Posted on Theresa Ellis Youtube channel

January 24, 2015

Video: Rachel Maddow interviews Michigan Radio reporter on Gov. Snyder’s refusal to comply fully with order from Environmental Protection Agency on Flint water crisis.

Protest against Flint water poisoning, high bills.

Protest against Flint water poisoning, high bills.

Keith Creagh, the new Director of Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality, is questioning the legality of an order from the USEPA that Michigan make some substantial changes in their response to the catastrophe in Flint. The political and regulatory blame game taking place as Flint’s water and public health crisis unfolds, took another turn Friday with the new head of Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality saying the state will comply with a federal order regarding the handling of the emergency, but is taking a combative stance in doing so.

First, DEQ Director Keith Creagh questioned the Environmental Protection Agency’s legal authority to make such demands. Then he disputed EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s contentions in her emergency order sent to the state Thursday that the state has delayed corrective action in Flint, where high lead levels were found in drinking water.

Keith Creagh, new head of MDEQ, previously led the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, which led campaign for state take-over of Belle Isle. Here, Monica Lewis-Patrick speaks at rally againt takeover Spet. 22, 2012.

Keith Creagh, new head of MDEQ, previously led the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, which led campaign for state take-over of Belle Isle. Here, Monica Lewis-Patrick speaks at rally againt takeover Spet. 22, 2012.

[…] In Thursday’s order, the EPA said despite ongoing efforts in Flint even after the city switched back from Flint River water as its source to Lake Huron in October, there remained “underlying problems” and “fundamental deficiencies” in the response by both

The state and the city of Flint. It ordered them to inventory all the lead service lines in the city — an unknown number — and demanded the state create a publicly accessible website to post results of water sampling and reports.

Maddow will host a Town Hall Meeting in Flint, “American Disaster: The Crisis in Flint” on Wed. Jan. 27 at 9 p.m. Guests will include Flint Mayor Karen Weaver; U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow; Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha of Hurley Medical Center; Lanice Lawson, creator of Bottles for Babies; Curt Guyette, reporter for the ACLU in Michigan; Brynn Mickle and Ron Fonger of The Flint Journal; and Detroit Free Press columnist Nancy Kaffer.

Related stories:

#FlintWaterCrisis, #BoycottMichigan, #Beatbackthebullies, #Blacklivesmatter, #BlacklivesmatterDetroit, #Detroit2Flint, #StopWaronBlackAmerica, #Waterislife, #Flintlivesmatter, #JailSnyder, #OurWaterOurVote, #PrisonNation, #PoliceState, #StandUpNow, #Saveourchildren, #SaveDetroit, #SaveFlint, #SavePontiac, #SaveBentonHarbor, #SaveHighlandPark, #DirectActionNow, #GeneralStrike

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Highest lead level in Flint: 13,000 parts per billion; most water nothing but “toxic waste”—Virginia Tech 

Snyder: “I take full responsibility to fix the problem so it will never happen again.” 

Snyder’s Public Act 436 coup d’etat led to Flint catastrophe; Pres. Obama refused to fight predecessor PA4 under Voting Rights Act 

Detroit bankruptcy, impoverishment of Benton Harbor, Pontiac, Highland Park, other cities resulted from bipartisan-approved bankster takeovers

 Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks in Flint, Lansing; ignores Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s’ most effective campaign—the Montgomery bus boycott 

By Diane Bukowski 

January 20, 2016 

DeMario Stewart of Flint said feeds his son Damonei Stewart during his two month checkup at Hurley Childrens Center. USA Today

DeMario Stewart of Flint said feeds his son Damonei Stewart during his two month checkup at Hurley Childrens Center. USA Today

DETROIT – The deliberate lead poisoning of the people of Flint, especially its children, babies and those still in their mothers’ wombs, likely ranks among the greatest genocidal crimes in the U.S. in the 21st century, an act of domestic terrorism comparable only to the thousands of murders of unarmed Blacks, Latinos and poor people by law enforcement since 2000.

No matter what promises Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder made in his State of the State address last night, no matter how many planeloads and truckloads of bottled water are brought into the city now, no matter how much is spent to restructure water systems, no matter how many speeches are given, rallies held, and class action lawsuits filed, the damage done is “irreversible,” according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Lead has . . .serious consequences for the health of children,” WHO says. “At high levels of exposure, lead attacks the brain and central nervous system to cause coma, convulsions and even death. Children who survive severe lead poisoning may be left with mental retardation and behavioral disruption. . . .In particular lead affects children’s brain development resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), behavioral changes such as shortening of attention span and increased antisocial behavior, and reduced educational attainment. Lead exposure also causes anemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity and toxicity to the reproductive organs. The neurological and behavioral effects of lead are believed to be irreversible.”

Some of damaging effects of lead exposureAdults are affected as well, as the graphic at right shows.

Every child and adult in Flint who drank Flint’s water since April, 2014 has been exposed to lead, according to studies done so far. That includes 8,657 children under the age of six, who are most severely affected. Ten adults have died so far from Legionnaire’s Disease, also a result of the lead contamination.

EPA guidelines for lead contamination of water indicate that action needs to be taken at 5-15 parts per billion (ppb) of lead, but that NO level is “safe.”

But in Virginia Tech’s study of 257 Flint households, according to the Washington Post, “The lowest reading they obtained was around 200 ppb, already ridiculously high. But more than half of the readings came in at more than 1,000 ppb. Some came in above 5,000 — the level at which EPA considers the water to be ‘toxic waste.’ The highest reading registered at an astounding 13,000 ppb.”

Detroit city retirees blast Snyder during protest against phony bankruptcy Oct. 2013.

Detroit city retirees blast Snyder during protest against phony bankruptcy that left most impoverished, in Oct. 2013.

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the director of pediatric residency at Hurley Children’s Hospital who first exposed the severity of the crisis, told the AP, “It has such damning, lifelong and generational consequences.”

What punishment is sufficient for those who are responsible? What must be done to forever change the nature of the system that preordained this would happen?

“I know apologies won’t make up for mistakes that were made,” Snyder said at his State of the State address yesterday. “I take full responsibility to fix the problem so it will never happen again. We will be doing whatever we must until the crisis is resolved.”

He even hypocritically had Dr. Hanna-Attisha stand for a round of applause, mispronouncing her last name and saying he calls her “Dr. Mona.”

While admitting some responsibility, Snyder laid most of the blame on officials from the Michigan Departments of Environmental Quality and Health and Human Services, whose leaders answered directly to him. He announced he had fired several top MDEQ executives.

He repeated the lie that the DWSD terminated its service to Flint. He also blamed the Mayor and City Council of Flint, who voted in 2013 to connect with the private Karegnondi Pipeline, although they did not vote to disconnect from DWSD immediately or use Flint River water.

Map shows proposed Karegnondi pipeline in red, opposed to DWSD water lines in blue. Karegnondi will not build individual community treatment plants.

Map shows proposed Karegnondi pipeline in red, opposed to DWSD water lines in blue. Karegnondi will not build individual community treatment plants.

The Karegnondi Pipeline itself represents more dangers. The mainstream media has held it up as the ultimate answer to Flint’s problems, providing “clean” water from Lake Huron. However, they fail to mention that is ALL Karegnondi will do. The individual communities serviced by it must build their OWN treatment facilities.

An initial assessment from the U.S. Environmental Task Force’s newly created Flint Drinking Water Task Force warns, “There are many other communities scheduled to transition from their current water sources to the KWA pipeline. Although the source water will be the same for the City of Flint and all communities transitioning to the KWA pipeline source, the intended treatment planned for these communities may differ and the studies undertaken for the City of Flint may or may not be suitable for use by the other communities.”

Snyder also blamed the EPA. The EPA said in a statement, “Our first priority is to make sure the water in Flint is safe, but we also must look at what the agency could have done differently,” with a spokeswoman confirming the agency did not act fast enough to address the problem

The EPA statement also said that “while EPA worked within the framework of the law to repeatedly and urgently communicate the steps the state needed to take to properly treat its water, those necessary (EPA) actions were not taken as quickly as they should have been.”

It cited “failures and resistance at the state and local levels to work with us in a forthright, transparent and proactive manner.”

Flint’s Department of Public Works Director Howard Croft exposed Snyder.

But it was Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder who directly ordered Flint’s then-Emergency Manager Darnell Earley to disconnect Flint’s water system from the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department and use the Flint River water and city facilities, with no lead protections in place, in April 2014. That set the poisoning of Flint in motion, according to an article published by Curt Guyette in the Michigan Democracy Watch Blog.

“In a recent interview with the ACLU of Michigan, Flint Public Works Director Howard Croft . . . pointed the finger of blame at the state, saying the decision to switch came from the governor’s office,” Guyette wrote. See the ACLU documentary he sponsored in video below.

Earley, at Snyder’s behest, is now wreaking havoc in the Detroit Public Schools.  As of today, 88 Detroit schools have been ordered shutdown due to walkouts by teachers over conditions in the schools and Snyder’s role in dismantling DPS. (See upcoming VOD article.)  

U.S. Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took cynical advantage of the situation during the presidential debates, opining that the lead poisoning would not have happened in affluent white cities. However, she did not say that if elected, she would have the U.S. Department of Justice criminally indict Snyder or any other operatives in the disaster.

Hillary Clinton

Clinton likewise neglected to address the millions of deaths and destruction of world-class water system and other infrastructures resulting from the genocidal global wars she and President Obama initiated against Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and throughout Africa and Latin America.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson of Rainbow: PUSH spoke last week in Flint about the lead crisis, and then stuck around for celebrations of the national Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday holiday Jan. 18. He was also present outside the Governor’s address.

“We should have .. tape around the city because Flint is a crime scene.” he said. “The people of Flint have been betrayed.”

But only two days after the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Jackson did not propose using the strategy that resulted in one of Dr. King’s major successes–the Montgomery bus boycott, which brought the city to its knees economically and led eventually to passage of national civil rights legislation.

Carpool during historic Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Carpool during historic Montgomery Bus Boycott.


Why? As  Dr. King proved, the only way to affect the slaughter of poor and working people by corporate interests is to hit the banksters in the pocket.

During a Michigan Welfare Rights march against the cut-offs of 12,600 Michigan families from public benefits on Sept. 29, 2011, VOD asked Jackson and U.S Representative John Conyers if they would call for a boycott of Michigan businesses in response to what the protesters said amounted to “murder.”

Both Jackson and Conyers reacted with a horrified, resounding “NO.” They said an “economic recovery” was underway in Michigan, despite evidence to the contrary all around them in the neighborhoods of Detroit.

Protest at Detroits

Michigan Welfare Rights’ protest Sept. 29, 2011 against public aid cut-offs to families. Rev. Jesse Jackson refused to call a boycott of Michigan for this draconian measure. The late, renowned General Baker carries the “Tax the Rich” sign.

Jackson went on to attend Rainbow PUSH’s Global Automotive and Energy Summit at MGM Grand Casino the following week, hobnobbing with corporate executives who sit on Rainbow PUSH’s board.

In fact, it was Hilary Clinton’s husband Bill Clinton who signed the legislation which permanently cut-off of federal benefits to the poor after four years, if each state opted in. Just before she left office, Michigan’s Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm gave state approval, although she had vowed not to do so, leaving it to Snyder to drop the ax.

Today, Michigan’s majority-Black cities are suffering far worse than even in 2011.

Detroit children wait for free coats given away by the Moorish Science Temple of America.

Detroit children wait for free coats given away by the Moorish Science Temple of America.

In Detroit, with at least an 83 percent Black population, 59 percent of the city’s children live in poverty, with rates of unemployment, home mortgage and tax foreclosures and evictions, and public school shutdowns skyrocketing.

Under the Bankruptcy Confirmation Plan of 2014, Detroit has effectively lost the revenue of all its major assets, including the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Belle Isle, and the Detroit Institute of Arts, where billions of dollars worth of art owned by the city was lost to a “trust.” The Flint debacle results directly from the state-sponsored dismantling of the country’s third largest public water and sewerage facility.

VOD recently reported that there are hardly any workers left at the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), the largest in the U.S. and the third largest in the world. As raw sewage flows into the Detroit River and downriver to southeast Michigan and Toledo, Ohio, due to increasing disfunction there, countless more Flints can be expected.

The late, beloved Detroit retiree Belinda Myers-Florence, who fought Detroit bankruptcy with all her might.

The late, beloved Detroit retiree Belinda Myers-Florence, who fought Detroit bankruptcy with all her might as an officer of DAREA.

Like the WWTP workers, City of Detroit workers everywhere have faced massive lay-offs and privatization. Retirees are rapidly sinking below the poverty level, having lost huge chunks of their pensions, annuity savings, and medical benefits.

Some, such as Belinda Myers-Florence, officer of the Detroit Active and Retired Employees Association (DAREA), which has now appealed the bankruptcy plan to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, have lost their lives due to the stress of this vicious attack.

Highland Park’s population of 10,000 is 93.5 percent Black, and 51 percent of its people live below the poverty level. Pontiac, 52 percent Black, has a 36.6 percent poverty rate. Flint, 56.6 percent Black, has a 41 percent poverty level.

Benton Harbor, nearly 90 percent Black, had 42.6 percent of its people living below the poverty level in 2013.

Rev. Edward Pinkney

Rev. Edward Pinkney

General Motors first abandoned and impoverished Flint, Pontiac and Detroit, shutting down most of its auto plants in those cities.

Ford Motor Company, whose pro-fascist founder Henry Ford created the white city of Dearborn, has done nothing to stop the ongoing racist murders of Blacks who venture into that city, including the execution-style slaying of Kevin Matthews by a white Dearborn cop Dec. 23, 2015.

Chrysler abandoned Highland Park to its fate, leaving its public school system, libraries, and housing stock in shambles.

Among other Michigan-based companies, Whirlpool abandoned the 99 percent Black city of Benton Harbor, pulling its plants out, taking over public land, and sanctioning racist police murders there as well. With Whirlpool’s support, the activist Rev. Edward Pinkney is now languishing in a Michigan prison, falsely charged with changing dates on an election recall petition aimed at a Whirlpool-endorsed Mayor.

Detroit APTE VP Cecily McClellan speaks at rally against Benton Harbor EM

What is the common denominator for these cities, and many more like them, including even working-class majority white cities in Michigan? After all, over the last 10 years, the state has cut $7.2 BILLION in revenue-sharing to its cities.

It was the coup d’etat pulled off by Snyder and his legislative and corporate allies, in the secrecy of night in Dec. 2012. They created the second Emergency Manager Act, P.A. 436, after the residents of 84 out of 86 counties had voted down its virtually identical predecessor, P.A. 4, in a referendum vote.

Pres. Barack Obama, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

Pres. Barack Obama, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

Despite pleas by Michigan’s Black population, 51 percent of which was disenfranchised under the Emergency Manager acts, the country’s first Black President, Barack Obama, and his Black attorney general Eric Holder, refused to open a Voting Rights Act investigation of the legislation, requested by U.S. Congressman John Conyers (D-Detroit).

Hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. fought in the streets, in the fields, in the cities of the south and north, and many lost their lives, to establish the Voting Rights Act. The failure of a Democratic, Black administration to fight the attack on it in Michigan was a historic betrayal that can never be forgiven or forgotten.

Like the youth of Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago and elsewhere, who have spent the last two years fighting in the streets for their very lives against police assassinations, the people of Flint and of Michigan must not be hoodwinked by the election hi-jinks being played out now.



Michigan mapDearbornGM Ford ChryslerWhirlpool



Quicken Loanswalbridge_logo











Related stories:

#BoycottMichigan, #Beatbackthebullies, #Blacklivesmatter, #BlacklivesmatterDetroit, #Detroit2Flint, #StopWaronBlackAmerica, #Waterislife, #Flintlivesmatter, #JailSnyder, #OurWaterOurVote, #PrisonNation, #PoliceState, #StandUpNow, #Saveourchildren, #SaveDetroit, #SaveFlint, #SavePontiac, #SaveBentonHarbor, #SaveHighlandPark, #DirectActionNow, #GeneralStrike

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Clifford Stafford sentenced to 18 months probation, $1300, community service 

Hathaway to hold “Ginther” evidentiary hearing for Mary Ann Stafford Friday, Feb. 5, 2016 

VOD makes further inquiries to Wells Fargo, which officially denied being “complainant” in case 

“Place crime scene tape around Frank Murphy building”—Professor O

 By Diane Bukowski

 Jan. 15, 2016

2008 global economic meltdown caused by greedy subprime mortgage lending.

2008 global economic meltdown caused by greedy subprime mortgage lending.

DETROIT – Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Michael Hathaway, late of “MO’-WATER-SHUTOFFS” notoriety,** laid the blame for the global subprime mortgage meltdown of 2008  on the shoulders of Detroit residents Clifford and Mary Stafford, giving passing mention to the nation’s banks and mortgage lenders, during the couple’s  sentencing hearing Jan. 13.

Mr. Stafford is a retired autoworker and Marine Corps veteran, while Mrs. Stafford is a homemaker who does credit counseling and other community services.

Hathaway sentenced Mr. Stafford to 18 months probation, $1300 in fees, and 200 hours of community service for “obstruction of justice,” in allegedly defrauding Wells Fargo Bank, the largest home mortgage lender in the country. Mary Stafford, who was also found guilty of “False Pretenses,” a 15-year felony, will have a “Ginther” evidentiary hearing Friday, Feb. 5, 2016 at 9 a.m. based on several motions filed pro se including ineffective assistance of counsel. 

Omar Mimrah

Omar Mimrah

The last row of the courtroom was packed with members of the Staffords’ family and friends. They are asking to community as a whole to turn out for the Feb. 5 hearing.

“How can they say Detroit is coming back when the Detroit criminal justice system is sitting on a cesspool?” Omar Mimrah, known as “Professor O,” told VOD. “Yellow crime scene tape needs to be put all around this building [the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice], an investigation must be held, and it must be shut down.”

Several supporters noted that if the the Deed Fraud Task Force can target community anti-foreclosure advocates like the Staffords without cause, using fabricated and fraudulent evidence, no one is safe. Valerie Kauth, of Reliant Title, testified during the Staffords’ preliminary exam that it was NOT HER SIGNATURE AS NOTARY on a 2007 warranty deed repeatedly displayed to the jury. Yet the only person Douglas targeted was Mrs. Stafford, who said her signature on the same deed was forged.

Wells Fargo representative James E. Hines has already officially informed VOD that although the prosecutor listed the bank as the “Complainant” in the case, it had no role in initiating the complaint.” VOD has now asked Mr. Hines if Wells Fargo plans to take any action regarding the misuse of their name and address by the office of the Wayne County Prosecutor. Mr. Hines said he will respond next week.

WFcomplaint_croppedVOD earlier provided the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office with a copy of the email from Hines, but has not responded to a request for comment on why it prosecuted the Staffords citing Wells Fargo as the complainant.

“It is clear that you and your wife engaged in some part of a much much larger set of circumstances nationally, which almost brought this country to its knees,” opined Judge Hathaway during Mr. Stafford’s sentencing.

Wall Street's bankers testifying before Senate in 2009.

Wall Street’s banksters testifying before Senate in 2009.

“I concede that the mortgage lenders were largely culpable by being as reckless as they were in writing mortgage loans based on dubious circumstances, and that questionably ethical title companies and brokers participated in the process” he said. “But the other players were those who borrowed money, ultimately from the U.S. Treasury, with no intention or ability to pay off those loans.”

Hathaway evidently referred to the fact that the U.S. government, using taxpayer dollars, spent at least $7 TRILLION dollars bailing out the banks involved in the meltdown. Hardly any of that trickled down; only six percent of homeowners facing foreclosure got loan modifications required by the government.

The Staffords themselves were never accused of borrowing ANY MONEY at all from either the government or Wells Fargo, and certainly not $7 trillion.  Hathaway broadly inserted a vague definition of “aiding and abetting” unspecified parties into jury instructions. His words Jan. 13 implied that they “aided and abetted” a $7 trillion theft.

Cruel judge

Lecture from judge

“I guess you think you can just blow smoke in everybody’s face,” Hathaway continued. “It doesn’t really matter that you spent the first 64 years of your life as a hardworking veteran [without any criminal history].  It appears that you got yourself in over your head in a bogus deal that cost the government a lot of money.”

Before Hathaway’s remarks, Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Douglas demanded jail time for Mr. Stafford on his misdemeanor conviction, claiming he had wasted “an incredible amount of resources of the court, Wells Fargo and Fannie Mae.” She blamed him for exercising his constitutional right to file a “quiet title” lawsuit regarding the property involved, at 13236 Nautica in Belleville.

She said Mr. Stafford also should be charged over $96,000 in restitution to Wells Fargo, a fee which has been assessed in Mrs. Stafford’s sentencing report. Judge Hathaway denied that request.

Failed Wayne County jail project involved $41 million in overruns; Douglas unsuccessfully prosecuted two county officials.

Failed Wayne County jail project involved $41 million in overruns; Douglas unsuccessfully prosecuted the case.

Douglas unsuccessfully prosecuted two Wayne County officials accused of causing a $41 million overrun on the failed Wayne County Jail project. Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Vonda Evans found the indictment insufficient.

Wayne County Deed Fraud Task Force Investigator Mary Williams Jones said in her recommendation for a warrant that, “on July 7, 2015, writer received the closing package from Wells Fargo Bank for the sale of 13236 Nautica Drive from Private Consumer Consulting Services [PCCS] to Trenise Wyldon. The package revealed the following: Borrower Trenise Wyldon, Seller PCCS Mary Staffird, Settlement Agent Reliant Title. Cash from borrower, $23,140.93, cash to seller $379,273.00.”

VOD has also asked Wells Fargo whether it paid $379,273.00 to PCCS, and what it plans to do with the $96,000 in restitution required of Mrs. Stafford.

Broker Richard Woonton, an expert witness for the defense, testified during the trial that the entire Wells Fargo package was severely flawed and did not involve the Staffords or their company.

Clifford and Mary Ann Stafford

Clifford and Mary Ann Stafford

The “Ginther” hearing set for Mrs. Stafford derives from a 1973 Michigan Supreme Court decision in the case of People v. Herbert Ginther. 

“Although Ginther would have us reverse his conviction, until he establishes the factual substantiality of the claims that the judge should have disqualified himself, that another lawyer should have been substituted and that the plea of guilty was impermissibly induced, the only relief we could properly grant would be to require an evidentiary hearing concerning those claims,” the high court ruled.

Such hearings are now common. In her plea for a Ginther hearing, Mrs. Stafford cited ineffective assistance of her counsel Steve Lockhart, the statement from Wells Fargo that it had no role in the criminal complaint, and other matters involving Judge Hathaway.

She has been assigned new counsel to represent her, but her supporters said they are considering retaining an attorney who is not afraid to deal with Judge Hathaway.

Hathaway earlier said in an in-chamber conference regarding Tigh Croff, who killed a 56-year-old grandfather who had run blocks away from Croff’s home, that he “would have done the same thing.”

Related documents and stories:


#WellsFargo, #mortgagefraud, #subprimemortgagemeltdown2008, #CliffordandMaryStafford, #WayneCountyprosecutor, #BailoutPeoplenotheBanks, #notaryfraud, #JudgeMichaelHathaway, #StopForeclosuresandEvictions, #HousingisaRight, #WayneCountyDeedFraudTaskForce, #JenniferDouglas, #MaryWilliamsJones, #CriminalInjusticeSystem, #BlackHomesMatter

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Bomb boomWells Fargo: “no role in initiating the complaint”

Preliminary exams held in violation of Michigan Court Rule

Investigator Jones lied in request for warrant

Sentencing set for Jan. 13 at 9 a.m. in front of Judge Michael Hathaway

By Diane Bukowski

Jan.11, 2016

Community advocates Clifford and Mary Ann Stafford.

FREE THE STAFFORDS! Community advocates Clifford and  Mary Ann Stafford.

DETROIT – Wells Fargo Bank had no role in initiating a criminal prosecution against community anti-foreclosure advocates Clifford and Mary Stafford, according to an official statement provided to VOD.

But Wayne County Deed Fraud Task Force Investigator Mary Williams-Jones and Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Douglas listed them as the  COMPLAINANT in a case involving a 2007 predatory mortgage loan from Wells Fargo Bank for a Belleville, Michigan property at 13236 Nautica.

The couple faces sentencing Wed. Jan. 13 at 9 a.m. in front of Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Michael Hathaway, with Mrs. Stafford subject to 15 years in prison. A jury convicted her of “False Pretenses over $20,000” a felony, and “Obstruction of Justice,” a misdemeanor, while her husband was convicted only of the second charge.

James Hines, Wells Fargo spokesman.

James Hines, Wells Fargo : WF did NOT initiate complaint vs. Staffords

“We foreclosed on the property and conveyed it to Fannie Mae in 2011, which ended our involvement in the matter,” Wells Fargo Bank representative James Hines told VOD in an official statement emailed Jan. 5. “While we complied with a subpoena related to the recent criminal prosecution, we have no additional information about that case and had no role in initiating the complaint.

Hines is the Assistant Vice President, Consumer Lending Communications, for Wells Fargo at its Wacker Drive, Chicago address.

The Staffords’ attorneys Patrick McQueeney and Steve Lockhart told them last week that the prosecution, which is working with the Wayne County Sheriff’s “Deed Fraud Task Force,” offered to recommend probation if they pled guilty and paid a total of $96,000 in restitution.

“Is this a racket for the Deed Fraud Unit?”

Attorney F. Anthony Lubkin

Attorney F. Anthony Lubkin

“It’s odd that the deed fraud unit would seek restitution when Wells Fargo said they sought none,” Clifford Stafford’s previous attorney F. Anthony Lubkin noted.  “Is this a racket for the deed fraud unit to force money from defendants uninvolved in document irregularities?”

Wayne County has a huge budget deficit, due to bank debts incurred for extensive cost overruns in the doomed county jail project, and from the exorbitant costs of purchasing the Guardian Building to replace the County’s historic headquarters on Randolph.

Citing the deficit, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has put the County under state oversight using Public Act 436, the “dictator’s act.” Under a “consent agreement,” the state granted Wayne County Executive Warren Evans the powers of an emergency manager.

Neither Wayne County, nor the city of Detroit, nor the State of Michigan has ever sought restitution from Wells Fargo and other global banks for the tidal wave of foreclosures based on predatory lending which devastated neighborhoods throughout Detroit and other cities, and led to the 2008 global economic collapse.

Protesters against county tax foreclosures block street outside 400 Monroe, where Deed Fraud unit is located.

Protesters against county tax foreclosures block street outside 400 Monroe, where Deed Fraud unit is located.

Instead, the County has sought to patch up the deficit with the most massive tax foreclosures in history.

And the County’s Deed Fraud Task Force sent plainclothes sheriffs to the Staffords’ modest home on Detroit’s northwest side to arrest Clifford Stafford Jan. 19, 2015.

Stafford said they showed him no warrant and did not tell him what the charges were. He was brought before Judge Linda Mack, who he said ordered him not to contact Wells Fargo.

Sheriffs returned to their home June 17, 2015 to arrest his wife, but he would not admit them. Mrs. Stafford turned herself in the next day with her attorney.

In a recommendation for a warrant dated Oct. 9, 2013, Investigator Mary Williams-Jones, of the Deed Fraud unit, listed Wells Fargo in Denver, CO, as the COMPLAINANT.

Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Douglas signed a Felony Information dated 9/27/2013 related to both Staffords and a third party, Trenise Wyldon, over Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s printed name, listing Wells Fargo as the Complainant/Victim. 

Judge Ronald Giles bound Staffords over in violation of state court rule. GENERAL INFO: Judge Ronald Giles rules that some text messages will be sealed and some will remain open at 36th District Court. Photographed in Detroit, MI on Monday, July 14, 2008. (Donna Terek/The Detroit News).

Judge Ronald Giles bound Staffords over in violation of state court rule.

Prosecution, Judge Giles violated Michigan Court Rule in Staffords’ exams 

Michigan Court Rule 6.112 (B) says “Unless the defendant is a fugitive from justice, the prosecutor may not file an information until the defendant has had or waives a preliminary examination.”

Although the information was filed 9/27/2013, Judge Giles held Clifford Stafford’s preliminary exam from Feb. 6 through Feb. 10, 2015, while he held Mary Stafford’s from July 1 to July 27, 2015.

Shouldn’t Giles have peremptorily dismissed the case?

“In March 2015, I filed a motion to quash bindover citing lack of evidence,” Attorney Lubkin said in part. “Judge Hathaway agreed and ordered REMAND [to Judge Giles] on April 30, insisting we needed more evidence, that what had been presented at preliminary exam in February had been inadequate, that we needed to hear from Trenise Wyldon (the ultimate wrongdoer who had been convicted of fraud in the loan application on this property, then mysteriously released in plea deal), and that without this, evidence was lacking.”

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Michael Hathaway speaks from the bench Friday Jan. 4, 2013 in Detroit. Photo: Detroit News

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Michael Hathaway speaks from the bench Friday Jan. 4, 2013 in Detroit. Photo: Detroit News

But the lower court defied Judge Hathaway’s order and produced no new evidence. Judge Hathaway gave the prosecutor until June 4 to provide a supplemental preliminary exam and/or new evidence and then extended that time for 90 days.”

After the 90 days, Lubkin said, he filed an “extensive new updated motion to quash.” He reported that Hathaway said again on Sept. 2 that he was inclined to dismiss the charges, but then inexplicably changed his mind Sept. 8 and denied the motion, setting a trial date.

Hathaway most recently gained fame (or notoriety according to one’s point of view), for snatching the trial of anti-water shutoff protesters “The Homrich 9” from the 36th District courtroom of Judge Ruth Ann Garrett before the jury could reach what was likely to be a “not guilty” verdict, at the request of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan’s representatives, Corporation Counsel Melvin “Butch” Hollowell and his top assistant Doug Baker. They conducted an ex parte conference in front of the judge without the knowledge of attorneys for the defendants, who included Marian Kramer of Michigan Welfare Rights, and Rev. Bill Wylie Kellerman.

Judge Hathaway asked expert witness if he thought Staffords were guilty

Mistrial drawingExpert defense witness Richard Woonton, who testified to massive irregularities in the Wells Fargo transaction, told VOD of an incident that if exposed, likely would have caused a mistrial. He said Judge Hathaway met privately with him and Clifford Stafford’s attorney McQueeney during the trial.

“He asked me whether I believed the Staffords were guilty,” Woonton said. “I was shocked. I did not even know the Staffords before this trial.”

Woonton said he told Judge Hathaway that he believed the Staffords were not guilty of at least of the “false pretenses” felony based on his review of the Wells Fargo file. The Wells Fargo mortgage of $395,000 was negotiated by the short-lived Reliant Title, owned by Kevin and Valerie Kauth, on behalf of Trenise Wyldon, who was charged with “filing a false claim for credit,” as a co-defendant of the Staffords. Her charges were later dismissed.

Protest against Wells Fargo, which holds 40 percent of home loans in the U.S.

Protest against Wells Fargo, which holds 40 percent of home loans in the U.S.

Woonton said that Hathaway then raised the issue of “aiding and abetting.” In his jury instructions, Hathaway later told the jury they could find the Staffords guilty if they believed they had “aided and abetted” other unnamed parties in a criminal action.

The trial included extensive testimony about likely criminal actions by Wells Fargo, including the predatory $395,000 “liar’s loan” granted to Wyldon Dec. 5, 2007, based in part on her false statement that she made $10,000 a month working for Private Consumer Consulting Services, LLC, with no back-up documentation. PCCS, whose resident agent is Clifford Stafford, did not even exist as a corporation until Feb. 15, 2008, according to documents on file with the State of Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth (DLEG).

Tim Lockwood, Wells Fargo Fraud Manager

Tim Lockwood, Wells Fargo Fraud Manager

Such “liar’s loans,” a/k/a “stated income loans,” were common during the mortgage lending frenzy that led to the economic collapse of 2008.

Tim Lockwood, Wells Fargo’s Financial Fraud Manager, testified during the trial under subpoena that the bank relies on the title company, in this case Reliant Title, owned by Kevin Kauth, to verify the true owner of the property and prepare the documents and other statements needed for the loans.

He said that Wells Fargo had no copy in its file of the Warranty Deed from PCCS to Trenise Wyldon. However, according to the  Wayne County Register of Deeds mortgage listing for the Nautica address, Wells Fargo Bank granted a mortgage of $375,250  to Emmett and Trenise Wyldon on 12/5/07, and recorded it 3/10/2008. Wells Fargo Bank, located at 1000 Blue Gentian Rd. in Eagan, MN, is  listed as the returnee for documents related to the mortgage. Those should have included the alleged Warranty Deed signing the property over from PCCS to Trenise Wyldon.



Investigator Jones’ request for warrant contradicts her written interviews with parties

Fraud Task Force Investigator Mary Williams-Jones, formerly a Detroit police lieutenant.

Fraud Task Force Investigator Mary Williams-Jones, formerly a Detroit police lieutenant.

In addition to both Wyldons and the Kauths, other parties involved in the deal and possibly guilty of crimes were never called either by the prosecution or defense to testify at trial.

They included Glen Boggess, president of NOVA 2000,  which acted as the broker in the Nautica deal, and its DBA Loan Origination Concepts, and Wyldon’s husband at the time, Emmett Wyldon.

Jones wrote in her warrant request, “On December 5, 2007, the Stafford’s through their Company Private Consumer Consulting Services purchased 13236 Nautica Dr, Belleville, from Donnie & Joann Carlton for $312,000.00. Title Partners was utilized for the sell (sic).”

However, Jones’ written interview with JoAnn Carlton included the following:

“Q) Who did you sell the property at 13236 Nautica Drive, Belleville MI to?

A) My paperwork from the sell (another sic) shows it was sold to Private Consumer Consulting Co. But the paperwork was sent to us by NOVA 2000, Inc. in Jan. 2007. The papers state “Loan Origination Contract to buy.”

Carlton told Jones that she had never heard of the other parties in the case, including the Staffords. She said she did remember the name “Mary Ann Stafford” appearing on “one of the documents in the deal,” a water escrow agreement. Stafford’s signature does not appear on the first of two copies of that agreement. Mrs. Stafford has repeatedly contended her name was forged on documents, including a Dec. 5, 2007 “Warranty Deed” turning the home over to Trenise Wyldon, used to obtain the Wells Fargo mortgage.

Valerie and Kevin Kauth, owners of the now-defunct Reliant Title.

Valerie and Kevin Kauth, owners of the now-defunct Reliant Title.

Valerie Kauth, wife of Kevin Kauth of Reliant Title, who appears as notary on that deed, testified during the preliminary exam that was not her signature, that she allowed another woman to use her notary stamp and sign her name. Differences in Kauth’s signatures on various discovery documents are readily apparent.

Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Douglas repeatedly used a copy of that deed against Mary Ann Stafford, but never requested a handwriting analysis of Kauth’s signature as she did of Mrs. Staffords’ signature.

Why did Giles not direct prosecution of Valerie Kauth for notary fraud, in the illegal use of her notary stamp and forgery of her signature?

Carlton faxed other documents to Jones including a “Contract to Purchase” the Nautica home through Jack Christenson Realtors, signed by Avis Washington as purchaser for NOVA2000, and dated Sept. 18, 2007. Washington testified at the trial that she worked for Glen Boggess, President of  NOVA2000, the broker, its DBA Loan Origination Concepts, and Reliant Title Agency at the same time. Joint employment by a broker and a title agency on the same deal is illegal.

Why did neither Judge Giles nor Judge Hathaway order her prosecution?

Avis Washington and Glen P. Boggess, Jr.

Avis Washington and Glen P. Boggess, Jr.

In his written statement to Jones, Boggess said NOVA2000 had no physical address. He said he had “no real relationship” with the Staffords “other than working with one of my loan officers on their project’s possibilities.” He said regarding PCCS, “Went to a meeting once with Avis for Cliff. He spoke of helping people remain (keep) their homes.”

He said he did not actually see Mary Stafford sign the Warranty Deed handing over the Nautica home from PCCS to Trenise Wyldon.

Emmett Wyldon, Trenise Wyldon’s husband at the time, gave Jones a written statement listing his address as 13236 Nautica, Belleville, MI. He is also listed along with Trenise Wyldon as a party in a $375, 250 mortgage with Grantee Wells Fargo for that address, and in later foreclosures, redemptions, and a final Sheriff’s Deed on the property.

The disputed property: 13236 Nautica, Belleville, MI.

The disputed property:
13236 Nautica, Belleville, MI.

He told Jones he “hardly knew” PCCS, that his wife “might have been employed” by them, but that “I don’t know” how much money she made. Regarding the closing for the alleged transfer of the property to his wife, he said “I think I was there.” He said Mary Stafford signed documents in front of him, but did not say which documents. He also said he did not know where his wife got a down payment for the property.

“I don’t know, we never had $23,140 in our bank account,” he told Jones. Other testimony at the trial indicated that Reliant Title illegally gave a check for the down payment to Trenise Wyldon.

Why did Judge Hathaway not order the prosecution of both Kevin and Valerie Kauth for this criminal act?

Defendants filing pre-sentencing motions

The Staffords plan to file motions prior to their sentencing Jan. 13, including one for a “Ginther hearing” on ineffective assistance of counsel, and a motion for a new trial (judgment notwithstanding the verdict) due to insufficient evidence against them.

Attorney Patrick McQueeney

Attorney Patrick McQueeney

Attorney Steve Lockhart

Attorney Steve Lockhart

Earlier, they sent letters to their defense attorneys Patrick McQueeney and Steve Lockhart requesting that postconviction motions be filed.

Michigan Court Rule 6.005 (H)(4) says, “Unless an appellate lawyer has been appointed or retained, or if retained trial counsel withdraws, the trial lawyer who represents the defendant is responsible for filing postconviction motions the lawyer deems appropriate, including motions for new trial, for a directed verdict of acquittal, to withdraw plea, or for resentencing.

Letters sent by the Staffords can be read at   and

However, both defense attorneys refused to file any postconviction motions whatsoever, instead  proferring the prosecution’s plea deal for probation and fines of $48,000 each.

Attorney Lockhart previously served as a 36th District Court magistrate for 10 years, but was fired in 2013.

White male entitlement 2Fox 2 News reported, “Sources tell Fox 2 a woman appeared in his courtroom Friday who owed nearly $4,000 in fines. Lockhart ordered she be held in Wayne County Jail on a $2,000 bond. Her attorney told Lockhart she was three months pregnant, was having problems with the pregnancy and didn’t have a job so she couldn’t make bond. Lockhart’s response implied she and her baby would then die in jail.”

Mrs. Stafford told VOD that Lockhart, who was appointed to defend her by his former fellow judge at 36th District, Ronald Giles, told her from the beginning he believed she was guilty. He said she should admit that she was just doing what her husband told her to do, and asked what she did with the $312,500 mortgage originally used to purchase the property.

Expert witness Woonton testified at the trial  that the Wells Fargo mortgage on the Nautica paid off that Bank of America mortgage, which had also been written to Trenise Wyldon, not Stafford.

Related stories:

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Video above by New Era Detroit. See more about NED at the following links:




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© ’15 Mumia Abu-Jamal [12/28/15]

Political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal with son in earlier years.

Political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal with son in earlier years.

NEWS BREAK: Cleveland officials announce no charges to be filed in the police killing of 12-year old Tamir Rice.

There is something shattering about the death -the killing – of a child.

When a child dies, the natural order is torn; the stars weep, and the earth quakes.

We have become so accustomed to this system that we suppose it is natural, instead of a human imposition. Politicians, in the pocket of so-called police unions, bow before bags of silver, and blink away the death of a child; especially if a Black child.

Tamir Rice, 12

Tamir Rice, 12

What man-made institution is more precious than a child?

What job?

What so-called profession?   What office?  What state?

When a child dies, adults don’t deserve to breathe their stolen air.

Aiyana Jones, 7, dad Charles Jones.

Aiyana Jones, 7, dad Charles Jones.

When a child dies, the living must not rest until they have purged the poison that dared harm such a one.

When a child dies, time runs backward and attempts to right such a wrong.

This should inspire movements worldwide, to fight like never before.

Terrance Kellom, 19

Terrance Kellom, 19

For something vile has happened before our eyes.

A child has been killed; and in America, because it’s a Black child, it means next to nothing.

–© ’15 maj

Michaelangelo and Makiah Jackson, 6 and 3

Michaelangelo and Makiah Jackson, 6 and 3

Kimoni Davis, 19

Kimoni Davis, 19

Ian May, 18

Ian May, 18

Lamar Grable, 20

Lamar Grable, 20

Related stories:

Davontae Sanford, 14 when frame up

Davontae Sanford, 14 when framed up

Anthony Clark Reed 3

Anthony Clark Reed, 24, died during police stop

Maryanne Godboldo, who has fought police and state to protect daughter Ariana.

Maryanne Godboldo fought for daughter, 13.

Mailauni Williams; mother has battled CPS since birth.

Mailauni Williams; mother battling CPS



Until there are no police

Posted by Mertilla Jones, grandmother of Aiyana.


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CPR gathering

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Video above by VOD videojournalist Kenneth Snodgrass

Family: Dearborn Police Murdered Kevin Matthews

“Shoot ‘em down, we will shut you down!”

Other Blacks killed by Dearborn cops: Frederick Finley, Ernest Griglen, Iman Luqman Abdullah

Jackson, MS Councilman Stokes: “rocks, bottles, bricks” to keep white suburban police out of Black city

Editorial: problems in Detroit’s movement vs. killings by police

By Diane Bukowski

January 6, 2015

Kevin Matthews family gathers for march; mother Valerie Johnson

Kevin Matthews’ family gathers for march; mother Valerie Johnson, 3rd from left, brother Lavell Matthews, center, sister Kimberly Matthews 2nd from right. They are wearing hoodies proclaiming, “DEARBORN POLICE MURDERED KEVIN MATTHEWS!”


Dearborn, MI—Led by the family of Kevin Matthews, 35, slaughtered by a white Dearborn cop Dec. 23, hundreds blocked streets in Dearborn for two hours Jan. 4. VOD videographer Kenneth Snodgrass raised the chant of “Boycott Dearborn” during a rally at the end on the march on Michigan Avenue across from the Dearborn police station. It was taken up by the crowd and then by the Matthews family and march sponsors.

Kevin Matthews’ family member.

Marchers shouted “Shoot ‘em down, we will shut you down!” during the progress of the march and “Release the cop’s name!”

A breakaway group called out “Freedom, freedom—racist killer police—we don’t need ‘em need ‘em,” as they blocked traffic from Greenfield onto Michigan at the end of the march. They later invaded the Kroger’s store at the intersection, and continued their chants.

Kevin Matthews’ family, including his mother Valerie Johnson, sisters Kimberly and Karen Matthews, and brother Lavell Matthews, joined dozens of other relatives to lead the march, called by the Michigan Chapter of the National Action Network.

“Dearborn Police Murdered Kevin Matthews”

Wearing sweatshirts declaring, “Dearborn Police Murdered Kevin Matthews,” they demanded charges be brought against the cop who slaughtered their loved one.

Kevin Matthews to killer cop: STOP IT!

Kevin Matthews last words, to killer cop: STOP IT! Family Facebook photo

“We want justice and we are going to fight this all the way,” Matthews’s sister Karen said at a press conference Christmas Eve. We are not going to let my brother die in vain.”

His brother Lavell added, “Something is going to happen because I’m never defeated. They took my brother who was harmless and they shot him like a dog.”

The Detroit police have said they are investigating, but Detroit police chief James Craig has issued no statement on the matter. Both Detroit and Dearborn police have refused to release the cop’s name, while continuing to besmirch Matthews’ name with unfounded reports.

The cop, who had been on the Dearborn force for five years, crossed the border from Dearborn into Detroit, chased Matthews on foot out of range of his car’s dashcam video, then shot him at least six times to death in the backyard of a home on Whitcomb near Greenfield and Tireman.

The mainstream media has reported, as in the Channel 7 video below, first that Matthews had a record of minor misdemeanors and/or warrant, then that he committed an alleged “larceny” they said he committed the day of his death, with no details provided.

“Stop it! Stop it!”—Kevin Matthews before execution

Protester at march.

Protester at march.

Neither police force has given a reason for chasing an unarmed man related to alleged misdemeanors. They have claimed Matthews struggled to get the cop’s gun.

“The standard cover police use is ‘He went for my gun, I feared for my life.’ Was the chase [for alleged misdemeanors] even necessary?” Sam Riddle, Michigan Political Director of the National Action Network, told MLive at the protest Jan. 4.

A neighbor whose yard is behind the home where Matthews died told the Detroit News he heard Matthews pleading, “Stop it, stop it,” after the cop pushed him into a backyard fence, before gunfire erupted in front of the home’s garage out of the neighbor’s view. Another neighbor told VOD that he heard the cop yell at Matthews, “Why are you running?”

Dearborn arrest rate for Blacks 26 times higher than for other races 

Statistics show that Black men have ample reason to run from Dearborn police. Residents near the border street of Tireman know to watch out for the police there, an apartment dweller on Tireman near Greenfield told VOD.

Marcher: Dearborn police murdered Kevin Matthews.

Marcher: Dearborn police murdered Kevin Matthews.

“More than half of the people Dearborn police arrested in 2011 and 2012 were Black, according to reports they submitted to the FBI,” Brad Heath of USA Today reported last year. “By comparison, about 4% of the city’s residents are Black, as are about a quarter of the people who live in Metropolitan Detroit. Over those two years, the department reported arresting 4,500 black people – 500 more than lived in the city. As a result, the arrest rate for Blacks, compared with the city’s population, was 26 times higher than for people of other races.”

Dearborn was founded by Nazi sympathizer Henry Ford I as a bedroom community for white Ford autoworkers, while neighboring Inkster was planned to house Black autoworkers migrating from the South.

Blacks murdered since 2000 by Dearborn law enforcement include Kevin Matthews, Frederick Finley, Ernest Griglen, Imam Luqman Abdullah

Marchers remembered Aiyana Jones, 7, shot to death by Detroit police May 16, 2010.

Marchers remembered Aiyana Jones, 7, shot to death by Detroit police May 16, 2010.

The Detroit suburb has a long history of racist killings, assaults and arrests of Blacks. In 2000, security guards at Lord & Taylor’s in Dearborn’s Fairlane Mall choked Frederick Finley, a 32-year-old Detroit father of three, to death. They had pursued him for allegedly shoplifting $4 worth of merchandise.

Fredrick Finley, choked to death by guards at DearbornFairlane Mall in 2000.

Fredrick Finley, choked to death by Dearborn Fairlane Mall guards in 2000.

Ernest Griglen lingered in coma for months prior to his death after 2008 beating by Dearborn cops.

After a rally of 10,000 in the store’s parking lot, the National Action Network called for a boycott of the city’s businesses. Guard Dennis Richardson was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but the case was dismissed three times, by district, appeals, and the state Supreme Court.

On Father’s Day in 2008, according to Heath’s article, two Dearborn cops beat and killed Ernest Griglen, 59 and Black, a diabetic man on disability from the Detroit Public Schools. A witness said Dearborn cop Richard Michalski and another cop threw Griglen to the ground and, “just started hitting him, hitting him and kicking him. … They were beating him up.”

Imam Luqman Abdullah with grandson before 2009 execution by Dearborn police, FBI.

Terry Jones after 2012 beating by Dearborn cops, injured for life.

Terry Jones after 2012 beating by Dearborn cops, injured for life.

Griglen spent 11 months in a coma before dying in 2009, from bleeding in his brain, caused by “blunt force trauma,” according to the Wayne County Medical Examiner.

In 2009, Detroit police worked with Dearborn police and the FBI to assassinate Imam Luqman Abdullah, leader of a Black mosque on Detroit’s impoverished west side, shooting him 21 times inside a Dearborn warehouse. The U.S. Department of Justice, which oversees the FBI, unsurprisingly exonerated the killers.

VOD reported in its last story on the Kevin Matthews killing about the case of Terry Jones, another mentally challenged Black man, beaten severely and injured for life by Dearborn cops in

VOD Editorial: Time for militant fightback, not symbolism, collusion 

Dearborn cop gives Rev. Williams instructions on march route.

Dearborn cop gives Rev. Williams instructions on march route.

Rev. Charles Williams, the Michigan Chair of the National Action Network, promised during the Christmas Eve press conference that his group planned to shut Dearborn down Jan. 4 as protesters did in Chicago over the death of Laquan McDonald, 16.

However, the NAN march was directly coordinated with Dearborn police, unlike actions in Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson, New York City, Oakland, CA, and elsewhere. A Dearborn officer was heard explaining the planned march route to Rev. Williams in the Kroger’s parking lot before it took off. Dearborn police conveniently blocked off traffic along the route, getting upset only when marchers veered from Michigan Avenue to the front of the Dearborn police station itself.

Protesters directly in front of Dearborn Police station block signs of pro-police supporters.

Protesters directly in front of Dearborn Police station block signs of pro-police supporters, who were allowed to stay afterwards.

There, marchers chanted militantly for 15 minutes, as white Dearborn cops began coming outside. Then alleged “activist” and former Detroit cop Tijuana Morris, and a man who identified himself as a member of the vigilante group the Detroit 300, herded the crowd away from the station to a platform set up by Williams a block away from the station.

Morris is seen in the Channel 7 video below going nose-t0-nose with an older woman protester who wanted to remain, threatening her. VOD has seen that protester, with her sign declaring, “Fight fire with fire,” at numerous demonstrations including marches against the police killing of 19-year-old father Terrance Kellom in June, 2015. Her photo at march is below the “Stop It! Stop It!” subtitle above. She remained and continued to shout out her outrage against the Dearborn cop murderer.

Morris then proceeded to parade up and down in front of the police station to chase others away, protecting the white cops who cowered inside.

The Detroit 300, originally founded by the late Angelo Henderson, Min. Malik Shabazz, and Raphael B. Johnson, have acted as enforcers FOR the police in Detroit and elsewhere. They have invaded poor Black neighborhoods searching for individuals wanted by the police, kicking doors down and intimidating witnesses. In one case, they even forcibly interrogated alleged women witnesses inside a Detroit police station. A witness has told VOD that many in the Detroit 300 are being paid through Detroit police sources.

Tijuana Morris protects racist cops.

Dearborn police cower inside station.

Dearborn police cower inside station.

The Detroit 300 is used by the police and the media to focus attention on the city’s skyrocketing crime rate, and away from its causes, among them its skyrocketing poverty, unemployment, and homeless rates. The Detroit 300 and other such vigilante groups focus attention away from the real source of drug trafficking here and in other cities of color. That is the U.S. Government’s CIA and adjunct agencies, drug-money laundering banks like Wells Fargo, and further down the chain of command, the police themselves. (Read “Dark Alliance” by reporter Gary Webb, which exposes the CIA/Contra creation of the crack epidemic in the U.S. beginning in the 1970’s.)


Man from Detroit 300 laughs as her protects racist cops and pro-police demonstrators.

Man from Detroit 300 laughs as he protects racist cops and pro-police demonstrators. Morris is seen at his left.

VOD asked the man who said he was from the Detroit 300 why they are going into the poor neighborhoods and kicking down doors, rather than confronting Detroit police at their headquarters, not only for trafficking drugs, but for countenancing police murders.

Detroit police have historically rallied to the defense of murdering cops like Larry Nevers and Walter Budzyn, who beat Malice Green to death in 1992, Eugene Brown, who killed Rodrick Carrington, Lamar Grable, and Derrick Miller in 1995, 1996, and 1999 respectively, Kevin Krupinski, who shot Errol Shaw, a deaf Detroit father holding a rake, to death in 2000, and the 18 cops including William Melendez who were indicted by the Federal government in 2003 for a years-long LA Ramparts-style rampage of assaults, frame-ups, threats and other crimes against poor residents of Detroit’s Third and Fourth Precincts.

Breakaway marchers stop Greenfield traffic at end of march. They later invaded Krogers.

Breakaway marchers stop Greenfield traffic at end of march. They later invaded Krogers, chanting “Freedom, freedom–killer police, we don’t need ’em, need ’em.”

Recently, Jackson, Mississippi City Councilman Kenneth Stokes called for the Black leadership of that city to mobilize the community against marauding suburban police forces, by using rocks, bottles and other equipment similar to that used by Palestinian youth against the Israeli military occupiers of their homeland. When is Detroit going to see leaders like Councilman Stokes? SEE VIDEO BELOW.

Related stories:

(numerous other VOD stories on Aiyana Jones, just put “Aiyana” in search engine at top).

Many young people turned out to demand charges against racist cop who murdered Kevin Matthews.

Many young people turned out to demand charges against racist cop who murdered Kevin Matthews.

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Map Morningview Baptist ChurchFuneral Sat. Jan. 2, 2016 Morningview Baptist Church, 5646 Lawton, Detroit (map at left)

Video below by Voice of Detroit’s reporter Cornell Squires, of family press conference called by NAN Dec. 24, 2015.

Related stories:


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John Bacon, USA TODAY

 December 29, 2015

Kevin Matthews, 35, killed by white Dearborn cop Dec. 23, 2015.

(VOD notes that neither of Detroit’s local newspapers published the Tamir Rice story prominently; the Detroit News’ Stephen Henderson consigned it to an editorial. Perhaps they are afraid of the reaction that may be caused in the wake of the racist murder of Kevin Matthews, 35, by a white Dearborn cop Dec. 23.

Protests in addition to the press conference covered by VOD Dec. 24, calling for a national march on Dearborn Jan. 4, have been targeting the Dearborn police frequently in the meantime. See photo below of New Era Detroit demonstration. Also read NOI Min. Louis Farrakhan’s statement on the need to abolish the whole criminal justice system below story.)

NED Kevin Matthews Dearborn police

For story above, see

“We no longer trust the criminal justice system, which we view as corrupt” –statement from Tamir Rice’s family

Protests from Cleveland to New York City

Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan calls for abolition of entire U.S. criminal justice system

Tamir Rice, shot to death by Cleveland cops at the age of 12

Tamir Rice, shot to death by Cleveland cops at the age of 12

CLEVELAND–A Cleveland grand jury declined Monday to bring charges in the death of Tamir Rice, a black youth, 12, with a toy gun who was shot by a white police officer 13 months ago.

“The outcome will not cheer anyone, nor should it,” Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said. He blamed the shooting on a “perfect storm” of human error and miscommunication.

The case is one of a number around the country that has prompted protesters to assert their belief that black people are treated unfairly in the U.S. justice system. On Monday evening in New York’s Washington Square, in Greenwich Village, protesters gathered to voice their opposition to the decision.

Rice’s family members released a heartfelt statement Monday evening saying they were devastated.

Samaria Rice at site of sons

Samaria Rice at site of son’s murder by Cleveland cops. Her 15-year-old daughter was thrown to the ground and put in the cop car when she tried to help Tamir.

“After this investigation, which took over a year to unfold, and Prosecutor McGinty’s mishandling of this case, we no longer trust the local criminal justice system, which we view as corrupt,” read the statement, which accused McGinty of sabotaging the case and behaving like a defense attorney for the police. “I don’t want my child to have died for nothing and I refuse to let his legacy or his name be ignored. We will continue to fight for justice for him, and for all families who must live with the pain that we live with.”

Such cases also have prompted members of law enforcement to say they are feeling targeted. Steve Loomis, president of the Police Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, in Cleveland, said officers there were feeling relieved. “It’s a great weight off their shoulders,” he said. “It’s been a year of some pretty serious name calling, some pretty serious charges, and that affects not only them but their families as well.”

Killer cop Frank Garmback

Killer cop Timothy Loehmann

Killer cop Timothy Loehmann

The grand jury in the Rice case was asked to examine the actions of rookie officer Timothy Loehmann and his training officer Frank Garmback, who responded to a report about a man with a gun near a recreation center. A dispatcher did not tell them the caller thought it was probably a child with a fake gun.

Tamir, 12, likely meant to show the officers his gun was a toy that shot plastic pellets, but there was no way the officers could have known that when they confronted him on a snowy day in November 2014, McGinty said. He said the dispatcher’s failure to provide the information about the “fake gun” was key to the case.

McGinty said he agreed with the grand jury decision. 

Tamir Ric

Tamir Rice family members, including sister who cops assaulted when she tried to help her brother.

“The actions of officers Garmback and Loehmann were not criminal,” McGinty said. “The evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police.”

The family of Tamir blasted McGinty in a statement, saying it was “saddened and disappointed… but not surprised” by the grand jury decision.

“It has been clear for months now that Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty was abusing and manipulating the grand jury process to orchestrate a vote against indictment,” the family said in a statement released by their lawyers. “Even though video shows the police shooting Tamir in less than one second, Prosecutor McGinty hired so-called expert witnesses to try to exonerate the officers and tell the grand jury their conduct was reasonable and justified .”

“The outcome will not cheer anyone, nor should it,” Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said. He blamed the shooting on a “perfect storm” of human error and miscommunication.

Protest over Tamir Rice grand jury decision in NYCs

Protest over Tamir Rice grand jury decision in NYC’s Washington Square

The case is one of a number around the country that has prompted protesters to assert their belief that black people are treated unfairly in the U.S. justice system. On Monday evening in New York’s Washington Square, in Greenwich Village, protesters gathered to voice their opposition to the decision.

Rice’s family members released a heartfelt statement Monday evening saying they were devastated.

“After this investigation, which took over a year to unfold, and Prosecutor McGinty’s mishandling of this case, we no longer trust the local criminal justice system, which we view as corrupt,” read the statement, which accused McGinty of sabotaging the case and behaving like a defense attorney for the police. “I don’t want my child to have died for nothing and I refuse to let his legacy or his name be ignored. We will continue to fight for justice for him, and for all families who must live with the pain that we live with.”

Tamir, 12, likely meant to show the officers his gun was a toy that shot plastic pellets, but there was no way the officers could have known that when they confronted him on a snowy day in November 2014, McGinty said. He said the dispatcher’s failure to provide the information about the “fake gun” was key to the case.

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson

Pros. Timothy McGInty

Pros. Timothy McGInty

Mayor Frank Jackson said that now that the criminal process has concluded, an administrative review would no begin.

“I want to say to the family, to the mother in particular, that we are sorry for their loss, that we know that it has been a long process, but we do not intend to add to whatever anxiety or agony that they feel in terms of the process,” Jackson said. A committee that would include representatives from the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office, the prosecutor’s office and members of the public would review grand jury evidence and make a recommendation, Police Chief Calvin Williams said. That process could end in some sort of punishment for the officers involved, said Williams, who also offered words of condolence to Tamir Rice’s family.

Gov. John Kasich called Tamir’s death a “heartbreaking tragedy.” But he urged the community not to “give in to anger and frustration and let it divide us.”

The case was one in a series of police shootings nationwide that prompted Black Lives Matter protests.

Cover to Tamir Rice

Cover to Tamir Rice funeral program

Loehmann has said he ordered Tamir to show them his hands. He said Tamir reached for his waistband and that he saw a gun and fired to protect himself and Garmback. McGinty said the evidence supported Loehmann’s explanation.

Two outside reviews requested by McGinty, from a retired FBI agent and a Denver prosecutor, determined Loehmann exercised a reasonable use of force because he had reason to perceive Tamir as a serious threat. Those were released in October.

Earlier this month, lawyers for Tamir’s family released their own report. It found that Tamir was not reaching for his waistband, and that the officers rolled up and shot Tamir so fast he had no time to hear or respond to any orders they gave.

The family on Monday reiterated it’s request that the Department of Justice investigate Tamir’s death.

“The way prosecutor McGinty has mishandled the grand jury process has compounded the grief of this family,” the statement said.

Tamir Rice protest in Cleveland Nov. 25, 2014.

Tamir Rice protest in Cleveland Nov. 25, 2014.




By Richard B. Muhammad – Editor

Dec 17, 2015

NOI Min. Louis Farrakhan speaks on Black Chicago radio station Dec. 17, 2015.

NOI Min. Louis Farrakhan speaks on Black Chicago radio station Dec. 17, 2015.

CHICAGO—America’s corrupt criminal justice system cannot be reformed and faces divine destruction, said the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam on the Cliff Kelley Show, a popular Black talk program.

And everyone connected with hiding the truth and lying about the controversial shooting of a Black teenager in Chicago must be held accountable and concrete steps are demanded, not just talk, if they w

The destruction of the system is not only warranted but inevitable because God himself is bringing in a new system that will give justice to all, he told the radio show host and listeners.

Laquan McDonald, shot 16 times to death by Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke, since charged with murder after video released.

Laquan McDonald, shot 16 times to death by Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke, since charged with murder after video released.

The discussion of justice arose Dec. 12 as the Minister answered questions about events in Chicago driven by the death of Laquan McDonald, a suspected cover-up by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, police officials, officers, state’s attorney Anita Alvarez, other entities and subsequent angry protests and demonstrations.

The problems in Chicago point to a need to do more than remove a mayor, police chief or state’s attorney, said Min. Farrakhan. What difference does it make to get rid of them and the system that produces them is still in place? asked Min. Farrakhan. “Who is man enough, who is strong enough to say that the system of justice in America is an injustice to the American people? It all should be destroyed and something new and better put in place. Because the system produces a McCarthy, an Alvarez and all that we have suffered under. We need a new system.”

Protesters march down Whitcomb in Detroit after murder of Kevin Matthews, 35, by white Dearborn cop.

Protesters march down Whitcomb in Detroit after murder of Kevin Matthews, 35, by white Dearborn cop.

Time and again people are replaced but the same compromises and the same problems arise because the system is no good, cleaning house must include getting rid of those unworthy to serve and changing a system that thwarts proper service, he said.

“The kind of way that Black men are being shot down—not only in Chicago—but in America tells me that there is a culture of violence against us that is now systemic because it is happening everywhere,” the Minister added.

Chicago’s mayor has been under intense scrutiny since video of the 17-year-old being shot 16 times by police officer Jason Van Dyke was made public because of a judge’s order. The officer has been charged with murder. Protests have been an almost daily occurrence at city hall, the state’s attorney’s office, police headquarters and downtown shopping and business districts. Former police superintendent Garry McCarthy has been fired and protestors have called for state’s attorney Alvarez and Mayor Emanuel to resign.

Kevin Matthews

Kevin Matthews’ sister Karen and his family mourning at Detroit press conference Dec. 24, 2015.

There was a rush by the city to get money to the family of Laquan McDonald in an effort to keep the death quiet, the Minister said. The payment was made to avoid a trial with subpoenas and depositions from all involved in keeping what happened secret and those who lied saying the teen lunged at officers while video shows him walking away, said Min. Farrakhan.

Mario Woods, executed by San Francisco cops

Mario Woods, executed by San Francisco cops

A 26-year-old Black male was recently shot multiple times by officers in San Francisco, who blocked his way, the Minister noted. “See this is (a) hate crime because you don’t shoot an animal when you go out to hunt 25 times. … So this is hatred of us.”

Even police unions, who are the defense counsel for the police officers, don’t want to discipline “police officers who have killed somebody in wicked error. So now when you talk about getting rid of stuff, you’ve got to go all the way to the top, clean it all the way to the bottom. Otherwise Black people have no place in American jurisprudence.”

In response to a caller, the Minister explained that the destruction of the present system was underway.

However, he said, there is time between God’s decree and the total destruction of a nation facing divine judgement. Those who heed God’s call must work to be better and the Nation of Islam is part of ushering in the system that Master Fard Muhammad, founder of the Nation of Islam and powerful one prophesized of in scripture to deliver justice, will create.

Pres. Obama at constant war.

Pres. Obama at constant war.

“When you take a person that you think is good and you vote them in to replace somebody that you believe was bad then the system turns that one,” the Minister said. Barack Obama went into the White House with the best thoughts to make America stronger and better in the world by changing foreign policy, but he ran into “forces,” he added. “Now he’s signing off on drones that are assassinating people and killing men, women and children. We didn’t vote him into office to do that. I say to all of us, it’s not them. It’s that system that is so corrupt and rotten to the core that there must be change— but real change. Otherwise putting a new mayor into the same old system you get the same results. Putting a new state’s attorney in to the same old system, putting the same city counselors in to the same old system—everything has got to change. Continue reading

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