewis, mother and sister of juvenile lifer Charles Lewis.

During the intervening years, Arnetta Grable and her family spearheaded the founding of “Parents Against Police Brutality,” later re-named the “Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality,” on Sept. 22, 1997. she said. The Coalition grew at a rapid pace after a public hearing on police killings in Detroit in front of Detroit City Council in 1998, where dozens more stepped forward to talk about killings, brutality and frame-ups by Detroit police. In 2000, this reporter broke the Brown killings story, headlined “Serial Killer Kops” in the Michigan Citizen.

UAW members turned out for massive rally against Detroit police killings, along with DCAPB, motorcycle clubs supporting Darren "Krunch" Miller, and deaf community supporting Errol Shaw, Sr.

UAW members turned out for massive rally against Detroit police killings, along with DCAPB, motorcycle clubs supporting Darren “Krunch” Miller, and deaf community supporting Errol Shaw, Sr.

David Ashenfelter, Suzette Hackney and Joe Swickard of the Detroit Free Press followed up, eventually revealing that Detroit had the highest rate of police killings in the country as of 2000. (See link below story.)

Massive protests followed as cops continued to kill that year, including cop David Krupinski’s killing of a deaf man with a rake, Errol Shaw, and the police slaughter of autoworker Dwight Turner as he stood on his porch shooting at a dangerous dog. The community demanded that Police Chief Benny Napoleon and then Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer resign. Napoleon was ousted from office later, and Archer declined to run again in 2001, after the massive Cincinnati rebellion against the police murder of Timothy Thomas, 19, and dozens of other Black men.

Deaf community joined with DCAPB to protest David Krupinski's killing of Errol Shaw, Sr. in 2000.

Deaf community joined with DCAPB to protest David Krupinski’s killing of Errol Shaw, Sr. in 2000.

Arnetta Grable said she went to meet then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno in Washington, D.C., camping out in her office lobby overnight, pajamas and all, until she agreed to see her. The U.S. Justice Department finally came to Detroit and imposed two “consent agreements” on the Detroit Police Department to address use of force and deaths in prison jails. They also required the DPD to install dashcam videos on police cars. Later, it was revealed that only 15 percent of the videocameras were operational, as police went on killing.

With Cornell Squires (center) leading, the DCAPB protested his beating and the frame-ups of his son and cousins, along with other brutality on the southwest side,

With Cornell Squires (center) leading, the DCAPB protested his beating and the frame-ups of his son and cousins, along with other brutality on the southwest side.

The Grables and the DCAPB continued mobilizing, holding weekly meetings and frequent protests.

But the broad publicity about police killings ceased, as the mainstream media assumed the DOJ would bring about a change. It did not happen.

The DPD kept on killing and brutalizing residents. One of the cases involved was that of Cornell Squires, brutally beaten by Detroit cop Robert Feld. When he protested to the Police Commission, Squires’ son and cousins were framed up, and his son was falsely convicted and imprisoned. The children of Arnetta Grable were also targeted by police, with her other son facing constant harassment and eventual false imprisonment.

Protester Harris points to lengthy list of police killings of Detroiters displayed at Lamar's memorial Sept. 21, 2016.

Protester Keka Harris points to lengthy list of police killings of Detroiters displayed at Lamar’s memorial Sept. 21, 2016. After Aiyana Jones’ death in 2010, she organized a broad neighborhood march of mothers against violence on the east side.

A partial listing of police killings of Detroiters from 1992 to 2016 was displayed on a poster at the memorial, compiled from stories collected from the Michigan Citizen and the Voice of Detroit. NO DETROIT COP HAS EVER BEEN CHARGED OR JAILED BY WAYNE COUNTY PROSECUTOR KYM WORTHY FOR MURDER. 

Even Joseph Weekley, who killed 7-year-old Aiyana Jones in a vicious made-for-TV military-style raid of her home May 16, 2010, was indicted on involuntary manslaughter and firearms charges by a “grand jury” composed of Third Judicial Circuit Court Judge Timothy Kenny, chief of the court’s criminal division.

To read seven-page list of killings of Detroiters by police, go to http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/DETROITERS-KILLED-BY-POLICE-SINCE-1992-edited-1.pdf/

Protesters released balloons in memory of Lamar and others killed by police.

Protesters released balloons in memory of Lamar and others killed by police. Photo by Ven

At the conclusion of the memorial, protesters gathered in prayer, then released white, red and black balloons into the skies to remember Lamar and condemn officer Eugene Brown and other killer cops.

The idea for the sky banner for Lamar Grable was inspired by that flown by the Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee on the first-year anniversary of her death, on May 16, 2011. The company Traffic Displays (contact #616-225-8865 and ask for Cynthia or Jason) made and flew both banners.

Group remembers Lamar Grable and all victims of police violence in prayer Sept. 21, 2016. Photo by Ven

Group remembers Lamar Grable and all victims of police violence in prayer Sept. 21, 2016. Photo by Ven

The Grable banner was flown over the site of his murder, then over Eugene Brown’s house near Mack and Burns, then to downtown Detroit over the Frank Murphy Hall. Aiyana’s banner was flown over the house where she was killed on Lillibridge near Mack, then downtown over police headquarters.

Justice for Aiyana Jones banner flies over her east-side Detroit neighborhood May 16, 2011.

Justice for Aiyana Jones banner flies over her east-side Detroit neighborhood May 16, 2011.

Michigan Citizen stories by Diane Bukowski on Eugene Brown:


Detroit Free Press articles on Detroit police in 2000: http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/Detroit-cops-are-deadliest-in-U-S-1.pdf

Related from VOD: stories cited below on cases listed in “Detroiters killed by police from 1992-2016” are only a sampling of VOD’s coverage. To see more, put the names of those killed or framed by police into our search engine.







#JailKillerCops, #JusticeforLamarGrableRodrickCarringtonDarrenMiller, #Justice4AiyanaJones, #Justice4TerranceKellom, #Justice4KevinMatthews, #Justice4JanetWilson, #FreeCharlesLewis,  #ExonerateDavontaeSanford, BringDownPrisonNationPoliceState, #DownwithKymWorthy

Family members of people murdered by Eugene Brown, as well as his injured victims, gathered outside Prosecutor Kym Worthy's office to demand that Brown be charged after his civil trial and release of the "Shoulders Report." Worthy refused.

Family members of people murdered by Eugene Brown, as well as his injured victims, gathered outside Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s office to demand that Brown be charged after his civil trial and release of the “Shoulders Report.” Worthy refused.

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Some of Michigan’s juvenile lifers: (l to r, top through bottom row), Cortez Davis, Raymond Carp, Dakotah Eliason, Henry Hill, Keith Maxey, Dontez Tillman, Charles Lewis, Jemal Tipton, Nicole Dupure, Giovanni Casper, Jean Cintron, Matthew Bentley, Bosie Smith, Kevin Boyd, Damion Todd, Jennifer Pruitt, Edward Sanders, David Walton (photos show some lifers at current age, others at age they went to prison).

Some of Michigan’s juvenile lifers: (l to r, top through bottom row), Cortez Davis EL* *Raymond Carp, Dakotah Eliason, Henry Hill, Keith Maxey,* Dontez Tillman,* Charles Lewis, Jemal Tipton, Nicole Dupure, Giovanni Casper, Jean Cintron, Matthew Bentley, Bosie Smith, Kevin Boyd, Damion Todd, Jennifer Pruitt, Edward Sanders, David Walton (photos show some lifers at current age, others at age they went to prison). Note: the prisoners with * by their names are members of the Thumb Correctional Facility G.O.A.L.S. program.

The U.S. is the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to die in prison

Michigan has the second highest number of juvenile lifers per capita among states in U.S.

Michigan one of only 4 states to oppose retroactivity of Miller until 2016

Cortez Davis-EL

Cortez Davis-EL

By Cortez Davis-El

Staff Writer, Voice of Detroit

September 26, 2016

When the U.S. Supreme Court made its 2012 decision banning mandatory life without parole for juvenile offenders (Miller v. Alabama), more than 300 Michigan prisoners began to feel as if they were getting a second chance to right their wrongs. Four years later, they are still clinging to the hope of being free to repair that which they have broken, the trust of society.

Throughout the country, prosecutors were fighting tooth and nail trying to prevent the highest court in the land’s decision from applying to those whose cases were already finalized. When that fight proved to be unsuccessful, they began to regurgitate the false political talking points from the mid-1980’s. They tried to re-ignite the fears of those that were victims of crime- infested communities, induced when the alarm was falsely sounded about an infestation of juvenile “super-predators,” leading to the harsh treatment of children.

Superscapegoated: "Teen predator" hysteria set stage for draconian legislation.

Superscapegoated: “Teen predator” hysteria set stage for racially-targeted draconian legislation.

Now that it has been shown that there were no super-predator children, the citizens demand to repeal the way children are treated and punished, starting with those that have been locked away for decades. The citizens, families of victims, and former state officials are on record saying they want to see this change occur. They want the men and women that fell short as children to show their redemption as adults. Society is ready and willing to give these people a second chance, so why hasn’t it been given? Those who were elected by the people have chosen not to hear the people.

They are still full of fear. Their fear comes in two stages. The first stage of fear is caused by uncertainty. They look at recidivism statistics for those that go to prison with 15 years and less and equate that to those who were told they would die in prison. While some sentenced to 15 years or less may leave prison the same way they arrived, the recidivism rate for those who have spent decades in prison, particularly for assaultive crimes, is very low.

For those prosecutors that have a real concern about the rehabilitation of a juvenile lifer that has been locked away twenty plus years, we commend you for protecting society. We watch the news and we are horrified at what we see. We don’t want just anybody living next to the people that we love and all we ask is that you look at who we are today and not what we were twenty years ago.

Juveniles sentenced to death are not the same people they were as children.

Juveniles sentenced to death in prison are not the same people they were as children.

Understand that the changes we’ve made didn’t start once the U.S. Supreme Court made the 2012 decision (Miller v. Alabama) nor once they made the 2016 decision (Montgomery v. Louisiana). We saw the need for change long before the possiblity of freedom existed for us. We want to contribute to society’s growth, not its destruction. We don’t want just anyone living next to our loved ones and we know society feels the same way about all that they love and vowed to protect. We no longer threaten the community. So instead of fearing our release, help us become successful upon release by advocating for the tools that are needed.

To the citizens of Michigan, we understand that we violated your trust. We understand that there is still pain and sorrow in your families and communities due to our actions. On behalf of myself and all the juvenile offenders that I have walked and talked with over the past twenty-two years, I am truly sorry for all of the pain and unrest that our actions caused. We truly ask for your forgiveness and blessings. We ask that you release your fears and welcome us back into your communities and allow us to help repair what we tore down and truly give.

There are many juvenile lifers that have already started trying to contribute to society while still incarcerated. A few of them are housed at the Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer, where Cortez Davis EL, Jose Burgos, Keith Maxey of Wayne County and Dontez Tillman of Oakland County are members of the G.O.A.L.S. Program, where we share our stories with at risk youth that are brought in by various agencies.

Jose Burgos

Jose Burgos

We are no longer mindless juveniles. The same people that are let out of prison and are successful are the same people that we grew up learning from, who give us a chance to succeed. Currently, Cortez Davis volunteers as a mentor with the G.O.A.L.S. Program at the Thumb Correctional Facility, and speaks to at risk youths brought into the facility by various agencies from various counties. With all that has been said about Mr. Davis, is there any penological justification for not releasing him and accepting him back into society? Would you give him a chance?

What does rehabilitation look like? Does it resemble Jose Burgos, a juvenile lifer whose time in prison expands over two and a half decades? Like Cortez, Mr. Burgos has also undergone rehabilitative transformation and no longer has a child-like mentality. Jose Burgos has obtained his GED and is educated in various fields that would be a benefit to the community that he calls home.

Mr. Burgos is also a mentor with the G.O.A.L.S. Program at the Thumb Correctional Facility, deterring other juveniles from becoming him by making the same choices that he made at their age. Jose Burgos is also a healer in his own right. He works as a prisoner observation aid (POA) talking to and preventing mentally disturbed prisoners from committing suicide that are placed on suicide watch. Is Jose Burgos someone that you would oppose giving a second chance to? Does rehabilitation look like Jose Burgos?

Ryan Kendrick

Ryan Kendrick

Terrance Thomas

T. Thomas

Paul Young

Paul Young

Jeremy Youngerbeam

J. Youngerbeam






What about Paul Young, Terrance Thomas, Jeremy Longerbeam, and Ryan Kendrick? All juvenile lifers housed at the Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer.

These four individuals have been incarcerated for decades and continue to prove their readiness to rejoin society. These men have all obtained their GED’s and strive for other academic opportunities that do not come easy for lifers of any age. They collectively sought out ways to give back to society, and gain knowledge that will guide us to live successfully. Michigan does not treat lifers and non- lifers alike when it comes to education. Lifers have to create avenues to take classes and participate in educational programs. We have to strive hard for every inch that is obtained.

“Our day-to-day role at Stiggy’s Dogs is often that of teacher. We teach our inmate handlers how to train our dogs, our dogs how to assist our handlers, and our veterans how to work with their new partner. However, every day spent instructing others has handed us our own lessons in return. If there’s anything that we’ve learned from our STaR Cadet program at Thumb Correctional Facility, it’s how incredible things can happen when a dedicated group of people work together for a common cause.”–Stiggy’s Dogs (Video above is from Muskegon Correctional Facility–previous video from the Thumb CF has been deleted.)

One chance came when they successfully persuaded the prison administration to allow Stiggy’s Dogs, a non-profit dog rescue organization, to establish a behavior training and rehabilitation site at the Thumb Correctional Facility. This organization, with the help of these individuals, transforms battered, abandoned, and abused dogs into service dogs and pets for veterans living with PTSD and other traumatic brain injuries and elders that need companionship.

Are the men in this article a reflection of what rehabilitation looks like? Do you still fear these men and others like them, or are you simply still mad at them? If you believe in the rehabilitation system and that people are sent to prison for rehabilitation, when will you accept that the system works?

Families of juvenile lifers as well as some victims, known as "Second Chance," joined together at Michigan State Legislature to demand an end to JLWOP.

Families of juvenile lifers as well as some victims, known as “Second Chance,” joined together at Michigan State Legislature to demand an end to JLWOP.

VOD: Cortez Davis-EL is now 33, and was sentenced to juvenile life without parole in 1994, only after a Michigan Appeals Court overturned the original sentence of 10-14 years handed out by Judge Vera Massey-Jones. He has now served 22 years.

Judge Vera Massey-Jones in 1990.

Judge Vera Massey-Jones

Pros. Kym Worthy

Prosecutor  Kym Worthy

After the Miller decision, Judge Massey-Jones set a date to re-sentence him according to the Miller rules, but Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy appealed her action. Mr. Davis-El has now served far longer than the time intended by his original judge, who called JLWOP “unconstitutional” long before the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on JLWOP. Judge Massey-Jones, who is now retired after a long, illustrious career, said in 2012:

“I stayed here because I wanted to see justice done to my people. I followed my father around Recorder’s Court when I was a little kid . . . .I had a great deal of respect for him and for the other people who happened to be African-American lawyers, and really fought for people’s rights. And so, to me, doing the right thing was more important than anything else. And doing the right thing back then was not to sentence Mr. Davis to natural life in prison.”

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Mourners at Tyre King funeral Sept. 24, 2016

Mourners at Tyre King funeral Sept. 24, 2016

the-rootTyre a “small-framed adolescent boy, standing 5’0” and weighing less than 100 lbs.,” who suffered gunshot wounds to his left temple, one to his left collarbone and one to his left flank.

kirsten-west-savaliBy: Kirsten West Savali  

September 21, 2016

Tyre King, the 13-year-old boy who was fatally shot by Columbus, Ohio, police last week, was “more likely than not” running away at the time he was killed.

According to an autopsy performed by Dr. Francisco Diaz, an independent medical examiner retained by Tyre’s family, “Based on the location and the direction of the wound paths, it is more likely than not that Tyre King was in the process of running away from the shooter or shooters when he suffered all three gunshot wounds.”

Tyre King, 13

Tyre King, 13

Diaz described Tyre as a “small-framed adolescent boy, standing 5’0” and weighing less than 100 lbs.,” who suffered gunshot wounds to his left temple, one to his left collarbone and one to his left flank.

The results from the local coroner’s office won’t be available for at least six weeks.

As previously reported by The Root, Tyre was shot and killed by Police Officer Bryan Mason on Sept. 14.

Mason, a nine-year veteran on the force, was responding to reports of an armed robbery—in the amount of $10—and a group of teenagers were the alleged suspects. Mason claimed that as he approached, Tyre pulled a BB gun from his waistband that looked like a real firearm, so he opened fire.

Columbus cop Brian Mason had killed before in 2012.

Columbus cop Brian Mason had killed before in 2012.

Attorneys for Tyre’s family released the following statement:

“Dr. Diaz determined that Tyre King suffered three gunshot wounds with entrance paths on the left side of his body, any of which could be determined to have been the cause of death. Tyre suffered a gunshot wound of entrance on the left temple that passed left to right and slightly downward and exited through the right temple. The entrance wound was above the left ear and the exit wound was in front of the right ear. Tyre also suffered a gunshot wound to the left collarbone area. Lastly, he suffered a gunshot wound to the left flank. There is an exit wound on the right flank.

Dr. Diaz notes: “Based on the location and the direction of the wound paths it is more likely than not that Tyre King was in the process of running away from the shooter or shooters when he suffered all three gunshot wounds.” Dr. Diaz describes Tyre as a “small-framed adolescent boy, standing 5’0” and weighing less than 100 lbs.”

Based on this new information and as more facts emerge, the family asks for the public to continue to withhold final judgment until all the facts are known and vetted. The Columbus Police Department, the City of Columbus and most importantly Tyre King and his family deserve the benefit of an investigation from a law enforcement agency that has no direct impact from the outcome of that investigation.

The family continues to request a full, thorough and independent investigation by an outside law enforcement agency and are requesting that the Columbus Police Department and the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office remove themselves from any involvement in the investigation.

Memorial for Tyre King, 13

Memorial for Tyre King, 13

Tyre’s autopsy results were released as news about the police shootings of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Okla., and Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, N.C., is still developing.

Kirsten West Savali is a cultural critic and an associate editor at The Root. She was named to Ebony magazine’s 2015 “Power 100” list and awarded a 2015 Harry Frank Guggenheim Fellowship. Her provocative commentary explores the intersections of race, social justice, religion, feminism, politics and pop culture. Follow her on Twitter.

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Charlotte protests continue, with plans to blockade Sunday's Panthers game.

Charlotte protests continue, with plans to blockade Sunday’s Panthers game.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

Keith Lamont Scott with mother Vernita Walker.

VOD UPDATE 3: Charlotte police have released partial videos of the killing of Keith Lamont Scott, (see below) which raise more questions, particularly since they are clearly edited. 

Why does the cop in the first segment ask someone to go to his car trunk to get his “bag,” then clarify that saying, his “gun,” after Scott is already dead on the ground and handcuffed? The video then clearly shows a cop handing an object to another and something being tossed on the ground.

Charlotte police reported that a “forensic examination shows Scott’s DNA and fingerprints on the loaded gun retrieved from the scene and that Scott was wearing an ankle holster” according to the AP.  It is clear from Mrs. Rakeyiah Scott’s cell phone video below this one that the cops spent a long time maneuvering over Scott’s handcuffed body, giving them plenty of time to put the gun in his hand.

Regarding that cell phone video, the following comment was made on the VOD Facebook page:

Patty Rowell Does anyone else besides me see the officer standing closest to the right of Scott drop something on the ground next to Scott after he is shot during the video? Watch closely. The officer on left is kneeling over victim. The video moves to left and no view of victim. As soon as it goes back with victim and officers in view, the officer standing immediately right of victim drops what appears to be a dark object on the ground.

Rakeyia Scott with her husband of 20 years, Keith Lamont Scott.

Rakeyia Scott with her husband of 20 years, Keith Lamont Scott.

UPDATE SEPT. 23, 2016–Rakeyia Scott, wife of Keith Lamont Scott, has released her heart-rending cell phone video of the moments before police shot and killed her husband, the father of seven, in which she tells them, “He has a TMI (Traumatic Brain Injury).” She talks to him, telling him to get out of his car, but the police do not ask her to intercede in whatever situation was happening. Instead they shoot her husband of 20 years to death in front of her eyes. She tells them, “He better not be dead.”

Protests continue for two days after Charlotte police kill Black father Keith Lamont Scott

Justin Carr shot to death, protesters say by police rubber bullet, nine injured, 44 arrested during uprisings

Eyewitness disputes police report that Scott had a gun; family says he was waiting for his son’s school bus while reading a book.

Police let family see video, will not release it to public 

 Scott the sixth man killed by police in Charlotte-Mecklenberg area this year; Justin Carr makes it the seventh

(VOD: Updated Sept. 23 with inserts from other sources, photos, videos)reuters-logo

September 22, 2016

By Daniel Wallis, Scott Malone

CHARLOTTE, N.C. [One Black protester, Justin Carr, was shot to death in the head,] at least nine people were injured and 44 people were arrested during a second night of violent protests in Charlotte, North Carolina, the city’s police chief said on Thursday, following the fatal police shooting of a [Black father of seven, Keith Lamont Scott.]

[During Wednesday night’s demonstrations, a protester was shot in the head in what the police described as a “civilian on civilian” episode. But some protesters accused the police of opening fire. Early Thursday evening, just about the time a crowd was gathering, the police announced that the man had died earlier in the day and that the department had begun a homicide investigation.

Keith Lamont Scott at right, from family's GoFundMe page

Keith Lamont Scott at right, from family’s GoFundMe page

The police identified the victim as Justin Carr, 26, without elaborating further on his death.–New York Times]

Police used tear gas, rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades to disperse demonstrators who looted stores and threw rocks, bottles and fireworks.


(GoFundMe Page for Keith L. Scott at https://www.gofundme.com/2q773xg,)

Officials initially said Carr was shot by a civilian, but on Thursday Putney acknowledged some claims he was shot by a law enforcement officer.

“We’re here to seek the truth, so we’re investigating that to find the truth, the absolute truth as best as the evidence can show us,” Putney said.

Four police officers suffered non-life threatening injuries, city officials said.

Justin Carr being carried to the hospital, where he later died. Getty Images

Justin Carr being carried to the hospital, where he later died. Getty Images

The latest trouble erupted after a peaceful rally earlier in the evening by protesters who reject the official account of how Keith Scott, 43, was gunned down by a black police officer in the parking lot of an apartment complex on Tuesday afternoon.

Justin Carr, killed during protests against police murder of Keith Lamont Scott

Justin Carr, killed during protests against police murder of Keith Lamont Scott

The killing was the latest in a long series of controversial fatal police shootings of black men across the United States, sparking more than two years of protests asserting racial bias and excessive force by police and giving rise to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Scott’s killing marked the 214th incident of a black person by police this year, according to Mapping Police Violence, an anti-police violence group created out of the protest movement. There is no national-level government data on police shootings.

(VOD: Go to http://www.killedbypolice.net/killedbypolice.net, which lists 844 killings nationally this year as of Sept. 21  with the killings of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Scott and Carr in Charlotte making it 847.)

Authorities say Scott was wielding a handgun and was shot after refusing commands to drop it. His family and a witness say he was holding a book, not a firearm, when he was killed.

[Scott’s grieving relatives watched videos on Thursday of the fatal shooting, a wrenching experience that they said revealed no hint of aggression in him and left the family members convinced that the videos should be made public. But the city’s police chief, who had arranged for the private viewing, held fast to his decision not to release the recordings.

Scott’s wife Rakeyia Scott and other relatives of the dead man, Keith L. Scott, watched his killing from two angles, recorded Tuesday by police dashboard and body cameras, and “it was incredibly difficult,” a family lawyer, Justin Bamberg, said in a statement.

Family members of Keith Lamont Scott gather outside the Mecklenberg courthouse. Photo: The Independent.

Family members of Keith Lamont Scott gather outside the Mecklenberg courthouse. Photo: The Independent.

When told by police to exit his vehicle, Mr. Scott did so in a very calm, nonaggressive manner,” Mr. Bamberg said. “While police did give him several commands, he did not aggressively approach them or raise his hands at members of law enforcement at any time.” When an officer opened fire, he added, “Mr. Scott’s hands were by his side, and he was slowly walking backwards.”

On Thursday night, hundreds of people gathered at an intersection in central Charlotte, holding signs and chanting, “We want the tapes!” in a peaceful demonstration. New York Times]

Related Coverage

A spokesman for the Charlotte Fraternal Order of Police told CNN on Thursday he had seen video from the scene showing Scott holding a gun.

“It is important that we have a full and transparent investigation of the original incident,” Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts told a press conference.

The pleas appeared to go largely unheeded. Overnight, protesters smashed windows and glass doors at a downtown Hyatt hotel and punched two employees, the hotel’s manager told Reuters. The slogan “Black Lives Matter” was spray-painted on windows.

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Looters were seen smashing windows and grabbing items from a convenience store as well as a shop that sells athletic wear for the National Basketball Association’s Charlotte Hornets. Protesters also set fire to trash cans.

“We had a lot of looting at a lot of businesses,” Putney said, adding that state police and National Guard troops would help to secure the area on Thursday.

The people arrested faced such charges as assault, breaking and entering and failure to disperse, he said.

It was the second night of unrest in North Carolina’s largest city, one of the biggest U.S. financial centers. Sixteen police officers and several protesters had been injured on Tuesday night and in the early hours of Wednesday.

Related Coverage

Bank of America headquarters, Charlotte, N.C.

Bank of America headquarters, Charlotte, N.C.

Bank of America Corp, which is headquartered in Charlotte, and Wells Fargo & Co, which has a large office there, told employees not to report to work at uptown offices.

The American Civil Liberties Union has called on the police in Charlotte to release camera footage of the incident. Authorities have said the officer who shot Scott, Brentley Vinson, was in plainclothes and not wearing a body camera. But according to officials, video was recorded by other officers and by cameras mounted on patrol cars.

Todd Walther, the Charlotte Fraternal Order of Police official, said the plainclothes officers were wearing vests marked “police” and that he saw them do nothing wrong. Releasing the video would satisfy some people, but not everyone, he added, and people will have to wait for the investigation to conclude.

“The clear facts will come out and the truth will come out. It’s unfortunate to say that we have to be patient, but that’s the way it’s going to have to be,” Walter said.Mayor Roberts said she planned to view the footage on Thursday, but did not indicate if or when it would be made public.

Rage in Charlotte.

Rage in Charlotte.

The killing of Scott came just days after a fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in Tulsa, Oklahoma that was recorded on video. Protesters have held peaceful rallies demanding the arrest of the female officer involved [who has since turned herself in to face manslaughter charges.]

William Barber, president of North Carolina’s chapter of the NAACP, called for the “full release of all facts available,” and said NAACP officials planned to meet with city officials and members of Scott’s family on Thursday.

(Additional reporting by Colleen Jenkins in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Jon Herskovitz in Austin, Texas, Dan Freed in New York and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Writing by Daniel Wallis and Scott Malone; Editing by Jeremy Gaunt and Jeffrey Benkoe)

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TO READ PARTIAL LIST OF DETROITERS KILLED BY POLICE SINCE 1992, CLICK ON http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/DETROITERS-KILLED-BY-POLICE-SINCE-1992-edited.pdf.

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Video shows Tulsa man had hands up before police shooting

Helicopter cops called him a “big, bad dude” from above

Police chief: “There was no gun”

Twin sister demands charges

September 20, 2016

Terence Crutcher and family/Family photo

Terence Crutcher (center) and family/Family photo

TULSA, Okla. — An unarmed black man killed by a white Oklahoma officer who was responding to a stalled vehicle can be seen in police video walking away from officers and toward his SUV with his hands up before he approaches the driver’s side door, where he drops to the ground after being shocked with a stun gun then fatally shot.

In Tulsa police helicopter footage that was among several clips released Monday showing the shooting of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher and its aftermath, a man in the helicopter that arrives above the scene as Crutcher walks to the vehicle can be heard saying “time for a Taser.” He then says: “That looks like a bad dude, too. Probably on something.”

Cop Betty Shelby (l) shot Crutcher to death; Cop Tyler Turnbough tasered him first.

Police Chief Chuck Jordan announced before the video and audio recordings’ release that Crutcher had no weapon on him or in his SUV when he was shot Friday. It’s not clear from the footage what led Betty Shelby, the officer who fired the fatal shot, to draw her gun or what orders officers might have given Crutcher. Local and federal investigations are underway to determine whether criminal charges are warranted in the shooting or if Crutcher’s civil rights were violated.

Crutcher’s twin sister, Tiffany Crutcher, called for charges Monday.

“The big bad dude was my twin brother. That big bad dude was a father,” she said. “That big bad dude was a son. That big bad dude was enrolled at Tulsa Community College, just wanting to make us proud. That big bad dude loved God. That big bad dude was at church singing with all of his flaws, every week. That big bad dude, that’s who he was.”

Police video shows Crutcher walking toward his SUV that is stopped in the middle of the road. His hands are up and a female officer is following him. As Crutcher approaches the driver’s side of the SUV, three male officers walk up and Crutcher appears to lower his hands and place them on the vehicle. The officers surround him, making it harder to see his actions from the dashboard camera’s angle.

Terence Crutcher walks toward his car with his hands up, followed by cops.

Terence Crutcher walks toward his car with his hands up, followed by cops.

Crutcher can be seen dropping to the ground. Someone on the police radio says, “I think he may have just been tasered.” One of the officers near Crutcher backs up slightly.

Then almost immediately, someone can be heard yelling, “Shots fired!” Crutcher’s head then drops, leaving him completely lying out in the street.

After that, someone on the police radio can be heard saying, “Shots fired. We have one suspect down.”

Officer Tyler Turnbough, who’s also white, used a stun gun on Crutcher, police said.

The shooting comes just four months after former Tulsa County volunteer deputy Robert Bates was sentenced to four years in prison on a second-degree manslaughter conviction in the 2015 death of an unarmed black man. Shelby worked as a Tulsa County sheriff’s deputy for four years before joining the Tulsa Police Department in December 2011, officials said. She has been placed on paid leave.

Shot from police helicopter video shows Crutcher at door of his car just before being killed.

Shot from police helicopter video shows Crutcher at door of his car just before being killed.

The initial moments of Crutcher’s encounter with police are not shown in the footage. Shelby did not activate her patrol car’s dashcam, said police spokeswoman Jeanne MacKenzie, and the ground-level video released Monday came from the car of a second officer who arrived at the scene.

© The Associated Press In this image made from a Friday, Sept. 16, 2016 police video, Terence Crutcher, top, is pursued by police officers as he walk to an SUV in Tulsa, Okla. Crutcher was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead after… Initial police briefings indicated Crutcher was not obeying officers’ commands, but MacKenzie said Monday she didn’t know what Crutcher was doing that prompted police to shoot. Two 911 calls described an SUV that had been abandoned in the middle of the road. One unidentified caller said the driver was acting strangely, adding, “I think he’s smoking something.”

After the shooting, Crutcher could be seen lying on the side of the road, blood pooling around his body, for nearly two minutes before anyone checked on him. When asked why police did not provide immediate assistance once Crutcher was down, MacKenzie said, “I don’t know that we have protocol on how to render aid to people.”

Protesters gather in Tulsa.

Protesters gather in Tulsa.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma, which also called for charges, said Crutcher was left to bleed while officers stood by. The group’s executive director, Ryan Kiesel, said Crutcher’s death shows “how little regard” Tulsa police have for the community’s minorities.

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the county courthouse Monday evening holding signs that read, “Justice 4 Crutch” and “Don’t Shoot.”

With relations between police and blacks in Tulsa already uneasy, the community needs to be the place where change happens, Tiffany Crutcher said.

“This is bigger than us right here. We’re going to stop it right here,” she said.

U.S. Attorney Danny C. Williams said the Department of Justice’s civil rights investigation into the shooting will be separate from a local one into whether criminal charges should be filed.

“The Justice Department is committed to investigating allegations of force by law enforcement officers and will devote whatever resources are necessary to ensure that all allegations of serious civil rights violations are fully and completely investigated,” he said.

Speaking Monday in Tulsa, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump said Crutcher committed no crime and gave officers no reason to shoot him.

“When unarmed people of color break down on the side of the road, we’re not treated as citizens needing help. We’re treated as, I guess, criminals — suspects that they fear,” said Crump, who is representing Crutcher’s family just as he did relatives of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed, black Florida teenager who was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in 2012.

He said Tulsa police drew their own conclusions about Crutcher.

“So I guess it’s a crime now to be a big black man,” Crump said. “My God, help us.”

Associated Press writer Jill Bleed in Little Rock, Arkansas, contributed to this report.


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 sky-news-logoMoscow also blames the strike, which killed up to 80 Syrian troops, on America’s “stubborn refusal” to co-operate.

13:56, UK,Sunday 18 September 2016

Russia has accused the US-led coalition in Syria of being on the “boundary between criminal negligence and direct connivance with Islamic State terrorists”.

The stinging attack comes after the US admitted leading a coalition airstrike which reportedly killed up to 80 Syrian soldiers in the east of the war-torn country.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin confer over US-led air strike in Syria. AP

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin confer over US-led air strike in Syria. AP

Russia’s foreign ministry said the strike jeopardised a fragile American-Russian brokered ceasefire in Syria.

It added that the strike was a result of Washington’s “stubborn refusal” to co-operate with Moscow in fighting Islamic State and other terror groups.

The Syrian military called the strike a “serious and blatant attack on Syria and its military” and “firm proof of the US support of Daesh and other terrorist groups”, using the Arabic acronym for IS.

The airstrike hit a base in the eastern city of Deir el Zour, which is surrounded by Islamic State militants.

Russia’s defence ministry said more than 60 Syrian soldiers were killed and around 100 wounded in four strikes by two F-16s and two A-10s.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based monitoring group with contacts across Syria, cited a military source at Deir el Zour airport as saying at least 80 Syrian soldiers died.

A senior White House official said the US has relayed “regret” through the Russian government for the unintentional loss of life to Syrian forces.

US Central Command said the strike was immediately halted “when coalition officials were informed by Russian officials that it was possible the personnel and vehicles targeted were part of the Syrian military”.

A US military official told Reuters news agency the strike was carried out using US intelligence, and added that the possible targets had been followed for days.

Australia has said its aircraft participated in the airstrike and offered its condolences to the families of Syrian soldiers killed or wounded.

The Syrian military said the damage caused by the strike has allowed the IS extremists to advance their position on to a hill overlooking the base.

US-led strike that killed up to 80 Syrian government soldiers.

US-led strike that killed up to 80 Syrian government soldiers.

Three tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, four mortars and an anti-aircraft gun were destroyed, a Syrian military spokesman said according to Russia’s TASS news agency reported.

Following the strike, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting overnight at the request of the Kremlin.

The US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, rebuked Russia for the move.

“Russia really needs to stop the cheap point scoring and the grandstanding and the stunts and focus on what matters, which is implementation of something we negotiated in good faith with them,” Ms Power said.

US airstrike hit Syrian govt. soldiers in Dayr Az Zawr.

US airstrike hit Syrian govt. soldiers in Dayr Az Zawr.

She said the US was investigating the airstrike and “if we determine that we did indeed strike Syrian military personnel, that was not our intention and we of course regret the loss of life”.

When asked if the incident spelled the end of the Syria deal between Moscow and Washington, Russia’s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said: “This is a very big question mark.

“I would be very interested to see how Washington is going to react. If what Ambassador Power has done today is any indication of their possible reaction then we are in serious trouble.”

Syrian activists in Aleppo protest U.S. failure to get ISIS out of their city.

Syrian activists in Aleppo protest U.S. failure to get ISIS out of their city.

He said he had never seen “such an extraordinary display of American heavy-handedness” as displayed by Ms. Power at the acrimonious meeting.

The fragile ceasefire brokered by the US and Russia has largely held for five days, despite dozens of alleged violations on both sides.

It began on Monday, but aid convoys have been unable to enter rebel-held parts of the city of Aleppo – a key part of the deal.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already questioned US commitment to the ceasefire, claiming Washington was not prepared to break with “terrorist elements” battling Bashar al Assad’s forces.







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Killer cop Brian Mason killed another individual in 2012

911 call specifies someone holding a gun on a “white dude”

voxBy German Lopez on September 15, 2016, 10:38 a.m. ET @germanrlopez


#TyreeKing, #TamirRice, #AiyanaJones, #JailRacistKillerCops, #CopsoutofBlackandpoorcommunities, #Beatbackthebullies, #BlackLivesMatter, #SaveOurChildren, #StandUpNow

September 15, 2016

Tyree King, 13, killed by Columbus police Sept. 15, 2016

Tyree King, 13, killed by Columbus police Sept. 15, 2016

Tyree King, a 13-year-old boy, was mistaken for a robbery suspect — and his BB gun was mistaken for a real firearm — on Wednesday night when a Columbus, Ohio, police officer shot and killed him.

Columbus police officers responded to a call about an armed robbery on the night of Wednesday, September 14. According to Columbus police, the victim said a group of people approached him and demanded money. One of the robbers allegedly had a gun, the Associated Press reported.

About a block away, police officers ran into a group of three people who matched the description of the robbery suspects. Two people in the group ran off, and officers chased after them. That’s when King, one of the fleeing suspects, allegedly pulled out a BB gun with a laser sight from his waistband, and an officer shot and killed him. King later died at a local children’s hospital.

Columbus cop Brian Mason had killed before in 2012.

The other person who fled with King was interviewed and released. The robbery is still under investigation, and an internal investigation into the police shooting is underway.

So far, we only know what police have said about the shooting. For many critics of police, this is as good as knowing nothing. Trust in the police is fairly low in Black communities across the country to begin with — only 30 percent of Black people reported “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the police during a 2014-’15 period, versus 57 percent of white people, according to Gallup.

And over the past few years, several police accounts of shootings or killings, such as the police shootings of Samuel DuBose in Cincinnati and Laquan McDonald in Chicago, have also fallen apart when interrogated with video evidence — making it especially hard for activists and protesters to take cops at their word.

12-year-old Tamir Rice, killed by Cleveland police two years ago. Cops were never charged.

12-year-old Tamir Rice, killed by Cleveland police two years ago. Cops were never charged.

Despite the few details, the police shooting is the latest to draw attention on social media from activists in the Black Lives Matter movement. The shooting has drawn comparisons to the police shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black child whose toy gun was also mistaken for a real firearm. To critics of police, Rice’s death — and possibly King’s — was yet another example of the racial disparities in police use force and, in their view, how police are less likely to value black lives.

An analysis of the available FBI data by Vox’s Dara Lind shows that US police kill Black people at disproportionate rates: They accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they made up just 13 percent of the US population. Although the data is incomplete, since it’s based on voluntary reports from police agencies around the country, it highlights the vast disparities in how police use force.


Black teens were 21 times as likely as white teens to be shot and killed by police between 2010 and 2012, according to a ProPublica analysis of the FBI data. ProPublica’s Ryan Gabrielson, Ryann Grochowski Jones, and Eric Sagara reported: “One way of appreciating that stark disparity, ProPublica’s analysis shows, is to calculate how many more whites over those three years would have had to have been killed for them to have been at equal risk. The number is jarring — 185, more than one per week.”

Columbus, Ohio police chief Kim Jacobs holds up photo of gun in question, clearly out of proportion to real size.

Columbus, Ohio police chief Kim Jacobs holds up photo of gun in question, clearly out of proportion to real size. She defended killer cop Mason’s actions.

There have been several high-profile police killings since 2014 involving black suspects. In Baltimore, six police officers were indicted for the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. In North Charleston, South Carolina, Michael Slager was charged with murder and fired from the police department after shooting Walter Scott, who was fleeing and unarmed at the time. In Ferguson, Darren Wilson killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown. In New York City, NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo killed Eric Garner by putting the unarmed 43-year-old black man in a chokehold. . . . Continue reading

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This Sept. 10, 1971 file photo shows inmates of Attica State Prison as they raise their hands in clenched fist salutes to voice their demands during a negotiating session with New York's prison Commissioner Russell Oswald. AP File Photo

This Sept. 10, 1971 file photo shows prisoners of Attica State Prison as they raise their hands in clenched fist salutes to voice their demands during a negotiating session with New York’s prison Commissioner Russell Oswald. NY Gov. Nelson Rockefeller later ordered troops to fire into the yard, killing 33 prisoners and 10 guard hostages.              AP File Photo

VOD is publishing excerpts here detailing prisoner uprisings in Michigan’s own Kinross Correctional Facility, as well as Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The uprisings are a response to a call for a national prisoners’ strike on the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising Sept. 9, 1971.


By Mallory Anderson | 

September 11, 2016, UPDATE 11:40 pm

KINCHELOE, Mich. (WLUC) – UPDATE: 11:40 p.m. 9/10/2016

kinross-sign(VOD note: Kinross is one of the state’s worst prisons. VOD has received complaints  from family members of prisoners there for some time, citing mistreatment of their loved ones, including the use of racist remarks by white guards such as the “N” word and “boy,”  and false allegations made by white prisoners against Black prisoners which were used by prison officials at Kinross to the detriment of the Black prisoners. There have also been repeated stabbings and fights there due to the misclassification of dangerous prisoners, who should have been at Level 5, which Kinross does not accommodate.)

The protest of hundreds of prisoners at Kinross Correctional Facility Saturday morning began peacefully but ended with some inmates damaging their housing units.

According to Chris Gautz, the Michigan Department of Corrections Public Information Officer, around 400 prisoners marched peacefully as a form of protest outside the prisoner housing units of Kinross Correctional Facility Saturday morning from 8:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The protest was held to coincide with the 45th annual anniversary of the Attica Correctional Facility riots in upstate New York. Though KCF was the only prison in Michigan that experienced any form of protest this weekend, several other states across the U.S. encountered prisoner protests as well.

The warden and facility staff were able to convince the inmates to return to their housing units after speaking with the leaders of the march.

Aerial view of Kinross Correctional Facility/MDOC

Aerial view of Kinross Correctional Facility/MDOC

As the department began its efforts to remove prisoners involved in instigating the protest, some inmates caused damage to their housing units. According to the Associated Press, some inmates smashed sinks, started a small fire and broke at least one window. 150 prisoners were then transported to other facilities. Gautz did not specify which facilities they were transported to.

There were no injuries to any prisoners or staff during the protest or after.

Kinross Correctional Facility in Kincheloe houses around 1,200 level I and level II prisoners. It is in Chippewa County near Sault Ste. Marie.


by thegrio | September 9, 2016 at 7:07 PM  

Damage at Holmes Correctional Facility in Florida.

Damage at Holmes Correctional Facility in Florida.

On Wednesday, a riot at Florida’s Holmes Correctional Institution left almost every single dorm damaged and saw more than 400 inmates involved in a revolt that lasted until early Thursday morning.

Officers were called in from five different prisons as well as RRTs (Rapid Response Teams). While officers were armed, no shots were fired.  According to the Florida Department of Corrections there was one inmate injury and no staff injuries.

According to The Miami Herald, the riot came before a nationwide strike that is planned for Friday to protest what inmates say is violent and barbaric treatment in prisons.

Holmes Correctional Institution in Florida

Holmes Correctional Institution in Florida

For over a year, Florida’s prison system, which is the third largest system in the country, has been understaffed, which has resulted in several inmate takeovers in recent weeks as inmates express frustration about their forced confinement.

Apparently, the system is so understaffed that inmates are only allowed out when it is time to eat, because there are not enough staff members to guard them for recreation periods.

Phillip A. Ruiz, an organizer for the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, told The Herald that the national protests would be nonviolent.

“They are participating in work stoppages, hunger strikes and sit-ins in protest of long-term isolation, inadequate healthcare, overcrowding, violent attacks and slave labor,” he explained.

Today happens to be the 45th anniversary of the Attica Prison riot in New York, which left dozens of employees and inmates dead as prisoners protested living conditions.  Ruiz says prison conditions haven’t changed much since then.

VOD: Read The Attica Prisoners’ Demands at http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/Attica-Prisoners-Demands.pdf



Friday is the 45th anniversary of the 1971 Attica Prison uprising. Twenty-nine prisoners and ten hostages were killed when police took back control of the facility after inmates rioted, demanding better conditions.

To mark the occasion in 2016, prisoners in Alabama and Texas called on fellow inmates from 24 states to join a general strike to protest living and working conditions. Two days ago, a Florida prison was one of the first to have its population join the movement when 400 inmates at Holmes Correctional “caused damage to nearly every dorm during an uprising that lasted into the early morning,” according to the Miami Herald.

blood-in-the-waterHistorian Heather Ann Thompson argues that there’s a direct line between the deadly 1971 Attica protests and the current call for action. For her latest book, Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy, she spent over a decade unlocking the secrets and sifting through the misinformation about the infamous prison revolt that still shapes our society’s perception of and relationship to incarceration. An edited and abridged version of our conversation follows.

Lantigua-Williams: What was the root cause of the Attica uprising in 1971?

Thompson: The root causes of the Attica rebellion were, as they are with the rebellions today, abysmal conditions in our nation’s correctional facilities. In 1971, all the Attica prisoners first tried to remedy those terrible conditions by working through the system, by writing their state senators and petitioning the commissioner of corrections, even by having a work stoppage, sitting down in the metal shop at Attica to ask for a living wage. They actually needed money to survive in Attica since the state provided so little food, so few sanitary supplies, and such poor medical care. The rebellion happened because their needs weren’t addressed and, frankly, it happened for the very simple reason that, even as men and women serve time behind bars, their sentence does not include deprivation—deprivation of food or deprivation of medical care. Yet, that was exactly what those sentences were for the men in Attica.

Lantigua-Williams: Do you see similar circumstances today?

Author Heather Ann Thompson

Author Heather Ann Thompson

Thompson: Yes, absolutely. One of the tragic outcomes of the Attica uprising was that the state of New York stood in front of the world and told a narrative of that uprising that was rife with lies. As a result of those lies told after Attica, the nation really sours on this idea that prisoners deserve good treatment behind bars. The long-term upshot of that was that this nation, every decade after Attica, becomes more and more punitive. Today, we have a very ironic situation: on the one hand, because of lies told after Attica we have horrendous prison conditions; also because of Attica, we have prisoners who believe that if they stand together and if they speak up they might still find some measure of justice in this system, that they will perhaps humanize the conditions where they’re locked up. In that sense, Attica has everything to do with why we are here again today.

Lantigua-Williams: What do you know of conditions or policies in Alabama and Texas that might make those states ripe for this type of protest coming from within these institutions?

Thompson: Texas is one of the largest and most brutal prison systems in the nation, rivaled by other states such as Louisiana, but not just Southern states. Northern states and Western states have the exact same brutal conditions. What is very notable about the South is that there has been a wholesale abandonment of the idea that prisoners deserve any good treatment behind bars.

Report by University of Texas School of Law Human Rights Clinic 2015

Report by University of Texas School of Law Human Rights Clinic 2015

In Texas, for example, prisoners are literally locked in cages longer and longer than they ever have been, with no time out of the cell. It’s sweltering, of course, because it’s Texas. It is hundreds of degrees in these cement cages. They’re serving horrendous time in solitary. They’re again being mistreated with lack of food, again suffering lack of sufficient medical care. In those states in particular, it is the physical confinement of these people that is so brutal, but also these states’ utter abandonment of their duty to treat them as people, that has concentrated these protests in these areas.

“It is the prisoners who are refusing to let these conditions just continue so barbarically without speaking up.” . . . .

Lantigua-Williams: What do you think is a realistic set of outcomes for those protesting? Do you anticipate that there might be some serious retaliation? How do you think it might be handled?

Thompson: I am deeply fearful of what the outcome of this is going to be. There is no question that it’s profoundly important to hear from people behind bars, what they need, and to see people speaking out. I am fearful because the retribution is sure to be brutal. Right now as we speak, knowing that 400 prisoners in Florida engaged in a major protest last night, I worry very, very much at this moment about what is happening in that prison. Prisons are state institutions that we pay for. The fact that I can’t tell you what is happening right now in that correctional facility to those men is horrifying.

Lantigua-Williams: If you were on a presidential advisory panel, what would you advise the next president to do first to address the prison system?

Several police cars converged on three Black children near Wayne State's campus Aug. 14, 2016, handcuffing them and questioning them for an extended period. This photographer called out: "Why are you harassing these children?" and brought attention to the incident by speaking with a nearby coach handling basketball practice at a church. They were eventually released.

Several police cars converged on three Black children in Detroit near Wayne State University’s campus Aug. 14, 2016, handcuffing them and questioning them for an extended period. This photographer called out: “Why are you harassing these children?” and brought attention to the incident by speaking with a nearby coach handling basketball practice at a church. He said such stops are frequent. The children were eventually released. Photo by Diane Bukowski

Thompson: We must begin with a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system—from root to branch. Beginning with excessive policing of social ills. Dealing with social ills, such as drug addiction or poverty, through the criminal justice system or through policing rather than the welfare or education systems needs reforms. Those reforms need to be at every one of the next levels. We need to have better public defenders. We need to have an overhaul of our laws that hold Americans behind bars longer than any other country.

In the institutions, we need to make sure that they are run humanely if they’re going to exist because every one of those people is a returning citizen. When a nation treats its most vulnerable citizens—those over whom it holds the most power—so abusively and like animals, it cannot expect whole people to come out of the other end. Society needs whole people if it does indeed care about public safety.

This article is part of our Next America: Criminal Justice project, which is supported by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

prisons-are-for-burningPRISONS ARE FOR BURNING

 by Neal Shirley

Prisoners Call for a National Strike on the Anniversary of Attica

In Alabama and Texas, prisoners have enacted multiple strikes and uprisings over the last few weeks. Now they are calling for a national prison strike on the anniversary of the Attica Prison Riot.

On the night of Friday, March 11th, hundreds of prisoners took over the general population portion of Holman prison in Atmore, Alabama. Viewpoints from the prisoners varied: One described conditions of overcrowding, sending out pictures to accompany the description. Another prisoner said, “It has nothing to do with overcrowding, but with the practice of locking folks up for profit, control and subjugation.”

As that prisoner relayed via social media, “Things here are tense but festive. The CO and warden was stabbed… Fires were set, people got control of two cubicles, bust windows. The riot team came, shot gas, locked down, searched the dorms. Five have been shipped and two put in lockup.” Another prisoner stated simply, “We’re tired of this shit, there’s only one way to deal with it: tear the prison down.”

Though authorities regained control the following day, a second riot took place at Holman Prison early the following Monday morning involving up to 70 inmates. That morning prisoners built barricades and reportedly broke into other areas of the facility. Holman Prison has been a hotbed of organized prisoner activity, with the Free Alabama Movement operating out of the facility as well as anarchist prisoner-author Michael Kimble.

Uprising at Holman Prison in Alabama, April, 2016

Uprising at Holman Prison in Alabama, April, 2016

On the morning of April 4th “rolling strikes” began in multiple Texas prisons, with one unit already being put on lockdown by their administration at 9:30 am. Inspired by a growing wave of prison strikes in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, and California, these prisoners are part of the IWW’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC), the first widespread effort for union recognition among prisoners in decades, with over 750 members in prisons across the country. According to a statement on the IWOC website, the strikes were not officially reported as such, but were concealed as administrative lockdowns – a de-escalation tactic commonly used by prisons and their wardens. Prison administrations had been aware of and worried about the strike. Tellingly, one administration had asked prisoners weeks in advance “to write instructions on how to run the washing machines and industry equipment so that an alternative workforce [could] take over the functioning of the prison.”

But it appears this is only the beginning. Prisoners in these states and many others have coordinated and released a call for a national prison strike on September 9th, 2016, the 45-year anniversary of the Attica Rebellion.

One of dozens of protests in Ferguson and across the U.S. after the police execution of 18-year-old Michael Brown Aug. 9, 2015.

One of dozens of protests in Ferguson and across the U.S. after the police execution of 18-year-old Michael Brown Aug. 9, 2014.

In their call, the prisoners declare, “On September 9th of 1971 prisoners took over and shut down Attica, New York State’s most notorious prison. On September 9th of 2016, we will begin an action to shut down prisons all across this country. We will not only demand the end to prison slavery, we will end it ourselves by ceasing to be slaves.”

They continue, “To achieve this goal, we need support from people on the outside. A prison is an easy-lockdown environment, a place of control and confinement where repression is built into every stone wall and chain link, every gesture and routine. When we stand up to these authorities, they come down on us, and the only protection we have is solidarity from the outside … When we stand up and refuse on September 9th, 2016, we need to know our friends, families and allies on the outside will have our backs. This spring and summer will be seasons of organizing, of spreading the word, building the networks of solidarity and showing that we’re serious and what we’re capable of.”

The connection between fighting back against the police and the struggle against prison is fairly obvious. As the prisoners who put out this call note, “Mass incarceration, whether in private or state-run facilities, is a scheme where slave catchers patrol our neighborhoods and monitor our lives. It requires mass criminalization. Our tribulations on the inside are a tool used to control our families and communities on the outside. Certain Americans live every day under not only the threat of extra-judicial execution – as protests surrounding the deaths of Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland and so many others have drawn long overdue attention to – but also under the threat of capture, of being thrown into these plantations, shackled and forced to work.”

Up until now, the fierce resistance going on behind bars has received nothing like the attention or solidarity it is owed in comparison with the riots and protests in cities like Ferguson, Baltimore, and beyond. In September 2016, that will change.

https://iwoc.noblogs.org/ (Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee)


Some of more recent VOD stories related to prisoners’ struggles:













#RememberATTICA, #StopMassIncarceration, #SupportKinrossprisoners, #SupportHolmesPrisoners, #SupportHolmanPrisoners, #TearDowntheWalls, #RiseUPvsPoliceStatePrisonNation, #Beatbackthebullies

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