Hearing held June 21, 2021 on Darrell Ewing (2nd row, l), Derrico Searcy (3rd row, l). Attys. Lillian Diallo (2nd row, 2nd from l), Coral Watt (3rd row r) and Blase Kearney (1st row, 2nd from r) represented defendants; AP Kam Towns (3rd row, second from 4) for prosecution.
UPDATE JUNE 21, 2021
Darrell Ewing/Derrico Searcy case: Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy, AP Kam Towns still stall compliance with orders by 8 judges for new trial.
Hearing to continue Thurs. July 29, 2021 at 9 a.m.
Detroit–Wayne Co. 3rd Judicial Circuit Court Judge Darnella Williams-Claybourne ordered all parties to reconvene Thursday, July 29 at 9 a.m. after Wayne Co. Assistant Prosecutor Kam Towns pressed for a “protective order” on case and witness information.
Defense attorneys Lillian Diallo and Coral Watt (for Ewing) and Blase Kearney (for Searcy) said Towns is seeking to exclude information protected under the Sixth Amendment.

Darrell Ewing and Derrico Searcy (top); 8 judges who affirmed order for new trial.
“We are not signing [for] a protective order,” Atty. Diallo said. “The prosecutor has the burden to show there should be a protective order. We have been going back and forth on this.”
Diallo cited a March 11, 2021 Michigan Court of Appeals ruling in the case of Ricky Dale Jack which held that unredacted police reports must be provided to the defense. The opinion says the prosecution CAN request a protective order, but AP Towns has not filed a motion for such an order to date.
COA 354524 PEOPLE OF MI V RICKY DALE JACK Opinion – Authored – Published 03/11/2021
Eight judges (at right) have ruled that Ewing and Searcy must get a new trial on murder charges in the 1999 death of J.B. Watson, but Prosecutor Worthy has appealed at every step. She said last month she will re-try the case, instead of releasing Ewing and Searcy for lack of sufficient evidence.
In a separate matter relating to Ewing, federal prosecutors said, “According to a representative of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, he is not
expected to be retried until the late fall of 2021, at the earliest.”
Unprecedented turn-0ut of hundreds for June 4 rally to free wrongfully convicted, filling the street at Detroit’s Frank Murphy Hall for 5 hours
Historic event called by wrongfully convicted Thelonious ‘Shawn’ Searcy, Darrell Ewing, and their families, founders of OPERATION LIBERATION
“This is a MOVEMENT!” — LaSonya Dodson, mother of Darrell Ewing
Exonerees Larry Smith, Kevin Harrington, George Clark, Kenneth Nixon and Davontae Sanford joined families of loved ones still in prison
Michigan Liberation, NY’s “Silent Cry,” Pure Heart Foundation joined rally
MONDAY, JUNE 21, 9 AM: Hearing on Darrell Ewing/Derrico Searcy case in front of Judge Darnella Williams-Claybourne to decide re-trial or release.

Faces of Michigan’s wrongfully convicted, displayed in 2 banners by Tearra Dodson.

VOD has covered the cases of the wrongfully convicted men above, still in MDOC, Wayne Co. Jail, or out on bond, (l to r): Thelonious ‘Shawn’ Searcy, Darrell Ewing, Derrico Searcy, Ricky Rimmer-Bey, Carl Hubbard, David Shelton, Temujin Kensu.

Ricardo Ferrell
By Diane Bukowski, VOD editor with
Ricardo Ferrell, VOD field editor
(Ricardo Ferrell, incarcerated since 1981, writes from inside the walls. He has authored VOD’s stories on many of the wrongfully convicted people noted in this article, and written over 40 articles for VOD. He writes for other publications as well.)
This is a feature article, with numerous videos and photos of the historic event June 4, meant to fully reflect the accounts of wrongfully convicted men and women represented at the rally.
June 14, 2021

Nieces of Tamera Washington demand, “Free Them All” at wrongful conviction rally.
DETROIT– This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Attica Rebellion, a heroic four-day uprising Sept. 9, 1971 by 1281 prisoners demanding basic human rights, which reverberated around the world. It ended with the slaughter of at least 33 prisoners and 10 corrections employees by State Police, called in by New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller.
But the Attica uprising inspired a global prisoner solidarity movement, like that triggered by the torture-execution of George Floyd by Minneapolis police May 25, 2020.
The “Rally/Protest for the Wrongfully Convicted” held June 4 at the Frank Murphy courthouse and jail in downtown Detroit had the feel of another such movement in birth.
Thelonious ‘Shawn’ Searcy, Darrell Ewing:
Operation Liberation phone # 586-943-8780

Thelonious ‘Shawn’ Searcy, at home on tether.
Thelonious ‘Shawn’ Searcy, speaking from home while on tether in the video above, and Darrell Ewing, currently held at the Wayne County Jail awaiting a hearing June 21, masterminded and organized this event.
Searcy told VOD that he and Ewing founded “Operation Liberation” in 2016 while both were confined in the Michigan Department of Corrections, fighting for their freedom, and that of Ewing’s co-defendant Derrico Searcy, Shawn’s brother, from wrongful convictions.
Searcy spent 17 years in the MDOC, while Ewing has been there 11 years. Both devoted their time to studying the law, determined to find a way home while aiding others with their cases and mobilizing people on both sides of the walls. Both recently won stunning victories at Michigan’s Court of Appeals which affirmed previous rulings by higher courts.
Voice of Detroit’s most recent articles on their victories, which include links to previous coverage from 2017 on:

Darrell Ewing
Ewing and his co-defendant Derrico Searcy, currently housed at the Wayne County Jail downtown, are scheduled for a hearing Mon. June 21 at 9 a.m. in front of Judge Darnella Williams-Clayborne to determine whether or not Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy will re-try them.
Searcy said he and Darrell’s sister Cieddah Ewing worked day and night for weeks, recruiting wrongfully convicted people they met in and outside prison, along with their families, Wayne County exonerees, and community supporters across the country, from Miami to New York City to Los Angeles. Shawn Searcy worked from home, where he is being held on appeal bond after a definitive victory in the Court of Appeals, pending Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s decision on whether to re-try him.
He said that he and Cieddah told Ewing’s mother LaSonya Dodson to take a break from her non-stop battle to free her son, while they took the organizing work on. Darrell’s sister Tearra Dodson provided stunning banners showing the faces of dozens of the wrongfully convicted. Families and supporters wore T-shirts and carried signs advocating for their loved ones.
Cieddah Ewing, sister of Darrell

Willie Merriweather
Video above: Exoneree Kevin Harrington leads opening prayer; co-chair Cieddah Ewing explains the rally’s goals, calls for a people’s townhall meeting for the wrongfully convicted:
“We want to shed light on the corruption that’s taking place in the City of Detroit, to speak for the voiceless, so the people can bear witness to what’s taking place in the Prosecutor’s office, Frank Murphy Hall, and the DPD homicide section.” –Cieddah Ewing
Advocate for Willie Merriweather, in prison 37 yrs. due to DPD HQ 9th floor snitch accounts.
Mr. Merriweather, in 2015 letter to Rev. Edward Pinkney of Benton Harbor:
Larry Smith, exonerated Feb. 2021
(Above) Larry Smith, exonerated February 4, 2021 after 26 years in prison, hit the ground running, spending 24/7 fighting for those he left behind. He was one of dozens convicted with false testimony from DPD’s “Ring of Snitches,” used by the prosecutor’s office. Larry’s mother Debra Smith and daughter Nakira Smith joined him June 4. (See videos of their talks below.)
Exonerees Kevin Harrington & George Clark;
Vargas & Marco Johnson, Ricky Rimmer-Bey, Carl Hubbard

Marco and Vargas Johnson
Exoneree Kevin Harrington, from Inkster, speaks above. He was joined by his co-defendant exoneree George Clark, and met with the families of Inkster natives Vargas and Marco Johnson (r) in prison for nearly 30 years. Harrington and Clark were framed by Inkster PD Det. Anthony Abdallah, while Inkster PD Det. Gregory Hill framed the Johnsons, according to witness recantations.Family members of Vargas and Marco Johnson, inc. (r) Vargas’ wife Niecola Klima.
Stories on Ricky Rimmer-Bey and Carl Hubbard, convicted on false and coerced witness testimony, mirroring Harrington/Clark and Johnson cases:
LaSonya Dodson, mother, Darrell Ewing
LaSonya Dodson, with family members has tirelessly fought to free her son Darrell Ewing and his co-defendant Derrico Searcy for 11 years. Eight judges in four courts have ordered new trials for Ewing and co-defendant Derrico Searcy. However, Prosecutor Worthy continues to push for a re-trial, not release. She may reconsider after she has viewed the following, which leaves little room for doubt about the wrongful convictions of Ewing and Searcy.:
View 8 episodes of STATE vs. DARRELL EWING on Undisclosed, a national podcast series featuring legal and expert analyses of cases.
Undisclosed Podcast (undisclosed-podcast.com)
Nakira Smith, daughter of Larry Smith

Family calls for loved one’s exoneration June 4, 2021 (Please call 313-825-6126 so his name can be included in this article.)
Nicholas Buckingham, Michigan Liberation

Michigan Liberation members.
“Not only do we need to call out police and prosecutors, we need to call out judges.”
Michigan Liberation BAILS BLACK MAMAS OUT, calls for bail reform.
Women–Black women– the fastest growing population in MDOC, housed only at Huron Valley under horrible conditions.
Davontae Sanford, wrongfully convicted at age 14

Davontae Sanford with mother Taminko Sanford-Tilmon and late stepfather Jermaine Tilmon; both led battle to free their child.
VOD editor Diane Bukowski covered Davontae Sanford’s case extensively, starting in 2010. His case is the most egregious example of a deliberate frame-up carried out by DPD and the prosecutor’s office, who knew from the day of the Runyon St. murders in 2007 that Sanford was not involved.

Taminko Sanford June 29, 2010/photo by Diane Bukowski
Shawanna Vaughn, founder of ‘Silent Cry’ in NYC

‘Silent Cry’ at Gus Harrison CF Dec. 11, 2020: (l to r): Shawanna Vaughn, Shirletha Gaskins-El, Justus Noww
Silent Cry, Inc. | Silent Cry, Inc. (silentcryinc.org)
(20+) Silent Cry Inc. | Facebook
(19) Silent Cry Inc. (@SilentcrySv) / Twitter
Shawanna Vaughn and Silent Cry members travel across the U.S. to advocate for men and women victimized by mass incarceration.
They also have a YouTube channel which just featured VOD Field editor Ricardo Ferrell from inside the walls. Ferrell has been serving a LIFE WITH PAROLE sentence since 1981. The parole board has constantly denied his release despite his excellent record, numerous contributions and talents.
The U.S. is the only country in the world that sentences people to ACTUAL DEATH in prison:
Chauncey Johnson, formerly incarcerated
Chauncey Johnson gave a shout-out to Ricky Rimmer-Bey. “I’ve been out for 4 years; I have over 10-15 guys calling me, texting me, I keep money on my phone. These guys are not animals, not who Kym Worthy say that they are, they need to be freed. I hope this movement continues to grow!”
March around Courthouse and Wayne County Jail

The Old Wayne County Jail (Div. 2).
Darrell Ewing said he and fellow residents of Wayne County Jail enthusiastically watched march outside. Ewing and co-defendant Derrico Searcy are scheduled for hearing Mon. June 21, at 9 a.m. in front of Judge Williams-Clayborne.
Mother Patricia Shelton, sister speak
Tearra Dodson, sister of Darrell Ewing
Shawn Searcy told VOD that Tearra organized the production of beautiful banners and fliers depicting the faces of the wrongfully convicted who have contacted Operation Liberation.

To contact Operation Liberation,
call 586-943-8780

Victoria Burton-Harris ran vs. Kym Worthy in 2020.
Nicholas Buckingham of Michigan Liberation addressed last year’s election battle. They strongly supported Kym Worthy’s opponent Victoria Burton-Harris, who won a resounding 40 percent of the vote, giving hope to ongoing struggles.
Burton Harris is now the top assistant prosecutor in the office of Eli Savit, Washtenaw County, one of numerous “progressive prosecutors” who have taken office across the country. They advocate comprehensive reforms to the criminal justice system, including release of hundreds of people framed up by corrupt police and prosecutors.
EDWARD SANDERS, juvenile lifer, legal mentor

VOD editor Diane Bukowski covered Edward Sanders’ case extensively for the Michigan Citizen starting in 2004, then for VOD: Wayne Co. has the highest proportion of juvenile lifers in Michigan and the U.S.; the U.S. Supreme Court vacated their sentences in 2012 and 2016, but 150 remain left behind. Sanders helped organize rally in Jan. 2021 demanding release of juvenile lifers.
C. Little, bound over to adult court as juvenile

Family of Tamera Washington turned out in force June 4, 2021.
“Women–Black women–are the fastest growing population in MDOC, housed only at Huron Valley under horrible conditions.” –Nicholas Buckingham, Michigan Liberation
Operation: Free Tamera! Convicted of assault, armed robbery in 2002, serving 32-5o yrs. her mother and grandmother have died; sister’s grandchildren love their aunt and want her home.
Deborah Smith, mother of LARRY SMITH
Family members say Clarence Clark (MDOC misspells it ‘Clerence’ on OTIS) has been in prison serving 15-30 years for armed robbery. “He does not deserve to be in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.”
JASON BOWERS: Fiancee Alicia Garcia speaks

Family members of Jason Bowers
Brother of KEVIN HARRINGTON; he also served time
Crystal Smith mother of JESSE AGNEW
Grandmother of JAMES ALLEN JONES
Sherelle Hogan Pure Heart Foundation
Do your job Kym Worthy
Voice of Detroit is a pro bono newspaper, which now is devoting itself entirely to coverage of stories related to our PRISON NATION and POLICE STATE.
VOD’s editors and reporters, most of whom live on fixed incomes or are incarcerated, are not paid for their work. Ongoing costs include quarterly web charges of $380, P.O. box fee of $150/yr. and costs for research including court records, and internet fees, as well as office supplies, gas, etc.
Please DONATE TO VOD at:

This Sept. 10, 1971 file photo shows inmates of Attica State Prison as they raise their hands in clenched fist salutes to voice their demands during a negotiating session with New York’s prison Commissioner Russell Oswald. AP File Photo