Photos of the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Black Libyans, both resident and migrant, during the US-CIA led war against Libyan Jamahiriya Commander Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 and ongoing.

..Editor: I was stunned by the news today that a substantial number of U.S. citizens still voted for Donald Trump, regardless of the eventual outcome of this national election. They did so despite Trump’s genocidal handling of the coronavirus pandemic, his virulent racism and sexism, and clear evidence that every other sentence out of his mouth is a lie adding to the willful ignorance of a large portion of the U.S. public.

It was demoralizing until I read the column below by sometime VOD contributor Jay Janson,  which puts this country’s elections into a proper global perspective regarding the atrocities committed by both Republican and Democrat Presidents against the people of the Third World. VOD extensively covered the U.S./NATO war in 2011 that resulted in the brutal execution of Libyan President Muammar Gadhafi, and the slaughter by CIA-led rebels of untold hundreds of thousands of Libyans, especially  native Black Libyans and Black African immigrant workers, there at Gadhafi’s invitation to partake of the benefits of Libya’s oil wealth.


Donald Trump or Joe Biden: global wars of extermination will continue.


by Jay Janson / November 3rd, 2020

The good people of the Third World should not let themselves be taken in by worldwide satellite beamed CIA-fed media prattling on continuously about American democracy during ongoing presidential elections. Sadly, Americans are duped into participating in elections that back crimes against humanity ordered by the ruling genocidal Wall St. plutocracy which militarily and financially plunders 3rd World humanity and corrupts American society.

Savage torture and murder of Libyan Pres. Muammar Gadhafi by CIA-led “rebels.”

A great many Americans voting believe the lies their criminal corporate media pours out daily, and are therefore gung-ho proud of Americans killing media-designated ‘bad guys” all around the world.

These completely fooled Americans are happy to vote for the next commander-in-chief, but a substantial amount of Americans voting know they have been frightened into voting for what they hope is the lesser of two evils and are unhappy with what they feel is a mockery of the so called democratic process that has them voting for a choice that still represents evil.

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, once the highest law officer of the USA, who helped write both important civil rights laws, speaks to his fellow Americans clearly, and meant that all the world should know this truth.

We’re not a democracy. It’s a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we’re a plutocracy: a government by the wealthy.

One of the most internationally powerful plutocrats in US history, John Pierpont Morgan, in a candid moment admitted:

Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy.

In 1922, USA economist Thorstein Veblen wrote:

Image from Salon Magazine.

The current situation in America is by way of being something of a psychiatrical clinic...Perhaps the commonest and plainest evidence of an unbalanced mentality is to be seen in a certain fearsome and feverish credulity with which a large proportion of Americans are affected…. There is a visible lack of composure and logical coherence, both in what they will believe and in what they are ready to do about it.

Veblen assumed depression to  be the normal condition  in a business-enterprise economy, to be relieved in periods of excitation caused by stimuli not intrinsic to the system like war and expansion abroad. Veblen saw the modern business leader as essentially a latter-day predatory warrior.

Veblen’s observation is born out by Americans always having been willing to follow criminal orders and bomb, invade and occupy other people’s lands the world over.

Paul Craig Roberts, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, and Undersecretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, in his article, The Looting Machine Called Capitalism, wrote,

Americans are the least exceptional people in human history. Americans have no rights at all. We hapless insignificant beings have to accept whatever capitalists and their puppet government impose on us. And we are so stupid we call it ‘Freedom and Democracy America.’

Americans today are wildly mesmerized in avid interest in who will be president for the next four years. However, given the continual American wars in smaller countries and perpetual ramped up fear of nuclear Armageddon, it’s obviously of some greater significance who will serve as Commander-in-Chief of the American worldwide genocidal killing machine, because whether Americans realize it or not, they, each citizen, has a portion of citizen co-responsibility for the crimes of their fellow Americans ‘serving’ as soldiers following criminal, and therefore illegal, orders.

Yemeni children, victims of U.S.-backed Saudi war.

Those Americans voting, who believe the lies their criminal corporate media pours out daily and are therefore gung-ho proud of Americans killing media-designated ‘bad guys” everywhere and anywhere, believe US democracy makes them and all Americans to be above the law — above all law.

On the other hand, that substantial amount of Americans voting, who know they have been frightened into voting for what they hope is the lesser of two evils, are well aware of their tacit complicity in the crimes against humanity in other people’s countries. Some more modest amount of Americans voting, or refusing to vote, realize that they have already been prosecuted in the court of public opinion and in the hearts of parents of children blown to pieces or starved to death by the actions of Americans. Hopefully, this is what people overseas, especially in nations under American attack, understand.

At the same time a multitude of Americans vote, other Americans have been fueling, arming and target selecting for the Saudi airstrikes for five years. Already back in November 2017, Save the Children reported that 130 children were dying every day, with 50,000 children already believed to have died in 2017. The U.N. officials said more than 20 million people, including 11 million children, are in need of urgent assistance, with 7 million totally dependent on food assistance. The U.N. has called it the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”

President Donald Trump meets Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Oval Office at the White House on March 20, 2018, in Washington, DC. Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images

US CIA controlled media is so sure of the headlock it has on the American public, its mainstream media can even inform of Yemeni children dying from bombs and starvation knowing its captive audience will not turn against their American killing machine.

Even the most eye-rebounding photos  published in wars supporting New York Times Yemen Girl Who Turned World’s Eyes to Famine Is Dead (Published 2018) and seen on PBS television channels did not put a dent in American solidarity with its government’s and military’s genocidal actions in Yemen – prosecutable genocidal crimes against humanity.

During the current presidential election campaign criminal war promoting news and entertainment networks are making no mention of President Trump’s veto of a bipartisan Congressional resolution that would have forced an end to American military involvement in Saudi Arabia’s civil war in Yemen a year-and-a-half ago.

In One American Ear and Out the Other

The late Rev. Jeremiah Wright was formerly Pres. Barack Obama’s pastor. Obama disassociated himself from Rev. Wright during his first election campaign.

In 2008, for two weeks the major networks telecasted as humorous, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s cry, his finger pointed to the sky, “God bless America? No, no, God damn America for her crimes against humanity!”

In 2012, prime time news during the Republican debates of presidential candidates, candidate Rep. Ron Paul was heard denouncingall US bombings and invasions beginning with those in Korea as illegal, unconstitutional and a horrific loss of human life.”

But nothing seems to effect a change in American dedication to their military and its military’s heritage (of gore, death and destruction).

American film maker Michael Moore castigates his fellow Americans as

“sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA. Americans kill people, because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones in to kill civilians.”

In one American ear and out the other.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a revolutionary who used mass civil disobedience to overturn an unjust system.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made bold headlines in newspapers throughout the world with, “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my government. In Vietnam we may have killed a million already, mostly children.”

King cried out, “Silence is treason!” but at home extremely few Americans spoke out in agreement,  many spoke against him, most were silent, and King was shot to death within the year.

This archival research peoples historian activist is convinced that no change will be coming from anywhere in the American led First World, especially now as it is hard pressed losing its hegemony to a future multipolar world with China’s economy now the largest.

Some of us work to somehow make this Americans killing millions of children come to be a topic of conversation in the Third World for the children’s lives that could be saved once enough people became enraged enough to demand prosecution and justice.

Once USA-EU loses world economic hegemony and can no longer sanction, the many nations that have seen their children murdered by Americans and their European allies will demand justice in the courts of a reconstituted and reorganized democratic United Nations. In the meantime let’s have faith that the astounding intelligence witnessed in the miraculous achievements in outer and inner space will eventually manifest itself in ending the five centuries of European and American genocide for money and power.

Thorstein Veblen, Douglas Dowd, 1966. []


Jay Janson

Jay Janson, spent eight years as Assistant Conductor of the Vietnam Symphony Orchestra in Hanoi and also toured, including with Dan Tai-son, who practiced in a Hanoi bomb shelter. The orchestra was founded by Ho Chi Minh, and it plays most of its concerts in the Opera House, a diminutive copy of the Paris Opera. In 1945, our ally Ho, from a balcony overlooking the large square and flanked by an American Major and a British Colonel, declared Vietnam independent. Everyone in the orchestra lost family, “killed by the Americans” they would mention simply, with Buddhist un-accusing acceptance.

Jay Janson can be reached at: tdmedia2000@yahoo.comRead other articles by Jay.

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Darryl Woods Sr. with U.S. Senator Gary Peters. D(MI)

DARRYL WOODS, SR. , WHO ATTENDED RALLY FOR BIDEN WITH TROY RIENSTRA ON BELLE ISLE IN DETROIT OCT. 31, TOOK THE VIDEO ABOVE.  VOD downloaded video from  Facebook to its YouTube channel in order to feature it here. Woods and Rientstra each spent decades  in the Michigan Department of Corrections, are now activists for criminal justice reform, among other issues.

Complete C-SPAN video of event is below.


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Mike Duggan says taxes will not go up, but Detroit’s total debt will be further extended–do Detroiters want another bankruptcy?

Detroiters already over-assessed $600 MILLION in property taxes, Duggan has refused to give refund or property tax credit

By Agnes Hitchcock, Steward, Call ’em Out

October 30, 2020

One of hundreds of thousands of Detroit homes vacated due to foreclosures which profited banks and mortgage companies, drove out Black families.

DETROIT--Call ’em Out encourages all Detroiters to VOTE NO ON PROPOSAL N on November 3. It is a $250 MILLION PROPERTY TAX On homeowners in the poorest, Blackest city in America.

Detroit homeowners continue to be under merciless assault from the administration of Mayor Mike Duggan. On December 17, 2019 hundreds of Detroit taxpayers demanded that the City Council vote down Mayor Mike Duggan’s proposed $250 Million bond proposal to demolish 18,000 homes stating it was an enormous tax after being illegally taxed to the tune of $600 million, resulting in illegal foreclosures.

In the midst of both a COVID-19 and a racism pandemic, ravaging Detroit citizens, families, neighbors, loved ones, Duggan and these heartless city council members sneaked it through in our distraction.

In addition to Proposal N, property owners were over-assessed more than $600 million for over six years. The city of Detroit’s administration via Mayor Mike Duggan refuses to give property taxpayers a refund or a property tax credit.  Many Detroit property taxpayers have lost their homes for property taxes we never owed in the first place.

Proposal N is a Property Tax burden which our community should not be asked to fund.  Our city’s administration says these property taxes will further fund the Land Bank Authority.  Not only should we not be asked to fund this tax proposal, our community receives little to no benefit from the Land Bank Authority by way of improvement to our neighborhoods, contracts, jobs or small business development.

The Land Bank Authority has been the focus of local and state reviews and a federal criminal probe that culminated in bid-rigging charges. The Land Bank Authority plays a major part in the mismanagement of tax dollars and further gentrification in the city of Detroit.

A recent article in the Detroit News written by Christine Ferretti, “Audit of Detroit Land Bank Flags Weak Controls, Demolition Records,” provides further reason not to support this tax proposal.  This article appears to have been written based on findings in a report from Stout Risius Ross.

  • unexplained bank reconciliations and transactions not recorded in the land bank’s ledger,
  • unapproved vendor payments and payroll discrepancies.
  • “inability of the land bank to provide a property-by-property accounting of amounts paid per demolished property” as well as the state-level reimbursements received under the federal program.
  • The audit also flagged worries over controls for the land bank’s Demolition Advance Fund.
  • The audit contends the land bank has been unable to account for the amounts it has paid contractors and received as reimbursements for property under the federal program.
  • The audit identified $315 million in payments the land bank made to 629 different recipients over the review period. However, 79 recipients — comprising $50.8 million in funds — “were made to recipients not included on the DLBA’s approved vendor list,” the July 27 report contends.

Contractor Homrich, which profited from Duggan’s no-bid award, demolishes Detroit house in 2015. The city also hired Homrich to shut water off for thousands of Detroit families. 

Of the $50.8 million, about $24.2 million went to (demolition) vendors with names similar to those on the approved vendor list. The remaining $26.6 million, it says, was paid to other vendors “not on the approved vendor list in any capacity.”

“Even minor discrepancies in these details can be a red flag of fraudulent activity where an unauthorized payment is made but disguised as a legitimate payment to an approved vendor,”

The audit says the land bank was unable to demonstrate that the advance fund was used for its intended purpose or if it has controls to prevent misuse.

Proposal N is a property tax which Detroit property taxpayers must not be asked to fund under any circumstances. VOTE NO!!

Agnes Hitchcock: Detroit’s Fiery Black Activist Urges ‘No’ Vote On Proposal N

Selections from Bankole Thompson’s interview of AGNES HITCHCOCK:

AGNES HITCHCOCK: Mike Duggan and his administration rarely get the scrutiny heaped on prior Black administrations.  He is allowed conflict of interest passes such as the preferential treatment his administration gave to the Make Your Date program under its director Dr. Sonia Hassan and how the city directed more than $358, 000 in federal grants to the program, reports about bid rigging in the administration, Black contractors losing out on opportunity, cronyism passes, residency passes, shoddy accounting passes in the Detroit Land Bank Authority.

AGNES HITCHCOCK:  This situation we are in has and will set our community back for generations.  Homeownership is the foundation of our community’s wealth, which is the major avenue for starting to build wealth in our community. . . Selling a home seized from a Black homeowner for (unpaid) taxes and selling that home to a white person for 25% of its value and then providing restoration funds to the new white owner has the intended impact of Black removal.

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 Father-Daughter Tandem Team up with State House Rep. Jewell Jones in the “Bully-Free Safe Zone Summit”

Ricardo Ferrell

Goal: Make all schools a “Bully Free Safe Zone”

By Ricardo Ferrell

VOD Field Editor

Interview with LeRoy “Saalih” Washington & ABC Founder Lauren Washington.

In this report we bring you an exclusive interview with, one of our very own, LeRoy “Saalih” Washington and his daughter Lauren Washington, founder of the Anti-Bully Crusaders (ABC) Nonprofit Organization. This dynamic duo has been doing commendable work in the community changing and saving lives of our youth!

Lauren, is a Michigan native, Texas University graduate, entrepreneur, criminal justice reform advocate. She now adds, director of the Anti-Bullying Crusaders Organization to her successful career.

Her father, LeRoy, an inmate with the Michigan Department of Corrections, has spent the last 25 years of his life behind bars. Since his incarceration, he has earned an MBA in Business Administration-Management, currently working on a Doctorate’s in Education, and has an extensive resume of accomplishments.

Together, this unusual tandem has created an unique approach to address one of the most pressing and fundamentally important issues involving young people today -Bullying.

In a program they call the Anti-Bully Crusaders Project, together, they dynamically and effortlessly impart the most thought-provoking and profound truths of the human bullying experience.
Prepare to be inspired, entertained, and transformed by this close encounter interview:


A – LAUREN: Bullying is defined as an unwanted, aggressive behavior towards another that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time and includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.


A – LAUREN: This groundbreaking interactive program equips young people with the personal life skills and tools necessary to develop positive thinking, attitude, and behavior towards peace, acceptance and tolerance. Our hope is to provide educational opportunities and support systems that enhance the future and impact the lives of our young people.

“Bully-Free Safe Zone” Summit held Oct. 24, 2020


A – LEROY: For me, I’ve received two rewards from this project. One, seeing my work in action making a meaningful difference, helping change young people’s lives; and two, working with my daughter on such an impactful program. She’s my shero (female super hero)! And mere words cannot express how very proud I am of her.

A – LAUREN: I would agree with my dad. Just seeing his (our) work help so many young people has been the most rewarding for me too. And, I love working with my dad, he’s awesome. Not many young people have been blessed as I, when it comes to having a relationship with an incarcerated parent.


A – LAUREN: Pre-Covid-19, we were scheduled to host the largest Anti-Bullying conference in the country for National Anti-Bullying Awareness Month of October, in Detroit. Unfortunately, our plans were hindered by the pandemic.

So, this year we decided to host a virtual “Bully Free Safe Zone” Summit and Free Concert on Facebook Live. The event was held on Saturday, October 24th at 3:00pm.

We had a great line up for the panel and entertainment, such as Brenda High and Kevin Epling of the Bully Police USA, shared tragic stories of losing their young sons Jared & Matthew who took their own lives as a result of bullying. We had Jadyn Gomberg,18, Founder of Keep It Kind gave a testimonial of just how bad the problem really is in High School.

William Riley, Inkster’s Chief of Police defined what constitutes a criminal act of bullying. Civic Leader Darryl Woods Sr. expressed concerns about jailing our youth. He promotes more of a proactive v. reactive programming like ABC’s curriculum that helps change the thinking and behavior of our youth. Keisha Shaw, ABC’s Event Planner, says, “The streets are mean, full of destruction and death, if we don’t teach our kids, someone less qualified certainly will.” Entrepreneurs Terry Flenory and Ignacio Zambrano agreed with the proactive approach and plan to use their platforms to build youth centers.

Michigan State Board of Education Member Tiffany Tilley stated she would support mandating Anti-Bullying Programming in all Michigan schools; however, legislators would have to make it law and allocate funding. We were privileged to have Shawn T. Blanchard, New York bestselling author as our moderator, he did a phenomenal job with the summit. We had performances by two talented artists: Jessenia Vice and Mama Sole. They provided more flavor to the event and entertained the panelists with songs and spoken words. For more on the event go to:, and click on watch event.

Joining the conversation is Rep. Jewell Jones. In this exclusive, questions are asked by Ricardo Ferrell and Guest Writer LeRoy Washington.

State Rep. Jewell Jones and Anti-Bully Crusaders

Amid this crisis, the Honorable Jewell Jones (D-Inkster) is working equally hard from home, as he does in his office. He loves to lead. A skill he learned and cultivated at an early age, but didn’t realize just how much he loved to build teams and motivate people until elected to Inkster’s City Council as the youngest member in Michigan’s history.

Becoming the voice of the people, representing newly innovative ideas and his relentless drive, catapulted his career to the next level. Jones won a seat at the table of Legislators, as a Michigan State Representative. Since then he has had an extensive and successful career in politics. Now seeking his third and final term, he plans to add to his legacy by changing the bullying narrative, not just in his district, but in all Michigan Schools.

LeRoy: Its on a Sunday morning, and I reach out to Rep. Jones. He’s in traffic, on his way to praise the Lord. Handling his business via two cellphones, he accepts my call, I hear him say, “Hey, I gotta take this other call. Let me put some thought to it and I’ll get back with you… Peace.” He turn his attention in to me, we chop it up with a few subtleties then get right down to it. I pull out my pen and pad of questions and fire away.

Q – LEROY: Why Politics?

A – Jewell: I wanted to make a difference in my community. The age gap was creating a distinct difference in forward thinking and this was preventing new ideas and younger voices from being heard. First, I wanted to bridge that gap. Then I realized, I can really make a significant difference. And bringing about change has become my primary mission.

Q – RICARDO: Speaking of change. Bullying transcends: race, culture, gender, status, geography, age, religion -we see it everywhere. What made you take on this issue as part of your mission for this term?

State Reo, Jewell Jones, at 21 was the youngest elected Mich. State Rep.

A – Jewell: In recent years we’ve seen an influx of bullying activities and the level of bullying related to suicides amplifies the problem. Speaking with parents of victims, educators, and my colleagues, we decided that acts of bullying must be taken more seriously to help prevent violence and suicides. Create meaningful and effective policies that would force school’s to be held more accountable, not only report incidents but become proactive by implementing programming and support preventative measures. If we’re going to change the bullying culture and narrative, then we have to reshape thinking, attitudes, and behaviors.

Q – RICARDO: This issue is something that’s so much more compelling than a lot of issues we’ve seen over the years. How big is the problem?

A – Jewell: To put it in perspective and to contextualize the issue. No child should have to face bullying in our learning institutions. One death, as the result of bullying, is too many. For us to stand by and do nothing would be a social injustice in and of itself. As legislators we have a grave responsibility to our constituency, community, and especially to our young people.

Q – RICARDO: Amid the Covid-19 crisis what’s the plan now?

A – Jewell: Well, that’s a good question. Pre-Covid, my team and I, had partnered with ABC to host the largest Anti-bullying conference in the country during National Anti-Bullying Awareness Month of bullying October, right here in Detroit. However, our plans were thwarted due to the unforeseen pandemic.

Q – RICARDO: Will you give us one last thought?

A – Jewell: Everyday, we must work a little bit harder to become better. The one thing we all should have learned from this crisis is that we must MOBILIZE, UNIFY, AND UTILIZE OUR RESOURCES.
As a legislator, I have a powerful tool at hand. I can and will continue to use my platform to spearhead change, speak out and inform the people. The more people learn about why it happens and how it can be prevented, the better! The more the public is aware of, the more support goes into legislation to create preventative measures.

LEROY: Well said. We salute you young Prince for your selflessness and for continuing to spread light during these tumultuous times. It’s extraordinary men of your character and caliber, at times like these that can help change the world.

On behalf of the VOICE OF DETROIT Family, We thank you and look forward to working with you in the future, changing and saving young lives! #HOLLA


LAUREN: Getting bullied is not always an easy conversation for a child or young adult to have with a parent, teacher, person of authority, or anyone. Sometimes it takes an expert to shed light on the subject. That’s where we come in. ABC is the solution.
Our aim is to challenge young people to change by giving them the tools and resources necessary to do so.
Our goal, like we’ve said before, is to create “Bully Free Safe Zones” in all schools. No child should go to school and be bullied. This culture has to change and it’s up to us (the people) to do something, and also change the narrative in the process.

LeRoy: All Praises be to God! Through Him all things are possible. Thanks to VOD and MLMT for having us. I leave you with this, “Our parenting is literally a fight for the lives of our children. It is a noble battle that must be fought hard and relentlessly. It’s not always easy, I agree with my daughter, but when you can touch the lives of a few in a positive way, it is so rewarding. If we can help just a few of these young people realize their potential and give them tools to become change agents, then we would have made a difference. Prevention is the key, because damage control is far more costly.”

VOD – RICARDO: We love your father-daughter relationship and respect for one another. One can only imagine the obstacles you’ve faced during this journey. What you two have been able to create and accomplish is absolutely AMAZING!
There you have it! The ABC project is an objective-based program geared towards eliminating senseless violence, and reducing teen suicides due to bullying. This life changing program is definitely, in three words, “a game-changer” when it comes to addressing the issues of -Bullying.




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SPEAKERS: People’s Atty. Victoria Burton-Harris; Hakim Littleton’s aunt, fiancee and her mother, Nakia Wallace of Detroit Will Breathe, ACLU Atty. Mark Fancher, NCBL Atty. Jeffrey Edison, W. Paul Jackson, Diane Bukowski

This is the complete livestream video from Detroit Will Breathe’s Facebook Page of the Hakim Littleton Tribunal October 25, 2020. The video is nearly 3 hours. A summary will come.

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LaSonya Dodson, mother of Darrell Ewing, campaigns for her son outside Frank Murphy Hall in downtown Detroit July 2, 2020

Court affirms that bias from jurors’ introduction of “extraneous” internet, social media info on urban gangs, Black youth caused guilty verdict

Eight judges in four courts have now ordered new trial for Darrell Ewing, Derrico Searcy

Supporters say: call Wayne County Pros. Kym Worthy, AP Jon Wojtala to ask them to drop continued prosecution, at 313-224-5777

National journalist/producer Maggie Freleng publishes podcast on case, petition to free Ewing at

How many more convictions have been tainted by use of untrained DPD ‘gang’ experts who use Facebook, internet info against defendants?


By Diane Bukowski 

October 23, 2020 

Darrell Ewing

DETROIT — Darrell Ewing, sentenced to life without parole at the age of 21 in 2010, scored another victory Oct. 22 in his campaign for release and exoneration of what his supporters say was a wrongful murder conviction.

An appeals court unanimously upheld Wayne County Third Circuit Court Judge Michael Hathaway’s order one year ago which granted a new trial for Ewing and co-defendant Derrico Searcy.

The panel agreed that the verdict in the trial for the murder of J.B. Watson in 2009 resulted from “extraneous” information about urban gangs from social media and the internet, introduced by several jurors into deliberations. The prosecution’s theory of the case was that the murder resulted from a gang war, but no one testified to that effect at trial.

“Now four different courts  and eight different judges all agree the system blatantly denied my constitutional right to a fair trial,” Ewing told VOD. “I just thank Allah and everyone who throughout the years supported, rallied and petitioned on my behalf. When truth is on the manifest, falsehood flees for sure. I just pray that Kym Worthy and her office of injustice never do another individual as my family and I have been done all these years.”

Ewing’s defense attorney Christine Pagac of the State Appellate Defenders’ office told VOD, “Darrell has spent a decade fighting these charges and proclaiming his innocence. We are excited and joyful that the Court of Appeals affirmed the grant of a new trial.  We hope that the prosecutors are convinced by the well-reasoned opinion roundly rejecting their arguments to drop the appeal and ultimately the entire case against Darrell Ewing.”

Pagac said she has represented three defendants from Michigan who are now on the National Registry of Exonerations: Wayne Dabb, of Dickinson County, James Grissom, and Jimmie Nelson, of Iosco County. Nelson had been convicted falsely of murder.

See complete ruling at:

Derrico Searcy and Darrell Ewing listen to former jurors’ testimony Aug. 26, 2019. Ewing’s atty. Christine Pagac is at Ewing’s right.

The state appeals panel agreed with Judge Hathaway, U.S. District Court Judge Denise Page Hood, and three Sixth Circuit Court judges on the issue of jury contamination.

“During deliberations, the members of a jury are permitted to consider only the evidence that was admitted in open court,” appeals Judges Patrick M. Meter, Douglas B. Shapiro, and Michael J. Riordan held.

“A jury’s consideration of extraneous information that was not introduced at trial constitutes a deprivation of a defendant’s Sixth Amendment rights of confrontation, cross-examination and assistance of counsel.”

The appellate ruling may lead to the review of hundreds of convictions obtained through the use of untrained “gang” experts by the Wayne County Prosecutor  and the Detroit Police Department. The late Judge Carole Youngbl00d, who presided over the Ewing/Searcy trial,  banned the testimony of DPD officer Terri Graves after hearing that she also relied exclusively on the internet and social media during her “expert” analyses.

Juror Kathleen Byrnes, the lone hold-out for a “not guilty verdict,” said during a months-long evidentiary hearing ordered by Judge Page Hood that the material caused her to change her vote to “guilty.”

She cited another juror’s argument based on her own internet “research” that Tyree Washington had sacrificed himself because of a gang “pecking order.” Washington’s written affidavit testifying in detail to the murder of J.B. Watson was entered at trial. Christopher Richardson, an FBI witness, testified that Washington had confessed to him while they were locked up together.

Byrnes broke down weeping at the end of her testimony over two days, saying that she had agonized for ten years over changing her vote to “guilty.” She brought the jury contamination to the attention of defense attorneys shortly after the 2o1o verdict.

“We also note that although Byrnes indicated that the gang-hierarchy information was the extraneous information that ultimately changed her vote, we cannot completely ignore the other external information brought into deliberations,” the panel of  Appeals Court Judges Patrick M. Meter, Douglas B. Shapiro, and Michael J. Riordan said.

Kathleen Byrnes

“For example, Byrnes testified that one juror found Facebook photographs of Ewing with a gun and shared that information during deliberations. Byrnes recalled one juror stating during that discussion, ‘You know they’re guilty of something.’ Notably, before trial Ewing successfully sought to suppress a photograph depicting him holding a gun.

“Similarly, the trial court also precluded the testimony of Terri Graves, a police officer who the prosecutor sought to present as an expert in gangs and gang signs. Yet, as the trial court reasoned after the evidentiary hearing, this is precisely the type of information that was brought into deliberations through the extrinsic material.”

Judge M Hathaway

“ . . .[I]t is just inescapable from [juror Kathleen] Byrnes’s testimony that the outside influences caused her to change her mind. . . that the information, particularly about gang culture, gang hierarchy, gang signs, etc., were highly prejudicial.  . . pretrial, the trial Judge disallowed evidence from a People’s so-called expert witness . . . Terry Graves who apparently is a police officer who fancies herself to be an expert in gang culture .  .  . Graves testified that much of the information that she has acquired to arm herself with expert’s credentials comes from the Internet.. . We can imagine much of the same information that juror Byrnes was exposed to inappropriately or improperly during the course of jury deliberations.” — 3rd CC Judge Michael Hathaway

The panel also upheld Judge Hathaway’s ruling that the evidence of guilt presented at trial, including shaky eyewitness testimony, was “not overwhelming.”

Nationally acclaimed journalist and producer Maggie Freleng published a gripping podcast Oct. 22  telling the story of the duo’s wrongful conviction. It includes an online petition calling for “the dismissal of all charges, complete exoneration and immediate release of Darrell R. Ewing, who has been wrongfully Incarcerated 3,611 days and counting for a crime he did not commit.”

Ewing’s mother LaSonya Dodson told Freleng, “When they started all of the growth in Detroit like fixing up and getting investors to come in, it seems like they took and just used kids to say they were cleaning up the city,  just grabbing people to arrest. Whenever  it seems to be young Black men in any kind of group, it could be a dance group, they’re considered a gang. I don’t want anything to do with it anymore, because of the way the media portrays young Black men.”

The publication of Ewing’s book “The Real Suffer the Most,” describing his life and his ordeal, is also imminent. VOD will publish a review of the book in a subsequent article.

At press time, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s representative Atty. Maria Miller said they are considering filing an application for leave to appeal with the Michigan Supreme Court. They have filed appeal after appeal since U.S. District Court Judge Denise Page Hood’s first order for a new trial based on jury misconduct in 2017.

A reading of the COA ruling makes it difficult to discern any grounds under which the Michigan Supreme Court could grant the application for leave to appeal.

The appeals panel struck down arguments by AP Jon Wojtala that it was bound by a previous panel’s denial  of relief (“the law of the case”), and that the prosecution had fulfilled its obligation under the previous courts’ rulings by holding the evidentiary hearing without complying with its resulting order.

“The evidentiary hearing ordered by the federal court to determine the effect of the extraneous information would have served no purpose if were bound to follow our prior ruling that there was insufficient prejudice to merit a new trial,” the appeals court said. “For these reasons, we conclude that the law-of-the-case doctrine does not apply to issues relating to defendants’ claim of extraneous influence.”

AP Jon Wojtala

The panel said that results of the evidentiary hearing constituted “newly discovered evidence” they were bound to consider.

Wojtala was promoted to Chief of Prosecutor Worthy’s division of Research, Training and Appeals in July of this year, after previous assistant prosecutors in that position had abruptly left the office or retired.

Ewing was convicted of first-degree murder, and Searcy of second-degree murder in the killing of J.B. Watson on Dec. 28, 2009 on Detroit’s east side.  No murder weapon was ever produced. Multiple witnesses testified that Ewing was at a family member’s funeral at the time of the killing.

An affidavit from Tyree Washington, confessing in detail to the killing, and testimony confirming that confession from Christopher Richardson, a confidential informant the FBI brought to AP Kam Town’s attention, were introduced at trial.

Washington has since confessed repeatedly to the murder, and given the audio interview below to private investigator Scott Lewis. If there is a new trial, he is expected to testify there. Ewing’s supporters say his testimony, without the biased jury in play, would be key to an acquittal.

MDB · Tyree Washington 8.1.17.MP3But the trial was rife with unfounded allegations by Detroit police and the prosecution that the killing was part of a gang war, allegations that became the prosecution’s theory of the case.


Related documents

Michigan Court of Appeals ruling affirming order for new trial in Darrell Ewing, Derrico Searcy cases:

Video of Court of Appeals oral arguments:

U.S. District Court Judge Denise Page Hood’s order for a new trial:

6th Circuit ruling on Michigan AG’s appeal of Judge Page Hood’s order

Judge Denise Page Hood’s opinion on remand from Sixth Circuit Court:

Transcript of Judge Michael Hathaway’s order for a new trial:

State AG objection to Darrell Ewing motion for emergency habeas relief:

Darrell Ewing’s pro se response to State AG:

Related stories:

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Mohammed Hizam, Sheriff’s photo

UPDATE: Mohammed Hizam, 18, charged with 2nd Degree Murder, Manslaughter, 2 counts Felony Firearm, arraigned Oct. 21, given $500,000 cash/surety bond

Wayne Co. Pros. Kym Worthy: We cannot and will not rush to judgment on potential homicide cases. We will review them carefully and thoughtfully. I want to thank the detectives who worked around the clock with my staff on this case.”

Wayne Co. Jail records search: no results for the accused

East side Detroit father Joshua Lewis, 30, killed by gas station Mini-Mart clerk wh0 shot AK-47 rifle through safety glass Oct. 12

Clerk, said to be brother of 76 Mini-Mart station owner, arrested, charged Oct. 21, unclear whether he is still in custody

Family calls on community to boycott, shut station down

Release from Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy Oct. 21:

“On October 12, 2020 at 10;45 p.m. it is alleged that gas station clerk Mohammed Hizam, 18 (DOB:11/21/01), of Hamtramck, fatally shot Joshua Lewis, 30, inside a gas station convenience store located in the 10070 block of Gratiot in the City of Detroit. It is alleged that the clerk observed Mr. Lewis breaking the glass of a Coin Pusher game of chance machine with a hammer. The defendant observed Mr. Lewis from enclosed glass portion of the store breaking into the machine. It is alleged that the defendant remained in the enclosed portion of the store, picked up a rifle, and fired one shot fatally striking Lewis. Hizam called 911, Detroit police arrived at the scene, investigated, and placed him under arrest. Mr. Lewis was pronounced deceased from a single gunshot wound to the chest.”

By sister Tiffany Lewis, from Joshua Lewis GoFundMe Page

October 12, 2020

Joshua Lewis, Detroit dad killed at age 30 by clerk in 76 MiniMart at 10700 Gratiot, Detroit

Joshua Lewis was a loving father, brother, son, and husband. Monday, October 12, 2020, while patronizing the local 76 Gas Station located at 10070 Gratiot on Detroit’s east side, he was gunned down by an 18-year-old gas station attendant.

Josh was playing a video game that malfunctioned, taking his money. While attempting to shake the machine to get his cash back and posing no harm or threat to others, he was then shot by the clerk FROM BEHIND THE COUNTER THROUGH the bullet glass. Our loving brother suffered a fatal wound to the head from an AK47 assault rifle.

The community has shown up to support our family and subsequently shut down this unlicensed business whose owners and workers have disrespected and unjustly caused a tremendous loss to our community.

One comment: David Chami donated $500  From a middle-eastern civil rights attorney. I don’t know exactly what happened but Joshua didn’t need to die. Our communities should be working with – not against one another. My deepest condolences


By Diane Bukowski

October 17, 2020

Joshua Lewis with newborn child. Lewis was the father of 5 children. Family photo

DETROIT-– Despite prominent mainstream media reports on the killing of Joshua Lewis Oct. 12, the 76 Mini-Mart clerk arrested Oct. 12 for killing him has been released.

The clerk, who is the station owner’s brother according to WXYZ Channel 7, was arrested at the scene, and a DPD warrant request was submitted Oct. 14.

But Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy returned the warrant to Detroit police requesting extensive additional information, according to a release from her office. See:

Worthy wants police reports from every officer involved, the medical examiner’s report, the EMS run sheet, the witness list, and discovery for the defense, among other items. She said her office has returned 20 such warrant requests recently for similar reasons.

“Warrants are often rejected due to a lack of admissible evidence or a failure to fully garner all the available evidence at the initial stage,” the release says.

Kym Worthy at Arab-American Political Action Committee fundraiser earlier this year. Photo: Arab-American news

“An early legal review of the available evidence–when resources permit–along with the early collaboration between the WCPO and DPD, enhances the warrant review process and will be a savings in both time and effort.”

It would take longer than 48-72 hours for police to produce all the items listed, which is the amount of time a suspect can be held without an arraignment. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in County of Riverside v. McLaughlin, 500 U.S. 44 (1991) that arrestees must be arraigned within 48 hours. Detroit police normally adhere to a 72 hour limit.

So the clerk was released Oct. 15, without arraignment, bond, or evaluation of his ability to flee the jurisdiction. Not even his name has been published. Many in the community say that Black detainees do not receive such cautious treatment.

“He should have stayed behind the safety of his glass and called the police if he was shoplifting. That didn’t give him a right to take somebody’s life,” said Zeek of New Era Detroit,” Channel 4 News reported. “Multiple organizations, like New Era Detroit and the People’s Action are trying to make sure nobody does business at the gas station anytime soon.”

The mainstream media reports that the 76 Mini-Mart has no business license. Wayne County Property Tax records say the current owner of the site at 10700 Gratiot is the “Bank of America Corporation ATT,” meaning the property was likely foreclosed. VOD was not able to locate any solid information about the previous owner’s name.

Detroit residents picketed the Sunoco gas station where Kalvin Porter was killed in 1999 on a daily basis for months afterwards. The station remained closed until recent years. Photo: Diane Bukowski

Unfortunately, incidents such as the killing of Joshua Lewis have occurred often in Detroit’s history.

In 1999, the city was on the brink of a mini-rebellion after Kalvin Porter, 34 and unarmed, was killed by two gas station clerks at a Sunoco gas station located blocks from the Mini-Mart, at Gratiot and Mack.

“The beating death of an unarmed black man in front of his children at a neighborhood gas station has sparked four days of protests here that have brought into the open the festering racial tensions between blacks and Arab-Americans who own many small businesses in the inner city,” the New York Times reported.

“The black man, Kalvin Porter, 34, got into a fight with two Arab-American clerks at the gas station [May 14, 1999] after one made an inappropriate remark to Mr. Porter’s 12-year-old stepdaughter, the police said. Mr. Porter, who was also accompanied by his four young children, was then beaten to death by the clerks, one of whom was carrying a lug wrench, according to police reports and Chief Benny Napoleon of the Detroit police. The clerks, Fadhel Mazeb, 46, and Adel Altam, 26, were charged with second-degree murder and pleaded not guilty. They remain in custody.”

Kalvin Porter’s wife Barbara Ann Wright with four of their children, and attorneys including Melissa El (l) who sued the gas station owner and Sunoco in Kalvin Porter’s death. Photo: Diane Bukowski

This reporter, working for the Michigan Citizen weekly newspaper, covered the trial of the two clerks, who had immigrated from Yemen.

During a contentious trial, the judge declared a mistrial in Altam’s case. Mazeb was acquitted after the jury received no explanation  about Altam’s disappearance  from trial proceedings.

Fearing retaliation, the two fled the country afterwards.

The Michigan Citizen reported afterwards that the judge had received substantial campaign finance donations from suburban Middle Eastern business interests and professionals.

The same is true of Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy. Various wealthy suburban Arab-American organizations including the Arab-American Political Action Committee held lucrative fund-raisers for her throughout her recent re-election campaign. Other beneficiaries of such largesse include Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and numerous judges of Wayne County’s Third Judicial Circuit Court.

Joshua Lewis /family phot0

“The dynamic is the same in every location,” Salim Muwakkil of the Baltimore Sun wrote in 1999 about the killing of Kalvin Porter.

“A culturally coherent immigrant group arrives with a work ethic and willingness to locate in America’s least attractive (but easily exploitable) neighborhoods — predominantly black inner cities. Although these neighborhoods have been victimized by economic disinvestment . . .many African-Americans nonetheless are angered by the commercial prominence and sometimes abrasive cultural differences of the immigrants.

“. . . When immigrant merchants step into this combustible socio-economic mix, they often become scapegoats,” Muwakkil said. “But they sometimes exacerbate the situation with either their racist assumptions — endemic to their culture or quickly assimilated from American society — or through simple cultural misunderstandings.”

Attorneys who sued Sunoco as well as the gas station owner for Kalvin Porter’s death broadened the perspective on his killing, noting that corporations such as Sunoco are predominantly responsible for the devastation of communities of color.


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The Detroit Coalition for Police Transparency and Accountability analyzed Detroit Police Chief James Craig’s version of the July 10 police murder of Hakim Littleton, 20, as below.

It clearly shows that a Detroit Police “SWAT” team executed the young man with a point-blank shot to the back of his head as he lay on the ground, already wounded and restrained by an officer sitting on top of him. Detroit Will Breathe has called for the release of the names of the cops involved and all other evidence pertinent to Hakim’s brutal death.

Hakim Littleton Family photo

To date, however, neither Craig nor Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, who had the case on her desk for investigation, has released the requested information. Littleton’s family, friends, neighborhoods, and all Detroiters subject to the actions of the Detroit police have a constitutional right to this information.

In the two weeks following Hakim’s death, two more men were shot to death by Detroit police. Craig has not released the names of the men killed or the officers involved.



Related:   Community statement on Hakim  Littleton’s killing:

Previous related stories:


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